19740108 City Council Minutesr1 U 73 time typing. help.. This would -make funds available in.the amount of $9,040.. There. was discussion on which personnel would staff this center, and Councilman Gellert later made a -motion, seconded by Councilman Anderson that subject to no increase in manpower, the word processing center be tried on a one year trial basis, and at the time of consideration of next year's budget the city shall make a report on the potential savings. A roll call vote showed Councilmen Gellert, Nelson; Shippen and Anderson.voting in favor; Welling, Nordquist and Winters against, and the motion carried. 1974 SALARY ORDINANCE Mayor Harrison submitted for council action the proposed Salary Ordinance for , 1974._ He explained the change in format from.other_years, noting that the city should adopt salary ranges as opposed to firm figures, leaving a flexibility for.individual adjustments. These adjustments, he said, would-be limited to the minimum and maximum figures.within the grades, and the total salaries could not exceed monies allowed in the 1974 budget as passed by the council. M.A.A. Ron Whaley advised -that each department head would be submitting recommendations for salaries of individual employees within a week or ten.days. Councilman Nordquist said -he felt council should have an executive session to discuss this proposed ordinance. There followed some discussion, and a motion was made by Councilman Nelson, seconded by.Councilman Nordquist that next Tuesday part of the work meeting be used for an executive session to review the salary ordinance. The motion carried. • LIBRARY BOARD AND AMENITIES BOARD Mayor Harrison stated that he had received no suggestions, nor had he had time to look into these appointments. It was then moved by Councilman Nordquist, seconded by Councilman Nelson to postpone these appointments to next week. Motion carried. 1 • REPORT ON. AID CAR M.A.A. Ron Whaley.reported on the recent accident involving the Aid Car.. He said it was felt at this time that the unit was not repairable. However, it would be necessary -to wait for the insurance company's report. -In the meantime, he would like to.request.authorization to bid for a new car, bids to be opened January 25, with a report to council on the,29th. Also, since the city is now without a much used and much needed vehicle, some thought should be given to leasing an aid car in the interim. There was some council discussion, and a motion was made by. Councilman Nordquist, seconded -by Councilman Winters to authorize a call for bids on a new Aid Car for the city, bids to be opened on January 25, subject to the findings of the in- surance'company. Motion carried. It was then moved by Councilman Nordquist,. seconded by Councilman Anderson to authorize rental or lease.of a temporary unit until the. present damaged one can be either repaired or replaced. Motion carried. There was no further business to come before council, and'the meeting was adjourned at 10:50 P.M.' Irene Varney Moran, ity Clerk January 8, 1974 (WORK MEETING) ROLL CALL Harve H.-Harrison., Mayor The regular work meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called -to order by Mayor Protem Natalie Shippen at 7:30 P.M. All council members were present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the January 2 meeting had been posted, mailed and distributed. Chief Jack Cooper noted a correction on page 4, 2nd line, 2nd paragraph under the heading "Word- Processing Center Proposal". With reference to the amount saved by deletion of.Saxon copy machine, it should -say $45.00 per month instead of $540.00. The minutes were then approved as corrected. Mayor Harrison arrived and assumed the chair.'. COUNCIL MEETING PLACE Councilwoman.-Shippen stated that she thought the meeting room in the Library • 74 i1 U was not a desireable place for the council work meetings. She therefore made a motion seconded by Councilman Anderson to have all future work meetings in the Council Chambers around the large table. Motion carried. DELETION OF AGENDA ITEMS (BICYCLE TRAIL STANDARDS AND HORSE POLICY IN PARKS) Councilwoman Shippen stated that these two items had been proposed for about a month and she wondered why these items had been removed from the agenda. Rod Garretson, Director of Parks and Recreation, stated that the Park.Board did not have a quorum at its last meeting and, therefore, they were not discussed. Mr. Garretson had then asked that they be deleted from the Council Agenda until such time some input can be obtained from the Park Board. He said the next Park Board meeting is scheduled for January 23rd. Mayor Harrison remarked that he was of the opinion that we really don't need a Bicycle Trail Standard.other than declaring that it be asphalted, but with no particular width or design. He said it should be whatever is practical for a particular area. Following some further discussion, a motion was made by Councitlman.Gellert and seconded by Councilman Anderson to postpone discussion of Bicycle Trail Standards and Horse Policy until the work meeting on January 29th. Carried. CONSIDERATION OF INSTALLATION OF SEWER LATERALS IN 220TH ST. S. W. City Engineer, Leif Larson, asked for authorization to install the laterals in 220th, as the sewer contractor is in the area at present working on the Chase Lake project. The estimated amount of $5,500 will be charged against water/sewer funds. A motion was made*by Councilman Gellert and seconded by Councilman Anderson that the city be authorized to negotiate for laterals along 220th. Motion carried. • Councilman Nordquist requested the City Engineer to call Commissioner Forsgren regarding the width of the 220th St. project. DISCUSSION ON BUDGET FORMAT FOR 1975 During discussion on the budget format, Councilman Gellert suggested that the budget be submitted in the form of a looseleaf notebook. This would make it easy to add or replace pages as revisions are made. Councilman Anderson stated that he would like to see the total expenditures for each department regardless of the source of the funds. He would like to see the entire spending for each department summarized. Councilwoman Shippen stated that she liked the budget presentation from Mountlake Terrace where the narrative is opposite the figures. It was the consensus to.work with printouts for the first two or three weeks so changes can be incorporated; and then present to.council members in book form with more extensive narratives and narratives to be placed adjacent to the budget figures. DISCUSSION OF DEVELOPMENT STUDY PROSPECTUS DRAWN FROM LIST OF PROPOSED ITEMS FOR BLUE RIBBON COMMITTEE. Councilman Gellert listed nine items which had been mentioned for consideration by this cotpmittee and thought that the committee should at this time just consider the type of government; full or part-time Mayor and whether or not we should have a Ward System. Councilwoman Shippen said perhaps they should consider a strong Mayor, or go to city manager form of government and to think about the consolidation issue. Following some discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gellert and seconded by Councilwoman Shippen that the Blue Ribbon Committee be appointed to determine whether we retain the Mayor form of goverment or go to the City Manager form of government; and if it takes the Mayor form, would it be full or part-time; if it recommends the city manager form - then ascertain the exact duties and responsibilities of the council with respect to the Manager; and for such recommendations to be accompanied by tiQrough examinations of the reasons for the pros and cons. Following some discussion, the motion carried unanimously. DESIGNATION OF FISCAL DEPOSITARIES BY COUNCIL (RCW 35A.40.030) Mayor Harrison stated that we would like to designate all three banks within the City of -Edmonds borders as fiscal depositaries. They are National Bank of Commerce, American Bank and the Everett Trust and Savings Bank. After some discussion,'a motion was made by Councilman Nordquist and seconded by Councilman Anderson to designate -the National Bank of Commerce, American Bank and Everett Trust and Savings (subject to approval of Boundary Review Board) as fiscal depositaries for city checking accounts. Motion carried. DISCUSSION OF CONSOLIDATION ISSUE Mayor Harrison put a map of the South County Area up on the bulletin board. He said he wanted to show the council the fragmentation of the county. He thought we should go on record as saying that consolidated services will be done on a regional wide basis and that services should be studied on a piecemeal basis. Councilman Gellert said that he would like to say that he is against consolidation as he would like Edmonds to remain a relatively small, low population density city. Councilman Welling asked the city attorney whether this could become a ballot issue. Deputy Attorney, John Wallace, said that • • 75 it could become a ballot issue in all the communities that are a part of the proposed consolidation area. A motion was made by Councilman Nelson and seconded by Councilman Nordquist to table this matter: Following a roll call vote, the motion carried with council members Welling, Gellert and Anderson, voting against. Attorney Wallace reminded council that it takes a majority, plus one for a motion to lay on the table. It was determined, however, that the council had never adopted formal rules of procedure, so the motion would stand as voted upon. Councilman Gellert moved, seconded by Councilman Anderson that adoption rules of procedure .for the council be placed on the January 22nd agenda. Carried unanimously. APPOINTMENTS TO LIBRARY BOARD Mayor Harrison asked for council confirmation for Charles Maki and Yoshiaki Sako to the Library Board. Mr. Maki will fill Position 41 which was vacated by Kenneth Welling. Councilman Nordquist moved,seconded by Councilman Nelson confirming appointment of Charles Maki to Position #1 on the Library Board. Motion carried with Councilwoman Shippen abstaining. Councilman Nordquist then moved, seconded by Councilman.Nelson to confirm the appointment of Mr. Sako to the Number 3 position on the Library Board. Motion carried with Councilwoman Shippen abstaining. APPOINTMENT TO AMENITIES DESIGN BOARD Mayor Harrison stated that he had contacted Mr. Mike Rizzuto, who is a developer in the area and a long time Edmonds resident. He has also been recommended by Sam Saindon and Harry Whitcutt. The Mayor asked for council confirmation. • A motion was made by Councilman Nordquist and seconded by Councilman Nelson to confirm appointment of Mike Rizzuto to the Amenities Design Board. Carried. APPOINTMENT TO SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER BUILDING COMMITTEE M.A.A. Ron Whaley noted that the late Donald Tuson was a member -of the above - mentioned committee and he asked if someone would volunteer to replace Mr.. Tuson on this committee. Councilwoman Shippen said that she would attend the meetings. There being no further business to come.before council, the meeting was adjourned at 9:10 P.M. The Mayor and council then went into a scheduled executive session to discuss 1974.Salary Ordinance. Eleanor Quealey, Deputy Ci lerk January 15, 1974 ROLL CALL } iZ,ca-a,� i Harve H. Harrison, Mayor Regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Harve Harrison. Council members Welling, Shippen, Nordquist and Winters were present. Councilman Nelson arrived at 8:25, and Councilmen Gellert and. Anderson had noted at the last meeting that they would be absent tonight. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the January 8 work meeting had been posted, mailed and distributed,• and with no omissions nor corrections, they were approved as written. OATH OF OFFICE - COUNCILMAN WELLING Judge'William Atwell administered the oath of office to Councilman Kenneth 0. Welling. . COUNCIL PARTICIPATION Councilman Nordquist asked for a few minutes of council time to make an award. -He noted that it was often difficult to get a quorum -when the Disability Board met, and tonight was no exception, so he would like to,present to Councilman Jack Winters, on behalf of the Disability Board, an award of appreciation for his active partici- pation during a two year period on the board, term ending December 31, 1973.. This award was signed by the Mayor and Chairman of the Disability Board. Mayor Harrison noted that the.term of Jack -McClellan on the Board of Appeals has expired, and he is not a resident of the city anymore., The Mayor reminded counc11 that the Board of Appeals interprets the Building Code, and an architect is included as a member. He then suggested the appointment of Wade James to replace Mr. McClellan for Position 2 for a 4 year period. It was moved by Councilman Winters to confirm the Mayor's appointment, but this motion died for lack of a second. Mayor Harrison stated that four months out -of the year there are five Tuesdays, and it has been suggested by M.A.A. Ron Whaley, with the Mayor's concurrence, that this fifth Tuesday be reserved for council and staff"to discuss things -like priorities, long range policies, working relationships, etc. He then asked for council's •