19740416 City Council Minutes120 LJ in the memo and report by the Engineer were estimated costs for -the underground- ing•and overhead,,relocation,-a sketch indicating these changes, and the -figures furnished by••the.utility companies. Engineer^Larson stated that since the project would involve undergrounding of a City owned facility with additional benefits -derived -by overhead,relocation, he requested -that council authorize the project, us ing.underground-ing funds... A memo from P.A.A. Ron Whaley also recommended this project.be charged to th-e undergrounding fund. MOTION: .A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT.-TO AUTHORIZE PROCEEDING WITH THE UNDERGROUND WIRING CONVERSION -AT BRACKETT-'S LANDING AS REQUESTED BY -THE -CITY ENGINEER, USING UNDERGROUNDING FUNDS. -MOTION CARRIED. SET HEARING DATE FOR PROPOSED VACATION 81ST R/W THROUGH SIERRA PARK SITE City Engineer -Leif Larson. reported. that- he ,had- received a request •from.•Park Planning and -Recreation Department to take the necessary steps to vacate the portion of 81st Avenue West that lies within the Sierra portion of Seaview/ Sierra Park. The,Engineer reported that he would anticipate no problems in vacating this R/W, since the park abuts both sides of the street and the -abut- ting owners are recipients of vacated right-of-way. He• stated that the only conditions of vacation anticipated will be.the control of •development.near-the existing underground city -owned utilities (water and sanitary sewer'mains') presently in -the portion -to be vacated. -Engineer Larson therefore recommended proceeding with the necessary steps for vacation. City Attorney Wallace ad- vised that this would be accomplished via the resolution method, which could be prepared and passed on the 16th, and the necessary preparations in the City Clerk's office could be accomplished•in time -for -setting the-hearing--on-May 7. A MOTION WAS MADE -BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST-TO MOTION: ,"_,INSTRUCT THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE A-RESOLUTION•TO PROCEED -WITH THE -NECES- SARY STEPS AND SET THE HEARING DATE -ON PROPOSED•VACATION OF THE 81ST R/W THROUGH SIERRA PARK SITE FOR MAY 7. MOTION CARRIED. - ADJOURNMENT With.no further business to come before council, the -meeting was•adjourned at 9:.50• P.M.. . Irene Varney Mora City Clerk- HarveH. Harrison,'Mayor Apr'i 1 116 ; 19.74 . ROLL CALL. The regulAr, meeting of the Edmonds,City Council was called to order by. 'Mayor Harve Harrison `at 7:30" P.M:, with all council members.: present. ' APPROVAL'O.F MINUTES, Minutes o&'the' Work meeting of April 9 had been posted, mailed and distributed, and wit hi- n ` omis•s'ions •nor 'corrections, they, `were approved ;as wriktteh. COUNCIL' "PARTICIPATION. Councilman Welling.•asked. what has transpired ,with -regard to: -,the. Public Works 4uildin'g Addition. ' Leif 'Larson said he' is 'getting; the :outline specifications that'. the or`igti'nal _building was based, upon..'.', a will: us.e : his and" e.sketch'.`' a 1f f is of the proposed additionandrtheri ask for proposals to"" submitted in two steps, ,one would. be- a 'Sump' sum' figure for' the :design of. the entire building, which they, wl'1 review. ' The other would' be for' th`e ,;construction. M=. har'son sai;... is . will come before council :-to ,request 'a' proposal receiving date: : City -Engineer' Lamson reported that as 'a ' part of -the SR 104 'construction 'in the Ballinger ` aktial theme c ty..w3il bid. installing a looping water main `under t,4 , , r , ( r t 'the.highway.in the Traction right.of way between 244th Street SW and 242iid. Street SW P.U.D. �dersires . to, -,have th' o-ld' easement 'vacated as a ;cond�it`ikon```for giving the zc� �t�y an `easement for the new' water'' line.; ``` F�olaow ng more e`ominer ts, MOTION: � COUNCILMAN GELLERT MONIED, SECONDED BY . COUNCIh 4M'AN TVELS.�ON : ,THAT`; THE'' MAYOR ;BE ' -AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT VACATING THE'UTILITY")EASEMENT IN'EXCHANGE..FQR xv . OBTAINING AN EASEMENT, FOR ` THE . ;NEW :W TER LINE . MOT ION CARRTE,D.. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION - Ward.Phillips,pointed out that the west side of the parking ,lot 'at.,Sun_set Beach is under `water` when it''tains. He wondered"' if the city' could require, the. person �^� frr�'i.i ti - - � - t., - 1. 1' that •did the''paving to •come back and correct ' it. Mayor _ Harr i, Mentioned ,to Engineer Larson that it would be. a •'good` idea to. pinpoint the lowest spo't`* next t 1 1 • I 1 0 121 • time it rains and put an inlet in that.location. Herb Gilbo,'Directer of Public.Works;',-' reported on Clean-up Week, which is scheduled for'April 22 through ;-;29th.`; This activity will:be sponsored by the Public WorkDepartmee nt'and'the FirDepartment._. News releases have been sd prepared ansubmitted to the Edmonds -Tribune Review and the -Western Sun. 'In addition both the newspapers have taken"photographs - to complement -those articles. The Public'! Works Department will provide trucks to make local trash pickups as reque'sted.'.Disposal'truck units will be' placed:at the Public Works' Building and at' Fire Station' #24 and if there 'is a- heavy response, an' additional container will be provided at Station 42. The dumpster.stationed at Five Corners is'' ` beirig'provided by Apex-arbage'Company'free of.charge`. The.'Fire Department is distrib-uting'pamphlets-and.posters regarding fire prevention and cleanup to the` local ' Edmonds•schools ' and' giving lectures.." _There will also be free inspection of,`homes-during this period. Students''from'the science classes of 'the' Edmonds 'Junior High School; 7th and 8th grade'.students* from -the' Holy Rosary Schooi-and Edmonds Senior High School students are'participating in the'cleanup of various'street's in the general vieinity of those schools.- Councilman Gellert inquired`, about -the cleanup of-. the 'northwest corner of- Perrinville'. Mr. Whitcutt said that they have been asked to control unregulated dumping. CORRESPONDENCE Deputy City -Clerk, Eleanor Quealey,'read a letter which had beenleceived from Mrs. JamesL..Herr, Sr., 7621 - 234th S.W, with regard -to the mosquito.; problem in=her neighborhood. Mayor Harrison referred the matter to the City'Engineer and asked him to report back -at the next meeting. • Mayor.Harrison read a letter which had been received from.Richard Dourte, Director of.Transportation with the�'Edmonds-School District #15-regarding the bus situation. Mr. Dourte said that they too, have been.concerned about impeding the traffic flow. He'said`he will'.remind'the drivers to make every effort to clear traffic before using the stop sign.and•flashe'rs, and that he was sure his people'would make'every-effort to relieve the problem. 1 1 1 M.A.A.-Ron Whaley mentioned. that he had received a copy of letter which had been written by.the Department of Labor to Jon Rabine regarding the unfair labor charges which had been lodged against the'city by the"Teamsters' Union Local 763 representing the.Public Works''employees. -They stated iri.that letter that they -had received a -letter from'Jaines Murphy,'City Attorney, informing them that the contract•"had been signed'by the City., They ruled, therefore, that the •ca'se was moot, and the unfair ' labor charges were - disinissed as 'being `deficient on their face.. The'letter-was-signed by James -Irwin, -State Labor Mediator. Mayor Harrison noted that he had two -new applications for liquor licenses from the Washington,State Liquor Control Board. 'One -is for the.Bullwackers�located on' the upper level of Old Milltown. The applicant is'Kenneth Helmick..• Chief Foster MOTION: had investigated and. recommerided'approval., COUNCILMAN GELLERT'MOVED,•SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NELSON TO APPROVE THE LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION'i7FOR BULLWACKERS. MOTION CARRIED. ;. The.second-application-was-from'Robinhood Lanes for the restaurant portionrof the bowling • alley . The 'applicant had commented that -this step was necessary to remain competitive with the other bowlirig'alleys in'the.area. Chief,Foster also recommended approval -for this.application: COUNCILMAN NELSON MOVE -SECONDED MOTION: gy COUNCILMAN ANDER�SON TO APPROVE THE'LIQUOR.�LICENSE APPLICATION FOR ROBINHOOD .LANES.. MOTION CARRIED. ° PRESENTATION OF PARKING PLAN Joe Wallis, City Planner, submitted two handouts.to the.council•members; one was,an "Outline of the Comprehensive:Plan" and'the other was the proposed downtown .parking plan., He. stated' that` a" resolution will., -be coming to the counc'1�from'the Planning Commission recommending this particular parking plan. The plan "set: forth tec6mmehdat16ns' as to -the` distribution;- size and ' location of parking: facilities - and •goals and objectiyes for the- downtown -aced of Edmonds. Mr'.. Wallis.urged That:parking be•developed in'the downtown -area without destroying the pedestrian oriented characteristic" of.downtowri'Edmonds;.and to�bncourage developirient. that. s.:aesthetically: pleasing consisting of people.:.comfor_ts, ..park- like .surroundings' and..reducing,.auto.''p'ollution and: congestion. In-going,over.the.-plan, Councilwoman-Shippen suggested that item 7 on page 2 be altered to say.that,the de'signatedlots be -located in -proximity, not only to businesses, but -also -to recreational and.cultural facilities." Mrs...Shippen asked..toI have ' the word _ patron in . th_ at •'s'ame paragraph,. changed to citizen. , .. On page'3, item 11.(B) the* . asked that•it read, "•....:business.establishments and public facilitiesw...". There was .discussion on `determination of the.gross leasable urea; financing and a suggestion by Councilman.Nordquist that a'Citizens Advisory Committee be established as'recommended by`motion at 'the Planning. Commission Meeting of April 109`1974.. This committee would study each -of the three major elements of the plan. Councilman Nelson -inquired -if any consideration had been. given"to time- limitations -on parking. -Mr: Wallis replied* that there had 'been- no: specific attention 'directed.Ap this- matter". Counc•ilwomari Shippen 0 asked if Mr. Wallis was seeking adoption of this plan -tonight. He said he would.'r6comMend that-this.be adopted as an element of.the Comprehensive Plan to. guide the development of the- downt6wn p&rkinig.Mayor Harri's6n said he would recommend that th'ecoun,cil adopt'this as a policy'statement. -COUNCILMAN MOTION:. NORDQUIST-THEN MADE E A MOTION TO THAT EFFECT, WHICH-WASSECONDED BY COUNCIL- WOMAN'SkIPPEN. Mrs., Shipp6h remarked that.'this would.be'with-the amendments as recommended earlier.' There was'some further discussion; AND'ON CALL FOR THE'QUESTION, THE MOTION CARRIED'..... MOTION: COUNCILWOMAN SHIPPEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN-ANDERSON'TO DISCUSS.FINANCING OF"DOWNTOWN.PARKING'AT*THE.COUNCIL'MEETING.MAY 1,4TU.'.MOTION CARRIED. REQUEST FOR CARTS IN DOWNTOWN AREA OPERATED BY DECA STUDENTS This matter had been submitted to''the Chamber.of Commerce for their comments. Mayor,Harrison read a letter which had been received from the Chamber.ih Which they .indicated they would encourage the I counc'il'to.'issue the .permit .for this activity: "itivityi They did note,, however, .5everal,things.that.could adversely affect the business "trade such as location of the, darts, littr. e,contr 61"iffip6dement 4 of sidewalk traffic; and it was further suggested tM&-'y`- er4tor of _P the carts notify any merchant within 50 feet of the; cart,,,,ojf-�fi.t-sr�okdposed activity. The Chamber also suggested' 0at the permit be' issued on the basis that it.can be revoked if it creates insoluable problems. At this point several aspects of the prq,'posal were discussed -.including insurance and how* the 'licdns,ing would be accomplished. Ward .Phillips, who' was in the audience, then.informed'thL6, council­�-that he was withdrawing his request for carts in the downtown area. He said he would"place them at Old Milltown. Mrs..Shippqn said she would.like to reiterate earlier remarks that.she was in ''it.sh'ould be approached favo,r.ok tidewalk.Ac;ti'vity such.as this downtown,- but .that MOTION: With -caution.. She _ therefore .MADE.A.MOTION THAT ',IT IS DESIRABLvEt*fPUBLIC POLICY TO PROVIDE A MORE COLORFUL, - ACTIVE. DOWNTOWN AND ENCOURAGE' *S!?'REET,.ACTI-VITIES. WITH. REGARD TO'THE. SALE' OF PRODUCTS ON THE STREET', 1 WOULD',-FEEL..THAT THE RESTRICTION'SHOULD BE THAT FOOD XND.DRIN1,K_MAY BE-SERVED,'IF,THt;Y.'ARE'PROVIDED BY THE ADJACENT BUILDING AT TABLES IN'FRONT-OF,THAT-BUILDING WITHOUT AN ATTENDANT. RAR FLOWERS',. BOOKS AND -MAGAZINES MAYBE -SOLD IN.AIEMPO -STRUCTURE'U ING A TEMPORARY*CONCESISTON.LICENSE WITH AN ATTENDANT. COUNCILMAN GELLERT SECONDED, ,There'was.6o'ngid'etable'dig6.us8iong inc , luding,the' .'possibility of involvement of the Health. Department- with respect . to. -.sale I of foods '9n1­th&_ street. A ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED. IN COUNCIL .MEMBERS , GELLERT-j MEMBERS,GELLERT-j 8HIPPEN I AND WINTERS"VOTING'I�YESII,AND WELLING, NELSON', NORDQUIST ANDANPERS.ON 'VOTING. "NO."-,.". THE MOTION N . THEREFORE, FAILED.TOCARRY. PROGRESS REPORT ON NOISE ORDINANCE STUDY Harry Whitcutt, Building Official..made reference to a -memo from him directed to the"Mayq'r and council dated . April 111 1974. At. that. time he reviewed' data. that was' available on thenoise* ordinances.' . He said he. has been. unable to ", ' ` get 'definitive data from the'StatLz.. He- said a d there are_ the preparatory -stages in I King County, Seattl, e and Bellev'be._'.'Me,­WAtd'utt said that pending the'a"vailability of_model ordinances, he'would recommend using and.eh'96kcing the 'present otdinance."with certain amendments.. He said he.would like t6 amend paragraph l.in. that memo 'to ­increase the'.p6r­ffiitted IeVeil' to. 45 dl5a, rather than 46, dba between. the hours. of 11:30 P.M. `.and', 6.,: 0'0' A.M. He also added Commercial., so* that we can delineate between. Co'm'm'ercial and Industrial. Mr. Whitcutt said that in addition,'the Planning Commission has.by-k�esolution recommended to council to revise the . Zoning"Code 'in BN &]edas'to­pr6hibit­noise produc , ihglgmechanic:al eiquipmint in side 'yards and to Iftcrease side. yard requirements where there are B14" zone's'abutting R c.16b'�ified zone's -He used a chart to''Illustrate permitted.noise levdls,in Edmond's'in,compari6,on-to what is perinitted'.­ih K . ing County' and S6a-#le''. It did-indicate.that Edm6nds.has a very restrictive otdinance.at the..present -- time. Mr. Whitcttt introduced Mr. Herbert ChAudlere noideconsultant, who was in the audience,;Mr."Chaudiere 'made severicil' 4erie'ral.domm6nts" and. answered questions. from council. there. wa"s-a 'question with_regard'. to. train . noise and n' Mk haudiL%re -.'.individual train whistles. C said th�t it may,be possible for' communities to' restrict the'."whistlin"g'as long- . as other appropriate safety measures ave *1 eas 6� have bbien,ta''ken Council''m'an'Anderson's6:id'that.the.m&jor complaints he" has heard are ' f c n mo rcydl6:§. e e with` to'"Unmu fled cars 6i'd to' There'was a brief reference to.the,convenience store'on Olympic View Drive, 1 u and 'Kr.-Wh"tc tt mentioned n-i6ned that ..they have until the .13th,"bf May. to muffle 'the I Akl__ not se`from" their compressors ''rin' ihd 'and * `bring' level into compliance ic"oe'with - our. present ordindhce..,Mr. Chaudiere-commerited that perhaps'.we dduid. qpga,.;ze . 6'task group look into developing..dur'6wn model noite.-Ordina=6 to suit our ownpa-pticular to MOTION: q'u. emen so ­F61Mw.Inc further Ire-, re ir t furt discussion, it was.MOVED"BY. C; q��;XERT AND'.SECONDEfj.tY t6 NELSON TO REFER THIS MATTER,'TO THE" COMMISSION. MOTIOWCARRIEDi PROPOSED RESOLUTION FOR VACATION.QF PORTION OF 81ST.,R/W.THROUGH SIERRA PARK SITE MOTION: COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST-MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON TO PASS RESOLUTION L #300 SETTING MAY 79 1974, 7:30 P.M. AS THE TIME.FOR HEARING THE PETITION -TO' 1. I 0 0 I 0 123 . VACATEIA PORTION OF 8IST R/W-.THROUGH SIERRA PARK.. MOTION -CARRIED. AUTHORITY FOR.SNOHOMISH COUNTY TO"PLAN FOR `SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL FACILITIES FOR CITY OF�EDMONDS..` MOTION: COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED`BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT'TO'PASS RESOLUTION #301 AUTHORIZING"SNOHOMISH COUNTY TO,, PREPARE A PLAN'FOR THE CITY"'S`SOLID. WASTE MANAGEMENT. FOR INCLUSION IN THE SNOHOMISH'COUNTY,'PLAN. MOTION;CARRIED. CLAIMS FOR .DAMAGES . „ Council.acknow ledged receipt of Claims for Damages from Steven W..Loring and Richard and.Ruth'Whiteside... They -were referred to .the City Clerk for'proc.essing. ADJOURNMENT With no further business. to come before council, .the meeting was adjourned at 9:10 P.M'. E eanor Quea y, Depu ity Clerk Harve H. Harrison,, ayor April 23' 19,74 ROLL CALL • The regular.meeting of ,the Edmonds City Council was called.to order by Mayor Harve Harrison. at 7:30' P.M. with all council -members present,t .except Nelson and Nordquist: APPROVAL.OF MINUTES. Minutes of the.meeting-of,April 16 had been posted., mailed and -distributed, and. -with no omissions nor corrections, they were. approved as- -written. HEARING: ON' PETITION'.FOR_ STREET VACATION -. PORTION' OF- -18`OTH S.W.' City Engineer, Leif"•Larson, reported that•petitions'had been received from the property owners to the north of Olympic View.Drive.:and to the.south of the.180th Street right-of-way asking that the thirty foot (301) section of the right-of-way be vacated which '.was•originally dedicated from.the Plat— of Edmonds-SeaView Tracts. He said.that'the•topography'is such that it would probably never'be.constructed.as a'street.. Mr. Larson.said that'at•the time hearings wereheld for street-classification.change; in -which Olympic,View Drive.was changed from_a community,arterial to a collector ar.terial.;'a number of.residents.recommended that Olympic View Drive'.be-retained as a seenic'drive in'its original alignment. Mr. Larson .thought that .froti an engineering. -standpoint, • it would :be .desirable: to make minor changeto- all-ev'iate some of the • sharp but -.not a complete reconstruction. .He illustrated proposed -,changes .,curves, with the•'use of a . map. 'His recommendation was.. that " the• street. be • vacated as 'it:would`never be'used as a street -right-of-way.; however, this.would.be subject. .to final engineering . on' Olympic View Drive., `Mr. Larson said that they -were_�`In receipt of a letter from the Snohomish County Park and. Recreation Department indicating that -they had no objection to.the.vacation.since they could -not' • for-'esee ..using- 180th as a park access. 'He' said', however; :that -he 'had a call from 'them'.today suggesting that.this.be.delayed_.until they..have.,completed. their park development'plan: Following:some''discussion,-Mayor.Harrison-opened the. hearing. Thomas.B. Berry;. 8432 Olympic View.Drive, indicated that he was in•favor of the vacation. James Fletcher,.•also residing on:0lympic View Drive,'said he favored vacating.this porton of 180th. Mr..Bob.Gustafson, 8602 Olympic View Drive,.. presented.a.petition to the•Deputy City Clerk.containing signatures of approximately 42. persons.',. This was ' a, petition to' restrict Ithe. vacation: of this portion of 180-th.and.to'request straightening Olympic View Drive sufficiently to allow drivers of motor vehicles full:visibility'for the entire length -of Olympic View Drive from,the'west line':of Tract 4 to the ..,east line of'Tract 1, of 'Edmonds Seaview .Tracts: , Mr. Gustafson .'showed slides -and displayed• a.map which indicated-.the.areas.he was discussing. He cited several examples of accidents.'.that have taken place.in..this vicinity.'-. Considerable discussion followed with comments being made by Mr. Ted'Hull,.'Mr.. .and -Mrs. Treiber and -Mr.'George Jones. 'COUNCILMAN ANDERSON MOVED,'SECONDED BY'COUNCILMAN GELLERT THAT:THIS�MATTER BE HEARD BY THE -AMENITIES DESIGN'BOARD AND"THE'PLANNING ' COMMISSION.IN.CONCERT'WITH.ENGINEERING STUDIES'`BY'.THE ENGINEER, AND THAT THE ENGINEER REPORT BACK' -TO COUNCIL WITHIN 60 DAYS;- AND'THAT NO'ACTION BE TAKEN I ON'THE VACATION. MOTION CARRIED. Engineer Larson asked for clarification with regard to -the proposed work to be done on Olympic View'Drive this summer.. The road has.b_den scheduled for lifts. Mayor Harrison said.he would proceed with what he is doing'now and -if Mr. Larson feels that he can accomplish' a better toad without extensive cost, study that and report back to the council.