19740521 City Council Minutes131 • PRESENTATION OF COMPUTERIZED DATA BASE INFORMATION (JOE WALLIS) City Planner, Joe Wallis, reported one the land use study that was started approximately one year ago. He used slides of maps indicating the percentage of residential property and commercial property; slope of the land and soil conditions in various areas. Mr. Wallis stated that Fire Department personnel was utiliteddto make a field survey to establish whether there wasstructure .a on each parcel of land. When this was completed Dia Processing keypunched . the information and then it was programmed to give additional information. There is included in the study an analysis of dwelling units indicating development and net potential development; the number of sub -standard lots was determined,'etc'. Mr. Wallis thought this information would be invaluable in making our Space Needs Study and in revising the Comprehensive Plan to establish policies in the various uses: He said the next step in this process will be an update through March which would coincide with our census. He said he would like to further refine the data through a Business License Questionaire. Mr. Wallis slid that the staff submits a budget annually for funding and that this is.where a portion of that money is spent. In the Fire Department alone there was $2,560 spent in man hours; in Data Processing about $29345 and in the Planning Department about $2,322 and that does not reflect some $386 in CTC funds. This makes a total of $7,614, but would have been 2.5 times that amount to have MOTION: a consultant do it. 'A MOTION WAS MADE BYCCOUNCILMAN GELLERT AND SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON TO HAVE A SPACE NEEDS STATUS REPORT ON JUNE 11TH. CARRIED. ENGINEER'S RECOMMENDATION FOR LANDSCAPING ISLANDS ON EDMONDS WAY WEST OF WESTGATE BETWEEN 226TH & i02ND PLACE City Engineer, Leif Larson, reported that there are two proposals on the landscaping islands between 102nd Place S.W. and 226th Street S.W.. One • S allows for holding lanes and turning for 102nd Place .W.; the other plan proposes a left turn entrance for westbound traffic to 102nd Place S.W. Mr. Larson said that in checking it was determined that there should be two means of'egress and ingress to the Woodway High School. He showed sketches. of the proposed plans to the council members. Mr. Larson recommended -the plan which allows left turns at 102nd P1ace'S.W. subject to speaking with the property MOTION• ' owners. A MOTION WAS THEN MADE BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT AND SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON TO ACCEPT THE ENGINEERS RECOMMENDATION SUBJECT TO DISCUSSIONS WITH PROPERTY OWNERS ON THE CULDESAC. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Larson noted that the State Highway Department would like to have a resolution stating that. the City.*will maintain the landscaping islands. EVGINEERIS COSTS_INVOLVED FOR 236th PROJECT City Engineer, Leif Larson, reveiwed this project and stated that the project estimates have not been revised since the council approved an additional amount of $23,000 as city participation at the meeting of March 14, 1972. The City Engineer from Mountlake Terrace has indicated that the design of the uncompleted section and construction estimates are presently being revised and should be ready by the first part of June. ACCEPTANCE OF TIMBER BULKHEAD CONSTRUCTION AT SENIOR CENTER -Engineer Larson reported that F..R Cattron has completed the bulkhead at the Senior Center. The semi-final payment.in the amount of $6,597.75 will be paid to the contractor this monthewith the 10% retainage in the amount of $694.50 being withheld for 30 days. He asked that the council accept the work and MOTION: thereby establish the 30 day lien period. A MOTION WAS.MADE BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST AND SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN WINTERS TO ACCEPT .THE TIMBER BULKHEAD CONSTRUCTION AT THE SENIOR CENTER. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOULSY. AUTHORIZATION FOR CONDEMNATION'IF REQUIRED ON 196TH UAB PROJECT MOTION: A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST AND SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NELSON TO INSTRUCT THE ATTORNEY TO PREPARE A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CONDEMNATION IF REQUIRED ON THE 196TH AND 220TH UAB PROJECTS. MOTION CARRIED WITH COUNCILWOMAN SHIPPEN VOTING AGAINST. SET DATES_FOR_HEARING ON PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTIONS #434, #435-. and #439, MOTION: COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NELSON TO SET MAY 28TH AS THE HEARING DATE FOR THE ABOVE RESOLUTIONS. MOTION CARRIED. There being no further business to come before council, the meeting adjourned at 11:00 P.M. Eleanor Quea , De y City Clerk Harve . Harrison, Mayor May 21, 1974 ROLL CALL The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order by Mayor Har-.ve, arrison at 7:30 P.M., with all council members present. 9 132 APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION: Minutes of the meeting of May 14, 1974 had been.posted, mailed and distributed; and with no omissions nor corrections, they were approved as written. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION Councilwoman Shippen asked about #V20913 on the Claims Warrant Approval List. She noted -that this was to Reid, Middleton & Assoc. from the General Fund to pay -for the prospectus on 196th, and for evaluation and recommendation for.. analyzing chlorine residual at the Treatment Plant: She wondered why this didn't come from Street and Utility Funds; The City Engineer said that it should and that he would look -into it. Mrs. Shippen said that she would like'to discuss the minimum speed limit on 196th at the Council Work Meeting of June llth. Councilman Nelson said that he would like to encourage council members to attend Association of Washington Cities and Towns seminars. He thought per- haps each council member could select a seminar of particular interest to him and then each individual could report to the full council on the class he had attended. M.A.A. Ron Whaley thought staff members could attend also. Councilman Gellert said that he has been able to arrange a meeting with the Snohomish County P.U.D. Manager, Frank Rice and Bill Shaw tomorrow at 2:00 P.M. in the Mayor's Office. He hoped as many council members as possible could attend, so that they can talk over a proposal for a specific budget amount for under - grounding rather than the matching formula. Councilman Gellert then mentioned that -he had been mading the Community Develop- ment Council Minutes and noticed that certain items were noted to be put on the agenda, but have to this point not appeared on the extended agenda. One item was access to Meadowdale Park and -the other was a moratorium on building in the north end. Mr. Whaley stated that,this will be considered at the Monday after- noon meeting,- but -that there is more ground work to be done before it is put on the council agenda. Councilman Gellert referred to a letter from Assistant Planner, Kay Shoudy, in which she had included amended pages to*the Shoreline Management -Plan. 'He asked if these amendments would come before council for approval. City Planner, Joe Wallis, said that adoption by the City Council is in order, and he would see that it is brought before council. Councilman Anderson referred to a letter from Rod Garretson regarding our policy relating to fences and dividers between private property and city property and city parks. He said -that he would like to set this as an agenda item for dis- cussion at the work meeting of June llth. Councilman Nordquist mentioned a notation regarding availability of additional land for the Civic Center. He asked if any action had been taken, and following a negative response from the Mayor, asked that the matter be discussed at the work meeting of June llth. Councilman Nordquist said that he had recently visited the Housing Listening Post when Governor Romney stopped in Edmonds. He said that he was quite amazed at their operation, and thought -other members of the council would be interested in seeing the facility. He suggested spending one half hour there before the next council work meeting on the llth of June. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST AND SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NELSON TO INSTRUCT THE MAYOR TO WRITE A LETTER TO MR. HUARD ACCEPTING THEIR INVITATION TO TOUR THE LISTENING POST AND ARRANGE FOR A TIME TO DO SO. MOTION CARRIED. HEARINGS: ON PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTIONS 4433. #436, and #437 #433 - City Planner, Joe Wallis, reported that this was a staff request initiated by a request of the owners of adjoining property to rezone from RS-6 to Open Space due to soil conditions. The location is north of Elm Street and west of 8th Avenue South, with the circulation off Elm Street which is an access street. Mr. Wallis showed slides of the area. He explained that this is the original'Yost Watershed. It was recommended that the site be retained as open space and as a historical interest site. Rod Garretson concurred in this. Mayor Harrison pointed out that if this is declared open space, it would have to be cut out of the budget as it is.listed as a $.25,00.0 asset in the Water -Sewer Utility Fund. Councilman Nelson asked what would happen if the city decided to declare the property surplus some- time in the future. Would the open space zoning have an affect on the selling price? Attorney Wallace said it would have some depressing affect. Following more discussion, Mayor Harrison opened the public portion of the hearingi No one wished to speak on the matter, and the hearing was declared closed. MOTION: COUNCILWOMAN SHIPPEN THEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST TO PASS ORDINANCE 1707 REZONING THIS TRACT FROM RS-6 TO OPEN SPACE. Councilman Gellert asked how would we balance our budget if this property was taken out of the budget; and has it ever been put up for sale. The Mayor said an appraiser has been hired to present an appraisal on the property, but it has not been received yet. Council- man Gellert thought action should be postponed until we c.an'hear from the appraiser. 1 1 • 1 • 1 1 0 • He, MOTION• ' therefore, made a MOTION TO TABLE THE MATTER UNTIL THE CITY OFFERS A PLAN FOR HOW THIS WILL BE TREATED IN THE BUDGET. COUNCILMAN'NELSON SECONDED. THE MOTION FAILED TO CARRY FOLLOWING A ROLL CALL VOTE IN WHICH COUNCILMEN WELLING, GELLERT AND NELSON VOTED "YES",AND THE REMAINING COUNCIL MEMBERS VOTED "NO". There was'more.discussion. The original motion was then voted upon. THIS MOTION ALSO FAILED FOLLOWING A ROLL CALL -VOTE, WITH COUNCILMEN WELLING, GELLERT, NELSON'AND ANDERSON VOTING "NO" AND THE REMAINING MEMBERS VOTING "YES". Mayor Harrison said that he thought the next step would be to report the,appraisal to the council and consider the matter further. There was further discussion on the advisability of making the property into a park.. Mrs. Shippen pointed out that you don't.necessarily have to designate it. as a park; that open.space in 'itself is a use. Chet Bennett Andicated that it would be advisable to retain the --.property as.open space as it is so difficult for most cities to acquire land, and prices are constantly rising. #436 - Planner Wallis reported that -a.proposed Comprehensive.Plan Goal State- ment was heard by the Planning Commission March 13th, and was approved by that body. He projected an outline of the statement on the screen. Mr. Wallis recommended that these be adopted as a first and fundamental step toward a total Comprehensive Plan. Councilwoman Shippen asked if limited growth had been con- sidered as a part of the goal statement. Mr. Wallis said that this could be considered as a -.part of the land use part of the statement. Mayor Harrison then opened the hearing, however no one wished to speak and the hearing was MOTION: closed. COUNCILMAN ANDERSON THEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST TO PASS ORDINANCE 17079 ADDING A STATEMENT OF GOALS TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. #437 - This is a resolution -recommending approval of the amendment to the Zoning Ordinance regarding parking requirements. Planner Wallis said that he would like to point out that this came about as the result of;an application • for a retirement home.in conjunction with a convalescent center, however it does not apply to that particular.use or.to that particular case.' Mr. Wallis said the findings of the staff reveal that the present parking requirement in the Edmonds' Code appears to be excessive for retirement facilities,(2 spaces per dwelling unit). He.said other authorities have recognized.the reduced parking requirement; proposed public. transit would have some bearing on the parking required and that large parking lots do not enhance the developments, particularly if the need does not exist; His recommendation, therefore, was that the city revise its parking standards to one parking space per four dwelling units for retirement parks. Mr. Wallis -stated that the City Attorney advised that this be controlled on a Conditional Use Permit basis, so that any time that the use changes, then the parking requirements would be changed commensurate with whatever use is imposed on the property. Mr. Wallis went on to enumerate conditions that would be attached to that use. He noted that one of the Planning Commission members commented that the density of the apartment units allowed per acre was not being changed by the proposed amendment, but would.allow an exchange of parking space for landscapbd.'area There was considerable.discussion with regard to a provision that a vehicle is to be provided for the exclusive use of the occupants of the apartment, and maintained by the apartment. Mayor Harrison then opened the hearing. Capt. Shields commented on the transportation problem. He mentioned that a retirement community in the San Francisco Area had a similar provision, but it was kept in operation only six months after the unitszwere occupied. Bob McLean with the Danmor Company, described the facility they plan.and stated that their survey revealed that most residents of retirement -convalescent homes are.in the 75-82 year age.bracket,'and therefore, their travelling is limited. He said the reduction in the parking requirement would enable them to provide the residents with access to more open space. Following more • comments,,the hearing was closed. There was discussion regarding.parking ratios, and a motion.was-made by.Councilman Anderson and seconded by Council- man Nordquist to remand this to the attorney for re -drawing with the ratio of spaces being set forth as two spaces per four units. Following further discussion, the motion and -second were withdrawn. It was decided that the Planner make a survey and report back with additional information regarding MOTION: parking ratios. COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON TO POSTPONE THIS HEARING UNTIL THE 4TH OF JUNE WITH.THE PLANNER TO REPORT AT THAT TIME. MOTION CARRIED. MEETING WITH PETITIONERS OF PROPOSED SEATTLE HEIGHTS ANNEXATION City Engineer, Leif Larson, reported that this is an area north of 212th and west of Highway 99. He indicated that the main interest of the petitioners is to obtain sewers.. Ten percent of the assessed evaluation have signed the petition and Mr. -Harvey Robinson, one of the petitioners, has indicated, based on an informal survey,. :that 75% of the assessed evaluation can be obtained. .Councilman Nordquist mentioned that'owners.of a trailer located at 70th and 212th have asked the Health Department for a permit .to -hook up to a septic tank.,,He said he would hope'that we require them to hook up to a MOTION: sewer immediately. COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST THEN MADE A MOTION SECONDED BY COUNCIL- MAN GELLERT THAT WE..;ACCEPT THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION; AND THAT ALL THE -PROPERTY WITHIN THE TERRITORY''SOUGHT TO BE ANNEXED BE ASSESSED�AND TAXED AT THE SAME RATE AND ON THE SAME BASIS AS THE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF EDMONDS.FOR ANY NOW OUTSTANDING INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY, INCLUDING ASSESSMENTS FOR TAXES IN PAYMENT OF ANY BONDS ISSUED OR DEBTS CONTRACTED PRIOR TO, OR EXISTING AT THE DATE OF ANNEXATION: AND THAT SIMULTANEOUSLY ADOPTION OF PROPOSED ZONING REGULATIONS BE REQUIRED. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9 134 REQUEST OF L. T. HOOD FOR AMENDMENT TO HIS PRELIMINARY PLAT (P-4-70) City Planner, Joe Wallis, reported that he had been unable to reach Mr. Hood MOTION• and therefore, asked that this matter be postponed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST AND SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON TO POSTPONE THIS MATTER AND RE -SCHEDULE AT MR. HOOD'S CONVENIENCE, MOTION CARRIED. REQUEST OF LIBERTY TV CASE FOR APPROVAL OF RATE INCREASE Henry Gastman, 630 Spencer Court, Eugene, Oregon, made a presentation to the council requesting a rate increase. Mr. Gastman stated that he is the Western Regional Manager for the company, and that on April 30, 1974 he submitted this request by letter addressed to the Mayor and City Council. He indicated that their rates must be increased in order to adjust to the higher costs in- curred in their-day.ta=day operation. There was considerable discussion re- garding multiple access channels, signal strength, franchise fees, etc. MOTION• Following.this, COUNCILMAN NELSON MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN SHIPPEN TO APPOINT A COMMITTEE CONSISTING OF COUNCILMAN GELLERT, THE M.A.A. AND THE FINANCE- DIRECTOR FOR THE PURPOSE OF DETERMINING TO WHAT EXTENT THE CITY WILL OBTAIN SERVICES FROM LIBERTY IE., HOW MANY CHANNELS, ETC.; AND THAT WE HAVE A REPORT FROM THE COMMITTEE AT THE JULY 9TH WORK MEETING AND THAT THE PUBLIC HEARING BE SET FOR JULY 16TH. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Gastman turned over letters regarding copyrights to the M.A.A. for review. PROPOSED ORDINANCES: MOTION: REDRAFT,.CREATING "AID CAR FUND". COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON TO PASS ORDINANCE #1708 CREATING AN "AID CAR FUND". MOTION CARRIED. REDRAFT, PROPOSED WATER RATE ORDINANCE. Mayor Harrison announced that Mr. Kennedy and Mr. Morken with Seattle -Northwest Securities, bonding consultants, have requested authorization to proceed with the bond sale and asked for time to make their presentation. However, it was decided.to proceed with the agenda items as listed, and allow time for the presentation at the conclusion of the agenda items. Attorney Wallace pointed out that the only changes were to change the effective date to September 1, 1974 in Section 2; and on page 2 regarding those exempted from a $200.00 connection charge, LID 115 was added. There was MOTION: some discussion on the metered rates. A MOTION WAS THEN MADE -BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST AND SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON TO PASS ORDINANCE #1709, AMENDING SECTION 6.20.020 OF THE CITY CODE. MOTION CARRIED WITH COUNCILMAN NELSON VOTING "NO". MOTION: REDRAFT, PROPOSED SIDEWALK ORDINANCE. COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN•ANDERSON TO PASS ORDINANCE #1710, AMENDING AND ADDING TO CHAPTER 7.20 OF THE CITY CODE. Councilwoman Shi.ppen sAid that she will vote against the motion as she does not agree with--•the•.'.ratio under which we - are working whereby the greater the need for sidewalks, the less the city will pay. She thinks this is contrary to our policy regarding streets. ON CALL FOR THE QUESTION, THE MOTION CARRIED WITH COUNCILWOMAN SHIPPEN VOTING "NO". PROPOSED ORDINANCE -FOR BACKFLOW DEVICES AND CROSS CONNECTION REGULATIONS. MOTION: MOTION: City Engineer, Leif -Larson, reported that for the past year and one-half the city has been.inspected by the U.S. Public Health Service and the Washington State Public Health Service. They cited the regulations involving protection of the public water supply system by having adequate controls to permit cross connecting and backflow; and they have requested that the city adopt an ordinance indicating the city►s enforcement of regulations. Mr. Larson stated further that two city employees have been certified to do this type of -work. COUNCILMAN ANDERSON MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST TO PASS ORDINANCE #1711 AMENDING CHAPTER 6.16 OF THE CITY CODE. MOTION CARRIED. PROPOSED RESOLUTIONS: TO IAC REGARDING FISHING PIER. COUNCILMAN NELSON MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST TO PASS RESOLUTION #302, A JOINT RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS AND THE PORT OF EDMONDS EXPRESSING THE MUTUAL INTEREST OF SAID PUBLIC BODIES IN THE CONCEPT OF ESTABLISHING PUBLIC FISHING PIERS BY UTILIZATION OF EXISTING BREAKWATERS INSTALLED BY SAID•PORT OF EDMONDS AND PRESENTLY IN EXISTENCE. MOTION CARRIED. TO SET HEARING ON PETITION FOR VACATION OF PORTION OF 84TH FOR JUNE 18 COUNCILMAN.NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED•BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON TO PASS RESOLUTION #303, SETTING JUNE 189 1974 AS THE DATE FOR HEARING ON A PETITION TO VACATE A PORTION OF.84TH. MOTION CARRIED. AUTHORIZATION TO CALL FOR BIDS ON SIGNALIZATION AT 76TH & 212TH COUNCILMAN NELSON MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY ENGINEER TO CALL FOR BIDS ON THE SIGNALIZATION AT 76TH & 212TH, AND TO SET JUNE 13, 1974 FOR BID OPENING. CARRIED. PRESENTATION BY SEATTLE-NORTHWEST SECURITIES 1 1 • 1 C1 Mr. Dick Kennedy presented his proposal for the purchase of $2,000,000 Water CI 135) MOTION: MOTION: 1 1 and Sewer Revenue Bonds. He handed out sheets indicating four alternate proposals for 25 years, 26 years, 27 years, and 28 years. Following dis- cussion, Mr. Kennedy recommended Alternate #4 for 28 years at an interest rate of 6.942%. COUNCILMAN WINTERS MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST TO REJECT THE OFFER OF PURCHASE. FOLLOWING A ROLL CALL VOTE THE MOTION FAILED WITH NELSON ABSTAINING, NORDQUIST AND WINTERS VOTING "YES" AND THE REMAINING MEMBERS VOTING "NO".: COUNCILMAN GELLERT THEN MADE A MOTION, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON TO ACCEPT THE $2,0009000 * PURCHASE PROPOSAL UNDER ALTERNATE #4 AT AN INTEREST RATE OF 6.942%. FOLLOWING A ROLL CALL VOTE, THE MOTION CARRIED WITH COUNCIL MEMBERS WELLING, GELLERT, SHIPPEW AND ANDERSON VOTING "YES" AND COUNCILMEN NELSON, NORDQUIST AND WINTERS VOTING "NO". THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS, THE MEETING ADJOURNED AT 11:10 P.M. Eleanor Queal , Deput ity Clerk Harve H. Harrison,•Mayor May 28, 1974 WWI. r'AT.T. The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order by Mayor Harve Harrison at 7:30 P.M. All council members were present. MAYOR ' S ND1 GAVEL • Mayor Harrison noted that he had a new gavel, fashioned of walnut and oak. He announced that.it had been made and presented to him by Perry Spanfelner, Building Inspector. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the meeting of May 21 had been posted, mailed and distributed, and with no omissions nor corrections, they were approved as -written. COUNCIL• PARTICIPATION Councilman Gellert stated that he wished to reiterate that the Cable TV committee would appreciate as much input as possible from council members. They were looking for factors to determine if the rate increase is applicable. Councilman Anderson suggested that the index of customers and how many may have dropped the service would be one factor to look into. Councilwoman Shippen.asked about the warrant on the Claims List she had inquired about at the last meeting. City Engineer Larson distributed a memo on this to each -council member, and explained the meftd of transfer of funds. Councilwoman Shippen made the request that discussion to initiate a sidewalk improve- ment project be placed.on the June 11 work meeting agenda:' Councilman Gellert had a question concerning the Capital Improvement Committee and its meetings, and City Engineer Leif Larson answered that a plan was being developed by himself and the -Finance Director,.and this would be ready soon. They would then call another meeting of the Committee. • Councilman Welling added that it would be wellto discuss.the priority of sidewalks on the Capital Improvements program. Councilman Ander�son,ssaid he.felt new side- walks should be discussed also, as well as the maintenance and repair of the dxisting ones. The City Engineer mentioned the city's 1963 Resolution 81 that dealt with that type of situation. A MOTION WAS THEN MADE BY.COUNCILMAN WELLING, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON THAT THE DISCUSSION OF A SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT PROJECT BE -PLACED ON THE AGENDA, AS SUGGESTED BY COUNCILWOMAN SHIPPEN. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Nordquist reminded council that they had neglected to pass a resolution of commendation to send to former Councilman Don Tusonl.s.widow, and HE MADE THE MOTION,• SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NELSON TO INSTRUCT THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE A-``' RESOLUTION OF COMMENDATION IN MEMORY OF FORMER COUNCILMAN DON TUSON.. MOTION CARRIED: Mayor Harrison reported that the.city had received -the offer of a grant in the amount Of $199,632 from the Washington Futures Program for development of water storage tank and it would require acdeptance by the city to comply with state regulations. He asked what action council wished to take, and following some discussion, A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT -FOR ACCEPTANCE OF THE GRANT AND TO COMPLY WITH THE STATE REGULATIONS. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Harrison noted that no� action had been taken on the request for mileage allowance increase for city employees who use their own cars on city business. He asked what council wished to do about this. The present allowance is 10a per mile. Councilman Nordquist noted hhat the trend seemed to be swinging toward 15(z, and he MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN WINTERS TO SET THE MILEAGE ALLOWANCE AT :15(r PER MILE.