19740604 City Council Minutes138 deleted the sidewalks with a motion on December 26, and recommending approval. • A MOTION WAS THEREFORE MADE BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NELSON TO APPROVE THE FINAL PLAT OF SEAVIEW PINES #1, SUBJECT TO ANY EINGINEERING RE- QUIREMENTS. MOTION CARRIED. PROPOSED RESOLUTION FOR CONDEMNATION, IF REQUIRED, 220TH UAB PROJECT City Engineer Leif Larson advised -council that he was submitting a proposed resolution for 220th only, omitting 196th, and teat -he did not anticipate any problems with 220th. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN NELSON, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON THAT PROPOSED RESOLUTION #304 BE PASSED, AUTHORIZING CONDEMNATION ONLY IF NECESSARY FOR THE ACQUISITION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR STREET PURPOSES ALONG 220TH. PURSUANT TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE UAB. MOTION CARRIED. ACCEPTANCE OF 5FT. DEDICATIONS - PLANNING COMMISSION FILES S-20-74 AND 5-18-74 City Planner Joe Wallis explained the situation requiring the dedication of the 5 feet -to the city; and stated that the Staff recommended acceptance of these two dedications. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON THAT THE CITY ACCEPT THE-5 FT. DEDICATION FROM WM. ROBINSON, TALBOT ROAD, FROM A 2 LOT SUBDIVISION, -NOTED IN PLANNING COMMISSION FILE S-20-74. MOTION CARRIED. COUNCILMAN NORDUST ALSO MOVED , XCONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON THAT THE CITY ACCEPT -THE 5.1FT. DEDICATION FROM K & K HOMES, SPRUCE STREET, FROM A 3 LOT SUBDIVISION, NOTED IN PLANNING COMMISSION FILE 5-18-74. THIS MOTION ALSO • CARRIED. CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES The City Clerk reportedthat a claim had been filed by Robert & Pamela Dzawala for indemnity and reimbursement arising out of a lawsuit filed against them by the father of a 10 year old bicyclist who was injured ina collision with Mrs. Dzawala at the intersection of 160th SW and 68th W. Mrs. Dzawala claimed the accident occurred because the city failed to erect and maintain a stopsign for westbound traffic on 160th P1. SW, and to maintain and repair the roadway at that point. Receipt of the claim was acknowledged and it was referred to the City Clerk for processing. ADJOURNMENT There was no`: further business to come before council and the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Irene Varney Mor , City Clerk Hakve H. Harrison,'Mayor June 4, 1974 ROLL CALL Regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order by Mayor Protem • John Nordquist at 7:30 P.M. Mayor Harrison and Councilwoman Shippen were both. attending graduation ceremonies, and all other council members were present except Winters. Mayor Protem Nordquist stated that this being graduation week for the Edmonds School District as well as for various sftools throughout the country, he wished to offer his personal congratulations and also from the City to all graduating seniors. He added that he thought it was tremendous that we have a school system such as we do and we can see our students from Edmonds go on to higher and better things, and we want to wish them the best. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Councilman Gellert noted that on page 2 of the May 28 minutes, in the first para- graph his statement that 130 per mile was adequate for mileage, it should read that the study indicated that amount.would take care of gasoline and maintenance, and one half of the insurance and depreciation costs. Councilman Gellert also.men- tioned on page 4, second line of first paragraph.,.he questioned the word "owner- ship" in Councilman Welling's motion. Councilman Welling agreed that it was an unfortunate choice of words and asked if it could be changed to "use" in place of "ownership". The minutes were approved as corrected and amended. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION Councilman Nelson invited council members and staff to the transit meeting to be held tomorrow evening at 7:30 in the student lounge at the Community College. He stated that citizen participation was being invited, since the public would be called upon to vote to finance a system via a 3/10th of 1% sales tax, and tomorrow was a time to voice opinions. 6 139 • Councilman Nelson advised that this coming weekend, on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday the legislature would be meeting to sound out the possibilities of studies from now until January 1975. It was a'good'opportunity for cities to put in requests for special studies on several areas'of interest dealing•with formulating of policies. for state and local government, or providing some method of funding for certain areas of interest. 'He added'that'perhaps the parking should be brought up, and anything with ideas for changing of state statutes or general policies to make the running of the state more efficient. Councilman Gellert suggested the topic of financial help with necessary storm drainage such as that needed in the Meadowdale area, where,the cost of construction is prohibitive, even though it does�.not meet the financial criteria for present funding. Councilman Anderson brought.up the CDC minutes of the 13th of last month regarding 75th Place West and the proposed entrance to Meadowdale Park, and he asked the status of this. City Engineer Leif Larson answered that a letter had been received from the Snohomish County Director of Parks and Recreation regarding this entrance to :that park, and mentioning the maintenance, etc. Engineer Larson stated that in view of the condition of: -'the road and the maintenance problems, he would recommend against this use of that street, and also because of the geological conditions. He stated he would have a report on this at a later date. Councilman Anderson said he had a number of requests regarding the Edmonds water from Seattle being fluoridated, and teat from Alderwood is not, and since this poses certain medical and dental problems, he would like to set this as.an item for discussion at the work meeting on July 9 to explore the possibilites.of de- veloping our dilemma, with 1/2•the city fluoridated and 1/2 not. Several council members advised him that there was a great deal of background material on this subject, it having been explored at some length in the past,: Councilman Anderson noted that he had asked this to -be on the Health Board agenda prior to July 9. • Councilman Gellert said he would like to commend the staff and council after having read an article in the Nations Cities magazine that defined duties of mayor's administrative assistants, and which cites some of the problems and dilemmas, etc. He noted that it was a well written article. Councilman Welling questioned M.A.A. Whaley regarding proposed legislation on stream control. Mr. Whaley replied that this had been..discussed twice at the CDC meetings, but due to the workload, they were not yet down to the point of coming up with preliminary legislation. Mayor Protem Nordquist stated for the record that he probably would be absent from the next council meeting on June 11. Mayor Protem Nordquist reminded ¢uncil about th it scheduled visit next Tuesday evening, before council meeting, to the House L stening Post. Council will meet there at 7:00, at the Edmonds Elementary School; Dayton Street side for the tour and film, sponsored by HUD. The public is also invited. Mayor Protem Nordquist asked for a report on July 9 from the Chief of Police on the facilities and techniques used to handle load limits on three arterials in Edmonds. He asked that a letter be sent.to Chief Foster requesting this report. Several violations had been seen in one afternood on 76th, and there was some concern by Mayor Protem Nordquist because of this. Mayor Protem Nordquist stated that he had attended the Board of Adjustment meeting last night and was perturbed and disappointed with conflicts of interest shown, and he stated he -would like to visit with the City Planner to discuss possible correct- ion of this problem. The ethics ordinance was discussed, with Attorney John Wallace explaining that although this applies only to council, in answer to Councilman Gellert's question, council could apply this ordinance to Board's and Commissions by amending the ordinance. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION Joan Swift, Soundview Place, stated that she was present at the Board of Adjustment meeting last night, and she cited what she felt were "blatant _examples" of conflict of interest on decisions, especially by one particular member. Dewey Leyda told council he was concerned about water conditions at.Fifth and Main, when the line for the fountain was tapped into the 12 inch main. He was assured by both the City Engineer and the Director of M. & 0. that this was far•from unusual procedure, and quite routine. Capt. Shields brought to council attention passing of a bill'in'Wahington, D.C. that now at least 20% of all subsidized housing must be for elderly and may require filing of a new comprehensive plan by communities. The June 11 work meeting agenda came up for approval by council, and M.A.A. Whaley advised thathe would like to add an item "proposal of county asking for 75th P1. W. as'access to the proposed county park", and since there were no objections to this addition, the agenda for June 11 will stand as submitted, with`.:this addition. At this point, Mayor Protem Nordquist advised that on tonigbts agenda, # 13 Claims for Damages would -become #14 and #13 would be request for bid date for public`- works shop addition and storage shed. 0 140 REPORT OF SURVEY REGARDING.PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #437 • City Planner reported on the survey regarding the parking requirements for retire- ment facilities. Planner Joe Wallis stated that he had surveyed'16 cities, then took 10 cities to report on; 5 smaller and 5 larger than Edmonds. He distributed sheets showing the questionnaire he had sent to these cities and the tabulation of responses. There followed council discussion on the answers to the questionnaire and the parking ratios. Following thi6,'A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN WELLING TO ADOPT THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE AS POSED TO US, EXCEPT WITH REGARD TO THE REQUIREMENT FOR PARKING; THAT WITH REGARD TO RETIREMENT HOMES PARKING, AN APPLICANT WHO CAN QUALIFY. AND SHOW CONDITIONS PRECEDING AND ESTABLISHED, CAN OBTAIN A CONDITIONAL'USE PERMIT, WHICH PERMIT SHALL BE REVIEWABLE BY THE CITY AT ANY TIME AT THE CITY'S OPTION; WHICH CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT WILL ALLOW THE USE OF THE PREMISES WITH ONE PARKING SPACE FOR TWO UNITS, AND SUBJECT TO THE FURTHER CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, THAT AT THE TIME A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS GRANTED, THE OCCUPANT MAY RECEIVE A CON- DITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUIRING HIM TO IMPROVE THE PARKING AND LANDSCAPE AREA TO REQUIRE ONLY ONE PARKIN3UNIT FOR FOUR UNITS; AND FURTHER'SUBJECT TO THE RIGHT OF REVIEW OF THAT PERMIT BY THE CITY; AND TO INSTRUCT THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE THE ORDINANCE IN ITS FINAL FORM IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS MOTION. THIS WAS THEN SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT, AND THE MOTION CARRIED. CITY PLANNER TO BRIEF COUNCIL ON KIRKLAND ORDINANCE RE FINANCING OF PARKING City Planner Joe Wallis was to brief the -council on the Kirkland ordinance regarding financing of parking. Marvin Smith inquired if there would be audience participa- tion allowed, -and he was advised that this was originally planned as merely a briefing on the content of the ordinance. Mr. Smith then told council that he had a prospective buyer for his property being used as a parking lot, and if the city • was not going to be interested in it, he would like to know, as it would cost him money to hold it in abeyance. He*therefore said he hoped council would decide about this as soon as possible. Following some discussion, IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILMAN GELLE RT, SECONDED BY COUNCIL- MAN ANDERSON THAT THIS AGENDA ITEM BE POSTPONED TO THE JUNE 18 MEETING AND THT AT THAT TIME COUNCIL ALSO TAKE UP MR. SMITH'S PROBLEM AS PART OF THE AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED. ADOPTION OF 1933.�UNIFORM BUILDING. PLUMBING. AND MECHANICAL CODES Proposed ordinances had been prepared by the City Attorney for adoption of these codes, incorporating the recommendations of the Code Committee, Staff and the re- commendations from council. A MOTION WAS MADE,�BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON THAT PRO- POSED ORDINANCE #1714 BE PASSED, ADOPTING THE 1973.EDITION OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, WITH THE EXCLUSIONS AND AMENDMENTS AS NOTED IN THE ORDINANCE. MOTION CARRIED. COUNCILMAN ANDERSON MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT THAT PROPOSED ORDINANCE #1715 BE PASSED, ADOPTING THE 1973 EDITION OF THE UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE, WITH AMENDMENTS AND REQUIREMENTS AS NOTED IN THE ORDINANCE. MOTION CARRIED. IT WAS ALSO MOVED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT THAT PROPOSED ORDINANCE.41716 BE PASSED, ADOPTING THE 1973 EDITION OF THE UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE, AVD THE MOTION CARRIED. REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE EQUIPMENT FOR YOST PARK'POOL • Recreation Director Rod Garretson stated that he had been doing some rethinking on the starting platforms for the pool, and that he might be able to construct someting that would work instead of purchasing. However, he noted that if his idea did not work, he would like permission to go ahead and purchase. After some council discussion, it was decided that it would be'preferable for Director Garretson to first try to construct these platforms, and if it do�s::not work, come back to council for authorization to purchase. It also was thought that it -would be -better to request authorization when a full council would be present. ACTION ON PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #440 Planning Commission Resolution #440 was brought to council, recommending denial of an amendment to the zoning ordinance to allow inflatable structures. No appeal had been received, and since no.hearing was necessary,'IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN WELLING TO ACCEPT THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S RECOM- MENDATION IN THEIR RESOLUTION #440 AND DENY THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT. MOTION CARRIED. SET DATE FOR HEARING ON PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #441 Planning Commission Resolution #441 was presented, recommending approval of an amendment to the zoning ordinance, section-12.13,:120-(b), secondary uses in RM Districts, as set forth in Planning Commission File ZO-7-74. Suggested date was June 18. Is 141 1 • • A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN -WELLING,- SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON THAT JUNE 18 BE SET AS THE DATE FOR HEARING ON PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTON #441, AND THE MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION OF COMMENDATION FOR FORMER COUNCILMAN DON TUSON A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT THAT PROPOSED RESOLUTION4305 BE PASSED, COMMENDING DONALD TUSON FOR HIS SERVICES TO THE CITY AND THE CITIZENS THEREOF.* MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Protem Nordquist suggested that a plaque with resolutions of commendation would be nice, and one way of saying thank you to people who serve the city for many years. M.A.A. Ron Whaley added that some sort,of award program would also be nice for employees; that some outstanding people serve the city for a number of -years with little or no recognition; -and that the awards might::.also include those who have made outstanding suggestions for improvements. REQUEST FOR BID DATE FOR PUBLIC WORKS -SHOP ADDITION AND STORAGE SHED City Engineer Leif Larson requested that a bid date of June 27 be set for the Public Works shop addition and storage shed. The bid will include the proposals for design and the cost of construction subject to the approval of the design. Engineer Larson mentioned that this would be a Turnkey type of proposal, and Councilman Welling said he felt the city should decide first whether or not it wants the Turnkey program., There was some discussion, and A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT THN JUNE 27 BE SET AS THE DATE FOR OPENING BIDS -ON THE PUBLIC WORKS SHOP ADDITION AND -STORAGE SHED. THE MOTION CARRIED, WITH COUNCILMAN WELLING VOTING AGAINST. INFORMATION ON 196TH S.W.. 64TH W. TO 81ST W. UAB PROJECT M.A.A. Ron Whaley distributed to•.council a memo from the City Engineer reporting on information regarding the unofficial advisory from the UAB on funding of the project on 196th from 64th to 81st W. Further information and report will be presented by the City Engineer on June 18. CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES The City Clerk reported that claims for damages had been received from Richard E. Bader, 1141 Vista Place, for .damage to his car when driven through the gate at entrance to Union Oil Beach; from Larry L. Pipkin, 9822 Cherry Street, for flooding damage in his home due to the water pressure surge; and from John Sargent, 9630 Blake Place; also flooding of basement due to the water pressure surge. The claims were referred -to the City Clerk for processing. .ADJOURNMENT There was no further business to come before council, and the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M. Irene Varney Morar4r City Clerk June 11, 1974 ROLLw}CALL Harve H. Harrison, Mayor' The Edmonds City Council Work Meeting was called to order by Mayor Harve Harrison at-8:05 P.M., with all council members -present, except Nordquist, who had notified the City Clerk.that he would be absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Councilman Gellert noted that on page 2, paragraph 2, first line of the June 4th minutes, he did not mean to commend the staff - he meant to recommend to the staff the article in the Nations Cities magazine. The minutes were then approved as amended. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION Councilman Anderson said that he would like to bring up the subject of the follow- up and response we make to the IAC regarding the fishing pier. He stated that he and Councilwoman Shippen had attended the last meeting last evening of .the Port and that this was one o.f.the topics on their agenda: He felt it will take some initiative on our part now cooperating with them to'look at the details and the problems this project can bring. He said the Port suggested a joint committee; and he would advise that we respond by making some -appointments to join that committee. He, therefore, made a MOTION SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN SHIPPEN THAT WE AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR,TO APPOINT A COMMITTEE OF FOUR, COMPOSED OF TWO COUNCIL PERSONS, THE DIRECTOR OF PARKS-,."JAND.RECREATION AND THE POLICE CHIEF TO SIT ON THAT JOINT COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Council members Anderson and Shippen volunteered to join that committee. Parking in conjunction with this project was discussed, and Mayor Harrison asked if it seemed to be the :consensus that establishment of the fishing pier was