19750311 City Council Minutes9A6 • DISCUSSION ON ESTABLISHMENT OF E DMONDS ARTS COMMISSION Councilwoman Shippen said that she has had no adverse comments from anyone with regard to the establishment of an Arts Commission. The City Attorney explained that this can be accomplished by ordinance, which must address the makeup of the Commission and how they are to perform. Councilman Clement said that it should be so constructed that they can take advantage of available funds. COUNCILWOMAN MOTION: SHIPPEN THEN MOVED THAT WE ESTABLISH AN EDMONDS ARTS COMMISSION WITH SEVEN MEMBERS SERVING FOUR YEAR TERMS; AND THAT THEY BE APPOINTED BY THE MAYOR, SUBJECT TO CONFIRMATION BY THE COUNCIL; AND THAT FOUR OUT OF THE SEVEN REPRESENT THE VISUAL OR PERFORMING ARTS IN THIS COMMUNITY. COUNCILMAN ANDERSON SECONDED, THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. DISCUSSION ON CERTAIN EXEMPT SALARY EVALUATIONS Councilman Nordquist stated that every December the council must approve the salaries of certain staff positions. He said he.would like some method devised so that this can be accomplished in some orderly manner.- There was general discussion. Mr. Whaley said that he would like to see concurrence with regard to the method, form and who will be involved in the review procedure. COUNCILMAN CLEMENT THEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST THAT MR. WHALEY AND COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST REPORT BACK TO THE COUNCIL ON PERFORMANCE REVIEW PROCEDURE BY MAY 13TH. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. There being no further business to come before council, the meeting adjuourned at 11:05 P.M. e IRENE VARNEY MORA , City Clerk H. H. HARRISON, Mayor MARCH 11, 1975 ROLL CALL The regular work meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order by Mayor Harve Harrison at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers at the Edmonds Civic Center, with all,council members present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of February 25th ittad been posted, mailed and distributed and with no omissions, nor corrections, were approved as written. SHIELD CLUB Mayor Harrison welcomed twelve members of the Edmonds Junior High School Shield Club to the meeting. Mike Cantu, acting as spokesman for the group, stated that they were present to observe government in action. Kenneth Estes, Edmonds Senior Patrol Officer, is the group's advisor, and was also present. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION Councilman Anderson inquired about two sets of stakes that he had observed on 220th. He said that one set of stakes falls about six feet from some of the • houses. City Attorney, John Wallace, stated that the only actual fee title was acquired down by the intersection of 220th and Highway 99, and everything else is probably slope stakes for slope easements. Councilman Anderson asked if the Recreation Supervisor vacancy will be filled. Mayor Harrison explained that the position will be filled under the CETA program. There was a brief discussion as to whether CETA funds could be used for a position that has been budgeted. Councilwoman Shippen asked if the Mayor has appointed an Affirmative Action Committee yet. Mayor Harrison said that it was his understanding that this would be a review committee, and would be appointed when authority has been given to do so.. Councilman Gellert asked who was on the committee to withdraw.from Social Security. He said that he would like to see a broad representation from the city on this committee. Officer Estes said that a committee has been formed, and would have its first meeting on Thursday morning. He will provide the names of the members for the council. Councilman Gellert asked about two items on the January 31 Warrant Register. Chief Cooper explained that one of the amounts was for the remodeling of the Mayor's Office, which was budgeted last year. The other item was a card sorter• for the computer system. Mr. Whaley stated that it saves the city approximately $150.00 per month. Mayor Harrison read a letter frm Verna Shaw stating that she had attended several Council Meetings lately, and the smoke was very thick in the room and quite unpleasant. She suggested that either a recess be called for persons who wish to smoke, or to limit smoking to the lobb�r only. She also suggested lower water rates. • • 2.4.7 Councilman Anderson said that he would like to have persons who will be paying an increased water rate, notified prior to the time they will be billed for the additional $3.00 per month. REPORT FROM CITY ENGINEER - 88TH TO 12TH The City Engineer was unavailable as he was attending a meeting in Everett this evening. There was discussion that all three sections would be reported upon MOTION: on the evening that the last section is scheduled for discussion. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST AND SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CLEMENT THAT THIS ITEM BE POSTPONED TO THE '13TH OF MAY. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. REPORT ON TREES - 8TH NORTH OF ELM Rod Garretson, Director of Parks and Recreation, stated that he had a report in hand from the City Engineer regarding this matter. Mr. Garretson said that he and Mr. Larson had inspected the property in question. A petition was received last week signed by thirty property owners, requesting that the alder trees.M1 be eliminated. The large grove close to Main Street is the biggest visual obstacle. Mr. Larson had recommended in his report that all the trees be removed, alder being an undesirable tree. Mr. Garretson said that he concurred to a point, as the original neighbors that came before council asking that this city land be retained, wanted it left natural. -Jeff Blossey, representing the persons who had signed the petition, said that they are all willing to contribute labor or money for landscaping this area after the trees are removed. Mr. Garretson said that in view of this generous offer, he would like to meet.,.with both groups of neighbors and utilize the volunteer effort and to get permission to top some o.f the trees. Councilman Gellert noted that he had received a call at his home • from Mrs. King, who asked that nothing be done. Councilman Nordquist had noted earlier that he had driven by this area, and observed that it has been used for dumping. Councilman Welling suggested that the neighbors get together and agree not to dump and that if others are doing it, then to get the license numbers of the cars. Mr. Blossey said he is sure that none of the residents is dumping as they are all quite concerned about it. Mr. S. A. McLaughlin, 1137 - 7th Avenue So., was present representing the other group of residents. He stated that they first came to the council more than a year ago. He read excerpts from minutes regarding this matter, and indicated that they are still interested in having this area remain in its natural state, not only for privacy, but for the preservation of wildlife. REPORT RE/MEETING ON STREET TREE STANDARDS M.A.A. Ron Whaley reported that the CDC group met Monday with Councilwoman Shippen and three representatives of the Beautification Committee to discuss what the Street Tree Standard document was and how it can be refined. All parties concurred that more work was needed on the document, and was not in condition to be submitted to the Amenities Design Board for review. The groapp recommended three steps, the first step being that a resolution be prepared which would be submitted to the Planning Commission on April 9th_for their action. If they pass on it, then it would come to the Council on April 15th for adoption. Mr. Whaley said that it will not go to the Amenities Design Board as was scheduled. Mr. Whaley read through the report he had presented to the Mayor and Council. Councilman Gellert said that one of the design considerations should be the impact on terratorial views both immediate and distant. Mr. Whaley proceeded with the steps to be followed in this regard. He said that a committee consisting of staff members, members of the Beautification Committee and Mr. Garretson chairing, will refine the standards and get down to a product that looks usable; then they will take that and a draft of an implementing ordinance to the Amenities Design • Board for their review; and then it will come to the Council for adoption. Councilman Gellert thought the Beautification Committee as a whole should be involved. Mayor Harrison indicated that this will be done. City Planner, Joe Wallis, stated that streets account for 25% of the area of the community; and he felt the statement should be included that the City of Edmonds recognizes the value of this large allocation of space, and endeavors to treat it in such a way that it will contribute to the overall character of Edmonds; and that the eity will undertake a program of street landscaping indicating priorities and standards in the further implementing document. Councilman Welling asked if there was any way the city could get the abutting property owners to nurture the trees and plantings near his property. The City Planner said that he has had recent indication that citizens would be responsive to the idea of participating with the city perhaps in the selection and maintenance of plantings. Following MOTION: further discussion, COUNCILMAN WELLING MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CLEMENT TO CHANGE ITEM 42 TO SAY, "PROTECTION OF LIFE AND PROPERTY IN THE INSTALLATION OF STREET LANDSCAPING WILL BE A CONSIDERATION". MOTION CARRIED. MOTION: COUNCILMAN CLEMENT MADE A MOTION SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT THAT "AND IDEAS OF THE AFFECTED COMMUNITY" BE ADDED IN PART 42. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION: COUNCILMAN GELLERT MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CLEMENT THAT IMPACT ON TERRITORIAL VIEWS, IMMEDIATE AND DISTANT ALSO BE ADDED IN #2. MOTIONCARRIED. Mr. Wallis showed council on a map, the various streets and their designations with regard to high speed thoroughfares, arterial thoroughfares and pedestrian MOTION: streets. COUNCILMAN ANDERSON THEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST TO APPROVE THE FORMAT TO BE PUT IN THE FORM OF A RESOLUTION FOR PRESENTATION TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION. MOTION CARRIED. • PARKING STUDY WITH PARKING ADVISORY COMMITTEE MOTION: MOTION: City Planner, Joe Wallis, introduced this subject, and stated that the council had already received the figures for the development of the 2nd and James property as a parking lot. Dave Larson, speaking for the Parking Study Committee, said that they had met and discussed the matter, and would like to have some input from the council with respect to policy regarding the downtown business district. He said that develgment downtown could be expected to go tb-?the maximum allowable area; and that this development could substantially change the character of the downtown area. One suggestion the Committee had was for business people to encourage their employees to park in the bank parking lots on the weekend. A slide was projected on the screen which indicated the boundaries in the downtown area, for the purposes of determining parking requirements. Mr. Larson pointed to the parcel north of Bell Street, and suggested that this be deleted; and that this portion be reviewed by the Planning Commission to see if it should be zoned RMH, rather than BC. He also, suggested excluding the Crow Hardware and Safeway properties, as there is no deficiency in those areas. Mr. Larson then fixed the south boundary at Edmonds Hardware. In doing this, Mr. Larson said you now have a homogenous retail service business area, and can come up with a parking plan that would serve everyone equally. He said that in looking at the parking available on a block -by -block basis, the existing parking is not evenly distributed. It' was suggested that small interior, or mid -block, parking lots of about 60' by 120' could be used; and to encourage pedestrian use of alleyways also. Another suggestion was --to amend the zoning code to require 25' rear yards to businesses to allow parking there. The suggestion was made that the study by the University of Washington students be reviewed with respect to parking ideas. Mr. Larson said that he would hope that blacktopping the Edmonds downtown area would be discouraged, and that any solution might involve "parking parks", with such • amenities as restrooms and bike racks, etc. Mr. Larson said that once a policy decision has been'made by the council as to their willingness to committ public funds for a portion of the parking, etc - he would go to the major property owners and get their commitment, and possibly have them project their needs in the next few years. There was general discussion, including methods of financing. COUNCILMAN ANDERSON MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN BRUNS TO PLACE THE PARKING QUESTION ON THE AGENDA FOR APRIL 22ND; AND ASK FOR A REPORT FROM THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY, WITH THE ADVICE OF THE ATTORNEY, ON POSSIBLE WAYS TO PARTICIPATE FINANCIALLY; AND THAT WE ASK FOR A REPORT FROM THE PLANNER AS TO THE NUMBER OF POSSIBLE INTERIOR LOTS AVAILABLE, AND ADDITIONAL INPUT.FROM THE CITIZEN COMMITTEE ON WHATEVER THEY DEEM APPROPRIATE. FOLLOWING DISCUSSION, THE MOTION CARRIED. Councilwoman Shippen asked if we are ever going to consider a reduction on our parking requirements in the city. Mr. Larson said that they have not addressed themselves to it, but certainly they should. However, he felt that was a deparate consideration. DISCUSSION ON SOCIAL REHABILITATION CENTER The City Planner said that at the last meeting they had included in their presentation on Social Service Facilities, an impact statement, etc. It was pointed out at thht time that this might include professionals, such as doctors, etc,; and it was not Council's wish to include these. Mr. Wallis said they are at the point now of determining those professionals that would be excluded from the requirements of the Social Impact Statement. He noted that this is on"the agenda for the Planning Commission on the 26th of March. COUNCILMAN ANDERSON MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN BRUNS TO SET APRIL 8TH FOR NEXT DISCUSSION OF SOCIAL REHABILITATION CENTERS. MOTION CARRIED. PROPOSED ADJUSTMENTS TO THE 1975 BUDGET M.A.A. Ron Whaley passed out some written material with regard to the budget, and asked that the councilmembers review this with the idea of discussing it at the next meeting. He said council action will be required, if they concur. There being no further business to come before council, the meeting adjourned at 11:10 P.M. IRENE VARNEY MOR , ity Clerk H. H. HARRISON, Mayor March 18, 1975 ROLL CALL The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called.to order by Mayor Harve Harrison at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Edmonds Civic Center with all council members present, eccept Clement and Gellert. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of March llth had been posted, mailed and distributed, and with no Emissions, nor corrections, were approved as written. • •