19750401 City Council Minutes• April 1, 1975 ROLL CALL The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order by Mayor Harve Harrison at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers at the Edmonds Civic Center, with all council members present, except Nordquist, who had notified the City Clerk that he would be absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of March 25th had been posted, mailed and distributed, and with no omissions, nor corrections, were approved as written. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION Councilman Gellert acknowledged the receipt of election results regarding the withdrawal from Social Security, and letters from several employees. He said he would recommend holding a public hearing, hopefully after the Legislature has finished with their session so that we know what is happending with regard MOTIQ\T: to pension plans. COUNCILMAN GELLERT MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON TO SET A HEARING FOR MAY 27TH WITH REGARD TO ACTION OF THE CITY EMPLOYEES TO WITHDRAW FROM SOCIAL SECURITY; THAT WE SEND WRITTEN INVITATIONS TO ATTEND THAT MEETING TO PERSONS ON THE COMMITTEE; THAT WE ALSO INVITE MR. OBSORN, THE C.A.S.I. DEPUTY ADMINISTRATOR OF THE STATE EMPLOYMENT SECURITY DEPARTMENT, AND MR. HELSPER OF THE OFFICE OF THE REGIONAL DIRECTOR OF THE SOCIAL SECURITY IN SEATTLE. MOTION CARRIED.. Councilwoman Bruns noted that she will be gone for about three weeks during that period. •. Mayor Harrison made the following appointments to the Arts Commission: Joan Swift, 18520 Soundview Place, a professional peet; Wade James, with the Driftwood Players; Al Kincaid, the Arts Festival; Wanda Peterson, Historical Society and Arts Festival; Dick Floyd, Sound Expression Theatre; Robert Anderson,'Cascade Symphony and Ed Aliverti, with the School District music program. Mayor Harrison then announced that Peter Preston has been selected as Judge Protem. Mr. Preston and his wife have a law firm together and is an Edmonds resident. The City Attorney advised that the appointment will require confirmation by the Council. It was suggested that Mr. Preston be invited to come at 7:15 P.M., so that the Council members can meet him. MOTION: With regard to the Arts Commission appointments, COUNCILMAN WELLING MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN SHIPPEN TO WAIVE THE RULE THAT THE APPLICANTS BE INTERVIEWED. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION: COUNCILMAN ANDERSON THEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN SHIPPEN TO CONFIRM THE LIST OF APPOINTMENTS TO THE ARTS COMMISSION SUBMITTED BY THE MAYOR. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Harrison appointed Councilman Clement to serve for the City on SnoMet. He said that recently Bill Nims served but he is not a resident of the City; and MOTION: the Mayor thought it better than an elected official serves. COUNCILMAN GELLERT MOVED, SECONED BY COUNCILWOMAN SHIFP EN TO CONFIRM THE APPOINTMENT OF PHIL CLEMENT TO SERVE ON SNOMET. MOTION CARRIED. The Mayor remarked that we have a volunteer who would like to serve on the City Parking Study Committee. Eric Erickson was the head of a Parking Committee ten • years.ago, so the Mayor appointed him to serve on the present committee. Mayor Harrison noted that we have an application for a liquor license for the Westgate Pub, which is proposed to be located at 863 Edmonds Way. A report from the Chief of Police indicates approval of the applicants. City Planner, Joe Wallis, has reported BN zoning at the listed address; and thht BN zoning does not permit a tavern to be operated in that zone. It was also noted that parking is marginal on the site, and he recommends disapproval on the location. Mr. Wallis -said that they have a letter from the applicant's attorney requesting that the Planning Commission hear a proposed amendment to the Zoning Code to allow this as, a permitted use under a Conditional Use Permit. Councilman Welling noted that the traffic signal has been installed at 76th Avenue West and 212th, and commented that he hoped that this might reduce the accident. rate in that area. Mayor Harrison said that he had a communication from M.A.A. Ron Whaley to place the following items on the council agenda for next week. Grant Application for Restoration Work on Carnegie Library Building; Fair Housing Ordinance Amendment MOTION: and Assignment of Fair Housing Commission Members. COUNCILMAN GELLERT MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON TO PLACE THE ABOVE ITEMS ON THE WORK MEETING AGENDA FOR APRIL 8TH. MOTION CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Mayor Harrison acknowledged receipt of several letters from city employees with regard to withdrawal from the Social Security System. There was no discussion, as all council members had received copies of same. r1 LJ LJ SOCIAL REHABILITATION CENTER DISCUSSION. 255 City Planner, Joe Wallis, briefed the Council on past action in*this matter, He said there had been a problem with respect to interpretation of what types of businesses would be rendering social rehabilitiation services. There was also concern regarding the appeal procedure for the adjoining neighbors in case an adverse impact occurs in the neighborhood.. Mr. Wallis said that he would like to discuss this with the City Attorney and the Planning Commission, prior to the. time it comes back to the Council. He therefore, asked that this matter be deferred to a future meeting. Councilman Gellert made a motion to postpone this matter until it is referred back to the Council by the Planning Commission. Jodi O'Brien asked that a specific date be set. She said that under Referendum 29 there are lots of funds being made available to various social service agencies for our region. COUNCILMAN GELLERT THEN RE -STATED HIS MOTION THAT THIS MATTER BE POSTPONED TO THE MAY 6TH COUNCIL MEETING. 'COUNCILMAN ANDERSON SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED. Mrs. O'Brien requested that interested parties be advised when these meetings will take place. Councilman Clement requested that the council members be provided with copies of Referendum 29. PRELIMINARY HEARING: SHELL VALLEY PRD City Planner, Joe Wallis, stated that since there is a substantial amount of information and development involved with a Planned Residential Development, he has encouraged the applicants to present the plan for preliminary review by the Planning Commission, Amenties Design Board and City Council. The first formal hearing will be before the Planning Commission on April 9th. It has been posted and advertised. Mr. Wallis then gave a brief presentation of the location, and showed slides of the Comprehensive Plan and the streets in the vicinity. • Wade James stated -that he has retained as the architect by the Puget Sound Service Corporation to do the land planning on the project. Mr. James referred to a drawing posted on the bulletin board of the project plan. He said that they have determined that this development can be served off Bowdoin Way without the proposed Shell Valley Road. He pointed out that the road will come down into the Valley at no more than 18 - 20% grade. The bulk of the dwelling units will be single family and that there are 43 dwelling units planned. Mr. James said they feel that property can be developed within good engineering practice without making use of the proposed Shell Valley Road. I-t is their suggestion that this part of the Valley could be left as an easement, perhaps for trails. Councilman Gellert asked if they have considered stating directly on the PRD Plan that access will be provided from Pine Ridge Park to Yost Park. Mr. James said that in their planning they have provided for that space, and that they were hoping.:; that the .Planning Commission would come to the conclusion that it would be desirable to provide an easement for a trail rather than a road. Councilwoman Shippen asked how much open space will be provided. Mr. James said that it would be somewhere in the neighborhood of 25%. Mr. James distributed maps of the project and a brief discussion followed. AUTHORIZATION FOR PURCHASE OF 1975 VEHICLES 9 MOTION: I MOTION: M.A.A.-Ron Whaley requested a bid date for the purchase of Police Department vehicles, and referred the Council to the sheets they had received which stated that the funds would come from the Equipment Rental "B" Fund, plus money that has been received from insurance settlements on two of the cars, and sale of the third. The vehicles to be purchased are a 3/4 ton patrol van; one intermediate sized 4-door Police patrol vehicle and a 3/4 ton pickup cab and chassis. The last vehicle is to be used by the Animal Control Officer, and the present vehicle is to be sold, and it is requested that permission be given to sell this by bid. Mr. Whaley adked for April 18th as the bid date. COUNCILMAN GELLERT MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CLEMENT TO SET APRIL 18TH AS THE BID DATE FOR THE PURCHASE OF THESE VEHICLES. MOTION CARRIED. There was a brief discussion regarding funding of the purchases and the recoveries from insurance, and use of the intermediate size car. MAYOR HARRISON NOTED THAT WE HAD A DISTINGUISHED GUEST FROM THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. HE INTRODUCED HIS FATHER, TOM HARRISON. BUDGET CHANGES FOR 1975 M.A.A. Ron Whaley presented a Budget Summary to the Mayor -and Council which contained the latest revisions.from last week. Mr. Whaley explained that this is a full summary balance sheet which would be the attachment to the ordinance amending the ordinance adopting the 1975 Budget. Mr. Whaley then reviewed these figures with the Council. There was a brief discussion on the 228th UAB Project. Councilman,"'Gell,ert adked the City Attorney -.to report back to the Council next week.with regard to our options with respect to that project. COUNCILMAN GELLERT MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON TO.INSTRUCT THE CITY ATTORNEY TO DRAW AN ORDINANCE REFLECTING THE BUDGET REVISIONS PRESENTED ON APRIL 1, 1975. MOTION CARRIED. PRESENTATION OF PETITION RE/WATER CHARGES Mayor Harrison noted that the City has received a petition from developers, building 0 2-56 contractors and real estate representatives objecting to the $200.00 connection • charge; and a letter from Arne Goedecke, also objecting. Mayor Harrison suggested that a hearing date be set for the matter. A gentleman in the audience asked for clarification as to what the charge is for. It was determined that it is MOTION: technically a late comer charge. COUNCILMAN ANDERSON MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL- MAN CLEMENT TO SCHEDULE A HEARING REGARDING THE $200 WATER CONNECTION CHARGE FOR THE 15TH OF APRIL. MOTION CARRIED. STATEWIDE MARINE FIRE PORTECTION (CHIEF COOPER) Fire Chief, Jack Cooper, noted that Council had received material relating to Marine Fire Protection in the mail for review, along with a Mutual Firefighting Assistance Agreement. Chief Cooper noted that in connection with this program, 56 people specially trained in marine firefighting were graduated from the training program.in Seattle last week. He pointed out that this is a "first" in the United States, and is especially geared to fighting fires on ocean- going. vessels. Thesr people will be based in Seattle, as that is the most central location.. Chief Cooper stated that helicopters would be available to transport the personnel to the scene of a fire. In reviewing the Agreement, Councilman Welling was concerned regarding the City's liabilities with respect to materials and equipment. The City Attorney also expressed concern and in addition thought the Agreement should be reviewed by the insurance carrier for the City to see what coverage we have, and if anything additional will be needed. MOTION: COUNCILMAN GELLERT MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN BRUNS TO PLACE THIS ITEM ON THE AGENDA FOR APRIL 15TH FOR ACTION. MOTION CARRIED. On proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M. IRENE VARNEY MORAN, CLERK .•H.'H. HARRISON,'MAYOR April 8, 1975 POT.T. rAT,T, The regular work meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Harve Harrison in the Council Chambers at the Edmonds Civic Center, with all council members present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of April 1, 1975 had been posted, mailed and distributed and with no omissions, nor corrections, were approved as written. APPOINTMENT OF JUDGE PROTEM Mayor Harrison introduced Peter Preston to the Council. Mr. Preston is an attorney residing in the Ballinger Area, and stated that he has been practicing law for eight years. He was then interviewed by the Council. Mr. George Anderson, who was in the audience, said that he was acquainted with Mr. Preston, and urged the Council to give favorable consideration to Mr. Preston's appointment. MOTION: COUNCILMAN WELLING THEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT TO CONFIRM THE APPOINTMENT OF PETER PRESTON AS JUDGE PROTEM FOR THE EDMONDS MUNICIPAL COURT. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION , Councilman Nordquist noted that a letter has been received from the Snohomish County Transit Board, which indicates that they want to increase the fare between Edmonds and Seattle from 80T to 90(r; eliminate two daily round trips during peak hours between Edmonds and Seattle and that similar increases have been recommended for the Seattle/Everett and Seattle/Mountlake Terrace runs, with service reductions. They estimated that the service will be self supporting until the end of the year, with these changes. The Transit Board would like the City Council to concur with these recommendations and notify Metro of that fact. There was discussion regarding the advisability of reducing service, and a suggestion by Councilwoman Shippen that perhaps an alternative would be -' a City subsidy. Councilman Nordquist siad that he would go back and find out what runs are being deleted and ascertain how much it would cost to subsidize it, and report back. Councilman Gellert mentioned that we had some money in a fund for public transportation. He asked M.A.A. Ron Whaley to find out if that money can be used for this purpose. Councilman Nordquist said that he had noted in this evening's paper that someone would like to have power boat races on Lake Ballinger, and that he thought this an inappropriate activity for the Lake. He would like to have a resolution to the Mountlake Terrace City Council and to the County Commissioners asking that MOTION: this be prohibited. COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT TO SEND A LETTER TO MOUNTLAKE TERRACE AND THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ASKING THAT THERE BE NO OUTBOARD MOTOR RACING ON LAKE BALLINGER. MOTION CARRIED. 0