19750513 City Council Minutes270 • MOTION: MOTION: MOTION: MOTION: . A. MOTION: COUNCILMAN ANDERSON ACCEPTANCE OF THE 68TH AVENUE W. DRAINAGE PROJECT AS COMPLETE, SUBJECT TO NOTIFICATION OF THE PROPERTY OWNERS, AND ESTABLISHING THE 30-DAY LIEN PERIOD. MOTION CARRIED. SET HEARING: PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 44709 REZONE FROM RS-20 TO RS-89 PROPERTY ON 15TH S.W. R-3-75 COUNCILMAN GELLERT MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN WELLING TO SET JUNE 3RD FOR THIS HEARING. MOTION CARRIED. SET HEARING: PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL - HERITAGE PARK, P-1-75 COUNCILMAN GELLERT MOVED, SCONDED BY COUNCILMAN WELLING TO HEAR THIS MATTER ON JUNE 3RD. MOTION CARRIED. SET HEARING: PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL - WATERVIEW MANOR. P-3-75 COUNCILMAN GELLERT MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON TO HEARING THIS MATTER ON THE 17TH OF JUNE. MOTION CARRIED. SECOND READING: PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO SEWER CODE TO ESTABLISH ADDITIONAL SEWER CONNECTION CHARGES. COUNCILMAN CLEMENT MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN %LLING TO PASS ORDINANCE #1772. MOTION CARRIED. SECOND READING: PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO'TRAFFIC CODE TO RESTRICT PARKING ON 212TH S.W. & 76TH W. IN CONNECTION WITH THE CHANNELIZATION • FOR THE NEW SIGNAL. COUNCILMAN ANDERSON MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT TO PASS ORDINANCE #1773. MOTION CARRIED. CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES Council acknowledged receipt of the Claims for Damages from Ronald Kanning. This was referred to the City Clerk for processing. There being no further business to come before council, the meeting adjourned at 11:30 P.M. IRENE VARNEY MORAN, ity Clerk May 13, 1975 ROLL CALL H. H. HARRISON, Mayor The regular work meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order by Mayor Harve Harrison at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers at the Edmonds Civic Center, with all council members present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of May 6th had been posted, mailed and distributed, • and with no omissions, nor corrections, were approved as written. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION CouncilwomanCouncilwoman Shippen asked that the Street Trees Standards and Policies Document be put on June loth agenda. She also asked for an executive session this evening, if the meeting did not go beyond 10:30 (regarding property acquisition). Councilman Anderson complimented the Engineering and Planning Departments for their presentation last week on the 5th Avenue project. Councilman Gellert said that he and some others had a meeting with one of the Highway Commissioners in preparation for the meeting to be held in Lynnwood with the State Highway Commission. One of the items brought up was the prospect of more ferry traffic when the Trident Submarine Base goes in. Mr. Gellert said that he had talked to former councilman, Orland Christensen, who had once made a plan for re -locating the ferry dock. He did not have those plans, but made up a new one, which was posted on the board. The plan proposed to tunnel under the Woodway Park area and bring the ferry terminal right over the tide flat area. Included in this project could be further boat launching, a small boat harbor, Coast Guard vessels, oil skimmer, possibly a commuter hydrofoil fishing pier and parking. The desirable effect would be to get the ferry terminal away from the downtown area, as we will have a serious parking problem in the future. It would also help the Port boat launching difficulties. The Mayor pointed out that there is a safety advantage in the proposed plan, in that it spans the railroad tracks. Mrs. Shippen said that she does not feel that the long-range goal should be for more parking lots in Edmonds. The City Engineer 11 • 271 1 1 1 • 1 u 0 stated that.the proposed area .is subject.to unstable conditions. Wes Bogart, with the State Highway Department, was in the audience and commented that this kind of planning would involve something in the neighborhood of 15-20 million dollars. Councilman Gellert said that it might be worthwhile discussing this with the Mayor of Woodway before anything is done. .Councilman Anderson also suggested that we let the Highway Commission know that we are interested in long-range planning. Mr. Bogart said that this item is on the agenda for the Highway Commission meeting in Lynnwood.. Mayor Harrison asked how many council members would be attending the dinner with the Telephone Company next Monday night. Four people indicated they would be there. Mayor Harrison stated that he had a request from the developers of the Waterview Manor Plat to move it ahead on the agenda. It had been set for the 17th of June. Councilman Gellert asked about the scheduling bf plats, and said that the items coming from the Planning Commission should be placed on a council agenda as soon as possible to set hearing dates.' It was decided to open up the May 27th MOTION. agenda, as some of the future agendas are quite full. COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST THEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN.GELLERT TO OPEN UP THE MAY 27TH AGENDA AND HEAR THE WATERVIEW MANOR PLAT ON THAT DATE. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Gellert asked that this item -be heard before the Social Security discussion scheduled for that evening. Councilwoman Shippen mentioned a request for matching funds for the re -location of the log cabin located on the Handley property. Mr. Garretson, the Director of Parks and Recreation, said that if the Council is interested there should MOTION: be a discussion on it. COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN SHIPPEN TO DISCUSS THE DISPOSITION OF THE HANDLEY LOG CABIN AT THE MAY 27TH COUNCIL MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON TO INSTRUCT THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE A RESOLUTION PRIOR TO THIS MEETING, IN CASE THE COUNCIL SHOULD TAKE ACTION. MOTION CARRIED. The council members decided to look at the log cabin at 4:00 P.M. this coming Sunday. They will meet at that location. REPORT FROM STAFF ON SR 524 = ALL SECTIONS- Ron Whaley gave a brief description of the meetings held prior to and during the formulation of this plan. At this point, the City Engineer introduced Ron Hughes, who has recently been hired, and is a graduate engineer from the University of Washington. Mr. Larson handed out copies of the results of the community hearings that were held on 196th. City Planner, Joe Wallis, showed slides of the various phases of the project ie., Main to 12th, 12th to 88th and 88th to 81st; and stated that three successive meetings were held with citizens at these locations. He then showed slides containing; views of the whole route in question. It was pointed out that the residents seemed to be evenly split, whereby some thought nothing should be done and just leave two lanes and some that felt there should be two uphill lanes and one downhill lane, with sidewalks on the south side. City Engineer, Leif Larson, said that it had been decided at the CDC meetings,. that 3rd Avenue from Main to Caspers would be left as is, so the design concepts have been restricted to the area between 3rd.and Casper to 81st. Mr. Larson then introduced Wes Bogart with the Highway Department, who in turn introduced members of his staff, Roy Magnuson, Vic Wilson and Jim Dunn. Mr. Larson then turned the meeting over the Assistant City Engineer, Dick Allen, who reviewed the design concept and the estimates. The Council received handouts for their review during the presentation. Mr. Allen said that basically it is a two moving land situation, with a two-way left turn land down the middle. Starting at the upper end of the project, which is presently underway, it is 44' curb to curb to 81st. Beyond that point it is 40' curb':.:to curb to the intersection of 88th, and in that is a sidewalk on both sides of the street. Mr. Larson said that the reason for the width on the upper end, is that there is a greatest number of vehicles traveling on.it and a greater number of turning movements to driveways and streets. He did say that there are no parking provisions on this street. The 88th intersection is a problem because of the grade differential, so they offer two proposals. One is to retain the intersection and adjust the grade slightly, providing a turning lane in the middle so there would be better channelization. Antoher proposal is deadending 88th with a culdesac, so $hat there would be no cross -traffic and conflicts at that point. Going on down they prposed a two lane pavement with a walkway, and that will be 26 feet. From about 12th and on down, there is an area where there are many turning movements, so there is a two-way left turn lane and two moving lanes. In the section in .the vicinity of Olympic Avenue, there is a narrow right-of-way situation and intense development up to the right-of-way line, softhere is sidewalk on the south .-,side. only, with 36' curb to curb. When you continue down to 3rd Avenue, there is 36' of pavement curb to curb, with sidewalk onlmth sides. City Engineer Larson indicated that. the Bicycle Pathway System never showed a bike path on 196th, and said that a decision would have to. be made as'to whether this pathway should be restricted to pedestrian use or other; Mr. Larson said, that in connection with anything that is to be done in the future, it is required to have wheelchair ramps. Mr. Allen said that bus turnouts are to be provided at.80.th, approximately 86th, one just west of Olympic. View Drive on the south side of the road and one in the turning islands at 9th & Puget. Mr. Allen said that Concept II would include a signal a.t 88th W; a third lane and sidewalks on both sides. An estimate sheet was presented to the Council indicating the cost for basic Concept I and II, and estimates for the landscaping, bus turnouts, bus shelters and totals on all. Landscaping treatments for the various sections were shown posted on the back wall of the Chamber. Councilwoman Shippen commented that she would rather put the money for landscaping into undergrounding, as this road goes through residential areas, which are for the most part landscaped by the residents. There was some discussion on design standards. Mr. Bogart stated that as far as State Highways are concerned, their design standards relate primarily to rural design standards, they are somewhat flexible as relates to proper traffic engineering taking into consideration the purpose of the street, what the traffic volume is, etc. They have a great deal of flexibility when it comes to urban design. Mr. Bogart brought everyone up-to-date on how we have arrived at this point, being that the Highway Department would budget for the extension of this road over the top of the hill, if the City would do the design work. Subsequently, the City decided to take a look at the project all the way down to Main, even though the Highway Department had indicated that they did not have money to fund it. He complimented the staff on an excellent job. He said.that what should be done now is to submit it to the Department of Highways so they can take a look at it, as it relates to what is in their program and what they can fund. They will respond as to what their constraints are as far as funding is concerned. Mr. Bogart asked that our rationale for the selection of some of the street widths be included in the presentation to the Highway Department. There was general discussion on cost of streets, taking trucks off 196th and design standards, and an environmental impact statement. Mr. Dunn said that since we are not actually increasing the right-of-way, the mquirements might be satisfied with a negative declaration of environmental impact. Mr. Bogart was asked if the Highway Department would only review the portion from 81st to 88th, or would they be willing to review all the way down to 3rd and Main. Mr. Bogart said that looking into the future, it would be better to run the • analysis right down to the end, recognizing the limit of their funding. He said that the City has enough documentation right now, but that they would still like to have the rationale for the decision making process. Engineer Larson asked if what the Council desired was to restrict the traffic that uses this street to the capacity it was designed for. The answer was in the affirmative. Councilman Anderson said that he would like to include three additional points in the rationale; one is that the traffic counts drop substantially from those in Lynnwood as you come west, and secondly, the zoning in Lynnwood is all business and multiple; and thirdly, the impact upon the environment coming down the "gulch" MOTION: is very different from anything in Lynnwood. COUNCILMAN ANDERSON THEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN SHIPPEN, THAT THE PRELIMINARY DESIGN CONCEPT I, WITH SUPPORTING ENGINEERING DATA, PUBLIC INPUT AND RATIONALE WE USED AND THE CONCLUSIONS, BE PRESENTED TO THE STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION AND STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENTIFOR THEIR CONSIDERATION. Councilman Nordquist said that he will vote against, as the Council has talked to the City for -years to at least consider putting in three lanes and he thinks there is a fafety feature that should be considered. THE MOTION CARRIED FOLLOWING A ROLL CALL VOTE, WHICH RESULTED IN "NO" VOTES FROM WELLING, GELLERT AND NORDQUIST; AND THE REMAINING MEMBERS VOTING IN FAVOR. The Mayor thanked the members of the Highway Department for their attendance. City Engineer, Leif Larson, also introduced his secretary, Rhonda French, who had helped him with the volumes of paperwork necessary to present this report. M.A.A. Ron Whaley introduced Doug Margeson from the Edmonds Tribune -Review and the Enterprise. He will now be reporting on the Council meetings, as Marie Botnen has done in the past. REPORT ON BIDS FOR ASPHALT & CONCRETE FOR STORM SEWERS.. , Herb Gilbo, Director of Public Works, reported that on May 2, 1975, the City Clerk opened bids for asphalt in place and concrete storm sewer material for the 1975 street improvement program. Four bids were received: Washington Asphalt, Joblin Paving, Associated Sand & Gravel and Knowles Construction. He reviewed the bids which had been received on the asphalt. There was one bid received on concrete storm sewer material from Associated Sand & Gravel. He requested authorization to accept the low bids of Knowles Construction Co. for 1975 asphalt in place, and also the low unit bid for concrete storm MOTION: sewer material. COUNCILMAN GELLERT MOVED SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN UDERSON TO ACCEPT THE LOW UNIT BID FROM KNOWLES CONSTRUCTION FOR 1975 PURCHASES FOR ASPHALT IN -PLACE; AND BID FROM ASSOCIATED SAND AND GRAVEL FOR 1975 CONCRETE STORM SEWER MATERIAL. MOTION CARRIED. RECONSIDERATION OF 1975 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AND NEXT YEAR WITH RESPECT TO BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN PATHWAYS W/INPUT FROM ENGINEER REGARDING COSTS, SCHEDULING, STORM SEWERS, ETC. The City Engineer handed out the 1975 budget narrative -for the Street Arterial Fund; the Six-Year,Construction Program and portions of the Capital Improvement Program, 1974-1978, applicable to streets, bicycle and pathway programs. For clarification, Mrs. Shippen said that her concern was that when arterials are improved, sidewalks should be included, along with storm drainage. She said that Talbot Road, in particular, was not scheduled for sidewalks or storm drainage. Mr. Larson stated that in connection with the 1/21, gas tax money, it is limited as to what it can be used for - it cannot be used for sidewalks. He also pointed out that we have to maintain the roads we have and this should be a consideration. Mr. Bill Herold, who is a resident of Talbot Park, stated .that he had taken a survey in that area, which indicated that the people would rather wait until a later time and have sidewalks put in at the same time that MOTION: the road in improved. There was general discussion on the subject. A MOTION • WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT AND SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN SHIPPEN THAT WE • 273 WITHHOLD IMPROVEMENT ON TALBOT ROAD UNTIL NEXT YEAR, SO THAT SIDEWALKS CAN BE A PART OF THE PROJECT. MOTION CARRIED. AUTHORIZATION TO HIRE PROFESSIONAL LABOR NEGOTIATOR A written report from M.A.A. Ron Whaley was presented to council, along with a proposal from Cabot Dow Associates, specialists in labor negotiations. Mr..Whaley said that we are once again starting on union contract negotiations for constracts becoming effective January 1, 1976. At the present time the City has three bargaining units, the International Association of Firefighters, Police Department and Public Works. Mr. Whaley reviewed his report. Mr. Cabot Dow and his partner, Hank Curran were introduced. In answer to a question from the Council, Mr..Dow replied that once a particular negotiator becomes involved in discussions, the same -person will carry the negotiations through to a con - MOTION: clusion. COUNCILMAN GELLERT MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY TO HIRE A LABOR NEGOTIATOR. Mr. Gellert pointed out that his motion does not endorse any particular firm. The Mayor said that he will .do the hiring when the time comes. THE MOTION WAS THEN VOTED UPON AND CARRIED. REPORT ON PERFORMANCE.REVIEW PROCEDURE Councilman Nordquist said that because of the lateness of the hour, this matter should not be gone into at length. He said that the Council members would be receiving a report on questionnaires which had been sent out to 17 cities. He asked that these be reviewed, and.then discussions can be held at a later date. REVIEW OF SENIOR CENTER PLANS, INCLUDING LANDSCAPING PLANS ' • Council reviewed these plans with the help of the architect, Mr. Nelson. There was some discussion putting an elevator into the first phase. There was discussion on this, and the financial aspects. Mrs. Shippen suggested that the Building Committee be invited to a council meeting to discuss this. The City Engineer said that he had received a call the other day inquiring about the Senior Center, and he said there is a possibility of getting the additional financing by the lst of August. This matter was then placed back on the agenda for the loth of June. Mr. Larson said that these funds would be'to provide emergency employment. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:15 P.M. Irene Varney Moran ity Clerk H. H. Harrison, Mayor May 20, 1975 ROLL.CALL The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was. called to order by Mayor Harve Harrison at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers at the Edmonds Civic Center, with all council members present, except Councilwoman Bruns. APPROVAL OF MINUTES • The minutes of the meeting of May 13th had been posted, mailed and distributed, and with no omissions, nor corrections, were approved as written. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION Councilwoman Shippen stated that she would like a copy of our resolution accepting the design standard on SR524 be sent to Michael Garland, of the Puget Sound Governmental Conference Transportation Committee. MOTION: COUNCILWOMAN SHIPPEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT TO SET FOR HEARING ON JUNE 17TH AN AMENDMENT TO FRANCHISE ORDINANCE #492, REQUIRING THAT WHEN UNDERGROUNDING�'IS BEING DONE ON A CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY, THE TELEPHONE COMPANY SHALL BEAR THE COST OF UNDERGROUNDING ITS FACILITIES, AND THAT THE TELEPHONE COMPANY SHALL DEVELOP A PLAN TO PHASE OUT ITS OVERHEAD FACILITIES WHICH IS CONSISTBINT WITH THE CITY'S UNDERGROUNDING PRIORITIES AND WHICH CAN BE ACHIEVED IN A REASONABLE LENGTH OF TIME. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MOTION: COUNCILWOMAN SHIPPEN THEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT TO AMEND THE STREET DESIGN STANDARDS TO STATE THAT WHERE SIDEWALKS ARE TO BE INSTALLED OR REPLACED, AND WHERE UNDERGROUNDING IS NOT REQUIRED,' UTILITY POLES SHALL BE MOVED TO THE OUTSIDE EDGE OF THE SIDEWALK; AND TO INSTRUCT THE ATTORNEY TO PREPARE AN ORDINANCE TO ACCOMPLISH THIS. Following a discussion withl'the Engineer, the MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Anderson said that when Ord. 1683 was passed establishing the Amenities Design Board, certain powers and duties were enumerated, and he is not sure if they have ever been completely carried out. One of these was to prepare a recommendation for Comprehensive Amenities Design Plan, including establishment of design districts. Councilman Anderson stated that -perhaps it was in order to indicate to that Board the Council's wish that they proceed . in this matter. "The City Planner said the Amenities Board has scheduled a work meeting during the month, and has been discussing some of these things.