19750617 City Council Minutes288 • Building Official, Harry Whitcutt, reported that this ordinance is for the purpose of adopting the 1975 National Electrical Code and repealing two sections of the Edmonds Building and Pluinbing Code. Wewould be deleting a portion regarding guardrails, and a portion which permitted plastic plumbing in buildings over two stories in height. Councilman Welling asked Mr. Whitcutt to bring something next week that would justify the required use of GFCI in the City of Edmonds and why we have to abandon the plastic plumbing over two stories. Mr. Whitcutt said that the matter regarding thermal insulation has been refered to the Code Committee for their study and they will give resolution to the Council. SET DATE FOR HEARING: PRELIMINARY APPROVAL SHELL PARK PRD MOTION: COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON TO SET THIS ITEM ON THE AGENDA FOR JUNE:.I7TH. MOTION CARRIED. SET DATE FOR HEARING: ON PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #473 - DENIAL OF PROPOSED"AMENDMENT TO ALLOW TAVERNS IN BN ZONE. MOTION: COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON TOSET THIS ITEM FOR ACTION ON THE JUNE24TH AGENDA:.MOTION CARRIED. SET DATE FOR HEARING: VIEW RIDGE 46 MOTION: COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON TO PLACE THIS ON THE AGENDA FOR JUNE 24TH. MOTION CARR�ED. Councilman Gellert said that he would like to have a map of the View Ridge Plat for the meeting, and also the Planning Commission Minutes which refer to this item. PARKING QUESTION Dave Larson, reported what has taken place up to this point. He said that Wade James had made a survey to come up with.the average parking spaces required for off-street parking. They determined that this would come to one parking space for every 500 to 600 feet. Mr. Larson asked the Council to instruct the staff to set.this matter for hearing before the Planning Commission. He said that the Parking Committee would plan on making a presentation and recommendations. It is their hope that refinements would ome out of these discussions. Councilman Gellert said that he would like to have input from the Planner. Mr. Larson pointed out that the Planner has been sitting in on these meetings. Mr. Larson said the Committee felt that if youhave large parking requirements, it is a self-deafeating thing::as you encourage more vehicular traffic. There was also discussion on phasing out the grandfather clause. Mr. James said another thing the Committee had discussed was to revise therear yard setbacks in the BC Zone," thereby automatically giving us parking space along the alley. They also talked about setting a policy that no curb crossings be allowed. COUNCILMAN GELLERT MOVED THAT WE REFER TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION SPECIFICALLY THE REQUIREMENTS TO SET HEARINGS REGARDING THE PARKING SITUATION TO INCLUDE, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PARKING DENSITY, REAR YARD REQUIREMENTS, THE PRESENT GRANDFATHER CLAUSE IN THE ZONING CODE, THE QUESTION OF CURB CROSSINGS AND. THE QUESTION OF EMPLOYEE PARKING; AND SAID HEARINGS SHOULD BEGIN WITH A PRESENTATION FROM THE AD HOC PARKING COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES 1 n U L Council acknowledged receipt of Claims for Damages from Phoenix and Gladys O'Toole; Robert Clare and Darla M. Carpenter. These were referred to the City Clerk • for processing. There being no further business to come before council, the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 PM. IRENE VARNEY MORAN City Clerk H. H. HARRISON, Mayor June 17, 1975 ROT.T. C AT.T. The regular meeting of -the Edmonds City Council was called to order by Mayor Harve Harrison at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers at the Edmonds Civic Center. All council members were present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the meeting of June loth had been posted, mailed and distributed, and with no omissions nor corrections, were approved as written. OPERATION CLOSEUP Mayor Harrison announced that some guests were present in the audience. There were two students from Edmonds High School, Miss LeAnn Gould and Miss Janna Cary, who were fortunate enough to attend Operation Closeup which is a week • 289 • long seminar in Washington, D.C. to learn about our Federal Government at close - hand. The students were accompanied this evening by Tammi Mathews, Social Studies Teacher and Bert Reese Oho is the Social Studies Coordinator for District 415. Miss Mathews and Bob VanNess from Woodway High School briefed the council on the program. Miss Mathews said that the purpose of the program is to stimulate an interest, and ultimately they hope to incorporate this at the local level by having class assignments on items being considered by our City Council. Slides were shown of various sights in the Capital and various dignataries. Mr. Reese said that he would like to anocurage the Council to offer suggestions, and perhaps they would like to establish a little steering group in which a council member or two and some students would like to explore ways in which the students could have more encounters with local government. Mayor Harrison thanked the group for its presentation. u MOTION: • 1 MOTION: MOTION: COUNCIL PARTICIPATION Councilman Gellert stated that the Capital Improvements Committee met last Thursday and realized the need for more community participation involving the city staff members, Planning Commission, the four citizens' groups, etc. It was suggested that there be three weekly meetings on the loth, 17th and 24th of July. Councilman Welling asked about the status of the new Public Works Building. The City Engineer answered that the project is almost complete. The Mayor said that he had a copy of a letter requesting participation of a member of the City Council on a local government committee whose initial task will be to review and comment on the Comprehensive Annual Services Program Plan required by the Title 20 Amendment to the Social Security Act.. Council members had received a copy and the Mayor asked them to give it some thought and let him know if they are interested in serving. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION Jim Sinclair, a resident on Talbot Road, said that there is apparently some confusion over what is to be done about re -surfacing Talbot Road after the water lines are put in. The City Engineer reported that as far -as the water line installation is concerned, the places that were torn up to accomplish this, are being repaired. He said that the City had proposed surfacing it this year, but this was postponed until next year as there had been indication from residents in the area tht they would rather have a more complete improvement such as what is being done on Olympic View Drive. The council did, then, delay the work for one year. Mr. Sinclair said tYat another survey has been taken, and of 79 people who responded, 71 were for repair and resurfacing at this time. A great deal of debate followed concerning the value of the surveys taken. It was thought that this matter should be set as an agenda item so that the residents of the area could come in and express their views. COUNCILMAN CLEMENT THEN MOVED, SECONDED BYCOUNCILWOMAN BRUNS TO PLACE ON THE JULY 1 AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION THE RE -SURFACING VERSUS A COMPLETE IMPROVEMENT OF TALBOT PARK ROAD. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Larson pointed out that the.purpose of that meeting is to be sure that everyone knows exactly what is involved. He also pointed out that anything that is done would be subject to the approval of the Budget by the Council, and the availability of funds which could present a different picture for next year. Another gentleman, also Jim Sinclair, said that he would like to know about the Seaview Water Tank. The Mayor reported that there had been a meeting last Thursday evening in regard to this tank. Mr. Larson stated that the meeting had been conducted by the Assistant City Engineer; Dick Allen, who had explained the location of the 1 1/2 million gallon reservoir, and that there is also a proposal for landscaping. There was also a consideration of installing tennis courts in connection with the project. The Mayor said that the residents in attendance at the meeting said that they did not want a fence, and no parking and that the tennis court construction be held up for some three to five years pending the growth of trees. Several people in the audience reiterated the sentiments expressed by the Mayor. There was also a suggesten to move the tank over 10' in order to save some of the trees. Mr. Larson said that they will make the effort to move back 101, but it will depend on the�root system of the trees. Ron Walls said that the general feeling of the people that attended the meeting was to leave the area in as natural a state as possible to protect the beauty of the area and to allow an ecologic system. To do so they suggest that the area be claimed as a closed covenant, thus protecting it from further development other than the water storage tank. He said that they are fearful that if tennis courts are constructed, then a parking lot will follow with a lot of traffic, etc. Mr. Larson reviewed the citizen concerns. He said that there shold be a fence for security reasons. He said from the standpoint of the health and welfare of the public he would have to recommend to the City Council; and he would also go through the Washington State Public Health Service; that the fence be installed for the�;;protection of the tank and the water supply. There was some discussion on whether or not the development there could be limited to just the water tank. The attorney said that this could be done, and also could be undone at a later time. COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CLEMENT THAT THIS MATTER BE SET AS AN AGENDA ITEM FOR JULY 19 TO CONSIDER THE USE OF THAT PROPERTY OTHER THAN A WATER TANK SITE. COUNCILMAN GELLERT MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST THAT THE REPORT ON BIDS FOR THE SEAVIEW TANK AND THE ENGINEER'S REPORT ON THE NEED FOR A FENCE AND ANY OTHER STRUCTURES ABOVE THE GROUND. MOTION CARRIED. • 2 9.0 C: Following this, the attorney noted that there was no quorum present on the Council platform, and a recess resulted. When the meeting was re -convened the Mayor asked if the Council would like to MOTION: re -affirm its policy of concluding the meeting at 11:00 P.M. COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON TO RE-ARFIRM THE 11 P.M. ADJOURNMENT TIME. MOZON CARRIED. HEARING: PLANNING COMMISSION RES. 4472-BLDG. HEIGHT AMENDMENT ZO-8-75 City Planner, Joe Wallis, reported that this matter was brought to the Council by the staff after the first experience they had in applying the last building height amendment. He said the intent at that time was to allow the variance to take care of any hardship condition that was imposed by that particular ordinance. The original ordinance provided for the datum point to be the setback point of the yard. This amendment would retain the building area allowable, building volume allowable, undisturbed woil definition and add to that a building height rectangel. He said the building height rectangle is defined as the smallest rectangle enclsoing the building lines of the proposed structure. He illustrated this with the use of a sketch projected on the screen. Mr. Wallis pointed out that previously they were working toward the mid -point of the gable and now they working toward the ridge of the gable. There was considerable discussion. The,public portion of the hearing was then opened. There were comments from several people in the audience with regard to what is now allowed with respect to actual height of buildings, with alswers from the Planner. Wade James said that perhaps a "view zone" could be established where this could be applied; as there are many lots in Edmonds where view is not a consideration. Capt. Shields commented thatl-he felt it would be impossible to write an ordinance that would cover every lot in Edmonds. The public portion was then closed. • Councilman Anderson said that it appeared there was no consensus and he was not ready to take any action. Councilwoman Shippen asked if we could explore the "view zone" consideration to see if this is at all feasible. The attorney suggested exploring the possibility of some specialization of the variance criteria MOTION: for building heights, instead of using the old general criteria. COUNCILMAN ANDERSON THEN MOVED, SECONDED BYCOUNCILMAN NORDQUIST TO CONTINUE DISCUSSION ON THE BUILDING HEIGHT AMENDMENT AT THE WORK MEETING OF JULY 29TH. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Nordquist at this time pointed out that there was 70 minutes left to meet the appointed cut-off time, and perhaps certain items should be selected MOTION: to be taken care of this evening. COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON TO PROCEED THROUGH ITEM 415 AND TO INCLUDE ALSO ITEMS #19 AND #20. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION: COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST THEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON TO SET ITEMS 167 17 AND 18 FOR THE JULY FIRST AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED. AMENDMENT TO OFFICIAL STREET PLAN TO REMOVE SHELL VALLEY ROAD City Planner, Joe Wallis, projected a map on the screen, and reviewed the history with regard to this proposed amendment pointing out that it came about as a result of the proposed Shell Valley PRD. He explained"several alternative treatments, however, Councilman Gellert stated that he would hesitate to make a decision on this without first considering the PRD. MR. Wallis commented that if the PRD was acceptable then the Official Street Map would have to be amended to coincide with the PRD. Councilman Anderson commented that a public access street is not what he would want in that area, and would rather encourage development towards pedestrian and equestrian traffic. There was a suggestion • MOTION: that the PRD be heard ahead of this item. COUNCILMAN,=ANDERSON-MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST THAT THE ORDER BE CHANGED ON THE AGENDA, AND THAT ITEM #91 SHELL PARK PRD BE CONSIDERED AT THIS TIME. MOTION CARRIED. PRELIMINARY APPROVAL - SHELL PARK PRD Mr. Wade James, the architect for the project, reported that since the last presentation approximately five acres has been added to the original proposal. This was the Church property to the west of the development. The proposal is for 64 units contained within 44 lots in this 15 acre development. Four of the lots will have multiple units. He said they have conformed almost exactly to the Official Street Map in maintaining the use of the Shall Valley Road. He said that they have grouped the houses in such a way that they have about three acres of open space. In the upper right hand corner of the plan they have set aside a tree protection area as there is a fine stand of evergreens there. It was pointed out that the road is a 30' right-of-way on their side and presumably would be 30' on the other side. There would be 22' of paving. Councilman Gellert said he had walked through the valley and asked if any consideration had been given to building on the hillside and leaving the valley portion as a park. Jurgen Sauerland, the engineer, said that residents present at the first hearing indicated that they wanted a road through there, particularly since they had paid sewer assessments and the road was on the Comprehensive Plan. In view of the concerns expressed, they went back and worked with many of the residents and came up with the present plan which was more acceptable to the residents. Assistant Fire Chief, Ralph Klein, said that he department would have to take exception to the 22' paved street and the 20% grade as there would be a problem to get fire apparatus in there to service the area. Mr. Sauerland said that he has discussed with the City Planner a proposal for placing parking bays to allow for off-street parking for units facing Pioneer Way. He said they have worked r1 U • very diligently to establish the grade to some liveable means, and 20% is the best they can come up with.. The City Engineer pointed out that the 20% is not the only critical factor, it is that you must have an alternate way out. Chief_ Klein said that if the street was developed as it"was originally shown on the Comprehensive Street Plan; that is all the way out to Main Street, they would have ho objection. He also said that the plan which was reviewed by his department, didnot include any off-street parking bays, so they could not consider this at this time. He pointed out that the Fire Chief had recommended a 14-15% maximum acceptable grade. Councilman Nordquist pointed out that the council is charged with protecting the safety of the residents so these grades must be considered. Nick Halliday, Puget Sound.Development Corporation, said that the engineer has worked very hard to get the grade down, and the alternative seems to be to use the Shell Valley Road. Councilman Welling said that there is no rule that says every piece of property must be developed, He said that this property is very steep and perhaps we would be wrong to go'in there and build expensive homes. He said until that road is built out to Main Street, we have many problems. Councilman Clement said that personally he would favor a pedestrian access which would necessitate a 13-15% maximum grade at the entrance. There was considerable further discussion. Mr. Jaeger, on 90th W., thought that this plan is the best solution for that piece of property.' Mr. Wallis said that he feels a commitment was made when the sewers went in, and that time and time again he has heard the residents ask when is the road going in so that they can develop their property. Mr. Jaeger said that he has walked around the property and talked to almost all of the residents and that they have no major objections. Councilwoman Shippen said that she liked the idea of terminating the road'at the hammerhead. The City Engineer pointed out that the Shell Valley Road was never put through because MOTION: of financial reasons. COUNCILWOMAN BRUNS MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CLEMENT TO GIVE PRELIMINARY APPROVAL .TO THE SHELL PARK PRD, BECAUSE OF THE REASONS STATED PREVIOUSLY. COUNCILMRN CLEMENT THEN AMENDED, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILWOMAN BRUNS THAT THERE BE A PROVISION WORKED OUT FOR ALTERNATE EXIT AT LESS THAN 15% GRADE • FOR EMERGENCY VEHICLES BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL. He said that he did not know what the solution would be, maybe even a dirt road with a gate across it that only the AMEND: Fire Department has a key to. THE AMENDMENT WAS THEN VOTED UPON AND FAILED, COUNCIL MEMBERS CLEMENT, ANDERSON AND BRUNS VOTED "YES", AND THE OTHERS VOTED "NO". THE MAIN MOTION ALSO FAILED, WITH COUNCIL MEMBERS CLEMENT, GELLERT AND BRUNS VOTING AGAINST AND THE OTHERS VOTING IN FAVOR. Councilman Anderson said he would be willing to look at the road being scaled down. Councilwoman Shippen said that she really does not want to see the road go through to Main Street. MOTION: SHE THEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE PRD WITH THE CULDESAC ENDING AT THE RIGHT ANGLE AND PROCEEDING WITH THE NARROWER ROAD. Following some discussion, Mrs. Shippen MOTION: re -worded her motion. COUNCILWOMAN SHIPPEN MOVED, SECONDED BY QDUNCILMAN ANDERSON TO TERMINATE PIONEER WAY IN A CULDESAC AND.PROCEED WITH A NARROWER ROAD THROUGH THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE PRD. THIS MOTION FAILED FOLLOWING A ROLL CALL VOTE WHICH RESULTED IN GELLERT, SHIPPEN AND ANDERSON VOTING IN FAVOR, AND THE REMAINING COUNCIL MEMBERS VOTING AGAINST. 291 MOTION: COUNCILMAN WELLING THEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION TO INVITE THE DEVELOPER BY WAY OF CONTRACT WITH THE CITY TO ACQUIRE THE SHELL VALLEY ROAD FROM THE INTERSECTION TO MAIN STREET. THIS MOTION FAILED FOLLOWING A ROLL CALL VOTE WITH NORDQUIST AND WELLING VOTING IN FAVOR AND THE REAMINDER VOTING AGAINST. MOTION: COUNCILWOMAN .SHIPPEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CLEMENT THAT THE COUNCIL CONSIDER AN EMERGENCY FIRE EXIT THROUGH YOST PARK AT THE JULY 8TH WORK MEETING WITH COMMENTS AND PARTICIPATION BY THE PARK AND RECREATION DIRECTOR, PARK BOARD, AND ANY OTHER BODIES CONCERNED. MOTION CARRIED, WITH WELLING VOTING AGAINST. Engineer Larson said that thought should be given to whether the City would want to expend any funds for this approach. • MOTION: COUNCILMAN CLEMENT MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN BRUNS TO CONTINUE THE CONSIDERATION OF THE SHELL PARK PRD ON A PRELIMINARY BASIS UNTIL JULY 15TH. MOTION CARRIED. APPROVAL OF FIREWORKS STAND PERMIT APPLICATONS MOTION: COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON TO APPROVE THE PERMITS. MOTION CARRIED. AMENDMENT TO OFFICIAL STREET PLAN TO REMOVE SHELL VALLEY ROAD MOTION: COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON TO SET THIS ITEM FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE JULY 15TH MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. AMENDMENT TO COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO REMOVE PARK DESIGNATION FROM SHELL CREEK VALLEY MOTION: COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON TO SET THIS FOR CONSIDERATION ON THE 15TH OF JULY. MOTION CARRIED. ADOPTION OF 1973 FIRE PREVENTION CODE This matter came on for first reading and will be scheduled for second reading on the 15th of July. AMENDMENT TO FRANCHISE ORDINANCE #492 (RE/UNDERGROUNDING) AND DISCUSSION ON PROPOSED GENERAL ORDINANCE RE/UNDERGROUNDING MOTION: COUNCILWOMAN SHIPPEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON TO SET THESE TWO ITEMS FOR ACTION ON THE 1ST OF JULY. MOTION CARRIED. 292 TOW TRUCK LICENSE APPLICATION - ED-LYNN • MOTION: COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON TO SET THIS ITEM ON THE AGENDA FOR JULY 8TH. MOTION CARRIED. PRELIMINARY PLAT_MEADOWDALE VIEW, N.E. CORNER MEADOWDALE RD. AND 172ND The applicant was present and stated that there was a minor revision on this plat which has already been approved. The City Planner reviewed this with the help of a slide which indicated the proposed project. He recommended approval. The Engineer said approval would be subject to engineering requirements in establishing the read grades. There was discussion on the drainage which the applicant says he has now had Franch drained and there is no water standing at this time. MOTION: COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON TO APPROVE THE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF MEADOWDALE VIEW, SUBJECT TO ENGINEERING REQUIREMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION IN CONNEC.TION.WITH DEED RESTRICTIONS. MOTION CARRIED. ACCEPTANCE OF TRAFFIC SIGNALIZATION PROJECT AT 76TH & 212TH CONSTRUCTED BY SIGNAL ELECTRIC INC. & ESTABLISHING 30 DAY LIEN PERIOD COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON FOR THE ACCEPTANCE MOTION: OF THE PROJECT AND ESTABLISHING THE 30 DAY LIEN PERIOD. MOTION CARRIED. SET DATE FOR HEARING: PRELIMINARY PLAT, BELLINS GARDENS MOTION: COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON TO SET THIS ITEM FOR JUNE 24TH. MOTION CARRIED. CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES The Council acknowledged receipt of Claims for Damages from C-K Color Lab and • Richard W. Trierweiler. These were referred to the City Clerk for processing. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 12:120 A.M. IRENE VARNEY MORAN, ity Clerk H. H. HARRISON, Mayor June 24, 1975 ROLL CALL The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was Gilled to order by Mayor Harve Harrison at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers at the Edmonds Civic Center. All council members were present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of Jun e17, 1975 has been posted, mailed and distributed. Councilman Anderson noted that the 2nd motion on page 2 does not indicate that it carried & that the 3rd motion was incompltete and should have the following phrase added, "...be given on July lst." (This was to indicate that the report on the bids for the Seaview tank and the report firm the engineer on the need for a fence or any other structure, be heard on the same night). Councilman Gellert noted that there was a mixup on the 4th page with respect to the roll call vote taken on the first motion and amendment. It should have read,"The main motion - failed, with council members Clement, Gellert and Bruns voting in favor and the others voting against." The minutes were then approved as corrected. Councilman Gellert mentioned that a Western Sun article mentioned that an item was to be placed on the July 2nd agenda, when it should have said July 1st, and wondered if this correction could be made. Mayor Harrison said that in view of the face that we had been criticized for too much citizen participation, he wondered if the council would like to re -affirm MOTION: the 11:00 P.M. deadline. Following some discussion, COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT THAT NO NEW AGENDA ITESM BE TAKEN UP AFTER 11:OO.P.M. MOTION CARffRIED. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION Councilwoman Shippen asked if Talbot Park will be posted as to the hearing on the street improvement. City Engineer, Leif Larson, said that they are sending notices out to everyone on Talbot Road, and to tohers in the area served by Talbot Road. Councilman Nordquist said that he has asked the City Attorney to write to the City of Lynnwood with regard to thei, recent modification of the sauna ordinance. He also asked the attorney to acquire copies of the sauna ordinances from the County and Mountlake Terrace so that they can be compared with ours. The attorney will then review them and suggest any changes that may be necessary. Councilman Nordquist stated that he had attended a meeting of the Snohomish County Transit Board. He said that he had passed out some information to the council members showing them what the financial standing is at this time. He said that if we continue operating at a deficit, service would probably terminate by the end of July. He said that a resolution was passed at the meeting this 0