19760420 City Council MinutesU 1 1 E 1 (8) Olympic View Water District: Councilman Anderson noted that since Olympic View Water District employees,are required by law to be absorded, I favor separate management for 2 to.3 yesars to afford absorption -of these employees. Edmonds would assume continuation of Olympic View service quality and improvements. MOTION: Following discussion on this subject, COUNCILMAN CLEMENT MADE A MOTION, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GOULD TO DROP OUT THE PHRASE AFTER "I FAVOR" IN COUNCILMAN ANDERSON'S STATEMENT, AND ADD IN WITH EMPLOYEES THAT SINCE OLYMPIC VIEW WATER DISTRICT EMPLOYEES ARE REQUIRED BY TO BE ABSORBED, EDMONDS-WOULD ASSUME CONTINUATION OF OLYMPIC VIEW SERVICE QUALITY AND IMPORVEMENTS. THE MOTION CARRIED. (9) Fire District #1: Councilman Anderson's memo stated to maintai.n�what is legally permissible, and I favor special consideration for the absorption of Fire District #1 employees into the Edmonds system. MOTION: There was discussion on the'ETr-e District, and resulted in A MOTION BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN HERB TO MAINTAIN WHAT IS LEGALLY PERMISSIBLE FOR FIRE DISTRICT #1 EMPLOYEES. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION: At this point, COUNCILMAN CARNS MADE A MOTION OT ACCEPT THE PETITION FOR ANNEXATION ONLY IF THEY HAVE A COMPARABLE NUMBER OF SIGNATURES OF THOSE WHO HAVE SIGNED THE ANTI -ANNEXATION PETITION, AND BY MAY 4, 1.976. THIS MOTION WAS LATER WITHDRAWN. MOTION:: IT WAS THEN MOVED BY COUNCILMAN CLEMENT, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CARNS THAT THE CITY EXPRESS THAT IT NEITHER ENDORSES NOR TAKES A STAND AGAINST ANNEXATION OF THE ESPERANCE AREA.EXCEPT UPON PRESENTATION OF 1000 VALID SIGNATURES BY JUNE 15, 1976; AND THAT THE PRESENT LEADERS OF BOTH MOVEMENTS (PRO AND ANTI) BE PRESENTED WITHIN A WEEK OF -THIS MEETING, THE ITEMS.AS VOTED UPON TONIGHT IN REGARD TO THE CITY'S VIEWS ON THE ANNEXATION. MOTION CARRIED. It was decided that the city staff would prepare petition forms for the people to circulate in the area. REPORT FROM ATTORNEY ON IMPACT OF SUB. H.B. 90 ON CITY OF EDMONDS The City Attorney had sent a memo to each council member explaining that the only change made by Substitute House Bill 90 that is relevant to the Edmonds Gambling Ordinance allows the city to tax sports pools. Subsequent amendments to -::the city gambling law have removed fishing derbies from the definiation of gambling add accordingly, they should be removed from the Edmonds MOTION: Ordinance as a taxable form of gambling. COUNCILMAN GOULD THEREFORE MOVED, SECONDED..BY COUNCIL. -- MAN HERB TO INSTRUCT THE ATTORNEY TO DELETE FISHING DERBIES FROM THE TAXABLE GAMBLING FORMS OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, AND THE MOTION CARRIED. DISCUSSION ON DATE FOR JOINT DINNER MEETING WITH MOUNTLAKE TERRACE COUNCIL Councilman Gellert noted that Councilman Nordquist had been the one to bring this item before MOTION: council., and since Councilman Nordquist was not present at this time, COUNCILMAN GELLERT MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN HERB TO SET THIS MATTER OVER FOR ONE WEEK. VOTE ON THE MOTION SHOWED TWO COUNCILMEN IN FAVOR; TWO AGAINST; AND THE MAYOR BROKE THE TIE FOR THE MOTION TO CARRY. DISCUSSION OF POSSIBILITY OF SENDING REPRESENTATIVE TO SEMINAR IN OLYMPIA MOTION: In regard to the seminar being held June 9-11 in Olympia, A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN GOULD, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT THAT COUNCILMAN HERB BE ALLOWED TO ATTEND, AND M.A.A. WHALEY IF HE WISHED TO ATTEND ALSO. MOTION CARRIED. There was no further business to come before council, and the meeting was therefore adjourned at 11:15 P.M. April 20, 1976 ROLL CALL Regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order by Mayor Harve Harrison at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Edmonds Civic Center, with all council members present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the regular meeting of April 13 had been posted, mailed and distributed, and with no omissions nor corrections, they were approved as written. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION Councilman Gellert stated that he and Councilman Nordquist had attended a meeting on the Senior Center and since funding via grants can be applied for when the approval has been given for the architect, etc., and only the first phase hasbeen.approved, he asked that an item be, placed on next week's agenda approving the architect for future phases so that applications can be pro- MOT;ION: cessed for funding. IT,WAS THEREFORE MOVED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GOULD THAT THIS ITEM BE PLACED ON THE APRIL 27 COUNCIL AGENDA, AND THE MOTION CARRIED. This item is for Senior Center remodeling. Councilman Gellert noted that on the Board of Adjustment agenda -for tomorrow night there was an item regarding Liberty Cable TV antenna at the water tank site along with other equipment, and MOTION: A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CARNS THAT THE CITY COUNCIL GO ON RECORD AS FAVORING THE VARIANCE WHICH WOULD PERMIT LIBERTY CABLE TV TO PLACE THE RECEIVING ANTENNAS ATOP THE CITY WATER TANK AND "HEAD END" EQUIPMENT ON THE TANK SITE NEAR FIVE CORNERS BECAUSE THIS SITE IS ONE -OF THE HIGHEST WITHIN THE CITY OF EDMONDS;,.THE•RESULTING IMPROVED RECEPTION WOULD BENEFIT A LARGE NUMBER OF RESIDENTS WITHIN THE CITY OF EDMONDS: THIS SITE WOULD FACILITATE OBTAINING IMPORVED RECEPTION FORM CANADIAN TV VIA MICROWAVE REPEATERS; THE 416 • PROPOSED VARIANCE DOES NOT NEGATIVELY AFFECT THE HEALTH, SAFETY OR WELFARE OF THE CITY OR ITS CITIZENS; AND THAT THE ABOVE BE OFFICIALLY COMMUNICATED TO THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AT ITS APRIL 21. MEETING; ALL THIS SUBJECT TO ENGINEERING AND PLANNING REQUIREMENTS. THE MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Gellert brought up the subject of $4000 being budgeted for census, and on the March 31 warrant register he noticed $4522.90 having been spent on salaries. He also questioned the $2.50 per hour for census takers, with $3.50 per hour being paid for Bonita Lynn. M.A.A. Ron Whaley answered that Bonita Lynn acted as the organizer and overseer and supervised the project. She had done this work for the City of Lynnwood, and had the experience. Following a brief MOTION: discussion, A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN GOULD, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT THAT AT THE MAY 11 WORK MEETING THE FINANCE DIRECTOR FURNISH COUNCIL WITH A FINANCIAL REPORT ON THE BUDGET FOR THE FIRST QUARTER OF 1976. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Gellert noted that he had read about the urban bikeway program and asked ff Edmonds might be eligible for federal funding for this item, since we have been involved in putting in bikeways for Edmonds. M.A.A. Whaley answered that the city is presently looking into this federal funding, and he was then asked to report on the subject prior to June 1. Councilman Clement reported that the Snohomish County Public Transportation had accepted a proposed comprehensive transit plan as it would finally look in 1980 for the area. The major emphasis of the program was on zones and routes for the rides, and the costs. Voters will decide whether or not to implement the plan. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILMAN CLEMENT, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CARNS TO INVITE VIC SOOD AND HIS STAFF TO THE MAY 4 COUNCIL MEETING TO PRESENT THE TRANSPORTATION PLAN TO THECOUNCIL. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Nordquist brought to council attention that there had been some interest and the - subject had been discussed about the possibility of a Finance Committee within the council itself. COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON THAT A TOPIC HEADING FOR THE MAY 4 COUNCIL AGENDA BE TO DISCUSS THE POSSIBILITY OF A COUNCIL FINANCE COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Nordquist read a letter signed by Mr. &.Mrs. -Egon F. Hermanns,.Mr. & Mrs. Arthur. Walker, Mr. & Mrs. Terry Boyd, and Mr. & Mrs. Gary Raupach, in complaint of the condition of 75th Avenue W., which they stated had recently deteriorated dangerously following watermain installation. They were concerned with the area on 75th from 231st to 236th, and added that they were in the process of acquiring signatures on a petition of be presented to council at a later date. The City Clerk will have copies made'and distributed to each council member. Councilman Herb asked council to consider the suggestion of a financial report to show comparisons` of department expenditures over a 10 year period,.and also to compare with other cities. This was discussed, and M.A.A. Whaley will have a report such as this ready in a couple of months. PARK BOARD APPOINTMENT Mayor Harrison advised council. that Pat Welling had resigned from the Park Board because of a move out of the city, and he would appoint Dick Fray to that Position No. 5 term to expire September 1977. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CARNS TO CON- FIRM THE MAYOR'S APPOINTMENT OF DICK FRAY TO THE PARK BOARD. MOTION CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE The City Clerk read a letter from Sue Gould, requesting council to consider endorsing the Edmonds MOTION: School District 15 levy on March 25. Following some brief discussion, IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON THAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF EDMONDS STRONGLY ENDORSE PASSAGE OF THE SECOND SUBMISSION OF THE SCHOOL LEVY BY EDMONDS SCHOOL DISTRICT 1.5. MOTION CARRIED. Council asked if there were to be posters available, and Sue Gould answered that she hoped so, and would see "that they received some. An appeal from the decisi.on-of the Amenities Design..Board regarding denial -of a readerboard sign MOTION: proposal for the Century 21 Real Estate office on Lake Ballinger Way was received. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON THAT HEARING ON THIS APPEAL BE SET FOR MAY 4, AND THE MOTION CARRIED. It was noted that the Planning Department had changed the date for the Shorelines Substantial Development permit for the fishing pier and artificial reef at the end of Dayton Street from tonight's meeting to that of May 4. Planning Commission Resolutions #505, #506, and #507 were presented for council to set for hear - MOTION: ings, and A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CLEMENT TO SET MAY 18 AS THE DATE FOR HEARINGS ON PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTIONS 505, 506, AND 507. MOTION�CARRIED. ISCUSSION WITH REPRESENTATIVES OF BURLINGTON NORTHERN RE/PARKING LOT AT DEPOT Mr. Dick Beulke of Burlington Northern introduced Dave Burns, Stew Aldcroft, andBob Boyd, all representatives from.BN. Recreation Director Rod Garretson commented on the need for the park- ing facilities in the area for the fishing pier and told council of the offer from Burlington Northern for the city to lease the parking space at the southern half of the depot lot for $100 per month, and pay only for those months in which any substantial parking actually occurs, possibly set at a figure of 15 or so cars. 1 1 0 Mayor Harrison stated that he thought this was an extremely fine offer; that the city could main- tain the premises; and that this would be of benefit to both the city and the railroad. Rod Garretson noted that the city would probably make use of the lot for approximately 6 months of the year. Gordon Maxwell, representing the Port of Edmonds, stated that these parking arrange- ments were satisfactory to the Port with one proviso - that in the event permanent parking is needed for the fishing pier, the City, Port, and Dept. of Fisheries obtain the area north and • • west of Dayton -on the corner, as previously discussed. There was some brief discussion on the spur track, and the representatives from the Railroad mentioned that this could be blacktopped without any problem. Mention was also; -made of the plat, which is now in limbo. A MOTION WAS MOTION: MADE BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON, SECONDED BY'COUNCILMAN CARNS THAT THE OFFER OF BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD BE ACCEPTED FOR CITY LEASE OF THE SOUTH OF THE DEPOT AS NOTED, AT A COST OF $100 PER MONTH FOR THE MONTHS IN USE, WITH 15 OR MORE CARS AS THE AVERAGE DAILY NUMBER BEING THE BASIS FOR USE. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION: COUNCILMAN CARNS THEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT THAT AS A STATEMENT OF INTENT, WHEN PROPERTY FROM BURL'INGTON NORTHERN OR ANY PROPERTY IN THAT AREA IS AVAILABLE FOR SALE, THE CITY OF EDMONDS WOULD COOPERATE WITH THE PORT OF EDMONDS AND -THE DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES TO LOOK INTO ACQUIRING THE PROPERTY FOR PARKING PURPOSES FOR THE FISHING PIER. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Gellert inquired of the representatives form Burlington Northern if they had any plans for undergrounding the wires. The answer was no immediate plans, but they were always willing to discuss the subject. MEETING WITH EDMONDS ARTS COMMISSION Robert B. Anderson, Chairman of the Edmonds Arts Commission, provided council with a present- ation of the Arts Commission proposed concert and lecture series of 1976-1977. He noted that they had done as best they could sith the budget monies, and the 8 events listed would hope- fully be held at the Driftwood Theatre on a monthly basis, starting in October and ending in May. Chairman Anderson added that some grant money was expected from the Washington State Arts Commission. Councilman Clement commented that this was an exciting program for the money to be spent. Mayor Harrison noted that it was a well rounded program. Chairman Anderson said he hoped they would be able to print brochures to have available and use every means of advertis- • MOTION: ing possible to inform the public of the offerings. Following a short discussion, A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CARNS TO ENDORSE THE PROGRAM AS PRESENTED BY THE EDMONDS.ARTS COMMISSION MEMBERS. Councilman Gellert added that hopefully, the concerts and lectures will'not be presented on Tuesday nights! THE MOTION CARRIED. FINANCIAL REPORT ON JUNIOR HIGH M.A.A. Ron Whaley went over the status and financial report for the first quarter of 1976 for the Edmonds Junior High School. Council had been provided with copies. The report related to the present activities., financial flow and projected prospects for the balance of the year. Two exhibits were attached. Exhibit ''A" contained summary and projection of income anticipated; followed by a breakdown of expenses, both non -recurring and recurring; and Exhibit "B" was a revenue report of all users of the facilities at the Junior High excluding Recreation Department programs. There followed a lengthy discussion, covering corrections in addition of columns; concern on fuel cost; most qualified city personnel in each category going over the figures; and a sug- gestion that at the July review, in addition to this paper showing profit and loss, if a deficit is forecast, show where the money is,to come from, with the further suggesti.on that.it.not'be from the contingency fund. Also, it was mentioned by Councilman Gellert that he preferred a report by line item, as shown on the budget. Mayor Harrison then opened the subject to audience participation, and this then' -.combined the next agenda item on Policy at the Edmonds Junior High Field. Mr. Kirby White stated that he had written a letter to council, stating that the School District had told him that the maintenance of the Junior High playfield was one of the lesser in cost within District 15. He went on to suggest that the council table by motion to delay decision on charging $2.50 and hour for the field until a later date. When.questioned.by council, • Director Garretson answered that there was at present a charge for use of the Junior.High field only, not on other Edmonds fields. Gene Leach, President of the EdLyn Soccer Club, asked council to reconsider the fees. Director Garretson noted that when a field is reserved by any organized club, all city owned ball fields should charge a fee, as this excludes use at that time by the general public. Park Board members Dick Cole and Keith LaBelle were present and both stated that fees should be charged on all fields. This had passed by motion at the Park-,,.,-. Board meeting. The president- of South Snohomish County Soccer Association was present, and he spoke about their budget not being adequate enough to pay these fees, and they would not be able to use the Junior High.Field, thus denying kids use of these facilities. He stated that they had paid in the past a $10 per field fee to the School District for use during the year. The Soccer representatives' argument was that their game required no maintenance for the portion of the field used by them; that baseball, for example, necessitates mowing and other upkeep.. They told council that the soccer teams will boycott the Junior High field if they are charged these fees. Mayor Harrison suggested perhaps cutting the fees in half. The EdLyn Soccer Club president said they would be willing to pay the light bill, but no fees for the maintenance of the field. Mr. Kirby White told council that he would like to approach the clubs and come back with a proposal on what they would be willing to pay. Director Herb Gilbo from Public Works offered an explanation to council on the maintenance figures. He noted that the level of maintenance was excellent; that yes, it was possible, if requested by council, to lower the level of maintenance. Councilaan Clement asked when council could obtain a rundown on the different levels of maintenance, with other costs included. M.A.A. MOTION: Whaley said this could be ready next weel, and A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST THAT THIS ITEM BE CONTINUED TO APRIL 27 WITH INFORMATION TO BE FURNISHED AS NOTED BY THE STAFF. MOTION CARRIED. ACCESS TO MEADOWDALE AREA Access to the Meadowdale area had been continued from the March 23 meeting. City Planner Joe Wallis reported that council had referred this item to the Planning Commission on January 20, for.recommendation on an official street pattern. The Planning Commission had then decided on February 25 that the acceptable access be from the east along 172nd SW R/w, extending approximate- ly 200 feet from 68th W. City Planner Wallis then projected a map on the screen, showing the general area in question, and also showed a series of slides. City Engineer Leif Larson project- ed profiles to illustrate topography of the land. He advised council that the would recommend the best grade to the Steinman property as being from 68th W. There followed a lengthy. discussion, and the hearing was opended. Robert Peterson, 19725-48th W., Lynnwood, was the previous owner of the Steinman property, and said he also has property abutting 172nd. Mr. Peterson had a question on what would happen to the 260 feet of R/W on 172nd if the city were to vacate it. The City Attorney advised that this would be handled by a title company, and the City Engineer noted that if city council action did vacate, the city would retain utility easements. Mrs. Lewis, Meadowdale Beach Road, told council that this entire neighborhood has a stake in what happens on this whole question of access for Mr. Steinman. Nick Steinman showed council on the topography map the access to Meadowdale Beach Road that Mr. Steinman had put in, and said he felt this was preferable to the Planning Commission suggestion. Mrs. Gibson, who said she lived two houses down from Mrs. Lewis, told council that Mr. Steinman had mentioned that he would clear the road at the "landing" on Meadowdale-Beach Road, and this would be across from her property. She was against this proposal. Don Tapley, 19016 83rd W., advised council that rather than create another road at the top of the Steinman property, why not leave the present one, since the trees are already gone. Ron Steinman said that the vehicles going up the road from Meadowdale Beach Road do sink deep into the sandy soil as mentioned, but some asphalt paving would remedy this, and the road is not that steep. The hearing was then closed. MOTION: Following some further discussion, A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT, SECONDED BY COUNCIL- MAN CARNS TO UPHOLD THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION IN RESOLUTION 504, FOR THE STREET PATTERN IN THE AREA BOUNDED BY 172ND STREET S.W. R/W ON THE NORTH, 68TH AVE. W. ON THE EAST, AND MEADOWDALE BEACH ROAD ON THE WEST AND SOUTH, MAKING ACCESS FORM THE EAST OFF 68TH AVENUE WEST. MOTION CARRIED WITH COUNCILMEN GOULD AND CLEMENT VOTING AGAINST. Councilman Clement commented that he felt the best access was from the other side, but he was concerned about the handling of the whole situation from the beginning. MOTION: IT WAS THEN MOVED BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT THAT BECAUSE OF COUNCIL ACTION ON PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 504, COUNCIL DENY THE APPLICATION FOR INVASION OF RIGHT- OF-WAY SUBMITTED BY MR. MERLE STEINMAN FOR 172ND FOR 290 FEET EAST OF MEADOWDALE BEACH ROAD. MOTION CARRIED. City Attorney John Wallace adviced Mr. Steinman, when he complained that the would not have use of that road, that he had invaded the city right-of-way without permission in the first place, and therefore the -road was not legally put in. UESTION OF COUNTY SEWER CONNECTION TO CITY LINES City Councilman Gould introduced Dale Hoggins, 21826 95th Avenue W., who stated that he is just a block outside city limits, having septic tank problems, and would like to connect to city sewer. Mr. Noggins said he favored annexation to the city if it were possible; that he would have been annexed with the previous "Bellins Gardens" annexation off 220th, but that some neighbors on one side of the street in his area were against it. Therefore, all were left out of that annexation. City Engineer Larson noted that it was the policy of the city, set by previous councils, not to allow connection to city sewers unless you were inside city limits or a public facility, such as a school or hospital. He explained that there were three options open: the election method of annexation; the petition process with 10% letter of intent and then signatures of 75% of assessed valuation; or the third method open to code cities,.which can initiate annexations in cases where 80% of the boundaries are contiguous to city limits. Annexation could be done by resolution of council, and in septic tank cases could go on the health hazard. It was brought to council attention that the county had recently refused a building permit in that area because of the perc test, and that it would be well for the Health Department to take a look at the septic problem. MOTION: COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MADE.A MOTION SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT THAT THE CITY CONTACT THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT AND ASK THEM TO REVIEW THE SEPTIC SYSTEM IN THE AREA BOUNDED BY 220TH, 96TH, 95TH, AND 217TH, AND ASK THE HEALTH DEPT. FOR A REPORT BACK TO EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL. THE MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Nordquist said he would write the request, and expected a report would be ready for the council meeting of May 4. STREET USE PERMIT APPLICATION - CHEZ CLAUDE RESTAURANT An application had been received for a street use permit from Chez Claude Restaurant for outside dining for the summer months. City Engineer Larson projected a drawing of the concept on the screen. The area proposed for use would include half of the sidewalk and a portion of the parking area in front of the theatre. The Engineer noted that the application had been reviewed and approved in concept by the ADB and the Park Board. The Police Dept. had no objection; Public Works was concerned only with maintenance of the proposed planters; and the Fire Dept. had report- ed that there was nothing in the code to prevent this concept. Approval was therefore recommended. There was,some discussion on the area now being used as a safety zone. Mayor Harrison said he felt this would add a great deal of interest and excitement to the downtown area. The recommenda- ation was that the permit be approved on a trial basis for the summer, subject to the applicant providing the City with a certivicate of insurance to indemnify and hold the city harmless from all claims and/or property damage, naming the city as an also insured, and as discussed by council, MOTION: that approval would be obtained from'the Snohomish Health District. A MOTION WAS THEN MADE BY BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN HERB TO APPROVE THE APPLICATION FOR STREET USE PERMIT FROM CHEZ CLAUDE RESTAURANT FOR OUTSIDE DINING FOR THE TRIAL BASIS DURING THE SUMMER MONTHS, SUBJECT TO THE INSURANCE PROVISIONS AS INDICATED IN THE ABOVE RECOMMENDATION, AND SUBJECT TO APPROVAL FROM SNOHOMISH HEALTH DISTRICT. MOTION CARRIED WITH COUNCILMEN ANDERSON AND NORDQUIST AGAINST. 1 • 1 1 1 0 419 • DISCUSSION OF DATE FOR JOINT DINNER MEETING WITH MOUNTLAKE TERRACE COUNCIL MOTION: A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT, SECONDED BY COUNCI"LMAN HERB TO SCHEDULE A DINNER MEETING FOR'MAY 19 AT'CHEZ CLAUDE AND INVITE:THE MOUNTLAKE TERRACE CITY COUNCIL AT ATTEND. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS TRANSFERRING SUMS FROM CONTINGENCY FUND TO GENERAL FUND MOTION: A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON THAT PROPOSED RESOLUTION 357 BE PASSED, TRANSFERRING $3365 FROM THE CONTINGENCY FUND TO THE GENERAL FUND FOR EMPLOYEE BENE- FITS FOR THE CITY COUNCIL. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION: COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN HERB THAT PROPOSED RESOLUTION 358 BE PASSED, TRANSFERRING THE SUM OF $1500 FROM THE CONTINGENCY FUND TO THE GENERAL FUND FOR CIVIL SERVICE PURPOSES, AND THE MOTION CARRIED. PROPOSED SPEED LIMIT ORDINANCE First reading was heard on a proposed ordinance regarding speed limits for SR 524 and SR.104. PASSAGE OF ORDINANCES MOTION: -Several ordinances were before council for a second reading, and A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCIL- MAN NORDQUIST; SECONDED:BY COUNCILMAN"GELLERT THAT PROPOSED ORDINANCE 1835 BE PASSED, TO PERMIT AUCTIONS IN BC ZONES SUBJECT TO A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. MOTION CARRIED, WITH COUNCILMAN CARNS ABSTAINING. MOTION: COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON THAT PROPOSED ORDINANCE 1836 BE • PASSED, AMENDING THE PRESENT PRD-ORDINANCE. MOTION CARRIED. • MOTION: A MOTION WAS MADE BY,COUNCILMAN CARNS, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST-THAT PROPOSED ORDINANCE 1837 BE PASSED, RELATING TO GAMBLING TAXATION REGULATIONS AND REMOVING.FISHING DERBIES AS BEING SUBJECT TO THAT TAXATION. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION: IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CARNS THAT PROPOSED ORDINANCE 1838\ BE PASSED, RELATING TO LANDFILLS -AND EXCAVATIONS, AND THIS MOTION CARRIED. There was no further business to come before the council, and the meeting was adjourned at 12:00 midnight. IRENE VAR EY MORAN, ity Clerk H. H. HARRISON, Mayor'• April 27, 1976 ROLL CALL The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:30 P•.M. by Mayor Harve Harrison in the Council Chambers of the Edmonds Civic Center, with all councilmen present except Nordquist who called saying he would not be attending. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the regular meeting of April 20 had been posted, mailed and distributed, and'with no omissions nor corrections, they were approved as written. F COUNCIL PARTICIPATION • Councilman Gellert stated that Mrs. Crosby, the Treasurer, had said she would be unable to be present at,the May 11 work meeting for presentation of the budget and that he felt "no purpose MOTION: would be served in having the meeting without her. Therefore, A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON THAT AT THE DUNE 8 WORK MEETING THE FINANCE DIRECTOR FURNISH COUNCIL WITH A FINANCIAL REPORT ON THE BUDGET FOR THE FIRST QUARTER OF 1976. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Gould stated he had a letter. from Claude L. McReynolds on behalf of a listed group of people who expressed an interest in lawn bowling. He thought it appropriate to.mention its receipt and that it should be forwarded to the Park Director and the Park Board so that they might be of assistance. Councilman Gellert made the further suggestion that it be forwarded to the Senior Center Building Committee. He stated he did not know how much -room was needed for lawn bowling but that the site of the dome might be a good spot for a lawn bowling site. MOTION: He noted he had brought it up previously and still thought it a good idea. A MOTION WAS THEREFORE MADE BY COUNCILMAN GOULD, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON THAT THE LETTER FROM CLAUDE L. McREYNOLDS BE FORWARDED TO THE PARK DIRECTOR, PARK BOARD AND THE SENIOR'CENTER BUILDF- ING COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Anderson made an inquiry about the Social Security Withdrawal"Committee and Council- man Carns.replied that he had a note on it -that the next meeting would by on May 6 at 3:30 p.m. in the Mayor's office. He.noted that he was to take Councilman Nordquist's place on it but he was not sure whether Councilman Nordquist had actually resigned after all. He stated he would keep abreast of it. City Engineer Larsen stated that in regard to'last week's Council action'on the 172nd Street-S,.W. right-of-way he had an application from Mr. Steinman for Right -of -Way Entrance and Right-of-way Invasion Permit for access from 68th Avenue W. to their house located on the property. City Engineer Larson suggested that this be resolved at the May 4 meeting. He stated it did not have to go to the Planning Commission and that it is not presently a subdivision.