19760601 City Council Minutes436 • MOTION: Avenue. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN CARSN, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN RdRDQUIST, TO ACCEPT THE IOW BID. MOTION CARRIED. REQUEST) OR EXTENSION .OF BID DATE OPENING MR LIBRARY CARPETING (SUGGESTED JUNE.10) M.A.A..Ron Whaley said the Librarian had asked for -an extension because the specifications had been binding to one brand, one type and one color, and that new specifications'had been. MOTION: prepared. 'A MOTION WAS,MADE BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GOUL.D,,TO APPROVE THE EXTENSION OF THE BID OPENING FUR LIBRARY CARPETING. MOTION CARRIED. PROPOSED AGREEMENT FUR SNOHOMISH COUNTY.PLANNING BLACK GRANT (FROM MEETING OF 5/18) The discussion continued from last week concerning the.time provided for a party to withdraw from the agreement. Except for this part of the.agreement it appeared to be essentially what it had been in the.past, but .the Council members were not comfortable with the requirement that two yearst. notice were necessary to withdraw from the agreement. AFTER LENGTHY DISCUSION, MOTION: A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON, THAT THE MAYOR BE AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR RMICIPATION IN THE HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT APPLICATION AS WRITTEN EXCEPT THAT THE WORD "SECOND" IN THE LAST LINE IN THE SECOND FROM THE LAST PARAGRAPH ON PAGE,,'SHALL 3& STRICKEN. MOTION CARRIED. FIRST READING PROPOSED ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING LIFE OF BUILDING PERMITS Building Official Harry Whitcutt reviewed the proposed ordinance and said it had been review- . ed by'the Code Committee on April 19.. The Code Committee had recommended that building permits be limited to a one-year period and that the suspension clause be removed from the Code. Final reading of the ordinance will be at the June 1 meeting. RESOLUTION FOR ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY • M.A.A. Ron Whaley reviewed the proposed resolution, regarding the waterfront area from the southern boundary of the existing Port of Edmondsto the northern boundary of -the existing Port of Edmonds to the northern boundary of the Town of Woodway which has been designated for aquatic recreation purposes by the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and which is presently leased by the City for waterfront park and recreation purposes. He said the IAC application has to be in by June 1, with the City funds covering 25%. State funds 25% and federal funds 50%, the City's.amount being $10,125. Discussion followed regarding re -leasing rather than acquirng,.improvements to the property and the time in which to provide the money. Although the resolution provides that the City's matching monies would be part of its 1977 budget, it does not preclude their being paid in 1976. The City Attorney pointed out that estimates should be included for appraisal fees, legal fees and condemation fees, probably about 83,500. MOTION: A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GOULD, THAT THE -CITY APPLY FOR IAC GRANT; THAT.THE AMOUNT OF LOCAL MATCHING MONIES IS NOT TO EXCEED $1495009 AS PART OF THE CITY418 BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1977; THAT THE SIZE OF THE PROPERTY INDICATED IN SUBPARAGRAPH 2 OF'RESOLUTION NO. 359 BE CORRECTED TO 5 1/2 ACRES;'AND THAT RESOLUTION NO. 359 BE PASSED. MOTION CARRIED. There was no further business to come before the Council, and the meeting was adjourned at 10:35 P.m. June 1, 1976 ,,.ROLL CALL a • The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at.7:30 p.m. by Mayor Harve Harrison in the Council Chambers of the Edmonds Civic Center with all councilmen present except Herb who arrived at 7:45 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the regular meeting of May 25,'1976 had been posted, mailed and distributed. Councilman Carns noted that at the bottom of page 1. Downtown Parking Committee Report, it'was indicated that the Chamber of Commerce had.voted in favor of the parking plan when actually their vote had been that parking was needed, rather than endorsing a spec f-ic plan. The minutes were then approved as amended. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION Councilman Clement reported he.had received a telephone call from a member of the Arts Commission expressing concern about the wording of the plaque on the sculpture to be,•plac_ed in the Neil Armstrong Plaza as a bicentennial project and also concern that the project"had not been reviewed by the Arts Commission. The concern regarding the wording was that proper credit was not being given to the young people of Edmonds who are doing this. Councilman Gould had also received a call from the same person. Councilman Carns pointed out that the School Board had allowed this group to ask students to donate 250 to the project and in turn each donor's name would be placed in a capsule inside the monument. Inasmuch as M.A.A. Whaley was not present at this meeting, Councilman Clement said he would take this up -with him later. Councilman Carns inquired as to.whether a recording secretary would be present at the informal downtown parking meeting of June 7. .Mayor Harrison felt there should be one and directed City 0 Planner Wallis to arrange it. It was requested that the information.for the June 8 report on Status of Edmonds'.Disability Payments be placed in the Councilmen's Wickets for that meeting. ' Councilman Gellert noted that City Planner Wallis the received'a letter from the magazine . The Environment Monthly in which.it was announced that the Edmonds' entry in their Third Annual Community Quality of'Life Awards.Program,had been.unanimously chosen as the winner. Councilman Gellert suggested a reso7:ut ori:A bL;prepared=commending the City Planner and the Citizens Action Committee that made-this.possible and possibly: a formal presentation of the resolution at a future Council'meeting. Mayor Harrison added that in recognition we should also subscribe to MOTION: 50 copies of the magazine. A MOTION WAS THEN MADE BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT, SECONDED BY COUNCIL- MAN CLEMENT, THAT -A RESOLUTION BE DRAWN COMMENDING THE CITY PLANNER AND THE CITIZEN'S ACTION COMMITTEE ON THE COMMUNITY QUALITY OF LIFE AWARD WHICH THEY RECEIVED AND THAT -A PRESENTATION OF THE RESOLUTION BE MADE AT THE JULY 20 MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Nordquist inquired whether Edmonds was proclaiming a bicentennial period and Mayor Harrison. -replied he had already signed a proclamation in recognition of the National Bicentennial Month. Councilman Clement recommended deleting the P-Patch status report from the June 15 meeting as a written report had been received by the Councilmen. Mayor Harrison noted he would be meeting Wednesday morning with school officials to discuss the disposition of the junior high school buildings and referred to his memorandum that -the playfield was not intended to be sold. 'Councilman Nordquist stated he had spoken to Katie Allen this date who.indicated a decision had not yet been made regarding the playfield.and.that until the School Board takes.action to the contrary, the property is for sale. • Mayor Harrison inquired whether the Council wanted to take any action regarding a Resolution of Intention to set a hearing date for the establishment of a Downtown Parking and Improvement District. It was the concensus of the Council that no action should be taken until the informal meeting scheduled for June 7. Mayor Harrison said he had not yet 1signed the Proposed'Interlocal Agreement for Participation in the 1977 HUD Block Grant which. the Council had authorized him to sign and the. word "second" was to be deleted from the last line in the next to last paragraph. He said he had spoken to Earl Torgeson who wanted -,to speak with the other Commissioners and the Prosecuting Attorney about it. �J J i Councilman.Gould questioned the amount approved by Council at the May 25 meeting regarding the IAC graft. Council had approved matching monies not to exceed $14,500, including amounts for legal fees, appraisal fees and condemnation fees, It was later determined that these fees could not _be included and Councilman Gould's question was whether the figure should be amended. Inasmuch as the terminology "not to exceed" was used, it was the consensus,that no amendment was necessary. HEARINGS ON PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTIONS: #508 -.AMENDMENT TO HOME OCCUPATION SEC. 12.13.040 (ZO-3-76) City Planner Wallis reviewed the Resolution and said it had been requested by the Board of Adjustment. He said until now Conditional Use applications had to be advertised, posted and heard before the Board of Adjustment sometimes creating a delay of up to seven weeks before approval is given. He pointed out that if there is any indication that a policy matter is to be decided then any such application would be referred to the Board of Adjustment, but that the process would be simplified for most cases. There was considerable discussion concerning whether all cases:_should be heard by the Board fo Adjustment. Mr. Wallis reviewed the entire prd1posed amendment and indicated. -some further changes he recommended. The hearing was then opened. No one wished to speak and the hearing was closed. MOTION: A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN.CLEMENT, SECONDED:BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, THAT THE CITY ATTORNEY BE INSTRUCTED TO. DRAFT AN ORDINANCE CONSISTENT WITH PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION.#508 WITH THE AMENDMENZ INDICATED BY,THE CITY PLANNER; AND DELETING PARAGRAPP 2(d) OF THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT AS SUBMITTED IN THE RESOLUTION, REPLACING IT WITH A NEW PARAGRAPH 2(a)) AS PRESENTED BY THE PLANNER; AND IN PARAGRAPR 2(e) REPLACING THE WORD "OBJECTIONABLE" WITH THE WORD "UN- - REASONABLE11,; AND IN PARAGRAPH 2 (b) SUBSTITUTING_,THE WORDS "BUILDING TRADES" FOR THE WORD "CONTRACTORS." MOTION CARRIED, WITH"16OUN"CILMAN ANDERSON VOTING"NO. MOTION: #509 - AMENDMENT TO ACCESSORY BUILDING SEC. 12,.13.040 (a) AND (i) (ZO-5-76) City Planner Wallis reviewed the Resolution and said it had been Council initiated. The hearing was then opened. No one wished to.speak,and the hearing was then opened. No one wished to speak and the hearing was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CARNS. THAT THE CITY ATTORNEY BE INSTRUCTED TO DRAFT AN ORDINANCE CONSISTENT WITH PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #509. A MOTION TO AMEND WAS MAADE BY COUNCILMAN-GELLERT, THAT ".`FLF;E}UT;`SFIEIR'' BE DEFINED IN THE ORDINANCE. COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST SECONDED. MOTION TO AMEND CARRIED AND MAIN MOTION CARRIED. #510= 'AMENDMENT'TO SEC. 12.16.660 and 12.16.140 TO CLARIFY APPEAL PROVISIONS OF DECISIONS OF ANY CITY OFFICIAL IN THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE ZONING AND PLATTING CODE (ZO-6-76) City Planner Wallis reviewed the Resolution, said it was staff initiated, and said it would update€;the Code. .The hearing was then -opened. No one wished to speak and the hearing was closed. 0 Councilman Herb suggested a grammatical change in the wording of Section 12.16.060 for cla'rity.._. A MOTION WAS THEN MADE BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, THAT ORDINANCE #1847 BE ADOPTED, PURSUANT TO PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #510, WITH THE FOLLOWING GRAMMATICAL 4 38 CHANGE IN SECTION 12.16.060: IN LINE 8, AF`n THE WORD "CODE," REPLACE THE COMMA WITH A PERIOD, FOLLOWED BY THE WORDS "THE BOARD SHALL ALSO HEAR. . ." MOTION CARRIED. • #511 - AMENDMENT TO SEC. 12.10.060 (2) (e) TO CHANCE FINAL PLAT CHECKING FEE FROM $5.00 TO Moo (zo-7-76) City' Planner' Wallis reviewed the Resolut on,'saying'*ff'was``in accordance with an ordinance previously passed by the Council which raised only the preliminary plat fee. The hearing was MOTION: then opened. .No one .wished to speak and the hearing was closed. A MOTION WAS THEN MADE BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, SECONDED -BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST, THAT ORDINANCE #1848 BE ADOPTED CONSISTENT WITH PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #511. MOTION CARRIED. #512 - AMEND OFFICIAL STREET MAP TO ESTABLISH 242ND PLACE S.W., EAST OF 76TH WEST AS 500 R%liil (ST-6-75 ) City Planner Wallis reviewed the Resolution, saying this had been one of three recommendations for an amendment to the Official Street Map. He showed a drawing of the area. The hearing was then opened. No one wished to speak and the hearing was•63osed. A MOTION WAS THEN MADE BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN HERB, THAT ORDINANCE #1849 BE ADOPTED CONSISTENT WITH PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #512. MOTION CARRIED. REPORT ON TRAFFIC COUNTS, TRAFFIC MOVEMENTS & PARKING STUDY RE 76TH W. City Engineer Leif Larson said this was in relation to the 220th St. LID hearing. He indicated on the Zoning Map the zoning adjacent to 76th and pointed out that south of Highway 99, 76th goes through mainly single family residential zoning and north of Highway 99 it is mainly multipre•. He also showed a map indicating where parking is allowed parallel to the curb. He then showed a map indicating traffic patterns which reflected an 87% increase in north/south traffic from 220th since 1969, 36% increase in westbound fraffic, 10% increase in eastbound traffic and 100% increase in south bound traffic from 220th. He said the big increase has been in the north/south movement on 76th Avenue. The traffic counts had not yet been received from the State Highway Department for south of Highway 99. He said the alternatives were to either leave the parking as it is or have no`<parking at restricted hours, based on the loadings and time of day. He felt -'the second option would create a problem in administering it. He recommended leaving it as it is (no parking north of Highway 99 on 76th), considering the traffic and turning movements and the zon- ing. He said he will probably return with the recommendation that parking be restricted on 212th MOTION: between Five Corners.and Highway 99. A MOTION WAS THEN MADE BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, THAT PARKING BE RETURNED TO THE WEST SIDE OF 76TH FROM 216TH TO HIGHWAY 99, BUT RESTRICTING THE PARKING TO NO PARKING FROM 6:00 TO 10:00 A.M. Councilman Nordquist added that the people had asked for this, that the parking had been removed without a public hearing, and parking on one side of the street would take some -of the load off the other side,., Mr. Larson remarked that providing parking on.one side of the street and not the other usually caused jaywalking. A ROLL CALL VOTE WAS TAKEN O& THE MOTION, WITH GOULD, CLEMENT, GELLERT AND ANDERSON VOTING NO, ORDQUIST AND CARNS VOTING YES, AND HERB ABSTAINING BECAUSE HE HAD MISSED PART OF THE DISCUSSION. MOTION FAILED. DISCUSSION ON SALE OF SURPLUS PROPERTY BY FORECLOSURE TO SATISFY LID LID LIENS . Councilman Carns said the problem previously noted regarding notification of one of the property MOTION: owners had been resolved. A MOTION WAS THEN MADE BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, THAT AN APPRAISAL OF THE FIVE SURPLUS PROPERTIES BE AUTHORIZED. MOTION CARRIED. PASSAGE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING LIFE OF BUILDING PERMITS MOTION: A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST, SECONDEC BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, THAT ORDINANCE #1850 BE ADOPTED, ESTABLISHING EXPIRATION PERIODS FOR BUILDING PERMITS, DEMOLITION PERMITS, GRADING PERMITS AND PERMITS\FOR MOVED -IN BUILDINGS AND AMENDING SECTION 11.02.025.(d) OF THE EDMONDS CITY CODE. MOTION CARRIED. PROPOSED ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS FOR WATER TANK SITE City Engineer Larson reviewed the proposed ordinance. He said some b.f=the residents of the area had been in to discuss this with him, but he could not say all the area residents were aware . LOTION.: of it. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUI8T, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, THAT ORDINANCE #1851 BE ADOPTED, AUTHORIZING CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS FOR THE WATER TANK SITE. MOTION CARRIED. ACCEPTANCE OF INSTALLATION OF PHASE IV, SCHEDULE "C", WATER MAINS & APPURTENANCES BY KING CONSTRUCTION CO. City Engineer Larson stated all restoration punch list items have now been satisfactorily completed and the purpose of this acceptance is in order to establish a 30-day lien period for filing claims. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST, TO ACCEPT THE INSTALLATION OF PHASE IV, SCHEbt1E_'11C", WATER'MAINS & APPURTENANCES BY KING CON- STRUCTION CO. MOTION CARRIED. CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES The Deputy City Clerk reported claims for damages had been received from Michael King in the amount of $82.85 and from Mr. and Mrs. Don Girvan in the amount of $138.08. Both had been forwarded immediately to the insurance company. Council acknowledged receipt of the claims. There was no further business to come.before.the Council, and the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 P.M. 1 1 • 1 1 IFO= VARNEY MORAN, COY Clerk H. H. HARRISON, Mayor