19760706 City Council Minutes• 1 1 n U SECONDED THE,MOTION. MOTION CARRIED. APPROVAL.OF TEMPORARY CONCESSION - EDMONDS'ORDER OF RAINBOW, FOR JULY 4 The City Clerk had received an application for a temporary consession permit for the July 4 holiday, from the Edmonds Order of Rainbow, to sell food and drinks at the City Park during the day's-activities and at the beachhouse and park during the firewords display. Insurance MOTION: requirements had been met and it and been approved by the Police and Fire Chiefs. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON,.SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, TO APPROVE THE TEMPORARY CONCESSION APPLICATION. MOTION CARRIED. APPRAISAL ON HAINES PROPERTY City Attorney John Wallace stated the appraisal had come in this date but too late to make copies Tor dissemination and: -.at time he would just acknowledge receipt of the appraisal and the accompanying statement. . DISCUSSION ON SEPA GUIDELINES FOR A PROPOSED ORDINANCE PASSAGE ON JULY 6 City Planner Joe Wallis.said this legislation will require some.changes; for example, they are now using an.assessment form and the new requirement is for a check-off.list. He noted that the guideline prescribes the minimum, if you want to address anything else you can. He reviewed some of the highlights of the guidelines.. There was some discussion as to whether the Planning Commission should review this, but the City Attorney advised that the ordinance.,must':be in by July 14, and suggested that if the Council wants the Planning Commission to -coordinate it and amend it, it could be done after passage. Councilman Herb objected to the blanket release re- quired -in Section 13 of the proposed ordinance, but Mr. Wallace advised that had been refined in a more recent draft. Councilman Carns said he could see no problem in passing the next draft provided by the City Attorney and noted that amendments could always be made. In answer to a question regarding risks to the environment,"Mr. Wallis said there were two problems. One, there is no authority to stop someone from clearing,a large parcel of land, and two, storm run-off, in that there is no mechanism to make them look at the soil on a single family resi- dence being built. Councilman Clement -said they had not had enough time to review it thorough- ly and suggested enacting it with no exemptions and then going through the process of determin- ing which areas are exempt. Mr. Wallis also added that there are so many procedural steps involved that must be accomplished that when anyone wants to.challenge them, they take the - Planning Department'.s file and look to see if they have missed any of the procedural steps. He said it is very time consuming but familiarity will make it easier. CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES The Deputy City Clerk reported a claim for damages had been received from the Edmonds Garden Center in the amount of $80.32 and had been forwarded immediately to the insurance company. Council acknowledged receipt of the claim. The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 10:45 p.m. IRENE VARNEY MORAN, Cit Clerk July 6, 1976 ROLL CALL • The regular.meeting of Harve Harrison in the present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES the Edmonds City Council was called to order. at 7:30.p.m. by Mayor Council Chambers of the Edmonds Civic Center with all Councilmen Minutes of the regular meeting of June 29, 1976 had been posted, mailed and distributed, and with no corrections or omissions they were approved as written. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION Councilman No.rdquist mentioned a Superior Court ruling against the City of-.Lynnwood"_.because Councilman Becker viewed a piece of property prior to a hearing. Councilman Nordquist asked that city. Attorney. John Wallace review the interpretation for the Council at a future work MOTION: meeting. A MOTION WAS THEN MADE BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GOULD, THAT THIS ITEM BE SET FOR THE JULY 13 MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Gelleitt suggested that the personnel matter to be discussed in Executive Session this evening be discussed instead at a dinner meeting when more time could be given it. A dinner meeting -was set for 6:30 p.m., July.7, at the Pancake Haus. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION Norma Bruns, 816 Walnut, expressed her concerns regarding the appointments to boards and commis§sions in the City. She said she would like to see the Council make some statements regarding the make-up of. boards and commissions. She pointed out that in the recent appoint- ments to the Board of Adjustment and Amenities Design Board there had.been no women appointed, and that it appeared that typical male groups and typical female groups were being established. She noted that there are two women on the Planning Commission, but that the Board of Adjust- ment was all men, the Amenities Design Board has one woman, the Park Board has one woman, and the 0 454 Beautification Committee is practically all women. She also objected to the Board of Adjust- ment having four people professionally involved in construction or building. She said she had been told that one reason women are not appointed is that there are no letter or resumes for them on file. She said if that is a requirement, she�felt that should be made public or put into an ordinance. She suggested that in all ordinances setting up commissions or boards some language be included to assure that they are representative of the citizens of Edmonds. Mayor Harrison replied that the biggest problem in making a selection is determining who is available and whom he knows. He said he has`la note book of names of people who contact him and would like to serve and also people he knows who are active in the communtiy, and he selects from that and the majority are men. There followed some discussion of the various problems in selecting people to serve, and Mrs. Bruns added that the appearance of fairness is what is important. Tom Birrittier of the Edmonds Jaycees proposed to set August 14 as the Edmonds Founders Day Celebration and he reviewed a tentative schedule of events. He asked for a proclamation declar- ing August 14 as Founders Day and also the.necessary approvals for the events. Mayor Harrison said the Executive Branch could give any necessary approvals and asked.if the Council took exception to any of the proposals. Councilman Carns questioned the advisability of closing off streets that might impair downtown business and Mayor Harrison said he would take that under advisement. He added that he really didn't think Main Street should be closed. CORRESPONDENCE The Deputy City Clerk read a letter from Dennis Clark thanking Fire Chief Cooper for his assis- tance in the dedication ceremonies of the Neil Armstrong Plaza. PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF AREA OFF 220TH BY EITHER PETITION OR RESOLUTION METHOD Mayor Harrison stated a petition had been received for annexation and also one against. Council- • man Carns noted that one signature appeared on both petitions. City Attorney Wallace advised that it and been proposed that if the property owners filed a letter of intent this evening the annexation proposal could go forward and the effort made to get signatures of 75% of the owners, or in the alternative, theannexing of an island of the county .could be done by the resolution procedure. He advised that the notice of intent had now been received. Because of the petition received against the annexation it did not appear that it would be feasible to expect signatures of 75% of the property owners in favor°of the annexation. No one in the audience wished to speak in favor of annexation, and Geraldine Makus of 21722 95th W., one of the signers of the petition against annexation, simply stated that they were not receptive to annexation at this time, and that she had helped to circulate the petition against annexation. It appeared that MOTION: the resolution procedure was the only feasible one. THEREFORE, A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCIL- MAN ANDERSON, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, THAT RES. 361 BE PASSED, AND -THE DATE OF JULY 27 BE CONFIRMED AS THE HEARING DATE FOR THE ANNEXATION OF THE DESCRIBED AREA JUST -OFF 220TH. _-MOTION MOTION: CARRIED. Councilman Goul& asked to be.provided any data regarding the'bonded.indebtedness_for the area. A.MOTION WAS MADE'BY COUNCILMAN-GELLERT,- SECONDED,BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, THAT IN ADDITION TO THE OWNERSHIPS OF RECORD BEING.NOTIFIED,BALL-PERSONS::SIGNING_EITHER OF THE PETITIONS RECEIVED BE NOTIFIED AND; IF.POSSIBLE,ANY OTHER RESIDENTS OF THE AREA. MOTION CARRIED. HEARING ON PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #513 - AMEND OFFICIAL STREET MAP TO REALIGN R/W OF NORTH MEADOWDALE ROAD FROM 68TH W. TO 75TH PL. W. (ST-5-76) Councilman Anderson advised he is an abutting property owner to the area under consideration and therefore he stepped down from his seat on the Council during this hearing. City Planner Joe Wallis then showed an overlay of the area and advised that the Planning Commission had re- commended on May 12 that the Official.'Street Map be amended to concide with the travelway. The public portion of the hearing was then opened. No one wished to speak and the public portion was then closed. There was some discussion as to how this change might affect the property owners in adjoining properties. Councilman Nordquist asked that the Staff check to see that • MOTION: enough.of the stakes marking the new property lines are in place. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCIL- MAN CARNS, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN HERB, THAT ORDINANCE #1853 BE ADOPTED, PURSUANT TO PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #513. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Anderson then returned to his seat on the Council. HEARING ON PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #514 - AMEND SECTION 12.13.130 (g) OF ZONING ORDINANCE TO ALLOW UNOCCUPIED WEATHER PROTECITON IN SETBACKS FOR RM SECTIONS. (ZO-8-76) City Planner Joe Wallis said the intent of this resolution is to allow some kind of weather protection, in RM zones only, to be constructed in the yard setback. He said it had been requested by a local developer who saw a need for this type of intrusion into the yard set- back so that an automobile could.drive through and leave passengers without their getting wet if it were raining. He noted that the conditions established in allowing such use were in- dicated in Exhibit A to P.C. Resolution #514. He also noted that the Amenities Design Board reviews all multi -family structures. The public hearing was opened and no one wished to speak, MOTION: so the public hearing was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN CLEMENT, SECONDED BY COUNCIL- MAN CARNS, THAT THE CITY ATTORNEY BE INSTRUCTED TO DRAFT AN ORDINANCE PURSUANT TO PLANNING COM- MISSION RESOLUTION #514. MOTION CARRIED. HEARING ON PLANNING COMMISSION.RESOLUTION #515 - AMEND OFFICIAL STREET MAP BY (1) REMOVING HINDLEY LAND BETWEEN 9TH N. & VIEWLAND DRIVE AND RETAINING EASEMENT FOR WALKWAY ON SOUTH SIDE OF EXIST- HINDLEY LAND ALIGNMENT: AND BY (2) REDUCING PORTION OF R/W ON BROOKMERE BETWEEN 9TH N. AND LOTH N. FROM 50' TO 40'. (ST-6-76) City Planner Joe Wallis showed an overlay of the area and said this is in connection with the recently approved subdivision "Wind-N-View." He said therecommendation is that Hindley Lane be removed from the Official Street Map to conform with that subdivision. The public portion of the hearing was then opened. The Reverend Olin Dasher, pastor of St. Peter by the Sea, asked if the developer will assume 0 5 • responsibility for the walkway. Mr. Wallis replied that he will, that the installation of walk- way -is one of the engineering requirements to be performed by the developer. Allen Hendricks, attorney representing.Katheryn Mcowell, requested that loth Avenue be included in the amendment to the street map. He said Mrs. McDowell is -in the process of applying for a short subdivision and she would like the other 25' of the east side of loth, between Brookmere and Hindley Lane, to also be taken off the street map. City Attorney John Wallace advised Mr. Hendrickes that such request was beyond the'scope of this hearing. Gordon Stewart of 1006 loth Avenue.N. said his property is.at the end of Brookmere on the east side and he and been given to understand there would be a 50' right-of-way there and had built his home accordingly to take advantage of the view. He said if the right-of-way is reduced his MOTION: view will damaged. The public portion of the hearing was then closed. A MOTION WAS THEN MADE BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST, THAT ORDINANCE #1854 BE ADOPTED, PURSUANT TO PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #515. MOTION CARRIED. HEARING ON PLANNING COMMISSION FILE SM-5-76 - SOUTH COUNTY SENIOR CENTER SHORELINE SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FOR ADDITION,AND REFURBISHING EXISTING BUILDING . Mr. Wallis advised this had been approved by the Planning Commission on June 23. It is for a Shoreline Management permit for improvements to the South County Senior Center. The addition will connect the two existing buildings and will aid handicapped senior citizens in moving from. one building to the other. It will also create additional space for the dining room and new office or recreation space. The .parking arrangement will be improved and a small "pocket park" is proposed for the northwest corner which will be landscaped and which will provide pubic access to the waterfront. Mr. Wallis -,said there -will be no negative environmental impacts from this project. He -said the impacts on the environment will be positive and the proposal meets many of Edmonds' policies to preserve the waterfront for public use. He recommended approval. The • public hearing was opened but no one wished to speak and the public hearing was closed. Council- man Carns said he had not seen any funding going to the round lawn area and Councilman Clement replied that the Council had voted $24,000 in the 1976 budget for landscaping and parking. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT, SECONDED BY COUNDILMAN NORDQUIST, TO APPROVE THE SOUTH COUNTY SENIOR CENTER SHORELING SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FOR THE ADDITION AND REFURBISHING THE EXISTING BUILDING. MOTION CARRIED. HEARING ON DOWNTOWN PARKING PLAN Dave Larson, Chairman of the Downtown Parking Committee, presented a brochure regarding the Down- town Parking program. The brochure covered four areas -- (1) The Plan, (2) Financing the Plan, (3) dminsitering the Plan, and (4) Future Development, Mr. Larson -;reviewed the.tproblems and the objectives of the plan and'gave recommendations for financing the plan, administering it, and for future development. Two proposals were offered. For one the estimated.costs.would be $400,000 (Plan A)"and for the other it, would be"$550,000 (Plan B). Mr. Larson said the plan is designed to benefit the.existing businesses, that it.'does not -encompass what future demands there may be. He said. it was felt that the majority of the cost of.the.plan should be assessed against the existing businesses on the deficiency formula and that it is recognized that all the properties in the downtown area will benefit. He said the committee is proposing that 10% of the total cost of the project should -be assessed against business -used land on a square footage basis and 90% against properties with parking deficiencies, computed on:the basis of one parking space per 600 square feet of building area. Mr. -Larson said Plan A would provide.156 parking spaces and Plan B would provide 202 spaces. On questioning, City Planner Joe Wallis added that there are 411 on -street parking spaces in Edmonds. Mr. Larson was asked if he believed there would be a good chance of the resolution not being protested out. Mr. Larson replied that if you went with Plan A and increased the deficiency against the landowners he thought the chances of it not being protested out would be increased. There followed discussion as to whether there really is a parking problem in Edmonds. Councilman Anderson said he had taken his own survey and failed to find a present problem. He felt that 10 years from now, if some action hasn't been taken, • we may wish it had been. He said the question is whether the business area will pay now for future orderly development, since there doesn't appear to be a need now. He suggested a third plan providing for only three lost, as opposed to the four lots provided by Plans A and B. The Public portion of the meeting was then opened.. Peggy Harris of 100 - 5th Avenue-.N. said there were not enough merchants or property owners present to get a true feeling about the parking situation. Dave Howell of Edmonds Variety Store, who has 10 deficiencies, said that at the last meeting it was felt that the two hour parking limit should be enforced and that would solve the problem. He said he, personally, had never had a parking problem and that everyone he talks to thinks there is no need for more parking. -Erik Erikkson of Edmonds Lumber Company said this same problem was addressed 14 years before, and it is still here. He said he wants to know what he would have to pay for parking and would like to go ahead with a resolution of intention so they can find out what it will cost. John Chapman of Edmonds Book Shop said he is a merchant and a property owner. He felt that there is a parking problem even if it is only one of perception, that people who live away from the downtown.area believe there is a parking problem simply because there is no large lot provided. He suggested acquisition of the four sites at this time, with development of the area for parking at a later date. He said he would like to know what proportion of the costs is for development, and possibly the four could be acquired and only one developed for the present, developing the others at future.times. He added that it was his opinion that if a resolution is -adopted and it is subject to being protested out by the merchants in town, it will be, in either of the two forms presented. He said there are a number of merchants who feel the costs would cause them to go out of business. City Engineer Leif Larson stated that land acquisition is approximately 65% of the cost, and that land acquisition becomes a greater percentage of the cost as time goes on. Marve Behar said this had been gone through 10 years ago, but that the people come to Edmonds to shop because of its quaintness, not because they are going to find bargains here. He said this town is oriented to gift shops and apparel shops, the high service type of shops. He pointed out 456 that Bartell Drugs and Sprouse Variety had not been able to make it when they were down in the present Safeway area, even with all that parking. • MOTION: Peggy Harris asked if there was any way that the two hour parking limit could be extended during the luch period. She thought if the cars were marked in the mornings that would get employees parking, but she.waid ladies like to come to Edmonds for a leisurely lunch and spend some time shopping, and two hours does not accommodate that. Councilman Clement noted that one of the criteria should not be whether there is a shortage of parking, but whether or not there is a need for parking to generate business. He said people may not be coming to Edmonds to shop because they perceive there is no parking. Harold Foss of 530 Bell Street took exception to single family residences being exclued and apartment units being assessed'on a square foot basis. He felt it was not fair as the same traffic is generated from a single family residence. He said also that apartments away from the downtown area are not assessed and they are the ones that should be, since their occupants have to drive to the shopping area and park there. The public portion was then closed. Councilman Carns said he thought the Parking Committee had done a lot of work and is thinking of the future. He said they had a lot of good points but he didn't think they had a chance with Plan A or Plan B of not being protested out. He said if we could have some kind of common thought throughout the business communtiy and come up with something --perhaps through the Chamber of Commerce --he would go along with any plan that the majority of the people would support, but he didn't think there was anything near a majority who would support either plan. Mr. Larson said he didn't think that is the problem for the Council to answer, that the property owners would do that. Councilman Gellert pointed out that Edmonds is under an extremely tight budget and passing a resolution would generate more staff time that cannot be wasted on projects that obviously will not develop. Dewey Leyda said he thought this has started at the wrong end, that he has never been approach- ed by anybody about parking. He said they should go to the landlords before going to the Counil. Councilman Gould said he could not be persuaded there is a parking problem and, also, he is con- cerned about changing the appearance and uniqueness of the downtown area by paving part of it with four big parking lots. He felt there are other alternatives that could be taken by the merchants who felt there is a problem, one being that they buy a lot and put in their parking. He said he is concerned aoubt the futrue and perhaps one lot is needed, but he did not feel three were needed. Councilman Anderson added that perhaps if three lots were bought and two developed, that might sell. He felt that we are talking about the future but ten years from now we may wish we had given the business communtiy an opportunity to address this. Councilman Gellert said it is rarely good business to put money into capital improvements far ahead of when you need them, even though inflation does take place; the money should go into the day-by-day business, not the future. Mayor Harrison noted that some people are providing parking and other people are using it. He felt some king of system of abating those businesses not providing parking was neces- sary over a period of years in order to create some equity. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN GOULD, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN HERB, THAT THE COUNCIL FINDS PLANS A AND B, AS PRESENTED BY THE PARKING COMMITTEE, ARE TOO LARGE AND THE COUNCIL REQUESTS THE CITY STAFF TO SURVEY THE PROBLEM FROM THEIR VIEWPOINTS AND SUBMIT TO'THE COUNCIL RECOMMENDATIONS ON PARKING LOT REQURIEMENTS AT THE JULY 27 MEETING. MOTION CARRIED, WITH COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST VOTING NO AND COUNCILMAN CARNS ABSTAINING AS HE WAS NOT PRESENT WHEN THE MOTION WAS MADE. PROPOSED SEPA ORDINANCE 1 1 • 1 This discussion was continued from last week's meeting. There was some discussion as to designat- ing a "lead agency" and when the City would not be the lead agency, and the City Attorney advised there are procedures to determine which is the lead agency. Fees were also discussed, and the City Attorney advised that the fees .have been drafted to make it pay for itself outside of • MOTION: City projects. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN HERB, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, THAT ORDINANCE #1855, SEPA'ORDINANCE, BE ADOPTED BY THE CITY OF EDMONDS. MOTION CARRIED. REPORT ON STATUS OF SEAVIEW PARK IMPROVEMENT PROJECT AND REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL FUNDING Park Director Rod Garretson had prepared a written report in indicate the financial status of the construction at Seaview Park. He said the total amount to be spent would be $142,897.78, which is $12,987.78 more than the $130,000.00 previously approved. He and requested IAC fund- ing on a 50% matching share, or $6,448.90. He said there was about $7,000 in other areas of his budget that could be used to fund the overrun. There was lengthy discussion about the causes of the overrun, Councilman Carns feeling it may have been avoided if there had been cooperation with the Planning, Edngineering and Public Works Departments. Further discussion centered on how the overrun would be funded. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN CLEMENT, SECOND- ED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST, THAT $8,736 BE MOVED FROM THE PARK DEPARTMENT GENERAL FUND TO THE PARK IMPROVEMENTS FUND TO THE SEAVIEW PARK IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. MOTION CARRIED. REPORT ON PROPER BARRICADING OF ACCESS TO PARK AT MEADOWDALE BEACH City Engineer Leif Larson presented a drawing of a proposed barricade, the estimated cost of which would be $500 to $750. He said he had received a letter this date from Richard Fowler, Snohomish County Parks & Recreation Director, saying the County Park Advisory Board would like to provide access to the general public on:�a regulated basis from May to September, if possible. Mr. Fowler had suggested if this were not possible that a service road be con- structed to provide for emergency and maintenance vehicles, and if that alternative is chosen then an adequate gate facility should be constructed. Mr. Larwon said the drawing presented was typical of the gate facitliy mentioned. He said financial participation in the gate had not been resolved, and he recommended proceeding and trying to get a commitment from the county:to participate. He noted that nothing could be put there that vandals could not destroy if they wanted to. There was lengthy.discussion on possible ways to handle the vandalism in this area, but no Council action was taken. 0 REPORT ON CONSTRUCTION COSTS AND FUNDING OF 88TH AVE. W., OLYMPIC VIEW DRIVE TO 196TH ST. S.W. , 1 City Engineer Leif Larson presented supplemental information on funding -and recommended MOTION: that bids be taken on the storm drainage and the first phase of the paving. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST, THAT BIDS BE TAKEN FOR THE STORM DRAINS AND FOR THE PAVING OF ALL OF 88TH OR, OPTIONALLY, PAVING ALL THE WAY TO OLYMPIC VIEW DRIVE. MOTION CARRIED. REPORT FROM COUNCILMAN CARNS ON PUBLICATION OF LEGAL..NOTICES Councilman Carns stated that in further exploring the costs of publication of legal notices he had received quotes from .the -Western Sun of $3.00 per, columnar inch, 12 lines to the inch; and from the -Tribune Review of $1.50 per columnar inch,.'14 lines to the inch. THERE- FORE, COUNCILMAN CARNS MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST, THAT NO CHANGES BE MADE. MOTION CARRIED. CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES The Deputy City Clerk reporkp laims for damages had been received from Douglas and Lena Warne in the amount of $18.90, and from Richard and Donna Walker in the amount of $633.02. Both claims had been,forwarded .'immediately to the insurance company. Council acknowledged receipt of both claims. There was no further business to come before the Council, and the meeting adjourned at 12:00 midnight. • IREN VARNEY MORAN, ty Clerk July 13, 1976 ROLL CALL H. H. HARRISON, Mayor The regular.meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by Mayor Harrison in the Council Chambers of the Edmonds Civic Center with all Councilmen present except Anderson, who had advised he would not be present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the regular meeting of July 6, 1976 had been posted, mailed and distributed. Council- man Carns noted that the starting time of the meeting should be corrected to 7:40 p.m., rather than 7:30 p.m. as written. The minutes were then approved as corrected. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION Councilman Gellert referred to the letter of June 29, 1976 from the Highway Commission refusing the request of the City of Edmonds for approval of speed zoning as described in Ordinance No. 1840. Councilman Gellert asked that the City request a copy of June 21, 1976 Minutes of the State Highway Commission in order to obtain some insight as to the reason for denial. Councilman Gellert questioned an item on the June 24 Warrant Register for Civil Service Testing which appeared to be very expensive. M.A.A. Ron Whaley explained that the Civil Service Com- mission had chosen this test over others as they thought it was the best test available even though it was expensive. It was used to give entry-level exams when 280 applications were received in reply to an advertisement to fill vacancies. Councilman Gellert also asked about another item on the June 24 Warrant Register for 17 cases of floor tile for the Public Works Building. Public Works Director Herb Gilbo said that was for a purchase over a year ago in which the tile was installed but it was not done properly so payment was held up. He said it had been a, rbudgeted item. Councilman'.Goufd referred to City Engineer Leif Larson's memo of July 9 regarding 88th Avenue W. from 196th Street S.W. to Olympic View Drive and requesting, pursuant to Council action of July 6, authorization to receive bids at 3:00 p.m., Thursday, July 29. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN GOULD, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, THAT THE CITY ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL FOR BIDS AT- 3:00 P.M., JULY 29,.AS REQUESTED FOR 88TH AVENUE WEST. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Gould noted that a petition had been received to change the parking status on 76th from 212th S.W. to Highway 99. Councilman Gellert said the issue had already been discussed at great length, and just recently. It had been brought up as a report by the City Engineer at the Council's request after the hearing on 220th .Councilman Carns felt the Council had not really heard the issue. THEREFORE, A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, SECONDED BY COUNCIL- MAN NORDQUIST TO HEAR THIS MATTER ON AUGUST 3. MOTION CARRIED, WITH COUNCILMAN GELLERT VOTING NO. Councilman Gould said he had received a phone call from Mr. Rutter regarding skateboarding in Edmonds. She had inquired about a street being blocked off, perhaps one Sunday a month, for skateboarding. Councilman Gould said he'had directed her attention to the Park.Board Director, thinking perhaps the Park Improvement Bond could incorporate some kind of facility for skate- boarding and bicycling combined. A question was raised as to whether there is an ordinance •