19761214 City Council MinutesIs 1F 717-1 December 7, 1976 (Continued) SECONDED -BY COUNCILMAN GOULD, THAT THIS BID REPORT BE CONTINUED TO DECEMBER 21. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Anderson requested clarification of the quoted statements of the bidders. 19 1 is 1 MOTION: REPORT ON BIDS OPENED NOVEMBER 23 FOR DIESEL FUEL OIL REQUIREMENTS FOR 1977 (8:56 p.m.) Public Works Director Ron Whaley had -prepared and distributed a summary of the bids received. Four bids had been received, each bidder specifying that the price is subject to change, depending upon price changes of.their suppliers. Mr. Whaley recommended acceptance of the bid proposal of the low bidder which was Sound Oil Company, bidding 37.4� per gallon, plus Washington State sales tax of 5.4%. Mr.,Whaley said the service of Sound Oil Company has been excellent in the past. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST, THAT THE BID OF SOUND OIL COMPANY OF 37.4¢ PER GALLON PLUS WASHINGTON STATE SALES TAX OF 5.4% BE ACCEPTED. MOTION CARRIED. REPORT ON JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL INSURANCE Park: Flanni.ng� and-•Rec.reation=.Director Rod Garretson said a. number•of•.po.tential users of the Junior High School had been turned away because of insurance. He had felt an umbrella policy which would cover all of these would-be of benefit in booking programs. He now has found an insurance company which can provide such coverage and he felt the Junior High could not be successfully programmed, although it might never be self-supporting. However, in light of the School Board's decision not to grant a long-term lease, he questioned the feasibility of promoting and building programs if the facility is to be lost. He said the School District does not want the City to use any of their other schools until the Junior High question is solved. Another problem is that registration is about to start and they do not know where they will be holding programs. Discussion followed, and Councilman Gould said he had meetings scheduled,wi.th`.the.�School Distri.ct:arid:he�,would not like to see them prejudiced. After further discussion it was decided that no action could be taken for the present, and the insurance report from Mr. Garretson was accepted.. There was no further business to come before the Council, and the meeting was adjourned to Executive Session at 9:15 p.m. . JJ,*f_z_" IRENE ARNEY MORAN tl December 14, 1976 The regular meeting.of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by Mayor Harve Harrison in the Council Chambers of the Edmonds Civic Center. All present joined in the flag salute. PRESENT Harve Harrison, Mayor Ray Gould Phil Clement Max Gellert John Nordquist Robert Anderson Tom Carns Mike Herb CONSENT AGENDA (7:41 p.m.) STAFF PRESENT J. Herb.Gilbo, M.A.A. Leif Larson, City Engineer Joe Wallis, City Planner Noelle Charleson,Assistant City Planner Irene Varney Moran, City Clerk Lila Crosby, Finance Director Ron Whaley, Public Works.Director Rod'Garretson', Park Planning & Recreation Director Lynn Devoir, Recreation Supervisor Marlo Foster, Po lice Chief Jack Cooper, Fire Chief. Don Burton, Park Maintenance Superintendent Harry Whitcutt, Building Official Jim Murphy, City Attorney Jackie Parrett, Deputy City Clerk MOTION: A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GOULD, TO APPROVE -THE CONSENT AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED. The only item on the Consent Agenda was the Minutes of the meeting of December 7,1976. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION (7:42 p.m.) Councilman Gould reported that Herb Gilbo, Noelle Charleson, and he had met with Dr. Woodroof on the matter of the Junior High complex. He.said a number of alternatives had been discussed which could be pursued in reaching goals. Inasmuch as lease/sale types of considerations were involved, he said he would like to give a detailed report at the Executive Session foll,owing this evening's meeting and he asked that Miss Charleson and Mr. Gilbo also be present to give their interpretations. Questions arose about the propriety of this discussion being held in Executive Session. City Attorney Jim Murphy said he was not aware of what was to be discussed, but it appeared terms which could affect price would be discussed and therefore it would be proper. FINAL CONSIDERATION OF 1977 BUDGET (7:50 p.m.) The Council reviewed the current Revenue and Expenditure Analyses and an updated summary prepared by the Finance Director. Mayor Harrison indicated the Building -Department had requested an additional $1,500 for temporary help and,compensatory time. A suggested�possibility,was thata person could be divided between-'the,Building Department and Planning Department. 20 The Junior High School was discussed and Councilman Clement said he felt as long as the • facility is available to be offered to the citizens it should not be boarded up. M.A.A. Gilbo then said he had learned late today that the costs of.medical insurance for City employees are anticipated to increase by approximately $90,000 for 1977. He said this will have to be investigated but it must be considered in the budget. The Council then discussed .adjustments that could be made in the preliminary budget. After a lengthy discussion and MOTION: expressions of priorities the following motion was made. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN CLEMENT, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, THAT THE.CITY ATTORNEY BE INSTRUCTED TO DRAFT A BUDGET ORDINANCE REFLECTING THE FOLLOWING.CHANGES TO THE PRELIMINARY 1977 ANNUAL BUDGET: GENERAL FUND REVENUE Reduce the General Fund Revenue to reflect the Aid Car transfer reduction $ 4,700 Increase Cash on Hand $ 64,524 Recognizing anti -recession grants 42,000 Recognizing leasehold taxes increase 4,000 Professional & Occupational Licenses increase in fees 2,000 Property Tax carry-over from 1976 7,000 Increase in Electric Utility Tax 4,000 Increase in nonbusiness licenses and permits 3,000 Additional fees for right-of-way repair from contractors 6,000 NET INCREASE IN GENERAL FUND REVENUE: $127,824 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES Reduce General Fund Expenditures Transfer to Street Fund for professional services 2,000 Reduction in transfer to Library Fund 30,440 Reduction in transfer to Street Fund for storm drainage Reduction in Attorney's fees 23,000 7,000 • REDUCTION IN EXPENDITURES $ 62,440 Increase General Fund Expenditures Park Department, amending narrative to reflect operation of Junior High School and 'Insurance for the Junior High School,.-. and eliminating $3,000 in annex remodeling 12,000 Increase in insurance as it applies to all departments, reflected in fringe benefits 90,000 Increase in Senior Center subsistence allowance 2,000 Increase in Municipal Arts Fund 2,000 Additional to Park Maintenance budget 9,000 Increase in Personal Services in Engineering Dept. (supplementing funding for CETA employee) 3,000 Increase in Police Dept. for one additional officer 15,000 Increase for a Street Maintenance person in Public Works 13,700 Increase in Dept. 35=•Merit 5,000 Contingency Fund 38,564 INCREASE IN EXPENDITURES . $190,264 Also, the.Street Fund narrative to be amended to reflect the priorities agreed to at the December 1 budget.hearing regarding repaving; i.e., 212th, 5th, 88th, Olympic View Drive, * 75th, and Dayton, in that order (88th meaning sidewalks); the $23,000 inter -charge to be from the Water/Sewer Construction Fund rather than from the General Fund, and the Water/Sewer Fund cash on hand to be reduced by $23,000; the Aid Car operating fund expenditures to be reduced from $4,700 to $2,500 and the narrative be changed from being a transfer to the General Fund to being $2,500.for Aid Car Personnel Training. THE MOTION CARRIED.. A MOTION WAS THEN MADE BY COUNCILMAN CLEMENT, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST,.THAT $8;000 BE TRANSFERRED FROM FUND 214, THE 1965 CIVIC CENTER BOND ISSUE, BACK TO FUND 213, THE 1965 PARK BOND ISSUE, AND THAT $8,000 IN EXPENDITURES IN 1977 BE PLANNED FROM FUND 213 TO DEVELOP SIERRA PARK. MOTION CARRIED. In regard to Water/Sewer rate increases, City Engineer Leif Larson distributed a report reflecting analysis for 1973, 1974 and 1975 and projections for 1976 and 1977. This report indicated present rates to be insufficient to cover operational requirements. He recommended .specific increases, and Public Works Director Ron Whaley distributed revised preliminary budget pages based upon the proposed rate increases. Mr. Larson recommended that rate increases for additional water main replacement be held in abeyance, that priorities be determined in relation to additional storage tanks and water main replacements, and that water and -sewer rates be reviewed yearly in conjunction with the budget. After some MOTION: discussion, A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN HERB, THAT THE CITY ATTORNEY BE INSTRUCTED TO DRAFT AN ORDINANCE INCREASING WATER RATES -FROM $4.50 TO $4.75 FOR 500 CU. FT. AND FROM $ .30 TO $.40 FOR EACH ADDITIONAL 100 CUBIC FEET OVER 500 CUBIC FEET: AND THAT THE SEWER RATES. BE INCREASED FROM $3.00 TO $3.50 PER MONTH PER RESIDENTIAL UNIT, AND IN THE OLYMPIC VIEW WATER DISTRICT FROM $1.75 TO $2.25 PER MONTH; AND THAT THE BUDGET BE SO AMENDED. MOTION CARRIED. There was no further business to come before the Council., and the meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 10:05 p.m. 1 11 IRENE VARNEY MORAN, Ci y Clerk *See December 21 minutes for amendment H. H- HARRISON, Mayor