19770614 City Council MinutesJune 7, 1977 (Cont.) MOTION: COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MADE THE MOTION THAT THE MAYOR-BE.AUTHORIZED TO SIGN THE AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE. HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT FOR,ADVERTISING AND AWARDING 197P FAM'PROJECTS COUNCILMAN CARNS SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED. There was no further business to come before the Council and the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. �•o �,` IRENE VARNEY MORAN, Citl Clerk H. H. HARRISON, Mayor June 14, 1977 (Work Meeting) The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:35'p.m. by Mayor Harve • Harrison in the Council Chambers of the Edmonds Civic Center. All present joined in the flag salute. PRESENT ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Harve Harrison., Mayor Phil Clement J. Herb Gilbo, M.A,..A. Ray Gould Leif Larson, Public Works Director. Max Gellert Joe Wallis, Community Development Director John Nordquist Lila Crosby, Finance Director Robert Anderson Irene Varney Moran, City Clerk Tom Carns Jack Cooper, Fire Chief Mike Herb Mary Lou.Block, Planning Technician Ken Estes, MEBT. Chairman John Wallace, City Attorney Wayne Tanaka Jackie Parrett, Deputy City Clerk CONSENT.AGENDA (7:36 p.m.) MOTION:. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GOULD, TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE AMENDED FIRST PAGE SHOWING ALL COUNCILMEN PRESENT AT THE MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. The Consent Agenda.contained.the following: (A) Roll call. (B) Approval of Minutes of June 7, 1977. COUNCIL (7:37 p.m.) Prior to the meeting, Councilman Clement had advised the City.Clerk he would not be present. . Councilman:'Nordquist called attention to a letter from the Health Department and a meeting which he and Councilman Anderson had attended this date regarding the federal Safe Drinking Water Act of. 1974, which will place stringent requirements on water purveyors. He said the Act had not yet been adopted by the Health Department, but would go into effect sometime this summer., 30 days after adoption by the Health Department. He said he would give the letter to the Public Works Director. Mr. Larson indicated he was cognizant of this and would continue to follow up on it. Councilman Carns suggested dispensing with the roll call being indicated on the.Consent Agenda. The oral roll call had been eliminated sometime earlier and Councilman Carns;did not feel it was necessary MOTION: to indicate it on the Consent Agenda. A MOTION WAS THEN MADE BY COUNCILMAN CARNS TO DISPENSE WITH THE ROLL CALL ALTOGETHER, ELIMINATING IT FROM THE..CONSENT AGENDA. Discussion indicated that possibly it (Failed)should be retained for auditing purposes. MOTION THEN FAILED FOR LACK OF A SECOND. MOTION: I �. MOTION: Councilman Gellert noted that the Mayor had received a letter from Sam Felton, a neighbor of Councilman Gellert's, suggesting thattheCity recognize Ed Aliverti for his service, to the City with the Sno-King Chorale. The Chorale is disbanding for a year and the last concert will be on Sunday during the Edmonds Arts Festival. A MOTION WAS THEN MADE BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT, SECONDED BY COUNCI.LMAN`CARNS, THAT A LETTER BE SENT FROM THE, COUNCIL TO ED ALIVERTI EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE CITY FOR HIS OUTSTANDING SERVICE. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Anderson said he and Councilman Nordquist would like to make a report on the state of.the physical health of the City's LEOFF employees. COUNCILMAN ANDERSON THEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, THAT THE STATE OF THE PHYSICAL HEALTH OF THE CITY'S LEOFF EMPLOYEES BE SET AS AN AGENDA ITEM FOR THE JULY 12 WORK MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. 0 MAYOR (7:41 p.m.) • MOTION MOTION MOTION: MOTION: MOTION: Public Works .Director Leif Larson had submitted a summary of the latest information on the Economic .Development Administration's Four Billion Dollar Public Works Bill. He indicated that the funds will be allocated on the basis of unemployment and will be allocated nationwide on a county basis. He said Edmonds was not given any planning allocation at all, and he said he doubted that it would in the future because of the high per capita income and low unemployment in the City. Mayor Harrison asked for approval of a Fire Service Mutual Automatic Response Agreement between the cities of Lynnwood and Edmonds. A verbal agreement had been in effect for several years, but the City of Lynnwood is being graded by the Washington Survey and Rating Bureau which does not recognize verbal agreements. Edmonds has also-requested_a resurvey from the Bureau. Fire Chief Jack Cooper indicated on a map the area of Edmonds to which Lynnwood would automatically respond and the -area of Lynnwood to which Edmonds would automatically respond. He said both cities respond to all`fires in these areas but, because'of''the proximity to the specific Iareas, the closer fire fighting facilities provide a faster response. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN GOULD, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE THE FIRE SERVICE MUTUAL AUTOMATIC RESPONSE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITIES OF LYNNWOOD AND EDMONDS, AS SUBMITTED. MOTION CARRIED. .Mayor Harrison noted that the City Council, at the May 10, 1977, meeting, had authorized receiving proposals on Unit 12, GMC Flatbed with John Deere Rotoboom, without a specified minimum. Public. Works Director Leif Larson reported that three proposals had been received, the highest from C. A. Wescott in the amount of $4,000, and he requested authorization to sell the piece of equipment to that bidder. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST TO AUTHORIZE THE SALE OF.THE GMC FLATBED WITH JOHN DEERE ROTOBOOM TO C.A. WESCOTT, FOR THE SUM OF $4,000. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Harrison said an application for a Class C Liquor License had been received from Robert and Barbara Descoteaux of the Heritage House. This request was to sell wine by the glass. The Police Chief had approved the applicant, but,the Heritage House is within 500 feet of a church, and so must get approval from the church before the Liquor Control Board will issue the license. Council- man Carns noted that this location is in a residential area, although it is zoned commercial, and he did not think liquor licenses should be approved in residential areas. Councilman Gould said it was a questionable application in his mind and he would have to see the area before he could vote for this, so he would vote against it. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT, SECONDED BY COUNCIL- MAN ANDERSON, TO APPROVE THE APPLICANT,.SUBJECT TO THE CHURCH'S APPROVAL OF THE LOCATION. MOTION CARRIED, WITH COUNCILMEN CARNS AND GOULD VOTING NO. Mayor Harrison said the;purchase of the real property at the northwest corner of Railroad Avenue and Dayton Street should be considered. There had been a tentative agreement to purchase it with the City, the Port District, and the Department of Fisheries, each providing 1/3 of the funds, and the Port District was pressing for some action. Mayor Harrison said a firm offer to purchase could not be made because the Fisheries Department portion will come from IAC funds and IAC terms preclude such action. It was recommended that the City Attorney be authorized instead to negotiate an option to purchase. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND THE CITY ATTORNEY TO NEGOTIATE FOR AN OPTION TO PURCHASE THE RAILROAD PROPERTY AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF RAILROAD AVENUE AND DAYTON STREET. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Harrison announced that Jim Shields is resigning from the Civil Service Commission. Mr. Shields was in the audience and the Mayor thanked him for his fine service on the commission. Mayor Harrison then offered for nomination .to fill the vacant position, the name of Clarence Collins. Mr. Collins is retired from Federal Civil Service. He will be available for interview at 7:15 p.m., June 20, in the Mayor's Office. Mayor Harrison asked the Public Works Director to speak on his request to install a meter on the Seattle waterline. Mr. Larson explained that;the meter was necessary to monitor flow of water during July and August to determine peak periods of water flow from the Seattle supply point. As a customer of the Seattle Water Department, the City is required to reduce peak draws on the Seattle supply or face large surcharges on the water rate. The meter had been scheduled for installation by the current waterline contractor, but he was not responsive to negotiations and had delayed the installation. Mr. Larson now asked for authorization to have Everett Backhoe Service install the necessary equipment at a total estimated cost of $7,214. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST, THAT EVERETT BACKHOE SERVICE BE AWARDED THE CONTRACT TO INSTALL THE REQUIRED METERING ON THE SEATTLE WATER SUPPLY LINE AT AN ESTIMATED COST OF $7,214.00, AND THAT THE COUNCIL FINDS THAT AN EMERGENCY EXISTS WHICH PRECLUDES GOING THROUGH THE BIDDING PROCESS FOR THIS CONTRACT. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Harrison said a petition had been received from the downtown business community asking that the parking limit checker service be reinstated. He said this had already been accomplished, so no action was necessary. CORRESPONDENCE (8:14 p.m.) The Council acknowledged receipt of a petition for an LID to improve 4th Avenue from Pine Street to the SR-104 right-of-way. REPORT ON SEMINAR: "IMPROVING THE DESIGN REVIEW PROCESS" - MARY LOU BLOCK (8:15 p.m.) Mrs. Block reported she had attended this seminar at Walnut Creek, California, in conjunction with a vacation. She had found the seminar very rewarding and said she found that most of the cities represented that had a design review process were enthusiastic and pleased with the results. She commented on similarities which had been noted among the communities represented, some of which were similarities in composition of the review board, hearing procedures, and administration. She said, many communities are experiencing problems with their sign codes, especially with sizes of signs. • 1 89 June 14, 1977 (Continued) Often the governing ordinance will provide for a maximum size greater than the review board is willing to approve. She felt, in comparing.with other communities, that Edmonds could improve on the information which is given to:the applicant. She circulated samples of brochures and checklists which are made available to applicants in some communities. She noted that a consent agenda is used in some communities for routine matters .and matters the staff feels are so excellent that board review is not necessary. She also noted that some commurn ties,:have charges related to the amount of staff time an applicant requires, but that the -standard was a charge similar to that of Edmonds. She . showed slides taken in the Walnut Creek area which illustrated accomplishments achieved through the use of.their checklist. The Council expressed strong.interest in the -checklist and a;sample infor- mation brochures. It was felt that this was a source of valuable information and that it should be reviewed by the Amenities Design Board and that,the Board and Planning Staff could indicate to the .. o lik o implement. A M TION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN GOULD SECONDED Council that material they w uld e t0 , BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, THAT SEPTEMBER.13 WORK MEETING-BETO RECEIVE RECOMMENDATIONS ON ,THE .SCHEDULE IMPROVING THE CITY OF EDMONDS',DESIGN REVIEW PROCESS FROM,TH;E STAFF AND THE AMENITIES DESIGN BOARD, AFTER STUDY OF THE MATERIALS PRESENTED -BY MRS. BLOCK. MOTION CARRIED.- Mrs. Block was commended on her presentation. UPDATE ON THE PRIOR REPORT .(8:41 p.m.) M.A.A..Herb Gilbo reviewed the background of the Prior Report and the functions it has served. He then introduced Tom Purton, the consultant working on the updating of the report. Mr. Purton ex- plained'what he had accomp fished ,to date, having met with all department heads and all employees who wished to discuss their job descriptions. He commented that there appeared to be a lack of confidence in the present personnel administration system and he felt it was essential to reestablish the confidence level. Mr. Purton said he also had met with union representatives to let them know his philosophy of salary and administration. He hoped to present updated job descriptions in thirty to sixty days and he hoped his end product would give management a good.tool for effective salary and administration. He asked that -the Council provide any input they might feel would.be helpful in this project. • PROPOSED ORDINANCE AND AGREEMENTS TO TRANSFER FROM SOCIAL SECURITY TO MEBT (9:40 p.m.) 1 1 Ken Estes, Chairman of the Social Security Withdrawal Committee, distributed -copies of the revised Pension Agreement between the City and the unions involved. He said the Police union.had.agreed to ratify the agreement, but the Public Works and.Fire Department unions had not seen it as yet. The City Attorney had drafted the agreement., Mr: Estes said it was expected that -the Pension Agreement would be signed by all parties this week, and this was the last thing to be accomplished before passage of the ordinance to withdraw from Social Security. The proposed City of Edmonds Employees' Benefit Plan was discussed. A question was asked about the nonnegotiability aspect previously.. discussed.. City Attorney John Wallace commented that any change'in bargaining unit would eliminate the nonnegotiable element, as the new bargaining unit would not be bound. During the discussion there was some concern expressed for the small minority of employees who do not want to change to MEBT. Ken Estes then advised that.the finalized documents would be presented to the Council at the next meeting. DISCUSSION OF PLANNING PROCESS FROM COUNCIL/STAFF RETREAT (10:10 p.m.) The Council reviewed the input from the Staff on Critical Assumptions and Givens. The following changes were made to Staff Critical Assumptions: Under."FINANCE," the first item,.the words, "at 9%," were deleted. Action was postponed on the third. and fifth items regarding a drop in Utility Taxes and'a gain in fuel tax revenue. These will be considered at the next discussion, In the seventh item, regarding availability of Federal. and State funds,.the following were.deleted: Block Grants, Public Safety Building funds, and Lake Ballinger Water Quality Improvement funds. The eighth.item regarding property tax revenue increases was deleted. Under "PERSONNEL," action on the second item regarding unemployment compensation was postponed.until the next discussion. In the third, item, the word, "Council," was inserted at the beginning of the sentence. Under "UTILITIES," the second item regarding a financial plan for drainage was deleted. Under "GENERAL," the last item regarding inflation rate was deleted. The following change was made to Staff Givens: At the end of the last item.regarding Federal funding, the words, "and additional funds for special projects," -were added. The next discussion was scheduled for the July 12-work meeting at which time mid-term goals will be established. There was no further business to come before the Council, and the meeting was adjourned -at 11:00 p.m. IRENE VARNEY MORAN, Ci y Clerk H. H. HARRISON, Mayor June 20, 1977 The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayor Harve Harrison in the Council Chambers of .the Edmonds Civic Center. All present joined in the flag salute. PRESENT ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Harve Harrison, Mayor Ray Gould Leif Larson, Public Works Director Phil Clement Lila Crosby, Finance Director Max Gellert Irene Varney Moran, City Clerk