19770620 City Council Minutes89 June 14, 1977 (Continued) Often the governing ordinance will provide for a maximum size greater than the review board is willing to approve. She felt, in comparing.with other communities, that Edmonds could improve on the information which is given to:the applicant. She circulated samples of brochures and checklists which are made available to applicants in some communities. She noted that a consent agenda is used in some communities for routine matters .and matters the staff feels are so excellent that board review is not necessary. She also noted that some commurn ties,:have charges related to the amount of staff time an applicant requires, but that the -standard was a charge similar to that of Edmonds. She . showed slides taken in the Walnut Creek area which illustrated accomplishments achieved through the use of.their checklist. The Council expressed strong.interest in the -checklist and a;sample infor- mation brochures. It was felt that this was a source of valuable information and that it should be reviewed by the Amenities Design Board and that,the Board and Planning Staff could indicate to the .. o lik o implement. A M TION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN GOULD SECONDED Council that material they w uld e t0 , BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, THAT SEPTEMBER.13 WORK MEETING-BETO RECEIVE RECOMMENDATIONS ON ,THE .SCHEDULE IMPROVING THE CITY OF EDMONDS',DESIGN REVIEW PROCESS FROM,TH;E STAFF AND THE AMENITIES DESIGN BOARD, AFTER STUDY OF THE MATERIALS PRESENTED -BY MRS. BLOCK. MOTION CARRIED.- Mrs. Block was commended on her presentation. UPDATE ON THE PRIOR REPORT .(8:41 p.m.) M.A.A..Herb Gilbo reviewed the background of the Prior Report and the functions it has served. He then introduced Tom Purton, the consultant working on the updating of the report. Mr. Purton ex- plained'what he had accomp fished ,to date, having met with all department heads and all employees who wished to discuss their job descriptions. He commented that there appeared to be a lack of confidence in the present personnel administration system and he felt it was essential to reestablish the confidence level. Mr. Purton said he also had met with union representatives to let them know his philosophy of salary and administration. He hoped to present updated job descriptions in thirty to sixty days and he hoped his end product would give management a good.tool for effective salary and administration. He asked that -the Council provide any input they might feel would.be helpful in this project. • PROPOSED ORDINANCE AND AGREEMENTS TO TRANSFER FROM SOCIAL SECURITY TO MEBT (9:40 p.m.) 1 1 Ken Estes, Chairman of the Social Security Withdrawal Committee, distributed -copies of the revised Pension Agreement between the City and the unions involved. He said the Police union.had.agreed to ratify the agreement, but the Public Works and.Fire Department unions had not seen it as yet. The City Attorney had drafted the agreement., Mr: Estes said it was expected that -the Pension Agreement would be signed by all parties this week, and this was the last thing to be accomplished before passage of the ordinance to withdraw from Social Security. The proposed City of Edmonds Employees' Benefit Plan was discussed. A question was asked about the nonnegotiability aspect previously.. discussed.. City Attorney John Wallace commented that any change'in bargaining unit would eliminate the nonnegotiable element, as the new bargaining unit would not be bound. During the discussion there was some concern expressed for the small minority of employees who do not want to change to MEBT. Ken Estes then advised that.the finalized documents would be presented to the Council at the next meeting. DISCUSSION OF PLANNING PROCESS FROM COUNCIL/STAFF RETREAT (10:10 p.m.) The Council reviewed the input from the Staff on Critical Assumptions and Givens. The following changes were made to Staff Critical Assumptions: Under."FINANCE," the first item,.the words, "at 9%," were deleted. Action was postponed on the third. and fifth items regarding a drop in Utility Taxes and'a gain in fuel tax revenue. These will be considered at the next discussion, In the seventh item, regarding availability of Federal. and State funds,.the following were.deleted: Block Grants, Public Safety Building funds, and Lake Ballinger Water Quality Improvement funds. The eighth.item regarding property tax revenue increases was deleted. Under "PERSONNEL," action on the second item regarding unemployment compensation was postponed.until the next discussion. In the third, item, the word, "Council," was inserted at the beginning of the sentence. Under "UTILITIES," the second item regarding a financial plan for drainage was deleted. Under "GENERAL," the last item regarding inflation rate was deleted. The following change was made to Staff Givens: At the end of the last item.regarding Federal funding, the words, "and additional funds for special projects," -were added. The next discussion was scheduled for the July 12-work meeting at which time mid-term goals will be established. There was no further business to come before the Council, and the meeting was adjourned -at 11:00 p.m. IRENE VARNEY MORAN, Ci y Clerk H. H. HARRISON, Mayor June 20, 1977 The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayor Harve Harrison in the Council Chambers of .the Edmonds Civic Center. All present joined in the flag salute. PRESENT ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Harve Harrison, Mayor Ray Gould Leif Larson, Public Works Director Phil Clement Lila Crosby, Finance Director Max Gellert Irene Varney Moran, City Clerk 90 PRESENT (Cont.) STAFF PRESENT (Cont.) • John Nordquist Noelle Charleson, Assistant City Planner Robert Anderson Jack Cooper, Fire Chief Tom Carns Ken Estes, MEBT Chairman Mike Herb John Wallace, City Attorney Wayne Tanaka, City Attorney Jackie Parrett, Deputy City Clerk CONSENT AGENDA (7:36 p.m.) Mayor Harrison noted that Item (E) on the Consent Agenda, Proposed Ordinance Amending Sewer Connection Fees, had been withdrawn, and that the suggested hearing date for Item (G) should be MOTION: amended to September 6. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CLEMENT, TO ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA A& AMENDED. The Consent Agenda contained the following: (A) Roll call. (B) Approval of Minutes of June 14. (C) Approval of Agreement for Temporary Concession - Annual July 4 Chicken-Q. (D) Approval of Fireworks Stand Permits. (F) Setting following dates for hearings on P.C.. Resolutions: -� #544 - Recommending approval of Proposed Amendment to Zoning Map and OSM to add area annexed to City at northeast corner 224th S.W. and Highway 99 (Files AZ-1-77 and ST-4-77) - July 5, 1977. #555 - Recommending approval of Proposed Amendment to Zoning Map and OSM to add area annexed to City north of 220th S.W. and east of 96th Avenue W. (Giles AZ-2-77 and ST-5-77) - July 5, 1977. . #556 - Recommending approval of Proposed Amendment to Zoning Code to establish regulations governing public and institutional land uses in RS districts (File ZO-19-76) - July 19, 1977. #557 - Recommending approval of Proposed Amendment to Subdivision Code to provide for direct review of short subdivision,applications by the Planning Commission (File ZO-4-77) - July 19, 1977. #558 - Recommending approval of Proposed Amendment to OSM to reduce right-of-way from 60 feet to 50 feet on 84th West between 200th S.W. and 202nd S.W. (File ST-6-77) - July 26, 1977. (G) Acknowledgment of receipt of 75% Annexation Petition - vicinity of 180th and 72nd, and setting date of September 6, 1977, for hearing on annexation. (H) Acknowledgment of receipt of Claim for Damages from Dan Keene in the amount - of $48.37. (I) Confirmation of Mayor's appointment of Clarence Collins to Civil Service Commission. COUNCIL (7:37 p.m.) Councilman Clement announced that the.Council will have an Executive.Session on July 5 at 5:30 p.m., location yet to be determined to discuss the.situation created by the resignation of.Mayor's Administrative Assistant, Herb Gilbo. Councilman Gellert inquired as to the status of the Johnson property. City Attorney John Wallace • reported that he and City Attorney Jim Murphy had met with Mr. Johnson on June 4, and they are in the process of drafting an agreement. CORRESPONDENCE (7:38 p.m.) The Council acknowledged receipt of a petition for vacating an alley south of Fir Street between 8th Avenue S. and C Avenue. According to established procedure, this petition has been referred to the Planning Commission for its July 13 meeting. It will then be returned to the Council. PROPOSED DRAINAGE ORDINANCE, AS AMENDED BY COUNCIL AT MAY 24, 1977 MEETING (7:39 p.m.) Public Works Director Leif Larson reported that the Community Development Director, Building Official, and he had met with several builders and developers in Edmonds, and those developers had several concerns they wished to discuss. They were concerned with bonding for drainage facilities that will remain private. Also, they wanted a determination by the City as to which facilities will be public and which will be private at the time of reviewing the development and engineering plans. Mr. Larson thought this was a reasonable request. They wished to use corrugated aluminum -type drainage structures, and Mr. Larson had found that some municipalities are allowing this type material on access streets in new developments because labor costs have made installation of concrete rather expensive. Mr. Larson felt he could consider aluminum structures, especially on residential access streets and private property, but he said engineering consideration would be involved. He recommended approval of the Drainage Ordinance because it is needed and he felt if there are some imperfections in it they could be resolved. The public portion of the hearing was opened. June 20, 1977 (Continued) 94: Frank Taylor of 9007 Olymp.ic View.Drive, objected,to.Section 10, Paragraph (3), wherein the property. owner is required to execute a hold harmless agreement releasing the City from all claims for damages. City Attorney. John Wallace responded that this is standard in the subdivision ordinance. Tom Belt of 9808 215th S.W. objected to maintenance being shifted'to'the'builders and future owners. Paul Nolan felt new property owners would bear the brunt of the costs of implementation, as it would cost them $500 to $700 more to install the required drainage and they would continue to pay in their water bills. He recognized the need for storm drainage, but he felt new property owners should.not assume so much of the cost. He said he would like to see the City prepare a formal timetable for taking care of storm drainage. There was a lengthy discussion on the various concerns of the builders. The public portion of the hearing was then closed. A MOTION WAS THEN MADE BY COUNCILMAN CLEMENT, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, TO INSTRUCT THE CITY ATTORNEY TO AMEND THE PROPOSED DRAINAGE ORDINANCE AS FOLLOWS: (A) CHANGING SECTION 11, CITY ASSUMPTION OF MAINTENANCE TO READ: "AT ITS OPTION, THE CITY SHALL ASSUME THE MAINTEN- MOTION: ANCE OF RETENTION/DETENTION FACILITIES ON PRIVATE PROPERTY If,THAT RETENTION/DETENTION FACILITY IS JUDGED BY THE DPW TO BE FOR PUBLIC BENEFIT. ANY DECISION BY THE CITY TO FOREGO ASSUMPTION OF THE MAIN- TENANCE OF RETENTION/DETENTION FACILITIES SHALL BE MADE PRIOR TO APPROVAL OF THE DRAINAGE PLAN. IF THERE IS A DECISION BY THE CITY NOT TO ASSUME THE MAINTENANCE OF THE RETENTION/DETENTION FACILITIES, THE DEVELOPER SHALL MAKE ARRANGEMENTS FOR ASSUMPTION OF MAINTENANCE IN A MANNER APPROVED BY THE DPW. SUCH ARRANGEMENTS SHALL BE COMPLETED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO THE END OF THE TWO-YEAR PERIOD OF DEVELOPER RESPONSIBILITY.". -SHOULD THE CITY ASSUME MAINTENANCE, THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE MET:% (B) SUBPARAGRA'PHS (1), (2), AND (3) SHALL REMAIN THE SAME AND SUBPARAGRAPH (4) SHALL BE DELETED. MOTION CARRIED. ADOPTION OF SIX -YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM (8:50 p.m.) Public Works Director Leif Larson had distributed a Six -Year Construction Program Summary to be submitted to the State Highway Department. Some discussion was held on various priorities indicated. Councilman Gellert commented that he did not think a traffic signal at 6th and Main Street should have a high MOTION: priority, and it was indicated as projected for 1979. He did not ask that it be changed, however. Follow- ing the discussion, A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST, TO PASS • RESOLUTION 378, ADOPTING A REVISED COMPREHENSIVE SIX -YEAR STREET CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM TO BE FILED WITH THE DIRECTOR OF HIGHWAYS AND THE URBAN ARTERIAL BOARD. MOTION CARRIED. REVIEW OF FINAL WATERFRONT WALKWAY FEASIBILITY STUDY (9:00 p.m.) Assistant City Planner Noelle Charleson presented the Study and reviewed the points it evaluated. She discussed the location of the walkway, citing those areas which could pose problems. She noted that in the sketch of the walkway where it passes the Senior Center, it is drawn to indicate the walkway will be outside the present bulkhead, thereby taking up more beach area. The Park Director and Shorelines Management Committee had expressed concern about any more beach area being taken, and Ms.. Charleson said that, for that reason, the patch probably should be on the inside of'the present bulkhead. Jim Reid, of Reid, Middleton & Associates, had prepared the Study, explained that the walkway as pictured would cross the adjacent apartments more easily, but that decision would have to be made when it gets to the design stage. Ms. Charleson said the Port had reviewed the preliminary concept and had not given any negative feedback. She also said that the part of the walkway in front of the Senior Center is being included in the current HUD Block Grant application, so there was the possibility of that portion being constructed in the next two years. It was noted that if this controversial section were to be constructed first, the question of the location in front.of the Senior Center should be resolved. Ms. Charleson said they will have to get all the figures on both proposals and present them to the various commissions and boards concerned to see which proposal will be most feasible. She also commented that the SCPTBA is conducting a study which will consider a covered walkway in the ferry dock area which might be incorporated into MOTION: this walkway. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, SECONDED BY COUNCI.L"MAN NORDQUIST, THAT THE COUNCIL ACCEPT THE FINAL WATERFRONT WALKWAY FEASIBILITY STUDY FROM REID,.MIDDLETON & ASSOCIATES AND COMMEND THAT FIRM, ESPECIALLY JIM REID, FOR DOING AN OUTSTANDING PROFESSIONAL STUDY, AND THAT THE CITY STAFF BE MOTION: DIRECTED TO PURSUE THIS MATTER IN TERMS OF POSSIBLE ALTERNATIVES OF FINANCING. MOTION CARRIED. A MOTION WAS THEN MADE BY COUNCILMAN CLEMENT, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT, THAT THE STUDY BE REFERRED TO THE AMENITIES DESIGN BOARD FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT. MOTION CARRIED. • PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE REGULATING SCUBA DIVERS (9:34 p.m.) This proposed amendment had been requested by Mayor Harrison, who said he had been concerned about the last several drownings of divers which had all occurred as the result of panic on the surface. The' proposed amendment would require all scuba divers using the underwater parks to wear buoyancy compen- sators (air vests). The purpose would be to provide flotation while the divers are on the surface en route to and from the dive sites. The flotation provided by the air vests would prevent drownings which result from panic while snorkeling.on the surface. The problems occur when the water is rough, and by ca.r.ryi:ng air in a buoyancy compensator the diver could not go to the bottom. Mayor Harrison said he felt the worth in adopting this amendment would be in stimulating discussion in the diving community on this topic. City Attorney John Wallace added that, if passed, the ordinance would be permanently posted on each beach. The question arose as to whether personal safety rules should be legislated. Discussion reflected that the individual involved is not the only one concerned, those involved in the rescue or search are frequently endangered also. And, it was noted that if a person becomes incapacitated for the rest of his life as the result of the incident, e.g., brain damage, he may become a ward of the State by virtue of exhausting his own resources and thereby become a burden to others. The public portion of the hearing was opened. Officer Ken Estes said he had been on several rescues and.that a large number of people are put in jeopardy because individuals have not taken proper safeguards. Captain Floyd Smith of 814 Dayton, commented that boat safety requires that you carry life preservers even though you can swim, and you cannot climb in the national parks without the proper climbing equipment. He said these are .i-nvasions of rights, but are for the person's safety, just as this proposed amendment would be. The public portion was then closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN HERB, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, MOTION: TO ADOPT ORDINANCE 1921, REQUIRING -SCUBA DIVERS WITHIN UNDERWATER PARKS TO WEAR A BUOYANCY COMPENSATOR. MOTION CARRIED. PROPOSED ORDINANCE AND AGREEMENTS TO TRANSFER.FROM SOCIAL SECURITY TO MEBT (9:40 p.m.) MEBT Chairman Ken Estes introduced Bill Angel, representing the Firefighters' Union, who asked for a clarification on the nonnegotiability aspect of the 5.85% of wages which would be paid into MEBT for • the firefighters. He said it was the understanding of the firefighters that this would not be considered 92 MOTION: a wage increase, although the City had not been paying this into Social Security for firefighters and that it would not be used in any collective bargaining. Councilman Carns advised him that the City will not bring it up in any future negotiations, nor will -the Firefighters' Union do so. Ken Estes then distributed copies of the Union Agreement of Nonnegotiabil'ity which had been signed by the union representatives. This was acceptable to the Council, and A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST, THAT THE FOLLOWING ACTIONS BE TAKEN: (1) THAT -ORDINANCE 1922 BE ADOPTED, TRANSFERRING CITY EMPLOYEES FROM SOCIAL SECURITY TO MEBT: (2) THAT THE CITY CLERK BE INSTRUCTED 70 CERTIFY THE ELECTION RESULTS OF THE EMPLOYEES VOTING TO WITHDRAW FROM SOCIAL SECURITY AND TRANSFER TO MEBT: (3) THAT A COPY OF THE MINUTES AND THE ORDINANCE REGARDING THIS ACTION BE SENT TO THE GOVERNOR: (4) THAT THE MAYOR BE AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE JOINDER AGREEMENT: (5) THAT THE MAYOR BE AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE -THE CITY OF EDMONDS EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAN: (6) THAT THE MAYOR BE AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE UNION AGREEMENT OF NONNEGOTIABILITY. MOTION CARRIED. There was no.further business to come before the Council, and the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m. IRENE VARNEY MORAN, 87ity Clerk June 28; 1977 H.-H. HARRISON, Mayor The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayor Harve Harrison in the Council Chambers of the Edmonds Civic Center. All present joined in the flag salute. PRFUNT Harve Harrison, Mayor Ray Gould Phil Clement Max O611 ert Robert Anderson Tom Carns Mike Herb CONSENT AGENDA (7:36 p.m.) ABSENT STAFF PRESENT John Nordquist J. Herb Gilbo, M.A.A. Leif Larson, Public Works Director Joe Wallis, Community Development Director Irene Varney Moran, City Clerk Marlo Foster, Police Chief Jack Cooper, Fire Chief Dick Allen, Assistant City Engineer John Wallace, City Attorney Wayne Tanaka; City -Attorney Jackie Parrett, Deputy City Clerk Councilman Carns asked that Item (D), Proposed Drainage Ordinance, be removed fwom the Consent MOTION: Agenda. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN CLEMENT, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GOULD, TO APPROVE THE BALANCE OF -THE CONSENT AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED. The balance of the Consent Agenda contained the following: (A) Roll call. (B) Approval of Minutes of June 20, 1977. (C) Adoption of Ordinance 1923, allowing caretaker dwellings in CG zones. (E) Referral to Planning Commission of proposal to vacate excess right-of-way on 80th Avenue West. PROPOSED DRAINAGE ORDINANCE (Item (D) on Consent Agenda) Councilman Carns said that in discussing this with the developers at last week's meeting it appeared that one of their concerns was not alleviated. Public Works Director Leif Larson responded that this MOTION: had been taken care of by deleting paragraph (4) of Section 11. A MOTION WAS THEN MADE BY COUNCILMAN CARN.,,S.E-CONDED BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT, TO ADOPT ORDINANCE';1924, DRAINAGE ORDINANCE. MOTION,CARRIED. COUNCIL,. (7:38 p.m.) Councilman Gellert asked how the Drainage Manual would be implemented. Mr. Larson responded that they would be utilizing the URS drainage manual and also the King County drainage manual. Councilman Gould i.nquired about a letter which had been received from Karl Niggol, and Mayor Harrison said it had been referred to the Public Works Director before being presented to the Council. Councilman Gould also inquired about the meeting place for ,the Executive Session scheduled for July 5. Councilman Clement announced that the meeting would be at the Riviera Restaurant, at 5:30 p.m. MOTION: July 5. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CLEMENT, THAT IN ORDER,TO KEEP THE PUBLIC INFORMED, THE ADMINISTRATIVE STRUCTURING OF THE CITY BE MADE AN AGENDA ITEM FOR THE JULY 5 COUNCIL MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. 1 1 0 • 1