19780110 City Council Minutes• January 3, 1978 continued 1,67 tbntrri:buti ohato.- be made by,;therCounci;l .::would{;bb.� to have:°:a copy,E of theP§uper. vi sor'.s evaluation and, .n,confi;dence'y to .give..*. comments asrto )agreement,. -or. di:sagreeinent�lwi-th,.specific-pointsf-:including what the Councilman has heard from the community. THE MOTION CARRIED. COUNCILMAN HERB THEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, THAT AT THE FEBRUARY 14 MEETING THE COUNCIL REVIEW THE TIMETABLE FOR PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONS TO BE SUBMITTED BY THE M.A.A. AND THAT THE QUESTION OF WHETHER THERE SHOULD BE A WEEKEND RETREAT SIMILAR TO LAST YEAR'S WILL BE DISCUSSED. MOTION CARRIED.. HAINES PROPERTY The Haines family had asked for an expression from the City as to whether it had an interest in acquiring the Haines' shoreline property. Councilman Nordquist said he had thought there was some hope of selling the Meadowdale Community Club -and transferring the funds for something closer to the Sound, but there had been a reaction from the people against that. He said lie-, thought the possible acquisition of the Haines property should be dropped at this time. COUNCILMAN ANDERSON MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST,.THAT THE MAYOR'S OFFICE WRITE TO.THE HAINES FAMILY TELLING THEM THE CITY WOULD LIKE TO HAVE THE PROPERTY FOR A FUTURE PARK SITE, BUT THERE IS NOTWAY OF FUNDING IT AT THE PRESENT TIME AND, UNDER THOSE CIRCUMSTANCES, THE CITY WILL NOT BE FORTHCOMING WITH AN OFFER TO PURCHASE. Mayor.Pro tem Clement commented that he would vote for the motion, but that was not to indicate he felt the Haines property was less important than the Elementary School for the City to acquire. THE MOTION THEN CARRIED; UNANIMOUSLY. Mayor Pro tem Clement expressed appreciation to Councilman Anderson for his service as a • City Councilman. Councilman Anderson responded that he had been a beneficiary as well as a con- tributor. He said if he had any kind of counsel it would be that the Council stay within the bounds. of what they consider their purpose --to servdcand to find out what the needs are --and to respond empathetically to the needs of the citizens,•..anticipating in a positive way what needs to be done and take steps to get those things funded, and to anticipate the future needs of a healthy, pleasant community, and plan for that. The meeting then adjourned to Executive Session at 8:50 p.m. to discuss the acquisition of the Burlington.Northernproperty. The meeting reconvened at 9:05 p.m. COUNCILMAN.ANDERSON MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST, THAT THE CITY ATTORNEY BE INSTRUCTED TO PROCEED WITH THE NEGO- TIATION!FOR THE ACQUISITION OF THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN PROPERTY AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF RAIL- ROAD AVE.' AND DAYTON ST. MOTION CARRIED. There was nol':fur.ther business to come before the Council, and the meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m. IRENE VARNEY MORAN, &ity Clerk January 10, 1978 - Work Meeting PHIL A. CLEMENT, Mayor Pro tem The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Pro tem Phil Clement in the Council. Chambers of the Edmonds Civic Center. PRESENT ABSENT • Tom Carns, Mayor Pro tem Harve Harrison, Mayor Ray Gould John Nordquist Phil Clement Katherine Allen Larry Naughten Mike Herb OATH OF OFFICE FOR NEW COUNCIL MEMBERS STAFF PRESENT Charles Dibble, M.A.A. Leif Larson, Public Works Director John LaTourelle, Community Dev. Director Irene Varney Moran, City Clerk Lila Crosby, Finance'Director Wayne Tanaka, City Attorney Jackie Parrett, Deputy City Clerk Jutlge Richard J. Thorpe administered the oath of office to recently elected Council,members Katherine Allen, Tom Carns, and Larry Naughten. a ELECTION OF MAYOR PRO TEM FOR 1978 MOTION: A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN GOULD, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NAUGHTEN, THAT TOM CARNS BE ELECTED MAYOR PRO TEM FOR 1978. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Pro tem Tom Carns chaired the balance of the meeting. CONSENT AGENDA MOTION: A -MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN GOULD, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NAUGHTEN, TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. MOTION'CARRIED. The Consent.A,genda contained the following: (A) Roll Call. (B) Approval of Minutes of January 3, 1978. • January 10, 1978 continued MOTION: MOTION: MOTION: COUNCIL Councilman Clement advised he would be absent January 24, as did Mayor Pro tem Carns, and Council- man Naughten advised.he would be absent February 14. Councilman Naughten noted that a letter had been received from Gordon Maxwell asking for review of the speed limit on 212th St., between Highway 99 and Five Corners, now that the rechannelization has _been accomplished. A MOTION WAS THEN MADE BY COUNCILMAN NAUGHTEN, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CLEMENT, TO PLACE ON THE FEBRUARY 7 AGENDA A REVIEW OF THE SPEED LIMIT ON 212TH ST., BETWEEN HIGHWAY 99 AND FIVE CORNERS. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Clement noted a letter had been received from Liberty TV Cable advising.of a rate increase effective February 1, 1978. Their primary outlet service charge will be increased by $.55, from $6.95 to $7.50 per month.- M.A.A. Dibble noted that no public hearing..will be necessary on this matter as the Edmonds City Code provides that cost -of -living increases can be.instituted without a public hearing, and this increase is based on the 8.8% Consumer Price Index increase. Councilman Clement recalled that an action taken approximately two years ago hadprohibited any increase for two years in exchange for an increase -for -some technical improvements.-�"M:A:A:Dibble:explai�ned that at that time the rate was $6.00 and they had been granted an increase of $.25 upon the completion of certain technical improvements and a second increase of $.70 when they brought in Canadian sta- tions, and that brought the rate to the current $6.95. No Council action was required at this time. MAYOR Director of Public Works Leif Larson had submitted a memorandum regarding'thel978 Street Sweeping bids. The Cities of Edmonds and Lynnwood had rejected the original proposals and as a result of • subsequent negotiations a revised proposal had been submitted by Ernie's Eductor Service. The proposal for Edmonds was now $1,900 per month for a total cost of $22,800 per year, which Mr. Larson said was within the 1978 budget of $22,956, so he recommended the latest proposal be accepted. He said the City of Lynnwood had authorized acceptance of their portion of the proposal, subject to acceptance by Edmonds. Mr. Larson also noted that the sweeper which Edmonds has is a 1968 sweeper and it is questionable whether the City could do the job with it. Councilman Gould said he was glad to see that a settlement was negotiated which would still provide the same amount of mileage. COUNCILMAN GOULD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN HERB, THAT THE CITY OF EDMONDS ACCEPT THE BID BY ERNIE'S EDUCTOR SERVICE FOR STREET SWEEPING FOR 1978 AT A COPST OF $1,900 PER MONTH, FOR A TOTAL COST OF $22,800 PER YEAR, AND THAT THE STAFF BE AUTHORIZED.TO ENTER INTO A STREET SWEEPING CONTRACT AS OUTLINED IN THE JANUARY 10, 1978 MEMORANDUM FROM THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Pro tem Carns announced that Jack Christofferson had been suggested for appointment to the Amenities Design Board to fill the position vacated by John.LaTourelle, and that he would be avail- able for interview by the Council at 7:00 p.m., January 17, in the Mayor's office. Councilman Clement said Community Development Director John LaTourelle had submitted some suggested additional language to be added to the ordinance based on P.C. Resolution 577, heard last week, having to do with the height of landscape screening devices. Because of the.`differences in growth characteristics of various types of plants, Mr..LaTourelle recommended that the Amenities Design Board establish a maximum,:height of landscape screens which will adequately buffer the site. The proposed additional wording would read: "The Amenities Design Board shall establish the maximum maintained height of the landscape screening device installed pursuant to this Ordinance, which in no case shall be less than six (6) feet." City Attorney Wayne Tanaka advised that this was not a substantial change so would not have to go to the Planning Commission. He said this would just make visible to the public the 6' minimum requirement which is stated elsewhere in the Code. COUNCILMAN CLEMENT MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN HERB, THAT THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE ORDINANCE BASED ON P.C. RESOLUTION 577 BE INCLUDED ON THE CONSENT AGENDA OF THE JANUARY 17 CITY COUNCIL MEETING. MOTION • CARRIED. STATUS REPORT ON WATER AND POWER CONSERVATION Public Works Director Leif Larson submitted a written report and noted that water consumption had increased, rather than decreased, during 1977. He felt the lack of conservation in the use of water could be attributed to the dry conditions during the summer months of 1977. Power consumption had decreased. -slightly, the reduction being comparable to that of adjacent municipalities. Mr. Larson also presented data and conclusions from the Urban Energy Management Study for the City of Anaheim, California, which reflected that the largest amount of energy goes to transportation and the second largest amount to residential use. One of the things the study recommended as a tool in managing energy conservation was building codes and ordinances, and Mr. Larson said very serious thought should be given to any transportation planning that results in energy conservation. He said he would continue to follow up on the latest information regarding energy programs. COUNCILMAN CLEMENT MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN, THAT AS THE CITY CODE IS REVISED THIS YEAR AN ENERGY IMPACT ANALYSIS FOR EACH SECTION REVIWED WILL BE PROVIDED. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Herb suggested this might be something a Council Committee could do. He said that. that there was a new full council he would like to see the subject of forming some committees discussed. A MOTION WAS THEN MADE BY COUNCILMAN HERB, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NAUGHTEN, TO PLACE ON THE WORK MEETING AGENDA OF JANUARY 31 THE SUBJECT OF THE COUNCIL FORMING COMMITTEES IN GENERAL. MOTION CARRIED. 11 • January-10,,.1.978-continued i6y COUNCIL REVIEW OF PROPOSED RESOLUTION FOR POLICY ON LID'S (HEARING SCHEDULED-FEBRUARY 7, 1978) Public Works Director. Leif Larson submitted.a proposed -resolution pertaini.ng to the improvement of existing and future residential access streets and -he asked if it covered the intent of the Council. The proposed resolution was discussed, and Councilman Herb .felt that in paragraph 3 on page 2, the last clause, ". . . excludi-ng-the requirement for conversion of overhead uti- lities to -underground.", should be omitted as he felt. -this requirement should.not be excluded as it had been a consensus of the Council to hear these on a case -by -case basis. It was felt that on the attachment to the proposed resolution Types of Improvement 4 and 5 should have drainage described more definitively in the "Description" column.. Mr. Larson suggested that the estimated costs probably should be omitted from the attachment because the costs can change. There was;=general" agreement with that, except it was::suggested they be left in for the public hearing and possibly be labeled as for 1977 only. A typographical error was noted in paragraph 4 on page 2, the last line, in that the figure "5" should be "6 " ADMINISTRATION REORGANIZATION PROPOSAL M.A.A. CharlesDibble presented to the Council a reorganization proposal centering around the Finance Department, noting that it had become a catch-all for functions whichdo not appear to fit into other departments. The proposal was to: (1) Remove from -'.the Finance Department all functions except, accounting, treasury, data processing, budget management, and risk manage- ment; and (2) Establish a new Departmentcd f Administrative Services, to include personnel ad- ministration, violations bureau, switchboard, cashier, secretarial support (presently ASD), and purchasing. Mr. Dibble discussed the details of the proposal, including functional charts for • each of the proposed new departments. He noted that the Probation Office should be added to the chart for the Administrative Services Department, on a dotted line relationship, as the Probation Officer presently reports to the Judge who is only at the City one daya week and cannot provide fulltime supervision. Mr. Dibble said this proposed change would not require the hiring of any additional personnel. He said grant funds would be available for creating the personnel operation and he discussed expenses of physically relocat.i:ng the functions in- volved. The Council, -,questioned Mr. Dibble on some points such as target date for the propo- .sal. He said his target date had been February 1 and that probably would have to be adjusted, if approved, but he would want to proceed as soon as possible. Regarding filling of positions created by the proposal, he said he had asked the City. Attorneys for an opinion regarding whether advertising would be required inasmuch as no new personnel would be required and most of the functions are already being performed and would only require reassigning of duties and responsibilities and some training. His feeling was that personnel should have.maximum oppor- tunity for promotion within an organization and that employer should provide any necessary trainig. Councilman Gould.said he supported that policy. The two deparment heads most affected by the.proposal were asked for comments. City Clerk Irene Varney Moran expressed some concern regarding reassignment of the receptionist because,.:she.is responsible for other duties in the City Clerk's office. She also noted that her office is responsible for providing a recording secretary, -for, -meetings of boards and commissions and she depended on one of.the ASD staff for backup in that area. Finance Director Lila Crosby could see the benefits in the overall con- cept. She felt there was a need for someone to.be in charge of personnel. Councilman Herb MOTION: expressed support for the proposal and A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN HERB, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GOULD, TO INSTRUCT THE CITY ATTORNEY TO DRAFT AN ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION'TO IMPLE-_ MENT THE ADMINISTRATIVE REORGANIZATION PROPOSAL PRESENTED BY THE M:A.A. MOTION CARRIED. There was no further business to come before the Council, and the meeting.was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. I jte�", -::� &,,Z_ IRENE VARNEY MORAN... C4ty Clerk TOM CARNS, Mayor Pro tem January 17, 1978 The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayor Pro tem Tom Carns in the Council Chambers of the Edmonds Civic Center. All present joined in the flag salute. Mayor Harrison arrived shortly thereafter and chaired the rest of the meeting. PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Harve Harrison, Mayor Charles Dibble, M.A.A. Mike Herb... Leif Larson, Public Works Director Phil*,Clement John LaTourelle, Community Development Director Katherine Allen Irene Varney Moran, City Clerk John Nordquist Lila Crosby, Finance Director Ray Gould Jack Cooper, Fire Chief Tom Carns Dick Allen, Asst. City Engineer Larry Naughten John Wallace, City Attorney Wayne Tanaka, City Attorney Jackie Parrett, Deputy City Clerk