19780214 City Council Minutes18 6 February-7, 1978 - continued APPOINTMENTS OF FINANCE DIRECTOR AND DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES • PROPOSED ORDINANCE SETTING SALARIES FOR FINANCE DIRECTOR AND DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Councilman Carns had requested these items be heard together. He noted that Ordinance 1967 reflected the grade of the Finance Director to be E-11 and that it was now proposed to be downgraded to E-10; and the new position of Director of Administrative Services was pro- posed to be E-10. He said the new Director of Administrative Services was proposed to be the former Finance Director, but with a salary cut of $90 per month. He said he could not concur with that inasmuch as that particular person was probably one of the hardest work- ing people on the City Staff and probably put in more hours on the job than anyone. He said he found the proposed salary cut very offensive. Therefore, COUNCILMAN CARNS MOVED, SECOND- ED BY COUNCILMAN NAUGHTEN, THAT ORDINANCE 1977 BE ADOPTED BUT THAT THE WORDING BE AMENDED TO INDICATE THE SPECIFIED SALARY OF THE DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES TO BE $1,790. MOTION CARRIED. COUNCILMAN CARNS THEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GOULD, TO APPROVE THE MAYOR'S APPOINTMENT OF ARTHUR HOUSLER TO THE POSITION OF FINANCE DIRECTOR AND THE APPOINT- MENT OF LILA CROSBY AS DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES. MOTION CARRIED. There was no further business to come before the Council, and the meeting adjourned at 11:35 p.m. ,4'/_,1,1 _,f, ez��� IRENE VARNEY MORAN ITY CLERK February 14, 1978 - Work Meeting HARVE H. HARRISON, MAYOR The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Pro tem Tom Carns in the Council Chambers of the Edmonds Civic Center. All present joined in the flag salute. Mayor Harve Harrison arrived shortly after the call to order and conducted the balance of the meeting. PRESENT ABSENT STAFF PRESENT 1 Harve Harrison, Mayor Larry Naughten Charles Dibble, M.A.A. Mike Herb Leif Larson, Public Works Director Phil Clement John LaTourelle, Community Devel. Dir. Katherine Allen Irene Varney Moran, City Clerk John Nordquist Art Housler, Finance Director Ray Gould Jim Murphy, City Attorney Tom Carns Wayne Tanaka, City -Attorney Jackie Parrett, Deputy Clerk CONSENT AGENDA MOTION: A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GOULD, TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED. The Consent Agenda contained the following: (A) Roll call. (B) Approval of Minutes of February 7, 1978. (C) Setting date of February 28, 1978 for hearing of P.C. Resolution 580, recommending • approval of amendment to Official Street Map to reduce right-of-way on 196th bet-. ween 76th Ave. W. and a point east of 81st P1. W. (File ST-13-77) (D) Approval of Street Use Permit, sign for Von Max Restaurant, 512 5th Ave. S. COUNCIL Councilman Nordquist noted that a subscription to the Western Sun recently had been approved for the Mayor's secretary and there now was one indicated for the Mayor's Administrative Assistant. Councilman Nordquist thought that seemed like an unnecessary expenditure and asked that it be given further consideration. He also inquired about an expenditure of $850 to the University of Oregon for a seminar.. M.A.A. Charles Dibble responded that the Personnel Secretary and the Personnel Consultant (Tom'Purton) had attended the seminar but the cost would be refunded by an IPA grant. Councilman Nordquist then distributed a report on year- end statistics from the Snohomish Health District. They had been reviewed at the Health District meeting this date and he felt they would be of interest to the Council. The Council was interested and asked that he continue to provide the year. -end statistics. Councilman Carns reported that he had pursued the idea of Staff -Council luncheons and had discussed this with the M.A.A. Councilman Carns said immediate topics being considered for discussion at such luncheons were (1) What can Staff members do to make Council meet- ings more efficient, and (2) What kind of topics would be desirable for future discussions. He asked which day of the week would be best on which to have the luncheons and it was agreed that Thursdays would be best. Councilman Nordquist noted that there was a group of young people in the audience from College Place Junior High School who were doing research for their Social Studies Class. 11 February 14, 1978 The Council welcomed them. IS7 Councilman Herb inquired about the zoning of the Edmonds Elementary School. He said his under- standing was that the OS zoning was a temporary zoning. Councilman Carns said the Planning Staff had not yet made a recommendation to the Planning Commission. Community Development Director John LaTourelle said he was not aware that his Staff was to be doing anything specific. He said the consultant's report on the City's possible use of the facility was in, but that MOTION: really was not in connection with the zoning. COUNCILMAN HERB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN- GOULD, THAT THE PLANNING STAFF REVIEW.AND RECOMMEND PERMANENT ZONING OF THE EDMONDS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PROPERTY. MOTION CARRIED, WITH COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN ABSTAINING. Councilwoman Allen felt she should abstain from any vote concerning the Edmonds Elementary School, having recently been on the Edmonds School Board. Discussion followed on this subject, other members of the Council feeling she should participate fully. City Attorney'Jim Murphy said this part- icular matter was not one she should be concerned about in relation to any inside information she may have or have had. He said the zoning on the property really would not effectuate a condemnation or sale. It was commented that new appraisals were being sought on the prop- erty so information she may have had would be out-of-date. COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN THEN WITHDREW HER ABSTENTION -AND VOTED IN FAVOR OF THE MOTION. Councilman Herb inquired as to the status of the Johnson property. City Attorney Jim Murphy MOTION: said his office had not met with the Johnsons recently. COUNCILMAN HERB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN.ALLEN, THAT THE STATUS OF THE JOHNSON PROPERTY.AND ANY PENDING NEGOTIATIONS BE REVIEWED AT THE MAY 16, 1978 MEETING. Councilman Carns.commented that Councilman Clement and Gellert and himself had met with the County Commissioners and the Johnson's in regard to a tax exemption on the property as open space. THE MOTION THEN CARRIED. MAYOR Mayor Harrison said he had an application for a Class F :liquor license (wine.by the bottle) from Puget Sound Seafoods which is located at Five Corners. The applicant had opened the seafood market in August of 1977 and, due to public demand, he wishes to sell only wine which complements seafoods. The owner of an adjacent store which sells beer and wine in- dicated no objection to the issuance of this license. Police Chief Marlo Foster had invest - MOTION igated the applicant, and he recommended approval of the license request. COUNCILMAN CARNS MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GOULD, TO APPROVE THE PUGET SOUND SEAFOOD'S REQUEST FOR A CLASS F LIZUOR LICENSE. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Harrison advised that the Economic Development Council had billed the City $300 for 1978 dues, but this item had not been budgeted. He suggested the Council may wish to con- sider an allocation for this from the Contingency Fund. Councilman Carns asked for a Staff recommendation, and Public Works Director Leif Larson said the City had not benefited from it previously because the City is more residentially oriented, whereas the Economic Develop- ment Council.looks for projects that.will increase employment in the area. He said it did review all of the Public Works projects that were submitted by the various municipalities, so there was the potential of federal funds the Economic Development Council could be of assistance in obtaining, He said that for $306.he didn't think the city had much to lose MOTION: because of the possibility of opportunities for economic development assistance. COUNCILMAN (Withdrawn) NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, THAT THE CITY INDICATE IT IS NOT INTERESTED AT THIS TIME IN MEMBERSHIP IN THE SNOHOMISH COUNTY ECONOMIC.DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL. Councilman Clement commented that the Policy Plan was explicit in saying one of the goals of the City was to develop employment opportunities, and he said the Economic Development Council does attempt to get new businesses to locate in the member areas. He noted that there are some available sites in Edmonds and those would be potential employers of Edmonds' citizens. Therefore, he said he would vote against the motion. Councilman Gould asked how the City would get them to help, and Councilman Clement responded that they have a fulitime staff and have helped a number of companies find .new plant sites in Snohomish County. He said they have a team going into Canada trying to get Canadians to invest in this county. M.A.A. Dibble • added that if the City has any industrial development at all., it may have a feeling as to whether some are suitable or unsuitable to this City's environment. Council Gould suggested that the City should stay with the Economic Development Council and try to get something for the $300. Councilman Nordquist said he had made his motion to get the discussion going. COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST THEN WITHDREW HIS MOTION, AND COUNCILMAN CARNS WITHDREW HIS SECOND. MOTION: COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST THEN MOVED THAT THE CITY PAY THE $300 MEMBERSHIP DUES TO THE SNOHOMISH COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL, FUNDS TO BE PAID FROM THE COUNCIL CONTINGENCY FUND. COUNCILMAN CARNS SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED. DISCUSSION RE PROPOSED COUNCIL/STAFF RETREAT Mayor Harrison said this had not been budgeted in the Mayor's Prel.imi_nary...Budget. He said the_ previous Council felt last year's retreat did have some value and a retreat this year would be'of value. He felt'it appropriate under this discussion to address where it would be, how long it would be, who would be invited, and what would be discussed. He noted that each year the Association of Washington Cities holds a conference, and the main portion lasts two days and includes a number of seminars on city problems. He said it is a useful convention but there has been little participation from Council members. He felt the Council could gain more by attending this convention than by holding a retreat. Mayor Harrison recommended that the -� Council spend June 14-15 at the AWC convention instead of a retreat. Councilman Carns res- ponded that he had attended the AWC conventions since being on the Council and he recommended them for any Councilman, but he did not see a connection between that conference and the Council retreat. He said he felt the Council/Staff retreat was one of the most progressive and worth- while activities in which he had participated since being on the Council. He said it gave the Council a good opportunity to really discuss things With the Staff, and he would really be in favor of having the retreat again. In fact, he said he had taken some responsibility in placing a tentative.hold at Port Ludlow for Friday, April 21, and Saturday, April 22, and he n LJ 1 February 14, 1978 - continued • had discussed this with each of the Council member this week and found that they all had those dates open except Councilman Herb who had a commitment which would make him late on Friday. Councilwoman Allen said she planned to attend the AWC conference, but she agreed with Councilman Carns regard- ing the retreat. She said she had been at retreats of this nature previously where a great deal was accomplished. Councilman Clement said there had been some commitments made at the first retreat that require a second working session to make them happen, and those could not be accomplished at the AWC meetings. However, he said he did not feel an outside agency would be required to help with the retreat. It was agreed that there should be an agenda, and it was suggested the agenda be established at a work meeting prior to the retreat. Councilman Clement felt it would be useful to have a third party between the Council and the Staff to run the meetings. Mayor Harrison.did not think last year's retreat was productive and he said he would reserve making a commitment to attend MOTION: until he knew what the discussion would be. COUNCILMAN CARNS MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CLEMENT, THAT THE COUNCIL, THE MAYOR, EACH DEPARTMENT HEAD, AND THE CITY ATTORNEY BE INVITED TO ATTEND A WORKSHOP TO BE HELD AT PORT LUDLOW FROM APRIL 21 AT ABOUT NOON UNTIL APRIL 22, BETWEEN 5:00 AND 6:00 P.M. It was suggested that the workshop be held somewhere closer to Edmonds. Several Council members felt there was more value in having it away from the City so a definite block of time would be dedicated to it and for the change of scenery and attitude. THE MOTION THEN CARRIED. MOTION: COUNCILMAN CARNS THEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CLEMENT, THAT THE EXPENSES FOR THE COUNCIL/STAFF MOTION: RETREAT BE TAKEN FROM THE COUNCIL CONTINGENCY FUND. MOTION CARRIED. COUNCILMAN CLEMENT MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST, THAT THE MAYOR PRO TEM BE RESPONSIBLE FOR GETTING THE AGENDA TO- GETHER. MOTION CARRIED. It was suggested that each Council member indicate one or two subjects they would like discussed and that the staff also indicate anything they would like discussed. It was also suggested that former Councilman Robert Anderson be invited to be the facilitator for the discussions. It was agreed that he was very skilled in that area and had the background to do it. REVIEW OF TIMETABLE ON PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PROCEDURE FROM M.A.A. M.A.A. Charles Dibble said performance evaluation should include setting of objectives so later evaluation could include a measure of achievement of those objectives. He said his objective was to complete department objectives for this year by the end of the quarter; he was looking for • preliminary objectives by March 15 and finishing them by the end of the quarter. He said they would be limited because they have to be within the present budget. He planned to look intern- ally at ways to improve operation efficiency, to examine the organization, to find ways of'doing things less expensively, and to find ways to improve budget control. He said mid-term goals will be examined to see what steps should be taken in 1978 and he noted that some called for completion in 1978. He did not contemplate a formal performance review until the end of the year, but he did plan an informal review about the first two weeks in August. He said the whole performance.evalua- tion process would be a part of this, and he planned to discuss with the Staff the possibility of using subordinate personnel evaluations --having the subordinate supervisors evaluate their super- visors. He said he would not do this unless the Staff wanted to do it, but he had found people like to experiment with something like this. He said he also wanted to present a basic management training program sometime this year wherein an outsider would be engaged, and that some research is being done to find out who is. desirable in the area. He envisioned a series of classes, perhaps of 1z to 2 hours, once a week for 10 weeks, including required reading material between classes. He said there is money available under IPA for such as this and he had discussed this with the IPA coordinator who felt there would be an excellent opportunity for next year, but there would also be a possibility for this year from funds that are turned back by cities which do not use their whole allocations. He approximated the cost of such a management training program to be in the area of $2,000. Councilman Gould thought such a program would be outstanding and he asked how the Council would be informed as to what is being developed in the way of forms and procedures and how the August review and the final review go. Mr. Dibble responded that that was a question for the Mayor, but he doubted there would be anything in writing on the informal August reviews. He suggested if the Council had any questions about it that they contact him. He said the Council's part in the formal review should be different from in the past, that it should be input which - relates to their experience and their reports, rather than trying to do a complete evaluation. Regarding salaries and the reviews, he said any salary recommendation had to be based on performance evaluation, but he had a problem with cost of living increases and evaluations being.connected. He thought the principal evaluation eventually should be given in the middle of the year and a separate evaluation should be given at the end of the year. He commented that when two increases •. come close together there is a tendency to give less than what a person deserves. Councilman Gould said he was a proponent of the management by objective system and he felt that it would be productive to have the Staff set goals on an annual basis. Councilman Carns brought up another matter at this time, that of the AWC convention. He noted that the Council meeting last year had been changed in order to permit attendance at the AWC con - MOTION: vention, and he suggested the same be done this year. COUNCILMAN CARNS THEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN HERB, THAT THE JUNE 13 CITY COUNCIL MEETING BE RESCHEDULED TO JUNE 12 BECAUSE OF THE AWC CONVENTION. MOTION CARRIED. REVIEW CHAPTER 1.14.040, PARAGRAPH 1, OF EDMONDS CITY CODE RE CAMPAIGN FUNDS Councilman Carns had asked that this be placed on the agenda, and he said it was unrealistic to require a public official to be prohibited from taking action on a matter concerning an indiv- idual or group who had contributed $5.00 to that official's campaign fund. He said he would like that figure to be raised to $25 and for the 5% indicator to be deleted completely. He felt the intent of the ordinance was good but the figures were unreasonable. M.A.A. Charles Dibble ex- pressed the view that the whole section was contrary to the democratic system and that it dis- couraged people's participation. He felt if a person did not have the time to contribute but did have the money he should be given the opportunity to participate by his monetary contribution. MOTION: Discussion followed as to what limitations would be reasonable. A MOTION WAS THEN MADE BY COUNCIL- MAN CARNS, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN HERB, THAT SECTION 1.14.040(1) OF THE EDMONDS CITY CODE BE AMEND- ED TO CHANGE THE $5.00 FIGURE TO $50.00 AND TO DELETE THE WORDS "OR FIVE PERCENT . . . WHICHEVER MOTION: IS THE GREATER." MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Carns left immediately following this vote. COUNCIL- MAN HERB THEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN, THAT THE BALANCE OF SECTION 1.14.040 BE DIS CUSSED AT THE APRIL 4 MEETING. A ROLL CALL VOTE WAS TAKEN, WITH COUNCIL MEMBERS HERB ALLEN, AND • February 14, 1978 - continued 189 GOULD VOTING YES, AND COUNCIL MEMBERS CLEMENT AND NORDQUIST VOTING NO. MOTION CARRIED. 1 1 CA 1 11 REVIEW OF ALL ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREAS AND PROCEDURES FOR FILING ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENTS Community Development Director John LaTourelle said the EIS requirement had been passed to (1) Force environmental considerations into the design project'as it was being designed; (2) Force environmental considerations into the public decision -making process; and (3) Provide for wide public exposure and citizen participation into that decision -making process. He said that in 1970 everybody needed it, and it was questionable whether such places as Edmonds needed it. He said the information gathered is evaluated and put out to the public, and he felt the.City of Edmonds can accomplish -the same thing without going through the EIS process.. He suggested the. Council discuss when it should be'done whenever there is a proposal for an environmentally sensitive area. It was explained that a full EIS is a very expensive and involved document of great magnitude, and that the EIS might be confused with the environmental checklist. Councilman . Herb felt the assessment on whether or not you need an EIS can be misleading. He said.it.was necessary to checklist what the proposal would do to the environment and what the developer will do to alleviate that. He also felt the City's environmentally sensitive areas should be re- studied. Councilman Nordquist noted that there are areas adjacent to City boundaries that in- fluence the City areas and those should also be taken into consideration. Discussion then centered on how to get a true report from the party making out the checklist as to what the impacts will be and how they will be mitigated, without going to a full EIS.. City Attorney Wayne.. Tanaka advised that the form of the checklist is set by administrative regulation, but the back- up information as to why they arrive at the yes or no determination could be provided addition- ally. Mr. LaTourelle suggested that if they can get the originators of the checklists to make detailed explanations as to why they said yes or no to each item and what process they are using to mitigate the impacts, then the Council would be getting the information they want. Councilman Gould said he thought the Staff had some good feelings of -their own on this matter and they now knew how the Council felt. He said he would like, however, to set up a timetable for upgrading the locations of environmentally sensitive areas. Mr. LaTourelle said it will take a lot of time to do it right and he presently did not have the staff to do it, but he suggested returning in six months with recommendations for additions and reassignments. MOTION: COUNCILMAN GOULD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CLEMENT, THAT AUGUST"1 BE SET FOR A PROGRESS ON THE UPDATING OF THE ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREAS MAP. MOTION CARRIED. There was no further business to come before the Council, and the meeting.adjourned at 9:50 p.m. IRENE VARNEY MORAN, gATY CLERK February 21, 1978 HARVE H. HARRISON, MAYOR The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayor Harve Harrison in the Council Chambers of the Edmonds Civic Center. All present joined in the flag salute. PRESENT Harve Harrison, Mayor Mike Herb Phil Clement Katherine Allen John Nordquist Ray Gould Tom Carns Larry Naughten CONSENT AGENDA STAFF PRESENT Charles Dibble, M.A.A. Leif Larson, Public Works Director John LaTourelle, Community Development,Director Noelle Charleson, Assistant City Planner Lila Crosby, Administrative Services Director Art Housler, Finance Director Jim Murphy, City Attorney Wayne Tanaka, City Attorney Jackie Parrett, Deputy City Clerk Councilman Gould asked that Item (F) be removed from the Consent Agenda. COUNCILMAN CARNS MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NAUGHTEN, TO APPROVE THE BALANCE OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED. The balance of the Consent Agenda contained the.following: (A) Roll Call. (B) Approval of Minutes of February 14, 1978. (C) Passage of'Resolution 392, authorizing transfer of funds from Contingency to General Fund, re Joint Medic 1 Program. (D) Passage of Resolution 393 re Policy for LIDS. (E) Acceptance of Quit Claim Deed from Ted Hollcraft. (G) Reset hearing date to March 7, 1978 on Consideration of Exceeding Zoning Restrictions on Five Corners Water Tank Project. (H) Award of bid for purchase of water meters for 1978 to Pacific Water Works Supply Co., Inc., in the amount of $17,718,31, including Washington State Sales Tax. CJ