19780314 City Council MinutesMarch 7, 1978 - continued • evening, March. 14. 197 M.A.A. Charles Dibble noted that the March 21 agenda was very full and he suggested that the review of the consultant's plan for the Edmonds Elementary School. be rescheduled to March 28. He said MOTION: Larry Bailey is out of town at the present time, but it could be determined next week whether he would be available on March 28. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN NAUGHTEN, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GOULD, TO RESCHEDULE THE REVIEW OF THE CONSULTANT'S PLAN FOR THE EDMONDS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TO MARCH 28. Councilman Gould noted that there had been an article in the newspaper saying there had been two:.offers made:,for=the-..school, and he asked if this had been discussed with the City. M.A.A. Dibble responded that those offers described in the newspaper were the same discussed at the Jan- uary meeting with the School Board. He said they were still awaiting appraisal updates and the indication two weeks ago was that the appraisals would not be received for about six weeks from that time.. THE MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Herb commented that Dr. Woodroof had suggested to him several times that another joint luncheon or dinner be held between the School Board and the Council. Councilman Clement felt that it had been evident at the last luncheon that Dr..'Woodruff wanted to discuss the zoning on the school property, and that was not something the Council could get in- volved in at this time. Councilman Gould suggested that perhaps the Council should have more de- tails on how the building could be used before future discussions, and he suggested that Council- man Herb indicate to Dr..Woodroof when he saw him that the Council cannot discuss zoning. Council- Carns added that there is a negotiating committee and they should have as much latitude as possible. Councilwoman Allen felt that any discussions prior to the March 28 review would be counterpro- ductive. Councilman Clement noted that the first issue, once the appraisals are known, should be to decide whether consideration to purchase is feasible. Councilman Carns reported on the recent Council/Staff luncheon, saying he had heard several comments that it was one of the most productive of luncheons held in the past. HEARING ON P.C. RESOLUTION 577A, ESTABLISHING HEIGHT AND DEPTH OF LANDSCAPE SCREENING DEVICES (File ZO-12-77) Is Community Development Director John LaTourelle reviewed the proposal. He noted some changes in word- ing which should be made in the amendment to Section 12.14.020 H (3) (e). In paragraph 1. the cap- tion should be changed to "Front Property Line:" and the words "along the front property line ." should be inserted so the paragraph reads"Plant materials i.nstalled in perimeter planting beds along the front property line shall be three feet in height when planted and shall form a solid, sight -obscuring screen." In paragraph 4., captioned "Waiver of screening device:," subparagraph (a) should read "when the abutting site is higher than the subject site and contains a slope of 459 or more and a difference in elevation of six feet or more." In the amendment to Section,:12.14.020, regarding general requirements for fences and hedges, Mr..LaTourelle said he would like the Amenities Design Board to be empowered to decide on minimum and maximum heights. The height para- graph addressed the maximum.heights but not the minimum. The public portion of the hearing was opened, no one wished to speak, and the public portion was closed. 1 There was some discussion regarding specific problems the proposed amendments would alleviate. A MOTION: MOTION WAS THEN MADE BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, SECONDED BY.000NCILMAN HERB, THAT THIS ITEM GO BACK TO THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT AND BE RESCHEDULED FOR MARCH 28, 1978, IN ORDER TO INCLUDE THE CHANGES. IN LANGUAGE GIVEN THIS EVENING AND TO ADD A PARAGRAPH THAT WOULD GIVE SOME DISCRETION RE- GARDING PLANT SIZES TO THE AMENITIES DESIGN BOARD. Councilman Clement-asked.that the proposed ordinance be provided at the same time, and Councilman Gould pointed out that the maximum heights are covered and work only has to be done on the minimum. THE MOTION THEN CARRIED. Ksystems There was no further business to come before the Council and the meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m. le" IRENE VARNEY MORAN, CVrY CLERK March 14, 1978 (Work Meeting) c HARVE H. HARRISON, MAYOR The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayor Harve Harrison in the Council Chambers of the Edmonds Civic Center. All present joined in the flag salute. PRESENT Harve Harrison; Mike Herb Phil Clement Katherine Allen John Nordquist Ray Gould Tom Carns Larry Naughten STAFF PRESENT Mayor Charles Dibble, M.A.A. Leif Larson, Public Works Director John LaTourelle, Community Development Director, Irene Varney Moran, City Clerk Marlo Foster, Police Chief Jack Cooper, Fire Chief Art Housler, Finance Director Rod Garretson, Parks Planning & Recreation Director Jim Murphy, City Attorney Jackie Parrett, Deputy City Clerk Mayor Harrison spoke of the recent death of Al Kincaid on March 13 and of the contributions he had made to the City -of Edmonds. The fountain at the intersection of 5th Ave. and Main St. had been the idea of Mr. Kincaid, and Mayor Harrison suggested it would be fitting to name the fountain for him, so he asked the Council to consider doing that and placing an appropriate plaque there. COUNCIL- MAN NAUGHTEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST, THAT THE FOUNTAIN AT THE INTERSECTION OF 5TH AVE. AND MAIN ST. BE NAMED FOR AL KINCAID AND THAT AN APPROPRIATE PLAQUE BE PLACED WITH IT. MOTION CARRIED. There will be an official dedication. March 14, 1978 - continued CONSENT.AQENDA . MOTION: COUNCILMAN CARNS MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN, TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED. The Consent Agenda contained the following: (A) Roll call. (B) Approval of'Minutes of March 7, 1978. COUNCIL Councilman Nordquist noted that the Council was to have received copies for review of the 201 Facilities Plan for Wastewater Treatment prior to this date so they could examine it before it, was submitted. Public Works Director Leif.Larson responded that one copy had been received from Reid, Middleton & Associates late today, and it would be hand -carried for submission tomorrow, March 15, the due date. He said 25 additional copies had been ordered but would not be available until tomorrow. Because of the unusually large size of the document and the technical informa tion it contained,..the Council asked that they be furnished copies of the summary at the begin- ning of the document. They were dissatisfied, however, that the document was going to be sub- mitted prior to their review. It was agreed that the cover letter transmitting the document should go in such a manner that it would not carry the inference that it is approved by the Coun- MOTION: cil. COUNCILMAN GOULD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CLEMENT, THAT THE TRANSMITTAL LETTER FOR THE 201 FACILITIES PLAN FOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT FOR THE CITY OF EDMONDS SHOULD SAY THAT THE DRAFT IS BEING SUBMITTED IN ORDER TO BE TIMELY, AND THAT THE CITY COUNCIL WILL REVIEW THE ALTERNATIVE PROPOSALS AND SEND A SEPARATE RECOMMENDATION ON ITS FINDINGS AT A FUTURE DATE. FURTHER, THAT THIS REVIEW BE SET FOR THE APRIL II WORK MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Carns referred to two recent car/train accidents in Edmonds and he asked if something could be done to make the intersections safer where.the accidents had occurred. Public Works Director Leif Larson responded that a letter had already been sent to the Director of Trans- • portation, with copies to the Washington Utilities•:Commission and Burlington Northern Railroad, expressing the City's concern over the safety aspects of having only flashing red lights at the railroad crossings. Mr. Larson felt there should be a gate at the Main St. crossing. The Wash- ington Utilities Commission had acknowledged receipt of the letter and indicated inspectors would be sent to investigate. Mr. Larson said he would report when he receives other replies. Councilman Gould said he had attended a Rotary Club meeting at which there was a presentation re- garding the proposed South County consolidation. He,distributed copies of the mailer which was. sent to the community and suggested the questionnaire it contained should be completed by each Council member and returned. There was some discussion regarding the mailer, Councilman Carns feeling it contained a lot of misinformation and it failed to recognize the positive activities in South Snohomish County, and Councilwoman Allen disagreeing with him. Councilman Clement.reported that at the February 22 meeting of the Park and Recreation Advisory Board the subject of ball field use had been discussed, without much resolution. He said he MOTION: would like the Council to review that discussion. COUNCILMAN CLEMENT MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN:.NAUGHTEN, TO PLACE ON THE MARCH 28 AGENDA A DISCUSSION OF BALL FIELD USE. Informa- tion regarding all the parks and their programming will be necessary, including the number of participants and last year's usage. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Herb advised that he may have to miss a part of Port Ludlow retreat because of other commitments, but he wanted to assure the Council that he was totally in'favor of it. At this time (8:05 p.m.) Councilman Clement departed the meeting, having advised he could not be present this evening. MAYOR Mayor Harrison,advised that there was a vacancy on the Amenities Design Board, to which he wished • to appoint Perry Spanfelner, who had been interviewed by the Council prior to this meeting. Mr. Spanfelner had been a building inspector for the City until his recent retirement and he resides MOTION: in the Lake Ballinger area. COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST FELT MR. SPANFELNER HAD MADE A FINE CONTRIBU- TION TO THE CITY AS AN EMPLOYEE, AND HE MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, TO CONFIRM THE MAYOR'S APPOINTMENT OF PERRY SPANFELNER TO POSITION 3 ON THE AMENITIES DESIGN BOARD, FILLING THE UNEXPIRED TERM TO EXPIRE NOVEMBER 5, 1978. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Harrison referred to a letter received from the Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau which advised that the recent inspection and grading of the fire protection facilities of the City had resulted in a Class 6 rating.. Mayor Harrison advised that City officials had met with representatives of the Rating Bureau, and the City had 90 days in which to formulate a plan to improve fire protection. One year will be permitted to implement that plan. Mayor Harrison felt a Class 4 rating could be achieved in 12-18 months if all goes well. M.A.A. Charles Dibble commented that one of the things that had contributed to the downgrade was that MOTION: in a period of three years the City had,had three fire marshals. COUNCILMAN CARNS MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN HERB, TO SET FOR THE MAY 30 WORK MEETING A REVIEW OF THE FINDINGS OF THE RATING BUREAU AND A DISCUSSION OF WHAT THE COUNCIL CAN DO TO IMPROVE THE RATING, AND THAT -THE COUNCIL BE FURNISHED THE REPORT FROM THE RATING BUREAU AS WELL AS RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. Mayor Harrison advised that the deficiencies will be dealt with on an administra- tive level, and Councilman Carns said he did not want to interfere with.the administration. I.n answer to a question., M.A.A. Dibble said the insurance rate on a $50,000 home would in- crease by $9 a year with a change from a Class 5 to a Class 6 rating. THE MOTION CARRIED. Fire Chief Cooper added that neither -the Fire.Department nor the City had gone backward. He said the rating covers the Water Department, Fire Department, and other parts of the City, and the Class 5 rating will be retained if the City responds positively in the next 90 days. Councilman Carns requested that Rating Bureau Report and the Fire Department recommendations be given the Council in the May 19 packets. I] March 14, 1978 - continued 1 9 9 Mayor Harrison had invited Bill Nims to make a presentation about the International Cultural and 1 1 Personal Exchange with the Nagoya College of Foreign Languages in Nagoya, Japan. Mr. Nims re - MOTION: viewed the previous exchanges and said they are now soliciting cooperation for this year's ex- change. This year's exchange will be July 21-29 and he reviewed the plans for that. COUNCILMAN NAUGHTEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, TO ADOPT THE INTERNATIONAL CULTURAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION: MOTION: (AMENDED.) 6NDMENT 1 • i 1 REPORT FROM COMMITTEE ON RECOMMENDATIONS RE DIVING OFF EDMONDS SHORELINES A report had been submitted containing the Committee recommendations. A film of the Underwater Park was shown by Gary Smith, after which Park Planning & Recreation Director Rod Garretson in- troduced the members of the Committee who were present. He reviewed the changes in the proposed Underwater Park expansion. He said the Scuba Committee is very interested in maintaining the park and has been working on raising funds.for the improvements to the park. Two unresolved questions were whether fines would be necessary for violations of Underwater Park regulations, and whether there should be some kind of boat access to the safety floats on a 24-hour basis in case some diver is in trouble there and cannot swim to shore. The report of the.Committee was discussed.at length. COUNCILMAN CARNS THEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST, THAT THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE SCUBA SAFETY COMMITTEE BE GIVEN TO THE CITY ATTORNEY TO INCORPORATE INTO CHANGES TO CITY ORD- INANCES AND THAT THE COUNCIL GO ON RECORD AS THANKING THE SCUBA SAFETY COMMITTEE FOR THEIR WORK AND THEIR EFFORTS TO ENHANCE THE UNDERWATER PARK AND TO MAKE IT SAFER FOR DIVERS. Regarding fines, City Attorney Jim Murphy noted that there is always a maximum.fine of $500 for violations of the City Code. He said the Committee was suggesting fines of something like $50 where you might be damaging someone else and $5 if you were only damaging yourself. THE MOTION THEN CARRIED. COUNCIL- MAN GOULD THEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST THAT THE CITY AUTHORIZE CONSTRUCTION OF THE KIOSK AS PROPOSED ON PAGE 7 OF THE SCUBA SAFETY COMMITTEE'S RECOMMENDATIONS FOR POSTING OF REG- ULATIONS AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION AND THAT $3,000 BE DRAWN FROM THE COUNCIL CONTINGENCY FUND AND TO BE PLACED IN THE PROPER FUND FOR SUCH CONSTRUCTION. Councilwoman Allen was not sure the estimate of costs was reasonable and Community Director. John LaTourelle agreed.that it'was a "ball park" estimate. COUNCILMAN CARNS MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GOULD, TO AMEND THE MOTION TO READ THAT THE STAFF BE INSTRUCTED TO PREPARE A DRAWING OF THE KIOSK, TOGETHER WITH COST ESTIMATES, SUCH ESTIMATES TO BE REVIEWED BY PUBLIC.WORKS DIRECTOR LEIF LARSON. THE MOTION TO AMEND CARRIED. THE MAIN MOTION, AS AMENDED, THEN CARRIED. A member of the audience commented that there has been a problem of boats leaving Andy's Boathouse and cutting across the Underwater Park and there should be some signage to deter such boats. It was agreed that such signs could be included in the kiosk construction. There was no further business to come before the Council, and the meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. IRENE VARNEY MORAN, CITY CLERK HARV H. HA SON, MAYOR March 21, 1978 The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayor Harrison in the Council.Chambers of the Edmonds Civic Center. All present joined in the flag salute. PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Harve Harrison, Mayor Mike Herb Phil Clement Katherine Allen John Nordquist. Ray Gould Tom Carns Larry Naughten CONSENT AGENDA Charles Dibble, M.A.A. Leif Larson, Public Works Director John LaTourelle, Community Development Director Marlo Foster, Police Chief Irene Varney Moran, City Clerk Lila Crosby, Administrative Services Director - Art Housler, Finance.Director Noelle Charleson, Assistant City Planner Dick Allen, Assistant City. Engineer Jack Weinz, Acting Fire Chief Jim Murphy, City Attorney Wayne Tanaka, City Attorney Jackie Parrett, Deputy City Clerk Councilwoman Allen asked that Item (C) be removed from the Consent Agenda and Councilman Herb asked that Items (D) and (0 be removed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GOULD, TO APPROVE THE BALANCE OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED. The balance of the Consent Agenda included the following: (A) Roll Call. (B) Approval of Minutes of March 14, 1978. (E) Setting date of April 4, 1978 for hearing on approval of preliminary plat "Irish Acres." (File P-3-78) (F) Setting date of April 4, 1978 for hearing on approval of preliminary plat "Lauri Ann Park." (P-4-78) APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT OF JESSE'S PONDEROSA..- V.I.CINITY OF 218TH AND 82ND [Iiem (C) on Consent Agenda] Councilwoman Allen was concerned that one of the lots in this plat did not have the required 8,000