19780425 City Council Minutes2 e 1 April 18, 1978 - continued (C) THAT THE MEASURE, QUANTITY OR AMOUNT BY WHICH THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT WILL EXCEED RESTRIC • TIONS REFERRED TO IN SECTION.I OF THIS SUBSECTION IS THE MINIMUM EXCESS NEEDED IN ORDER TO PROVIDE THE NECESSARY SERVICES OR FACILITIES; (D) THAT REASONABLE EFFORTS HAVE BEEN MADE TO•MINIMIZE OR MITIGATE THE EFFECT OF THE MUNI- CIPAL IMPROVEMENT WHEN IT IS PERMITTED TO EXCEED THE RESTRICTIONS REFERRED TO IN SECTION I OF THIS SUBSECTION. Councilwoman Allen asked if there was a possibility that the Council would consider alternate plan #2 that was presented at the last discussion of the water tank. Councilman Carns said he would vote against it as it would involve the acquisition of additional property, possible condemnations, court trials and a lot of legal involvement. He stated that by changing the right-bf-way we could allow for.an additional.20' of plantings which would serve as good screening. COUNCILMAN NAUGHTEN SECONDED THE MOTION OF COUNCILMAN CARNS. A ROLL CALL WAS TAKEN WITH COUNCIL MEMBERS HERB, GOULD, CARNS AND NAUGHTEN VOTING "YES" AND COUNCIL MEMBERS NORDQUIST AND ALLEN VOTING "NO". MOTION CARRIED. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR COORDINATED SURFACE WATER PLANNING IN SNOHOMISH COUNTY Leif Larson, Director of Public Works, stated that the Snohomish County Planning Department has prepared a Memorandum of Understanding in such a way that there would be coordinated planning in regards to drainage, especially in the South County area and parts of North King County. This proposed memorandum has already been adopted by two or three cities. Our City Attorney has reviewed it and affixed his signature to it. I would like to recommend that the City Council authorize the Mayor to sign this Memorandum of Understanding. Mr. Larson wanted to make mention of the fact that our efforts on the Lake Ballinger study have resulted in $900,000.00 coming from Mountlake Terrace for deficiencies in the lake. He stated that this type of effort is a ways MOTION: and means of cities banning together in matters of mutual interest. COUNCILMAN CARNS MOVED TO APPROVE THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING AND TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO SIGN THE MEMORANDUM AGREE- MENT. COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED. • AUTHORIZE MAYOR TO SIGN AMENDED INTERLOCAL SNOCOM AGREEMENT Councilman Carns stated that he was a member of the SNOCOM Board, as well as a member ofthe Inter - local Agreement Committee. He has provided the Council with the agreement which SNOCOM currently has, copies of the new Agreement as amended as well as an addendum which would set up a para- medic program in South Snohomish County. Councilman Carns stated that he would be happy to answer any additional questions the Council might have. Councilman Gould inquired as to what portion of the annual budget Edmonds would be responsible for. Councilman Carns stated that the amount which Councilman Gould was referring to is the amount which would be set aside for the paramedic program and has nothing to do with the ongoing operations. The current SNOCOM ongoing operations funding is also computed on the same basis, but it is different from the paramedic program. Councilman Carns stated that the funding formula was changed two years ago in order to * lower the costs. MOTION: COUNCILMAN NAUGHTEN MOVED TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO SIGN THE AMENDED SNOCOM INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT AS WELL AS THE ADDENDUM. COUNCILMAN CARNS SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED. There was no further business to come before the City Council, and the meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m. IRENE VARNEY MORAY, CITY CLERK April 25, 1978 HARVE H. HARRISON, MAYOR The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayor Harve Harrison in the Council Chambers of the Edmonds Civic Center. All present joined in the flag salute. PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Harve Harrison, Mayor Charles Dibble, M.A.A. Mike Herb John LaTourelle, Community Development Dir. Phil Clement Leif Larson, Director Public Works Katherine Allen Art Housler, Finance Director Larry Naughten Irene Varney Moran, City Clerk John Nordquist John Wallace, City Attorney Ray Gould Jo Ann Fischer, Recording"Secretary Tom Carns CONSENT AGENDA Councilman Carns requested that Item (B), Approval of Minutes of April 18, 1978 be removed from the Consent Agenda. COUNCILMAN CARNS MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN TO APPROVE THE RE- MAINDER OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF APRIL 18, 1978 Councilman Carns requested an addition be made to the Minutes of April 18, 1978. On page 9, under the caption "AUTHORIZE MAYOR TO SIGN AMENDED INTERLOCAL SNOCOM AGREEMENT," in the last sentence of the paragraph it should read: "Councilman Carns stated that the funding formula was changed two years ago in order to lower the costs to Fire District #l.'. COUNCILMAN CARNS MOVED, SECONDED 1 *See amendment April 18, 1978 **See addition May 2, 1978 • April 25, 1978 - continued BY COUNCILMAN NAUGHTEN TO APPROVE THE MINUTES AS AMENDED. MOTION CARRIED. COUNCIL 217 1 1 * Councilman Clement.stated that he would like to place the topics which were discussed at the Port LUdl.6W retreat this past weekend on the.agenda for the June 12, 1978 work meeting. MOTION: MOTION: MOTION: Councilman Naughten expressed his appreciation regarding the manner in which the Port Ludlow retreat was handled. He'stated that it was a very worthwhile program and the exchange of ideas was most beneficial. Councilwoman Katie Allen stated that she had received a call regarding the block parent signs. She said that it was her understanding that the P.T.S.A. from Sherwood planned to ask the Council for help in the installation of block parent signs and wondered what the format would be regarding this; l.e.,.would it be added to the agenda or taken up at this time. Councilman Naughten said that Ms. Toni Matherly was in the audience and would be making a presentation to the Council. Councilman Herb commented on the letter directed to Leif.Larson, Director of Public Works, from the Department of Ecology regarding the sewer treatment facility. He stated that the Council's ob- jective is to come up with a plan for the most cost effective method. he further stated that the Council is also concerned that the Environmental Protection Agency might criticize our proposal for not being the most environmentally pleasing. Mr. Leif Larson stated that this is part of the process. He.said that when they hold'the hearings, the records of the hearing and the study will be evaluated upon the basis of the verbal testimonies which are given at the hearings„and the written reports given by the various agencies. He stated that this is all part of the process of evaluating the total data from the study which will be taking place after the hearing. Councilman Herb stated that we are not going to expressly have an environmental impact statement. 'Mr. Larson said that he realized this and that this is all the result of our report, the testimonies and other data received and it will be the basis for them to make their determination of whether to go on further and make other environmental studies. Councilman Clement commented on the March 31, 1978 Expenditure Analysis Report. He stated that there were charges under Administrative Support in the General.Fund which are listed unauthorized and he wondered whether there was going to be an amendment to the budget. Mr. Art Housler, Finance Director, stated that a budget adjustment is made whereby we transfer these funds to budget this amount to #17 which is under the Administrative Services Department. He further'stated that the reorganization of departments did not take place before February 15, 1978. MAYOR Mayor Harrison'stated.that he was in receipt.of a memorandum from John LaTourelle, Director of Comm- unity Development, requesting the Council to set.the date of May 2, 1978 for the hearing of Planning Commission Resolution #591 regarding the approval of the establishment of RS-6 zoning on the north- west corner of 9th and Main, the proposed water tank site. The hearing is being set for this date due to the fact that the authorization for bids on this site should follow the establishment of the zoning in this area. COUNCILMAN CARNS MOVED AND COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN SECONDED TO SET THE DATE OF MAY 2, 1978 FOR THE HEARING OF PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #591. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE Ms. Toni Matherly of 724 - 14th Way S.W. presented the Council members with a letter from the P.T.A. Block Parents' Committee. Ms. Matherly spoke in behalf of the Block Parents' Committees in the Edmonds School District #15. The goal of this Committee is to provide safer neighborhoods for the children. The Committee asked the City Council for its financial support and help in the installation of these signs. Ms. Matherly stated that there would be no more than 20 signs per Sherwood, Westgate, Chase Lake, Seaview and Olympic schools, a miximum of 100 signs in the City of Edmonds. The estimated cost for materials is $500.00. Mr. Larson stated that he was a bit concerned about the fact that some of these signs would be placed outside the City limits and therefore would be a County matter. Councilman Carns asked whether these signs could be installed with the expenditure coming out of the Public Works'Department budget. Mayor Harrison stated that he would suggest Council action on this matter regarding authorization and in deciding where these funds would come from. COUNCILMAN CARNS MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NAUGHTEN THAT THE EDMONDS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT COOPERATE WITH THE BLOCK PARENTS' COMMITTEES IN EDMONDS SCHOOL DISTRICT #15 IN THE INSTALLATION OF THE BLOCK PARENT SIGNS WITH THE COST NOT TO EXCEED $500.00 IN THE CURRENT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT BUDGET. Co.unc;illman Gould suggested that if the Public Works Department should decide upon galvanized posts with concrete bases, or other materials which would undoubtedly be more costly, they could come back to the City Council. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Harrison recognized Ms. Margaret Bernhoft and expresses the City'-s appreciation of her public service to the City of Edmonds as a member of the Amenities Design Board from December, 1973 to March, 1978. The Mayor presented Ms. Bernhoft with a Certificate of Appreciation to commemorate her five years of service on this Board. HEARING ON P.C. RESOLUTION 587, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF PROPOSED SHORELINES MANAGEMENT SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT IMPROVEMENTS TO EDMONDS UNDERWATER PARK (SM-l'-78 Mr. John LaTourelle, Director of Community Development, stated that this was the implementation measure necessary to start the improvements to the Edmonds Underwater Park. He stated that he would be happy to answer any questions the Council might have regarding this. The public portion of the hearing was opened, no one wished to speak and the public portion was closed. COUNCILMAN NAUGHTEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST TO APPROVE THE PROPOSED SHORELINES MANAGEMENT SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT APPLI- CATION TO CONSTRUCT IMPROVEMENTS TO EDMONDS UNDERWATER PARK, RESOLUTION #587. Councilman Gould asked whether this action would be the final action that the Diving Safety Committee is going to propagate. Mr. LaTourelle stated that the kioskwill hold the Park regulations and all applicable information and there will be additional signs along the side of the Ferry Terminal. MOTION CARRIED. *See correction May 2, 1978 218 April 25, 1978 - continued PROGRESS REPORT FROM LIBERTY TV CABLE, INC Mr. Ted Lovett of Liberty TV Cable, Inc. stated that there had been 7,000 ft. of distribution cable installed since the date of March 23,1978. He stated that the total number of new homes is 127 and the extension to the system is 11,340 ft. Mr. Lovett said that they are presently doing 90% of the installations underground. Councilman Carns asked him if it would be possible to provide the City Clerk. with the updated figures each Friday before noon so that she could include them in the Council's packets for the following Tuesday night's.meeting. Mr. Lovett said that he would see to it that the City Clerk had this information. Councilman Gould asked if this work seemed to keep them on schedule. Mr. Lovett stated that they were using their own crews and that he felt they were a little bit ahead at this time. Councilman Herb asked whether the issues with P.U.D. had been worked out yet. Mr. Lovett stated that they had not and that this had been taken to the State Supreme Court. REPORT FROM PARKING COMMISSION Councilman Clement stated that there is one thing in particular which requires some clarification and action on the part of the attorney. The original parking ordinance exempted all single family structures from parking requirements. This recommendation does not do that. It will require some changes in Ordinance #1914 which is now existing. Councilman Gould asked if we would draw up a new ordinance or modify the existing one. Mr. John Wallace, City Attorney, stated that because it is in Titlel21i.t will have to go to the Planning Commission first. Councilman Clement suggested a different approach. He stated that the first thing the Parking Commission is entitled to do under Title 12 is to establish the rate of the in -lieu -of fee. The committee decided the major goals of the fee were: (I) to encourage the use of in -lieu -of parking fees and; (2) to preserve the downtown Edmonds atmosphere of being able to walk from one shop to another without having to cross through parking lots. Councilman Clement stated that the Parking Committee came up with cost figures on the full cost of a parking spot in a downtown Edmonds lot. The estimated cost was between $2,000.00 and $2,500.00 per parking.stall based on a standard parking.stall in a convenient downtown lot. The committee recommended a $1,000.00 in -lieu -of fee which represents • about one-half the costs. Councilman Clement stated that there are two questions: (I) Is it fair? In answer to this the committee felt that this is not an issue in that we are trying to get people to pay parking in -lieu -of rather than put that money in their own spot; (2) Can we afford it? This relates to whether or not you think the parking requirements are right. We now dictate the number of parking spaces required for the various types of uses; i.e., so many parking spaces for a doctor's office, so many for a movie theatre, etc. If we assume that each one of those requirements are correct, then we can't afford it because we would end up with a shortage MOTION: of parking spots. There is the issue of peak -load parking vs constant -load parking. COUNCILMAN CLEMENT MOVED THAT THE IN -LIEU -.OF FEE BE ESTABLISHED AT $I,000.00 FOR ALL NEW CONSTRUCTION UNDER 1.2.14,021 OF THE CITY CODE. COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Naughten asked where the money would go. Councilman Clement stated that there had been a Parking Fund established: -,and that the money would go directly into the Fund. This money could only be used for capital related projects for parking which would include additional land, construction and land - MOTION: scaping. COUNCILMAN CLEMENT MADE A MOTION TO REFER THIS PROPOSAL TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR CONSIDERATION. Councilman Herb stated that he felt there would be a terrible gap in that it would probably.take several years for this Parking Fund to build up and during that time we would be undoubtedly faced with a terrible traffic congestion problem. Councilman Clement stated that the Council could extend a loan from one of the other funds into the Parking Fund. Until we know how this is to be used however, we cannot recommend that. The Parking Committee is an ongoing committee, stated Councilman Clement. It is supposed to continue this process of parking planning in selecting sites and planning sites. Councilman Clement went on to say that at a point which it is time to build a lot and we don't have the funds, we will come to the Council with a financial proposal to borrow funds from existing City funds. The Parking Committee would propose an agree- ment for payback. Councilman Gould addressed a question to the Mayor regarding strict enforcement of the parking program and the manner in which we could go about accomplishing this. Mayor Harrison stated that * we now have a full-time parking checker who takes care of enforcing the parking regulations. Councilman Herb asked if there was ever a list compiled as to what property uses would be subject • to this option. Councilman Clement stated that this would have to come under the other portion of the ordinance. He further stated that this was not discussed by the Parking Committee as no one was aware at the time that it was an issue. He said they also felt that the market place would determine this. As an example, you would not put in doctor offices or grocery stores without on -site parking. Councilman Carns stated that his feeling was the economics would take care of this entire situation. Councilman Herb said that he was skeptical about it working but he would go along with the Committee's thoughts. City Attorney John Wallace stated that the ordinance requires that in fixing the rate you will address certain specific factors as well as anything else you deem relevant before setting the amount. The ordinance states you will look at the annual construction cost index, annual real ._. estate appreciation or depreciation rate, the prevailing local commercial rents, the prevailing current interest rate, and the cost of operation and maintenance of off-street parking facilities. The purpose for this is that the amount you are going to assess has to bear some relationship to the actual costs of acquiring, constructing and maintaining. Mr. LaTourelle stated that the City was working on the estimates of the costs along with the City engineers' suggestions. He said that the rate was set at approximately one-half of that estimated rate and one -quarter in case of MOTION: conversions, and that all of the factors were taken into consideration. COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN SECONDED COUNCILMAN CLEMENT'S MOTION TO REFER THIS PROPOSAL TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR CONSIDERATION. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION: COUNCILMAN CLEMENT MOVED TO RECOMMEND THAT IN ESTABLISHING PARKING REQUIREMENTS FOR CONVERSION IN EXISTING BUILDINGS IN THE CB ZONE, THE REQUESTS BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION. COUNCILMAN CARNS SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED. *See amendment . iMay 2, 1.978 0 April 25, 1978 - continued APPROVAL:.OF FORMAT-F.OR PUBLICATION OF COUNCIL AGENDA 21 1 1 40, City Clerk Irene Varney Moran addressed the Council on this matter. She stated that the memo of April 19, 1978 contained an attachment of the same format which had been previously submitted; however it included a notation at the bottom stating that participation regarding matters not on the agenda is encouraged. The last attachment is a format which does not contain the picture. The costs have to do with the space use. Costs are broken down as'follows: (I) $3,940 per year if you had the picture all of the time; (2) #3,435 per year if you included the picture once a month; and (3) #3,284 per year if you never included the picture. Councilman Carns asked Ms. Moran's opinion for ads when the workshop meetings were held inasmuch as there.is no audience participation would be excluded from ads publicizing the workshop meetings: A discussion ensued regarding the placement of Council members' pictures. Ms. Moran stated that it-(. would cost $15.00 to include a picture. She suggested that pictures be taken and kept on file in the event someone wished to include a picture from time to time. COUNCILMAN CLEMENT MOVED TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY CLERK TO CONTRACT WITH THE WESTERN SUN EDITION OF THE EVERETT HERALDI*TO PLACE A TWO -COLUMN x 7 112 ADVERTISEMENT,ON A REGULAR BASIS EXPLAINING THE AGENDA OF THE EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL. THIS AD IS TO BE PLACED IN THE PAPER ON THE MONDAY PRIOR TO THE COUNCIL MEETING. MOTION SECONDED. BY COUNCILWOMSN KATIE ALLEN. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Carns voted "no" on this motion as he felt the cost was excessive when considering the small percentage of circulation in Edmonds. COUNCILMAN CLEMENT MOVED TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY ATTORNEY TO DRAW UP A RESOLUTION TO -TRANSFER $2,000.00 * FROM THE COUNCIL CONTINGENCY FUND TO THE CITY CLERK BUDGET. MOTION CARRIED. There was no further business to come before the Council, and the meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. IRENE VARNEY MORAN, C14TY CLERK May 2, 1978 The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayor Harve Harrison in the Couhci,l Chambers of the Edmonds Civic Center. PRESENT ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Harve Harrison, Mayor Phil Clement Mike Herb Katherine Allen Larry Naughten John Nordquist Ray Gould Tom Carns CONSENT AGENDA Charles Dibble, M.A.A. Leif Larson, Public Works Director John LaTourelle, Community Devel. Dir. Irene Varney Moran, City Clerk Art Housler, Finance Director John Wallace, City Attorney Jackie Parrett, Deputy City Clerk Items (B), (F), (G), and (H) were removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion, and Councilman Herb asked that Item (D) be discussed w.i.th the last item on the agenda as they were related. COUNCIL- MAN NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN HERB, TO DISCUSS CONSENT AGENDA ITEM (D) WITH ITEM 6 ON THE AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED. COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, TO APPROVE THE BALANCE OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED. The balance of the Consent Agenda contained the following: • (A) Roll call. (C) Acknowledgment of receipt of Claim.for Damages from John V. Menoher in the amount of $769.42. (E) Setting date of May 16, 1978 for hearing of P.C. Resolution 590, recommending approval of amendment to Official Street Map and Comprelensd�ve Thoroughfare Plan to reclassify 240th St. S.W., between Highway 99.and 78th Ave. W. from "Collector" status to "Public Residen- tial Street" and status, and reducing the right-of-way from 60' to 50'. (Files ST-4-78 and CP-3-75) (I) Final approval of the plat of "Viewmoor." (J) Authorization to open bids May 23, 1978 for Phase IV, Schedule F, Water Main Improvements. (K) Authorization to open bids May 30, 1978 for Pavement Marking Demonstration Grant Project. (L) Passage of Resolution 400, setting hearing date of June 6, 1978 for vacation of excess right- of-way on 196th St., adjacent to Lot 5, Plat of Cassell's Addition. (M) Adoption of Ordinance 1992 authorizing City Attorney to commence condemnation for easement in LID 203. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF APRIL 25, 1978 [Item (B) on Consent Agenda] Mayor Harrison said he had stated at the last Council meeting that the City has a full-time parking checker, as reflected in the second paragraph on page 4 of the April 25 minutes. He said in actuality the parking checker spends half the time on pa.rki.ng and half on animal control, and he would like the minutes amended to so state. Councilman Carns had two corrections to the minutes. In the first • *See correction May 2, 1978