02/18/1992 City CouncilTHESE MINUTES SUBJECT TO FEBRUARY 25 APPROVAL EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 18, 1992 The meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Laura M. Hall at the Library Plaza Room, 650 Main Street. All present joined in the flag salute. PRESENT Laura M. Hall, Mayor Jeff Palmer, Council President Steve Dwyer, Councilmember Dave Earling, Councilmember Michael W. Hall, Councilmember Bill Kasper, Councilmember John Nordquist, Councilmember Tom Petruzzi, Councilmember Brett Shirley, Student Representative CONSENT AGENDA Items (C), (D), (E), (K) were removed from the Consent Agenda. STAFF Art Housler, Admin. Serv. Dir. Peter Hahn, Comm. Serv. Dir. Rob Chave, Planning Manager Dan Prinz, Police Chief Mike Springer, Asst. Fire Chief Arville Ohlde, Parks & Rec. Mgr. Noel Miller, Public Works Supt. Jeff Wilson, Planning Supervisor Rhonda March, City Clerk Scott Snyder, City Attorney Barb Mehlert, Recorder COUNCILMEMBER NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER KASPER, TO APPROVE THE BALANCE OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. THE APPROVED ITEMS ARE AS FOLLOWS: (A) ROLL CALL (B) APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 11,1992 ?O'F) APPROVAL OF ARTS FESTIVAL CONTRACT FOR 1992 (G) APPROVAL OF SURVEYING AND SOILS EXPENDITURES RELATING TO PUBLIC WORKS - J FACILITY fx ,,! H) PROPOSED RESOLUTION 739 COMMENDING BOB BOWER, WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT SUPERVISOR (I) APPROVAL OF ADDENDUM TO CONTRACT WITH SHELDON & ASSOCIATES ON CRITICAL AREAS CONTRACT ($1,655) (J) AUTHORIZATION TO CALL FOR BIDS FOR ONE 6' X 10'X 6' STEEL TRENCH BOX AND TWO 4' X 10' X 6' STEEL BOXES FOR SHORING ($12,330) r APPROVAL OF CITY OF EDMONDS POSITION PAPER REGARDING EDMONDS FERRY DOCK „N" LOCATION (Item (C) on the Consent Agenda) �' Councilmember Hall opposes the Position Paper regarding the ferry dock location. COUNCILMEMBER KASPER MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER NORDQUIST, TO APPROVE ITEM (C) WITH THE CHANGES SO NOTED AT THE COUNCIL RETREAT ON FEBRUARY 14 AND 15. MOTION CARRIED. AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE FROM STATE CONTRACT ONE GMC SIERRA ONE -TON CAB AND CHASSIS WITH DUMP BED FOR CEMETERY ($17,801.06 INCL. W.S.S.T). (Item (D) on the Consent Agenda) COUNCILMEMBER KASPER MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER NORDQUIST, TO APPROVE ITEM (D) WITH THE PROVISION THAT RECORDS BE KEPT OVER THE NEXT YEAR AS TO THE UTILIZATION OF THE TRUCK BY PARKS AND RECREATION, GROUNDS MAINTENANCE DIVISION, AND TO REIMBURSE BACK TO THE CEMETERY THAT PRO-RATA OF COST. Council President Palmer inquired what fund the other portion would come out of. Councilmember Kasper replied the Parks and Recreation budget in 1993. MOTION CARRIED. PROPOSED ORDINANCE 2869 VACATING A PORTION OF THE UNOPENED 174TH STREET S.W. RIGHT- OF-WAY, LYING WEST OF 68TH AVE. W. (APPLICANT: ADENA NORTON/FILE ST-4-91) (Item E on the Consent Agenda) Councilmember Nordquist is against this vacation as he feels this is a new philosophy and policy for the City when there is an abandonment of a public right-of-way or public piece of property. COUNCILMEMBER KASPER MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER HALL, TO APPROVE ITEM (E). MOTION CARRIED with Councilmember Petruzzi abstained as he was not present in the previous public hearing, and Council President Palmer voting no. APPROVAL OF REVISED CONTRACT FOR COUNCIL RESOURCE PERSON (Item (K) on the Consent Agenda) Mayor Hall noted the City has one or two other "19 hour" employees in the City, one of which is looking for benefits also. It was noted Councilmember Kasper originally drafted the Council Resource contract. Mayor Hall said the Council Resource Person position is unique in the fact that the position takes direction from the City Council as opposed to the Mayor. Council President Palmer said a copy of the revised contract was included in Council packets this evening, along with Proposed Ordinance 2870 which states the Council Resource Person is a Contract Employee in a separate category than other regular part- time employees in the City. COUNCIL PRESIDENT PALMER MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER DWYER, TO APPROVE ITEM (K) ON THE CONSENT AGENDA AND PASSAGE OF ORDINANCE 2870. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE Jan Phillips, 7100156th St. S.W., Edmonds, suggested the Council discuss on a future agenda, the subject of the voo, two term limitations that currently exists on Board and Commissions. Ms. Phillips feels the City is losing good people by limiting them to two terms. PRESENTATION OF RESOLUTION 739 HONORING BOB BOWER FOR HIS SERVICE AS WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT SUPERVISOR. Mayor Hall commended Bob Bower for his service to the City, and Council President Palmer read Resolution 739 to Mr. Bower which publicly commended Mr. Bower for his efforts during his tenure as Wastewater Treatment Plant Supervisor. Mr. Bower thanked the Mayor, Council, and various staff members. PRESENTATION OF PLAQUES HONORING 1991 RETIRING BOARD AND COMMISSION MEMBERS Mayor Hall presented plaques to the following individuals: Eleanor Granmo, Arts Commission 1984 - 1991 Linda Goodrick, Arts Commission 1986 - 1991 Louise Stevens, Sister City Commission 1990 -1991 Geraldine Buchmeier, Library Board 1983 - 1991 Sherrie Claussen, Planning Board 1983 - 1991 (not present) Janet Phillips, Planning Board 1984 - 1991 Dean Nordquist, Planning Board 1986 - 1991 The Mayor and Council thanked all the retiring Board and Commission members for their service and valuable time. EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 2 February 18,1992 Staff Report and Recommendation Rob Chave, Planning Manager, said the applicant has applied for an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and a concurrent Rezone of approximately 5.26 acres from Single -Residential - 8,000 square feet (RS-8) to Multiple Residential - Medium Density (RM-2.4). Mr. Chave said the Planning Board held a public hearing on this application on November 13, 1991, and upon review of the Staff Advisory Report and consideration of the testimony entered during the public hearing, the Board adopted a recommendation to deny the requested Comprehensive Plan Amendment and rezone. Staff recommendation is to adopt the recommendations of the Planning Board and deny the requested Comprehensive Plan Amendment and concurrent Rezone. It was noted the Mayor and Councilmembers were provided with a total of five letters from citizens regarding this subject prior to the current hearing. Those letters were displayed in Council Chambers for public viewing. In light of the letters received by the Council, City Attorney Scott Snyder asked if there were any members of the audience who objected to the participation of any of the Councilmembers in the subject hearing. No objections were noted. Public Testimon Jurgen Sauerland, Lovell, Sauerland & Associates, representative for the applicant, said the applicant did not receive a copy of the recommendation from the Planning Board. City Attorney Scott Snyder asked Mr. Sauerland if the applicant had objections to the hearing in light of this fact, and Mr. Sauerland replied negatively. Mr. Sauerland said the applicant does not have a site specific plan at present, however, that will be addressed at a later date. Mr. Sauerland said the applicant simply wants to have the zoning in place for future development, which entails an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and concurrent rezone to multi -family. The applicant said it is a logical rezone because other areas surrounding the subject property are already zoned for purposes other than single family. The applicant stated he has owned the subject property anywhere from 20 - 25 years and that no development has taken place during that time. The applicant, Dr. Suchert, said he would like to see a quality neighborhood developed. Albert Cohen, 20820 Hillcrest Place, Edmonds was opposed to the requested rezone for reasons including increased traffic. Todd Gruenhagen, 21035 Shell Valley Way, Edmonds, was opposed to the rezone for reasons including potential drainage problems and resulting change in the character of the neighborhood. Rick Spellman, 21016 Shell Valley Way, Edmonds, was opposed to the rezone because he feels it goes against the City's Master Plan. Mr. Spellman said this is a major change to the Master Plan which should not take place at the present time. John McLean, 21109 Pioneer Way, Edmonds, opposed the rezone and said the proposal is inconsistent with the majority of the minimum criteria set out for a rezone. Mike Wiggins, 21021 Pioneer Way, opposed the rezone stating the rezone is purely for financial gain on behalf of the applicant, and would be detrimental to the neighborhood. Mike Monroe, 20910 88th Pl. West, opposed the rezone stating the requirements of a rezone are not present and feels it would change the character of the neighborhood. Bill Fisher, 21000 Pioneer Way, gave the City Clerk a picture of his home built in the hill side, marked Exhibit 1 by the City Clerk, which Mr. Fisher said indicated the type of home he envisioned to be built on the subject property. Mr. Fischer feels multi -family development would be a detriment to the area. Brad Bettger, 8417 Main Street, produced a petition from residents at Parkview Firs Condominiums opposing the rezone. The petition was given to the City Clerk and subsequently marked Exhibit 2. Mr. Betker opposes the property being developed for anything more than what the planned density calls for. Council Discussion and Action The Council felt the proposed rezone would change the character of the neighborhood. The Council said the area was definitely geared for single family, and it was noted that there exists a high demand for single family EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 3 February 18,1992 residences, and the applicant had stated he has been approached numerous times in the past by individuals wanting to buy the property for single family development use. COUNCILMEMBER NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER PETRUZZI, TO UPHOLD THE FINDINGS OF THE PLANNING BOARD, AND TO DENY THE APPLICANT'S REQUEST FOR AN AMENDMENT TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND CONCURRENT REZONE OF APPROXIMATELY 5.26 ACRES FROM SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL TO MULTIPLE RESIDENTIAL, FILE NOS. R-6-88 & CDC-5-88). MOTION CARRIED. HEARING ON PROPOSED CRITICAL AREAS ORDINANCE ' Staff Report and Recommendation Rob Chave, Planning Manager, referenced the Agenda Packet and numerous exhibits attached. Mr. Chave stated GMA mandates the City adopt an interim Critical Areas Ordinance by March 1, 1992. Mr. Chave said the Planning Board has reviewed and recommended to the City Council, the adoption of the draft Critical Areas Ordinance. Mr. Chave pointed out the draft is a result of work done by staff, the City's consultant, and the Planning Board with public input as well. Mr. Chave said it is also Staffs recommendation to adopt the draft interim Critical Areas Ordinance. Mr. Chave supplied the Council with recent Planning Board Minutes which spoke to this topic. Public Testimony Stephen Penland, 18719 Olympic View Drive, Wildlife Biologist with the State Department of Wildlife, stated the interim ordinance is a good ordinance; however, Mr. Penland addressed some suggestions to the Council, and noted he would further address these to the Council in the form of a letter. Mr. Penland volunteered to answer any questions the Council may have regarding wildlife and growth management. With regards to the March 1 deadline, Mr. Penland said he recently talked to Department of Community Development and their general position on this is as long as local jurisdictions are making a good faith effort and making progress, they would not be penalized for not complying with the deadline. Jack Bevan, 19210 94th West, stated the City would have a difficult time if they adopted the interim ordinance without thorough study. Mr. Bevan said once it is on the books, it would be difficult to remove. Mr. Bevan addressed the issue of senate bills and the fact that this may be posturing bills. Jurgen Sauerland, noted he would like one of his staff members to make a recommendation to the City at a future date regarding this subject. Erik Thuesen, 17926 Talbot Road, said he believes the City does have most of the ordinances in structure already which handle many of the issues in questions. Mr. Thuesen feels the real issue is density and mitigation. Bjorn Thuesen, 322 Main Street, feels this is a very difficult situation which requires thorough study. Council Discussion and Action Councilmembers expressed their concern over the sheer magnitude of the materials provided, and expressed their desire to have additional time to study the information before them. Councilmember Kasper stated the information provided contained material already in Edmonds' Code, and said he would like to see information pertaining to the changes that the Growth Management Act alone would dictate. The majority of the Councilmembers felt there was too much duplication of information, and the City should move cautiously in adopting the interim ordinance.. Councilmember Dwyer felt the Council should move ahead with the process. Councilmember Dwyer was concerned the City would not be in compliance if they stretched the process out. Councilmember Dwyer feels the Council is going to be given a great number of items relating to GMA and said the Council needs to process those items when they come up and not get backlogged. Mayor Hall noted the March 1 date was "soft" and feels the City would not be penalized if it went beyond that date. COUNCILMEMBER NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER KASPER TO CONSIDER THIS A FIRST READING. MOTION CARRIED with Councilmember Dwyer voting no. Councilmember Palmer suggested continuing this item until February 25th to discuss it further, and the majority of the Councilmembers agreed. Planning Manager Rob Chave said the purpose of the interim ordinance was to EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 4 February 18, 1992 provide the City with "something on the books", and Mr. Chave noted any concerns after the interim adoption could be addressed over the next year. Council President Palmer asked Mayor Hall what her recommendation was regarding this subject, and Mayor Hall replied she was not ready to make a recommendation at this time, and would wait until all public testimony was brought forth. After continued discussion, the majority of the Council felt the City would not be penalized for not adopting an interim ordinance by March 1 if they showed a sincere effort in progressing toward that goal. Dyanne Sheldon, Sheldon & Associates, addressed many issues for the Council that arose including criteria for buffers. This item was continued to February 25, 1992 for continued discussion. COUNCILMEMBER NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER HALL TO DISCUSS ITEM 10 AT THE PRESENT TIME. MOTION CARRIED. AUTHORIZATION FOR MAYOR TO SIGN PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT WITH J. C. DRAGGOO AND ASSOCIATES FOR COMPLETION OF THE FIVE-YEAR COMPREHENSIVE PARK AND OPEN SPACE PLAN ($25,000). Q COUNCILMEMBER NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER KASPER TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO SIGN A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT WITH J.C. DRAGGOO AND ASSOCIATES FOR COMPLETION OF THE FIVE-YEAR COMPREHENSIVE PARK B AND OPEN SPACE PLAN ($25,000). MOTION CARRIED. HEARING ON ADB DECISION REGARDING HEIGHT RESTRICTION FOR FREESTANDING SIGN AT " HARBOR SQUARE INN (APPLICANT/APPELLANT: BERRY NEON/HARBOR SQUARFJFILE NOS. AP-22- 91 & ADB-96-91) Staff report and Recommendation Rob Chave, Planning Manger, stated the applicant/appellant has filed an appeal of the Architectural Design Board's decision to restrict the height of a proposed freestanding sign for Harbor Square Inn. Mr. Chave stated on December 4, 1991, the A.D.B. reviewed the application by the applicant for a 25-foot tall freestanding sign. Upon review of the proposal and testimony of the applicant, the A.D.B. adopted a decision to grant a freestanding sign, but restrict the maximum height to 15-feet instead of the requested 25-feet. It was the recommendation of Staff to abide by the Hearing Examiner's decision. Public Testimony Stephen Tornow, representative for the applicant, stated the 25' sign is the maximum allowed by Code. Mr. Tornow stated the trees in the complex are annually trimmed at 15 feet to 18 feet and would block the sign if it was installed at 15 feet overall height. Karl Ruether, Manager for Harbor Inn, stated the 15-foot sign approved by the A.D.B. does not allow the sign to be visible on State Route 104 due to the fact the existing trees are at 15-18 feet high. Council Discussion and Action It was the consensus of the Council that the proposed sign height of 25 feet was a reasonable request. Councilmember Dwyer stated this is a good example why appeals come before the Council versus other channels. COUNCILMEMBER DWYER MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER NORDQUIST, TO UPHOLD THE APPEAL AND ALLOW FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SIGN AS PROPOSED BY THE APPLICANT WITH THE SUBSTITUTION OF THE LANGUAGE "MEETING FACILITY" AND THE DELETION OF THE READER BOARD. MOTION CARRIED. HEARING ON APPLICATION BY WILL VASQUEZ CONSTRUCTION, ET. AL. FOR THE PRELIMINARY SUBDMSION OF APPROXIMATELY 1.71 ACRES INTO 6 SINGLE-FAMILY LOTS IN AN RS-6 ZONE LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY 701 BIRCH PLACE (APPLICANT: WILL VASQUEZ CONST., ET. AL./FILE NO. P-1-91) Staff Report and Recommendation Planning Supervisor, Jeff Wilson, stated the applicant has applied for approval of a preliminary subdivision of approximately 1.71 acres in an RS-6 zone into 6 single-family lots. In addition, the applicant has submitted an EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 5 February 18, 1992 application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow grading in excess of 500-cubic yards associated with the development of the proposed plat. On November 21, 1991, the Hearing Examiner held a public hearing to receive testimony regarding the proposed Preliminary Plat and Conditional Use Permit application. On December 11, 1991, the Hearing Examiner issued his Findings, Recommendation and Decision for both the Conditional Use Permit application and the Preliminary Plat Application. Upon review of all the public testimony and the Staffs Advisory Report, the Hearing Examiner issued a recommendation for approval of the proposed Preliminary Plat and the Conditional Use Permit for grading, subject to certain conditions which are listed on Exhibit 3 of the Agenda Memo. Mr. Wilson said it is also Staff recommendation to abide by the Hearing Examiner. Mr. Wilson presented a view foil which showed the vicinity map and subject property. As a procedural matter, COUNCILMEMBER HALL MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER EARLING TO EXTEND THE MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. Public Testimon Jurgen Sauerland, Lovell, Sauerland & Associates, representative for the applicant, said the applicant concurs with the recommendations from the Hearing Examiner on both the Conditional Use Permit and the Preliminary Plat application, however, the applicant has requested the Council's a clarification regarding the Hearing Examiner's decision regarding whether Birch Place is to be a public or private right-of-way. Mr. Sauerland said the Preliminary Plat included the public roadway. Mr. Sauerland feels it should be a public roadway and the Council may want to remove the designation of "private right-of-way". Ned Laurine, 1233 7th Ave. S., said he is in favor of the project, however, opposes the walkway. R. Anthony Reynolds,1234 8th Ave. S., said he is in favor of the project and opposes the walkway. Bill Moran, 712 Elm Place West, said he is in favor of the project and opposes the walkway. Mr. Moran also stated his concern for potential drainage problems. Council Discussion and Action COUNCIL PRESIDENT PALMER MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER KASPER, TO ADOPT THE FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE HEARING EXAMINER IN HIS REPORT DATED DECEMBER 11, 1991 AND APPROVE THE PROPOSED PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS STIPULATED BY THE HEARING EXAMINER. Councilmember Nordquist asked about the question of public or private right-of-way. COUNCIL PRESIDENT PALMER AGREED TO INCLUDE IN THE MOTION THE DESIGNATION TO A PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. THE SECONDER AGREED. MOTION CARRIED. �} STATUS OF APPROVED 1991-1993 TRIENNIAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT ,, i p' ,7_ _ �p PROTECTS AND DISCUSSION OF POTENTIAL AMENDMENT TO APPROVED 1991 PROJECT FOR A 0 CANOPY OVER THE ENTRY WAY AT THE SOUTH COUNTY SENIOR CENTER. Staff Report and Recommendation Jeff Wilson, Planning Supervisor, stated in February of 1991, the City submitted three projects to the Community Development Block Grant committee for consideration in the 1991-1993 triennial cycle which included: Installation of a canopy over the entry at the South County Senior Center; Installation of handicap ramps at numerous intersections; and, Installation of handicap accessible automatic doors to Civic buildings. Mr. Wilson said the three projects were approved, however, it has been learned that the costs to provide the Senior Center with entry weather protection will exceed the funded amount by at least $7,000. Mr. Wilson said the Council must consider if it should be attempted to make-up the additional project cost, or potentially eliminate the project. It was the recommendation of Staff to withdraw this project due to the shortfall in funds, and also the conditions that will be put on the Senior Center grant by the County. Council Discussion and Action It was noted through Council inquiries, that the original estimates for canopy costs were not accurate figures and could escalate even more. It was noted that the City did not go out to bid for this item as Staff said there was insufficient time to do so because of the time frame involved in submitting an application for funding. The Council felt the issue of installation of handicap ramps and handicap accessible automatic doors to Civic buildings were most important, especially in light of the America with Disability Act. COUNCILMEMBER NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER KASPER FOR DISCUSSION, TO EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 6 February18, 1992 WITHDRAWAL THE THREE APPLICATIONS THAT WERE MADE FOR THE SENIOR CENTER AND THAT THE FOLLOWING TWO PROJECTS BE SUBMITTED AS PROJECTS IN PLACE .OF THE THREE: INSTALLATION OF HANDICAP RAMPS AT NUMEROUS INTERSECTIONS; AND INSTALLATION OF HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE AUTOMATIC DOORS TO CIVIC BUILDINGS. Under discussion, Councilmember Dwyer inquired if this motion was parallel to Staff recommendation, and Councilmember Nordquist replied affirmatively, as his intent is to eliminate Item one on page one, which is the installation of a canopy over the entry at the South County Senior Center, and also clarified that the number of handicap ramps to be accomplished will depend on funding available. MOTION CARRIED. MAYOR 6( Mayor Hall addressed the memorandum distributed to Council regarding the upcoming EMS rally on Monday, February 24, 5:30 p.m. in the Library Plaza Room. Mayor Hall stated a community blood drive will be held at the Senior Center on Monday, February 24 from 1:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Mayor Hall referenced a draft letter that will go the residents in the Norma Beach/Picnic Point area. It was noted the letter would be sent to all citizens who have made public comment at past Council Meetings. It was suggested by Councilmember Nordquist to have the letter read into the record prior to it being mailed out. The Mayor and Council were receptive to the idea. Mayor Hall referenced a recent newspaper article regarding the idea of a Cross -Sound Bridge that comes up occasionally. Mayor Hall said Peter Hahn has provided all Councilmembers with a "Cross Sound Study; The Facts." COUNCIL Councilmember Petruzzi requested Staff to tab the exhibits contained in Council Agenda Packets that are over 20 pages in length. Council President Palmer referenced a request from the Port to install a bulletin board in the Library Plaza $' Room at the Port's expense. The Council felt this was a good idea, and would communicate this to the Port. Council President Palmer noted Councilmember Petruzzi would now be the City's representative to the Edmonds Visitors Bureau as well as Finance Committee member. Council President Palmer referenced the fire engine the Fire Department is trying to sell. Council President Palmer requested that if the City cannot find a buyer at a reasonable price, the fire engine should be retained by the City for various uses. Councilmember Dwyer referenced the Interpretive Letters that were given to him by the Planning Department. Councilmember Dwyer feels the Council should pay special attention to these letters, as they are official looking documents, in which a Court might grant rights to somebody in terms of what the City Code means. Councilmember Dwyer said the Code is the responsibility of the City Council, not Staff. It was noted these �1 Interpretive Letters would be distributed to all Councilmembers. o Councilmember Dwyer said the Council has previously talked about appeals and the Council's role in appeals. Councilmember Dwyer stated it is better that the people from the Harbor Inn took up a small amount of Council time rather than having to go to Court. Councilmember Dwyer thanked Council President Palmer for a successful Council Retreat. Councilmember Dwyer said it was very productive and felt it was particularly timely due to the influx of new membership on the Council, as well as having a newly elected Mayor. Councilmember Dwyer stated he was disappointed to learn, however, that the Mayor was heard on the radio criticizing the Council for having a Retreat at the same time the Mayor and Council were at the retreat. Mayor Hall replied she was not on the radio criticizing the retreat. Student Representative Brett Shirley noted the Council may need longer Council Meetings, as it seems to him they consistently run over the allotted time. With no further business, Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 10:50 p.m. THESE MINUTES ARE SUBJECT TO FEBRUARY 25,1992 APPROVAL THE OFFICIAL SIGNED COPY OF THESE MINUTESARE INX E CITY CLERK'S OFFICE. rcnrl city L,ierK — Lau EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 7 February 18, 1992 AGENDA . EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL PLAZA MEETING ROOM -LIBRARY BUILDING 7:00 - 10:00 P.M. FEBRUARY 18, 1992 CALL TO ORDER FLAG SALUTE. 1. CONSENT AGENDA (A) ROLL CALL (B) APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 11, 1992 (C) APPROVAL OF CITY OF EDMONDS POSITION PAPER REGARDING EDMONDS FERRY DOCK LOCATION (0) AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE FROM STATE CONTRACT ONE GMC SIERRA ONE -TON CAB AND CHASSIS WITH DUMP BED FOR CEMETERY ($17,801.06 INCL. W.S.S.T.) (E) PROPOSED ORDINANCE 2869 VACATING A PORTION OF THE UNOPENED 174TH STREET S.W. RIGHT-OF-WAY, LYING WEST OF 68TH AVE. W. (APPLICANT: ADENA NORTON / FILE ST-4-91) (F) APPROVAL OF ARTS FESTIVAL CONTRACT FOR 1992 (G) APPROVAL OF SURVEYING AND SOILS EXPENDITURES RELATING TO PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY (H) PROPOSED RESOLUTION 739 COMMENDING BOB BOWER, WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT SUPERVISOR (I) APPROVAL OF ADDENDUM TO CONTRACT WITH SHELDON & ASSOCIATES ON CRITICAL AREAS CONTRACT ($1655) (J) AUTHORIZATION TO CALL FOR BIDS FOR ONE 6' X 10' X 6' STEEL TRENCH BOX AND TWO 4' X 10' X 6' STEEL BOXES FOR SHORING ($12,330) (K) APPROVAL OF REVISED CONTRACT FOR COUNCIL RESOURCE PERSON 2. AUDIENCE 3. PRESENTATION OF RESOLUTION 739 HONORING BOB BOWER FOR HIS SERVICE AS WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT SUPERVISOR (5 MINUTES) 4. PRESENTATION OF PLAQUES HONORING 1991 RETIRING BOARD AND COMMISSION MEMBERS (10 MINUTES) 5. HEARING ON PLANNING BOARD RECOMMENDATION REGARDING AMENDMENT TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND REZONE OF APPROXIMATELY 5.26 ACRES LOCATED ON THE SOUTHWEST SIDE OF MAIN STREET, WEST OF FIVE CORNERS INTERSECTION, FROM RS-8 TO RM-2.4 TO ALLOW 86 MULTIPLE -FAMILY UNITS (APPLICANT: DR. ROBERT SUCHERT / FILE NOS. R-6-88 & CDC-5-88) (45 MINUTES) 6. HEARING ON PROPOSED CRITICAL AREAS ORDINANCE (60 MINUTES) 7. HEARING ON ADB DECISION REGARDING HEIGHT RESTRICTION FOR FREESTANDING SIGN AT HARBOR INN (APPLICANT/APPELLANT: BERRY NEON/HARBOR SQUARE (15 MINUTES) /FILE NOS. AP-22-91/ADS-96-91) B. HEARING ON APPLICATION BY WILL VASQUEZ CONSTRUCTION, ET AL FOR THE PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION OF APPROXIMATELY 1.71 ACRES INTO 6 SINGLE-FAMILY LOTS IN RS-6 ZONE LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY 701 BIRCH PLACE (APPLICANT: WILL VASQUES CONST., ET AL / FILE NO. P-1-91) (15 MINUTES) 9. REVIEW OF OPTIONS FOR 1991-93 TRIENNIAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROJECTS AND DISCUSSION OF POTENTIAL AMENDMENT TO APPROVED 1991 PROJECT FOR A CANOPY OVER THE ENTRYWAY AT THE SOUTH COUNTY SENIOR CENTER (10 MINUTES) 10. AUTHORIZATION TO SIGN PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT WITH J.C. DRAGGOO & ASSOCIATES FOR FIVE-YEAR COMPREHENSIVE PARK AND OPEN SPACE PLAN ($25,000) 0 MINUTES) 11. MAYOR 12. COUNCIL THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO ATTEND PARKING AND MEETING ROOMS ARE HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE