19790501 City Council Minutes3'6 4 April 24, 1979 - continued • DISCUSSION ON CONSOLIDATION OF SERVICES M.A.A. Charles Dibble said the Mountlake.Terrace City Manager, Bob White, had suggested to the South County'Ghamber of Commerce that now is.an.appropriate time.for South County cities to initiate a dialogue concerning the consolidation of fire services, in view of current.and prospective personnel changes..,'Mr: White expressed concern.about the adequacy of supervision -provided for the SNOCOM dispatch center and for Medic 7, which a centralized management of fire services could provide. Mr. Dibble noted that consolidation might result in some savings, but that was unknown without a study. He said there are some duplications of services currently and that aspect probably should be investi- gated. However, he said whenever three cities get together and create a joint entity they create a need for management, and management costs money. He said it is cost effective when it does not duplicate existing management. He agreed with Mr.. White that the question of consolidation should be studied. With regard to whether Edmonds should.combine the management of the police and fire under.a Public Safety Director, he saw no reason to do so with the City's present.structure, operation, and personnel. He said Edmonds is..not large enough: to require another level ofmanagement, and not small enough to be able to unify the management and eliminate a -management position.. Further, the police and fire employees are not. cross -trained. Discussion of the above followed, with Councilman Carns noting that the consolidation question will be discussed at the May 11 South.County Chamber meeting. He commented that SNOCOM is well regarded in this County by fire and police agencies. Councilman Nordquist commented that equipment is getting very expensive and he thought consolidation would provide a better control and better inventory of equipment in the future. He thought consolidation would provide -better management of fire services in the area. Councilman Carns noted that Edmonds has no mutual aid with Mountlake Terrace or,Fire District 1 and the Five Corners Station is very near to the County but does not respond to their calls. Councilman Nordquist said this should not be dropped and they should hear what feedback comes from the May 11 meeting. Councilman Carns • added, with regard.,to SNOCOM, that a committee report will be presented at their next meeting stating the most reasonable location for SNOCOM would be on the City of Lynnwood grounds and asking how long a lease should be. He felt 20 years would be beneficial, and the Council agreed that it should be a minimum of 20 years. REVIEW OF CITY.CODE REVISION The City Attorney's Office provided a report on the status of the Code revision. A11 chapters except those being incorporated into a new Zoning Code by the Community.Development Department have been revised to eliminate inconsistent references to City officials -and departments, provide consistent section numbering and format, and to eliminate redundant or unnecessary sections. Various chapters and sections have been added or revised to incorporate substantive changes requested by City depart- ments and changes made by ordinance since the last revisions. The organization of the Code has been placed into a more logical order which will allow greater ease of reference. City Attorney Wayne Tanaka said the draft will be presented to the Council for review approximately June 1. COUNCILMAN MOTION: CLEMENT,MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN, TO ACCEPT THE CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT. MOTION CARRIED. There was no further business to comebefore the Council, and the meeting was adjourned at 10:35 p.m. IRENE VARNEY MORAN, CVty Clerk May 1, 1979 HAR, E.'H HARRISON, Mayor The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayor Harve Harrison in the -Council Chambers of the Edmonds Civic Center. All -present joined in the flag salute. PRESENT Harve Harrison, Mayor Mike Herb Phil Clement Katherine Allen John Nordquist Ray Gould Tom Carns CONSENT AGENDA ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Larry Naughten Charles Dibble, M.A.A. Leif Larson, Public Works Director John LaTourelle, Community Devel. Dir.. Irene Varney Moran, City Clerk Art Housler, Finance Director Fred Herzberg, City Engineer Jack Weinz, Acting Fire Chief Wayne Tanaka, City -.Attorney Jackie Parrett., Deputy City Clerk Items (C), (D), (G), and (H) were removed from the Consent Agenda. COUNCILMAN CARNS MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GOULD, TO APPROVE THE BALANCE OF THE CONSENT AGENDA.. MOTION. CARRIED. The approved portion of the Consent Agenda included the following: r1 LJ 1 • 360 May 1, 1979 - continued (A) Roll call. (B) Approval of Minutes of April 24, 1979. (E) Authorization to sell obsolete fire hydrants (6 @ $75 each, plus sales tax). (F). Report on bids opened April 25,, 1979 for 1979 street overlay projects and award of contract to Knowles Construction in the amount of.$134,759.10 (no sales tax required). PROPOSED RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING..$9.,800 FROM COUNCIL CONTINGENCY FUND TO FINANCE DEPT. [Item (C) on Consent Agenda This.transfer of funds was requested.in order to hire a new employee in the position of Accountant, NE-7, and .to.fund that position for -the balance of the year.. M.A.A. Charles Dibble said two Junior Accounting Clerks would be terminating May 31, 1979, and a reassignment of duties would result in the creation of a full-time Water/Sewer Accountant position for which the City did not have an employee sufficiently skilled. Councilman Carns asked if a plan could not be developed on personnel, both short-range and long-range,.instead.of asking the Council.piecemeal for personnel to be funded from the Council Contingency Fund. M..A.A..Dibble responded that the CETA regulations have changed frequently and on short notice, and this has affected the personnel planning for.the City. He discussed recent.conversions from CETA positions to City -funded positions, utilizing funds which had been budgeted for management'posi.tions which had been eliminated. Mr. Dibble advised the Council • that the Mayor.would be calling;for.an Executive Session this evening to discuss some personnel planning which would require add.itional:.funding. He said.speedy action was needed on this requested Accountant position, but if necessary, it could wait until after the Executive Session. Councilman Gould expressed the view that this request should be approved. THEREFORE,. COUNCILMAN GOULD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CLEMENT, TO APPROVE ITEM (C) ON THE CONSENT AGENDA, PASSING RESOLUTION 433. MOTION CARRIED. PROPOSED RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING.FUNDS..,FROM COUNCIL CONTINGENCY FUND TO OTHER FUNDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING APPRAISAL FEES,.TITLE REPORT FEES.,:AND OTHER COSTS IN CONNECTION WITH ACQUIRING WATERFRONT -PROPERTY; PAVING A PORTION OF UNION OIL BEACH; AND PAYING FOR THE SNOHOMISH COUNTY TRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE Item D on Consent Agenda] Councilwoman Allen had no objection to this but took it off the Consent Agenda to clarify a question, after which COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GOULD, TO APPROVE .ITEM (D) ON THE CONSENT AGENDA, PASSING RESOLUTION 434.. MOTION CARRIED. AUTHORIZATION-TO_NEGOTIATE MEADOWDALE.AREA GEOLOGICAL CONTRACT:.WITH ROGER LOWE ASSOCIATES,-INC. LItem G on Consent Agenda Authorization previously had been given to negotiate a contract with the firm of Shannon and Wilson but an impasse.had been reached during negotiations with them as they felt the City should pay all costs the consultant might incur in defending itself against.nonmeritorious third -party suits. The City Attorneys had -advised against such an arrangement. The Public Works Director was now requesting authorization to negotiate a contract with Roger Lowe Associates., Inc., the firm rated just below . Shannon and Wilson in the evaluation of the three firms initially contacted. City Attorney Wayne Tanaka said the provision in question was not usual in a contract and the potential'liabi'lities for this kind of study were considerable. He said it was his understanding that Roger Lowe Associates, Inc., had been contacted and would not require that provision. City Engineer Fred Herzberg added that they would not be degrading the professional report obtained by going to the second choice. • COUNCI.LMAN CARNS MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GOULD, TO APPROVE ITEM (G) ON THE CONSENT AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED. AUTHORIZATION.TO REJECT GRANT OFFER,.SECTION 5 BLOCK GRANT., FROM URBAN MASS TRANSPORTATION ADMINISTRATION LItem H ,on Consent Agenda Public Works Director Leif Larson.explained that several years -had been spent on this grant application for a $5,000 grant to finance an.expansion.of the transit system. He estimated that $1,560 had been spent in staff time and overhead.and.f.inally on April 2, 1979 they received approval of $1,134 of the original. $5000 grant. He.felt it was an.obvious waste -of taxpayers' money to which he was unwilling.to commit further resour.ces,.and he asked for authorization to reject the grant offer of $1,134. He prepared a letter to the.Department of Transportation,..over the Mayor's signature, to this effect.. ..COUNCILMAN CANS MOVED, SECONDED.BY COUNCILMAN.GOULD,�.TO APPROVE ITEM (H) ON THE CONSENT AGENDA,..AUTHORIZING THE GRANT_ REJECTION. MOTION CARRIED. For the audience's enlightenment, Councilwoman.Allen read aloud the letter being sent to the .Department of Transportation. COUNCIL Councilwoman Allen thanked the.Finance Dfrecto.r for the recent financial summary reports which she noted were concise,.color coded, and.gave.her all the information she needed. Councilman Clement noted that on the second and third reports it would be more meaningful to use the "actual" amounts rather than the "budgeted" amounts in a specified column. Councilwoman Allen noted that a letter had been received.from..J.ack Christofferson who was removing himself from'the.ADB because business commitments had caused him to miss three consecutive meetings. She felt.this was a great loss as Mr.. Christofferson was a strong asset to that Board. Mayor Harrison asked if the Council would like to reconsider its attendance policy and allow for some excused absences. Discussion followed on this question. Councilman..Clement felt all absences probably would-be excused as he did not believe those absences occurred without consideration and without L� 366 May 1, 1979 - continued some other requirement having to be met. Councilman Carns felt, however, that board members should be available to serve and if they are not it weakens the board, especially so with the ADB because the members have different areas of expertise and all that expertise is needed. Councilwoman Allen noted that the goals expressed in Mr. Christofferson's letter were some that had concerned the Council. She felt that when the attendance provision was made .it was because of some people whose excuses were less. than reasonable, and.she felt there should be some leeway. COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST, THAT A DISCUSSION OF.THE ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS BE PLACED ON THE JUNE 11, 1979 AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED, WITH COUNCILMAN CLEMENT ABSTAINING. Councilman Carnsreferred to a letter from Jan Larkin, President of the Edmonds Arts Festival, requesting a permanent home for the Arts Festival in the Frances E. Anderson Cultural and Leisure Center and stating their requirements. Councilman Carns said one..of.the reasons the facility was purchased was for the use of the Arts Festival and he felt reasonable effort should be made to cooperate with them in providing space. Mayor Harrison saw no reason why the request could not be honored but he suggested it be reviewed to determine if all the requirements could be met. COUNCILMAN MOTION: CARNS MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GOULD, THAT THE CITY MAKE EVERY REASONABLE EFFORT TO WORK WITH THE ARTS FESTIVAL TO PROVIDE SPACE FOR.THEM IN THE CULTURAL CENTER. MOTION CARRIED. MAYOR Mayor. Harrison asked for confirmation of his appointment of Bob.Hintz.to the ADB. Mr. Hintz had MOTION: been interviewed by.the Council prior to this evening's meeting. COUNCILMAN CLEMENT MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN, TO CONFIRM THE MAYOR'S APPOINTMENT OF BOB HINTZ TO POSITION 5 ON THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN BOARD, TERM TO EXPIRE NOVEMBER 5,.1982. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Clement commented that Mr. Hintz will be an excellent addition to the Board. Mayor Harrison -read a letter of resignation from his Council position from Phil Clement who will be • relocating to Chicago. Councilman Clement's last meeting will be May 15, 1979. The Mayor and Council expressed appreciation for his fine service on the Council. Discussion then followed regarding the process of filling the empty Council position. City Attorney Wayne Tanaka read from the Code the requirements for filling the vacancy. Letters will be solicited from parties interested in filling the position once the position is.actually declared vacant. Mayor Harrison had correspondence from the County Commissioners indicating Councilman Gould had been appointed to.the Solid Waste Advisory Committee. Mayor Harrison asked how the Council wished to fund the paving of the Union Oil Beach parking lot, the Park Board now having had an opportunity.to discuss it.. Councilwoman Allen said she had been at the Park Board meeting and she had the impression that although the Park Board indicated the funds could come from the In -lieu Park Fund, she had the impression that they did not really approve but felt they had no choice in the matter.. Also, they presently do.not..have a.specific recommendation for using those funds so they felt if the In -lieu Parking Fund was short this would be a defensive use of their In -lieu Park Fund. Councilman Clement did not think the Parking Commission would feel this was an appropriate use of the In -Lieu Parking fund. Councilman Gould noted that there had been an opportunity for the Park Board to meet on this matter, and he felt it would be proper for the MOTION: Council now to direct that the funds be taken from the In -lieu Park Fund. COUNCILMAN GOULD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN HERB, THAT THE FUNDS FOR PAVING THE UNION OIL BEACH PARKING LOT BE TAKEN FROM THE IN -LIEU PARK FUND. Councilman Carns suggested waiting another week to see how the Council Contingency;Fund would stand. Councilwoman Allen argued that this would be for an improvement of a park --.the Union Oil Beach which is a park --and the fund appears to be growing. She said she hated to peck away at.the fund but the paving must be done. Councilman Carns suggested that the Park Board might be asked to discuss the whole issue of the fund, and Councilwoman Allen responded that possibly at a later date if the Park Board needs a similar amount the Council could look at the Council Contingency Fund for that. THE MOTION THEN CARRIED. . Mayor Harrison announced a brief Executive Session following this meeting to discuss personnel matters. AUDIENCE William H. Whiteside of 747 Sprague St. read a letter regarding the flooding of Shell Creek after severe rain storms on November 4, 1978 and April 12, 1979, which resulted in damage to several properties adjacent to and in the vicinity of the creek. The letter was signed by a number of citizens who felt an emergency situation existed along part of the creek bed and asked for remedial action. City Engineer Fred Herzberg said his department had investigated this and made estimates as to the costs of prevention of future incidents there --the estimate was $150,000. He noted that this is one of.the larger basins but he said he would hesitate to rank it in priority as almost all of the drainage basinshave some sort of problem. Public Works Director Leif Larson said all their funds are committed at this time. Councilman Gould noted that it is a real problem that will have to be faced soon and he suggested publicizing a public hearing so all the people with drainage MOTION: problems can be present. COUNCILMAN CARNS MOVED,.SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST, THAT THE DRAINAGE QUESTION OF THE ENTIRE CITY BE HEARD ON JUNE 5, 1979.AND THAT NOTHING ELSE BE SCHEDULED FOR THAT MEETING..Councilman Nordquist suggested the hearing he held in the Wade James Theater. M.A.A. . Dibble will. investigate that possibility. .MOTION CARRIED. PROPOSED ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING RRB ZONE - SECOND READING Community`Development Director John LaTourelle explained what the proposed RRB zone would allow. It was to replace the RM-D zone which recently was established to be used in the downtown area where a large number of single family dwellings exist. The intent of the RM-D.zone was to provide for a lower density multiple residential use.than RML or RMH and to encourage retention of existing single family buildings..However, some of -the existing dwellings are located in BC zones and contain small businesses and the RM-D zone did not allow business uses. Therefore, the Staff had revised the 3 [." May 1, 1979 - continued provisions of.the RM-D zone to allow for small business.uses,, if they are determined to be compatible with the.rlow:densi.ty:�mul:ti:pl�e�residentia1.character.of the area, and the designation proposed for this revision was.to be designated Residential/Restricted Business,(RRB). Councilman Carns said he was worried about the proliferation of multi -family units, but he was not worried about the commercial use. Mr. LaTourelle said they felt in many instances the options available to the single family unit were to convert it to multi -family on to a low-key business such as the Reminder Shop or the smaller antique shops. They felt the options would discourage demol.ition of a lot of single family MOTION: houses. After some discussion on this, COUNCILMAN CARNS MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN, THAT THE DISCUSSION BE.OPENED TO THE PUBLIC.. MOTION CARRIED. Natalie Shippen of 1022 Euclid opposed the proposal. She felt that the preservation of.small, older homes in the bowl area could be insured if only the RS and.RM-D zone were applied there, and that the proposed RRB zone would not insure the preservation of single family homes and was more likely to increase density in the bowl area than to decrease it.. She had recommendations for areas to be rezoned to RS and to RM-D which she suggested referring.to the Planning Commission for study. She felt the RRB zone would serve to reintroduce multiple uses.to the BC zone. Dick VanHollebeke of 580 Hemlock asked what would be the process of implementing..the proposal and he.was told there would.be rezone hearings. Ann Wermus of 752 Dayton said the intent of the Density Review Committee was not to.enlarge the business community but to preserve it, and their main interest.was to reduce density.in .the residential area. She supported eliminating business use in the RM-D zone. ..Mr. LaTourelle stated the intent of the RRB zone was to reduce density. Mrs. Shippen felt.this proposal had not been given adequate consideration by the Planning Commission as it was heard at a late hour and the minutes indicated there was no one in the audience and gave no indication of discussion by the Commission. COUNCILMAN CLEMENT THEN MOVED, MOTION: SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN,,THAT THE PUBLIC PORTION OF THE HEARING BE CLOSED. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Clement commented, with regard to the concept of using RS zoning to achieve reduced density, that.it probably would be found in time that it would not work, the major obstacle being the property tax.system. He said.those nicely kept homes would end up not being that way because the tax burden would be so great;.that they would have to remain in the hands of senior citizens and • it was unlikely that senior citizens would buy them. He said.taxes become so burdensome that upkeep becomes reduced, resulting,in other.,problems. He said he did-1 ike the idea=of quaint hittle"home shops among small apartments --that concept was appealing to him --but he thought this particular zone may have some other problems. He suggested that, rather than,taking action on this proposal, the Council ask for a draft of an ordinance which would allow commercial uses in RS homes. Councilman Carns did not agree, noting that a.lot of people living in the bowl area have lived there many years and he did not think it right to allow a business to open next -door to them. Councilman Herb felt the proposal was realistic. Councilman. Gould felt the important thing was to retain the residential character and that they could look at what could be done for some business shops in a very limited MOTION: area. COUNCILMAN CLEMENT THEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN, THAT THE STAFF AND THE CITY Withdrawn ATTORNEY BE DIRECTED TO DRAFT AN ORDINANCE IMPLEMENTING THE.CONCEPT OF BUSINESS USE OF SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES IN THE RM-D ZONE CONSISTENT WITH PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 6.16 AND THAT IT BE PRESENTED TO THE COUNCIL ON MAY 15, 1979. Mr. LaTourelle said the Staff could not accomplish that in such a MOTION: short period -of time. COUNCILMAN CLEMENT WITHDREW HIS MOTION. There was some further discussion, following which COUNCILMAN CLEMENT MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GOULD, THAT THE STAFF AND THE CITY ATTORNEY BE DIRECTED TO DRAFT AN ORDINANCE IMPLEMENTING THE CONCEPT OF BUSINESS USE OF SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES IN THE RM-D ZONE CONSISTENT WITH PLANNING COMMISSION. RESOLUTION 616 (TAKING THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND APPLYING THEM TO THE RM-D ZONE).AND THAT IT BE PRESENTED TO THE COUNCIL ON JULY.17, 1979. MOTION.CARRIED, WITH COUNCILMAN.CARNS VOTING NO. DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED RECREATIONAL.COMPREHENSIVE PLAN • MOTION: .Amendment Councilwoman Allen said that in -order to be eligible for IAC..grants the City must have a recreational comprehensive plan, and she introduced Charles Reich, President of Northwest Research Analysts, to discuss such a plan. The City Council previously had approved.the expenditure of $1,641-(6¢-per resident) to study recreation opportunities within the boundaries of the Edmonds School District. This was to be done jointly with.Mountlake Terrace, Lynnwood,.Snohomish County, the Edmonds School District, and.Edmonds Community College, who contributed similar amounts. Mr. LaTourelle noted that a comprehensive plan was developed.several years ago according to IAC guidelines but in the interim IAC changed their rules. The City had anticipated taking its older plan and updating it when its eligibility expired, but with the changed IAC rules it could not rely on an updated, old comprehensive plan. Mr. LaTourelle said the process Mr. Reich is going through for the regional planning effort applies to the City of Edmonds and if the amount of money applied in the effort were increased the City would get the document it needed..in.time for IAC eligibility, but without the document there would be trouble maintaining eligibility with IAC. Mr. Reich said his, firm preferred going in and working with the Staff so they.would.understand the procedures and could then update the plan when it became necessary. He said they:.looked upon this as a planning, management, and administrative tool --not just a way for IAC funding. He discussed costs, noting that the $10,000 figure quoted for the comprehensive plan was not the total contract figure, but.only the consultant's time. In addition there would be $2,500 in printing.s.ervices, $1,000 in typing services, and $2,500 in associates' services. Mayor Harrison interjected that he felt the inventory phase should be turned over to Parks and Recreation Manager J.im..Jessel.and Recreation Administrator Steve Simpson and that they should prepare the comprehensive.plan,as it would be some time before they were completely occupied with the cultural center. Councilman Carns disagreed, saying that would not qualify the City for waterfront,funding, and he felt they should proceed posthaste with IAC funding for the waterfront. Councilman Gould agreed, noting that the.bond issue target is for May 20, 1980 and the bond issue amount will be set in November of this year. He added that if this is done right very little of the City's capital .will have to be invested. Councilwoman Allen noted that they will not know what is needed for -acquisition until they.look at.the needs and what is available, and a proposal of what could be available to offer the community. Financing the comprehensive plan was discussed further, and A e Mayor again stated that.he felt the Recreation Staff should accomplish the plan. Councilman Cbrn:s'said the Council had committed itself to waterfront acquisition and development of the elementary sch-oul',-and he felt a large amount of .waterfront could be acquired at little cost, and he felt the study shou.ld.be accomplished.. Councilman Nordquist asked if the consultant could do it for a lesser fee, and Mr. Reich said they could not as they wanted to do.a quality study. COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN THEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN.CARNS, THAT $1,641 BE APPROPRIATED FROM THE COUNCIL CONTINGENCY FUND AS PREVIOUSLY APPROVED FOR THE NEEDS ASSESSMENT, AND THAT -THE PARKS AND RECREATION DIVISION PRESENT A PROPOSED CONTRACT FOR THE RECREATION COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AT THE MAY 15, 1979 MEETING. COUNCILMAN CLEMENT MOVED TO AMEND THE MOTION, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN, THAT AT THE MAY 15 GS May 1, 1979 - continued is PRESENTATION BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION DIVISION THERE.BE INCLUDED.A LIST OF PROJECTS OR ACTIVITIES THAT WERE BUDGETED BUT COULD BE DROPPED IN ORDER TO FUND THIS STUDY. Mr. LaTourelle stated that the main portion of the budget is for personnel. THE MOTION TO AMEND:CARRIED. THE MAIN MOTION, AS AMENDED, THEN CARRIED. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO.SIGN CODE Mayor Harrison asked that the Sign Code be amended in the third sentence of 20.10.030(1) where it is stated that the ADB shall approve the number and type of signs to be permitted, in that "location" also be included, so that section states: ". . . the ADB . . . shall approve the number, location, and type of signs to be permitted . . ." He said some businesses had found it not practical to move an existing sign and he felt the ADB was the most qualified body to make that determination. MOTION: Councilman Herb agreed and gave an example in support of the proposal. COUNCILMAN HERB THEN MOVED Withdrawn THAT SECTION 20.10.030 OF THE EDMONDS CITY CODE BE AMENDED AS REQUESTED BY THE MAYOR'S APRIL 269 1979 MEMORANDUM TO THE COUNCIL. City Attorney Wayne Tanaka posed questions regarding other sections that this amendment would affect. The Council was not agreeable to major changes. COUNCILMAN HERB MOTION: WITHDREW HIS MOTION AND THEN MOVED TO INSTRUCT THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE AN AMENDMENT TO THE SIGN ORDINANCE THAT WOULD REFLECT THE INTENT OF THE MAYOR'S APRIL 26, 1979 MEMORANDUM TO THE COUNCIL. COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST SECONDED THE MOTION. Mr. Tanaka advised that there would have to be some additional -modifications. THE MOTION THEN CARRIED. There was no further business to come before the Council, and the meeting.adjourned to Executive Session at 10:10 p.m. IRENE VARNEY MORAN., Cil7y Clerk May 8, 1979 - Work Meeting ti HARVE H.'HARRrSON, Mayor 1 u The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Pro tem Ray Gould. in the Council Chambers of the Edmonds Civic Center. All present joined in the flag salute. PRESENT ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Ray Gould Harve Harrison, Mayor Charles Dibble, M.A.A. Mike Herb John Nordquist Leif Larson, Public Works Director Katherine Allen Mary Lou Block, Acting Commun. Dev. Dir. Phil Clement Art Housler, Finance Director Tom Carns Irene Varney Moran, City Clerk Larry Naughten Jack Cooper, Fire Chief Fred Herzberg, City Engineer Wayne.Tanaka, City Attorney Jackie Parrett, Deputy City Clerk CONSENT AGENDA MOTION: COUNCILMAN CARNS MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NAUGHTEN, TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. MOTION . CARRIED. The Consent Agenda included the following: (A) Roll call. (B) :Approval of Minutes of May 1, 1979. (C) Authorization to execute agreement with WSDOT for City participation on SR 524. (D) Passage of Resolution 435, transferring funds from Council Contingency fund 119 to General Fund 001, for the purpose of converting four CETA funded.positions to City funded positions. (E) Passage of Resolution 436, transferring funds from Council Contingency Fund 119 to General Fund 001 and from the Park.Acquisition/Development Fund 125 to Council Contingency Fund 119. (F) Adoption of Ordinance 2067, amending Sign Code. COUNCIL Councilman Clement had several questions regardi.ng the status of the Water/Sewer Construction Fund. A status report,.reflecting,a deficit of $37,704.65, had been.submitted by the Public Works Director who explained how it was expected the, deficit would be made up, and.who also requested authorization to delay implementing the Council's motion concerning a detention basin in Maplewood Park. Mr. Larson stated they wished to perform some engineering evaluations on several of the other areas with serious drainage problems. No Coucil action was taken at this time, but Mayor Pro tem Gould and Councilman Carns.-both indicated they felt -the Council had made a commitment regarding the Maplewood Park detention basin. 0