19790515 City Council MinutesMay 8, 1979 - continued Allen said she felt much better about Home Occupation Permits after this discussion, and she thanked the Board for coming to this Council meeting. Councilman Herb felt the Board was doing a fine job, and he felt it was important that they have independence. REVIEW OF BID BOND REQUIREMENTS Public Works Director Leif Larson had provided an analysis of the subject, noting that the question of the absence of a bid bond had arisen twice recently, once when bids for new vehicles did not include bid bonds, and once when a personal check was provided in lieu of a bid bond. Mr. Larson felt in both instances the bids had been responsive and the irregularities could be deemed minor and thereby administratively waived. His recommendation was that bid guarantees, in the form of bid bond, certified check, or cashier's check, should be required on.all construction contracts or on bids for sale of City surplus.property, but that such a guarantee should not be required of supply contractors unless they would be required to provide such a guarantee in their normal business. Councilman Carns mentioned the purchase of automobiles from State bids or established automobile dealerships, and Mr.. Larson said these are classified as supply contractors and a bid bond would not p � PP Y MOTION: required for such transactions. COUNCILMAN CARNS MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CLEMENT, TO ACCEPT THE REPORT OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR REGARDING BID BONDS AND TO PUT HIS RECOMMENDATIONS INTO EFFECT. -MOTION CARRIED. There was no further business to come before the Council, and the meeting was adjourned at 8:21 p.m. 'I HAR H.'HA RISON, Mayor May 15, 1979 The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:55 p.m. by Mayor Harve Harrison in the Council Chambers of the Edmonds Civic Center. All present joined in the flag salute. PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Harve:Harrison, Mayor Charles Dibble, M.A.A. Mike. -Herb John LaTourelle, Community Development Dir. Phil Clement Fred Herzberg, Acting Public.Works Director Katherine Allen Irene Varney Moran, City Clerk John Nordquist Marlo Foster, Police Chief Ray Gould Jim Jessel, Parks & Recreation Manager Tom Carns Wayne Tanaka, City Attorney Larry Naughten John Wallace, City Attorney Jackie Parrett, Deputy City Clerk CONSENT AGENDA MOTION: Items (J), (K), and (L) were removed from the Consent Agenda. COUNCILMAN GOULD, TO APPROVE THE BALANCE OF THE CONSENT AGENDA, portion of the Consent Agenda included the -following: MOTION: (A) Roll call. (B) Approval of Minutes of May..8., 1979. COUNCILMAN CARNS MOVED, SECONDED BY MOTION CARRIED. The approved (C) Acknowledgment of receipt of.Claim.for Damages from Patricia J..O'Hanley in the amount of $14,550. (D) Acceptance of Phase IV, Schedule G,.Construction of Water Mains and Appurtenances, and establishment of 30-day lien period. (E) -Setting date of June 19, 1979.for.hearing on Final Assessment Roll - LID 205, Bell St. - paving.. (F) Setting date of June 19, 1979..for hearing on P.C. Resolution 622, recommending denial of a proposed amendment to the Official.Street Map to remove and to vacate a portion of Dayton .St., east of 9th Ave. S. (File ST-6-79) (G) Setting date of May 22, 1979-for hearing on P.C. Resolution 618, recommending approval of a,proposed amendment to the Official Street'. Map to contract rezone from RS-8 to RML Lot 5, Willowbrook Division 1. (File R-2-79) (H) Setting date of May 22, 1979.for.hearing on P.C. Resolution.621, recommending approval of proposed amendment to Offic.ial_Street Map to..add 177th St. S.W. and recommending denial of a proposal to amend the Official. Street Map to extend 70th P1. W. to 177th St. S.W. (File ST-3-79) 1 0 1 0 1 (I) Setting date of May 22, 1979.for.hearing on approval of preliminary plat at 177th S.W., east side of 72nd Ave. W. - Connor Development. (File P-2-79) CJ • 371 May 15, 1979 - continued AUTHORIZATION TO -EXECUTE CONTRACT.WITH ROGER LOWE AND ASSOCIATES..FOR MEADOWDALE GEOLOGICAL STUDY [Item J on Consent Agenda Councilman Naughten Actng.Public Works MOTION: NAUGHTEN THEN MOVED, CARRIED. inquired how -.the .improvements to be determined by this study will be financed. Director Fred Herzberg responded that.they probably will be done by LID. COUNCILMAN SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, TO APPROV.E..ITEM (J) ON THE CONSENT AGENDA. MOTION PROPOSED ORDINANCE ADOPTING 1978.ELECTRICAL CODE [Item (K)_on.Consent Agenda] Councilman Gould inquired why one ordinance is not drafted that will adopt the Electrical Code each year, rather than having to pass an ordinance each year. City Attorney John Wallace advised that it is' MOTION: required that each new Electrical Code,be adopted individually.. COUNCILMAN GOULD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST, TO APPROVE ITEM....(K) ON THE CONSENT.AGENDA., ADOPTING ORDINANCE 2068. MOTION CARRIED. PRESENTATION OF P.C. RESOLUTION 616.RECOMMENDING DENIAL OF A..PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO i r THE OFFICIAL'ZONING MAP TO REZONE LOTS 6, 7., 8, AND 91 BLOCK 5. YOST'S FIRST ADDITION TO THE CITY OF EDMONDS, FROM RS-6 TO RS-12 FILE R-1-79 No appeal received Councilman Carns noted that the.Plann.ing Commission had recommended denial of.this proposal but the minutes of that hearing were not.provided to the Council. Further, a citizen had written the Council MOTION: to requesta hearing. COUNCILMAN.CARNS.MOVED, SECONDED BY.000NCILMAN NAUGHTEN, TO SCHEDULE A HEARING ON P.C. RESOLUTION 616 FOR MONDAY,.JUNE 11, 1979. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Carns requested that the minutes of the Planning Commiss.ion..hearing on this matter.be.provided to Council for the June 11 • hearing. COUNCIL Councilman Carns noted from the investment summary that the City has a number of investments with low rates of interest and he asked what the process would be to reinvest those at higher rates. The Finance Director was not present so Councilman Carns requested a future response. Councilman Carns referred to a letter from J. D. Zirkle, District Administrator for the Office of the District Engineer, Department of Transportation, and noted that the letter said nothing but only advised the City of what the City,was.doing.to alleviate the parking problem caused by the Edmonds - Port Townsend ferry.service. Acting..Public Works Director..Fred.Herzberg responded that a letter was being sent to them asking that a.representative come to next..week's Council meeting and give an explanation. Councilman Carns said he had rece_ived.a.call on Sunday evening.from a citizen who had just returned from Brackett's Landing and was concerned.about the situation -there created by young people "cruising." Councilman Carns had driven down.to observe the situation and:was of the opinion that most families would not go down to that park because.of the situation, which included drinking from beer and whiskey bottles and smoking homemade.cigarettes.. He had returned on Monday evening and found the situation just about as bad. He said..the.language used and -the activities were not what is wanted in the City, and.he was concerned with this problem. He suggested a solution may be to take out all of the parking spaces there, leaving.on.l.y a.turnaround, and planting the area with grass to provide MOTION: a park area. He asked that the. Council discuss this soon._,.COUNCILMAN CARNS THEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN, THAT THE COUNCIL DISCUSS ON MAY 29, 19797HE PROBLEMS STATED, BOTH AT BRACKETT'S LANDING AND UNION OIL BEACH. COUNCILMAN HERB.MOVED TO AMEND.THE MOTION, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NAUGHTEN, TO PROVIDE THAT THE LAEBUGTEN..WHARF AREA ALSO BE INCLUDED IN THIS DISCUSSION. Councilman Carns felt that Laebugten Wharf was another issue as it was not.City property. THE MOTION TO AMEND THEN CARRIED, WITH COUNCILMAN CARNS VOTING NO. THE MAIN MOTION, AS AMENDED, THEN CARRIED. Councilman Nordquist stated that.he has.served as Councilman Clement's alternate on the Snohomish County Public Transit Board and he,requested that he be appointed as Councilman Clement's replacement on that Board. Mayor Harrison so appointed. Councilman Nordquist and he will appoint an alternate. Councilman Nordquist noted that since the Diamond Parking Lot has opened, the parking area at the Senior Citizens' Center has been impacted. He said the Senior Center has obtained some tow -away signs which they would like to erect.and and they were asking for Council approval to do so. City Attorney John Wallace advised that...the.Senior Center is the tenant in possession of that property and they can take this action without the Council's approval., and the enforcement problem is theirs. Councilman.Nordquist also noted -that the.round area to the north -of the main Senior Center Building was planned for a_park area and he...felt..that should be given more study and that it would be wiser to put more parking stalls there. Councilman.Gou.ld noted that Councilman Clement's Council position will be declared vacant on May 22, and he suggested some tentative .plans.be made for. scheduling interviews for that position. After some discussion, it was decided.that.the afternoon and early evening of'June 1 would be planned for interviews. Councilman Herb commented that the most enjoyable part of being a Council member had been the association with his fellow..Council. members, and he added.that Councilmen Phil Clement, Max Gellert, and Bob'Anderson fit into a category by themselves. Councilman Clement then apologized to the audience for the late beginning of this evening's meeting, explaining that a farewell dinner had been held in his honor. MAYOR Mayor Harrison stated that the Council.had before them a proposed resolution commending Councilman Clement for his service on the Council. He read the proposed resolution, following which COUNCILMAN MOTION: NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN.CARNS, THAT RESOLUTION.437 BE ADOPTED, COMMENDING COUNCILMAN PHIL CLEMENT FOR HIS SERVICE ON THE EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL. MOTION CARRIED. A framed copy of the • resolution was presented to Councilman Clement. 3,72 May 15, 1979 - continued • AUDIENCE MOTION: MOTION: Dale Galvin, an attorney representing Howard Anderson, expressed their concerns regarding the City's contemplated plan to acquire the Anderson Marina and the tide flats. He asked that they be told what is contemplated to be taken as they had not been able to get answers from the Community Develop- ment Department. He said there appeared to be no definitive plan as to what will happen to the property or when or how its purchase would be funded. He asked whether the public needed or wanted any more access to the beach, stating that there already is substantial access. He felt there should be more information made available on this as the people of.the City will be providing the funds. Robert G. Morrison of 250 Beach P1. read a statement for.a group called the "Committee to Save Our Beach" which took issue with the Council's plans for the waterfront. The statement suggested a walkway on the west side of Railroad Ave., demolition of the old Senior Citizens' building and conversion of that site to a park, and strict adherence to all parking requirements for all businesses on the waterfront, present or future. Mr. Morrison asked that the Council seta specific date when they would meet with the committee to discuss their concerns. Councilman Naughten said there are a lot of misunderstandings about the current concept for a walkway and he felt it would be a good idea to have a meeting to exchange ideas on this. Councilman Gould felt others should be involved, such as the Park Board., Senior Citizen representatives, and other concerned citizens. He suggested a roundtable discussion at a work meeting., possibly. June 11. COUNCILMAN CARNS THEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GOULD, THAT A DISCUSSION BE SCHEDULED FOR JUNE 11, 19.79..REGARDING PLANS FOR THE WATER- FRONT AND THAT THIS WILL BE THE FIRST ITEM ON THE AGENDA. Roger Hertrich of 1020 Puget Dr. asked if the City had made a grant application-in..connection with this, and Community Development Director John LaTourelle responded that.they had been instructed to submit a.,letter of intent for a grant. Councilman Clement explained that there..is a deadline by which you must apply if you have any intention of applying and there is little cost involved, but the lead time on a grant may be very long, and that is why the Staff was given the instruction to file the letter of intent. THE MOTION THEN CARRIED. COUNCILMAN NAUGHTEN THEN MOVED THAT A MORATORIUM BE PLACED ON ANY PROCEEDINGS NOW PENDING ON THIS MATTER (such as title reports, etc.) COUNCILMAN HERB SECONDED THE MOTION. Mr. • LaTourelle cautioned that to declare such a moratorium would, in effect, withdraw the grant applica- tion. He explained the procedure and schedule in the IAC review of grant applications, and he said. if the title report and appraisal are.not available July 1 then the grant application, in effect, would be withdrawn. THE MOTION AND THE SECOND.WERE WITHDRAWN. It was stated that the appraisal of the Anderson Marina property would cost.$3,500-$4,000. James Henry of 8629 185th P1. W. said he.was.the person who had.called Councilman Carns regarding Brackett''s Landing. He suggested that a gate at the parking lot entrance would stop the problem there immediately. He said he also would.like to see someone on duty at the Police Department to whom a citizen could report problems..When.he went there on Sunday.there was none on duty and he had to go home and call the emergency number to.file.his complaint. He felt the City needed more policemen. Paul Kniest of 1405 8th Ave. N. said it is the beach that draws the young people and closing the parking will not stop them. Robert Morrison added that when you close two beaches they will find a third. Melvin Ebert of 16031 75th P1. W.. felt the young people should have a beach of their own where they could do as they wished. The audience portion of the.meeting was closed. HEARING ON PETITION FOR STREET VACATION -. PORTION OF 75TH AVE. W..ADJACENT AND ABUTTING LOTS 1-10, BLOCK 59, AND PORTION OF NORTH MEADOWDALE RD. ABUTTING LOTS 1 & 2, BLOCK 59, MEADOWDALE BEACH, LYING BETWEEN 75TH AVE. W. AND 75TH PL. W. File ST-1-79 Community Development Director John LaTourelle explained that the request was that where 75th Ave. W. borders the railroad it will be vacated..and in exchange the petitioners will grant to the City a right-of-way 40' wide on the west boundary of their property on 75th P1. W. The right-of-way on 75th P1. W. does not have the road in it, -but has a number of houses .in.it. The roadbed is within the 40' strip. 75th Ave. W. is not in.the platted right-of-way either, it is wholly on Burlington Northern right-of-way until it swings.up.at about the end of Lot 3 and follows the northern boundaries. The recommendation from the City Engineer,in which the Community Development Department concurred, was that 75th Ave. W. be vacated from the north.boundaries of Lot 7, southward, and a 15' general • easement (utilities, public access, etc.) be retained on the western boundary of 75th Ave. W. for its entire length until it reaches 75th Pl.. W. Mr. LaTourelleindicated that the neighbors had stated they wanted the roadway to be kept so they could walk on it.. He said the roadway that is there presently is on the railroad property. In -order to preserve the legal access that would get one to the existing roadway they were recommending the 15',easement be.retained and the City contact Burlington -Northern and ask if the right-of-way can be used. The petitioners were requesting that instead of'the entirety of the right-of-waysouth of Lot 7, a wedge shaped piece be vacated which would maintain access on Laebugten Wharf. Mr. LaTourelle concurred.in that. City Attorney Wayne Tanaka noted that at any time Burlington Northern could stop the use of the right-of-way, even though it is being used now. It was noted that there is no legal access across Burlington Northern except for the owner of Laebugten Wharf and the heirs and assignees.of the original plat. Mr. LaTourel.le.suggested that 15' be retained instead of vacating the entire 40' as recommended by the Planning Commission. He said the public roadway is on the property of the adjacent property owners, but there presently is room to build houses.on the affected lots once the moratorium is lifted. The public portion of the hearing was opened. Craig Wentz of 2726 209th Ave. N.E., Redmond, an attorney representing the petitioners (Alexander, Jacobson, and Pepin families), submitted four.photographs (Exhibits A-D) of the area requested to be vacated and spoke in favor of the vacation noting that young people gather there to drink, litter, make excessive noise, and cause vandalism.,..and the Burlington Northern passes the site frequently and causes a public safety hazard. He sa.id.the City has no present plans to improve the right-of- way, and a major portion of the present roadbed lies within the Burlington Northern right-of-way and would have to be relocated if the street were to be fully improved. .Further, that 75th P1. W. is located on the east 40' of the petitioners' property and they will relinquish all claims they might have for this in consideration of adoption of.a street vacation.ordinance. He noted that the public has access to Laebugten Wharf via 16.2nd Ave. W. but has no right to cross the Burlington Northern right-of-way for access to the Sound. He suggested that if the -City determined that the general public was substantially deprived of access to the Sound it could provide a walkway easement along the east side of 75th P1. W., from North Meadowdale Rd. to 162nd..A.ve. W., or it could provide for a 373' 6, May 15, 1979 - continued walkway easement together with the.utility easement..,.He'stated that those parties who had signed a petition in opposition to the proposal.'did not abut the site.at.any place. Ruskin Fisher of 19940 Ballinger -.Way N.E.,Seattle, land use.. consultant, explained how the determination was made as to where the line-should.be.drawn for the-vacation;..it.was determined by the area needed for turning. He noted that the area,-:of:.thee road�as i:t..:,ex 'sts .s-,greater than the area to be vacated. Norm Nelson of 15729 75th P1. W...read a.petition previously.submitted in opposition to the vacation and submitted more signatures in,.opposition. He said -this section had been used by the public since 1904 and should remain so. Betty.Rossbecker of 15620.72nd.Ave. W. said all the people .she had talked to in the area were against the vacation..as they want it to.:remain an access to the beach. She said it had been the safest access to the beach.. Melvin Ebert of 16031 75th P1. W. and his son, Bill Ebert, .:,also spoke in opposition to .the vacati.on., Bill Ebert say.ing.it was one of the few places left to go down and park. Jerry Maddox.of,16000 75th P1. W. spoke in favor.of the petition to vacate, saying there had always been a police problem there but it had.been..somewhat improved with the barricading of the street. The public portion of the hearing was closed. It was determined that the property adjoining the area proposed to be vacated is held by the.three petitioners in undivided interest and it could not be subdivided until.the moratorium is lifted..but a.lot line adjustment could be made, MOTION: which would be the same as a short plat. COUNCILMAN HERB.MOVED:,THAT THE CITY ATTORNEY BE INSTRUCTED TO DRAFT AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE VACATION OF A PORTION OF 75TH,AVE. W., CONSISTENT WITH P.C. RESOLUTION 617, BUT WITH THE ADDITIONAL.REQUIREMENT THAT THERE BE.A 15' EASEMENT. INCLUDING A PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY ACCESS FROM LOT 6 NORTH ALONG NORTH MEADOWDALE RD., AND THAT THERE BE A PROVISION IN THE ORDINANCE THAT THERE WILL BE-ADEQUATE...ACCESS TO LAEBUGTEN.WHARF; FURTHER, THAT THE STREET MAP BE AMENDED CONSISTENT WITH THIS ORDINANCE. . COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN.SECONDED THE MOTION, ON THE BASIS THAT THE DESCRIBED.PORTION OF THIS STREET:IS.NOT NECESSARY FOR.AC.CESS TO OTHER PROPERTIES; THAT.THE CITY OF EDMONDS WILL RETAIN EASEMENTS ACROSS THE VACATED LAND FOR.THE CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION,.REPAIR, AND MAINTENANCE'OF ALL PUBLIC UTILITIES AND SERVICES;.THERE HAS,BEEN.A FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE • ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FROM THE.PROPOSED.AMENDMENT; AND SAID AMENDMENT IS NECESSARY TO PROMOTE THE PUBLIC HEALTH, SAFETY, AND GENERAL WELFARE. Councilman Cl.emen.t spoke in opposition to the motion because this vacated land would be'added:to the adjoining_lots.and included in the computation of allowable square footage, thereby allowing the property to be subdivided into four lots instead of three. He felt that would create a risk of increasing the density of development in this area from three to four lots, and therefore he said he would vote against the motion. Councilman Gould felt the issue of being fair to the people who own the property was also important, and the City's road was crossing their property. Councilman Clement felt, however, that it had been that way when they purchased it, and Councilman Carns agreed that when they bought the land they probably thought the property only went to the road.. A ROLL CALL VOTE WAS TAKEN ON THE MOTION, WITH COUNCIL MEMBERS HERB, ALLEN, NORDQUIST, GOULD, AND NAUGHTEN VOTING YES, AND WITH COUNCIL MEMBERS CLEMENT AND CARNS VOTING NO. MOTION CARRIED. A short recess was announced. SHORELINE'MANAGEMENT SUBSTANTIAL. DEVELOPMENT PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT.RESTAURANT, RETAIL, AND OFFICE SPACE AT 181 W. DAYTON File SM-1-79 - Pantley Councilman Carns asked to be excused from this hearing as the.applicant has been a customer in his business; and because the applicant had purchased in bulk, .he had been more than a normal customer. Councilman Carns left the rostrum.. Community Development Director John LaTourelle read the environmental assessment which had been done on -this proposal, which found that no significant negative environmental impact would be caused by the proposal.. He felt the proposal.was entirely consistent with the recently adopted changes in the Commercial. Waterfront Zone and with the Shorelines Master Program policies which call for maximum development of uses to bring the public to the waterfront, keeping parking away from the shorelines, and contributions to the In -Lieu Parking.Fund rather than paved parking in the general waterfront area. He read from the Planner's Report to substantiate that conformance. He displayed a site plan of the proposal, and.a model was on display. There is an existing four-plex on the property which will be retained in the development. The developer proposed dedicating to the City an area of.4,500.sq. ft. to be used as a park area. Eighteen parking spaces • will be provided on the east property boundary, of which.8 will be allowed for joint use of daytime;:.' nighttime activities (granted by the Board of Adjustment, Conditional Use Permit CU-11-79), and 12 spaces will be purchased by a cash payment to the In -Lieu Parking Fund. The applicant further intends leasing 10 additional spaces from Diamond Parking for use of employees in the building. Considerable landscaping will be added. Mr. LaTourelle stated.this development should draw additional business to the waterfront and be,an.asset.to the business community, and he recommended approval. Discussion was opened for comments from the audience. Robert Morrison of 250 Beach P1. said he was concerned about parking, that the people using this building will be using the fishing pier parking lot. He also felt that Beach P1. was not adequate for access to this site. Roger Hertrich of 1020 Puget Dr. said.the restaurant is indicated to seat 100 people, according to newspaper reports, and the cockta.il.lounge will have a 45 person capacity, and there.was not adequate parking provided -for that. He,felt people would go to the most convenient area to park, and that will be the fishing.p-ier lot. He felt the parking requirements.were not realistic. Mr. LaTourelle responded that.the fishing pier lot.has not been fully utilized so far, and no one ever parks south of the Amtrak station. He said...the Shorelines Master Program indicates that the waterfront area should not .be all paved, and by consolidating the parking more spaces can be obtained than by requiring that every property owner provide 100% of their parking requirement. Patti Price of Patti's Place on 5th Ave., said that Milltown.does not draw business to downtown Edmonds, nor does her business, and:the statement was erroneous that said this development would do so. She felt this proposal should be tabled until after the May 29 hearing. Dick Beselin of 1027 Cascade Lane was also concerned about parking, saying it was.pointless to have a zoning requirement for parking and then not apply it. He said the In -Lieu Parking Fund is useless if it doesn't buy any parking. At this point Councilman Clement advised the Council that his plane would be leaving shortly so he could not remain for the balance of this discussion, and he left the meeting. Harold "Babe" Bucklin of 1045 C St., a Port.Commissioner, said the Port is requiring all developments to meet parking requirements, and they asked the same for this development. Further, as•a citizen, he felt the parking requirements shoul.d..be met. Mr. LaTourelle responded that when the Port asks the City fora building permit for 20,000 sq. ft. of building space, the City will have to ask the same question --where will parking for 20,000 sq. ft. of building space be provided in relation to all the other parking the Port has to provide. He said the Port will not be able to come up.with it,. -,and 3�-7 May 15, 1979 - continued • MOTION: Amended they will have to turn to the Policy Plan and Shorelines Master Progam which say that some degree of congested parking will have to be tolerated on some days. He said the same regulations will be applied to the Beselin proposal as to that of Mr. Pantley. Roger Hertrich felt this development would not provide any benefit to the average citizen, but would make it more difficult to get to the fishing pier or the beach because of the parking problem. Jerry Schei, partner with Dick Beselin in the development of the Pointer -Willamette property, noted that the Yacht Club parking lot holds about 80 cars and during the lunch period that area is full, as well as all the areas around it. He felt the restaurant will be busy during lunch as well as during the evening, and parking.will be impacted the year around, not just during the summer. Patti Price then said there are 16 restaurants in Edmonds and another one is not needed. ,Robert Pantley, the applicant, said the ADB had approved the site plan, as well as the bulk and dimensions, and they even suggested that the parking be reduced. Mr. Pantley said there are."in-lieu" spaces available next to his site and, also, by designing his parking in conjunction with the adjoining Port/City parking lot an additional 7 spaces will be available. The public portion of the discussion was then. closed. Councilman Naughten said he felt there was a need for a first-class restaurant on the waterfront and, even though there is a parking deficiency, he would rather see 4,500 sq. ft. used as a park instead of paved over for parking. He felt there would be parking problems in the summer but that people could walk a short distance to.park. He felt there was a trade-off here and he was not con- vinced the parking was that serious a problem. He favored approving the permit. Councilman Gould asked how the Parking Commission felt about parking lot locations. Mr. LaTourelle responded that until recently there had not been enough money, or anticipation of.enough money, to think about locations. He said they anticipated paving the property which the City and Port jointly purchased and at that time a very appropriate use of the In -Lieu Parking Fees would be to design the parking in the triangular area indicated by Mr. Pantley as being available for "in -lieu" spaces, but such a decision had not yet been made. He indicated that by jointly designing all of the parking in that area approximately 27 parking stalls could be achieved. Councilman.Herb commented that several years had been spent in determining how the waterfront should be used and the basic philosophical decisions had been made as to having it pedestrian oriented, having..less paving, and having res taurants on the waterfront. He was in favor of the proposal. Councilman Nordquist felt the In -Lieu Parking Fund had been established with the downtown existing buildings in mind, and not the waterfront. He felt that when the other properties are developed on the waterfront the parking will be very impacted. COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN THEN MOVED TO UPHOLD P.C. RESOLUTION 624, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF SHORELINE MANAGEMENT SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT SM-1-79, BASED.UPON THE FINDINGS STATED IN THAT RESOLUTION. COUNCILMAN GOULD SECONDED THE MOTION,.BUT WITH THE AMENDMENT THAT THE TRIANGULAR PORTION OF THE CTIY-OWNED PROPERTY WILL BE DEVELOPED AS ADDITIONAL PARKING.. COUNCILMAN NAUGHTEN SECONDED THE MOTION TO AMEND. THE MOTION TO AMEND CARRIED, WITH COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST VOTING NO. COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN ADDED TO HER .MOTION THE PROVISION THAT THE ADDITION OF THE 10 LEASED PARKING SPACES FROM DIAMOND PARKING WILL BE A CONDITION OF THE APPROVAL. COUNCILMAN GOULD ACCEPTED THAT ADDITION. THE MAIN MOTION, AS AMENDED AND ADDED TO, THEN.CARRIED, WITH COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST VOTING NO. Councilman Carns returned'to the rostrum. REVIEW REVISED ELEVATIONS FOR MAGNE.HAGEN CONDOMINIUM Councilman Herb had not taken part in the previous hearings on this matter because of a possible conflict of interest, so he again -asked to be excused from this review. He.left the meeting at this time. Community Development Director.John,LaTourelle displayed the site plan and elevations. The building had been reduced in size from 12 to 8 units and now was only 25' high. Eight parking spaces on Holly Dr. had�been eliminated. Those were the requirements.the Council had made. The building was slightly closer to the creek but was still out of the creek bed. Discussion was opened to the audience. Joseph Dwyer of 529 Holly Dr. said Councilman Gould had requested that there be no parking on Holly Dr. and that the exit be on 5th Ave. That was not included in the approved motion. Bill -Mathias of 540 Holly Dr. felt the building had been moved closer to Holly Dr. Willard Aldridge, architect for the project, said the building presently was located exactly as it had been previously. He said he had made on.ly the changes required by the council. Audience MOTION: participation was closed. COUNCILMAN CARNS,MOVED, SECONDED.BY.000NCILMAN GOULD, TO APPROVE THE REVISED ELEVATIONS FOR THE MAGNE HAGEN CONDOMINIUM. MOTION CARRIED. PROPOSED ORDINANCE RE TAXICAB LICENSES Police Chief Marlo Foster stated that the proposed ordinance had been reviewed by Don Gudgeon, the person who had brought this matter before the Council, and that he was satisfied with the ordinance. MOTION: COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, TO ADOPT ORDINANCE 2069 REGARDING TAXICAB LICENSES. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Nordquist was not present.for.the vote. PROPOSED CONTRACT ON RECREATIONAL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN STUDY The proposed contract with Northwest Research Analysts was presented for.review. Community Develop- ment Director John LaTourelle stated the consultant would do the job for $10,000 but would need the services of the City in an amount from $2,500 - $6,.000. If .the City were not .to contribute those services an additional $6,000 would have.to be paid and.the consultant would have his people accomplish those services. Mr. LaTourelle said his department would provide from.its budget the services in ,the amount of $2;500 - $6,000, but the $10,000.was.needed. Parks & Recreation Manager Jim Jessel said the School District and the Community College had agreed to supply some funds but none had been received as yet. He said the Council was being asked to.reserve $10,000 until Phase I can be finished and it can be determined how much the Community College and the School.District will provide. His MOTION: expectation was that a large portion of.the $10,000 would be provi.ded. COUNCILMAN GOULD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN, TO APPROVE.THE CONTRACT WITH NORTHWEST RESEARCH ANALYSTS AND TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO SIGN IT, WITH THE STIPULATION THAT $10,000 WILL BE SET ASIDE FROM THE COUNCIL CONTINGENCY FUND FOR THIS AND WITH THE EXPECTATION THAT OTHER FUNDS WILL BE FORTHCOMING FOR THIS CONTRACT. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Nordquist was not present. . There was no further business to come.before the Council, and the.meeting. was adjourned at 12:05 p.m. 1 1 0 IRENE VARNEY MORAN, Vity. Clerk HARVE H. HARRISON, Mayor