03/02/1992 City CouncilTHESE MINUTES SUBJECT TO MARCH 17 APPROVAL EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL MINUTES March 2,1992 The meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Laura M. Hall at the Library Plaza Room, 650 Main Street. All present joined in the flag salute. PRESENT Laura M. Hall, Mayor Jeff Palmer, Council President Steve Dwyer, Councilmember Dave Earling, Councilmember Michael W. Hall, Councilmember John Nordquist, Councilmember Tom Petruzzi, Councilmember Brett Shirley, Student Representative CONSENT AGENDA ABSENT STAFF Bill Kasper, Art Housler, Admin. Serv. Dir. Councilmember Peter Hahn, Comm. Serv. Dir. Rob Chave, Planning Manager Ed Somers, Associate Planner Noel Miller, Public Works Supt. Greg Ramsland, Equip. Rental Supr. Dick Mumma, Building Official Brent Hunter, Personnel Manager Wally Tribuzio, Asst. Police Chief Rhonda March, City Clerk Scott Snyder, City Attorney Barb Mehlert, Recorder Item (G) was pulled from the Consent Agenda. COUNCILMEMBER NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL PRESIDENT PALMER, TO APPROVE THE BALANCE OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED. The approved items on the Consent Agenda include: (A) ROLL CALL (B) APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 25,1992 �C) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES FROM REBECCA SANDERS ($1,697.62) AND QUINCY ANDERSON ($626.55) (D) PROPOSED ORDINANCE 2871 LIMITING MAYORAL BENEFITS (E) ACCEPTANCE OF PEDESTRIAN AND UTILITY EASEMENT FROM GREG S. AND JEANINE L. CASPER, 16100 NORTH MEADOWDALE ROAD, FOR THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF THE NORTH MEADOWDALE ROAD WALKWAY jl1'I(F) REPORT ON BIDS FOR PRINTING OF EDMONDS ARTS COMMISSION -EDMONDS IN Q BLOOM" POSTER AND AWARD OF CONTRACT ($3,225.00) P' (H) APPROVAL OF FINDINGS AND FACTS FROM COUNCIL HEARING ON FEBRUARY 18, 1992 FOR PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION OF APPROXIMATELY 1.71 ACRES INTO 6 SINGLE- FAMILY LOTS IN RS-6 ZONE LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY 701 BIRCH PLACE (APPLICANT: WILL VASQUEZ CONSTRUCTION, ET AL/FILE NO. P-1-91) (I) APPROVE WARRANTS FROM #920640 TO #921063, FOR THE WEEK OF FEBRUARY 24, 1992 (J) APPROVAL OF FINDINGS AND FACTS FROM COUNCIL HEARING ON FEBRUARY 18, 1992 FOR APPEAL OF ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN BOARD DECISION REGARDING HEIGHT RESTRICTION FOR FREESTANDING SIGN AT HARBOR SQUARE INN (APPLICANT: BERRY NEON/HARBOR SQUARE INN/FILE NOS. AP-22-91/ADB-96-91) i AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE TWO TRUCKS WITH CAB & CHASSIS FROM THE WASHINGTON STATE CONTRACT, AND AUTHORIZE STAFF TO OBTAIN WRITTEN QUOTES FOR TWO TOOL BOXES AND ONE FLAT BED WITH HYDRAULIC HOIST ($3,225.00) (Item (G) on the Consent Agenda) qvl Councilmember Petruzzi inquired on the process used for purchasing from the State Contract. Councilmember Petruzzi inquired if Staff also checked locally for competitive bids. Noel Miller, Public Works Superintendent, said the State obtains the bids for the City and the City utilizes those bids. Greg Ramsland, Equipment Rental Supervisor, responded in this case the State was very competitive in acquiring a good bid price. Councilmember Petruzzi inquired on the use of the Units #6 and #8 which will be replaced. Mr. Ramsland replied the vehicles will be sold at a future auction. COUNCILMEMBER PETRUZZI MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER PALMER, TO APPROVE ITEM (G). MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE J�Harold Quindy, 5224 107th St. S.W., Mukilteo, urged the Council to join surrounding cities in passing a resolution opposing the proposed Paine Field expansion. HEARING ON APPEAL OF PRELIMINARY ADB DECISION REGARDING A NEW 3-STORY MIXED USE OFFICE/5-UNIT APARTMENT BUILDING AT 504 HOLLY DRIVE (APPLICANT: ROBERT BUTTERFIELD/APPELLANT: ROBERT DRISCOLUFILE NO. ADB-107-91/AP-92-10) PCity Attorney Scott Snyder asked if there were any members of the Council who had any items which under the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine needs to be revealed. Councilmember Hall said his brother-in-law's father-in-law is the owner of the subject property. Councilmember Dwyer said his parents live on the north side of Holly Drive, east of the proposed project. Councilmember Dwyer said no information or opinions have been brought forward to him regarding this subject, and it was his belief that his parents would not be participating in the public portion of the hearing. City Attorney Scott Snyder asked members of the audience if there were objections to the participation of Councilmember Dwyer or Councilmember Hall on this subject. No objections were noted. Staff Report and recommendation Rob Chave, Planning Manager, stated the appellant, Robert Driscoll, submitted a letter of appeal to the Planning Division of a "Preliminary" decision of the ADB regarding a proposed 3-story mixed use office/5-unit residential building to be located at 504 Holly Drive. The appellant raised three specific issues: 1) Consistency/compliance with the ECDC; 2) Due Process; and 3) violation of the "Appearance of Fairness Doctrine". The appellant feels the proposed development and the "preliminary" approval granted by the ADB are in violation of policies contained in the City's Comprehensive Plan for development in the Community Business (BC) zone. Mr. Chave said the appellant also questions the primary and secondary use of the building, the buffer area, which the appellant contends the site design is in violation of the code, and the public right-of-way, in which the appellant feels the City's Engineering Division did not require the necessary improvements as described in the ECDC. Mr. Chave said Ed Somers of the Planning Division feels the applicant is willing to make the necessary revisions to the building plans to ensure the project is in compliance with City Code. Mr. Chave said the applicant was to submit a revised plan at the next ADB meeting on this application; however, as a result of this appeal, no additional meetings have yet been scheduled for further review of this project by the ADB. Mr. Chave said it appears that several of the issues which have been raised by the appellant can be considered premature, which is a result of the appeal having been filed in reaction to the issuance of a "preliminary" decision by the ADB. It was noted by Mr. Chave that the applicant has not had the opportunity to respond to the ADB on the issues raised in the appeal. EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 2 March 2, 1992 Mr. Chave said it is Staffs recommendation to dismiss the appeal and allow both the applicant and ADB the opportunity to address these issues at the time of the final ADB decision on this matter. Mr. Chave feels the appellant would then have the opportunity to appeal the final decision of the ADB. Mr. Chave noted, however, the appeal contains issues related to the application of the specific provisions of Law (i.e. "Due Process" and "Appearance of Fairness Doctrine") which need to be addressed separately by the City Attorney. In light of the "Preliminary" approval by the ADB, Councilmembers discussed the options they had in rendering a decision on this subject. Councilmember Earling felt the whole matter should be remanded to the ADB so more of the unresolved issues could be addressed. Council President Palmer suggested the Council consider continuing the matter pending the outcome of a Hearing Examiner decision. Mayor Hall opened up the public portion of the hearing. Public Testimony Pete Bennett, 400 Dayton Street, Attorney for the Applicant, said the Applicant submitted a packet of information dealing with all of the issues which were raised by the appellant. Mr. Bennett feels there were no challenges in the hearing at the ADB level pertaining to "Appearance of Fairness", and therefore, believes it is a moot question. Mr. Bennett feels the "Due Process" issue is also a moot question. Mr. Bennett feels the ADB should not be dealing with issues relating to the Comprehensive Plan and zoning compliances. Mr. Bennett said the Code states the secondary use must be less than the primary use, however, does not give any specific percentages. Mr. Bennett said the applicant has dedicated 6,350 feet for primary use and 6,349 feet for secondary use. Mr. Bennett said the applicant has met all requirements set forth by the City Code, or the Interpretations of the Code made by the City Staff. Regarding the 3-story issue, Mr. Bennett feels the Code allows the applicant to build a 3-story building, just as long as it complies with the total height requirements. Brad Butterfield, Applicant, stated he has complied with all requirements set forth by City staff, and has addressed all of the concerns of the appellant. Robert Driscoll, Appellant, 514 Holly Drive, is opposed to the proposed structure, as he feels it is not in compliance with the Edmonds Community Development Code. Mr. Driscoll said there are no 3-story buildings in the BC zone from Howell Street North on 5th Avenue to Main Street. Mr. Driscoll feels the proposed structure would not be in concert with the existing buildings in the area. Mr. Driscoll asked if this project would have appeared on a Consent Agenda for Council approval, had he not come forward with his concerns. It was noted by Ed Somers of the Planning Department, that a project of this magnitude would never appear on a Consent Agenda, rather it would have been advertised as a Public Hearing even if Mr. Driscoll had not come forward. Mr. Driscoll feels many issues need to be addressed before any further steps are taken. Mr. Driscoll said the City Code is the book of record, and feels Staff interpretations of the Code are being used instead. Mr. Driscoll said there is also a stream on the subject property which has been defined by the applicant as "non -significant". Mr. Driscoll stated he had a biologist look at the stream and noted the Biologist was present to explain his findings. Jack Serwold, 19811 Maplewood Drive, Edmonds, Biologist, said he studied the subject stream and noted there were many fish in the stream, as well as other life forms. Mr. Serwold stated the stream should be daylighted and kept open. Mr. Serwold said the stream should not be considered "insignificant". Jo -Anne Jaech, 546 Walnut Street, said the particular lot presently under consideration had a proposal on it several years ago. Ms. Jaech said concerns arose at that time as well, and legal action ensued. Ms. Jaech said the subject area is 'a single family neighborhood and construction will greatly impact the surrounding residents. Ms. Jaech said the Council needs to thoroughly address the traffic impacts, parking, and setback criteria. Bill Mathias, 540 Holly Drive, stated some building at the subject location would be welcome, however, not this particular project. Mr. Mathias feels the Code should be adhered to, and not the Staff Interpretations. Mr. Mathias feels to much weight is being given to the Staff Interpretations. Vern Hirschi, 520 Holly Drive, would like to see something built on the subject property, however he is concerned with traffic congestion the proposed project would bring. EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 3 March 2, 1992 Finis Tupper, 711 Daley Street, addressed the height issue and landscaping issues of the proposed structure. Mr. Tupper feels City Staff are the administrators of the Community Development Code. Mr. Tupper said a 3-story structure should not be allowed. Lloyd Ostrom, 711 Puget Drive, opposed the 3-story proposed structure. Mr. Ostrom feels the primary use of the structure is not business. Mr. Ostrom said the City Council must uphold the Community Development Code, and feels the Planning Department is interpreting too much of the Code, resulting in a re -write of the Code. Jack Paxson, 938 Pine Street, likes the small town atmosphere of Edmonds and feels the proposed 3-story structure would destroy that atmosphere. Brad Butterfield, Applicant, noted as Chairman of the ADB, he hears these kinds of concerns every month. Mr. Butterfield feels, however, that he has addressed every concern that has been brought up and stated the proposed project meets the Community Development Code Requirements. Council Discussion and Deliberation Councilmember Hall feels the "Appearance of Fairness" issue should be considered moot, as well as the issue of "Due Process", "Primary" use versus "Secondary" use, and the issue of sidewalk width and the right-of-way issue, as Councilmember Hall pointed out, those issues have been resolved. Councilmember Petruzzi brought up his concern on how the applicant is using the "Primary" use versus "Secondary" use. Councilmember Earling feels the entire matter should be remanded to the ADB for further resolution. Council President Palmer agrees the issues of sidewalk width and right-of-way on Holly have been resolved. Council President Palmer disagrees with the Staff's interpretation on the issues of set -backs and their application of the Code. Council President Palmer said he is disturbed that so many of the Code and zoning issues were unresolved or unaddressed in the application. Councilmember Nordquist said this is the third time potential development of this particular piece of property has been heard by the City Council in the last several years. Councilmember Nordquist said the residents on Holly Street were previously told by the Council that Holly Street would not be used as an access street. Councilmember Dwyer questioned the definition of primary use versus secondary use. Councilmember Dwyer feels the primary use of a 3-story building, which has two stories devoted to habitation, is habitation, and the secondary use of that structure is business. Councilmember Dwyer feels the square footage does not serve as a definition, rather it is a guide. Council President Palmer said he would like to remand this to the ADB with two specific interpretations by the City Council: 1) The existing staff interpretation of setback as it deals with parking as a use, has been improperly applied, 2) the residential portion of the project constitutes a primary use. Council President Palmer said the issues of Appearance of Fairness and Due Process should be considered moot. Councilmember Dwyer expressed his concern over the potential loss of qualified and professional individuals who volunteer their time on various Boards and Commissions if the Council adopts rules that are too stringent to allow these people to serve. COUNCIL PRESIDENT PALMER MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER PETRUZZI, THAT APPEAL NO. ADB-107-91/AP-92-10 BE UPHELD IN PART. THE ISSUES REMANDED TO THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN BOARD FOR USE IN THEIR CONSIDERATION OF AN APPLICATION FOR FINAL ADB APPROVAL CONSISTENT WITH FINDINGS AND FACTS AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW TO BE DEVELOPED BY THE CITY ATTORNEY FINDING THAT: 1) PARKING IS A USE PROHIBITED IN SETBACKS AND THAT THE LACK OF APPROPRIATE BUFFER FROM ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOOD MAKES THE PROPOSED PARKING IN VIOLATION OF ECDC; AND 2) THE RESIDENTIAL USE AS PROPOSED IN THE CURRENT CONFIGURATION IS THE PRIMARY USE, NOT SUBORDINATE TO THE COMMERCIAL USE, AND THE ISSUES OF EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 4 March 2, 1992 APPEARANCE OF FAIRNESS DOCTRINE, DUE PROCESS, INSUFFICIENT STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY AND INSUFFICIENT SIDEWALK ARE DISMISSED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REVISED APPLICATION. Under discussion, Councilmember Earling feels the entire issue has not had a chance to run its course through the appeal process and said it should be remanded to the appropriate bodies. to work its way through the system so the issues in question can be further resolved. MOTION CARRIED WITH Councilmember Dwyer, Councilmember Petruzzi, Council President Palmer, and Councilmember Nordquist voting yes, and Councilmember Earling and Councilmember Hall voting no. City Attorney Scott Snyder said the motion did not include the issue of "story", and unless directed, it would not be included. Councilmember Dwyer said he was under the impression the motion was going to include the factual finding concerning the existing character of the subject area. Mayor Hall asked the maker of the motion, Council President Palmer if this was his intent, and Council President Palmer replied affirmatively. City Attorney Scott Snyder said the findings of facts will come back to the Council for approval, and he would include that element at that time. The Mayor and Council recessed for a five minute break and reconvened at 9:10 p.m. COUNCIL PRESIDENT PALMER MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER HALL, TO REMOVE ITEM 6 FROM THE AGENDA, AND ITEM 7 BE HEARD NEXT, REDUCING THE TIME ALLOTTED FROM 15 MINUTES TO 2 MINUTES. MOTION CARRIED. REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION ON GENERAL BANKING SERVICE BID. Staff Report and Recommendation Art Housler, Administrative Services Director, stated Seafirst Bank and U.S. Bank submitted proposals to the City for the purpose of serving the City's banking needs. Mr. Housler said the Finance Committee and Mayor reviewed the proposals on February 24, and Mr. Housler said U.S. Bank would save $2762.00 over doing business with Seafirst Bank. The Committee recommends the City Council authorize the Mayor to sign a contract with U.S. Bank. Council Discussion and Deliberation COUNCILMEMBER NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER HALL TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO SIGN A SERVICE AGREEMENT WITH U.S. BANK FOR THE PERIOD FROM APRIL 1,1992 through MARCH 31,1995. MOTION CARRIED. SECOND READING OF PROPOSED INTERIM CRITICAL AREAS ORDINANCE AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE 2872 Staff Report and Recommendation Rob Chave, Planning Manager, said the City Attorney prepared a revised draft ordinance which is included in the Agenda Packet. Mr. Chave said the changes requested by Council are underlined throughout the document. Mr. Chave noted the Council previously asked Staff to review City Park Condominiums to see if that project could have been built if it had to comply with the proposed regulations. Mr. Chave said under those circumstances, Mr. Thuesen would have had to reduce the number of units built. Council Discussion and Deliberation EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 5 March 2, 1992 Council President Palmer noted he is in receipt of a transmittal from Lovell-Sauerland which includes a copy of a Building Industry litigation and gave the information to City Clerk Rhonda March in case any members of the Council wished to receive a copy. Councilmember Hall said he was still concerned over procedures the City uses in choofpsing Consultants. With regards to the information Mr. Chave supplied on the City Park Condominiums, Councilmember Earling said basically, a third of the project would not have been built if it had to comply with the proposed regulations. Council President Palmer asked if the proposed interim ordinance would apply to future applications or applications that are already in progress. City Attorney Scott Snyder said anyone who has not filed a building permit application by the effective date of the ordinance would be subject to the ordinance. Mr. Snyder said, however, the Council has the discretion to choose how the effective date would be applied. Mayor Hall said this was not a public hearing, however, there were a few members of the audience who wished to speak on the subject. It was the consensus of the Council to allow public testimony. Public Testimony Jack Bevan, 19210 94th West, is concerned that property owners rights would be taken away in certain instances where wetlands are involved on private property. Mr. Bevan feels the required regulations could result in great cost to private citizens. Pete Bennett, 400 Dayton Street, said he is concerned about vesting requirements. Mr. Bennett said the Council should consider the people who are in the building permit process at present time. Clyde Dimmick, 213 Elm Street, disagreed with many aspects the Growth Management Act requires. Mr. Dimmick said if Mr. Thuesen had to comply with the proposed regulations, he feels the requirements take away rights from citizens. Mayor Hall closed the public portion of the hearing. Council Discussion and Deliberation The Council discussed the issue of "grandfathering" for the purpose of vesting rights. City Attorney Scott Snyder said the Council could use the criteria that any development proposal which is complete one or before the effective date of the ordinance would be vested for the life of the application. Council President Palmer questioned the term "complete". Mr. Snyder said the term "complete" would mean any development application that is in process. Councilmember Dwyer suggested the effective date for the purpose of grandfathering be March 2 versus the effective date of the ordinance. Councilmember Hall feels the City's Code already has the necessary restrictions in place, and doesn't feel the proposed interim ordinance is necessary. COUNCILMEMBER PETRUZZI MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER DWYER, TO ADD A SECTION TO THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING WORDING: DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATIONS WHICH WERE COMPLETE WITH ALL FEES PAID AND FILED WITH THE CITY ON OR BEFORE MARCH 2, 1992, WOULD BE VESTED. MOTION CARRIED WITH COUNCILMEMBER HALL VOTING NO. As a procedural matter, COUNCILMEMBER NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER DWYER TO EXTEND THE MEETING TO 10:15 P.M. MOTION CARRIED. EDMONDS CrrY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 6 March 2, 1992 COUNCILMEMBER NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER DWYER TO ADOPT THE INTERIM CRITICAL AREAS ORDINANCE WITH ALL OF THE AMENDMENTS AS PROPOSED IN THE PREVIOUS TWO MEETINGS AND INCLUDING CHANGES PROPOSED BY THE CITY ATTORNEY IN THE MEETING TONIGHT. Councilmember Earling said he is concerned that once the Council adopts the interim ordinance, it would be difficult to undo. Councilmember Earling said he would vote in favor or the motion, however, he is concerned that beginning prices of new construction homes in the City of Edmonds are from $220,000 to $240,000 and new condominiums are approximately $160,000. Councilmember Earling said as the City moves through the process, the City should do everything within their power to not continue to add to the costs of housing. MOTION CARRIED WITH COUNCILMEMBER HALL VOTING NO. COUNCILMEMBER PALMER MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER NORDQUIST TO CONTINUE ITEM 6 TO MARCH 17. MOTION CARRIED. COUNCILMEMBER NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER HALL, TO CONTINUE ITEM 8 TO MARCH 17. MOTION CARRIED. HEARING ON PLANNING BOARD RECOMMENDATION REGARDING A STAFF INITIATED REZONE OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT 19017 19023 AND 19031 83RD AVENUE WEST FROM PUBLIC USE TO RS-12 TO CORRECT AN ERROR ON THE ZONING MAP (APPLICANT: CITY OF EDMONDS/FILE NO. R-2-91 COUNCIL PRESIDENT PALMER MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER DWYER, TO DISPENSE WITH THE STAFF REPORT AND OPEN THE PUBLIC PORTION OF THE HEARING. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Hall inquired if any member of the audience wished to come forward on this issue. No member of the audience came forward. Mayor Hall closed the audience portion of the hearing. Council Discussion and Deliberation COUNCILMEMBER NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER EARLING, TO ADOPT THE PLANNING BOARD'S RECOMMENDATION TO REZONE THE SUBJECT PROPERTIES FROM PUBLIC USE RS-12 AND DIRECT THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE THE NECESSARY ORDINANCE FOR ADOPTION BY THE COUNCIL. MOTION CARRIED. MAYOR mac, 1' Mayor Hall stated 6,340 ballots have been returned to the Auditor's office to date. In light of these numbers, �,y Mayor Hall stated it is going to be a valid election. Mayor Hall referenced numerous calls from citizens on alleged traffic problems at 9th Ave. and 220th. Council President Palmer recommended the issue be discussed at a Community Services Committee. Mayor Hall suggested Council President Palmer serve on the Southwest County Park Master Plan committee. Council President Palmer concurred. - � COUNCIL Council President Palmer referenced a letter from President of the Port Commission, Jerry Blanton asking to designate a Councilmember to serve as a liaison to the Port Commission. Council President recommended QCouncilmember Dwyer. Councilmember Dwyer concurred. EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 7 March 2, 1992 Council President Palmer said meetings are held every Sunday evening at the junior high school in Mukilteo - �Y regarding the proposed Paine Field expansion. Student Representative Brett Shirley said he doesn't feel the Council adequately faced the issue of the first hearing this evening. Mr. Shirley said he is opposed to the -Paine Field expansion. With no further business, Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 10:15 p.m. THESE MINUTES ARE SUBJECT TO MARCH 17,1992 APPROVAL THE OFFICIAL SIGNED COPY OF THESE MINUTES ARE IN THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE. Rhgfnda J . P1arch, City Clerk EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 8 March 2, 1992 AGENDA EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL PLAZA MEETING ROOM - LIBRARY BUILDING 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. MARCH 2, 1992 SPECIAL MONDAY MEETING DUE TO POLITICAL CAUCUSES ON TUESDAY CALL TO ORDER FLAG SALUTE CONSENTAGENDA (A) ROLL CALL (B) APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 25, 1992 (C) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES FROM REBECCA SANDERS ($1,697.62) AND QUINCY ANDERSON ($626.55) (D) PROPOSED ORDINANCE 2871 LIMITING MAYORAL BENEFITS (E) ACCEPTANCE OF PEDESTRIAN AND UTILITY EASEMENT FROM GREG S. AND JEANINE L CASPER, 16100 NORTH MEADOWDALE ROAD, FOR THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF THE NORTH MEADOWDALE ROAD WALKWAY IF) REPORT ON BIDS FOR PRINTING OF EDMONDS ARTS COMMISSION.-EDMONDS IN BLOOM' POSTER AND AWARD OF CONTRACT ($3,225.00) (G) AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE TWO TRUCKS WITH CAB & CHASSIS FROM THE WASHINGTON STATE CONTRACT, AND AUTHORIZE STAFF TO OBTAIN WRITTEN QUOTES FOR TWO TOOL BOXES AND ONE FLAT BED WITH HYDRAULIC HOIST ($40,000) (H) APPROVAL OF FINDINGS AND FACTS FROM COUNCIL HEARING ON FEBRUARY 18, 1992 FOR PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION OF APPROXIMATELY 1.71 ACRES INTO 6 SINGLE-FAMILY LOTS IN RS-6 ZONE LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY 701 BIRCH PLACE (APPLICANT: WILL VASQUEZ CONSTRUCTION, ET AL / FILE NO. P-1-91) (1) APPROVE WARRANTS FROM #920640 TO #921063, FOR THE WEEK OF FEBRUARY 24, 1992 (J) APPROVAL OF FINDINGS AND FACTS FROM COUNCIL HEARING ON FEBRUARY 18, 1992 FOR APPEAL OF ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN BOARD DECISION REGARDING HEIGHT RESTRICTION FOR FREESTANDING SIGN AT HARBOR SQUARE INN (APPLICANT/APPELLANT: BERRY NEON/HARBOR SQUARE INN / FILE NOS. AP-22-91/ADB-96-91) 2. AUDIENCE 3. HEARING ON APPEAL OF PRELIMINARY ADB DECISIONREGARDING NEW 3-STORY MIXED USE OFFICE/5-UNIT APARTMENT BUILDING AT 504 HOLLY DRIVE (APPLICANT: ROBERT BUTTERFIELD/ APPELLANT: ROBERT DRISCOLL/ FILE NO. ADB-107-91 AP-92-10) (45 MINUTES) 4. SECOND READING OF PROPOSED INTERIM CRITICAL AREAS ORDINANCE AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE 2872 (45 MINUTES) 5. HEARING ON PLANNING BOARD RECOMMENDATION REGARDING A STAFF INITIATED REZONE OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT 19017, 19023 AND 19031 83RD AVENUE WEST FROM PUBLIC USE TO RS-12 TO CORRECT AN ERROR ON THE ZONING MAP (APPLICANT: CITY OF EDMONDS / FILE NO. R-2-91) (10 MINUTES) 6. HEARING ON PLANNING BOARD RECOMMENDATION FOR AMENDMENTS TO EDMONDS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CODE CHAPTERS 16.65 - OPEN, -SPACE, AND 16.80 - PUBLIC USE (APPLICANT: CITY OF EDMONDS / FILE NO. CDC391) (15 MINUTES) 7. REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION ON GENERAL BANKING SERVICE BID (15 MINUTES) 8. CONTINUED COUNCIL DELIBERATION ON PROPOSED ORDINANCE 2873 FOR 1992 FEE ADJUSTMENTS (CONTINUED FROM FEBRUARY 4, 1992) (30 MINUTES) 9. MAYOR 10. COUNCIL THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO ATTEND PARKING AND MEETING ROOMS ARE HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE