19800624 City Council Minutes• June 16, 1980 - continued uses in the area, and with the Comprehensive Policy Plan. The Council.had held the first hearing on this matter on May 6, 1980 at which time the Planning Commission's findings of fact were furnished, indicating the criteria for rezone were met. The Planning Staff recommended approval the BN .of zoning and of the annexation. The public portion of the hearing was opened, no one wished to MOTION: speak, and the.public portion was closed. COUNCILWOMAN-ALLEN MOVED, SECONDED -BY COUNCILWOMAN GOETZ, TO.ADOPT ORDINANCE 2151, ANNEXING THE SUBJECT PROPERTY TO THE CITY OF EDMONDS AND DESIGNATING THE ZONING OF THAT -PROPERTY AS BN, BASED ON THE FINDINGS OF.FACT OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION. MOTION CARRIED. DISCUSSION.ON PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD Councilman Gould stated that the Council had discussed at the recent retreat what.the functions of the Planning Advisory Board would be. He read those from his summary of the retreat. The question MOTION: of length of term was discussed, following which COUNCILMAN'NAUGHTEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN JAECH, THAT THE TERMS OF MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING ADVISORY. BOARD. WILL BE TWO YEARS, WITH OPTION OF REAPPOINTMENT. Councilwoman Allen said she was reluctant to take such action until Title 20 has been reviewed._ Councilman Gould said .it was his understanding that appointment of the Planning Advisory Board would dovetail into the passing of the Community.Development Code and the hiring of the hearing. examiner. City Attorney Jim Murphy advised that they could discuss what they were going to do and discuss personnel and terms, but there would be no board until the new code is adopted, and at that time a hearing examiner.and Planning Advisory Board should be ready to be in place. Planning,Consultant John LaTourelle.stated that he expected when the new code is actually passed it will have -an effective date of some two months following the approval, thereby providing the time to do the necessary hiring and make the appointments. Councilman. Gould requested that for the Title 20 discussion on July 1 the Council be provided: (1) A summary of the retreat information on Planning • Advisory Board topics; (2) The essence of the Planning Staff memorandum of April 24, 1980 discussing the Planning Advisory Board, number of members, etc.; and (3) The essence of the Planning Staff memorandum of March 6, 1980. No action was taken on the motionon the floor. Councilman Gould -advised the Clerk that he will be absent June 24, 1980,'and Councilman Naughten advised that he will be absent July 15, 1980. There was no further business to come before the Council, and the meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. IRENE VARNEY MORAN, CitYy Clerk HARVE H. HARRISON, Mayor June 24, 1980 The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 8:05 p.m. by Mayor Harve Harrison in the Council Chambers of the Edmonds Civic Center. All present joined in the flag salute. PRESENT ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Harve Harrison, Mayor Ray Gould Charles Dibble, M.A.A. Jo -Anne Jaech Fred Herzberg, Public Works Director • Bill Kasper John LaTourelle, Planning Consultant Katherine Allen Mary Lou Block, Planning Division Manager John Nordquist Richard Pearson, Code Revision Project Mgr. Larry Naughten Irene Varney Moran, City Clerk Mary Goetz" Marlo Foster, Police Chief Gary McComas, Fire Marshal Jim Jessel, Parks & Recreation Director Jim Murphy, City Attorney Jackie Parrett, Deputy City Clerk 1 F� CONSENT AGENDA MOTION: Items (D) and (F) were removed from the Consent Agenda. COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN MOVED, SECONDED -BY COUNCILMAN NAUGHTEN, TO APPROVE THE BALANCE OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED. The approved items on the Consent Agenda included the following: (A) Roll call. (B). Approval of Minutes of.June 16, 1980. (C) Acknowledgment of receipt of Claim for Damages from Donna Jo Williams in the amount of $237.39. (E) Authorization to call.for bids on July 9, 1980 for LID 207, water/sewer extension, vicinity of 72nd and 175th. (G) Approval of fireworks stand permits. 66 June 24, 1980 - continued AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT FOR NORTH MEADOWDALE PRELIMINARY. .ENGINEERING PROJECT Item D on Consent Agenda]. Councilman Kasper asked if it was clear as to the area of stabilization.to be covered in the sewer design. He noted that there are slide areas that must be included in order to get sewers,installed, but there also are slide areas that for.all intents and purposes have little or no value. He was thinking ahead to the type of assessment proposal to be made for major or minor benefits. Public Works Director Fred Herzberg responded that the trench drains will not go through the entire area, that it would not be a continuous line from north to south., so they.are limiting it in that sense. MOTION: This was briefly discussed,'and COUNCILMAN KASPER MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN, TO APPROVE ITEM (D).ON THE CONSENT AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED, WITH COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST ABSTAINING BECAUSE THE CONTRACT WAS WITH REID, MIDDLETON & ASSOCIATES, A_CUSTOMER OF HIS FROM WHOM HE RECEIVES A DIRECT COMMISSION ON SALES. APPROVAL OF'STREET USE PERMIT FOR PLACEMENT OF TABLE AND CHAIRS IN..FRONT OF PIZZA'S DELI AT 403 MAIN•ST. [Item (F) on Consent Agenda] Councilman Naughten said he liked the idea of the tables and chairs outside the deli, but he was concerned for the pedestrian traffic and he would like to know how it would be laid out on.the sidewalk. Public -Works Director Fred Herzberg said it would be no.different from what the bakery is doing across the street, and there would be space for the pedestrian traffic. Councilman Naughten said he would be in favor of limiting the permit to 60 days, with a review at the end of.that period. MOTION: COUNCILMAN NAUGHTEN THEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN GOETZ, TO APPROVE ITEM (F) ON THE CONSENT AGENDA, BUT -THAT THE PERMIT BE BASED UPONA 60-DAY REVIEW, AFTER.WHICH A DETERMINATION WILL BE MADE AS TO PERMANENT ISSUANCE OF THE PERMIT. MOTION CARRIED. MAYOR • Mayor Harrison.asked.for Council confirmation of his appointment of..Jim Murphy to the MEBT Committee, replacing John Wallace who currently is not active as a City Attorney for Edmonds. COUNCILWOMAN MOTION: GOETZ MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NAUGHTEN, TO APPROVE THE MAYOR'S APPOINTMENT OF CITY ATTORNEY JIM MURPHY TO THE MEBT COMMITTEE IN PLACE OF CITY ATTORNEY JOHN WALLACE. MOTION CARRIED. At the MOTION: request of the Mayor, COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST THEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN GOETZ, TO APPROVE THE MAYOR'S APPOINTMMENT OF WAYNE TANAKA AS THE ALTERNATE CITY ATTORNEY ON THE MEBT COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. COUNCIL Councilwoman Goetz advised she will be on vacation July 22, 1980. Councilman Naughten reported that on June 19 the Sherwood PTA had a meeti.ng.regarding the need for a traffic light at 226th and Edmonds Way which was very productive. A short term goal is a safety island between the two lanes of traffic, and the long term goal is to apply for a permit from the MOTION: State for installation of a traffic light. COUNCILMAN NAUGHTEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN * ALLEN, THAT THE ENGINEERING STAFF BE AUTHORIZED TO PROCEED WITH THE DESIGN FOR A SAFETY ISLAND AND THAT THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT BE AUTHORIZED TO PROCEED WITH APPLICATION FOR A TRAFFIC LIGHT PERMIT. Public Works Director Fred Herzberg said the island will cost approximately $500 and the City will have -to fund it. The City also.wil1:have to fund the traffic light. He said 80% can come from federal aid money and 20%-from 1/2t gas tax money, possibly to thedetriment of some other projects, but there may be other alternatives to explore that would.not.cost the City as much. The permit is issued by the State Highway Department, and Mr. Herzberg said it may take a while to get it. THE MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Naughten stated that the.operator of the Lu-Lu Belle excursion boat will need $200 for a • permit from the Washington Utilities and. Transportation Commission.to operate between Edmonds and Port Townsend; and he suggested that the City of'Edmonds and the City of Port Townsend split that cost. City.Attorney Jim Murphy advised that the City cannot make gifts or loan its credit to somebody else. Councilman Naughten said he had received a telephone call regarding the Council's recommendation for 100' height maximums in CG'zones, and he said that would not pertain to the Port property .which is being developed into a business park as that property was rezoned by.contract and the height limit is stated in that contract. Planning Division Manager Mary Lou Block added that the height limit stated in the contract is two stories or 35'. Councilman -Kasper reported that the Public.Works/Community Development Committee had met this evening. One of the items discussed was the Port/City IAC-parki,ng'lot at Dayton and Admiral way. MOTION: That will be discussed again at the next meeting of the committee, and_COUNCILMAN KASPER MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN, THAT THE PORT/CITY IAC PARKING LOT AT DAYTON AND ADMIRAL WAY BE DISCUSSED AT THE JULY 29, 1980 COUNCIL WORK MEETING. MOTION CARRIED.. The other item discussed by the committee was the 1% for arts policy, and Councilman Kasper said it should be determined whether that should be invoked on the next two major capital improvement projects --the Anderson Center and the water/sewer-project--which would result in a total of $30,000.for.the arts. Councilwoman Allen read from Section 3,of the ordinance requiring this and noted.that .it stated "shall" include that 1%, leaving no question or option -in that:regard. Parks and Recreation. Department Director Jim Jessel said they had never done i before,..as there.had been no capital.improvements since that ordinance was passed, so they essentia1,lvwere.testing new.ground.— Mayor.Harrison said .he thought this was a permissive type thing with the State and that it.should..be,.,re-examined as to whether the City wants to do that, before $30,000 is appropriated for arts. .Councilwoman Goetz felt that the demonstration the.past weekend of*the citizens' great interest .i'n..the.Edmonds Arts Festival indicated how they feel about the arts. She thought the Arts Commission :should not come to the City Council *See amendment, July 1, 1980 67 • June 24, 1980 - continued for handouts all the.time but.shoul'd.be run'as a business, and she felt the ordinance should be enforced. Councilwoman Allen noted that this had been addressed.in Ti-tle 15 of the Community Development Code and in the Comprehensive Plan. Councilwoman Jaech was concerned about increasing people's water and sewer rates and then allocating such a large amount for the arts -at this time. Councilwoman:Allen responded that, only 1% of what is brought .in will be allocated, and that probably would work-out to -pennies a month on a bill. She felt that.Edmonds had demonstrated iri various. ways MOTION: that it is trying to support art.in its various forms. COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN MOVED TO INITIATE THE Withdrawn PROJECTS,AS THE.ORDINANCE STATES ALLOCATING 1% FOR ARTS... Then, she said that on second thought she did not think that was necessary. THE MOTION WAS WITHDRAWN. Harry Hise, Chairman of the Arts * Commission, stated that it has to be indicated on the bonds..that 1% will be for the arts. COUNCIL - MOTION: WOMAN ALLEN THEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN GOETZ, THAT..1%..FOR,THE ARTS BE -SPECIFIED ON BONDS FOR THE ANDERSON CENTER AND THE WATER/SEWER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS.. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Naughten expressed concern regarding a letter.received about the effect the water/sewer rate increase was going to have on the seniors of the City. .He suggested,there might be some way to reduce the rates for senior citizens.. Mayor Harrison responded that such had been addressed when the rate was developed, and the rateswill be based on consumption, which would be lower for the seniors. Public Works Director Fred Herzberg said his.staff will be meeting with the seniors to explain the rates to them so they will understand the impact.will,.not be as great as .they expect. Councilman Kasper stated that at the.'Public Works/Community Development Committee meeting they had. discussed the revision of Ordinance 1765 regarding the.creation of a_ municipal arts fund. COUNCILMAN MOTION: KASPER.MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN, TO SET FOR DISCUSSION ON JULY 22, 1980'THE REVISION OF ORDINANCE 1765; REGARDING'THE CREATION OF A MUNICIPAL ARTS.,FUND. MOTION CARRIED. • AUDIENCE Bob Morrison, 250 Beach P1., asked.again for a response.to.his.letter regarding the legality of the last Shoreline Management Advisory.Committee. meeti:,ng:. City:.'Attorney":Ji!m.Murphy responded-_that::he had.bee'n.'to.ld this evening that the minutes of that meeting still had not yet been prepared; and he could not give an official response without seeing those minutes. Gerry Geschke; 8222 186th S.W., was.concerned that the new sewage.rate was being related to the water consumption rate because during the summer months people.water their gardens and yards a lot, which means they are paying a higher water rate and also a higher sewer rate even though they are not using the sewers more. He felt -there should be a cut-off time as to when the two are related. Public Works Director Fred Herzberg responded that this.was taken into consideration in computing the rates, and the rates were averaged over the year instead -of decreasing them for two months in the summer which would be a cumbersome administrative job andnot very effective because of the timing when the meters are read. Mr. Geschke did not accept. -that -and said if he were a senior citizen he would not water his yard or garden in the summertime because he would be paying more. Frances Murphy,- a teacher at Lynndale El.ementary School, said she recently took some children to the Edmonds beach on a field trip to observe the water life.. .She had understood it was a beach sanctuary and that people were assigned to�patrol the beach to enforce conservation of the beach,, and she had so instructed. her students not to abuse the beach -When -they got.there they found other-0asses of students who were abusing the beach and wildlife, and that there were no patrols. She presented letters from her students.expressing their feelings about.what.they found, and she asked that if the beach already was not a.declared sanctuary that the Council declare .it one. She said there are some endangered species which wi-ll be lost if they are not.,protected. She said she would be glad to MOTION: cooperate in this effort. COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN GOETZ, TO PLACE ON THE JULY 15, 1980 AGENDA.A HEARING ON THE REQUEST TO DECLARE SUNSET..BEACH A BEACH SANCTUARY. MOTION CARRIED. • DISCUSSION -ON SEAVIEW PARK PROBLEM Parks and Recreation Director Jim Jessel reviewed the problems which had been experienced with this park, and -he reviewed the results of the -survey taken of residents.in that neighborhood as to the use of the park. Sharon Johnson reviewed her letter of. February 26, 1980 to the Edmonds Park Board in which she -outlined the problems at the park and suggested solutions. She discussed the implementa- tion of -those suggestions. and said she had .thought the problems had been mostly solved, to the point that her family was even able to use the park recently as a family. Mr. Jessel said Mr. and Mrs. Peter Van Thorndyke recently had asked that the ball diamond be moved because of the problems it causes for them. He said it could be moved about 50.' south which would reduce the size of the field: But.he stated that when the survey was taken the first priority of the community was to retain it a-s a playfield, so he thought removal was not a.:valid suggestion. He said it cost approxi- mately:$7,000 to move the backstop and change the.irrigation.of.the field. Peter Van Thorndyke, 8133 184th S.W., said his suggestion to.remove it completely was -because he objects'to the noise. He attributed all of the problems to the backstop, saying -that because of the backstop there are the games, and because ofthe games they installed the restroom.,-The restroom created more problems and it was closed, and he said he.now.sees-grown men relieving themselves on the path and girls doing so in the picnic area. He suggested the backstop be moved to the northeast corner of the park which would alleviate his noise problems.al.though_it may cause'similar problems for others.. Mr. Jessel responded that the drain fields would have to be removed and relocated i-f the backstop location were changed. He said he had received complaints from other people when there were three"games-all going on at one _time. More than one game is not schedu led .at 'a time, but some teams had make-up games which they played while the scheduled games were being played, resulting at times with three games,goin.g on at'.one time,.and the pa.r:k.is only designed to accommodate parking for one game so that causes parking problems on.184th.and other neighboring streets. Mr. Van Thorndyke said he had tried to -sell his home but could not and .the realtors could not even get to it because of the traffic. He said that since the restroom has been -closed the young people now congregate at • *See amendment, July 1, 1980 M June 24, 1980 - continued . the backstop so he is faced with loitering at all times. He said that if the backstop were moved to the northeast corner it would be.closer to the restrooms and the designated parking. Gerry Gesche, 8222 186th S.W., said he had been before the Council last fall regarding the problems they were experiencing, and the.Counc.il had been very responsive. He said .the neighbors.had met with the Police Department and Parks Department and established rules for the use of the park, and it was established that children of 12 years and.younger could.be scheduled to use the park, but in April he was in the company of Mr. Van Thorndyke and saw a group.identified as a "Mr. Harter" group of girls using the park, and they said they were 13 and 14 years old. He said better planning is needed for the use of the park and.better.surveill.ance is needed by the police when the park is being used to assure that the people living around the park are not harrassed. He said when the park is scheduled either the Park Department or the Police Department -should go down there to see what is happening. He felt it is a problem that should be resolved, and.he said Mr. Van Thorndyke has been talkingabout this for ten years. He added that the people want'the park used for organized games because it is a safer -place for the children to be., but it needs to be supervised. Mr. Jessel said somebody from his staff goes out to'check the park every evening; for example, he had gone there this evening,before'the Council meeting, but he does not -have the personnel to place someone there for the entire time. In addition, he said the police go out at 8:00 p.m. Mr. Van.Thorndyke said he had had no response when dialing 911. Gary Axtell, 8041.184th S.W., said the Park Department had done a..very good job. He lives across from the northeast corner where it was suggested'the backstop be moved, and he said the police have been going out and writing citations and from where he sits inhis family room he can watch the police on a fairly regular basis drive from the tennis courts on.past the restrooms. He'agreed that there is a problem,of noise, and he said he had supported the Van Thorndyke's in their efforts to get the noise down, but he said the problem had diminished greatly. Another problem was the rental houselnext to him',,but he said through efforts of the neighborhood the residents had moved and the . amount of drug traffic"had been reduced:" He suggested leaving the backstop where it is and getting some good -supervision there, and allowing only one game at a time.. He noted that during the past few weeks they were trying to -get their games in, -which they had missed because of rain, and there were games in'three corners at that time. -He did have a complaint about the mushrooms; he did not believe the Park Department had sprayed them as it was stated: Mr. Jessel said they could not spray the mushrooms with something poisonous, because of'liability, but .they changed the ph of the soil to stop them.from growing. He said that takes about ten applications though before it is effective, and by the time the mushrooms again are due to grow this treatment should stop their growth. Mr. Axtell said the mushrooms grow there at all times and do not have.a.season. He said he had lived there for 13 years and was directly involved in the development of the park. He suggested that in the summertime a high school or college student be hired to run organized activities'as that keeps out -the riffraff. ` Margaret Lerfald, 8034 185th S.W., said she had written a letter in early..June which was signed by the neighbors on 185th. She said there had been a ball diamond since the park was started and the location of the diamond has caused problems over the years. She agreed that there had been positive improvements in the past year, and she said the use of the park for positive things had cut down 'on some of the problems. She said, however, that locking up the restrooms had not eliminated the problems, but it had gone a long way towards resolving them. She noted that 185th is only a 24' wide street but it is used as residential access, as a walk-in access to the park, and as a continuation of the trail system. She urged that consideration be given as to what would happen on their street if the backstop were moved, and that the Council think carefully about whether it would just move a problem or continue to solve it. She.did not believe the recommendation to move the backstop would better the situation for anybody, although.she sympathized with. the Van Thorndykes and their -noise problem. Mr. Gesche said he appreciated the help they had received from the Police and Park Departments, and he did not want to leave the impression that he did not appreciate it; he felt the Van Thorndykes' • problem -should -be corrected. He said it is a community park and should.be.used and enjoyed.'' Mr. Van Thorndyke said there is no,one. who really wants,..,.the backstop -in front of his yard, and all the problems seem to originate with the backstop, so he recommended it.be removed. Sharon-Johnson;asked,that an overall -view betaken. of.Edmonds for.ball fie.lds, as there is an extreme shortage of --playing fields, and a lot of-playing,could,be.taken away :if the backstop were removed." She said this is a City park and not just meant for.,,Seaview.users... She said the Van Thorndykes go out of their -way to see what -is going on and she' fel t most ,of ;the. time they, are not being bothered but are looking for something to be wrong..,She:added that'.everyone who lives in the.City has the right to,use the park, and especially everyone in the Seaview.area. The discussion was then closed to the audience and the matter referred.to the Council.. +. Mr. Jessel said they schedule only one game at a time at the park and they shut it down at 8:00 p.m. for scheduled games, and the neighborhood knows that.and they go in for.pickup games after 8:00 p.m. Councilwoman Allen noted that the Council had agreedlas't week that the:results of this hearing would go to the Park Board tomorrow night and the Council.would hear the results of their meeting at its July 1 meeting, so there was no action to.be taken by.the Councilmat this time. Councilwoman Goetz said,she thought the teams using the.fi.eld should.be able-to.,pollce it somewhat themselves. Councilman Kasper felt enforcement was -a problem and the first�'thing to.try is supervision.' He thought they should recommend to the Park Board that they see what can be done to increase supery isi'on-- and after that would be enforcement. Mayor -Harrison noted.that one means of enforcement currently being worked on was to take away the.privileges of those teams nothonoring the time schedules. There was no further discussion at this.,time, and a short.recess was.announced. During the recess Mayor Harrison left, and Mayor.Pro tem Nordqu.ist conducted the balance of the meeting. E 69 • June 24, 1980 - continued JUNIOR'HIGH PLAYFIELD, PARKING LOT,:AND.TENNIS COURT REHABILITATION Parks and.Recreation.Director Jim;Jessel reported that he..had just heard that the IAC grant for the waterfront improvement will need some -of the in -lieu park;funds.for backup money so he would like to MOTION: defer this -discussion until the waterfront application is resolved. COUNCILMAN KASPER MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN, TO DEFER THIS DISCUSSION. Councilwoman Allen said she was in favor of closing the tennis courts if something cannot be done to improve them because they are too hazardous'to use. Mr. Jessel said two of the courts.are beyond help, and their..plan.was to save only two courts and MOTION: close the other two. THE MOTION CARRIED. COUNCILMAN NAUGHTEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN JAECH, THAT THE NETS BE REMOVED -FROM THE TWO TENNIS -COURTS THAT HAVE DETERIORATED BEYOND USE. THE MOTION CARRIED. CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT TO LAKE BALLINGER BOATING ORDINANCE Parks and Recreation Director Jim Jessel said efforts had been.made to provide ordinances with the same requirements on both sides of the lake: Mountlake Terrace had amended its ordinance to comply. with -that of Edmonds and also had suggested some changes to the Edmonds ordinance. He suggested the criteria be given to the City Attorney and that he draft..an ordinance accordingly. The suggestions made -by Mountlake Terrace for inclusion were: (1) No launching.,of internal combustion engines on Lake Ballinger; (2) Special occasion permits to be approved.by.the Mayor for launching internal combustion engine motorcraft for a period not in excess of six consecutive hours; and (3) Provisions MOTION: _for exemptions,to public officers or employees on duty.: COUNCILWOMAN GOETZ MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN- KASPER, THAT THE CITY ATTORNEY BE INSTRUCTED TO DRAFT AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 2140 TO INCLUDE THE THREE SUGGESTIONS MADE BY THE CITY OF MOUNTLAKE TERRACE. MOTION CARRIED. The ordinance will appear on the next consent agenda. City Attorney Jim Murphy reported at this,time on • the status,of -the Nile annexation: He had talked with Bonnie Collins of the Boundary Review.Board this afternoon who advised him that a preliminary review meeting has been scheduled for July�8; 1980 for two annexations --one for Mountlake Terrace and another for Edmonds, with the dividing line being somewhere mid -point between the existing island and Edmonds.because the island also has its own shorelines.- A1.1 shorelines in front of and adjacent to the Edmonds city limits would be included in the Edmonds annexation. If Mountlake Terrace and Edmonds can agree to a boundary at that time the annexations will be approved. SIX MONTHS'..REPORT FROM BOARDS,AND.COMMISSIONS Keith LaBelle, Chairman of the Planning Commission, was present. He said he had nothing to report as the Council-is.aware of all the Planning Commission.has .been involved in, and the Planning Commission is just waiting for the finalizationof the Community Development Code review. Laura Hall, Vice Chairman of the Planning Commission, said she would like to know the time line as to the phasing out of the Planning Commission. She'had accepted an appointment.to another board which meets when the Planning Commission meets, thinking the P-lanning Commissi.on.would have been'phased out by now. She was told it was expected that the Code would be approved in approximately mid -August. Jack Byrdrepresented the Board of Adjustment. He said he was.moving into the Chairman's position because Paul Roy did not expect to -be present for the balance of the Board of Adjustment meetings. He spoke of the fine job Mr. Roy had done as Chairman, and said he had nothing new to report from the Board inasmuch as all of its actions.have been reported -An -its minutes. Councilman Kasper noted that in the.report.from the Architectural Design Board, its Chairman, Warren LaFon, had suggested that the ADB be.allowed to review and.prepare a report on any code changes, the .� report being directed at the possible effect those changes would:have on future project designs. Councilman Kasper noted that the ADB is going to be the only existing board continuing. to function and he suggested that the Council should ask them for a report prior to final passage of the document. MOTION: COUNCILMAN KASPER THEN MOVED, SECONDED..BY..000NCILWOMAN ALLEN., THAT THE ADB BE REQUESTED TO MAKE A # WRITTEN REPORT ON THE EFFECT OF CODE:CHANGES ON FUTURE.PROJECT DESIGNS, THE -REPORT TO BE SUBMITTED WITHIN A WEEK AFTER THE HEARING ON TITLE 20. THE MOTION CARRIED. Harry Hise, Chairman of the Edmonds.Arts Commission, thanked.the.Council for backing the Arts.Commission this evening with its action on the 1% for Arts requirement. Karen Columbro, Chairman of the Park -Board, said she wanted the Council to be left with a more positive note on the situation at Seaview Park.. She said a.lot-of people had put in a lot of time and work -'on the problems at Seaview Park and Mathay-Ballinger Park, and -she felt if all the people in the Seaview community had been heard this evening -there would have -been many positive comments. She.noted,that,since the formation of the citizens' task force at.Mathay Ballinger Park there has not beena problem there, so it appeared.to be a good idea to.get the community involved. She said there has-been great improvement at.both parks:. Floyd E. Smith, Chairman of the Shoreline.Management Advisory Committee, submitted a written report with recommendations for major projects now in development. Mayor -Pro tem Nordquist read the report aloud. The representatives of the various boards and commissions were thanked for their participation. COUNCIL REVIEW OF TITLES 17,..18,.AND 19 OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CODE Code Revision Project Manager Richard Pearson had prepared a memo.listing the changes discussed at the June.10.,- 1980 hearing on these sections which.he briefly -reviewed. He then reviewed recommenda- tions from the Fire Marshal regarding section 19.75. A question previously .had been asked about how the smoke detector requirements would be enforced.. Fire.'Marshal.Gary McComas stated there will be some rewriting of -this section' -based on the smoke detector ordinance,.and as to enforcement he said they would not go.door-to-door: to enforcethe ordinance.but at such time as any violation is brought to their attention they would act on :that. It was noted at this time that although a hearing is scheduled for Title 20, a date had not been set • for Council review.following the hearing. In that respect, and in trying to find a date where the 70 June 24, 1980 - continued . MOTION: agenda was not already full, COUNCILMAN KASPER MOVED.THAT THE TWO HEARINGS.SCHEDULED FOR JULY 15 Withdrawn REGARDING THE VACATION"OF A PORTION OF 8TH AVE. BE RESCHEDULED TO JULY 22, 1980 AS.THE ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER HAD REQUESTED SUCH AND HE, AS ONE OF THE PEOPLE INVOLVED, HAD NO OBJECTION. City Attorney Jim Murphy advised that street vacationhearing dates are set by.Council resolution. COUNCILMAN KASPER WITHDREW HIS MOTION. It.was decided that the.street vacation hearing could be continued at the July 15 meeting, but if.anyone wished to give testimony that evening that would be MOTION: taken. COUNCILMAN KASPER THEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NAUGHTEN,,TO SCHEDULE THE COUNCIL MOTION: REVIEW OF TITLE 20 FOR JULY 15, 1980. MOTION CARRIED. COUNCILWOMAN.JAECH MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN GOETZ, THAT THE JULY 15, 1980 AGENDA BE CLOSED. MOTION:.CARRIED. There was a request to reopen the hearing on Titles 17, 18, and 19, and there was some expression that this was a Council review and the hearing should not be reopened. COUNCILMAN NAUGHTEN THEN MOTION: MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN GOETZ, TO.REOPEN THE HEARING ON TITLES .17, 18, AND 19 FOR TEN MINUTES OF PUBLIC INPUT. MOTION CARRIED,.WIT.H.COUNCIL MEMBERS.KASPER AND ALLEN VOTING NO. Roger Hertrich of 1.020 Puget Dr. referred to in -lieu parking on page 102, saying he did not believe the in -lieu parking was working the way it was intended. If it is kept, he noted that the percentage of the amount that can go "in -lieu" is not stated but it is only stated "partially," and he felt that should be defined. He felt the fee indicated in 17.50.070D does.not.take into consideration infla- tion. He felt there was a conflict in 18.30.020C.1.a. which has a 2,000 sq. ft. requirement and 18.30.020E which provides a waiver. There was no other input from the audience, and the hearing again was Closed. There was no further business to come before the Council, and.the meeting was adjourned at 10:55 p.m. . //' /`4" Ewa.//l/ �- ._� • IRENE VARNEY MORAN, City Perk Harve H. Harrison, Mayor July 1, 1980 The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to -order at 8:00 p.m. by Mayor Pro tem John Nordquist in the Council Chambers of the Edmonds Civic Center.. All present joined in the flag salute. Mayor Harrison arrived shortly after the meeting was called to order. PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Harve Harrison, Mayor Charles Dibble, M.A.A. Jo -Anne Jaech Fred Herzberg, Public Works Director Bill Kasper Irene Varney Moran, City Clerk Katherine Allen John LaTourelle, Planning Consultant John Nordquist Mary Lou Block, Planning Division Manager Larry Naughten Richard Pearson, Code Revision Project Manager Mary Goetz Marlo Foster, Police Chief * Jack Weinz, Fire Chief Jim Jessel, Parks & Recreation..Director Jim Murphy, City Attorney Jackie Parrett, Deputy City Clerk CONSENT AGENDA • Items B and D were.remo e MOTION: ( ) ( ) removed from the Consent Agenda. COUNCILMAN NAUGHTEN MOVED SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GOULD, TO APPROVE THE BALANCE OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED. The approved portion of the Consent Agenda included the following: (A) Roll call. (C) Acceptance of Quit Claim Deed. -from Dr. Curtis Smith.for..right-of-way. (E) Adoption of Ordinance 2152,.amending Lake Ballinger boating ordinance. (F) Acceptance of completed work on Railroad Ave. walkway by Knowles Construction Company, and establishment of.30-day.retainage period. APPROVAL OF. MINUTES OF JUNE 24, 1980 .,[Item ('B) on Consent Agenda] City Attorney Jim Murphy referred to page 3 of the Minutes, the motion in the first paragraph, wherein it was stated that it`be specified.on.t.he bonds for.the Anderson.Center and the water/sewer capital improvements that .M will be for the arts, and he said the bonds cannot have that inscription but.i.t was -his understanding .that it wasthe sense of the Council that those projects MOTION: would be subject to the 1% assessment. COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN MOVED, SECONDED.BY COUNCILWOMAN GOETZ,.THAT THE MINUTES OF JUNE 24, 1980 BE AMENDED $O THAT IN.THE.FIRST PARAGRAPH OF PAGE 3 THE WORDS "ON BONDS" BE STRICKEN FROM THE MOTION.. MOTION CARRIED. Councilwoman Goetz noted that -on page 2, the second paragraph.under."COUNCIL," the motion had MOTION: been seconded by her, rather than by Councilwoman Allen. •COUNCILWOMAN.ALLEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN GOETZ, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JUNE 24, 1980, AS AMENDED. MOTION CARRIED. *See correction, July 8, 1980 (Councilman Gould was present)