19810106 City Council MinutesDecember 30, 1980 - continued a team to determine where the signs should be placed. Walt-Joos, another diver.in the audience, said that divers must be.p.ushed toward advanced diving classes because the basic classes are just that--basic--and.more training is.needed. There was no further discussion. PROPOSED -ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH. -AN ADVANCE TRAVEL EXPENSE REVOLVING FUND This ordinance was proposed�because occasionally elected -officials and employees.are required to travel for considerable d ' istance and for more than one day on City business and the expenses incurred often are substantial and:are paid out-of-pocket. Although reimbursable by . the -City, the process time may take up to two:weeks, and in some cases this has created an undue hardship for the employee. COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MOVED,�SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN GOETZ, TO ADOPT ORDINANCE 2188, ESTABLISHING AN ADVANCE TRAVEL EXPENSE FUND AND STATING THE RULES AND REGULATIONS THEREOF. MOTION CARRIED. - .PROPOSED 1981 SALARY ORDINANCE Councilman Nordquist said the,proposed ordinance was.based on the Saturday budget hearing and everything was.excluded as stated by the Council that day. It..provided a cost -of -living increase for employees other than.the Mayor,.the.Counc-il, and Department Heads. -Councilwoman Allen was concerned, saying that -of the organizations with which she has contact she did -not know of any getting a 13.5% increase. Councilman.Gould was concerned because in the past he said they had met with the Mayor to review the salaries of the Department Heads and the upper supervisors. He felt the Council should have a complete list of all exempt personnel with their current pay and a recommendation -for their new pay, in order to compare the salari.es with those of the people working for them. It was noted that sup brv-isory staff should.be on alert not to indicate to employees what to expect in raises prior to passage -of the salary ordinance.e.ach year. Councilman Kasper felt that in the future they should be looking at merit rather than cost -of -living increases. The proposed ordinance'included_exempt employees except for Department Heads, and it was suggested that only the portion of the ordinance be passed which did not i'nclude exempt employees, and that the Council conduct its usual review within.:the next two weeks-ff possible. Mayor Harrison said he would try to have the requested information available by next:week's meeting and an Executive Session could be held following the meeting to review the information. COUNCILMAN GOULD,MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST, TO ADOPT ORDINANCE 2189, APPROVING SECTIONS 1 THROUGH:5 OF THE PROPOSED SALARY ORDINANCE.. MOTION CARRIED. -An Executive Se's'sion will be held'when the information regarding the other employees is available. There was no further business to come before the Council, and the meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. IRENE VARNEY MORAN, Cfty Clerk January 6, 1981 '07M,- HARVE H. HARRISON, Mayor The regular meeting of the.Edmonds City Council was called to order at 8:05 p.m. by Mayor Harve Harrison in the Council Chambers of the Edmonds Civic:Center. All present joined in the flag salute. PRESENT Harve Harrison, Mayor Ray Gould Jo -Anne Jaech John Nordquist Sue Crawford, Student Rep. Katherine Allen Larry Naughten Mary Goetz Bill Kasper CONSENT AGENDA STAFF PRESENT Charles Dibble, M.A.A. Jim Adams, City Engineer Mary Lou Block, Pl-ann-ing Division Manager Irene Varney Moran, City Clerk Marlo Foster, Police Chief Jack Weinz, Fire Chief Art Housler, Finance Director Jim Jessel, Parks &'Recreation Director Wayne Tanaka, City Attorney Mark Eames, City Attorney Jackie Parrett, Deputy City Clerk Item (C) was removed from the Consent Agenda. COUNCILMAN.GOULD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST, TO APPROVE THE BALANCE OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED. The'approved items on the Consent Agenda.included the following:. (A)- Roll call. (B) Approval of Minutes of,December 30, 1980. (D)- Passage of Resol.ution 485, authorizin.g an inter -fund loan to the Street Arterial Fund No. 112 from the Equipment Rental "B" Fund No. 511 in the amount of $70,000. PROPOSED OKDINANCE ADOPTING 1981 FEES AND PERMITS SCHEDULE -[Item (C) on Consent Agenda] Councilman Naughten asked -whether there should be a statement in this ordinance that the City is adopting the 1979 UBC. City Attorney Wayne Tanaka responded that the City already had adopted the 1979 UBC but now was adopting the the fee schedule therein. COUNCILMAN NAUGHTEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GOULD, TO ADOPT ORDINANCE 2190, ADOPTING 1981 FEES AND PERMITS SCHEDULE, AND APPROVING ITEM (C) ON THE CONSENT AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED. 181 January 6, 1981 - continued City Attorney,Wayne Tanaka advised the -Council that if they started the condemnation first and it turned out -to be�very expensi:ve.to acquire the property then the LID may not go,forward, but if they started the LID first and then the condemnation that would givemore assurance that the LID would go through and that whatever the costs would be they would.be borne.by the people in the LID. COUNCILMAN NAUGHTEN MOVED, SECONDED.BY COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN, THAT THE CITY ATTORNEY BE INSTRUCTED TO DRAFT A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO.FORM.THE SUBJECT LID AND SET.A HEAR.I%DATE. MOTION CARRIED. HEARING ON BUSINESS LICENSE..AND,HOME OCCUPATION.PERMIT FEES City Clerk Irene Varney Moran,.advi'sed that inasmuch as the Council was contemplating raising the business license fees the busi-ness license renewals which usually are mailed the last week of December had not been sent, although they were ready'to mail. She also noted licenses become delinquent if not'. -paid -.by February 15,1-so she suggested that for 1981 the delinquent -date be advanced to April 1. She said:there were approximately 35 large businesses paying the -current $50 fee, 200 home occupations p�ying theannual $10 fee.jin addition to the initial $25 fee for a Conditional:Use Permit), and the rest were small businesses (1-9 employees) paying the annual�$15 fee. There was no -stated proposal for new fees, but Councilman:,Naughten-said the Council's proposal had been to double the fees except for the Home Occupation fee, changing it from $10 to $15. 'Planning Division Manager Mary Lou Block .had i-ndicated that a Conditional Use Permit for a home occupation'costs approximately $35 to process .(including staff time and. -required notifications) and,the* current fee is $25. The hearing was opened to the audience, no one wished to speak, and'the heAring.Was closed. (The Chamber of Commerce had been notified by the City Clerk's office that this item would be on this evening's agenda.) Mayor�Harrison.suggested that there be a breakdown.within'the small business category -as there is a wide range between businesses'with-.one person and those with up to 10. He recommended something like $20 for 1-2 people, $30 for 3-9, and'$100 with ten -and more. He felt that very small businesses have hard Councilwoman Allen the'budget was the consideration a time surviving.� noted.that when passed was to double the fees, and,she suggested $20 for home occupations,,'$30 for small businesses, and $100 for large businesses., These suggestions were discussed, and Councilman Gould expressed concern regarding the home occupation fees. He felt that people,such as piano teachers -.teaching in their homes'should not have to.pay'the'same as a building contractor who makes very Targe amounts from his business. This was discussed, and then COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN THAT THE HOME OCCUPATION'LICENSE FEE BE RAISED TO $20, WITH $25 AS THE INITIAL CONDiTIONAL USE PERMIT FEE; THAT SMALL'BUSINESS-LICENSE FEES BE RAISED TO $30; AND THAT BUSINESSES WITH 10 OR MORE EMPLOYEES BE RAISED TO $75.. A.ROLL,CALL VOTE WAS -TAKEN ON THE MOTION, WITH COUNCIL MEMBERS NORDQUIST, ALLEN-, AND JAECH VOTING YES, AND WITH COUNCIL MEMBERS GOULD, NAUGHTEN,, GOETZ, AND KASPER VOTING NO. MOTION FAILED. After further discussion, COUNCILMAN NAUGHTEN MOVED,'SECONDED-BY.%COUNCILVOMAN GOETZ, THAT THE LICENSE FEE FOR A SMALL BUSINESS WITH 1-5 PEOPLE BE RAISED TO'$30, THAT BUSINESSES WITH 6 OR'MORE PEOPLE BE.RAISED.TO $75, THAT THE INITIAL CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT.FOR A HOME OCCUPATION BE RMSED TO $35 AND THE ANNUAL H ' OME OCCUPATION FEE BE RAISED TO $20, AND THAT THE DELINQUENT DATE BE EkTENDED TO APRIL 15 FOR'1981'ON0. A ROLL CALL-VOTE.WAS TAKEN ON THE MOTION, WITH COUNCIL MEMBERS NAUGHTEN, GOETZ,.JAECH,.NORDQUIST, AND ALLEN-VOTING YES, AND WITH COUNCIL MEMBERS GOULD AND KASPER VOTING NO. MOTION.CARRIED. The proposed ordinance will be prepared for a hearing January 13, 1981. REPORT FROM PUBLIC WORKS,DIRECTOR ON CHILDREN'S PATHWAY ON 88TH City Engineer Jim.Adams reported that a field study had been done in response to the complaint received from Bettyjv�ibell of`20228 87th.W. and that she had described the situation verywell. There is no direct acces.s­from-87th Pl. S.W. to any of the schools serving that area.' The street system in Edmonds has been constructed with an emphasis on.cul-de-sacs, With relatively few streets laid out on a stand.ard grid�. He displaypda map with recommended walking routes from this area to Chase Lake Elementary, Edmonds -Senior High, and College Place Junior,High, each of these route's being along public rights -of -way, having either improved -shoulders or sidewalks, and being.well lighted. The recommended,routes avoid the areas of potenti-al, harm through back yards and heavy 'shrubbery. He -noted that much of the brush had been cleared along the unopened:right-of-way on 88th from 204th S.W. to Main St., but he did not recommend this route because it is not in general . public view and could be dangerous.. He.recommended that the parents instruct their children to follow the routes shown, each being approximately 1 1/4 miles in length. He added,that the School District. busses children only when over two miles from the school. SueVHare, 20023 84th W., did.not see that her area,was included, and she felt this was too fara, distance -for grade school..children to walk. She suggested that I 88th be improved. Marsha Merrick, 8626 202nd S..W., said she had talked -with the lady who had closed the path the children previously used, and.the lady had recently fenced the yard and was advised by someone that if she did not also fence -in that.portion of the yard,that the children were using that she would be legally responsible for anything that happened there, so she had fenced it in also. Mr's. Merrick said the children now climb her fence to go to school. She did not see why the children in that area attend Chase Lake Elementary School. -Betty Twibell said the high school students go to school in the dark and they go through Pine Ridge Park, and there are other,people who also want access, that it is not just a school problem or a 'The child problem. ladies,'said that through much effort abus had been obtained for the young chi-ldren this'year but -they di'd not know what they would have -next year', and there would be more .older children next year. Councilman Gould noted that,School District Superintendent Hal.Reasby had pledged help on matters of mutual - concern, and he fel t,,he should be, contacte4�_regarding thi s,, and that the City., s,hould emphasize that there*should be some.transportaion facility to handle this. Also, he felt.it should be determined what could. -be done to open 88th. Councilwoman Goetz.rfoted that' the'Schoof District is restricted by State requi,rements'as to-ibussing. 'COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST�MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN, THAT A LETTER BE SENT TO DR. REASBY STATING THE CONCERNS ABOUT THE PATHWAY PROBLEM IN CONNECTION WITH 182 January 6, 1981 THESE CHILDREN AND ENCOURAGING HIM TO PURSUE WHATEVER EFFORTS POSSIBLE TO PROVIDE LARGER BUSSES NEXT YEAR TO HELP WITH THIS PROBLEM,. AND THAT.THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REPORT ON MARCH 3, 1981 AS TO WHAT THE WHOLE OVERLAY PROGRAM WOULD BE TO MAKE A WALKWAY THAT WOULD BE USABLE THROUGH THIS AREA, IN DOLLARS AND WHAT IS NEEDED FROM THE,COUNCIL. MOTION CARRIED. IMPLEMENTATION OF BUDGET PROVISIONS -.PERMIT COORDINATION SYSTEM Public Works Director Fred Herzberg had submitted a proposal to create a permit coordination system to reduce duplication of effort and -simplify the permit application and inspection process for both the City and the applicant. Mayor.Harrison had reviewed the proposal and recommended approval to the Council. Some reorganization'in departments would be necessary -.and this was briefly discussed. COUNCILMAN.NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN, THAT BASED ON THE MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION THE COUNCILAPPROVE THE PROPOSED PERMIT�COORDINATION SYSTEM AND REVIEW IT JULY 1, 1981. Councilman Kasper was not comfortable with this, noting that the people involved would have to' be trained first, as an -engineer cannot do.building inspections without.being:qualified. He suggested that the Public Works/Community De'veilopment"Committee work on this. because there -were unanswered questions. Councilwoman Allen suggested that implementation of the plan be authorized, including training and placement.of the Building Division under the Planning Division. M.A.A. Dibble suggested that the Community Development Department be -eliminated and that there be'the Planning Department with the Building Official reporting to the Planning Director. Councilman Kasper still felt this should go to committee for study. THE MOTION, -AND SECOND ON THE FLOORWERE WITHDRAWN. COUNCILMAN NAUGHTEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GOULD, THAT THE PROPOSED PERMIT COORDINATION SYSTEM BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE, SUCH COMMITTEE TO MEET ON JANUARY 13, 1981 AND TO MAKE A REPORT TO THE COUNCIL JANUARY, 20, 1981. MOTION CARRIED. The Public Safety Committee was scheduled to meet January 13, and it Will exchange meeting dates with'that of -the Public Works/Community Development Committee. Councilwoman Allen stated that the Ci.ty-Attorney had asked for a brief Executive Session following this meeting regarding negotiations with the Port on the parking lot, and also there was a personnel matter to discuss. There was no further business to -come before the Council, and -the meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 10:30-p.m. If IRENE VARNEY MORAN, Vty Clerk HARVE H. HARRISON, Mayor I January 13, 1981'- Work Meeting The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 8:05 p.m. by Mayor Harve Harrison in the Council Chambers of the Edmonds Civic Center; All present joined in the flag salute. PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Harve Harrison, Mayor Fred Herzberg, Public Works Director Mary Goetz Jim Adams, City Engineer Katherine Allen. Irene Varney Moran, City Clerk Sue Crawford, Student Rep. Marlo Foster, Police Chief Ray Gould Jack Weinz, Fire Chief Bill Kasper Art-Housler, Finance Director John Nordquist John LaTourelle, Planning Consulta nt Larry Naughten Mary. Lou Block, Planning Division Manager Jo -Anne Jaech Hal -Reeves, Building Official Fel-ix deMello, Building & Grounds Supt. Jim Jessel, Parks & Recreation Director Nancy Dilworth, Landscape Architect Wayne Tanaka, City Attorney Mark Eames, City Attorney Jim'Murphy, City Attorney Jackie Parrett, Deputy City Clerk CONSENT AGENDA Item (H) was removed from the,Consent Agenda. COUNCILMAN NO ' RDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN KASPER TO APPROVE THE BALANCE OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED. The approved i'tems on the Conseni Agenda included the following: I (A) Roll call. (B) Approval of Minutes of.January 6, 1981. (C) Setting date of.January 27, 198.1 for hearing on proposed rezone.from OS to RS-6.at 700 Main St. (R-5-80) 0