19810120 City Council MinutesI mi January 13, 1981 - continued that the ordinance creating-the,.Board of Appeals apparently was not amended to place a two -term limit on its members as was every other board and:commission. This apparently was an oversight, but as far as the City ordinances were concerned Mr. Trent was eligible for reappointment. Mr. Tanaka asked for direction as to -whether the two -term limitation.should.-be applicable to the Board of Appeals. There was general agreement.that it should, but,it.was also felt that because of the difficulty in finding a person.as.'well:qualified as Mr. Trent they should take advantage of his availability;and reappoint him while.he i's still eligible. COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GOULD, THAT LARRY TRENT'S NAME -BE PLACED BEFORE THE'COUNCIL FOR NOMINATION TO*THE BOARD OF APPEALS, AND THAT THE COUNCIL WILL MEET WITH HIM ON JANUARY-27, 1981, PRIOR TO THE.COUNCIL MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. Councilwoman Allen called attentionAo.a memo in the Council packets that the Edmonds Park and Ride alternate site,priorities had been'changed, and she suggested -it be read it full. Councilwoman Allen noted that a.-request,had been received.from the.Edmonds-South Snohomish County Historical Society for renewal of their'lease for an addi-tional five-year term. COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN MOVED, SECONDEDBY COUNCILMAN.NAUGHTEN9.TO APPROVE THE REQUEST. MOTION CARRIED. Councilwoman Allen advised the Council.that their disclosure statements should be completed and filed. There was no further business to..come,.before.the Council, and the meeting adjourned to'Executive Session at 11:30.p.m. IRENE VARNEY MORAN,,�Eity Clerk HARVE H. HARRISON, Mayor January 20, 1981 The regular -meeting of the Edmonds,City,Council was called.to order at 8:00 p.m. by Mayor Harve Harrison in the Council Chambers.of the -Edmonds Civic Center. All'present joined in the flag salute. PRESENT ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Harve Harrison,.Mayor Larry-Na-ughten. Fred Herzberg,.Public Works Director Mary Goetz Jim Adams, City Engineer Ray Gould Irene Varney Moran, City Clerk Sue Crawford, Student Rep. Mary Lou Block,.Planning Director Katherine Allen Marlo Foster, Police Chief Jo -Anne Jaech Jack Weinz, Fire Chief Bill Kasper Art Housler, Finance Director John Nordqui-st Jim Jessel, Parks &-Recreation Director Wayne,Tanaka, City Attorney Mark Eames, City Attorney Jackie Parrett, Deputy City -Clerk EN T.*j AGEN DA -CONS COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY'COUNC1LWOMAN GOETZ, TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED. The approved items on the Consent Agenda.inc.luded the following: (A) Rol 1 cal 1'. (B) Approval of Mi.nute!5 of-January.13, 1981. (C) Adoption of Ordinance.2191 setting business licensefees. (D) Acceptance of reorganization,chart,for Planning Department. MAYOR Mayor H arrison read.a letter from Sound.Di,sposal indicating.they will file with the Washington Utilities and Tr ' ansportation Commission for a rate increase-of.approximately 18% which will be effective.March 1, 1981 if approved. 'Councilwoman Jaech inquired of.the City Attorney what control the City has over the rates. City'Attorney Wayne Tanaka,responded.that he will examine the contract and report to the Council. Mayor Harrison said he had been concerned for some time that citizens protect themselves with smoke detectors and -ways the City mightencourage such use. He.had asked,the Fire Chief to investigate the possibility..of obtaining them.at wholesale and selling.them to citizens -at no profit. Fire Chief Jack-Weinz had found he could get,a-good,-approved...uni.t at $15.25. Mayor Ha.rrison.asked.how the *Council, woul-d feel about-such-a.project, recognizing that it would be in competition with private enterprise but feeling it may be a justifiable program. Councilwoman Jaech responded that if one watches the sales smoke detectors can be purchased at about half -that cost, but both Mayor Harrison and Chief Weinz felt such detectors were not of high quality and.approved. Councilman Gould felt the use of smoke detectors should be.promoted but that the -City. should no t sell them, and he noted ' that the City has the free program of home inspection and-advising1people as to fire safety in their homes. *See amendment 1-27-81. January 20, continued COUNCIL Counci-1man Nordquist noted that this was the last day of duty of the Mayor's Administrative Assistant, Charles Dibble, and,that'the Council- had hosted Mr..Dibbl e at a farewell dinner -this evening. He expressed thanks to Mr. Dibble for his -service and.a job well.done.' Councilman Nordquist also expressed good wishes to the new President of the United States and a word of thanks for the release of the American hostages on this day. Councilwoman Jaech said she had received some calls,rega�rding the Boys' -Club which resides in the building across from the Civic,�Center and the callers were concerned about the operation of the club.- Some of the things reported to her were that -there is no adult supervisioti, there is the .pos'sibility of drug dealings.there, the liability insurance expired in July of last year and was not renewed., and that the-facil-ity'is'.in very bad repair.. She felt that�if the City is going to sponsor something it shou.ld be healthy and worthwhile for the citizens, and she felt these allegations should'be i,nvestigated. COUNCILWOMAN JAECH MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GOULD, TO PLACE ON THE FEBRUARY 3,,.1981 AGENDA A DISCUSSION.AND HEARING REGARDING -THE BOYS' CLUB. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Gould said he would lik e to clarify the intent of the Council regarding the action it * took last!week on a buildi.ng height study. He recalled that when they were in the process of completing the new Community Development:Code-they found themselves.in the position of knowing they wanted new building heights along Hi,ghway 99, and rather than establAsh some arbitrary figure they decided to give -that to the Planning Advisory Board as its first project. The Council last week engaged John ' LaTourelle as a consultant,on this project. COUNCILMAN GOULD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST, THAT IN THE WAY OF CLARIFICATION OF THE INTENT OF LAST * WEEK-S-MOTION, THAT THE BUILDING HEIGHT STUDY WILL.BE TO DEFINE BUILDING HEIGHT.NEEDS AND -MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE COUNCIL REGARDING HIGHWAY 99 ONLY, AND THAT THE MAYOR IN,EXECUTING THE CONTRACT WITH JOHN LaTOURELLE WOULD INCORPORATE THE IMPACT OF THIS CLARIFICATION STATEMENT IN THE SERVICES REQUIRED OF THE CONSULTANT. Councilwoman Jaech read aloud a,letter the Council had received this evening -from Forrest W. Walls, Secretary of the Edmonds Council of Concerned Citizens ' -which had addressed this.question and she said a number of -citizens are concerned that this study should only be of Highway 99. (Councilwoman Allen arrived at this time, 8:30 p.m.) Councilman.Kasper, however, stated that they had gone through the entire review of the Code and at no time di&they have adequate input as to height li.mitations—no studies and no su.rvey.-,He said he would not have voted for the study last week because he thought it was premature, but he.thought they had downzoned the bowl of Edmonds without adequate study, and that this should have been;studied before the Code was revised, but the Council got into two areas that were not studied (this and common wall construction in RS zones). and chose to change those two things without study, and now for nominal dollars the.building height inppt,could be i,ncluded on the bowl as well as on,Highway 99.. Councilwoman-Jaech responded that they -are elected by the citizens and should implement what the citizens want, and the citizens had expressed very emphatically -what they want for the density and height;of this,,town, and she felt the Council had represented the people by their,actions on the Code. 'Councilman Kasper said he thought the facts should come in, and they were downzoning without facts. He said he has the utmost respect for the Edmonds Council of Concerned Citizens, but there are.29,000 people in.this town and.al'l-the facts should be had. He felt the study was needed. Councilman'Gould said they could look at the Highway 99.segment which he thought should stand by itself. He felt it.was the understanding of many of the pe ' ople who helped on the., Community.Development Code, and:he felt this was a way of demonstrating in part what can happen with citizen input. THE MOTION CARRIED, WITH COUNCILMAN KASPER VOTING NO. Councilwoman Goetz,called attentiion.,to a,benefit.for the performing arts complex, a "Sweetheart Benefit.Ball" to be held Friday,'February 13, 1981. She had leaflets available for those interested. Councilwoman. -Allen noted -that last weekthe Council�agreed'to,implement a hiring and reclassification freeze, but within that framework.she said it must bel,considered that there are agreements with unions regarding reclass1fications. She had a request from the Police Chief asking that one of the patrolmen be upgraded to Patrolman First Class, having completed all of the requirements. COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN,MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN KASPER, THAT THE,REQUESTED:RECLASSIFICATION BE APPROVED. City Attorney Wayne Tanaka advised that this was an admini.strative-function, and that.the Council. could 'say that the intent of the.freeze would not extend to these types of situations but the Police Chief and the Mayor are the ones who ultimately make the determination, and it ultimately is the Mayor's function, not the Council-'s.,,Councilman Gould asked if the Mayor could bring each of these to the Council's'attention. Mr. Tanaka again addressed the.Council, saying the Council control.s the budget and what the union contracts will say, but these partic.ular decisions really are,in the hands of the .Mayor as�the Chief Executive..Officer of the City, and the Council cannot on a day -to -,day basis decide who will.be'promoted.i-n these positions. THE MOTION WAS WITHDRAWN. COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN THEN MOVED,'SECONDED BY'COUNCILMAN'GOULD, THAT THE UNION_CONTRACTS THAT HAVE BEEN NEGOTIATED WITH THE CITY WILL NOT BE AFFECTED BY THE RECLASSIFICATION FREEZE, SO THOSE PEOPLE WHO.CAN MOVE WITHIN THEIR CONTRACT MAY MOVE UPON RECOMMENDATION OF THE SUPERVISOR TO THE MAYOR, AND SHE REQUESTED THAT THE MOOR SO NOTIFIY THE COUNCIL. Councilman Gould stated that the effort is to try to maintain a's tight control -as possible., an&that he knew the Mayor wante.d to go that way. He said the Council was searching for a way by which they can understand exactly what is happeningin the way of reclassifi- cation.and movement of employees and how.that iinpacts the City budget., THE MOTION CARRIED. Councilwoman Jaech said she.had received some calls from City employees asking when the Council will take actfon on the cost -of -living increase for exempt employees. Councilwoman Allen said the Council had received the salary.scheduleto examine and it -could be,discussed�at the January 31 work.meeting. COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN MOVED, SECONDE D.B.Y.COUNCILWOMAN JAECH�, THAT THE,SALARIES OF EXEMPT EMPLOYEES BE, DISCUSSED AT THE JANUARY,31,.19'81-WORK.MEETING WITH A DECISION TO , BE MADE ON FEBRUARY 3, 1981, AND WITH ALL INCREASES RETROACTIVE TO..JANUARY 1, 1981. MOTION CARRIED. Councilwoman Ail'e'n*S*aid Ed A'Tivert.i has a movie he would.like.to show to promote the performing arts center, and she had aske&him.to come at 9.:00 p.m.,to the February.10, 1981 wor,k,,meeting. Counci.1man Nordquist suggested that.it,be promote&in the newspapers -as Jt is an excellent film. Councilwoman Allen read a1etter,from Judy A. Arno:l . d, Manager of the Edmonds Merchants Association, -expressing thanks for having Officer Roger Dalzell.walking through the business district checking the shops during the holiday season. 188 January 20, 1981 - continued 0 Councilman Nordquist noted, regarding Item 7 on the agenda, "Report on Preliminary Sewer and Drainage Design foe-North-Meadowda-le Area," that there was a memorandum from the Public Works -Director asking for a continuance, and there were a.number of people in the audience waiting for that discussion. Public Works Director Fred Herzberg explained that the consultant's report would not be ready until January 29,,1981 and they would 11ke to�meet With the Meadowdale residents that evening and then report to the Council on February 3, 1981. Councilman Gould asked ff there was some input the Council should get without the report in case some of the residents present could not return February 3, but it appeared'the report was.the key issue. 'COUNCILMAN-KASPER MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN GOETZ, TO CONTINUE THIS ITEM TO FEBRUARY 3, 1981. Mr. Herzberg said hewould be happy to talk to anyone at his office if it was felt everything was not -being addressed. -THE MOTION CARRIED. . Councilwoman Allen urged as many Council�members as could attend to be at'the neighborhood meeting, to be held at the Meadowdale Clubhouse at 7:30 p.m., January-29, 1981. AUDIENCE Forrest Walls, 831 Daley St., Secretary of the Edmonds Concerned Citizens Council, thanked the Council for considering his -letter. He expressed support for the -motion to limit the height study to the Highway 99 area and said it shows that citizen participation in Edmonds is a meaningful process and the Council does listen to the community. DISCUSSION RE A MUNICIPAL DEPARTMENT OF SOUTH DISTRICT COURT AND RE RETENTION OF PROBATION AND WARRANT OFFICER POSITION; AND PRESENTATION BY DISTRICT COURT JUDGES Judge Tom Wynne reviewed the recent cha nges in the judicial system which have required that they change their procedures, as well as the decision that caused the Edmonds court calendar to be scheduled in South District -Court, -and -he discussed the impacts and how his staff was handling the situation, with-the,help of the Edmonds.staff. The County Council passed anemergency appropriation and they are using the entire y'ear's-judicial appropriation for the.first-six months, running three courtrooms and sometimes four., Several local attorneys are -acting as Court Commissioners in their courts. The Council directed.a number-6f questions to him regarding costs to the City if it continued to use the South District Court as opposed to having a Municipal Department, and jury trials were discussed at length. If a Mun-icipal.Department is established,the City would have to providethe facilities for jury trials --jury box,.jury.room, etc. It was difficult to determine the costs of jury trials because of the unknowns. Judge Wynne noted that,if the City uses the South District. Court the option is open each.December as.to whether it Wants to have a Municipal Department. . Finance Director Art Housler had provided projected figures.regarding.a Municipal Department with Lynnwood and also.those for using'South,District Court.''Councilman.Gould felt another look ' at a best estimate of costs was neede&after,another month of using South District Court, and Mayor Harrison felt the C ' ity should stay -with South District Court_�as.long.as possible and enjoy the $4 filing fee. Mr. Housler said he-would.provide Judge Wynne.a copy of figures he had projected and solicit Judge Wynne's comments. A gentleman in.the audiencewished to speak, so thediscussion was opened to the audience. . .. . I Ron Olson, no address given, said.he,has been a.resident of Edmonds for six years, and as a concerned citizen he suggested a subcommittee be,appointed to come up with accurate facts and figures and present them to the public so they know�what is happening.- He felt the.whole situation was very confusing, and the citizens' taxes and welfare were involved and he would like to see'some good solid answers. Councilwoman Allen.said.they-would too, and.she ex.plained that three months previously the City was told it could no longer have,a Municipal Court -and a1soit.would have to have jury trials, and the alternatives were to have the ca'ses heard in South District Court or to petition for a Municipal Department of the South Distri.ct.Court, but one way or another the City.will be part of the South District Court unless the�legal action gets overturned. -She said joining with Lynnwood in a Municipal Department was an option. Mr..Olson said the.citizens,should.not lose more.money to compensate for what the City is losing.through-the municipa.1,court system, and Councilwoman Allen responded that they do not know what the Municipal Division will cost but they are making an effort to find out. Councilman Gould.agreed that the situation.was.confusing, but he said the Council was exploring its options, and he suggested some information.be published in the City newsletter to inform the citizens of what is occurring.. Mayor Harrison noted that there also was the question to,settl,e.regarding the retention of ' a Warrant and Probation Officer who only.was budgeted for.a three-month.period. He stated that Carlie Jennings, the Probation Officer, has 87 active probation cases.and the District Court has only one probation officer and is unable to expand t4at service. He felt it*would be a worthwhile service for the.City to administer. Also, he *said Mr. Jennings would have several.other functions including that of Warrant Officer, and his collect -ion of,warrants.would.more than.pay..his monthly salary of $1,407. Mayor.Harrison recommended retention.,�with the salary balanced from anticipated revenues. Coun- cilman Nordquist was,in favor of retaining-the.position, but.he said it was the Mayor's position -to determine who filled it. COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST.MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN KASPER, TO RETAIN THE PROBATION AND WARRANT OFFICER POSITION.'FOR ONE YEAR, BASED'.ON THE MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION. Council- woman Jaech asked Judge Wynne whether,th'e City would have.,the.option of having its own Probation Officer if it joined the court system, and he responded that some cities do have thei,r own Probation Officers. THE MOTION CARRIED. COUNCILWOMANXLEN MOVED,.'SECONDED.BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST, TO REVIEW THE COURT SITUATION AGAIN ON'MARCH-17, 1981.UNLESS INFORMATION TO THE CONTRARY IS RECEIVED IN THE INTERIM. Councilman Gould said'that'on that date.the Council should be presented -with the best available data on which to make a decision. 'City Attorney Wayne.Tanaka advised the Council that the petition was in the hands of the,Districting Committee which will forward their recommendation to the County Council. He said if events.should move fast he.would.l'ike to bring this back to the Council sooner than the date suggested' Also, he'said if the petition is withdrawn the matter dies, and if the Council does not intend to -go -through withAt they�should let the County know. THE MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Nordquist.inq'uired whether the Council could make a presentation to the Districting Committee, and Mr. Tanaka'said he would'inquire.' Councilwoman Allen noted that,there were some students in the audience from a social studies class, and she welcomed them. January 20, 1981 - conti.nued., Councilwoman Jaech noted that,there had --been a letter to the Council from , a citizen regarding a delinquent LID assessment, and she asked if there was something that could be done to ease the situation.. City Attorney, Wayne, Tanlaka responded that.,the- law provi.des -that when the LID is. formed the ordinance forming the LID can provide for,deferred-payment forineedy people. However, he said this was an old LID and tha't provision is not in the ordinance. Aside from.that, it may be possible to arrange.to have the payments deferred on interest with a reasonable rate of return, but it could not be a gift or lending of,.money. He said if it were an investment type of situation, that could be,justified.- He thought there -may be some way to hel.p.these people and said he would pursue it and make a recommendation to the Council. DISCUSSION ON THE PRICE WATERHOUSE WATER/SEWER RATE STRUCTURE Finance Director Art Housler provided a comparison -of past -rates to the Price Waterhouse proposed rates, with a comparison -of the,revenues generated by each. He also provided a computer printout that reflected -a comparison of. -.various rates on the.basis of each incremental 100 cu. ft. of water consumption. He said Price Waterhouse had asked for three elements of information: (1) Whether the Council wanted relief for'low income/elderly. (2) Whether revenues should be reduced that would affect the debt service factor. If the rates are reduced!the probabilities are reduced of having a better bond rating, therefore increasing the costs of a bond issue. (3) Whether the high priority improvements should be included in this structure --currently they are. With regard to the first item,�Councilman Nordquist urged the Council to provide some kind of relief. Councilwoman Allen suggested --keeping the base water rate down and the consumption rate up, thereby allowing.people some 'control of their water bill. Councilman -Kasper noted that capital improvements and expenditures could hot be accomplished on that basis, but he said it could.be tried for a year to'. see what happens. There was some discussion of criteria to'establtsh a person's qualification for low-Ancome consideration,�_and it generally was felt some other way should be found for relief than to require that the people establish with the City that they are low income. Mr. Housler said the consultant had -been unable to determine how many people.in the City would fall into -that category. It'.`was noted that -the Counctl had decided not to purchase -the additional property for secondary sewage treatment, -and Mr. Housler-said-the money being held for that will be used to adjust -the rates, amounting to a,pproximate,ly.2� per hundred cu. ft-. Councilman Kasper said they must make the sewer system stand on its own and more than carry itself, and the base rate for sewer has to be geared to building a reserve fund, and with that fund�they can provide a reserve for potential secondary treatement. -He said Edmonds cannot -continue to substdize the other cities, and by keeping the sewer rate up where it should be they can see that the -other cities pay what they should be paying. (During this discussion Sue Crawford left, at 9:50 p.m.) Regarding -low income/elderly relief on the sewer rates, it was noted that if 1% of the -single-family customers received the reduction the base rate would have -to be increased ' by lt, if 2% received it the -base rate would have to be increased by 2t, etc. -Pub-l'ic Works Director Fred Herzberg said Edmonds already is lower than anyone else on its sewer rate, and'Councilman Gould.said that may be so but Edmonds' rate went from a very low one to the current one. Russ Berg from the Senior Center was in the audience and he said he would try to acquire some -figures to indicate how many people in the City would qualify for low -income/elderly consideration.. Later Councilman Nordquist talked with him in private and Mr. Berg asked that it be taken into consideration how difficult it would be for many of these elderly people to come fo ' rward to -declare they -need the rate consideration. Mr. Housler suggested that Price Waterhouse.,%.include,in their study the proposal to set.up the mechanism to provide this, but not actually change their figures, and that -was acceptable to the Council., Regarding bonding for high priority drainage projects, -Mr. Herzberg said they have.to go through the design process first and the money for'the design wa's a ' 11 that was needed at this time., He recommended against changing the priority list-, but said they do need the design money this year- * Mr. Housler added that the City's insurance carrier has put,.a.$5,000 deductible on sewer backup,problems. The Council requested a list of the priority drainage items. (During the discussion -Councilwoman Goetz left, at approxi- mately 10:30 p.m.) It was decided at this time to-begi-n next week"s meeting at 7:30 p.m. -and to interview the Board of Appeal's appointee at 7:00 p.m. ARTS COMMISSION FUND-RAISING'PROGRAM A request had come from the.-,Edmonds'Arts Commission Chai,rman, Harry Hise, to pursue fund-raising opportunities.and to begin.a membership program. Specifics'of the,program were provided. Mr.-Hise was.present.and said al.1 money raised would'go into 'a City account, with use of the funds requIring City Council approval. The..City Attorney's Office had reviewed their proposal and,had given them' direction, a -copy of that'letter'being provided to the -Council. COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST, TO APPROVE THE EDMONDS ARTS,COMMISSION'S FUND--�RAISING PROGRAM. MOTION CARRIED. DISCUSSION ON PROPOSAL REGARDING�COUNCIL MEETINGS,',COMMITTEES, ETC. Council President Allen had,provided the Council a,,proposal for Council organization. She proposed a Finance/Public Safety Committee and a Public Works/Community. ' Development Committee, with the .Council as a whole acting as the Personnel Committee. The Council members indi.cated to her on which, committees they would like to serve. Regarding meeting format, she proposed that meetings start at 7:30 p.m., but that the committees meet on the second and fourth Tuesdays, at 7�30 p.m.,.followed'by work sessions beginning at*8:30 p.m. Fifth T * uesdays, when they -occurred, would be'either a regular meeting or a Work session,� depending on need, and would be preceded by a dinner meeting. Regarding�work sessions,,they-would have no audience�participation and no hearings. The discussion would-be'of the next week.'s-regular,meeting agenda,�and'-this would be 'a time for questioning the Staff and discussing the issues involved. No votes.would be taken, but a consensus could be reached 0 January 20, 1981 - continued so virtually all items except hearings could be on the Consent Agenda for the regular -meetings. The Council Participation would be eliminated from work meetings, items of concern being put into memos through the Council secretary and placed into the packets for the next regular meeting. A goal would be eliminating'the midnight adjournments. City Attorney'Wayne Tanaka was*given a copy of the proposal for drafting into an ordinance..'I-t was.agreed to try'this format during February and March. There was no further business to come before the Council, and the meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m.' IRENE VARNEY MORAN, CAy Clerk HARRISON, Mayor January 27, 1981 The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order At 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Pro tem Katherine Allen in the Council Chambers.of the Edmonds Civic Center.. All present joined in the flag salute. Mayor Harrison arrived -at 7:55 p.m. and conducted the meeting from that time. PRESENT ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Harve Harrison, Mayor Jo -Anne Jaech Fred Herzberg, Public Works Director John Nordqui.st. Ray Gould Irene Varney Moran, City Clerk Mary Goetz John LaTourelle, Planning Consultant Katherine Allen Mary Lou Block, P.lanning Director Bill Kasper Art Housler, Finance Director Sue Crawford, Student Rep. Marlo Foster, Police Chief Larry,Naughten Jack Weinz, Fire Chief Jack Mitchell, Water/Sewer Supt. Jim Jessel, Parks & Recreation Dir. Wayne Tanaka, City Attorney Mark Eames, City Attorney Jackie Parrett, Deputy City Clerk Mayor Pro tem Al.len advised that both Councilwoman Jaech and Councilman Gould'had called her to say they were ill and would not be present'this evening. CONSENT AGENDA Item (B)-, "Approval * of Minutes ' of January 20, 1981," was removed from the Consent Agenda. Council -- woman Goetz asked that an addition be made following the first sentence in the first paragraph under "MAYOR" as follows: '"Councilwoman Goetz asked what the dollar rate increase would be and how the increase would c ' ompare to rates in'other cities and Mayor Harrison said he did not know." COUNCILMAN NAUGHTEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN KASPER, TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE ADDITION TO THE MINUTES. MOTION CARRIED. The other item approved on the Consent Agenda was "Roll Call,".It'em (A). COUNCIL Councilman Naughten noted that -the Council had received a report on 1980 attendance for boards and commissions with three people not meeting the attendance requirements.. 'He asked if the Mayor decided who would be removed. City Attorney Wayne Tanaka responded that the Mayor does not make the decision, and the members not meeting the attendance requirements are automatically.removed. Councilman Naughten noted that there was a memorandum from the Public Works Director suggesting streets which could be closed for sledding during periods of snow. Locations are of reasonable incline and short slopes to prevent high velocity sledding speeds and loss of control accidents. When the streets are closed they will -be posted for no parkingand.the residents will be notified'. COUNCILMAN NAUGHTEN MOVED, SECONDED BY -COUNCILWOMAN GOETZ,.THAT THE CITY ATTORNEY DRAFT A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING STREETS FOR SLEDDING IN'ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR'S MEMORANDUM OF JANUARY 20, 1981. MOTION CARRIED. Councilwoman Goetz felt the Council should see the proposed new rate schedule of Sound Disposal. COUNCILWOMAN GOETZ MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NAUGHTEN, THAT SOUND DISPOSAL BE ASKED TO FILE IN WRITING THE AMOUNT OF'THEIR PROPOSED RATE INCREASE AND THE REASONS FOR IT SO THE COUNCIL CAN REVIEW IT. MOTION CARRIED.� Mayor Harrison had provided the -Council an alternate proposal for the Planning Department organiza- tion chart. COUNCILWOMAN GOETZ.MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN-KASPER, THAT THE MAYOR'S PROPOSAL FOR THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATION CHART BE DISCUSSED AT THE JANUARY 31, 1981 SPECIAL WORK MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. A recommendation,.had-been made.by Finance Director Art Housler as to reclassification of the'Work Order System'Coordinator position*. COUNCILWOMAN GOETZ MOVED, SECONDED'BY'COUNCILMAN kAsPER,'THAT THE PROPOSED RECLASSIFICATION OF THE WORK ORDER COORDINATOR POSITION BE DISCUSSED AT THE JANUARY 31, 1981 SPECIAL WORK MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. I 0 I 17�