19810324 City Council Minutes22Z March 17, 1981 - continued 0 :Council Pres-ident Allen asked if the.Council wished to hearprogress reports on the new library. They said they would like reports every -other week. Council -President Allen thanked.F.inance Director Art Housler for the favorable interest rates he had obtained on the City's investments. There was no further business to come -before the Council,.and the meeting adjourned at .10:30 p.m. IRENE VARNEY MORAN, Ci Clerk HARVE.H. HARRISON, Mayor March 24, 1-981 -.Work Meeting The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was'called to order,at 8-:50 p.m.* by Mayor'Harve Harrison in the Council Chambers of the Edmonds Civic Center.. All -present joined in the flag salute. PRESENT Harveli.*Har�i.son,, MAyor Jo -Anne Jaech Ray Gould Katherine Allen Kathy Geiermann, Student Rep. Mary Goetz John Nordquist Bill Kasper Larry'Naughten CONSENT AGENDA STAFF PRESENT �Fred Herzberg, Public Works Director Jim Adams, City Engineer Irene Varney Moran, City Clerk Mary Lou Block, Planning Director Marlo Foster, Police Chief Jack Weinz, Fire Chief Art Hou.sler, Finance Director Jim-Jessel, Parks & Recreation Director Wayne.Tanaka, City Attorney - Jackie Parrett,.Deputy City Clerk Items (B)-and (E) were removed -.from the Consent Agenda. COUNCILMANGOULD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL- WOMAN ALLEN, TO APPROVE THE BALANCE,OF THE ' CONSENT AGENDA.. MOTION CARRIED. The approved items on the Consent Agenda included the following: (A) Roll call. (C) Passage of Resolution.491, transferring funds from Council Contingency Fund to General Fund-(�2,50,O) for equipment and supplies for in-house space needs study. - .(D) Authorization for Mayor to sign Architectural Barrier Removal Contra ct with Arai/Jackson Archi-tects. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MARCH 17,.1981 [Item (B) on Consent Agenda] Councilman Naughten referred to,.page 5-.of the. -minutes. He -asked that -his statement in the fifth line from-the-bottom'(regarding,the Meadowdale sewer and drainage design) be clarified by the inser- tion of the word "not", so that�the.sentence-would read: "Councilman,Naughten said he was not asking the rest of.the City to pay -for -these people's unique problem." COUNC-ILMAN NAUGHTEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GOULD, TO.APPROVE ITEM (B) ON THE CONSENT AGENDA, AS AMENDED. MOTION CARRIED. REPORT ON BIDS OPENED MARCH 18':.,FOR LID-208, SPRAGUE ST—IMPROVEMENTS SCHEDULE A -"'WATER LINES 1Tt_e_m__(_ETon Consent AgendaJ Councilman.Naughten observed that there.was a -wide spread.in.the amounts of the bids and he asked the reason. Publi� Works Director.Fred.Herzberg responded that there could be several reasons:, one poss.ibility*.be.ing-that the low.bidder may not have any other -jobs and wants to keep his crew working and the high.bidder m�y have other jobs * ..It.was noted -that although the spread was wide the bids were in three general ranges.. Fol-lowing this discussion,.COUNCILMAN-NAUGHTEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GOULD, TO APPROVE ITEM (E) ON THE CONSENT AGENDA, AWARDING THE CONTRACT TO THE LOW BIDDER, INTERMOUNTAIN..CONSTRUCTION COMPANY,,.:BELLEVUE,.WASHINGTON, IN*THE AMOUNT OF $12,952.50 PLUS SALES TAX. MOTION CARRIED. MAYOR Mayor Harrison reported that bids were opened March 20, 1981 for the Anderson Center handicapped renovation, five bids being rece.ived and the base bids rangi.ng from $200,678 to $279,000, and with the architect's estimate being'$264,000. Public Works Director Fred Herzberg recommended award of the contract to the low bidder, Cobra Construction, Everett, Washington, for the base bid and Alternatives 2, 3, and 4,-for a total--contract-of $230,5,40- not including sales tax. Cliff Jackson of Arai/Jackson Architects said the..base-bid-c'overs all th; basics to solve -the handicap'tode problems and the alternates, a1though not necessary to so1ve�the handicap requirements, will�assist in handicap access. He. -said his f-irm.had investigated Cobra Construction and found them to be,.", competent and highly regarded by those,who had used them... COUNCILIHOMAN ALLEN MOVED, SECONDED BY I I 40 I 0 I I. 0 0 March. 24, 1981� - cQnti'nue4 Ot 220 COUNCILMAN'NORDQUIST, TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE THE CONTRACT 14ITH COBRA�CONSTRUCTION-FOR THE ANDERSON CENTER HANDICAPPED RENOVATION, THE TOTAL CONTRACT BEING $230,540 WITHOUT SALES TAX FOR THE BASE BID -AND ALTERNATIVES 2, 3, AND`4. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Gould requested that the Council be apprised of what the alternatives are. Mayor Harrison presented to Dorothy Drobner a framed resolution -commending her,�on the occasion of her retirement, for her -many years of service to the City. He read the resolution,aloud and asked for passage by the Council. COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN KASPER, TO PASS RESOLUTION 492, COMMENDING.,DOROTHY DROBNER FOR HER SERVICES TO THE CITY. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Harrison had a.request.for a Class H Liquor License for.Jean Braana, whose business will be Jean's Bistro,at 109 Main St. This is the present site of the Scuba Scoop, and Mr. Braana will construct a building to seat-60 persons. The cuisine -will be continental, with a service bar but no cocktail lounge. The Police'Chief reported that Mr. and Mrs. Braana had operated Henri de Navarre's for 11 years and the Riviera for -two years, with no reported liquor license violations or criminal violations, and he recommended.approval. COUNCILMAN GOULD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN, TO RECOMMEND.APPROVAL OF THE LIQUOR LICENSE REQUEST OF JEAN.BRAANA FOR A CLASS H LICENSE. MOTION CARRIED. REVIEW OF PARKING PROPOSAL FROM EDMONDS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE COUNCILMAN,NORDQUIST MOVED,, -SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN_ALLEN, TO OPEN THIS ITEM TO THE AUDIENCE FOR INPUT. MOTION CARRIED. Jim Morrow, Chairman of the.Park and'Shop Committee, and owner of the Edmonds Book Store, said the committee had developed a model incorporating two lots. He said they are trying to bring in al,l.of the interested parties during the development of the plan --property owners, tenants, representati'ves of community associations,.etc. He introduced Forrest Walls of the Edmonds Concerned Citizens Counci'l who spoke briefly, saying his group will be working with the committee. Mr. Morrow indicated that Mr..Walls had -opened up some areas which the.committee will pursue,.and he said some -means -from the City will. be needed to help carry the costs. Mayor Harrison noted -that the legislature is dealing with a tax increment financing issue which would be beneficial for this project, and he also thought the benefit ratio concept may have potential. Burt Ketcham, President of the Edmonds Chamber of Commerce, stated.that the need for parking is increasing and costs of property are getting higher, so plans must be made for the future. He said this project will be too much for any one -group to fund, so everyone will have to work together on it. He noted that there are in -lieu parking funds which are reducing -in value while waiting to be used, and he referred to a letter he previ,ously had written to the Council suggesting that surplus City property be sold to help fund this project. Councilman Gould said a list of surplus properties had been developed but -none had been sold, and he noted that some of the properties are earmarked for the utility. COUNCILMAN IAIGHTEI MOVED, 11C11111 11 COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN, TO PLACE 11 THE JUNE 11, 1111 AGENDA AN UPDATE OF THE PARKING PROPOSAL. MOTION CARRIED. COUNCILMAN NAUGHTEN THEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN, THAT,THE COUNCIL REVIEW THE rITY-S PROPERTY INVENTORY ON JUNE 9, 1981. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman.Gould asked that this matter -be coordinated -with the space needs study. REVIEW ORDINANCE REGARDING::COMPENSATING TIME FOR DEPARTMENT HEADS Councilman-Nordquist felt there should be a form of compensatory time for the Staff, and he did not think it necessary that all Staff members attend all Council meetings. He did not see the necessity of'their attending if they did not have an item.on the agenda. He suggested that they be given one day a quarter to feel free to take for compensatory time. Councilwoman Goetz felt that Department Heads are managers of other.people and of budget and should be recognized as such. She suggested that Department Heads and Assistant Department Heads.receive five days of compensatory time during the year, Assistant Department'Heads receiving prior approval from their supervisors and Department Heads by advising the.Office of;the Mayor but not requesting approval. Councilman Gould said his expectation is that Department Heads work more than. -other people, and he did not think there should be an ordinance saying they have to take time off from the job. He said he liked to see the City managed with a degree of freedom where the boss says to -take a day off, but -he said -the door swings both ways", and when somebody deserves it he should take it,'but he did not wantAo make it automatic, and he felt the,,current'ordinance did that. These suggestions were,d,iscussed,.and the Mayor said there.have been numerous -.requests for time off and they -always have been granted * COUNCILMAN NORD- QUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY,COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN, THAT THE CITY ATTORNEY BE INSTRUCTED -TO REWRITE THE ORDINANCE TO STATE THAT DEPARTMENT HEADS AND ASSISTANT DEPARTMENT HEADS MAY TAKE'ONE DAY -OF COMPEN- SATORY TIME -A QUARTER, NOT TO EXCEED FOUR A YEAR, AND NOT TO BE ACCUMULATED. Councilwoman Jaech said that would be limiting them to only four days.al'year. Mayor Harrison said he thought Department Heads should feel free not to,come to Council meetings if they have -nothing on the agenda. After this discussion, THE MOTION AND.THE SECOND WERE WITHDRAWN. There were several comments that the existi.ng ordinance was ambiguous.and contradictory.�.COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL- WOMAN JAECH, THAT THE CITY ATTORNEY.BE INSTRUCTED fO;REVIEW.AND REFINE THE ORDINANCE, AND THAT THE WORD "NOT" BE ELIMINATED FROM THE'THIRD SENTENCE OF SECTION 1.25.040, SO THE SENTENCE WILL READ: "DEPARTMENT HEADS AND ASSISTANT DEPARTMENT -HEADS SHALL RECEIVE -COMPENSATING TIME." Councilwoman Goetz,said she would like to,see over a three-month period what kind of time the Department Heads are putting in and on what it -is being done, but Councilman Gould did not think.they should be involved in anymore paperwork.than they already are,,and if a Department Head thinks he is being overworked he can log his time and tell the Council. A ROLL CALL VOTE WAS TAKEN ON.THE MOTION'."W,I.TH COUNCIL MEMBERS NORDQUIST,,JAECH, GOULD, AND ALLEN VOTING YES, AND WITH COUNCIL MEMBERS GOETZ AN-D KASPER VOTING NO. COUNCILMAN NAUGHTEN WAS NOT PRESENT FOR THE VOTE. THE MOTION CARRIED. PROGRESS REPORT ON NEW LIBRARY Parks & Recreation Director Jim Jessel 'reviewed his written report, indicating.the bids will go out in May, the contract awarded,,,in June, and construction:started in July. Arai/Jackson has hired an interior desi.gner.to work,with the library furniture committee on fabric selection and delivery scheduling.-. During the bidd-in,g phase the project management will' transfer to the Public Works" Department, with Mr. Jessel's role being reduced to approval of -all expenditures and program changes. 0 224 March 24, 1981 - cohdinu6d 0 Mr. Jessel indicated numerous meetings had been held with the Library Board to resolve concerns on lighting and interior temperature levels in meeting the State Energy Code. Cliff Jackson of Arai/ Jackson stated they are keeping within the time schedule and the budget and at this time he did not foresee any delays. In'answerto a question regarding protection from delays, cost overruns, etc., he said they always work with the -City Attorney on contracts when working with a municipality. He noted,that Mr. Herzberg and Mr. Adams had been at his office this week to go over the specifications and they,had found a*few thi,ngs-that needed changing. Councilman'.Gould said that for the next presentation he would like to have -further information about -the bid alternates and a better breakdown on associated costs.,.Mr.,Jackson then displayed.a refined drawing of the building and samples of concrete blocks to be used for.the exteriors. Mayor.Harrison expressed concern that concrete blocks may leak, and Mr. Jackson said they had,consulted with an expert who indicated there is no problem if they are appli-ed ' correctly. There will be two stains and two sealers and a six - year warranty wi ' 11 be given. STides were shown to demonstrate some block applications. Comments were made as to the attractiveness of the building5 but there was still some concern expressed regarding the use of concrete blocks., WATER/SEWER BOND ISSUE DISCUSSION Finance Director Art Housler had stated previously that in his opinion the period of March 15 - April 30 would be the most favorable.time to issue.these bonds in'that bond interest rates would be lower. He now displayed charts demonstrating the prime interest rate as compared to the bond buying index which supported his opinion,,and he suggested that preparations be made for the issuance. He noted that.the bonds cannot actuallybe issued until an ordinance is passed, and it was_�his hope to have all the preparations compl-eted'in readiness for issuance when.the interest rates are the most favorable. COUNCILMAN KASPER MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN, THAT THE CITY ATTORNEY BE INSTRUCTED TO -PREPARE ALL THE DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO PROCEED WITH THE WATER/SEWER BOND ISSUE. MOTION CARRIED. ANNOUNCEMENTS Council President Allen asked for names of those who may be interested in serving on the AWC.Nomina- tions and Resolutions Committees. Council President Allen had received..a call from a lady asking the Council to look at Parkview Firs before considering the final plat next.week. The caller.was concerned about parking. COUNCILMAN.NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN, TO PLACE ON NEXT WEEK'S AGENDA A DECISION ON THE BOND COUNSEL MOTION CARRIED. Council President Allen noted that.the Public Works Director had suggested the Council walk the 84th and 88th proposed walkway routes prior'to next week's discussion. City Attorney Wayne Tanaka requested. -an Executive Session following this meeting to discuss court filing fees and an excavation problem. There was no further business to come before the Council, and the meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 10:55 p.m. IRENE VARNEY MORAN, Ci V Clerk March 31, 1981 &�-, f HARVE H. HARRISON, Mayor The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayor Harve Harrison in the Council Chambers of the Edmonds Civic Center. All present joined in the flag salute. PRESENT Harve Harrison, Mayor Bill Kasper Kathy Geiermann, Student Rep., Katherine Allen John Nordquist Ray Gould Larry Naughten Mary Goetz ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Jo -Anne Jaech Fred Herzberg, Public Works Director Jim Adams, City Engineer Irene Varney Moran, City Clerk Mary Lou Block, Planning Director Jack-Weinz, Fire Chief Dan Prinz, Asst. Police Chief Art Housler, Finance Director - Jim Jessel, Parks & Recreation Director Wayne Tanaka, City Attorney Jackie Parrett, Deputy City Clerk Council President Allen reported that.Councilwoman Jaech had called her to say she could not beupresent his evening.because of illness. COUNCILWOMAN-ALLEN MOVE.D, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GOULD,.THAT AN ITEM 9, -,COUNCIL," BE ADDED TO THE AGENDA. (It had been omitted.). MOTION CARRIED.. Counc,ilman Naughten was not present for this vote I I 0 0 F1L I 0