19820223 City Council Minutes• February 16, 1982 - continued COUNCIL JU I. LJ n U 1 1 Councilmember Nordquist referred.to a letter, a copy of which the Council had :received, addressed to the.Snohomish Health District from Deborah Whittal, 16019 N. Meadowdale Rd., concerning an adjacent property owner who will not,cooperate in detection of the source of sewage seepage on Meadowdale Rd. He requested that the City Attorney contact the Health District's attorney to see if together they could find the source of this septic leak. Councilmember Gould reported for the public record that he had talked to Shirley Thompson, 9319 217th St. S.W., and related concerns that she had expressed. Councilmember Kasper referred to a letter from Mr. White, requesting attendance of a City repre- sentative at the meetings of the South County Chamber United Government Community Issues Committee. Councilmember Kasper stated that he had received a letter from Senator Gould regarding House Bill 4603. Councilmember Kasper stated that.he had asked City Engineer Jim Adams if it would be more feasible to use gas heating in the new library, and Mr. Adams had responded that the library was too far into completion to change the heating system now. Councilmember Kasper again expressed concern over the mass transit hearings on 205th and Meridian. Councilmember Nordquist advised him that a representa- tive from Mass Transit is available to give a presentation on the project. Councilmember Allen stated that she had attended a special dinner for Rosalynn Sumners where Ms. Sumners received well deserved recognition. There was no further business.to come before the Council, and the meeting adjourned at 11:35 p.m. ,IRENE VARNEY MORAN, C' Clerk February 23, 1982 - Work Meeting 0 HARVE H. HARRISON, Mayor The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Harve Harrison in the Council Chambers of the Edmonds Civic Center. All present joined in the flag salute. PRESENT Harve Harrison, Mayor Bi 11• .Kasper Katherine Allen Jo -Anne Jaech Ray Gould Laura Hall John Nordquist Larry Naughten CONSENT.AGENDA STAFF PRESENT Jack Mitchell, Public Works Superintendent Jim Adams, City Engineer Irene Varney Moran, City Clerk Mary Lou Block, Planning Director Marlo Foster, Police Chief Jack Weinz, Fire Chief Art Housler, Finance Director Jim Jessel, Parks & Recreation Director Felix deMello, Building & Grounds Foreman Wayne Tanaka, City Attorney Jackie Parrett, Deputy City Clerk Items (B), (E), and (G) were removed from the Consent Agenda. COUNCILMEMBER GOULD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER HALL, TO APPROVE THE BALANCE OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED. The approved items on the Consent Agenda included the following: (A) Roll call. (C) Acknowledgment of receipt of Claim for Damages from David Lawton Bryce in the amount of $1,032.20. (D) Authorization for Mayor to issue "Notice to Proceed" to Reid, Middleton & Associates for preparation of final plans and specifications for Meadowdale storm sewer improvements. (F.) Authorization for Mayor to execute contract with Nancy Dilworth for landscape design services. APPROVAL OF MI14UTES OF FEBRUARY 16, 1982 [Item (B) on Consent Agenda] Councilmember Allen referred to the item, "Report from Community Transit on Bus Routes in Downtown Edmonds," the sentence beginning on 'the sixth line of that item, which states "He (Roy Sorensen) explained that Jim Adams had phoned him several months ago saying that he had talked to the Mayor and that they would like to have the buses off of Main Street as they were causing a traffic jam." She asked for clarification as to who wanted the buses: off of Main St., finding the word "they" ambiguous. This was clarified to indicate the City and Community Transit, and Councilmember Allen 36 February 23, 1982 - continued • requested that the minutes be amended to reflect that. Also, in the "Discussion on Additional Library Shelving," at the end of the paragraph where it indicates who should sign the list of furniture Sno-Isle feels is required, she said the Council had requested that Councilmember Nord- quist's name be added to that list. COUNCILMEMBER ALLEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER KASPER, TO APPROVE ITEM (B) ON THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THOSE AMENDMENTS. MOTION CARRIED. AUTHORIZATION FOR CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE AN ORDINANCE FOR BUS HOLDING ZONES Item E on Consent Agenda Councilmember Naughten asked that this item be deferred until next week as Roy Sorensen would be making a presentation to the Edmonds Chamber of Commerce on Thursday and the Chamber would like to discuss it before the Council approves it. COUNCILMEMBER NAUGHTEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER GOULD, TO DEFER ITEM (E) ON THE CONSENT AGENDA UNTIL THE MARCH 2, 1982 MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDING VIDEO MACHINE FEES Item (G) on Consent Agenda] Councilmember Kasper asked for clarification of one paragraph of the ordinance, after which he observed that the projected 1982 City income from such games had decreased from $33,000 to $7,000 with this amendment. He thought this should be examined again in September, with any available revenue figures, to see if the tax might better be based on gross receipts. It was decided to place it on the agenda of September 14, 1982. COUNCILMEMBER KASPER MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER NORDQUIST, TO ADOPT ORDINANCE 2276, APPROVING ITEM (G) ON THE CONSENT AGENDA. A ROLL CALL VOTE WAS TAKEN ON THE MOTION, WITH COUNCILMEMBERS KASPER, NORDQUIST, HALL, ALLEN, AND NAUGHTEN VOTING YES, AND WITH COUNCILMEMBERS GOULD AND JAECH VOTING NO. MOTION CARRIED. MAYOR Mayor Harrison noted that the Alternate's position on the Planning Advisory Board was vacant, and he • offered for appointment the name of Valina Walker. He noted that he had considered several criteria previously suggested by the Council in making the appointment --Mrs. Walker is a woman, she resides outside of the "bowl" area (she is a resident of the Lake Ballinger area), and she has some exper- tise in that she is a former Planning Commission member. COUNCILMEMBER NAUGHTEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER KASPER, TO INTERVIEW VALINA WALKER FOR THE VACANT POSITION ON THE PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD. MOTION CARRIED. The interview will be March 2, 1982, at 7:15 p.m., in the Mayor's office. Mayor Harrison advised that Reid, Middleton & Associates had submitted a proposal for a secondary treatment waiver application study.. He said the EPA will entertain.waiver applications: again this spring and Reid -Middleton had suggested that certain tests be taken now, in the winter quarter. Lloyd Nelson of Reid -Middleton was present to discuss this. Councilmember Nordquist thought this should be an agenda item. COUNCILMEMBER NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER JAECH, TO PLACE THIS ON NEXT WEEK'S AGENDA. Mayor Harrison stated that the urgency of the matter required that it be heard immediately. A ROLL CALL VOTE WAS TAKEN ON THE MOTION, WITH COUNCILMEMBERS NORDQUIST, JAECH, AND NAUGHTEN VOTING YES, AND WITH COUNCILMEMBERS KASPER, HALL, GOULD, AND ALLEN VOTING NO. MOTION FAILED. COUNCILMEMBER KASPER THEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER GOULD, THAT THIS ITEM BE HEARD AT THIS TIME. MOTION CARRIED, WITH COUNCILMEMBERS NORDQUIST AND JAECH VOTING NO. Mr. Nelson reviewed the problem. He said there is a lot of background information available to the City by monitoring the biology and water quality at the outfall which have never been measured. He proposed doing only as much as his firm thought to be a minimum requirement for water quality and biological data at this time. He said winter is one season of the year when conditions at the outfall will be different from those in the summer when the flows are lesser. AT THIS TIME, COUNCILMEMBER ALLEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER NAUGHTEN, TO DEFER ANY FURTHER DISCUSSION ON THIS ITEM UNTIL THE END OF THE AGENDA. A ROLL CALL VOTE WAS TAKEN ON THE MOTION, WITH COUNCILMEMBERS ALLEN, NAUGHTEN, ;JORDQUIST, KASPER,.AND JAECH VOTING YES, AND WITH COUNCILMEMBERS HALL AND GOULD VOTING NO. MOTION CARRIED. APPROVAL OF CABARET DANCE LICENSE FOR THE CRAZY LOBSTER RESTAURANT • Councilmembers Nordquist, Kasper, and Naughten excused themselves because they have family members employed by Robert Pantley, the owner of this restaurant. They left.the Council Chambers. City Clerk Irene Varney Moran discussed the application, saying the restaurant will be located at 144 Railroad Ave. It is a new restaurant to be operated by Pantley's, Inc., and will have a small dance floor on the north side of the building (away from the Senior Center). Kenneth C. McDonald, Vice President of Pantley's, Inc., was present to answer any questions.. Nobody in the audience was present to object to. the proposal. COUNCILMEMBER ALLEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER GOULD, TO APPROVE THE REQUEST FOR A CABARET DANCE LICENSE FOR THE CRAZY LOBSTER RESTAURANT: MOTION CARRIED. Councilmembers Nordquist, Kasper, and Naughten returned to the rostrum. PRESENTATION OF FISH ENHANCEMENT CONCEPT - CITY OF EDMONDS/LAEBUGTEN SALMON CHAPTER Building and Grounds Foreman Felix deMello reviewed the proposal. This will be a spawning bed enhancement project with the potential of raising two million Chinook salmon annually, under the sponsorship of the Laebugten Salmon Chapter, Northwest Steelhead & Salmon Council of Trout Unlimited. Deer Creek which meanders through the Union Oil/Department of Transportaion right-of-way was the site selected, the quality and volume of water available on this site being ideal, and it is felt this site will be less prone to vandalism than some others. Returning fish can be caught at the Fishing pier on Dayton St., providing fishing for people.who do not have boats. Mr. deMello thought this project would enhance the swamp and place Edmonds in a position of conservationist/propagator of a natural resource. He was requesting, along with approval of the proposal, permission to spend some Staff time there and to use stockpiled dirt and chain link fencing from the Anderson Center. He showed slides of the site and said this would not intrude into the marsh except for a 1,200 sq. ft. building -for -the hatchery. He said because of the terrain he felt the building may encroach on the property but not on the marsh. He did not foresee any adverse impact on the.area. Wayne Daley, a fishery biologist with the consulting engineering firm of Kramer, Chin and Mayo, said they had February 23,.19.82 - continued made inquiries and had received_ no negative response from the Highway. Department, although tie formal application has not yet been submitted. He said the project will be accomplished by volun- teers, mainly .the Laebugten Salmon Chapter. COUNCILMEMBER NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL= .MEMBER NAUGHTEN, TO APPROVE THE FISH ENHANCEMENT CONCEPT, ASKING THAT THE COUNCIL BE KEPT APPRISED OF THE DEVELOPMENTS. Councilmember Nordquist said the intent of his motion was to allow the City Staff to spend some time there and to use the materials mentioned. Planning Director Mary Lou Block said Union Oil Company is concerned about any encroachment into their property. She said the. property shown here is not property they have given to the City, so they would have to be willing to allow the project. She also said some environmental work would have to be done. Mr. Daley said he had prepared the environmental checklist and had reviewed it with the Corps of Engineers, and a complete EIS will not be required. He said the nature of the project is not one that would create any environmental problems and the only question will be with Union Oil. Councilmember Gould thourht this was an innovative and unique project, and lie commended the people involved. Councilmember Allen observed that it dovetails with the Brackett's Landing project and will enhance the waterfront. THE MOTION CARRIED. Tom Hall, past president of the Laebugten Salmon Chapter, said this project has been one of his dreams and that he was very proud to get it going. .REVIEW OF CITY'S POLICY ON CONSTRUCTION AND DESIGN CONTRACTS City Engineer Jim Adams provided a copy of the City'.s policy designating the City Engineer the responsibility for activity regarding the design and construction of public facilities. He noted that the.written policy is ten years old and that there has been some reorganization during that period, so the Mayor had asked that the Staff review it. He said that will be done, but the policy will be basically the same. is REVIEW PUBLIC WORKS ORGANIZATION Public Works Superintendent Jack Mitchell said he is comfortable with the way the department now is running, and that the change in the morale of the department is remarkable. City Engineer Jim Adams agreed, and he noted that since the reorganization there has been a tremendous turnover in personnel and they finally are getting their total authorized staff. He said he would like it to remain as it is for the present and give it a chance to work now that they are fully staffed. it was agreed to leave.the department as it is until the physical move and to examine it at that time. DISCUSSION ON CRITERIA FOR BOARD MEMBERS Councilmember Naughten said among the criteria to be considered should be geographical location. He noted that the PAB members all currently reside in the "bowl" area of Edmonds and that there should be representation on that Board from other areas. Also, he noted. that all members are males. Councilmember Jaech added that age should be considered, as well as occupation and whether the candidates are residents of Edmonds. It was agreed that each board should be considered individually. COUNCILMEMBER GOULD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER JAECH, THAT COUNCILMEMBER NAUGHTEN PROVIDE TO THE COUNCIL A SCHEDULE FOR EXAMINING ALL OF THE BOARDS. MOTION CARRIED, WITH COUNCILMEMBER HALL VOTING NO. EVALUATION OF COUNCIL COMMITTEE STRUCTURE .Council President Kasper said.he had discussed this with several Councilmembers, and his proposal was to have each Councilmember work with one department to get to know that particular department. Each committee will have two Councilmembers, the Chairman setting the agenda and the alternate being the backup and possibly being the Chairman the following.year. Mayor Harrison was asked if he thought the Council would be meddling in the administration of the City, and he replied that.he did • not and that he indorsed this concept. Council President Kasper listed the assignments he proposed, noting that he had grouped the committees in twos, so that the Chairman of one would be the alternate for the second, and vice versa. He will provide a list of all assignments, and the committee structure will be evaluated at the first of the year after the budget is approved. Meeting times. will be up to the Councilmembers involved. The goal of the new structure is for the Council to be well informed at budget time. COUNCILMEMBER ALLEN.MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER JAECH, TO IMPLE- MENT THE COUNCIL COMMITTEE STRUCTURE AS OUTLINED BY COUNCIL PRESIDENT KASPER. MOTION CARRIED. DISCUSSION REGARDING 1981-1982 STAFF OBJECTIVES A compilation of.the departmental goals had been provided to the Council, as well as reports on achievement of 1981 goals. Councilmember Gould expressed appreciation for the input -and he encouraged further definition of the 1982 goals. fie asked for standards that are more measurable, who is accountable within a department, and by what date a.goal will be reached. He noted that the Public Works report.was very specific and he commended that. COUNCILMEMBER NAUGHTEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER ALLEN, TO REVIEW THE PROGRAM IN JULY TO SEE WHAT PROGRESS IS MADE TOWARD THE GOALS. MOTION CARRIED. QUESTIONS REGARDING MARCH 2; 1982 AGENDA ITEMS No questions were asked regarding the March 2, 1982 agenda. COUNCIL CONFIRMATION OF LIBRARIAN'S ORIGINAL LIBRARY FURNITURE LIST Councilmember Nordqu.ist distributed to the Council the furniture list. A fund-raising report was requested for March.9, 1982. A'question was asked as to..whether the indicated amount of space and equipment were really needed or if they could be added each year. The discussion will continue on March 9, 1982. CONTINUED DISCUSSION REGARDING SECONDARY TREATMENT WAIVER APPLICATION STUDY • This discussion was continued from earlier in the evening under the "Mayor" portion of the agenda. February 23, 1982 • Councilmember Nordquist asked whether there was an out if this were started and it was found when the criteria are obtained that everything in the study is not needed. Lloyd Nelson said they had researched it enough to know what was -stated in their proposal would be needed. He said the require- ments will be available in March, and they could stop the study and the cost could be modified if necessary. City Engineer Jim Adams said the data being assembled will not be used just for the waiver but they will be looking at where the outfall is dispersed and will find it nece'ssary to extend the outfall and put in some kind of different diffusers so the quality of the water is not affected. By doing that, he said they probably will get..into a construction phase also. He said funding would be from water/sewer funds, and his recommendation was. to defer replacing the old pipes on Highway 99, using those funds for this. City Attorney Wayne.Tanaka added that recent legislation requires that the City announce what the requirements are for professional engineering services and to invite proposals from other firms, and the Council can then determine which best meets the City's needs. He said he had drafted an ordinance which incorporates this law, as well as the thoughts the Council had expressed. COUNCILMEMBER JAECH MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER ALLEN, TO PLACE THE ORDINANCE ON THE APRIL 6, 1982 AGENDA FOR CONSIDERATION. The Council will want to know the new regulations and requirements. THE MOTION CARRIED. COUNCIL Councilmember Nordquist stated he had met with representatives of University Federal Savings and * Loan, who are -remodeling the building at 5th and Dayton,'and the wheelchair ramp will be installed on that corner.. Councilmember Jaech asked why all four corners have to be done at the same time, and City Engineer Jim Adams responded that State law requires. that if you take somebody off the sidewalk you have to have a way for him to -get back on it.., He said there are some problems with the corner parks at that intersection becausea considerable amount of change will be necessary in the storm sewers. He said they are only going to do the wheelchair ramps at this time. • Councilmember Hall noted that there had been another person in need who could not get into the Police Station. She said the Police Department must be accessible to the public. Councilmember Gould noted that 19 employees in the City had perfect attendance in 1981, and he expressed thanks to them. Certificates have been awarded.to those employees, and Councildmember Gould suggested that something more be done in 1982. Councilmember Gould asked if the City was experiencing additional costs because of the additional ferry service to Mukilteo. Police Chief Marlo Foster said the State is paying for the additional police personnel used to direct traffic. Councilmember Naughten asked the status of the SR 524 completion, and City Engineer Jim Adams responded that all work has been suspended for the winter. Better construction weather is needed before the paving can be accomplished. . COUNCILMEMBER NAUGHTEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER ALLEN, TO PLACE ON THE MARCH 2, 1982 AGENDA A DISCUSSION OF THE HUBBARD TRUST. MOTION CARRIED. Councilmember Allen announced that the Shared Services Committee will be meeting February 24, 1982, at 7:30 p..m., at Stevens Memorial Hospital. It was noted that Frances Murphy wishes to report to the Council on the Brackett's Landing project. COUNCILMEMBER ALLEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER GOULD, TO PLACE ON THE MARCH 16, 1982 AGENDA A REPORT FROM FRANCES MURPHY. MOTION CARRIED. Councilmember Allen noted that one of the people at the dinner for Rosalynn Sumners was Mary Doyle, a 62-year old speed skater.who won four gold medals in 1982. Councilmember Allen thought the City • should work with the Chamber of Commerce in recognizing her. Councilmember Kasper said a representative from Metro would be available on either March 9 or March 23 :to give a slide presentation about the new bus barn to be located at 205th and Meridian. (The date eventually was established as March 9.) Mayor Harrison announced that there will be a memorial service for Larry Hubbard Thursday, Feb- ruary 25, 1982, at the Methodist Church. He said the City Staff had drafted a resolution recog- nizing him for his gifts to the City and his service on the Planning Commission. Council President Kasper called for an Executive Session following this meeting for a personnel matter and a legal matter. There was no further business to come before the Council, and the meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 9:50 p.m. IRENE VARNEY MORAN, Cit Clerk HARVE H. HARRISON, Mayor March 2, 1982 The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayor Harve Harrison in the Council Chambers of the Edmonds Civic Center. All present joined in the flag salute. *See amendment - March 2, 1982 •