19820427 City Council Minutes431 0 April 27, 1982 - Work Meeting 1 l '1 The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayor Harve Harrison in the Council Chambers of the Edmonds Civic Center. All present joined in the flag salute. PRESENT Harve Harrison, Bill Kasper Ray Gould Laura Hall Jo -Anne Jaech Larry'Naughten CONSENT AGENDA ABSENT Mayor Katherine Allen John Nordquist Steve Engle, Student Rep. STAFF PRESENT Jack Mitchell, Public Works Supt. .Irene Varney.Moran, City Clerk Mary Lou Block, Planning Director Marlo Foster, Police Chief Gary McComas, Fire Marshal Art Housler, Finance Director Steve Simpson, Parks & Recreation Dir. Mark Eames, City Attorney Jackie Parrett, Deputy City Clerk, Items (D) and (F) were removed from the Consent Agenda. COUNCILMEMBER KASPER MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER JAECH, TO APPROVE THE BALANCE OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED. The approved items on the Consent Agenda included the following: (A) Roll call. (9) Approval of Minutes of April 20, 1982. (C) Set date of May 18, 1982 for hearing on petition to vacate portion of 164th St. S.W. lying between 68th Ave."W. and North Meadowdale Rd. (ST-1-82). (E) Approval of temporary concession agreement for Little League concession at Pine St. Playfield. PROPOSED'ORDINANCE REGARDING VIDEO GAME ARCADES Item (D) on Consent Agenda] Councilmember Gould said there was to be a section in the ordinance to provide for a close check of the applicants, saying they.will be screened as to character and history.. Also, he noted that hours of operation restricted them from operating between 2:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m., and:he suggested that they not be allowed to operate between 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.'which would take care of lunch hour problems. 'This was discussed; noting that'some of the establishments will be other businesses with the video machines as'a supplementary business. It was finally agreed to wait to see if problems develop before imposing further restrictions. COUNCILMEMBER GOULD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER NAUGHTEN, TO ADOPT ORDINANCE 2288, WITH THE AMENDMENT THAT SECTION 4.24.025 BE REVISED TO INCLUDE A STATEMENT TO THE EFFECT THAT THE APPLICANT BE SCREENED AS TO CHARACTER AND HISTORY AND THAT A RECOMMENDATION BE FORWARDED TO THE CITY COUNCIL BY THE POLICE CHIEF. MOTION CARRIED. Councilmember Hall suggested Section 4.24.020 D be amended to make the language consistent in paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 of that section in describing the number of games in each category. AUTHORIZATION FOR PURCHASE OF PLAY EQUIPMENT FOR CITY PARK AND ANDERSON CENTER Item F on Consent Agenda This request contained the.current status of the In=Lieu Park Fund, showing $30,000 to be expended ,in 1982 for the Union Oil Beach improvement, and Councilmember Naughten requested an explanation of what is to be done for that $30,000. He had no objection to the request on the agenda to authorize .the expenditure of $7,431.66 for play equipment for the Anderson Center playfield and City Park which had been budgeted. COUNCILMEMBER NAUGHTEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER GOULD, TO APPROVE ITEM (F) ON THE CONSENT AGENDA AND TO PLACE ON THE MAY 18, 1982 AGENDA A STATUS REPORT ON THE UNION OIL BEACH IMPROVEMENT. MOTION CARRIED. MAYOR Mayor Harrison had received a liquor license application for Anthony's Home Port, 456 Admiral Way, for a Class H liquor license. This facility previously has been operated as the Edmonds Yacht Club and has had a Class H license for many years with no reported problems or violations. The applicant Is a corporation which currently operates restaurants in other nearby cities, none of which have had their liquor licenses suspended or revoked. The Police Chief recommended approval of the application. There was some discussion regarding past policy of having hearings on such applications. It was agreed that a hearing was not necessary for -this application�at this location and it was noted that. the time in which to respond is very limited, making it difficult to schedule hearings. COUNCILMEMBER KASPER MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER HALL, TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE REQUESTED LIQUOR LICENSE. 11OTION CARRIED. Mayor Harrison said the City had received a letter from John Hodgin and Helen Cunningham who proposed taking over the operation of "The Fishin Hole" concession stand at the fishing pier. Before committing themselves they wanted assurance that the lease would be extended for five years with an option.to renew for another five years. Mayor Harrison invited Mr. Hodgin to speak, and he explained that they intended enlarging the concession stand and expanding the services and because of the cost of enlarging the concession stand they wished to be assured of a lease long enough to protect their investment. Mr. Hodgin described some of the services he thought the establishment could offer, details of which he intended to provide in a proposal. The establishment currently is leased to Ruth Campbell, the leases expiring in June 1983. Her attorney, Bruce Jones,said he had advised her to bring any prospective lease assignee to the Council for approval. COUNCILMEMBER KASPER MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER JAECH, TO PLACE THIS ON THE MAY 11, 1982 AGENDA TO GET THE DETAILS. MOTION CARRIED. Councilmember Gould noted that the City Attorney will have to examine the lease and. the Council will. need more specific data on exactly what will be done, the costs, and who will do it. 432 April 27, 1982 - continued • Mayor Harrison had received a.request from Richard and Joyce Sprague, 1040 Maple St., to purchase a City -owned lot adjacent to their property on Maple St. Their property is sloughing down into the lower ground of the City lot, resulting in their concrete patio and front driveway developing cracks and tilting toward the low ground, and they wished to fill and plant the property to stabilize it. COUNCILMEMBER NAUGHTEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER HALL, TO HAVE THE PROPERTY APPRAISED. It was asked that the appraisal address the whole parcel of Lots 16-20 of Block 37 (Lot 16 is the one in which the Spragues expressed.interest) to see if the property would bring more as an entire entity. Councilmember Kasper cautioned that the appraiser should be given explicit instructions in order to obtain the proper appraisal. He said there had been complaints about appraisals received in the past, but they resulted because proper instructions had not been given to the appraiser. In this case he said they may want to sell only 20' and put the rest on the market as one parcel. City Attorney Mark Eames noted that if.the City does own the adjoining lots then it could only sell a lot which conforms to the present City Code, and these 30' lots individually are substandard. THE MOTION AND THE SECOND WERE WITHDRAWN. COUNCILMEMBER KASPER MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER GOULD, TO REFER THIS MATTER TO THE PLANNING STAFF, WITH A REPORT BACK TO THE COUNCIL BY JUNE 8, 1982 AND A RECOMMENDATION AS TO HOW THE APPRAISAL SHOULD BE ORDERED. MOTION CARRIED. It was noted that any sale of City property would have to be done on a bid basis. REVIEW AND HEARING ON PROPOSED ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL FOR DOWNTOWN PARKING CONCEPT Planning Director Mary Lou Block stated that this matter had been discussed previously on April 6, 1982, after which it was set for another hearing on this date. A question had been raised about the width of the traffic lanes on Bell St. shown on the plan marked Alternative A, and Ms. Block said - they are 12'. Councilmember Naughten had provided a memorandum setting forth some changes to that plan, which he reviewed. Also, he reviewed the actions the Chamber of Commerce Parking Committee would take to know if the parking plan is working, and Councilmember Gould said there should be a report to the Council on their findings. The hearing was opened to the public, no one wished to speak, and.the hearing was closed. Councilmember Gould read aloud a letter from Harold Hopper, 530 Bell St., which recommended no change to the Bell St. parking configuration. Councilmember Hall acknowledged a letter from Armand Hoppel which set forth.some suggestions. Councilmember Kasper objected to reducing the traffic lanes to 12' in width to provide seven additional parking spaces as he thought it was not justified and that it would create a traffic hazard. He thought there should be no changes except for increasing the two-hour parking stalls to three hours and providing two five-minute stalls in front of the Finance Office. Engineering Coordinator Bill Nims said the plan had not yet been analyzed from a traffic standpoint, although he had drawn the plan. He recommended going ahead.and implementing it to test it for a few months, but he.said they must do a traffic analysis before changing to a one-way street. Councilmember Kasper suggested trying it with the diagonal parking only on the north side, gaining four spaces. COUNCILMEMBER NAUGHTEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER GOULD, TO APPROVE PARKING PLAN ALTERNATIVE A WITH THE FOLLOWING CHANGES: PROVIDE DIAGONAL STRIPING ONLY ON THE NORTH SIDE OF BELL ST., WITH PARALLEL PARKING ON THE OTHER SIDE; CHANGE THE TRAFFIC TO ONE-WAY HEADING WEST; PROVIDE ONLY TWO FIVE-MINUTE PARKING STALLS NEAR THE FINANCE OFFICE; INCORPORATE THE CHANGES PRESENTED THIS EVENING IN COUNCILMEMBER NAUGHTEN'S MEMO REGARDING SOME OF THE COST FACTORS; USE WEATHERPROOF DECALS TO CHANGE THE PARKING FROM TWO HOURS TO THREE HOURS IN THE ENTIRE CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT; ASK THE COOPERATION OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT FOR STRICT ENFORCEMENT OF THREE-HOUR PARKING; AND THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PARKING COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK TO THE COUNCIL ON AUGUST 10, 1982. MOTION CARRIED. Councilmember Naughten commented that if the merchants do not cooperate and get their employees to park in the newly created parking spaces (Alternative A provides all -day parking from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Bell St. between 4th and 6th Aves. and on 5th Ave. between Bell and Edmonds St.) then nothing will have been accomplished. PRESENTATION ON SNOHOMISH.COUNTY'SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN Richard Owings, Manager of the Solid Waste Division of the Snohomish County Division of Public Works, and Allen Fitz, Engineer with the Snohomish County Division of Public Works, presented an update of the Snohomish County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan. Waste management strat- egies discussed were waste reduction, recovery and recycling of materials, incineration with engergy recovery, and landfill nonrecoverable residue. They requested input as to their proposed policy statements and said they would.be sending a model resolution for consideration and adoption by early July. QUESTIONS REGARDING MAY 4 AGENDA ITEMS Councilmember Kasper asked if there Uniform Fire Code, Life Safety Code, it was a matter of adopting the Life 1970. The smoke detector portion is Consent Agenda. should be a hearing on and.smoke detectors. Safety Code which the Item F i re Fi re State law. It was agreed (E), Proposed Ordinance regarding Marshal Gary McComas responded that Department has been using since to put this item on next week's Regarding Item (G), Proposed Ordinance allowing offices in CW zones, Councilmember Jaech said she had discussed with the Planning Director the possibility of making this a secondary use. Ms. Block said if it is to be a secondary use there should be a hearing because that is very much different from a primary use and there should.be an opportunity for the people with property there to express their concerns. COUNCILMEMBER JAECH MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER NAUGHTEN, TO HAVE A PUBLIC HEARING ON JUNE 29, 1982 ON THIS ITEM. MOTION CARRIED. Councilmember Gould asked for information as to current use in that zone. COUNCILMEMBER KASPER MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER JAECH TO PLACE ITEM (H), PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 15.00.020(.B)(5) .OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CODE REGARDING REVISED FEE SCHEDULE FOR PLAN CHECKS, ON THE MAY 4, 1982 CONSENT AGENDA, AND TO PLACE ITEM (I), PRESENTATION OF LIBRARY FURNISHINGS LIST, ON THE MAY 11, 1982 REGULAR AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED. 0 1 0 F • April 27, 1982 - continued COUNCIL Councilmember Gould referred to a memo from the Finance Director requesting a revision to the Budget on 1982 street projects, and Councilmember Jaech said that would be discussed at next week's Finance Committee meeting. Councilmember Gould referred to. a memo from the City Engineer regarding the sale of excess City real property. After some discussion, COUNCILMEMBER GOULD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMSER KASPER, TO SET A MINIMUM ACCEPTANCE PRICE FOR THE 9TH AVE. PROPERTY AT NOT LESS THAN $1,500. MOTION CARRIED. COUNCILMEMBER GOULD THEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER HALL, TO GET A NEW APPRAISAL ON THE 76TH AVE. PROPERTY (AT 76TH AVE..W. AND 242ND S.W.). MOTION CARRIED. Councilmember Gould read a.letter from Marion Ross confirming their conversation at last week's Council meeting and asking for a discussion regarding Councilmembers' salaries. COUNCILMEMBER GOULD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER HALL, TO PLACE ON THE JUNE 29, 1982 AGENDA A DISCUSSION ENTITLED "COUNCIL SALARY STRUCTURE REVIEW." MOTION CARRIED. The Councilmembers will be furnished copies of the letter from Mrs. Ross. Council President Kasper noted that the May 8 workshop may.have to be changed to May 15. Subjects to be discussed will be the Space Needs Study, taxes, and Meadowdale. Council President Kasper announced an Executive Session next week after the meeting on a personnel/ legal matter. Councilmember Naughten stated that the Fireworks Committee needs coffee cans of all sizes with plastic lids in which to collect donations for the fireworks. They should be taken to Bill's Hardware. Councilmember Hall had attended the School Board meeting the previous evening and noted that they will close Maple Park and Olympic schools. It concerned her that the School Board had not con- sidered the criterion of the location of the schools. She said they must realize that this is destroying the downtown bowl and creates inner city types of problems. She hoped pressure could be brought to cause them to reconsider. Westgate school is now under consideration for closure, and Councilmember Naughten noted that if that is closed there will not be any in the bowl area. Council - member Hall felt it made much more sense to have children walk to school and do away with busing. Council -President Kasper said the recently passed Salary. Ordinance regarding nonrepresented employees should be amended, based on the discussion at this evening's Personnel Committee meeting. COUNCIL- MEMBER,KASPER MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER GOULD, TO AMEND ORDINANCE 2286 TO HAVE NO LIMIT ON THE SALARY INCREASE BUT TO LEAVE THE GRID THE SAME AS IT IS NOW ON THE NONEXEMPT POSITIONS. MOTION CARRIED. There was no further business to come before the Council, and the meeting adjourned at 9:50-p.m. IRENE VARNEY MORAN, City.perk May 4, 1982 HAP,VF_ H. HARRISON, Mayor The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayor Harve Harrison in the Council Chambers of the Edmonds Civic Center. All present joined in the flag salute. PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Harve Harrison, Mayor Jim Adams, City Engineer Laura Hall Irene Varney Moran, City. Clerk Ray Gould Mary Lou Block, Planning Director Bill Kasper Art Housler, Finance Director Larry Naughten Marlo Foster, Police Chief Jo -Anne Jaech Jack Weinz, Fire Chief Katherine Allen Steve Simpson, Parks & Recreation Director John Nordquist Mark Eames, City Attorney Steve Engle, Student Rep. Jackie Parrett, Deputy City Clerk Councilmember Naughten arrived at 8:00 p.m., having advised the Council President that he would be late in arriving. C014SENT AGENDA COUNCILMEMBER NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER ALLEN, TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED. The approved items on the Consent Agenda included the following: •