19830510 City Council Minutes147 • May 3, 1983 - continued REPORT ON TRAFFIC FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR.VICINITY OF.203RD PL. & 83RD AVE. LEI. Jim Adams, City.Engineer, informed the City Council that a traffic feasibility study had been.conducted in the vicinity of 203rd Pl. & 83rd Ave. W. Mr. Adams' study, which included a.traffic count in that area, indicated that there:was.not.sufficient. volume.to warrant any additional stop or.restricted s.peed signs. Mr.. Adams further stated that an entrace to Pine Ridge Park and no sidewalk on 83rd Ave. W.. presented a problem with..speeding_veh.icles. Mr: Adams concluded that for a total cost of $3,020, the problem could;be improved with the installation of a culvert pipe, along with catch basins, installation of traffic signs and a double row of traffic buttons: An additional improvement would be to pa.int double yellow lines and repaint the fog lines. Constructing a 5' crushed gravel walkway along 203rd P1. would also.be very beneficial. His closing. remarks indicated that funds in that amount are already available in the Engineering Budget Fund 112 under miscellaneous locations for the com- pletion of the project. Council President Jaech requested that the Council postpone making an immediate decision on the above request pending further study of the cost of installing curbs and sidewalks,.i.e. constructing the project in a more complete manner.. 000NCILMEMBER GOULD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER. JAECH THAT AN IMPROVED TRAFFIC FEASIBILITY STUDY BE SUBMITTED, INCORPORATING THE ITEMS LISTED.IN MR. ADAMS' MEMORANDUM OF APRIL 28 TO -THE COUNCIL AND THE TOTAL.COST OF INSTALLATION OF CURBS AND SIDEWALKS: AND IMPROVEMENTS UP TO THE TOTAL OF $10,000 FOR.SUBMISSION TO THE CITY COUNCIL: MOTION CARRIED. COUNCIL ..Councilmember Hall reported.on the planting done at 5th.and Main. She would be very interested in having more people participate next year and perhaps all the planting could be done at one time. Co.uncilmember Naughten stated that the Edmonds South Snohomish.County Historical Society had begun a program of placing historical markers in different areas throughout the City and wanted to.install their first marker.at the Senior Center, the former home of Quality Shingle Company. Councilmember Hall -stated that a decision had been made regarding the statue at.the Library.Plaza. The replacement will be of someone with outstretched arms and about one -quarter the size of the one it replaces. Council President Jaech reminded the City Council of.the Retreat being held this weekend in LaConner and informed them that agendas, maps and all necessary supportive material was included in their packets. There was no further business to come before the Council and the meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m. J/Jn/ TRENff VARNEY MORANCity Clerk HARVE.H. HARRISON, Mayor May 10, 1983 -Work Meeting The. regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at.7.:30 p.m. by Mayor Pro Tem Jo -Anne Jaech in the Plaza Meeting Room of the Edmonds Library. All present joined in the flag salute. PRESENT ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Jo -Anne Jaech Hi-H. Harrison, Mayor Jim.Adams., City Engineer Laura Hall Art Housler, Finance Director Bill Kasper. Irene!Varney'Moran, CityClerk Ray _Gould Bobby Mills,. Act. Pub.•Wks.'Supt. • Larry Naughten Duane -Bowman, Asst. City Planner John Nordquist Pay.LeMay, Personnel Director Katherine Allen Marlo Foster, Police Chief Tony Foss, Student Representative Jim Jessel,-Property Manager Wayne Tanaka, City Attorney Loretta Lundberg, Secretary MAYOR Mayor pro tem Jaech informed Tucker, County Executive, to the Council that Mayor Harrison had accepted an invitation from Willis attend the Snohomish County Solid Waste to Energy Issues Meeting and would not be in attendance tonight. Mayor pro tem Jaech addressed the audi.ence,,as an item of information, that this was to be a Council work meeting and that Council is not scheduled, during such a meeting, to take input from the audience. CONSENT AGENDA Councilmember Gould removed Item (B) from the Consent Agenda. COUNCILMEMBER GOULD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER,NAUGHTEN,.TO APPROVE THE BALANCE OF. THE CONSENT AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED. approved items on the Consent The Agenda included the following: (A) Roll call. (C) Award Fencing Bid at the Edmonds Cemetery ($591540). JLV May 10, 1983 - continued • APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MAY 3, 1983 Item (B) on.Consent Agenda] Councilmember Hall advised the Council that a temporary Secretary was replaing Jackie Parrett and that, due to the Retreat, the usual time frame allotted for the production.of the Minutes .was reduced by one day and Administrative Staff had not *ad'the`opportunity to review and edit the Minutes, as is their normal procedure: She suggested that upon Jack Parrett's return, the procedures would be followed and all changes and corrections could be made at that time. Councilmember'Gould pointed out some areas of needed changes. His correct -ion appears on Page 2, middle of the.page, paragraph 6 should read "Councilmember Kasper", not Councilmember Gould. COUNCILMEMBER HALL MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER GOULD, THAT THE MINUTES OF MAY 3, 1983, BE CHANGED AND CORRECTED BY STAFF IN THE USUAL PROCEDURE.ESTABLISHED. 'MOTION CARRIED. COUNCILMEMBER KASPER MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER ALLEN, THAT THE MINUTES BE AMENDED TO READ "COUNCILMEMBER KASPER STATED..." PAGE 2, NOT MAYOR HARRISON. MOTION CARRIED.' REPORT ON REQUEST FOR SALE OF SURPLUS CITY PROPERTY ON'SPRAGUE STREET ...Duane Bowman, Assistant.C.ity Planner, addressed the Council, relating background.on this Agenda item. On April 5, 1983, Jim Bonnel approached the City Council regarding the possible sale of some surplus property on. Sprague St. The staff was directed to prepare a recommendation to the Council on this matter. The property in question was deeded to the City in October, 1952. It appears the original intent was to acquire the.property for road purposes,.but because the deeds do not specify this, the City attorney advised that the property may be sold as surplus by way of negotiated sale or sealed bid.without the street vacation process. 'Mr..' Bowman presented a'di'agram, indicating boundary lines of the property and informed the Council that both Mr. Bonnel's father and Ms. Bailey; the affect- ed property owners, were in attendance at the meeting and'shoul•d the•Counci`l desire, the meeting could be opened to include their input. Mr. Bowman informed the Council it is not necessary to post this item for a Public Hearing. Councilmember Gould.requested clarification on how to read the map; Mr. Bowman further clarified the map for the benefit`of the Councilmembers. He stated that on the official street map, Sprague St. curved into 8th Ave. Sprague St. was vacated and the property was purchased.by the Swansons for the approximate sum of $150, leaving the subject property as surplus, which was deeded to the City for no specific purpose. It is Staff's recom- mendation that the City Council dispose of the property by way of negotiated sale without the street vacation process. Councilmember Kasper stated he felt a written offer with no contingencies should be used. COUNCILMEMBER GOULD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER ALLEN, THAT THE SUBJECT PROPERTY BE SOLD AS SURPLUS BY WAY OF NEGOTIATED SALE AND COUNCIL IS REQUESTING APPLICANTS SUBMIT A BID ON OR BEFORE JUNE 1; CITY COUNCIL TO PLACE THIS ITEM ON THEIR JUNE 7 AGENDA FOR ACTION. MOTION CARRIED. Council- member.Jaech requestedinformation regarding size of the subject property and a.more specific delineation of the property involved. Councilmember Gould requested that an assessed evaluation of the property per sq. ft'. be provided to the Council to enable them to properly evaluate the bid. Councilmember Jaech informed the Council that there would be a change in the order of the Agenda items; adding a new Item 5, a report from Pay LeMay regarding the 1982 Police Collective Bargain- ing -Agreement.. Item 6 is a.brief update by Duane Bowman on the HUD Block Grant and item 7 wold be the Council portion of the meeting. COUNCIL REVIEW OF SIGN CODE. Mr. Bowman addressed the Council regarding their review of.the Sign Code by stating that to assist in this review, Staff had been requested to provide.Council with input relative to changes -or additions needed in the Sign Code. The primary purpose of the Sign Code is to prevent the clutter- ed, visual pollution found in excessive or poorly designed signs. To that end, the City of Edmonds formulated and established the present code and placed it under direction of the Architectural Design.Board. For the most .part., the Sign Code has been very effective. It is considered to be a strict Sign Code and Staff has worked extremely hard with sign companies and the public to insure compliance. The most.severe criticism of the Sign Code revolves around the.ADB's ability to vary many of the requirements found in Chaper 20.60. Staff feel this is a viable part of the Code and shoul.d be retained. Each business location has.various needs and circumstances and it is important that the ADB.recog.- nize these factors and have the flexibility to vary requirements; Staff believes the Board has not been excessively lenient in varying these requirements. Staff feels it would be appropri- ate, if Council concurs, to jointly meet with.the ADB,to review the Sign Code in relationship to how basic policy should be directed, which would enable the ADB to correctly interpret the pro- cedures which should be adhered to. Councilmember Naughten mentioned that the last Sign Code was adopted five years ago and under that adoption, the five year period terminates in May, 1983, for non -conforming signs. He feels 'it is important the Council meet with the ADB as it is the Council's role to set the philosophical tone of the Development Code. Council,has endeavored to work with the Boards and'Commissions relative to interpretation of the Code. Councilmember Jaech stated that,'previous meetings had been: -.held between the various City Boards and the Council to resolve areas where misinterpretation had occurred. She concurred it might be well to meet.with them to review how the ADB-is interpreting the Sign Code. She suggested that the Work Meeting of June 14 would be an excellent time to meet with them. .Councilmember Allen stated that June 14 was the first night of the AWC in Bellevue and felt that all Council - members should plan.to be in attendance. Councilmember Gould suggested that June 13 would be E • May 10, 1983 - continued a better date. Councilmember Gould also asked the ADB's responsibility regarding non -conforming signs. He was advised that this was the responsibility of Staff and, that.upon receipt._of a com- plaint, a series.of letters reminding the property owner he.is to bring his sign into compliance with the Sign.Code would be sent. Councilmember Hall inquired of Mr. Tanaka,_City Attorney, if.a complaint is acted ,upon. Mr. Tanaka replied that the procedure was to assign a Staff member to contact the owner, informing him the sign must be brought.into conformance. The procedure has been to allow the owner a period of 10 days to take whatever steps are necessary to bring the sign into conformance with the Code. After the initial 1..0 days, a reminder letter is sent, advising of their responsibility to bring.the sign into conformance. An additional 10 day. period is allotted for this action, at which time, it it remains non=conforming, the matter is geven to the City Attorney for processing. Councilmember.Gould stated he believes the administrative process used is in variance with the requirements set forth in.the Sign Code. Staff was asked if they had a..list of property owners with non -conforming signs. Mr. Bowman replied in the affirmative. COUNCILMEMBER JAECH MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER NORDQUIST, THAT A LETTER BE SENT TO THE PROPE.R.TY..OWNERS INFORMING THEM. OF THEIR NON-CONFORMANCE.AND TO.BRING THEM INTO CONFORMANCE. MOTION. CARRIED. Councilmember Naughten requested clarification on the variance procedure being used.. COUNCIL - MEMBER GOULD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER NORDQUIST, THAT JUNE 13, 1983, BE SET AS THE DATE FOR A WORK MEETING BETWEEN CITY COUNCIL AND THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN BOARD. MOTION CARRIED. REPORT FROM PAT LEMAY ON 1982 POLICE COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT Mr. LeMay presented his request.that the City Council authorize Mayor Harrison to sign the 1982 Police Collective Bargaining Agreement. Councilmember Kasper..asked Mr. LeMay why -the Council • -must authorize signature of a mandatory document. .Mr. LeMay stated the. Agreement includes that which.was negotiated as well as that reached by arbitration and encompasses .all.e.lements, part of which. were arbitrated and.part of which were negotiated. Mr. LeMay apologized for the short notice to the Council to place this item on the Agenda of.May 10. He had ,just received acopy of the Collective Bargaining Agreement from the Union that afternoon. The Agreement has been signed by the Union, Mr. LeMay,proofed the Agreement, the City Attorney had reviewed the Agree- ment, however Attorney Doug Albright has been asked to review the Agreement one last time before the Mayor is asked to place his signature on the Agreement if the Council,so authorizes. It is necessary that the Mayor sign:the Collective Bargaining Agreement in order to pay the retro= active monies under the settlement and it was projected those monies appear on the May 20 paycheck. Mr. LeMay went on to state that, again, the'Agreement'involves results from both negotiations and the Police Interest Arbitration Award. There has. been considerable previous discussion and Councilmembers have the details.of that settlement as granted by the Award. The provisions of. the Agreement, including the step=plan discussed.the week of May 3 were previously discussed and/ or agreed.to in Executive Sessions. Mr. LeMay notedthat the Union had ratified as well as signed the Agreement so Mr.. LeMay again requested the Council authorize the Mayor to execute that Agree- ment so.that he.cou d proceed to implement the settlement and pay the retroactive monies. Council - member Kasper and Councilmember Allen declined to take action -pending receipt of copes of the Agreement. COUNCILMEMBER GOULD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER HALL, THAT THE CITY COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR.TO SIGN THE LABOR AGREEMENT PROVIDING IT IS IN AGREEMENT WITH GUIDELINES ESTABLISHED BY THE COUNCIL IN PREVIOUS SESSIONS. .COUNCILMEMBER NAUGHTEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER ALLEN, TO AMEND COUNCILMEMBER GOULD'S MOTION THAT THE COUNCIL ACCEPT THE LABOR AGREEMENT AND"AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO SIGN IT SUBJECT TO REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY CITY'ATTORNEY DOUG ALBRIGHT. A POLL CALL VOTE WAS CALLED WITH COUNCIL MEMBERS JAECH HALL, GOULD AND NAUGHTEN VOTING IN FAVOR. OF THE MOTION AND COUNCILMEMBERS KASPER, • NORDQUIST AND ALLEN VOTING AGAINST THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED. HUD BLOCK GRANT' Mr. Bowman stated that, as discussed at the Council Retreat, the Snohomish County.HUD Grant Program has been allocated,,under the Federal Jobs Bill, 1.151'million dollars for the HUD Block Grant Program .for Snohomish County and a deadline of May.27 has been set to apply for projects for that funding. As a part of the requirements for applying, the -City Council is required to set priorities in their minutes for projects the City would like to undertake through the HUD Block Grant Program. Presently there are two programs scheduled for funding, but they were.tabled be- cause of -the Meadowdale Sewer project. These are the Wade James Theater Handicapped Access project and the South County.Museum Handicapped Access project. Staff recommends that other: projects include the South County Facilities Improvements Program to include improvements to the Senior Center to repair.leakage..and improvements to the Boys'. Club roof. Staff recommends these pro- jects be. proposed as applications for the HUD Block Grant Program and that Council establish priorities. The priority list for the. HUD Block Grant Program'of November 18, 1981, listed the Wade.James Theater Project No. 2,�'after...the Meadowdale Sewer;pr6ject.. Estimated costs of,improvementIon the Wade James.Theater Project and the Couth County Museum project are $73,000. The estimated cost of improvement to.:the Boys' Club and the SEnior Center'is $25,000. The deadline.would eliminate the,.p,ossibility of listing:any new projects. Because of the income level of the City of Edmonds, the projects must be justified. Mr. Bowman will be receiving information relative to the cost of improving.the wall of the Senior Center on May 11. These projects must be completed within two years: Requirements state that monies must be allocated by September, 1983, and projects com- p1'eted by September 1985 or funds will return to the Federal Government. COUNC.ILMEMBER KASPER MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER HALL, THAT THE SENIOR CENTER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT BE LISTED AS May 10, 1983 - continued PRIORITY NO. 1.. MOTION CARRIED. 'COUNCILMEMBER NORDQUIST-MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER ALLEN, THAT THE WADE.JAMES THEATER HANDICAPPED ACCESS PROJECT BE.LISTED AS:PRIORITY NO-. 2. AOTION CARRIED. COUNCILMEMBER NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER ALLEN, THAT THE SOUTH COUNTY MUSEUM HANDICAPPED ACCESS PROJECT BE LISTED AS PRIORITY NO. 3. MOTION CARRIED. COUNCILMEMBER GOULD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER NORDQUIST, THAT THE BOYS' CLUB PROJECT BE LISTED AS PRIORITY NO. 4. MOTION CARRIED. COUNCIL Councilmember Allen'wanted to ask about the ADB Agen&'of May 4'relative to the Washington State Department'of Transportation''s application. She wanted to know what the project involved and.what action was taken. She was informed the State wanted'to'improve'the passenger terminal and cover the pedestrian walkway. Councilmember Allen mentioned that the Council had received a note in their.packets regarding spring clean' -.up costs. They were expensive, but'the comments she received were most favorable. Councilmember Hall mentioned the Fall pick-up,.clena-up._$he believes that this was.not budgeted. Should it be handled at a later date? Acting Public Works Superintendent'Bobby Mills interjected that a Fall clean-up project had not been budgeted and,the cost would be approximately $10-$11,000 and there was,hot enough money in the budget for a fall clean-up project. Councilmember'Gould was asked.by the Community Services committee to give the Council a report of the Committee's action. Three items were discussed:. 1. .:How to.prevent overlap with the.Planning.Board. The Chairman of the Planning Board was in attendance and discussion coveredfour key items and those were that we review.the Planning Board Code and duties so that the Community Services Committee is knowledgeable on these functions. 2. That the Councilmember Chairman,will move in regular Council meetings in order to refer. items to'the Planning Board from the Committee. 3. Receiving items from the Planning Board wil'1 be only on those items, which the Planning.Board wants a review by the Committee., wants a critique and where assistance.can be rendered in preparing an item for presentation. Secondly, the Plann.ing.Board will make the decision when items will be sent to the Community Services Committee. 4. The Planning Board asked whether they should communicate to:the Council or the Committee. The Committee responded that the.Board.should communicate to the Council and the Council to the Planning Board and should.be specific. Another -item discussed was standard price for street vacations. They extablished that Jim Adams, City Engineer, will assess three alternative ways of establishing standard prices for street va- cations and that will be dollars per square foot for residential zone, dollars per square foot for commercial zone, dollars per.square foot for each kind of'zone and Mr: Adams will.report to the Committee at their :June 13, 1983, meeting. COUNCILMEMBER GOULD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER NORDQUIST, THAT THE ISSUE OF SUITABILITYOF PLAY FIELDS IN RESIDENTIAL AREAS BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING BOARD AND STEVE SIMPSON WILL FURNISH THE PLANNING BOARD WITH SPECIFICS. MOTION CARRIED. COUNCILMEMBER'GOULD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER NORDQUIST THAT THE ISSUE OF THE MAIN STREET COMMITTEE AND THEIR INPUT BE SENT DIRECTLY TO THE CITY COUNCIL BY THE MAIN STREET COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. COUNCILMEMBER GOULD MOVED, SECONDED .BY COUNCILMEMBER KASPER THAT THE.ISSUE OF TREEES AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP TO BUILDING HEIGHT MANDATED TO.THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN BOARD BE MANDATED TO THE PLANNING BOARD AND THE DATA WILL BE"FURNISHED BY THE PLANNING STAFF. COUNCILMEMBER.COULD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER KASPER, THAT THE COOPERATIVE ISSUE OF SHCOOL FACILITIES BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING BOARD AND DATA.ON.THIS.SUBJECT,.A ZONING MATTER, WILL BE FURNISHED.BY.THE STAFF. MOTION CARRIED. COUNCILMEMBER GOULD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER KASPER, THAT THE ISSUE OF RESIDENTIAL PARKING PERMITS BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING BOARD.AND SPECIFIC INFORMATION WILL.BE PROVIDED TO THEM BY COUNCILMEMBER KASPER. MOTION CARRIED. Councilmember. Gould inquired as to when the Sunset planters would.be made permanent. He was under the impression this had been formalized. In referring to his July 13, 1982 and October 1-2, 1982 Minutes, he was unable to determine if this, in fact, had been formalized. His minutes of October 12, 1982 stated the approximate cost would be $10,000 but there was no further documenta- tion.of this. Councilmember Hall was under the impression this issue had been combined with the CZM study., Councilmember Naughten stated. -he was under the impression no monies for permanent planters on Sunset.had been authorized. Councilmember Gould requested a status report on this issue and Councilmember Hall said they are awaiting documentation on the CZM study and that information on the pl.annter issue would be forthcoming at that time. Councilmember Gould stated that on May 24, 1983 at 5:30 p.m. he will attend a dinner meeting with School District officials. The meeting will be for:the purpose of discussing the jetty and beach at Brackett's Landing, Meadowdale Playfield and Edmonds Civic Center playfield. Councilmember Gould, by this statement, wished to notify the Office of the Mayor that he would be attending this meeting. 1 1 1 • May 10, 1983 - continued Councilmember Nordquist stated that in the past couple. of months, in driving around South County, he noticed there has been an increase in.dumping along the roadside. Essentially. this dumping is of furniture and mattresses. Councilmember Nordquist addressed this issue at the monthly meeting of the Health Board. The cities of Mountlake Terrace, Lynnwood and Snohomish indicated they were experiencing the same problem and it was*the general consensus they contact Dr. Hyatt and request that she contact officials of County Government regarding their position on reconstruction of the rate.structure., making it more financially feasible to dump their furniture in areas designated for that purpose. Councilmember Nordquist requested that the Council join him in drafting a letter of resolution to the County Council requesting they reconsider the rates, at least for furniture and mattresses, so that they can be brought into the dumps. COUNCILMEMBER NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL - MEMBER KASPTER, THAT A LETTER REQUESTING COUNTY GOVERNMENT'S RECONSIDERATION OF DUMPING FEES CHARGED BE BROUGHT TO THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 17, 1983, REQUESTING THAT THE COUNCIL ENDORSE THE LETTER. MOTION CARRIED'. Councilmember Nordquist,complimented all those participating in the Retreat. He felt it was very informative and meaningful. He was glad to hear the problem with Medic I was going to be resolved. Councilmember Nordquist.informed the Council he will be late in attending the meeting on May 17, 1983. He will be returning from New York, Chicago and Montreal. Tonly Foss, Student Representative, informed the Council that construction of the sidewalk on 76th Ave. W. has begun. He was in receipt of a letter from Mayor Harrison stating that con- struction would begin May 1. He did not receive the letter until May 9. More noticeably, the site is a very dangerous one. The contractor's flagmen are doing an inadequate job and he was inquiring if the City was impowered to inspect this situation. • Councilmember Jaech requested a motion to request the City Engineer have this construction site inspected. Mr. Adams.informed the Council that there are approximately 18 projects underway at this time w.ith one inspector at two hours per day to cover them all which, of course, is not adequate. Chief Foster stated he would check on the situation. Councilmember Hall stated the Council was in receipt of a mailgram from Donald W. Moos regard- ing the statutory debt limit and a resolution by the State Finance Committee to selectively restrict further bond sales. Councilmember Allen informed the Council the State budget was passed by the House last weekend and by the Senate May 9. The bond issue being referred to was also passed by the House last weekend and the Senate on May 9; the limit has been increased. The funds for Meadowdale referred.to by Councilmember Hall are included in the budget. Councilmember Hall informed the Council that the town of Woodway has invited the City Council to their celebration at noon on Saturday, May 14, and Councilmember Hall encouraged council members to attend. Councilmember Naughten asked the Council when they were scheduled to review the re- classifi-cation. Mr. LeMay informed him they were scheduled next Tuesday evening, May 17, at a committee meeting, Councilmember Naughten informed the Council he serves on the SnoCom Board and on the Subcom- mittee, which.is a building committee and they have been looking for a new site for the SnoCom location; they must vacate their present 900' site. The final decision is to move into the Lynnwood, Mountlake Terrace Public Works building which is going to be built. SnoCom will be housed in 2,000 sq.-ft. of that building. The final purchase agreement was approved May 10 and it must be approved by the City Council. COUNCILMEMBER NAUGHTEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER NORDQUIST, THAT THE DATE OF MAY 24 BE SET FOR THE COUNCIL'S REVIEW OF THE • SNOHOMISH COUNTY PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH THE LYNNWOOD, MOUNTLAKE TERRACE PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING. COUNCILMEMBER NAUGHTEN WILL SEE THAT THE ATTORNEY RECEIVES A COPY OF THE AGREEMENT FOR HIS REVIEW PRIOR TO THE COUNCIL MEETING ON MAY 24. MOTION CARRIED. Councilmember Naughten mentioned his appreciation of the Retreat and thought it was very rewarding. Councilmember Jaech met with Jim Jessel to request that some things be done to keep the Plaza Meeting Room in a neat and orderly manner. He has placed a temporary cannister near the ele- vator for mokers; he has rebuilt the speaker's podium, using.existing materials, at no cost. He endeavored working with the doors, making them less noisy. One option was to replace the doors at a cost of $1,500. The other option was to put tape, felt or other noise reducing materials on the doors, but found that was not feasible, discovering that the pins which cause the noise are set into the doorjamb, so the most feasible solution was to make a sign to be hung on the outside of the door requesting people to use the other door after 7:30 p.m. Councilmember Naughten requested that an attractive sign be made and thought it was a good idea in making use of the sign. Councilmember Jaech received a call, requesting use of the Plaza Meeting Room on a particular date and time and was asked if this would create a problem. Councilmember Jaech referred the request to Mr.-Simpson.who controls the use of the room. All requests of this nature should be referred to Mr. Simpson. Councilmember Jaech mentioned that the Council had received notice last week of the AWC Annual Convention being held June 14-17 in Bellevue. The Mayor -would like to be informed if any Council members are planning to attend as he must appoint two voting delegates from the City Council. Councilmembers Ha119..Nordquist, Kasper and Allen will be in attendance. E May 10, 1983 -.continued • Councilmember Jaech informed the Council members that a memorandum was in their packets regarding attendance at the Association of Snohomish County Cities and Towns meeting to be held on May 26 at the Crazy Lobster. Dia would like the Council members to contract her regarding sign-up and the deadline for signing up is May 20. Councilmember Jaech informed the Council her office is being remodeled and the furniture presently being used will be"removed. Replacement furniture, which can be used in a various number of ways will cost $1,617.81. COUNCILMEMBER NAUGHTEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER KASPER, THAT THIS ITEM BE PLACED ON THE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA FOR ITS MEETING OF MAY 31. MOTION CARRIED. Councilmember Naughten rescided that motion. COUNCILMEMBER GOULD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL - MEMBER KASPER, THAT FUNDS USED IN THE PURCHASE OF COUNCILMEMBER JAECH'S OFFICE FURNITURE COME FROM THE COUNCIL CONTINGENCY FUND. MOTION CARRIED. Councilmember Jaech brought to the attention of the Council members the report regarding bond ratings and a status report from Mr. Housler on their insurance forms. She suggested they bring the forms with them when discussing their insurance at the next meeting. There was no further business to come before the Council, and the meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. JAC ELINE-G. P' RRETT, Dep. City Clerk 5�� JQ,MNE JAECH, ncil President 1 1 1