19830628 City Council Minutes• June 28, 1983 - Work Meeting The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Council President Jo -Anne Jaech in the small Plaza Meeting Room 'of the Edmonds Library. All present ,joined in the flan salute. Mayor Harrison arrived shortly after the call to order. PRESENT ABSENT STAFF PRESENT !carve Harrison, Mayor John Ncrdouist Irene Varney Moran, City Clerk Jo -Anne Jaech Patrick Wilson, Assistant City Engineer Larry Nauohten Jerry Hauth, Hydraulics Engineer Katherine Allen Jack Weinz,.Fire Chief Ray Gould Art Housler, Finance Director Bill Kasper ;Jim Jessel, Property Manager Laura Hall Pat Wilson, Personnel Director Tony Foss, Student Rep. Bobby Mills, Acting Public Works Supt. Mary Lou Block, Planning Director ,`Steve Billups on, larks Q. 6Ccreaton 'Director Wavne Tanaka, City Attorney Jackie Parrett, Deputy City Clerk CONSENT AGENDA Items (B) and (J) were removed from the Consent Agenda.. COUNCILMEh1BER HALL i�iOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMRER KASPER, TO APPROVE THE BALANCE OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED. The approved items on the Consent Agenda included the following: (A) Roll call. • (C) Acknowledgment of receipt of Claim for Damages from E. I. King in the amount of $400. (D) Report on condition of 5th Ave. street light poles. (E) Authorization for Mayor to sign agreement for storm detention system adjacent to 6th Ave. tennis courts. (F) Report on bids opened June 22., 1983 for construction of storm drainage facility at 202nd and 80th W., and award of contract to Danco Construction Co. in the amount of $11,755.99 plus sales tax. (G) Passage of Resolution 559, setting July 19, 1983 as hearing date for proposed annexation in vicinity of 85th P1. W. and 218th S.W. (H) Passage of Resolution. of Intention 262 to form LICE 212 for Sea Vista P1. improvements. (I) Adoption of Ordinance 2376, speed limit revision on gain St. from Five Corners to 9th Ave. (K) Approval of Fireworks Stand Permits. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JUNE. 21, 1983 (Item (B) can Consent Agenda] Councilmember Kasper referred to page 5 of the minutes, the end of the first line, and -said the words "are not" should be changed to "the area is" so the line reads "Councilmember Kasper commented that if those sites are not posted now and the area is allowed to be built up, ." COUNCILMEMBER GOULD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER KASPER, TO APPROVE ITEM (B) ON THE CONSENT AGENDA AS CORRECTED. MOTION'. CARRIED. • PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDING VEHICLE LOAD LIMIT RESTRICTIONS FITEM (J) ON CONSENT AGENDPi COIINCILMEMBER KASPER MOVED, SECONDED FOR DISCUSSION BY COUNCILHEMSER GOULD, THAT 9TH AVE. I;. AND 9TH AVE. S. BE PLACED ON THE RESTRICTED LIST. Councilmember Kasper said 9th Ave. is a residential collector arterial, and he asked for the criteria used to establish the other streets listed for restriction to vehicles of less than 10,000 pounds. Assistant City Engineer Pat Wilson said the only thing that was addressed was the inconsistency in -two sections of the Code. He was agreeable to including 9th Ave. However, Acting Public Works Superintendent Bobby I,iills said the reason the restrictions were placed was because traffic was going down 196th and bypassing the major arterials, and the intent was to make them use the major routes. He asked where the restriction should end on 9th Ave., noting that 9th Ave. is an arterial and there has to be a way to qet trucks from 'the Firdale area to Main St. This was discussed briefly, and then THE. MOTION WAS WITHO RAWN. COUNCILMEMBER KASPER MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER GOULD, TO ADOPT ORDINANCE 2377, AMENDING THE VEHICLE LOAD LIMIT RESTRICTIONS, WITH FURTHER STUDY OF 9TH AVE. N. AND 9TH AVE. S. AS TO INCORPORATING THEM AT A LATER DATE. MOTION CARRIED. Item (J) on the Consent Agenda was considered approved by this action. DECISION ON DAYTON ST. SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION AND AUTHORIZATION TO CALL FOR BIDS ON DAY T ON ST. IMPROVEMENTS Councilmember Kasper brought this to attention because it involves the 'fact that there is a street that is sinking at about 1" per year and there is no evidence of its stopping, and yet money was goinq to be spent to redevelop it. He said on the north side the development was done by LID, and he wondered if the sidewalk was incorporated in that. Councilmember Gould referred to the Council's previous action on this as stated in the minutes of July 27, 1982, and said that action was to improve the street project in the amount of $46,000 and that the sidewalk on the north would be paid for by the Safeway property owner and the other side by Harbor Souare, but that was not the proposal put forth in Mr. "dams memo of June 7, 1933. Councilmember Gould thought they could go ar,ead with getting the bids, but he said whatever action takenmust conform to the Council action of July 27, 1982. He thought it should be determined how much it will cost. Councilmember Kasper asked if they would be pouring water into a sinking hole, noting that the engineers have said there is always • 1 82 June 28, 1983 - continued • sinking of earth and it is a question of whether it sinks uniformly. He felt an impervious surface had to be placed there in order to remove the water. Mayor Harrison suggested that one possibility would be not to require sidewalks and simply paint a lane for walking. Assistant City Engineer Pat Wilson was asked what is in the plans and specifications to prevent further sinking, and he responded that all that would be done with the new construction would be to go on top of a bog area which has settled uniformly, and the settlement pattern will probably continue but it appears it is in a more or less uniform condition. By doing as much as possible to eliminate water from the new construc- tion the settlement rate of the original soil will be reduced. The surface will be compacted. He said this was the consequence of building in what was a known bog area at the turn of the century. Councilmember Kasper said it is necessary that it be done and that Safeway do theirs, and if Safeway does not raise its parking lot that street is going to be lost again. COUNCILMEMBER GOULD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER KASPER, TO APPROVE THE CALL FOR BIDS ON THE DAYTON ST. IMPROVEMENT WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL WILL SUPPORT ITS POSITION AS STATED IN COUNCIL MINUTES OF JULY 27, 1982 ON PAGE 4. MOTION CARRIED. MEETING WITH ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN BOARD REGARDING SIGN CODE INTERPRETATION Members of the ADB who were present for this meeting were Warren LaFon (Chairman), Peter Beck, Mike Pederson, and Bob Hintz. The first subject discussed was nonconforming signs which were to come into conformance within five years after passage of the Sign Code. That five year period expired in May and letters were sent to those businesses which were still nonconforming. Councilmember Naughten thought that the letter sent out by the Mayor made it sound as though all the person had to do was go to the ADB and the sign would be approved. Mayor Harrison said it just meant that the parties had to apply for approval and it did not mean they would get approval. Councilmember Gould said a while back the ADB was given the authority to vary from the restrictions and he was interested in knowing how many times the ADB had permitted the code to be exceeded. Councilmember Jaech had heard that the ADB did not want to have the authority to vary the Code, and she asked them if that was true. Mr. LaFon responded that they want to do what the Council wants and will do what they say. However, he said if he were one of the people with the nonconforming signs he would ignore it • because there is no enforcement. He thought if they were going to talk about the Sign Code they should talk about enforcement. Mayor Harrison said there is enforcement but all the people have the right to appeal. Mr. LaFon said.he sees two or three signs go up per month that do not have permits because there is no enforcement, and he again said he thought if they were going to look at signs they.have to have enforcement. He said the City Attorney sends letters but they are ignored and the word is out that there is no enforcement and people will take advantage of it. Mr. Tanaka said his office sends a letter that states the Code requirements and suggests very strongly that they comply or the City will have no choice but to take action, and they are given 10 days to respond, and most of the people come in after they receive the letter. As to signs denied by the ADB, Ms. Block said she was not aware of any that her department did not pursue: Mr. LaFon gave an example, saying they changed the faces of their sign which was not approved. It was complained about and a letter was written, and it is still there. He said there are many others, and there are many that have not come to the City at all. Ms. Block said that since the letter went out to the businesses with nonconforming signs approximatley half have called to ask what their options are, and two have applied to the ADB. It was noted that the letter set no deadline for responding. Councilmember Gould read section 20.60.100 of the Code and said the system for administering the Sign Code is set up and just has to be followed. Mr. Tanaka went on to -say that the letter he sends states if they do not comply action will be taken, and by carbon copy to the Planning Department his office expects to be notified if there is no action. Ms. Block stated that these signs became nonconforming in May of this year and she feels that conformance is taking place gradually. Mr. Tanaka continued that he had found in the past that the court requires quite a bit of notice and bending over back- wards by the City so the people have every opportunity to make good on Code violations, and the court does not look upon them as criminals, so in that sense it really is to the City's advantage to be as flexible as possible. Mayor Harrison suggested a two -month period in which to comply, and Councilmember Gould thought that would be a good addition to the Code. THEREFORE, COUNCILMEMBER GOULD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER HALL, THAT THE NECESSARY STEPS BE TAKEN TO AMEND SECTION 20.60.100(C), NOTICE OF VIOLATION, SO THE PERIOD OF TIME IN WHICH TO START THE PROCESS TO REMEDY THE VIOLATION WILL BE SPECIFIED AS A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED 60 DAYS. MOTION CARRIED. Councilmember Gould • then suggested that the administration send another letter stating it is the intent of the Council that they expect the remedy to commence within 60 days. He pointed out that the way the Code is currently worded, although the time period is not stated, it is left to the administration to state a time period within which to remedy the violation, and that is what he was now asking. Mayor Harrison asked for a roll call as to whether 60 days is reasonable. All voted yes, and Mayor Harrison said it was his suggestion so they all agree. The ADB was asked how they will deal with nonconforming signs, and Mr. LaFon said the larger signs that have been approved are more prevalent on Highway 99, and they are higher and bigger. He said they look at the height in relation to the surrounding neighborhood, sight distances, speed.of cars, etc. Councilmember Jaech said if you go according to what is on Highway 99 now, that does not fit the scheme of what they are hoping to do for Highway 99, and if the higher signs go up that allows the visual pollution to continue. Mr. LaFon responded that the signs are a small part of the visual pollution. He was asked how many applications for sign variances had been granted and he said approximately 10-15%. Councilmember Gould stated that it was his personal preference that the Sign Code be rigidly enforced with the authority to vary used only for unusual circumstances, and if necessary, they could change the Code to say there will be no variances granted by the ADB and the applicant would have to go to the Council for a modification. Chairman LaFon responded that if the Council wants the Code rigidly enforced, the ADB will do that. Councilmember Gould said he thinks the people in the City want a strict Sign Code, and Councilmember Jaech agreed and said it should be varied only for some dire necessity. Councilmember Gould added that when they revised the Code to give additional authority to the ADB the thought in his mind was that it was a good thing to do because it gives some authority to some additional residents of the City to take part in making the City the way they want it, but he wants that authority to be judiciously used. Mr..Pederson said he had been on the ADB for six months and in those six meetings there had been about six requests for variances, and each time he has thought the person was asking for the variance for a legitimate reason from his point of view. He said there is a place in marketing where if you are prohibitive r� U 183. • June 28, 1983 - continued they take the action to avoid confrontation. He noted that most of the objections are to the limited size of signs, not to lighting or lack of it. Mr. Tanaka suggested some changes be made to the Code to give the ADB some language to point to to tell the people that the Council has said variances will be only for unusual circumstances. Ms. Block added that the staff position is that there should be some flexibility in the Code for unusual circumstances. Mr. Hintz observed that regulating signs is a big problem in any jurisdiction, and if the laws are too harsh they will not be effective. He thought the latitude granted the ADB to be desirable, and the reason they were present was to get the sense of the Council about their observing strict standards. lie said without latitude the applications can be handled at the counter --they can.be told either comply or go to the Council. He said size is usually the problem and that is a judgment call involving the environment, neighborhood, etc. He said they will recognize the objective to make the signs more attractive in the city, and those on the list of nonconforming signs will be considered as new applications, recognizing the investment they have in their signs. He added that they have not allowed new businesses on Highway 99 to be as bad as what is existing. Mr. Pederson thought if they gave somebody a variance it should be contingent on Council approval, and Councilmember Naughten favored that approach. Council - member Gould suggested a change in the Code so that the All can vary 'tile number, height, size, or location in some unusual circumstances, and then let the ADB manage the Code under those guidelines and simply notify the Council of the variances they approve, with the Council reviewing them but not approving them, and if the Council is not in agreement with what they are doing then they can make a change. COUNCILMEMBER GGULU MOVEu, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEM3L'R JAECH, THAT THE PLANNING STAFF PROPOSE REVISED LANGUAGE FOR THE SIGN CODE SECTION 20.60.020B, "REVIEW BY ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN 3OARD," SO THAT THE THINGS THE ADB VARIES REGARDING HEIGHT, AREA, AND LOCATION WILL BE DONE ONLY IN UNUSUAL SITUATIONS, AND THAT THIS CHANGE BE ROUTED THROUGH THE REGULAR CHANNELS AS REQUIRED TO CHANGE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CODE. MOTION CARRIED, WITH COUNCILMEMBER KASPER VOTING NO. Fie said they were getting into design, and he did not think the Council could legislate design. COUNCILMEMBER GOULD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER NAUGHTEN, THAT IT BE A PRACTICE THAT THE ADB ADVISE THE COUNCIL IN WRITING AS TO WHAT THEIR DECISIONS ARE REGARDING APPLICATIONS FOR VARIANCES TO THE SIGN • CODE, AFTER HEARING EACH APPLICATION, SO THE COUNCIL MAY MONITOR THEIR ACTIONS. MOTION CARRIED, WITH COUNCILMEMBER KASPER VOTING NO. He said it is all reported in the ADB minutes. Councilmember Naughten asked about signs that are erected illegally, and Mayor Harrison said anyone recognizing that should report it to the Planning Department. Councilmember Allen thought that complaints made to the Planning Department would be taken care of,'based on her own experience. Mr. Tanaka said violations should be brought to the staff's attention as they can only act on complaints. He said the policy is that the staff has other things to do and unless a complaint is made they do not pursue it. COUNCILM51BER JAECH MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER GOULD, TO PLACE A FOLLOW-UP STAFF REPORT OF THE EXISTING VIOLATIONS ON THE SEPTEMBER 6, 1983 AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED. COUNCIL Councilmember Naughten asked again if there is adequate insurance for the July 4 activities, and Mr. Tanaka said them is. Student Representative Tony Foss suggested that City Councilmembers participate in Boys' State as members of government. He thought they would be interesting participants and he suggested that they contact the American Hegion and see if they can be part of agenda. Councilmember Hall reminded the Council that the dedication of the library plaza to Dr. Kretzler will be July 4 at 4:00 p.m. on the plaza. Councilmember Hall had received a call from an Edmonds High School band member asking who to contact to enter their band in the parade, and she was told to have the student call Councilmember Naughten. Council President Jaech noted that the Code calls for a report from the Hearing Examiner in January and July. It was noted that at the last meeting with him he asked that his report be only annually. • COUNCILMEMBER JAECH MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER GOULD, THAT THE CITY ATTORNEY BE INSTRUCTED TO DRAFT AN AMENDMENT TO THE ORDINANCE TO REQUIRE A REPORT FROM THE HEARING EXAMINER TO THE CITY COUNCIL ONCE A YEAR IN SEPTEMBER. MOTION CARRIED. Council President Jaech reminded the Council that the County Council would be having a hearing the following day at 2:00 p.m. regarding billboards. Councilmember Kasper said there are no stripes on the tennis courts and no nets, and the temperature required to stripe them (70°) had existed for several days. He asked that some action be taken to put the courts in use immediately, or the season will pass before they are usable. Councilmember Kasper said the candy for the July 4 parade cost $106.14 this year. The Council - members and:ilayor reirnbursed.him for their portions of the cost. Councilmember Gould thanked Art Housler for his action regarding the elderly lady and her utility bill. He thought it was a very commendable action and he had received a nice letter from Russ Berg about it. Councilmember Gould read a prepared statement, announcing his decision not to seek re-election to the City Council. He will continue to serve the community as President of the Lynnwood Rotary Club, President of the Northwest Fly Anglers Club, and Khairman of the South County United Way Division. Also, he will be assisting his wife in her campaignfor a seat in the House of Representatives in the United States Congress. Following this announcement, he suggested a recess and invited everyone present to enjoy some smoked salmon which he had caught and smoked on his recent vacation, and a recess was announced. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE MEETING Personnel Director Pat LeMay stated that the Council had been given a memo from the Mayor informing them of a 1% merit adjustment being given to City Clerk Irene Varney Moran and a 2% merit adjustment June 28, 1983 — continued • being given to Police Chief Marlo Foster, and he asked for Council approval. COUNCILMEMBER ALLEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER HALL, TO APPROVE THE STATED MERIT ADJUSTMENTS. MOTION CARRIED. Proposed job reclassifications were.then reviewed. The first was to establish the position of Executive Assistant/Secretary NE-9 to replace the Executive Secretary NE-8 position (secretary to the Mayor). Mayor Harrison said the rationale for this change is that she is functioning as an executive assistant as well as a secretary and is doing some of the things the former MAA did. Also, he said there will be more demand on this position when the Mayor's position becomes full- time. Councilmember Jaech questioned this, saying he previously had the position upgraded on. the basis that the Mayor's position was a part-time position. He said he needed an assistant and it was argued that.he previously had said he did not need an assistant and the Personnel Director was hired to absorb the personnel functions which the MAA had performed. After some discussion, COUNCILMEMBER GOULD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER JAECH, TO LEAVE THE POSITION AT THE CURRENT NE-8 CLASSIFICA- TION. A ROLL CALL VOTE WAS TAKEN ON THE MOTION, WITH COUNCILMEMBERS GOULD, JAECH, NAUGHTEN, AND KASPER VOTING YES, AND WITH COUNCILMEMBERS HALL AND ALLEN VOTING NO. MOTION CARRIED. Councilmember Naughten said he did not have a problem giving an increase for more responsibility, but he.was having a problem upgrading the job to an administrative assistant position. Councilmember Kasper felt they were moving toward a resource person and moving the Council away from that position and until that takes place he did not think it should be reclassified. Councilmember Hall argued that because they are hiring a resource person that will put more demand on this position, but he said he will be glad to look at it when the time comes. The next position considered was the upgrade of the Purchasing/Communications Coordinator from NE-3 to NE-5. After brief discussion, COUNCILMEMBER HALL MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER NAUGHTEN, TO APPROVE THE RECOMMENDATION. Councilmember Gould asked the rationale for moving two steps. Mr. LeMay responded that the internal analysis indicated an upgrade was in order, given the level of responsibility, and there was no external data. Councilmember Hall said this is a demanding position and is handled very well by the person in the position. THE MOTION CARRIED. • Mr. LeMay said there had been a recommendation to upgrade the Finance Secretary position from NE-5 to NE-6, but based on what the word processing will do to the department, Mr. Housler had withdrawn this recommendation. The next position considered was that of Accounting Supervisor, with a recommendation for upgrade from E-2 to E-3. Mr. LeMay stated that internal analysis indicates the position to be properly classified at the existing grade, but external data indicated classificaton should be upgraded. After brief discussion, COUNCILMEMBER GOULD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER ALLEN, TO APPROVE THIS RECOMMENDATION. MOTION CARRIED. The next position considered was that of Key/Computer Operator, the recommendation being to reserve the NE-6 grade for the incumbent and retitle the position to Lead Key/Computer Operator, while at the same time downgrading the vacated position to NE-5. Mr. LeMay said this would require nego- tiations with the union, and the recommendation was to negotiate the downgrade with the union in return for several upgrades in the same bargaining unit, and then fill the the position at the lower classification level if the Finance Director decides to fill the position. COUNCILMEMBER ALLEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER GOULD, TO CHANGE THE JOB TITLE AS SUGGESTED AND EFFECT THE DOWN- GRADE OF THE SECOND POSITION. MOTION CARRIED. The next position considered was Accounting Clerk (Treasurer), the recommendation being to upgrade from NE-5 to NE-6. Mr. LeMay stated that external data indicates the classification should be upgraded. COUNCILMEMBER JAECH MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER ALLEN, TO APPROVE THE RECOMMENDA- TION. MOTION CARRIED. Next considered was the Planning Department. There were no recommendations for reclassification in that department and Councilmember Naughten took exception to the Mayor'.s prioritizing of the depart- ments and giving the Planning Department the least priority. He said according to the material • received from the Assistant City Planner at the retreat, the Planning Director, the Assistant City Planner, and the Associate Planner are at salaries below the averages of ten other cities. Council - member Gould said his position is that the Planning Director should be an E-10, the Assistant City Planner an E-5, and the Associate Planner an E-3, and that the Planning Department is grossly underclassified in.those three areas. Councilmember Jaech added that the department plays one of the major roles in this town and they have to keep on their toes and they take a lot of abuse. Councilmember Naughten said it is® important to recognize what they are doing and to ignore them would be a mistake. Councilmember Kasper said planning is important and there is not enough forward planning, but he was concerned with the current structure and said if the Director position were upgraded to E-10 there should be some consolidation of the Planning Department and the Parks and Recreation Department. COUNCILMEMBER NAUGHTEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER GOULD, TO UPGRADE THE PLANNING DIRECTOR POSITION FROM E-8 TO E-9, THE ASSISTANT"CITY PLANNER POSITION FROM E-4 TO E-59 AND THE ASSOCIATE PLANNER POSITION FROM E-2 TO E-3. Mayor Harrison said that changing the classi- fication means the administration can open it up and readvertise the position. The -Council asked the City Attorney if that was so, and Mr. Tanaka responded that regardless of reclassifications the department heads serve at the pleasure of the Mayor and he can remove the incumbent and appoint another to the position. Councilmember Hall said she would vote no because it was not reviewed by the Personnel Director. Councilmember Gould said he strongly supported the motion, and that this is not a group that is low in priority in his mind, and in fact they rank very high. Councilmember Naughten said the Planning Director should be on the same level as the Parks and Recreation Director, and Councilmember Kasper said the entire real estate aspect has been taken out of Parks and Recrea- tion and there are coordinators there doing work that had been done by the Director. He felt the job factors were no longer there and that both departments should be looked at by the Personnel Director before they voted on it. Councilmember Gould said this motion did not preclude looking at consolidation, and he thought it wrong to hold this up while waiting for that. Councilmember Allen preferred that they ask for a recommendation specifically on those two departments and that it go through the Personnel Director. She asked that the Mayor direct the Personnel Director to look at 0 • June 28, 1983 - continued that potential, and said in the meantime she would vote no on this motion. A ROLL CALL VOTE WAS TAKEN 014 THE IXTION, WITH COU"CILMEMBERS NAUGHTEN, GOULD, AND JAECH VOTING YES, AND WITf-; COUNCIL - MEMBERS ALLEN, KASPER, AND HALL VOTING NO, RESULTING IN A TIE VOTE. MAYOR HARRISON DECLINED TO VOTE, AND THE MOTION FAILED. COUNCILMEMBER GOULD THEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER NAUGHTEN, TO ADVANCE THE ASSISTANT CITY PLANNER POSITION FROM E-4 TO E-5 AND THE ASSOCIATE PLANNER FROM E-2 TO E- 3. Councilmember Gould said that would take care of two of the three problems and would not affect a reorganization. THE MOTION CARRIED, WITH COUNCILMEMBER HALL VOTING NO BECAUSE THERE WAS NO RECOMMENDATION FROM THE PERSONNEL DIRECTOR. Mr. LeMay said there had been three recommendations in the Planning Department and he had looked at them based on internal factors and external data, and he makes his recommendations to the Mayor who makes the decisions. He said the Mayor had some sincere convictions about what. the City's priorities are and made his decision. The Mayor was asked to examine the possibility of restructuring the Parks and Recreation and the Planning Departments. The next position considered was that of Nurseryman NE-7, upgraded and retitled from Maintenance Man B.NE-6. Mr. LeMay had indicated that internal analysis indicates classification should be upgraded. COUNCILMEMBER GOULD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER HALL, TO APPROVE THE RECOMMENDATION. MOTION CARRIED. Next considered was the position of Receptionist/Clerk Typist in the Public Works Department, the recommendation being to upgrade from NE-1 to NE-2. Councilmember Allen asked if any thought had been given to the importance of the receptionist. She said the public talks to that person first and that person has to be very knowledgeable. She thought it should be an NE-6. It was argued that only typing skills are needed and that such a position is an entry level position in private enter- prise also. COUNCILMEMBER GOULD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER NAUGHTEN, TO APPROVE THE RECO14- MENDATION FOR UPGRADE TO NE-2. MOTION CARRIED. • The next oositions considered were Assistant City Engineer, the recommendation being upgrade from E-6 to E-7; and Hydraulics Enoineer, the recommendation being upgrade from E-5 to E-6. Mr. LeMay had indicated that both recommendations were based on external data. Councilmember Kasper said he has more concern about the ton positions than the structural positions beneath which are professional positions but not a problem if there is merging of departments. COUNCILMEMBER KASPER MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER HALL, TO APPROVE BOTH RECOMMENDATIONS. MOTION CARRIED. Next considered was t'l-le position of Aquatics/Athletic Coordinator which was a new position established at the grade of ME-7, after internal analysis and review of external data and taking into account City priorities. The position had been approved by the Council in the budget, and this would eliminate t;-le Pool Manager position. COUNCILMEMPER ALLEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER NAUGHTEN, TO APPROVE THE :ECOMMENDATION. MOTION CARRIED. Next considered was the position of Arts/Information Coordinator, the recommendation being to upgrade from NE-4 to NE-7. Parks and Recreation Director Steve Simpson said the duties of this position were expanded when the Recreation Administrator position was eliminated, and this is now the depart- ment head assistant when the Director is absent. Councilmember.Gould acknowledged'a letter from Arts Commission Chairman JerrV Ward which supported this recommendation. COUNCILMEMBER NAUGHTEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILME43F.R HALL, TO APPROVE THE RECOMMENDATON. Councilmember Gould said he had compared the three coordinator 'positions and all have approximatel;; the same educational require- ments, while two of the three require one year's experience. He said the scope of supervision is different but it is offset by some other factors. Councilmember Jaech felt that the incumbent is being overburdened with new jobs .and if that is not corrected the City is going to have an Arts Coordinator who does not have time to do her job. THE MOTION CARRIED, WITH COUNCILMEMBER KASPER VOTING NO. He said he thought the position has never really been set forth by the Council but has just grown with everything being dumped on it. His vote !vas no reflection on the person who he said is very capable. Mr. LeMay stated that the external data more than,reflects that the position should.be upgraded to NE-7. • Next considered was establishment of the position of Parks and.Recreation Secretary/ Office Coordina- tor NE-6, upgraded from the former position of Parks and Recreation Secretary NE-5. Mr. LeMay indicated external data indicated classification should be upgraded. COUNCILMEMBER GOULD MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER 'TALL, TO APPROVE THE RECOMMENDATION. Councilmember Jaech noted that all the other secretary positions are NE-5, and she asked why this should he NE-6. Mr. LeMay said the coordinator aspect is in this job and some additional responsibilities have been put into it and it is functioning as something other than a secretary. Mr. Simpson said he does not want other people in the department to get involved in administrative details and therefore the administration is done by the secretary and himself. Mr. LeMay discussed the external data, saving some other cities indicate their secretaries are functioning as other than secretaries and also the salary for this position was much lower than in other cities. Mr. Simpson added that this Position'sunervises the receptionist position and other secretary positions do :not. THE MOTION CARRIED. Councilmember Kasper thought the Personnel Director should be asked to r2vie+N how the Parks and Recreation Director position was classified as E-9 and what work has been taken out of it. He wanted to see the correlation between the two departments, Planning and Parks and Recreation. There was no further business to come before the Council, and the meeting adjourned at 11:10 p.m. 2W. V12 V IRENE VARNEY MORAN, Cip Clerk HARVE H. HARRISON, Mayor