19840327 City Council MinutesMarch 27, 1984 - Work Meeting The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Larry Naughten in the Plaza Meeting Room of the Edmonds Library.All present joined.in the flag salute. PRESENT Larry Naughten, Mayor Bill Kasper Jack Wilson Lloyd Ostrom Steve Dwyer Laura Hall Jo -Anne Jaech John Nordquist Brian Stewart, Student Rep. CONSENT AGENDA STAFF PRESENT Irene Varney Moran, City Clerk Bobby Mills, Acting Public Works Supt. Art Housler, Finance Director Steve Simpson, Parks & Rec. Director Jim Jessel, Property Manager Dan Prinz, Asst. Police Chief Jack Weinz, Fire Chief Pat LeMay, Personnel Director Mary Lou Block, Planning Director Mark Eames, City Attorney Shirlie Witzel, Recorder Items (B) and (C) were removed from the Consent Agenda. COUNCILMEMBER JAECH MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER OSTROM, TO APPROVE THE BALANCE OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED. The approved items on the Consent Agenda included the following: 11 348 March 27, 1984 - continued (A) Roll call. • (D) Adoption of Ordinance #2422 for prepayment period expiration on L.I.D. 211. (E) Passage of Resolution 583 to increase mileage reimbursement rate. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MARCH 20,.1984 [Item (B) on Consent.Agenda] Since the Council received the minutes of the previous meeting just prior to this meeting and had no.opportunity;to,review:them; COUNCILMEMBER JAECH MOVED,.SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER HALL, THAT APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE MARCH 20, 1984 COUNCIL MEETING.BE PLACED ON THE APRIL 3,.1984 CONSENT AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED. ADOPTION OF.PROPOSED ORDINANCE42421 AMENDING OFFICIAL STREET MAP, REDUCING THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF ELM ST. BETWEEN'6TH AVE. S. AND 7TH AVE. S. (ST=5-83) Item (C) on Consent Agenda] Councilmember.Jaech expressed concern regarding parking on this street if the right-of-way is reduced. Councilmember Dwyer stated his concern that interrupting the process at this point would interfere with the PRD. The Council discussed the.question at length. City Attorney Mark.Eames clarified that the reduction of the right-of-way was considered at.the public hearing and .was part of the PRD package that was approved by the Council. COUNCILMEMBER WILSON MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL -- MEMBER HALL, TO ADOPT ORDINANCE #2421, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL STREET MAP.. Discussion continued among the Council. A ROLL CALL- VOTE WAS TAKEN ON THE MOTION: COUNCILMEMBERS KASP.ER,.WILSON, DWYER, HALL AND NORDQUIST VOTING YES; COUNCILMEMBERS OSTROM AND JAECH VOTING NO. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Naughten commended City.Clerk Irene Varney Moran for her 27 yearsof service with the City, saying tonight was the 1,404th and last City Council meeting she will have attended as City..Clerk. Ms. Moran was presented with an arrangement of roses from the City Council with their thanks and • appreciation. The meeting was recessed briefly'so those present could enjoy the.cake and coffee prepared in her honor. Mayor Naughten announced that a retirement reception is planned for Ms. Moran on Friday, March 30, at the Crazy Lobster. Anyone wishing to attend should contact the City for reservations.. REPORT FROM D-DAT TEAM . Planning Director Mary Lou Block introduced Robert Burke, D-DAT Coordinator, who al.ong with four others composed the team preparing the report being.presented. Mr. Burke reviewed the report which indicated that downtown Edmonds has significant potential for future development. General conclu- sions reached by the team included recommendation on the market area, consideration of -Downtown/ Harbor Square/Waterfront as a unit, using a theme, marketing ideas, land uses, transportation and parking, pedestrian emphasis and amenities. There were six recommendations for immediate action: 1. Organization for downtown Edmonds. 2. Development of joint strategy for negotiation with State .on Ferry Terminal lease and expansion. 3. Update Plans and Zoning Code for downtown. 4. Increase height limit to induce rehabilitation and new development.. 5. Parking. 6. On -going task force to initiate immediate action items. At various points council members asked for specific information or recommendations on the data being presented. Mr. Burke expressed the team's thanks and appreciation for the cooperation and accommodations they had received. The team.has volunteered to return in three to four months for one day to monitor community response, review the longer term projects and review progress on intital implementation. Mayor Naughten thanked.the team on .behalf of the City and presented a memento of the occasion to Mr. • Burke. REPORT FROM COMMITTEE REGARDING.CIV'IC CENTER FIELD Parks and Recreation Director Steve Simpson briefly reviewed the history of the Committee and introduced Mr..Bruce Dees, landscape architect working with.the.committee. Mr. Dees presented the committee's findings and recommendations.. He'reported that development of recreation facilities at Civic Center Park would cost $952,000; a new boys' & girls' club would be $775,000 and Woodway High School playfields would cost $825,000 fora total of $2,553,000. The committee recommended con- struction of Woodway playfields.and Civic Center Park in their entirety, funding the project through a.General Obligation Bond Issue in September 1984 with construction to commence the spring of 1985. Mr. Simpson endorsed the findings of.the committee and suggested that construction of a new swimming pool at .the Civic Center Park be considered rather than covering of Yost pool. He also outlined contacts he has had with the school district in regard. to the ideas presented this evening. Mr. Dees displayed a poster that had been used. in a recent bond issue in another City. Members of the Council discussed the matter. COUNCILMEMBER JAECH MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER DWYER, TO PLACE THIS ITEM ON THE APRIL 10 AGENDA FOR A DECISION ON ACTION. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting recessed for 10 minutes at 9:20 p.m. 34 R. March 27, 1984 - continued PLANNING BOARD RECOMMENDATION ON SIGN CODE Ms. Block.presented the Planning Board's recommendations on the sign code. She.noted the City Council.had.ref.erred this matter to the Planning Board for review on September 27, 1983. As a result of meetings with.the business community and concerned citizens, and after two public hear- ings, the following recommendations have been presented by the Planning Board.for Council consid- eration. The issues of.nonconformi,ng signs and attached sign height will be discussed at the Planning Board meeting March 28 and will be submitted when formulated. The Planning Board recommended a change i.n measurement.of sign areas for all zones, a new sign area formula for Highway 99 fr.eestanding and wall. -mounted signs, change in landscaping_ for Highway 99 freestanding signs and a.change in location of freestanding signs.for all zones.. Ms. 'Block reviewed each recommendation individually and -answered questions from council members. A tour of the area was suggested for council members and will be arranged by Council President Jaech and Council Resource Person Jo Pendergast. COUNCILMEMBER JAECH MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER DWYER, TO SET A PUBLIC HEARING ON THIS ISSUE ON APRIL 17, 1984. MOTION CARRIED. FINANCE COMMITTEE.MEETING (A) Further Discussion .on Funding Water Loop Through Union Oil Pro erty. Fire Chief Jack Weinz.and Tinance Director Art Hous er answe'red questions from the Council regarding funding and .safety issues relating to the water. loop.: Mr. Housler recalled that a safety -problem was mentioned in a memorandum in 1978 regard.ing.the bureau rating of the City. He .said a specific deficiency. mentioned.was the Union Oil Loop. At that time the City determined that action would be taken to retain.the City's Class 5 fi're rating. The Council.discussed the safety problem as presented. COUNCILMEMBER KASPER MOVED., SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER OSTROM, TO DIRECT THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE AN ORDINANCE TO FUND THE WATER LOOP THROUGH UNION.OIL PROPERTY WITH AN L.I.D. Councilmember Hall • called for the question. MOTION CARRIED. (B) Interim Financing for Meandowdale Project (1.2 Million).. Mr. Housler reported that payments of 2.2 million dollars must be made to contractors on the Meadowdale project between now and completion of the project. The City only has l.mil.lion dollars in the bank and must borrow 1.2 million until L.I.D. bonds are sold. He recommended the City Attorney..be authorized to proceed with legal documents to borrow the money until February 1, 1985. In.response to questions from the Council; Mr. Housler said the local commercial banks will be.solicited for the loan, and the lowest bi.d.will be brought before the Council when.the Ordinance.is prepared by the Attorney. COUNCIL - MEMBER JAECH MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER KASPER, TO APPROVE INTERIM FINANCING FOR THE MEADOW - DALE PROJECT AND:DIRECT THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE THE NECESSARY ORDINANCE AND LEGAL DOCUMENTS. MOTION CARRIED. (C) Review Al Fees Charged by City. Due to the lateness of the hour, Mayor Naughten sug- gested the council spend 15 minutes on this item and continue the remaining items. Councilmember Jaech recommended taking the City Cl.erk fees first, so the Council would have the benefit of Ms. Moran:.s comments. Ms. Moran reviewed the fees currently being charged and recommended raising or changing,fees on.advertising, ambulance, ambulance attendant/driver, and solicitors/peddlers. She responded..to various questions from the Council. COUNCILMEMBER NORDQUIST MOVED,, SECONDED BY COUNC:ILMEMBER OSTROM, TO.CHANGE.THE AMBULANCE ATTENDANT/DRIVER FEE .TO.$1Q ANNUALLY AND CHANGE THE SOLICITORS/PEDDLERS ORDINANCE TO READ A.HALF-FEE AFTER MID -YEAR. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Simpson reviewed the fees in the Parks.and Recr..eation Department. He said they are updated :peiodically.under the provision of the City.Ordinance which allows the Parks and Recreation Director to establish these fees. He asked if the Council saw any areas they thought should be changed. Mr. Simpson answered questions from the Council concerning deposits.charged for facilities, garden patches, and the fishing pier. • COUNCILMEMBER KASPER MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER OSTROM, TO MOVE THE BALANCE OF..THIS ITEM TO THE APRIL 24 AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED. MAYOR Mayor Naughten asked -the Council to consider his proposal for changing the format of council work meetings.. He.suggested a meeting time for .committees of 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m..and council session from 8:30 - 10:00 p.m. Councilmember Kasper mentioned meetings of the Council as a whole and asked when they would..be scheduled. COUNCILMEMBER NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER HALL, TO SCHEDULE DISCUSSION OF THE WORK MEETING FORMAT FOR A FUTURE MEETING. Motion was not acted upon. Councilmember Ostrom commented that he was interested in what the Mayor had presented and feels there should be some changes made. COUNCIL PRESIDENT JAECH MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER DWYER, TO SCHEDULE THIS.ITEM FOR DISCUSSION ON THE MAY 8 AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED. The Mayor mentioned that the back of the agenda lists council members and staff. Mayor Naughten read.a proclamation designating April as Cancer Control Month in Edmonds and urged every citizen to support the American Cancer Society's annual Cancer Crusade. Mayor Naughten advised the Council -he had appointed Dan Prinz as Acting Police Chief until a perma- nent Police Chief is appointed. He said he was currently researching the pro's and con's of keeping the Police and Fire Chief positions under the Civil Service system. Mayor Naughten mentioned a letter from Mr. Biers asking the City to raise the moratorium on single dwelling building lots. He said he would notify Mr. Biers.that a discussion of raising the mora- torium on, subdivisions is scheduled for April 10. Councilmember Dwyer asked that Mr. Biers be ad- vised the scheduled discussion will not deal with building or permits. 0 350: March 27, 1984 - continued Mayor Naughten advised the council he would be gone March 29 and April 2; Mr. Housler will be avail- able in his absence. The Mayor read excerpts of a letter from Penny Spute commending the fire department and Medic 7 for the excellent job they had done in responding to a recent emergency. Mayor Naughten requested confirmation of his appointment of Bob Drury Ito the Board of Appeals. COUNCILMEMBER HALL MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER JAECH, TO CONFIRM THE MAYOR'S APPOINTMENT OF BOB DRURY TO POSITION.6 ON THE BOARD OF APPEALS, TERM TO EXPIRE DECEMBER 31, 1987. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Naughten requested confirmation of.his appointment of Jackie Parrett.as City Clerk. COUNCIL-' MEMBER:W-ILSON MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER HALL, TO CONFIRM THE.MAYOR'S APPOINTMENT Or JACKIE PARRETT AS CITY CLERK. MOTION CARRIED. COUNCIL Council President.Jaech read a letter from Roger Hertrich advising the Council he will be out of town during .the week his appeal of the Hearing Examiner's decision regarding Port of Edmonds' Mid Marina Shoreline permit, conditional use permit and variance will be heard. He asked that the hearing be continued to a later date. The Council discussed continuing this item. Mr. Eames advised that an appeal.must be scheduled within 30 days from date of appeal. He said one party to the appeal may not unilaterally change the date to go beyond the 30 days. He said past policy has been to open the hearing and take testimony from those present, continuing the hearing if other testimony remains to be heard. Followina fur- ther discussion, Councilmember Dwyer suggested that Mr. Hertrich's request be conveyed to the Port of Edmonds in a letter saying the hearing may be continued to allow Mr. Hertrich's testimony. Councilmember Dwyer said he had received a letter regarding the day-care issue and asked if these • people would be advised of the date of the Planning Board hearing. Ms. Block responded that the Planning Department does not receive letters addressed to the Council. He asked that the letters be conveyed to Planning. Councilmember, Dwyer mentioned the staff meeting minutes of March. 21, 1984, in which a department head had .commented regarding a.hearing.-before the Council. Councilmember Dwyer said he felt it was inappropriate in this situation. Councilmember Hall disagreed saying the Council could not control what a person says in a staff meeting; it is not a public meeting. Councilmember Hall reported that the planting strips on.SR104 will be planted this year. The Garden Club will plant a portion and the City will plant a portion in.wild flowers. A cost breakdown will be furnished on the flower program. She said using seeds rather than transplanting annuals will allow a greater amount of flowers to be used in the City. Councilmember Wilson reported a request from the Arts Festival to put up some sign poles for banners. They have relied on the PUD and telephone company in the past, but they are unwilling to. accommodate such use -any longer. He said Mr. Mills.had suggested erecting permanent poles in three locations. Wood utility poles would cost $125 each. Mayor Naughten agreed there was a need for such poles. Councilmember Wilson said the poles would be located on 5th north of the bridge, on Puget Drive and on Main. Mayor Naughten suggested the staff and City Attorney compile costs and research insurance considerations for the Council. Councilmember Wilson expressed concern that the council retreat which is being advertised as a' reorganization discussion may not be an actual reorganization discussion.. He feels the Council should have staff input to make effective decisions. Otherwise, he feels he made.be asked to legiti- mitize something to which he had not contributed. Looking at the agenda, he feels it may be a waste of time and expense to the taxpayer. - Councilmember Hall stated she is looking for a reorganization plan from the Mayor for consideration • during the retreat. Mayor Naughten said he had gathered information on organizations of 10 cities to present to the Council. Councilmember Jaech commented that a general agenda had been distributed to the Council. During the next week, she said, the information the Mayor has collected will be given to the Council along with sheets from a flow chart. The flow chart sheets are for the use of council members to draft their ideas for use at the retreat. The agenda has been structured in the same format as -the committees; Councilmember Kasper will.chair the Community Services section, Councilmember Jaech said she would chair the administrative section and Councilmember Nordquist will chair the public safety discussion. Councilmember Kasper asked for a report on the landscaping at 9th and Casper. Mr. Mills said the City is in the process of forming a permanent curb around the islands rather than the extruded curbs that were there. Several trees were planted earlier this month. Topsoil is planned for the area and Mr. Mills has suggested wild flowers be planted this year. It will be completed this spring. There was no further business to come before the Council and the meeting adjourned at 11:15 p.m. VENW VARNEY MOR N, City Clerk LARRY S. NAUGHTEN, Mayor