1009 VISTA WAY.PDF1009 VISTA WAY i r 1� r.,_� �,..w :m�. y+Z• d ���i w:,xa:sx .:tit v�� c� '.i'.'. ,, �..i.:w'.� ."nv.; ti J'v,:;. t a Z O w U 94 O w CITY OF EDMONDS COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT RIGHT-OF-WAY CONSTRUCTION PERMIT A. • Owner: Washington Natural Gas Company Name 815 Mercer Street Mailing Address Seattle, Washington 98111 Ci9TRE State Zip FT FIL RECEIVED Permit No. 91--=3 I S u� 1991 Issue Date 9 - B. • Contractor: �ti ��'I- State License Number Telephone Number C. a Address or Vicinity of Construction: 1009 Vista Way Type of Work to be Done: Insta]!/ 1k,�PE IP Msin in,V4to Wi3•y-'friom 18' east to 238' west of the centerline of 11 Avenue North per drawing #910-237 J#6043-3) (2) 60 Work in Connection With: ElSub or Plat r ElSingle Family El Projects. ❑ Commercial ❑ Multifamily W Utility E. • Pavement Cut: ® Y ❑ N F. • Size oticut: 2 feet X 4 feet (Over Watermain) APPLICANT TO READ AND SIGN �.. �.• +,, ` . INDEMNITY: Applicant understands and by his signature to this application, agrees to hold the City of Edmonds harmless from any injuries, damages, or claims of any,kind or description whatsoever, forseen or unforseen, that may be made against the City of Edmonds, or any of its departments or employees,including or not limited to the defense of any legal proceedings including defense costs, cour - ' sts, and attorney f es y reason of granting this permit. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR FOLLOWING THE FINAL INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE WORK. Name Mailing Address City State Zip Estimated restoration fees will be held until the final street patch is completed by City forces, at which time a debit or credit will be processed for issuance to the applicant. $' a • A 24 hour notice is required for inspection;. Please call Engineering: 771-3202 • Work is to be inspected during progress and at completipr- • Restoration to be in accordance with City Code. • Street to be kept clean at all times. • Traffic Control to be in accordance with City regulations. • All street -cut ditches must be patched with asphalt or City approved material prior to end of working day; NO EXCEPTIONS. I understand the above and that this permit must be available at the job site for inspection purposes at all times. Signature: Date: September 13,1991 Owner or Contractor . This Permit Must' be Posted at the Job Site For Inspection Purposes Call DIAL -A -DIG Prior to Beginning Work APPROVED BY: RVi/ G Time Authorized: Void after �Z�1 1� days. Special Conditions: )vA- RELEASED B _ ate C7! PERMIT FEE: :SC) c tft-) A Restoration Fee: Receipt No.: Fund III Fee: Street Cut Dimensions: x INSPECTED BY NO WORK TO BEGIN PRIOR TO PERMIT ISSUANCE =$ Date Eng. Div. March 1989 FIELD INSPECTION NOTES (Fund I I I - Route copy to Street Dept.) Comments: Diagram: CONTRACTOR CALLED FOR INSPECTION ❑ YES ❑ NO Partial Work Inspection by P. W.: Work Disapproved By: Date: FINAL APPROVAL BY: Date: Eng. Div. July CITY OF EDMONDS ✓• PUBLICORKREPARTMENT, ENGINEER* D OSION APPLICATION FOR RIGHT-0E.41AY CONS TRUCTIQN PERE^IT THIS PERMIT MUST BE -AVAILABLE AT THE JOB SITE FOR INSPECTION PURPOSES Applicant to Complete Parts A and B A. Permit to be issued to: b,k--G16,_.2 " For Work at:(addr/ss or vicinity) A';e� Type of Work to be done: 0-477y-4 x5sS!✓1 (attach drawing when applicable) Time Required -- Start: Finish: Owner: J44MA&Aly- Nam'e� -,m T � ST Mailing Address 3 FILE City State Zip Telephone Number Contractor:-�Yr/1.4 f,a Nam Mailing Address City State Zip State License Number v' . Y 1 2 Telephone Number B, INDEMNITY: Applicant understands and by his signature to this application, agrees to hold the City of Edmonds harmless from any injuries, damages, or claims of any kind or description whatsoever, foreseen or unforeseen, that may be'made against the applicant or the City of Edmonds, or any of its departments or employees, including or not limited to the defense of any legal proceedings including defense costs, court costs, and attorney fees by reason of granting this permit. Upon issuance of this permit, the contractor is responsible for workmanship and materials for a period of one year following the fi6al+inspe'ction and acceptance of the restoration by the Engineering Division. Funds held from the Security Deposit (estimated restoration fee) will be held until the final street patch is completed, at which time a debit or credit will be processed for issuance to the applicant. Work is sub-j-ect to inspection and restoration in accordance with City Code. A 24-hour notice is required for inspection by Engineering. Call 775-2525, ext. 220. I understand that this permit must be available at the job site for inspection purposes at all times. "�� Signature: `'u Date: caner or A tit TO BE COMPLETED Y ISSUING AGENCY:\ -7 �g � Date Issued: c3 Permit No:,: Fee: Security Bond: P?1d Time Authorized: APPROVED 10-771v (Revised) ate: IFiI':S I KEl1UlKU9EEN1b AKr. "iU 13E UTII II ll i1V (,O1�fJU1QCTIOIQ WITH THE M.U.T. C.D. MANUAL, PUBLISHED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF TRPTPORWION, WASHINGTON, D.C.. CITY OF EDMONDS - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARIMENT - Construction Traffic Control Requirements This notice is to set forth basic safety principles and standards to be observed by all those who perform work in a public street, to provide safe and effective work areas and to warn, control, protect, and expedite vehicular and pedestrian traffic. General Requirements for Traffic Control Devices. Two-way traffic must be maintained during work performance whenever safe conditions are possible. Maintain all necessary, traffic control devices in proper condition and locations on an around -the -clock basis until final work is completed and approved by the City of Edmonds. Provide "Construction Ahead" warning signs,in advance of the work area in accordance with the following speed conditions: Under 25 m.p.h. 500 lineal feet; over 25 m.p.h. - 1,000 lineal feet. Use of high-level warning signs is recommended on all streets, especially in restricted sight distance areas. _.__..___.. --.Street. Closure Requirements. _(Refer._.to Figure.. 6-4) ... '.'Street. Closed"._ signs.. and properly_._. worded barricades, indicating street closed, in accordance with Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and City Traffic Code shall be provided at the nearest. inter- sections to the work area which will allow an adequate traffic detour routing. Directional "Detour Route" signing shall be provided at all turns throughout the detour route on streets of heavy congestion, high volume, on -unusual directional routing. Local access shall be provided whenever conditions allow safe passage. Advance "Detour Ahead" signs shall be provided 500 feet in advance of the detour route intersection of work involved. The _Police, Fire, and Public Works Departments shall be .notified of the actual street.._ __.__ _ _... closure location and period, both at the beginning and end. Streets shall be reopened immediately upon completion of the actual work requiring the street closure. It shall be the contractors responsibility to notify all abutting property owners prior to commencing any construction which may impede traffic flow or cause the temporary suspension of utility service. Notice should be provided 24-hours in advance. if construction when possible. Channelization of Traffic Lanes for Two -Way Traffic Without Provision of a Flagman Refer to Figure 6-7 . Provide advance warning signs 1,000'lineal feet in advance of traffic lane channelization markings or as stated for...traffic.speed conditions.. _._. ... "Detour" or "Lane Change" warning signs shall be provided 500 lineal feet in advance of traffic lane markings. Cones or barricades shall be placed at a 15.to 30 foot_spacing,.in a tapered line, _.. at the lane change section for a distance of 100 to 250 lineal feet. For traffic lane channelization, barricades are required to separate the actual work area from the traffic thoroughfare routing. One Lane Channelization for Two Directions of Travel With Provision of Flagman (Refer to Figure 6-5 and 6-6) . Advance warning and lane change etour signs placed at 1,000 and 500 lineal feet, respectively, in advance of traffic lane markings. Barricades are required to separate the actual work area from the traffic thoroughfare routing. One flagman is required at work section areas of short distances. Two flagmen are required at a work section area of long distances or when end of one lane section is not visible from one end to the other. One flagman, only, is to be designated to control traffic direction changes. Flagman must possess a card certifying completion of the State of Washington, Department of Labor and Industries Flagman Course. State Highway Roadway Locations (Refer to Fig. 6-5 and 6-7). Advance warning and one- f Zane detour traffic signs placed at 1,000 and 1,500 lineal feet, respectively, in advance of channelization markers. Distances may vary as to existing speed conditions. Lade change channelization taper markers placed at 30 lineal feet spacing for 300 lineal feet in advance of work area. Other requirements as described for two-way or one -lane conditions shall apply. (Rpm c mA 9 / 7R l vl - (1VR R - • , JL_J"L_j7 i li 4 IJ MG tlOVI]0 11�1 a1S111 1111IS 5,--1 lit c 0,_o, o Trw lQ Bur�w I \� I •�u Niil�il\ w:� rin.� .1 T n., Fig— 6-I. Trplcel epplirofjG_d.rear riyninp re+ t,@N _sf' wf,e preird Iw a .Md prid. FL.A. MAN 5n!J FT Truck or hafresde with w wu dnD Iigha KEY W* Flaprwen �1 • e� FLAGMAN 500.ii +� 3 ONELAN ROAD ll J,lOFi l ripen d-E. Trpice/ ppplitefiew-rndnpwwn prrorien. e/ fAu1 Ierefiew W e SJM • 1* Wn­p 6pn u,ul c. m Op-d. hlron t_� ­ .1 Oebw wo.l a•• Iron �L �,�� vay.me.wr Li0,. slwid 6. previdad 111 O. . .••iw s.•e M ' od�fq d n�pM. NCI1J0N1SN0? o sn . visiblo ' CN3 �---t eepropcMrq nothc I FLAGMAN I ` 500 FT . i ONE LANE ' t ROAD rl I� KEY I';'. ROAD €-'Fi,gn I EGrrSTeL' _N 1rp.lu-id. \ 15GO Fi C 1)lfm I ..:J I'i�r. e•-1, frpirpl eppnc.rienr e/ h-Ml .enrrol d.rre.. w !Jane hieAwep where Me I- i. cfuN. ' i as�xn:a 4^tl N i - H � Tndw.vldiY mil �� �a .� 1nnw.0irry wN a www.wnww• rAiE: a N lI.Vk d ace I A M 1• N•.e rd .dud ^a t A w«a:.,rs e5 a (/►vim_ pwwI. wwwd a: �M a ✓� •• rw,ddr..r A a 1 ~4 s J ;V14 i ID.0 �= f E047piKta71 11 :Yllt I -I— 6-7. Irpk i eppnMien.�Jane ewll.11N .e/eq .Ain Ael/ M IOslwq M . - de..d. 00 DATE: STREr".-T FILE 14EMO TO: Building Division Community Development Department FROM; Engineering Division Public Works Department SUBJECT: 4074 2 iyGTGrYieN//�/�ifov �so9-V's1�s�y �fir�dlcw. // After review of the subject building permit application, we have the following comments: .►e64 A/w q ci. /G/�e�s �i�✓.Gr� ®✓Dw,r� SCCI�4Q -r rQ � ��•�.clt w�iL�� O�\. • ,4ese A. '&A A- *0%- La- ~ d I Tip L- X. w /%�L4& T bao 4.t .LX a ge *� d G � �,/ s� Q e� ✓Gv ✓ �; �� l � ✓ i s i � �� d"i4 K.. a -� SK.i Ta � lit �� t�i,/��vw e r pI.L e�✓4 Y E. � . I �4 w.. So i �s vc e-eu- n I_ e I- G �A. 1/ .c �� ✓�S i� /d de ask S APPLICATION F; The City of Edmonds r, for 7 EASEMENT NO. SIDE-------------------------------------------- SEWER PERMIT NEW CONSTRUCTION E REPAIRS ❑ LID NO ................... . ASMT. NO. ------------------ OWNER ---- ........ -------- --- c; -------------- CONTRACTOR ...... . ..................... PERMIT NO. JOB ADDRESS --------------------------- LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT NO. -------------- ?— .................. ...... BLOCK NO. .................................... We .................................................................................................................................................................. 'kTAIXU t-%U AT%l-%TrTfNTT \" Jt:.. r F�- 'NI I F—E W Approved: ------- B�Y� �- ... .......... DATE./9 ";'`''Rg"""y, "`.a _ r.. r'rT- T' � ', L r`---* .-"Fil"j=" :if"' 7 -z-*. t +rP'-,-.xF•g^tT.."+^ ',�, r ��` `� rvN .,r >•. f� •t ., s i. aL � eo d@ DS�=4eS'ID,E`S'E�WER''PER�M�IY° �WrATER'SEWER DEPARTMENT PE+RM�IiT gg �.. ra:• �L'7,ZtE r ( i I` �3 t f. �' , F. ✓ r ' �t..'� t .; Call ,TT6r2626 Por side sower Inapectlonsf nF$ORE covering any portlon�ipf the* cone ruction 4'. -5 .,\•Ina""ton wlll''be provIded!.;withIn„24,houre after,requst:. NO Bat: Sun;;�or'hollday_Inepectlona/ AADDRESSuIEGCATION OF:•CONSTRUCTIay ON t J� 4 ' PROPERT _;LEG'AAL DESCRIPTION::,......... SPEC' A uC - ea .... .... -- , ,:. } UWNER;AND/OR,tBUII.DER ..:��'4.1; �?!?15.� LTlC. ......... i. ... r 1;iMNiTRACTUR'Sf NAMES&. ADDRESS:....-:::C:...�AS.: M..,F CC�....a S..:.. , . ,. i �.. 1lnissionSis+ ranted,:; Nn�ream�c? t'::,1;,Q h for;re r and/or connection of •a' side, sewer to .'the olt sancta sewer s m im accordance with'City'of{Edmonds ordinances t.. I —^ENTION.IB.CALLEDlTOrTHE'F,OLLOWING: k S The>owneral-oP'Ithe`property may:'.obfaln-a permit ;to';construct'-aewer.'insIde.property>11ne A'licensed''Side.sewertContractor•muet.be•employed^,to conafrucY ;n�`6r: ;side:sewer in,etreeC,area:, Do, not.,cover'any-portion of, sewer beforell[;'has.been ,Inspected` NOTE: No, t : AAIIS�work,performed•:lnzciiy,.rlihI-of-way requires, an invasion of -Right of Way'Permifrobta.lnable; from;the.*CityJEnglneerle'.offlce GNO,TE/No1 3.Obtalnrfull(;informatlonregarding':Ordlnance 11:18'030cand: Regulatfone 'governing sidei'sewere when you lge4 permit., INOTE' Nc. 4=Top„oP side:aewer must •have,at ,least ,30;'fnches coverage^af property' line tandl 12 inehee tnslde.iproperty, line; -minimum. grade, of 2 Jo`' 'No ^bends in grade,, i •1 .sharper --than, a1%111.be'�permitted : - Sr-Trenchm,inr�atreel: must ,be water-'settled),and� surface- of'etreet restored to; -original. condIll on.: -•Contractors shall:be•responsible fore faflumldue,"to improper .. k ; - 1work.wtiiehi-may.develop• witfiln=one year' of(completion., - t •,- {�•. ' '@i,'r. - r;: ,. NOTF].No.t18—It"fs'unlawful,aoualter>or`fdotany other;work.than':is>provI ed±Por,ln •the•:yerinit or to'do any,•work;ron`the mein: sewer,oc:its,"eppurtenanceeY+except;,to141n. -r-?serf;tfie•pipe•:Into�,the,wye: y •DISAPPROtVEW 1�i Date By,, Date : By Date By ,APPROV+EDA -i 'Date .... ,' d,�c. /��;;:,/:.. By ........................................................... ... Remarks.............................................................° ...... :...... ..... .............. ,-,..-..... ,................................. ............ -......-..........:... :-i nr\J BOTH}.Petmltf Copies MUST' Signed By Owner 'of..,Fri Performing'Constructlom PRIOR To Request For Inspection a t I ... ... ..... hereby certify that theNside6ke*,er,installation+constlucted'.under.'this permit U, 't(Owner, 'Contracting Flrm Perfo}' IngConatruction)A.' �'µ alms ailed"an{ ordanceiwith'a71 goay&Pning. ordinances of the Ctty of Edmonds s; Datedl:,this '-. day'.of.-....... .. x ..., 18 J Jf Check BEFORE you dig for. Water• p; Gasp 3 Telephone Yp, Powe; �,, Sewer �, ' Other pi dry t.':tfx, e,t,_'F E- -l:-s .t,f �,. •t"`•' _.f,.g.��.. d:..4 '�;",.s'.0 APPLICATION The City of Edmonds for EASEMENT NO_ ..... _............ ___________________________ SIDE SEWER PERMIT NEW CONSTRUCTION 2--" REPAIRS ❑ LID NO_ __________________ _ASMT. NO. ------------------ OWNER __ -_y iE '---------•--------------------------------- CONTRACTOR .--- Ct � Z- 6A.V Rct�' ......-•--•----•-•--.......... PERMIT NO. 4;M 3 JOB ADDRESS /GC'..... LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT NO. ---------- r'-`------------------------ BLOCK NO. ------•-------•--•-•---------------- --•---•--•-•-•-••-•--••-•-•.....................................•-•••---•----•--- •------------•------------•---------------------......--------•--------------•--- NAME OF ADDITION.........'.L_--•--------------------.----------•------------------- 1 i f Approved: DATE-------------------------------------------• BY ............................................................ 11 /75 w.. Akram. ' �"J"°'�'�"'�.,,:-.�-� � • USE PERMIT BUILDING DEPARTMENT ZONE NUMBER Applicant Fill - , PERMIT APPLICATION Inside Heavy Lines JOB ADDRESS - NAME (OR NAME OF BUSINESS) / LEGAL LOT / AREA SUBDIVISION NO, ._ . "_' f r / .% "-fMAILING ❑ YES ❑ NO•^•- F;IL7" ADDRESS Z J.- .•! / � ' •"`. f VARIANCE OR ADB NO. / ; j' �" !� 1 fj" 0 COND. USE NO, (� CITY TELEPHONE NUMBER _ = PROPOSED YARDS HEIGHT FRONT :.i= SIDE REAR :` OBI NAME ' ALLOWABLE PROPOSED h A J U /';'% / .-,r_. SIGN AREA SIGN AREA IL W ADDRESS h OTHER - REQUIREMENTS i '� f S y - '} ''r •I = (r CITY TELEPHONE NUMBER R PLANNING DEPT.•APPROVAL DATE `- NAME STREET R/W f Z - !' %`', % + '•� + EXISTING STREET R/W'+;-.,/.— 1 FT, DEFICIENCY THIS PROPERTY 0 ADDRESS h COMP, PLAN ST. R/W + FT. FT. U ,�": Z F CITY TELEPHONE NUMBER REMARKS y�, �r r•, ter:�. I.'�l� L( .1 e`• W W U STATE LICENSE NUMBER CITY LICENSE NUMBER CHECKED BY Z W Legal Des" igtion of Property (Show Below or Attach Four Copies) STREET AND/OR UTILITY ❑ YES � WORK REQ'D ❑ NO '/. r{ ,. rr ,.;,, ��; rr^ f 14',Ce:r't UNDERGROUND ❑'YES ' WIRING REQ'D ❑ NO Z 0 F /t :f-fr % '-�• �'"'��'� - ''`%'"� TYPE CONNECTION VERIFIED BY IL /-r I ,fi.r r•^- 0 ,t W 3 El PERMIT SEPTIC SYSTEM NUMBER W C _ APPVD BY CITY ENG. I %i ❑' NO W Q�.,_ - -.T i�� ..�- _ ,;�_. .. ;�"`. UI REMARKS 0 � W J f METER SIZE SERVICE SIZE r( CLEARANCE CHECKED BY w, W ` h Q REMARKS ❑NEW RESIDENTIAL ❑GAS LINE -- FIRE ZONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION CODE ❑ NON-RESIDENTIAL SIGN ' Ir- ' ❑ ADD RETAINING DEMOLISH ❑ SPECIAL INSPECTOR REQUIRED GROUP. OCCUPANT WALL JAREA JOCCUPANCY LOAD ❑ ALTER EXCAVATE FENCE OR FILL El ( X_FT) ElYES ❑ NO . I .1 ,IN F- w PLAN CHECKED BY THIS SITE IS LOCATED THE CITY OF EDMONDS. LOCAL SALES TAX SHOULD BE REPAIR PRE -MOVE SWIM Q INSP. POOL Z p REMARKS NUMBER OF STORIES NUMBER OF DWELLING J UNITS j _J m NATURE OF WORK TO BE DONE PROPOSED USE 't VALUATION FEE ' Z PLAN CHECK --- 0 —.— NO. a PLOT PLAN INDICATE BUILDING SETBACKS, G ABUTTINSTREETS) _ BUILDING I PLUMBING 7 ( + W ,fir i •: , 0 ...+"'°e�'.• HEAT & GAS LINE FENCE SIGN RETAINING WALL SWIMMING POOL • � STREET FILE CITY OF EDMONDS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 505 BELL STREET EDMONDS, WASHINGTON 98020 APPLICATION FOR INVASION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY �l (Submit In Duplicate) Permit to be issued to: For work at: (address or vicinity) 1-14 XXi4�z Type of work to be done: ( ul--mAQ --r C ki i ...1K <. a (Attach Drawing When Applicable) / r am. wdww ♦ . Aft. • . A— _ IA A a- ► 1.0� Owner: a --hue-- L,4 S . 416A:—:'AA1J rJ Name Mailing Address City ' State Contractor: C Name City State . Telephone Number Telephone Number Signature: G"'A'&oz 7V z / / Owner or Agent �- Date Signed — DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE (To be completed by Issuing Agency) Permit Issued (date) .f Permit Number � N ''� Remarks: Upon issuance of this permit, the contractor is responsible for workmanship and materials for a period of one year following ' spection of the restoration by the Engineering Dept. NOTICE: Work subject to inspection and restoration in accordence with city code. A 24 hour notice is required for inspection. Call 775-2525 -CITY OF EDV04DS ENGINEERING MPART13ENT Insp DateL Insp Date - ......... ..... By ---------- --------- :-.-Renfafts -------- ........... ......... ----------------------- -------------------------- IiispDatq .................. By ---------------------- :-,Rertaj�ks ..................... ............. -------------------------------------------------- Insp Dad -By ....................... �Picmarlj:s ........................... I ........... -------------------------------------------- Isfy, Rell I Final_TBY 0 MEVO TO: Ilarry ilhi.tcutt �L Buildino Official S T R.E,L'—' F FRON: Richard H. Allen Assistant Citv Fnnineer SUBJECT: Building Permit Application For Pesign Homes, Inc. at 1009 Vista . Iy - Lot 2 Waterview Manor After review of the sub,inct h.ui1dina nerinit anplication, vre have the fol- lov!ino comments: 1. Connection to sanitary sevier reoui.red. 2. Underground wirinn reouired. 3. Lot drainage to he contained on site or directed to City storm system.. 4. house and utilities locations to be coordinated by the builder. 5. Right-of-way Invasion Permit reouired.for curb cut and drive way. 1p lIJfJ:RI'A:m,ir Date PERMIT ADDR W LEGAL DESCP1,. T r 1vI BUILDING PERMIT RF.VIE4! - ENf,INEERING DEPARTMENT CHECK LIST Instruction: Check Accuracy of Legal Description Check Against Assessor's Map for Legal Subdivision Does it conform to City Approved Subdivision? Reviewer's Initi`al's ^N 1. This lot included in Suhdivisi n/P at Po.: VV�f 2. Site Inspection made on: d 1 Z 3. What are ground water and soil conditions? 4. Site Drainage'Checked? e5 1 6H W 5. Storm Sevier Availability- ____Sht.__V of Dwg. No. @- Project Roadside Ditch A 6. Grading & Final Contours: 7. Septic Tank System Design Approved: 8. Sanitary Sevier Availability Sht. I of Ovig. No OProjec Side sewer availability: 9. Sanitary Sewer Connection Fees? ,aXKW10. plater Mains & Fire Hydrants (Indicate Size Main) W Check Fire Dept.'s Comments 11. Sidewalks:.(Site-inspection shows conditions of sidewalks as follows) 12. Curbs: % 1 Curb Cuts/Driveways (Check driveways for safety, location, grade and width): Underground Hiring: Street Lights: Street Right-of-way & Bldg. setbacks: Sht.-(=of rfficial Street Map. Existing Utility Access Easements: Site Plan checked 18. Special Requirements listed in Memo to Bldg. Dept. 0 19. Commercial & Apt. Requirements for 20. Drawings stamped & notations made? 21. 22. 23. All Items filled in on Bldg. Permit Application?13 Bonds posted for site work? --r Right-of-way Invasion Permit required? CiJl[1� C COMMENTS: 1 1 mof I • 6 &Lv tiTi curl E SS Gdd.l.- v—ecto-424-555-57 46 VFot�!S t7tmpepwG Z. L�w M-rle" ialy 1.cJG ov4 rr-rz PILL Pe 171 Pec,-T 8et21aE. Ot fa 3- IAJ"I LL- orAE PvcJ#p A+J100*- vole_ 61/16" LOCO' C-rc Gl N1a t 0 - 61 A-t NISX-f tfAi-- GL.fcb.QArUC G F2 oM ALL PE t�¢.,c�,,�l�H vet 7(0- 0-10 + 2Z0 . !4 GeC.�6,� ��-Cf�G.T u112E 1:340_� Ptac To - 11c Nr 3-ILL OF MATERIAL PERMITS: GOMOti.IQS ij Z4-2'f-3 t t(o0. &Z 7...X CODE: aShhW on jt Naftnia Gas �S � P MA I ki 1�-: XT TO : 1000 V 14�;rrA WY j VC ASS CRlP`IC- . ;..�_ _ ,�,_ �J y -910 - Z37 l —' i C-e—e:F C`? �� :)RAWiNG •"� I s