1015 12TH AVE N.PDF1111111111
1015 12TH AVE N
200 DAYTON ST. • EDMONDS. WASHINGTON 98020 • (206) 775.2525
July 15, 1981
Mr. Robert Strong
1015 12th Avenue North
Edmonds, Washington 98020
Dear Mr. Strong:
We are writing in response to your letter of June 15, 1981. Just as
you prefaced your specific questions with background information, we also
wish to provide some background.
Several of your questions relate to the history of the pipe on private
property(s) on the north side of your house. We searched our files and could
not find any written document to determine when this pipe was installed. We
are continuing our search and will advise if we uncover any additional
information. At the time the lots to the north of you were created by the plat
of Wagner's Addition, the subject storm drain was shown as existing on the
engineering drawing (dated 10-28-64). The engineering drawing also shows the
pipe located at a natural low point in the road, a feature consistent with
our.general topography maps. Placing a pipe in a drainage swal-e is not an
unusual practice for both public and private owners. The lack of public
easement does not make the pipe "illegal", especially in view of the time it
has existed. The lack of public easement would seem to us to make the pipe
a privately -owned pipe. As such, it must be kept operational and main
tained by the private property owners. With this background, we shall
specifically address the following of your questions:
1. "By what authority was the existing drainline constructed
there being no recorded easement?"
We find no record that the City installed nor granted authority
to install the pipe. We also did not find any records corre-
',;spondence between private property owners regarding permission
to install the pipe.
2. "Who constructed the drain?"
Our records indicate the City did not install the pipe nor do _they
indicate who did install the pipe.
3. "What pipe materials and jointing materials were used?"
Engineering drawings prepared by Reid, Middleton and Associates
indicate the pipe is a "10-inch Sewer". We have no additional -
information about the pipe on private property.
Letter to Robert Strong
July 15, 1.981
Page 2
4. "Was the line inspected or tested by the City of Edmonds?"
Our records do not indicate any inspection of the pipe on
private property.
Your remaining questions deal with the current situation regarding the
subject plat and its drainage. Again, we would like to provide some back-
ground. There are five new lots in the plat and an access road which extends
12th North about 250 feet. Lot 1 contains an existing house. Runoff from
this house appears to flow to the north away from your property.'
The topography of Lot 2 leads us to conclude that its driveway and a
portion of its roof area will drain to the new street. Lots 3 and 4 will
drain north, away from your property. Lot 5 will drain to the new roadway.
All runoff from the new roadway, including that running onto it from the lots
as mentioned above, is required to be directed to a,detention system. The
detention system reduces the.peak outflow rate for most storms (a 10-year
return period is the City's standard). Selection of the outflow point from
the detention system is always made on a case -by -case basis. Our rationale
for this situation is explained below. With this background, we will address
the remaining questions in your letter:
5. "By -what right is the -City of Edmonds allowing the developer to
add to the existing drainage?"
The City reviews propmgedplats to determine if they meet applicable.
requirements. If the requirements are satisfied, the City must
approve the application. Regarding the drainage, the applicant is
providing the required detention and other facilities. As explained
below, we feel the connection to the private drain is preferable to
other options and is not unreasonable in our view considering the
6a. "Who was the design engineer--?"
The design engineer was the firm of Lovell-Sauerland & Associates,'
Inc. (of Edmonds). The drainage plan was stamped by Louis Caviezel,
a Professional Engineer, of that firm.
6b. "Why were other drainage possibilities discarded?"
We cannot speak for the design engineer regarding this question but
we did request his input (our letter is attached). We will forward
a copy of.his reply when it is received.
Our analysis of the situation is as follows. First, if the new road
was extended in the same way as previous extensions of 12th North
from Vista Way, the new'(un-detained) runoff would reach the inlet
of the subject private pipe by overland flow. A portion of the new
plat is tributary to the subject pipe in this sense. Overland flow
would be less desirable, however, than a pipe connection. The damage
Letter to Robert Strong
July 15, 1981
Page 3
you mentioned from storm water funneling into your driveway was
caused by overland flow not getting into the subject pipe. As
you know, the.City has added pipe and inlets to get the water
into the pipe. Our calculations show that the subject private
pipe, itself, should have sufficient capacity.
Two other alternative outflows were considered. Both would cause
the water to arrive at the same drainage route as the water dis-
charging from the private pipe. One alternative is to discharge
concentrated flow from the detention system near the southwest
corner of the plat.' The water would then run down a private
access easement, heading straight for the house at 1107 12th•N.
The house would deflect water to the south, to the common drainage
The other alternative would involve a runoff spreader along a
portion of the west edge of the plat. This spreader would have
to be over 100 feet long, it would direct water first to the houses
at 1100 and 1103 12th North, then to the house at 1107 12th North,
then to the common drainage route.
To summarize, we considered four alternative routes from the deten-
tion system. One was overland flow along 12th North to the inlet
of the subject private pipe. Another was the underground,pipe
connection to the subject private pipe. Another was the 100-foot
long runoff spreader. Another was concentrated discharge at'the,
southwest corner of the plat. the pipe connection to the subject
private pipe was considered the best alternative and not an unreason-
able one.
6c. "If the present drainage planned for the plat has met the City of
Edmonds design criteria and been checked and approved by the City
of Edmonds, we would like to have our engineering consultant review
the design calculations."
The present plan has been approved. Your consultant can review it
at our offices during working hours. We suggest he call to arrange
a meeting in advance.
For your information and for the record, we offer the following. There
is sufficient groundwater in your area to cause water to rise through the
asphalt in 12th North. It seems highly possible that groundwater itself has
caused your basement leakage. It is possible, however, for you to run a
T.V. camera through the pipe to examine its condition and help pinpoint
locations, if any, which need repair.
Letter to Robert Strong
July 15, 1981
Page 4
To.briefly summarize, we feel that the subject pipe is the responsibility
: of the property owner(s) and that connecting the =storm drain from the new plat
is the best alternative available and is not unreasonable.
If you have additional questions or would like additional information on
firms who do the T.U. inspections, please contact us. To arrange a time to
review the engineering drawings and calculations'for the subject plat, please
contact Bob Franklin, at 771-3202, extension 282.
c.r-y Erlyir�42�
City Engineer
encl: Letter from Lovell-Sauerland & Associ:'a.tes, I:nc., re,cei;ye.d July .13, 1981
cc: City Council
Mayor Harrison
Lovell-Sa,uerla,nd & Associates, Inc.
Engineers - Surveyors - Development Consultants - Planners
JUL 131981.
Dir. Of Public. Works
Mr. James Adams, P.E.
Edmonds Engineering Dept.
Edmonds Civic Center
Edmonds, Wa. 98020
Re: Drainage System for Plat of "Northview Estates"
Dear Mr. Adams:
July 6, 1981
LSA File No. 80-606
This letter is in reply to your letter of -June 18, 1981, wherein you
requested our assistance in responding to certain questions posed by Mr.
Robert Strong in his letter of June 15, 1981,,concerning storm drainage
in the vicinity of the plat of "Northview Estates".
In designing the storm drainage system for "Northview Estates", we
considered two alternatives for the release of collected storm water run-
off. The first alternative was to direct the discharged storm water toward
the northwest corner of Lot 4 of the plat. However, certain factors dis-
couraged our selection of this alternative. Existing ground conditions in
the northwest portion of Lot 4 are potentially unstable due to steep slopes
and the presence of excessive ground water. For this reason we felt that
the usual methods of discharge, such as point discharge or dispersion trenches,
were unsatisfactory due to the consequential increased potential for erosion
and/or landslides which could result in the inundation of downhill properties.
Construction of a pipeline through this area to any existing downhill drain-
age structures or courses would involve very difficult construction problems
and would require the acquisition of easements through any intervening pro-
perties. In addition, such construction could also increase the potential
for erosion and/or landslides due to the necessity for land clearing and
trenching. j
The second alternative considered and ultimately selected involved
connection of the plat drainage system to the" existing drainage system in
12th Avenue North southerly of the plat. Our research disclosed that this
system was installed in connection with the development of Wagner,'s Addition
and a short subdivision developed by Jack Trafton. The Trafton subdivision
was processed and approved by the City of Edmonds under Edmonds Planning
Department No. S-8-61A and included the lot upon which Mr. Strong now re-
sides. A development plan in your files, of which we now have a copy, shows
a discharge pipe from the 12th Avenue N. drainage collection system, extended
23106 - 100TH W. EDMONDS, WASH. 98020 ! PHONE 775.1593
Mr. James Adams - 2 - July 6, 1981
into Mr. Strong's property to a point approximately 80 feet west of his
northeast corner. According to the plan, the pipe daylights at this point.
This pipe is probably the one to which Mr. Strong refers in his letter and
which in his opinion is illegal. Frankly, because the discharge pipe was
proposed and consequently constructed by the original developers of the
Trafton subdivision and Wagner's Addition, it seems to me that -such was an
integral part of their drainage system and as'such can hardly be considered
illegal. Furthermore, in the possible absence of a recorded easement for
the discharge pipe, it seems reasonable to conclude that, under the circum-
stances, an easement was at least implied by virtue of the original devel-
opers installation of same in accordance with their proposed development
As mentioned above, in the course of designing the drainage system
for Northview Estates, we elected to connect the plat discharge pipe to the
existing system in 12th Avenue N. because we felt that such a connection -
would afford better control of the protracted release of collected runoff
from the plat. Consequently, the plat development plan was prepared incor-
porating such a connection and was subsequently submitted to and approved
by your department.
If you have any further questions or if we can assist you further in
this matter in any way, please call.
Louis F. Caviezel, P.E.
200 DAYTON ST. • EDMONDS, WASHINGTON 98020 • (206) 775-2525
July 1, 1981
Mr. Wayne Tanaka
Ogden, Ogden and Murphy
1411 Fourth Avenue Building
Suite 1015
Seattle, Washington 98101
Dear Wayne:
Enclosed is a1 etter from Mr. Robert Strong, Attorney, who lives at
the subject address. His concerns regarding drainage from Northview Estates
(P-2-80) are outlined in his letter. Our letter to the engineer is enclosed
as is a draft of a letter to Mr. Strong. Please review and comment on our
letter, give us a call for more information if it is needed.
RRF: jky
Technical Studies Engineer
Pe V d e C.UJ
00 VA lid i—s
R `C
.JUN 17 1981
Dir. Of Public Wofk
Mr. Jim Adams
City Engineer of the City of Edmonds
250--5th Avenue N.
Edmonds, WA 9802D
Dear Mr. Adamss
1015-12th Avenue N.
Edmonds, WA 98020
June 15, 1981
We purchased our property at 1015--12th Avenue North, Edmonds, Washington
in March cf 1973 and soon discovered that there was a long-standing drainage
problem. Because of the City of Edmonds street design on 12th Avenue N.
between Vista Way and Maplewood Drive, during every heavy rain the rim -off over-
flowed onto our property and the property was severly damaged by the storms.
Further our neig�bors to the south on the adjacent lot sustained $101000 of
documented damage because of storm water funneled to our driveways by the street
design. The original drain, which is illegally on our property, was not
connected down to the next lover street and the portions of this large volume
of water funneled to our driveways that goes down the drains, dumps on the rear
one-half of our property causing erosion and not allowing us to improve the
western portion of our lot as this illegal drain is presently constructed.
Mr. Franklin has made several investigations and I am certain that he has
found that the City of Edmonds is in effect draining the whole hillside onto
our property and now approving plans to add the drainage of pro party to the
north and not directly above us or part of the natural drainage flow.
The only easements given by our predecessor, Mr. Hogmal, according to the
title search conducted beforewe purchased the property, are waterline, serer,
and power. Mr. Franklin indicates that the City might press for an easement
by adverse prescription; but obviously he is unaware that even if an easement
by adverse prescription were granted, it would be illegal to funnel additional
storm water from new areas onto our property and the only easement by adverse
possession would be for storm waters for the stuatutoxy seven-year period.
We repeat we are very concerned with this proposed plat development that
has added an additional 12" line into the existing illegal drainage culvert
because of our past problems. This property was formerly ovmed by Mr. and W.q.
Herbert Domenici, 19804 blaplewood Drive and left in its natural state and is
now being developed by Beslen and Phelps and called North View Estates (your
plat, P-2-80).
The proposed development causes us great concern hot -.only because -of the
described damages suffered because of the overflow street runoff doom our drive-
ways and the erosion of our private property, but also because the drainage
Jim Adams, City Engineer, Re. Robert C. Strong property Page 2
culvert from the street which is close to the north side of our house is
presently inadequate and when we moved in the pressure of water against our'
north basement wall caused consistent ]e aking with every stoom until we water-
proofed the basement wall from the inside. - During the last 7 years the only
leakage occurred during the melting of the January,1981,heavy snows when there
was consistent drainage over a long period. We believe that the drainage
tanks installed in the P-2-80 development plan to hold storm water and leak
it out slowly over a long period of time will have much the same effect.
We would therefore like the following questions answered:
1. By what authority was the existing drainline constructed,
there being no recorded easementl
2. Who constructed the drain line?
3. What pipe materials and jointing materials were used?
4o Was the line inspected or tested by the City of Edmonds?
(Note th#t the basement of our home has leaked during periods
of high run-off making the capacity condition of the. existing
drainline highly suspect.)
5. By what right is the City of Edmonds allowing the developer to
add to the existing drainage?
6. Who was the design engineer for the new street and plat improvements?
Why were other drainage lbossibilitie s discarded? If the present
drainage planned for the plat has met the City of Edmonds design
criteria and been checked and approved by the City of Edmonds, we
would like to have our engineering consultant review the design
We would Ulm this letter answered immediately as we believe these future
problems should be resolved now, before the developer has finished his
development and the plan for the street and domnspout radoff for this new.
plat is accepted.
Naturally we intend further action if t1B questions raised are not
answered to our satisfactions
Robert C. Strong
Copies: City Council
Mayor Harrison
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CI,MAW;H ® 7( � 4' C� .; h. HARVE H. HARRISON
�1 <_�✓ !` r .._
200 DAYTgN Si. EL�1�+nND;, tvnSNlr•JGTON glom• (^UfJ lrt, ,��,;��, I
Jurle 18 , 1981
Mr. Louis Caviezel i
Lovell-Sauerland & Associates, Inc.
23106 100th Avenue W.
Edmonds, Washington 98020
Dear Mr. Caviezel:
We recently received a letter- from a resident near the
object plat (copy of letter is enc.l.():;(,d). As the design
engineer for the drainage system'we are requesting your
assistance in answering a portion of: question six (why were
other drainage possibilities discarded?). If you have
comments or other questions please include those also.
We would appreciate a writt�>Il r.ep.1y ,as soon as poss:i
ble so we may answer Mr. Strong's lettei.- promptly. If
you have questions, please contact Bob Franklin, 771-3202.
Sill cC,re 1Y ,
City E'n i-neer
BF: gd1
200 DAYTON ST. • EDMONDS, WASHINGTON 98020 • (206) 775 2525
Mr. Wayne Tanaka
Ogden, Ogden and Murphy
1411 Fourth Avenue Building
Suite 1015
Seattle, Washington 98101
Dear Wayne:
July 1, 1981
Enclosed is a.letter from Mr. Robert Strong, Attorney, who lives at
the subject address. His concerns regarding drainage from Northview Estates
(P-2-80) are outlined in his letter. Our letter to the engineer is enclosed
as is a draft of a letter to Mr. Strong. Please review and comment on our
letter, give us a call for more information if it is needed.
Technical Studies Engineer
RRF : j ky
lat� D. ���9/
200 DAYTON ST. - EDMONDS, WASHINGTON 98020 - (206) 775 2525
June 18, 1981
Mr. Louis Caviezel
Lovell-Sauerland & Associates, Inc.
23106 100th Avenue W-
Edmonds, Washington 98020
Dear Mr. Caviezel:
lie recently received a letter from a resident near the
subject plat (copy of letter is enclosed)- As the design
engineer for the drainage system we are requesting your
assistance in answering a portion of question six (why were
other drainage possibilities discarded?)- If you have
comments or other questions please include those also.
We would appreciate a written reply as soon as possi-
ble so we may answer Mr- Strong's letter promptly- If
you have questions, please contact Bob Franklin, 771-3202-
Bob Fra klin Dt-
�SE�.A MS, P-E.
City Engineer
Marc ",� Dt -
JUN 17 1981
1015-12th Avenue N.
Dir. Of Public W01K9 Edmonds, A 98020
June 15, 1981
Mr. Jim Adams
City Engineer of the City of Edmonds
250--5th Avenue N.
Edmonds, WA 98020
Dear Mr. Adams:
We purchased our property at 1015--12th Avenue North, Edmonds, Washington
in March of 1973 and soon discovered that there was a long-standing drainage
problem. Because of the City of Edmonds street design on 12th Avenue N.
between Vista Way and Maplewood Drive, during every heavy rain the run --off over-
flowed onto our property and the property was severly damaged by the storms.
Further our neighbors to the south on the adjacent lot sustained $10,000 of
documented damage because of storm water funneled to our driveways by the street
design. The original drain, which is illegally on our property, was not
connected down to the next lower street and the portions of this large volume
of water funneled to our driveways that goes down the drains, dumps on the rear
one-half of our property causing erosion and not allowing us to improve the
western portion of our lot as this illegal drain is presently constructed.
Mr. Franklin has made several investigations and I am certain that he has
found that the City of Edmonds is in effect draining the whole hillside onto
our property and now approving plans to add the drainage of pro perty to the
north and not directly above us or part of the natural drainage flow.
The only easements given by our predecessor, Mr. Hogmal, according to the
title search conducted before we purchased the property, are waterline, sewer,
and power. Mr. Franklin indicates that the City might press for an easement
by adverse prescription; but obviously he is unaware that even if an easement
by adverse prescription were granted, it would be illegal to funnel additional
stoin water from new areas onto our property and the only easement by adverse
possession would be for storm waters for the stuatutory seven-year per_od..
We repeat we are very concenied with this proposed plat development that
has added an additional 12" line into the existing illegal drainage culvert
because of our past problems. This property was formerly otimed by Mr. acid 1�!rs.
Herbert Domenici, 19804 baplewood Drive and left in its natural state and .is
nom being developed by Besl.en and Phelps and called North View Estates (your
plat, P-2-80).
The proposed development causes us groat concern not. -.only because of the
described damages suffered because of the overflow street runoff down our drive-
ways and the erosion of our private property, but also because the drainage
Jim Adams, City Engineer, Re. Robert C. Strong property
Page 2
culvert from the street which is close to the north side of our house is
presently inadequate and when we moved in the pressure of water against our
north basement wall causedconsistent leaking with every Strom until we water-
proofed the basement wall from the inside. During the last 7 years the only
leakage occurred during the melting of the January,1981,heavy, snows when there
was consistent drainage over a long period. We believe that the drainage
tanks installed in the P-2-80 development plan to hold storm water and leak
it out slowly over a long period of time will have much the same effect.
We would therefore like the following questions answered:
1. By what authority was the existing drainline. constructed
there being no recorded easement6
2. Who constructed the drain line?
3. What pipe materials and jointing materials were used?
4. Was the line inspected or tested by the City of Edmonds?
(Note thAt the basement of our home has leaked during periods
of high run-off making the capacity condition of the existing
drainline highly suspect.)
5. By what right is the City of Edmonds allowing the developer to
add to the existing drainage?
6. Who was the design engineer for the new street and plat improvements?
Why were other drainage Possitilities discarded? If the present
drainage planned for the plat has met the City of Edmonds design
criteria and been checked and approved by the City of Edmonds, we
would like to have our engineering consultant review the design
We would like this letter answered immediately as we believe these future
problems should be resolved now, before the developer has finished his
development and the plan for the street and downspout ruioff for this new
plat is accepted.
Naturally we intend further action if tYe questions raised are not
a-islered to our satisfact ion'm
Yours truly,
Robert C. Strong
Copies: City Council
Mayor Harrison
JUN 17 1981
Du. Of Public Works
1015--12th Avenue N.
-� Edmonds, WA 98020
June 15, 1981
Mr. Jim Adams
City Engineer of the City of Edmonds
250--5th Avenue N.
Edmonds, WA 9802D
Dear Mr. Adamss
We purchased our property at 1015 12th Avenue North, Edmonds, Washington
In March of 1973 and soon discovered that there was a long-standing drainage
problem. Because of the City of Edmonds street design on 12th Avenue N. '
between Vista allay and Maplewood Drive, during every heavy rain the run-off over-
flowed onto our property and the property was severay damaged by the storms.
Further our neigftbors to the south on the adjacent lot sustained $10,000 of
documented damage because of storm water funneled to our driveways by the street
design. The original drain, which is illegally on our property, was not
connected down to the next lower street and the portions of this large volume
of water funneled to our driveways that goes down the drains, dumps on the rear
one-half of our property causing erosion and not allowing us to improve the
western portion of our lot as this illegal drain is presently constructed.
Mr. Franklin has made several investigations and I am certain that he has
found that the City of Edmonds is in effect draining the whole hillside onto
our property and now approving plans to add the drainage of pao perty to the
north and not directly above us or part of the natural drainage flow.
The only easements given by our predecessor, Mr. Hogmai, according to the
title search conducted before we purchased the property, are waterline, sewer,
and power. Mr. Franklin indicates that the City might press for an easement
by adverse prescription; but obviously he is unaware that even if an easement
by adverse prescription were granted, it would be illegal to funnel additional
storm water from new areas onto our property and the only easement by adverse
possession would be for storm waters for the stuatutoxy seven-year period.
We repeat we are very concerned with this proposed plat development that
has added an additional 1211 line into the existing illegal drainage culvert
because of our past problems. This property was formerly ovined by Mr. and Ids.
Herbert Domenici, 19804 Maplewood Drive and left in its natural state and is
now being developed by Beslen and Phelps and called North View Estates (your
plat, P-2-480).
The proposed development causes us great concern hot-_.on3�9.b'ecause. of tithe
described damages suffered because of the overflow street runoff down our drive-
ways and the erosion of our private property, but also because the drainage
Jim Adams, City Engineer, Re. Robert C. Strong property Page 2
culvert from the street which is close to the north side of our house is
presently inadequate and when we moved in the pressure of water against our
north basement wall causedcansistent leaking with every strom until we water-
proofed the basement wall from the inside. During the last 7 years the only
leakage occurred during the melting of the January,1981,heavy snows when there
was consistent drainage over a long period. We believe that the drainage
tanks installed in the P-2-80 development plan to hold storm water and leak
it out slowly over a long period of time will have much the same effect.
We would therefore like the following questions answered:
1. By what authority was the existing drainline constructed
there being no recorded easementl
2. Who constructed the drain line?
3. What pipe materials and jointing materials were used?
4. Was the line inspected or tested by the City of Edmonds?
(Note th#t the basement of our home has leaked during periods
of high run-off making the capacity condition of the ' existing
drainline highly suspect.)
5. By what right is the City of Edmonds allowing the developer to
add to the existing drainage?
6. Who was the design engineer for the new street and plat improvements?
Why were other drainage I)ossibilitie s discarded? If the present
drainage planned fcr the plat has met the City of Edmonds design
criteria and been checked and approved by the City of Edmonds, we
would like to have our engineering consultant review the design
We would like this letter answered immediately as we believe these future
problems should be resolved now, before the developer has finished his
development and the plan for the street and downspout runoff for this new
plat is accepted.
Naturally we intend further action if the questions raised are not
answered to our satisfactions
Y ruly,
Robert C. Strong
Copies: City Council
Mayor Harrison
AMW�; � ail
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frou Jame 16 Ckwar
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sub joctl MUGS PWOblOO - yt*t& WW and Uth AN*, M04
Roq"st a s^Uth bs*IA bo botalW jj% I$Am oj emb 140t at the
mortlamt 40co4v of VLOSA w4w 04 Uth Ave"* 04 40
by the city zv4lA*ft* OfLue and mro Landry*
• City of Edmond•
City Engineer's Office
Report No. 003
to for Action Jim Conwav
Date 8/27/68
By R. French, Engineering Dept.
Date 8/27/68
Made By
Mrs. Hagmag Address 1015 -
12th Ave.
Tel. PR 6-6621
How Received:
Letter xx
Telephone In Person
Nature of Complaint: n„ainagP prnhlpm frnm Rtrppt- Shp has mmplained fnr
about five years and gets ignored. Please stop by to see her.
Describe Action Completed: /` _ �✓,
�/� �� i "f/Gc�� �_ � % � • � .t�vt �c�r 1� -'--�' r• 1� i�-g ,�[�.� SLY, l� -�-cl-i
Time '
Location Sketch:
Date.3v a GA... Completed By
)7 R'vF wA'/ %� S
3 , . 7 v H •.,.A,
/{G�eABsr e-0K
l G� N- 7- kJ o f? A l Ai
F F Al e, 14- Co A vjl RA M,5—
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I- 1
November 6, 1967
Memo to: Leif R. Larson
City Engineer
From: John E. Moran
Director of Public Works
Attached is a letter and sketch, which are pretty much self-
explanatory. Would you please survey the situation and determine if
this is a city problem and what your recommended solution would be.
' ?� Octolaoz^ lcj.,7
Ue�)t. of ?Ublic ;.orks
Edmonds Citv hall
Edmonds, Vdashington
Dear Sir:
W01.11(l y-01.1 plorc:.o corroc h a itorm drain problem wli.i.ch ri.a'Coct:,s .
my residenco at 1015 12t'.h ave.ni.te North, Edmonds.
This problem has verbally been brought to the attention of
your office before but there has been no resolution. This
evening my carport and driveway was again inundated due to the
inadegt.rate storm drain system in this area. The enclosed pic-
ti.,.res stlovv :iomo of the dam7r*e sti.f..fered prior to establishment;
of adecliiate grourid cover.
Since it Is generally difficult for me to be home during normal
business hours, I am providing a sketch of the area and suggest-
ing possible corrective action. The green lines represent storm
drni.n flow. The thickness of tho green lines represent clon-riti.t;y
of r l.ovv .
Your immediate attention to this matter will. be greatly apprec-
Siince/rly yours,
An Ag ravated Resident
P.S. Please return tho enclosed .photographs. A stamped self
addressed envelope is enclosed.
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The City of Edmonds for
CARD No. ......................................
OWNER L?%4.1i-------�-! .................................... CONTRACTOR ................ r.WI!%.(- -------------------------------------------------------------- PERMIT No---Aljo
HOUSE No...��.�s5... ---..._1-2.—...!.7. C �v l AVENUE LOT No..................................•----......--------•---......----- :. BLOCK No.................................................
NAME ADD. .. ...... /1/� 2 T� 7�i �/�� . n_...-•C-
1- T)W IMF A10 S C G Pc.A ; s U�1 PA-(,E a 71 v s d,
SNo r•+o yr , sif �a � �✓;�;
SEWER WORK ORDER ISSUED ..................
0PIRP* 6
MAY l:i 1964
........ DEPOSIT, $ .............................................
........ DATE .......................................... BY
Call PRospect 6-1107 when work
CIVIC CENTER — WATER -SEWER DEPARTMENT Is ready for Inspection. (No inspec-
` SIDE SEWER PERMIT `lone Saturday, Sunday or holidays.) 4, O 1001
ADDRESS ............ 1015_- .__12th_ Avenue North
OWNER ........Medford--N-*-- Hggman CONTRACTOR _...... Owner
Perndsslon is granted .___.May--15......................... 19.64._, for ...................... days, to REPAIR or CONNECT a side sewer
with City Sewers in accordance with application on file and governing ordinances.
NOTE No. 1—The owners of the property may obtain a permit to construct sewer inside property line. A licensed Side Sewer Contractor must
be employed to construct side sewer In street area Do not cover any portion of sewer before it has been inspected.
NOTE No. 2—Obtain full information regarding Ordinance 11.16.030 and Regulations governing side sewers when you get permit.
NOTE No. 3—Top of side sewer must have at least 30 inches coverage at property line and 12 inches inside property line; minimum grade of 2%.
No bends in grade sharper than % will be permitted.
iE No. 4—Trenches in street must be water settled and surface of street restored to original condition. Contractors shall be responsible for
failure due to improper work whieh may develop within one year of completion.
NOTE No. —It is unlawful to alter or do any other work than is provided for in the permit, or to do any work on the main sewer or its ap-
purtenances except to insert the pipe into the wye.
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11emo to: John ?, . Moran
Director of Public Works
From: Leif R. Larson
City Engineer
Subject: Sewer Connection Charges
Date: December 23, 1968 .
Legal Description: Parcel "B" of the following described. property: All of the
South:156:87 feet of the West 150.00 feet of Tract 28, Puget Sound
Mach. Depot Five Acre Tracts, according to the plat thereof recorded
in Volume 5 of Plats, Page 47, records of Snohomish County, Wash.
See attached drawing per-S-8-61A (Jack TraftmnaSubdivision)
Commonly Known as:
Z.F.F. Calculation:
(.82.35) Z.F.F. x (.$5.50 ) _ $ 452.92 Connection Fee
1 ) Unit. x ( $25.00 ) _ $ 25.00 Trunk Charge
$ 10.00 Permit
$ ,.487.92 TOTAL