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IIIIIIIIIIII 9827 1015 9TH AVE N awa ' Vl 4A #A NS8 e< aa� AAA a ev ev i rm CITY OF EDMONDS 8 TA"E E 7 r- � L EP ASSET INFORMATION SHEET [i NEW • ❑ ADDITION ❑ RETIREMENT ASSET NO. 0 �� ADDITION TO ASSET NO. DESCRIPTION ^ SERIAL NO. LOCATION DEPT NO. **PURCHASE ORDER NO. _ PURCHASE ORDER DATE COST *PROJECT NUMBER PROJECT COMPLETION DATE COST -,:� ---s- 2- ' B.A.R.S. ACCOUNT NO. �7�( -D� - U/ i I • ESTIMATED LIFE INITIATED BY DATE APPROVED BY **SUBMIT ASSET INFORMATION SHEET WITH FINAL PAYMENT REQUEST *SUBMIT ASSET INFORMATION SHEET UPON CLOSE OF PROJECT ACCOUNTING ONLY U DEPRECIATE MONTHLY DEPRECIATION AMOUNT ANNUAL DEPRECIATION AMOUNT _ G.L. ENTRY REFERENCE INITIAL DATE bz- VERIFIED BY PROCESSED BATCH NO. _ DEPARTMENT FILE STREET FIL P.O. BOX 728 LYNNWOOD, WA 98036-0531 206-776-3151 TO: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wickstrom Re: Escrow No 757 Somerset Lane Seller: Edmonds, WA 98020 Buyer: Dear Mr. and Mrs. Wickstrom: We have completed the above transaction and forward the following documents for your information and records: encl. GEB/ Closing Statement Check in the amount of $ Contract with recording data thereon Fulfillment Deed with Sales Tax data thereof Warranty Deed with recording data thereon Assignment of Contract with recording data thereon Receipt for payment of Sales Tax Copy of Fire Insurance Policy/Binder Title Insurance Policy Deed of Trust Note X SEWER EASEMENT We appreciate having the opportunity to be of service to you. Sincerely, 4100 200TH S.W., SUITE 4 LYNNWOOD, WA 98036-0531 206-776-3151 B-31000 CALLAHAN WICKSTROM PACIFIC NORTHWEST ESCROW CORP. BY: Glen E. Barrett, Mgr. FORM 1 CITY OF EDMONDS / rUBLICIWORKS FOR INSPECTION CALL Permit 11,0 SIDE SEWER P : € F1 V2�5i2r5 Ext. /22,�? Issue Date A y 4?n? ��� PERMIT MUST BE.POSTED ON JOB SITE = EDMONDS 1. Address of Construction / �' G� 7- %'� TREATMENT P 19PA 2. Proper ty Legal Description (include nclude all easements) It )pRuS e y 3. Single Family Residence Multi -Family No. of Units Commercial 4. Owner and/or Builder _611,4 ,' 44 0 Gf/iG A`r 7 D 1J , 5. Contractor & License No. _ 6. Invasion into City Right -of -Way: No Yes (If Yes Right-of- way Construction Permit Required - Call Dial Dig ( 3141Y�MI414 ) before 17800 4 24-5555 excavation). 7. Cross other private property: Yes ,,�-" No Easement required - attach legal description and county easement number. READ THE FOLLOWING AND SIGN: a. Property owners must obtain a permit to install side sewers on their property. A licensed side sewer contractor must be employed to construct side sewers in the public right-of-way. b. The side sewer contractor assumes full reponsibility for each installation for one year. C. Commercial establishment requires a minimum of a six inch (6") side sewer line. d. Side sewers may not be installed closer than thirty inches (30") to any structure. e. Side sewer lines must be laid at a minimum grade. of 2% (1.15°) and maximum grade of 100% (450). f. No turn in side sewer greater than 45° (1/8,bend) is°allowed between cleanout. All 90 turns must be constructed of a 45 (1/.8 bend) and Wye with removable cap. g. No down spouts, footing drains or floor drains can be connected to side sewer system. h. Pea gravel is required for bedding when installing sewer lines through other than granular soil. i. Cleanouts are required at 30"-60" from each plumbing exit line and at minimum intervals of 100' along sewer line run. j. Trenches within City right-of-way must be restored to original conditions. Contractors shall be'responsible for right-of-way failure due to poor compaction of fill. k. Side sewer must be left uncovered until inspected and approved by the City. 1. Inspection during normal working hours only. Two (2) working days notice required. DATE: `� O `" �� Gl� AV/6)"11 414s`�s-c. I certify t at I have read and shall comply with the above PERMIT FEE: I� 'n CONNECTION FEE: w�.` D NITT Mt DISAPPROVED By: Date:- C _ Date: APPROVED By :B CYWAIIte� _ T BE POSTED ON JOTS SITE * A The City of Edmonds Side Sewer Drawing EASEMENT NO - -------------------------------------------- NEW CONSTRUCTION REPAIRS ❑ LID NO- ------------------ - ASMT. NO. ------------------ OWNER --- HFPD-41D ------ B- - - WJ ------------------------ CONTRACTOR ------ 15AtAF — --------------------------------------------------------------- PERMIT NO. 7-1-7-3 ------ JOB ADDRESS 1.0-15 - ----- CIT14 ---- NO - -------------------------------------- LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT NO. ------ ------- BLOCK NO -------- -------- TREATMENT PLANT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- -------- NAMEOF ADDITION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WorG, Pvt. Approvea: G'x4!'WW- pWW-0001-1 1/75 (REVA 1/78) DATE TI&S ---------- By.,-�---n J, - -------------------------- 4 §E ERMIT M=M==MWT1I CITY OF EDMONDS ZONE NUMBER CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION JOB , ADORESA f r NAME (OR NAME OF BUSINESS). ' � LEGAL D TION CHECK SUBDIVISION NO. LID NO. ZMAILING ADDRESS LV S ' �'� , 0 p / �Q e, L CITY TELEPHONE NUMBER PUBLIC RIGHT OFAY PER OFFICIAL STREET MAP. 7 g - S 67') EXISTING REQUIRED DEDICATION NAME PROPOSED U Z (� /j✓ Q se, RIGHT OF WAY CONSTRUCTION PERMIT. REQUIRED ❑ W w ADDRESS STREET USE PERMIT REQUIRED ❑ Z U / / 52 ' r/ SEE ENGINEERING MEMO DATED �' _ _ w a CITY 9,e l✓) [TELEPHONE NUMBER (y G�U +tali e J SEE PIW DEPT. REVIEW CHECK LIST DATED REMA NAME ' / �! /$1 & eg air ADDRESS U METER SIZE BUILDING SUPPLY SIZE FIXTURE UNITS Q CITY TELEPHONE NUMBER w Z REMARKS 3 U ST9TE LICENSE NUMBER CITY LICENSE NUMBER % >/V 01�_S'R A33 176 SIGN AREA ALLOWED PROPOSED ENV. REVIEW COMPLETE EXEMPT AQB NO. )IA Legal Description of Property - include all easements 14 (show below or attach four copies) SH0EE INE M Z _ (NI a N C� VARIANCE QR PLANN NG REVIEW BY DAT w / � �M t I 0 a co / ^ % L/ 6 YARDS LOT COVERA �i G� Z w J FRONT �� SIDE REAR !J Z g d REMARKS a ® ® NEW RESIDENTIAL PLUMBING ADDIALTER NON-RESIDENTIAL MECHANICAL REPAIR El RETAINING WALL SIGN EXCAVATE FENCE CHECKED BY TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION CODE HEIGHT DEMOLISH OR FILL ( xFT) ❑PRE -MOVE INSP.I ❑ SWIM SPECIAL INSPECTOR AREA OCCUPANT COMPLIANCE INSP. POOL REQUIRED, JOCCUPANCY GROUP LOAD NO REMARKS 2 SIDE SEWER WATER LINE 0 El cr j m wNUMBER OF STORIES NUMBEROF o DWtLLING , m O UNIIA NATURE OF WORK O BE DONE (ATTACH PLOT PLAN) 1 �v S S D .�... O r kl VALUATION FEE PLAN CHECK FEE f BUILDING PLUMBING .MECHANICAL ' GRADINGIFILL This Permit covers work to be done on private property ONLY. Any construction on the public domain (curbs, sidewalks, driveways, marquees, etc.) will require separate permission. Permit Application: 180 Days Permit Limit: 1 Year - Provided Work is Started Within 180 Days "Applicant, on behalf of his or her spouse, heirs, assigns and w successors in interest, agrees to Indemnify, defend and hold J harmless the City of Edmonds, Washington, its officials, f employees, and agents from any and all claims for damages of a whatever nature, arising directly or indirectly from the issuance 0 of this permit. Issuance of. this permit shall not be deemed to o modify,.waive or reduce any requirement of any city ordinance x nor limit in any way the City's ability to enforce any ordinance TOTAL AMOUNT DUE -... provision." - 'hr:t the asiu :,.a, ; am the owner, of the duly ATTENTION APPLICATION APPROVAL j authorized agent of the owner. I agree to comply with city and THIS PERMIT state laws regulating construction; and in doing the work authoriz- AUTHORIZES This application is not a permit until ed thereby, no person will be employed in violation of the Labor . ONLY THE signed by the Building Official or his Code of the State of Washington relating to Workmen's Compensa- WORK NOTED Deputy; and fees are paid, and receipt is tion Insurance. INSPECTION acknowledged In space provided. SIGNATU E (OWNER/OR AGENT) DATE SIGNED DEPARTMENT CITY OF OFFICIAL'S SIGNATURE EDMONDS 1 ATTENTION 771-3202 DATE IT IS UNLAWFUL TO USE OR OCCUPY A BUILDING OR STRUCTURE UNTIL A FINAL INSPECTION HAS BEEN MADE AND APPROVAL OR ORIGINAL — File YELLOW — Inspector ! A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY HAS BEEN GRANTED. UBC CHAPTER 3. q NOV 1 Q 1984 PINK — Owner GOLD — Assessor 102-79 .. ,o. o.mea • camoem, w• . nsww i 9 r uw r- cr w w :C H z 3 O tXa CITY OF EDMONDS Gv< 4M1(m . lvwoncj3. wASnw:IG. 1pOip . SINGLE FAMILY IIULTIPLE COMMERCIAL ENGINEERING i PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT REVIEW CHECK LIST PROJECT NAME �.1/�ff s J�y� �`'G CONTACT NAME b TELEPHONE NUMBER ADDRESS NITIAL ACCESS SLOPE AND VEHICLE ACCESS DRAINAGE PLAN STREET FILE LEGAL DESCRIPTION VERIFICATION QUIT CLAIM/DEDICATIONS EASEMENT - PUOLIC/PRIVATE CALCULAT[ SEWER CONNECTION If NO LID 1 S1REE1 PAYING REQUIRED CURB AND GUTTER REQUIRED SIDEWALK REQUIRED y% �� CURS CUT FOR DRIVEWAY. REQUIRED RIGHT -Of -WAY CONSTRUCTION PERMIT REQUIRE BOND REQUIRED FOR PUSL1C IMPROVEMENTS STREET NAME SIGN REQUIRED OT1tER S1CAING REQUIRED CXISTINF WM ER MAIM SIZE WAifR 1U11N REQUIRCD _ �(/JA SERVICE LINE REQUIRED HYDRANT S11E EXISTING WHEN i (ADOITIONAL COMMENTS ON BA( HYORAIIT REQUIRED PER FIRE C00E _ NSA , SIZE CROSS CONNECTION INSPECTICN -- WATER 11ETEA CHART QUICED .REVIEW 8r DATE (AMI TIOHAL CO►K NTS ON SA SANITARY SEWER DWING IIIA!BER SIDE SEWER AVAILABILITY FILE WIBER SMIITARY SEWER COINECT10N FEE REQUIRED OPEN DITCH EXIS1 WIRED CULVEAT REQUIRED fzlz o 0 f �[A'\ SIZE CATCH BASIN REQUIRED I ` ' 1 t t 11 ' INDICATED OM SITE PLAN SHOULDER 0R,0.INAGE IUINTAIN COLLECTION 0.1 SIUILE OPEN RUllOff 1W111oLE REQUIRED I T I / I t t INDICATED ON SITE PLAN SOIL CON01 T tT R FIELD CHECKED REVIEW by DATE (Rla(ADOITIOI(AL CO►41ENTS ON SAC DATE MEMO TO: Building Division Planning Department FRO14: Engineering Division Public Works Department SUBJECT: AD/S q 2VIAIEF N After review of the subject Building Permit application, we have the following comments: 1. Connection to City water system required. 2. Connection to City sanitary sewer system required. 3. Right-of-way permit required for any work on City property. 4. Driveway slope not to exceed 14% 5. Backwater valve required if downstairs plumbing is below elevation of upstream manho e. — 6. Water and sewer lines to be separated by 10 foot minimum. Lovell • Sauerland & Assoc., Inc. 23106 = 100th Ave. West 4.0925 O 2 2 6 Gc��cKsi�'1, Edmonds, Washington 98020 STORM SEWER EASEMENT For a good and valuable consideration, the Grantors, R0BERT C. THUNDER and ELIZABETH THUNDER, his wife, owners of the following described property, situated in the County of Snohomish, State of Washington, to wit: Lot 6, Hansen Addition, according to the plat thereof recorded In Volume 24 of Plats, on page 57, records of Snohomish County, Washington. ' do hereby grant and convey unto the owners, their heirs, successors, and assigns, of all or any portion of the following described property, situated In the County of Snohomish, State of Washington, to wit: That portion of the south-east quarter of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 24, Township 27 North, Range 3 East W.M., described as follows: Beginning at a point on the east line of said subdivision 140.00 feet northerly of the southeast corner thereof; thence northerly, along said east line, a distance of 114.00 feet; thence westerly, along an existing fence line, a distance of 421.00 feet; thence southerly, parallel with the east line of said subdivision, a distance of 119.63 feet to a point which is 140.00 feet northerly of the south line of said subdivision; thence easterly, parallel with said south line, a distance of 420.91 feet to the point of beginning. EXCEPT the easterly 30.00 feet thereof for road; and, EXCEPT that portion condemned for Secondary State Highway No. 1-W (SR524) under Snohomish County Superior Court Cause No. 80294. a permanent easement for the installation, operation, and.maintenance of a storm sewer pipeline, over, under, across, through, and upon the following described property, situated in the County of Snohomish, State of Washington, to wit: The west-5 Peet of Lot 6, Hansen Addition, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 24 of Plats, on page 57, records of Snohomish County, Washington. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this .*9/ day of , 1984. RDBERT.C. THUNDER EP4ZABETH THUNDER STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) SS. COUNTY OF ` NOHOMI Sii On this day personally appeared before me ROBERT C. THUNDER and ELIZABETH THUNDER, his wife, to me known to be the individuals described in and who: executed--ihe within and foregoing--instrument.,-and acknowledged that .they--signed- the same as their free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN under my hand and off'kblal Beal thPi 2/ rday.of 5EPM"E3EQ , 1984. nr n pr f NO EXCISE TAX No -dry u lic in an or t e State o REQUIRE`'® 1984 SEP 25 PM 2: 444shington, residing at E•D►�-�oNDS .(01 ;, AUDITQi- SEP 25 sNaROMlsri`I;puNFI..WAsti. �, iris,. DEPIIT�•____.__.____.__�_ ' ` ';�.':�',.. ! W W W 3TREEISJLEz,!5r l�C�.C/GST,E'i��I oS�-AJC'.T �G.4-T ._2• _ �,eicigTL� _.�o,4a __. ' - _ _ __... - .. /3 ,4G . �c� ,20 . �i � , 4._ � r . Z45Z 367 54 •G9 �S3,4Z>t 25 VT C ;ter �8 G.� �'ce r.•� � / .GF//� � zE�_/8 /e cF�flF = 4B, o `Zoe-v . 1-9 m 4� NO SALES TAX REQUIR EET �OL� I~DSTR_ MAR 1- 1984 G-- KIRK SIEYER3, mish County Imer SEWER EASEMENT By Depu y Notice is hereby given that for valuable and mutual considerations we ® the Grantors, James Edward Schend and Jeanetta A. Schend, his.wife; John T. r—I Stoeck and Barbara J. Stoeck, his wife; and Ray H. Jenkins and Delores F. O Jenkins, his wife; owners of the following described tracts of land: O Lots 1, 2 & 3, Diana Lee Addition, according to the plat thereof 00 recorded in Volume 22, of Plats, page 109, records of Snohomish County, Washington Do hereby grant and convey to Carl R. Callahan and Donna L. Callahan, his wife and all present and future owners, their heirs and assigns, of all or any portion of the following described tract of land: Beginning at a point on the east line of the NE 1/4, NW 1/4, Section 24, T27N, R3E, W.M., 140 feet northerly of the southeast corner; thence north along said east line 114 feet; thence west along an existing fence line 421 feet; thence south parallel to the east line 116 feet, more or less to a point which is 140 feet north of the south line of said NE 1/4, NW 1/4; thence east parallel to the south line 421 feet to the Point of Beginning. LESS Road. An easement for the use, installation, operation and maintenance of a sanitary sewer pipeline across, through, under and upon the following described tracts of land: The north six (6.00) feet of Lots 1, 2, & 3, Diana Lee Addition, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 22 of Plats, page 109, records of Snohomish County, Washington. The cost of maintenance, repair or reconstruction of that portion of the sewer used in common shall be borne in equal shares, except that the owners of any lower parcel shall not be responsible for.the part of the sewer above their connection; and when necessary to repair, clean or reconstruct the sewer, the parties to this agreement shall have a right of entry for that purpose. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this iz day of February, 1984. OWN OF LOT 3 Cu OWNER OF LOT 2 CQ —� w a 00 ECORDED BY LAWYERS TITLE CO. > ✓r /L� ti eU, MAR 41 1984 9:00 Al DE;60W��'VLLIAMS i� _........ ........ ......„».e«.... STATE OF WASHINGTON) COUNTY OF�vLt this d of 1984, per ly peare d to me known to 154 the • dividual s c ibed in and o u ed the wi instrument and acknowledged tha igned and sealed•,theil.-sa s free and voluntary act and deed f the uses and purpnsq$. t6*A-.&, r>r, enti oned . IN:Jt�l$;1�6OFz have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the. d ,arid ear; -irx this certificate r ritt Vshington RY C in and for thAState 0 r v' .... STATE OF WASHINGTON) s COUNTY OF ;��;4 - On this a of appeared before me `1984, personally to me known tF be/'V-e • dividual 0 described in and who excuted the withW instrument and acknt4ledged thatgg,6r-. signed and sealed the.:.s,at$jrs, free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposed. i;h&,i�isfr•jperi'ioned. IN WITNESS WF,Rk0' P,"',I hive hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day. "arird'Jlea 'i� thWcertificate fi t wr' ,'�;pNO R C in and for the St e o W shington STATE OF WASHINGTO COUNTY OF On this day1984 p sonally appeared before me andi��e�y�. �J toerW known to bt the in iduaT3j escribe ind ind who excuted the w str-ument and acknowledged that signed and sealed the same as free and voluntary act and deed the uses and purposes therein mentioned. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my of icial seal the day and'Vr%-' this certificate fi t itten M Y 7shiNfo the State 77 ngton fir' ,. i• .,' VOL 18.3 PAGE 25'73 cs40301()039 1 F r r�m Z7 \ \ s \ 1 7 r. 99' 1 `. (u `♦ O ♦ ` r���� . 1 1 .�F Of fit jog----------�-TH i�ENU� i s i ---------- 4, ERE D'RME 11 AOIN 1 \ \\ x 67521 I \\ PE-1.65�90 , ,0 h , 1 / i i^0 930.39 / i�cj /# Y 1 l ' APROX/MATE WCAT/ON OF Z4"AD5 , 1.524 APP�E'OX/MATEi GG�A7/oN� / SUMP L /N'ER k h OF FUTU94 S. F. R. 41 - 4r/VvG .S. F..5 m / / DRq/N,QGE SYSTEM. / TOF �q � r � ti ° hA � ' r------- /N1174IJ �7-9 n1 nJ Q COj d / 4� 1 (� i � E,-y/5T/N6 u} �� �' �� ,' 2 MEIN S.F.R• i 1-r�,4Y arPAi,N 4 EX/ST/N6 x&q7- V i DPA/N .5K5 i i ,�I I h I 20 p SCALE: 1"=30' t 20 P7` 91&,g7- OF WA Y 19 FT P4/EMENT i Z// CLASS /91,4sP11/,4LT PAIi/N6 2// MIN, WMP�1GTEt� DEPT,y CiFUSHED SURFAC/NG BASE COURSE ROAD CROSS SEC T10 V NUT TO SCALE 1.CEivED NG VEERING. 196 7W STREET SW ,57A- H/6Hty/I Y 524 11� 5 / TE VI C11V l rY MAP 5CALE: 9//= %2 MILE LID, OLYMPIC fAYWORY Na. JctJ5A, 0,PfJfT MfRe t NIA6 AS DIRECT• . LY MR LALIIM 0 Re"Xra? /J Y/J/BLe G am f`me ag amre- UN/T P CANN, 2WLO CAPACITY JL/De /J DIN .AN W&DID TD iW Ale WATCRAM, C-t DAFMI&� JZ / MY e +V/8I _ flGw IV 0.5 J' EL fARANCP L'.UT yme - 410/A. IN /Z MUM PLAre WELD TO CA9P CRASS TOP ©l` &Mrf ft. e3. 75 JTA/YDAW 4ALV L.ADDM. ON ?:.. irem (TYPICRd) .6' - -36// 16 C7A. CMP 9 0. 50% b rMe ff- CATCH CASIN 54 //� a N©7e: Alt Jrt°L`L PART) AA# :: °' ` •: • J11MACAr All/JT W 6ALfAN- IM AM© MAW W'/ADONAIT (TAL`ATi iew 0 oA 8znm CATCH BASIN A0.. 3 RfSTR ICT©A Df TA NTJ DATUM: A55UMED PER C/77' OMO/V05 h'E! AEW 1 10 - 2.5- 94 1 T/ IN Lovell-Sauerland & Associates, Inc. SURVEYORS • DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS • PLANNERS 23106 100TH AVE. W. • EDMONDS WA. 98020 • PHONE 775-1593 CHECKED DATE F.B. SCALE FILE NO. 94 201 vFlfr ill 6' x U z 0 W H Y ci a z W W x►-W Id o c M r W m z � W W L1 > 1- O '0 a m o a f w (n CL 0 cr U) J o 0 (,v m tl o 0 CL z z \ EX 1AIII T' aq EX. //VLET ; " I 6722' 6B O , I IN!! FL. G5.9 I i N '\ 0 i II APES/oE.�E I , rJ l / i ip I /I 9 / ^ 130. 30 \ / r C. �� Q 24`AG S'�d`rs24 ARQUIMATE WO,,4T/ON OF /� %3.401 SUMP L /N'ER E.r/s ri/�G s. F e �viry W/ 7H L/0OF FUTUR �$. F, ,P. ; r D11?411VAG6 SYSTEM /� �1 O E(2 �TOP 77./N!l 7h 59EW/s ri,v6 I�A/EW S.F.R.' LJ•� W J i SYS�NI � I / h RIAY 0,VA//Y , �r+ 3 o 70P eO 0 IA//! 77.25 ' 701 6"PliC L�O.5'/, 34 w "l6A oe s`�f. 38 r °G 0i 130. 2 7 r �' r 9 7. 65 I I I / oft I I If 5-4" 7Wr-ELL / e U. 1 TOP dory 75 ^- - OL EA iV OV T I jo� w 20 -r f16H7-aF WA r /9 FT PgvEAjErvr 211 CL,7.ss 'BrgSPH,4LT PAI//NG 1=III��I�II - ��-" —1II1= IIII—IIII=1111� -IT _ �q TI1=IIIII=III�I Z/r M/N. COMPACTED DEPTH C,CUSHED �SU,PFA�/NG BASE Cr7URSE ROAD CROSS SECT/O/y NUT is SCALE 1967' 5MaET•sw (,/� STATE H�dHI•YAr .g24 1 W Q VICINI TY MAP L/0, OLYAlP/C f04,I NQ..W54, OE &7 IYNbW QPfN#Y6 AS D/R&T- LY 04ER LADDER o RL'S7X/Craf ld Y/SIBLD b? ONG e" GIcGRArt- UN/T P CHAIN, 2XIB CA/W/TY, SLACX W Vt# WE •: •: SLIDE IS DOWN AN/1 YIELDED TO fRl,Nt WArfRAWY, C•Z , 61iiii I e a G ' Pl/C C� 0.5 5CALE : / // = �l2 MIL,6 70P 0f GRATI EL. 83. 75 .:•; :. — _ '; DYERfLDd�+EL. 80. 79 Z'r �: JrAIYDA O 6.4V. LADWC. N/N. ':. SrfRJ (TYPICAL) 26 l _�6// 16 GA. CMP 9 O. 50 °° - X CL EARANIE // TYPE 2r- CATCH BASIN 54 CU7HOLE - /Al' �/ 0/A. a IN /Z 6A!/6t PLATE j WILD ro CMP CR03.4 :,�:...,..::..q:l....... N4TI� ALL JTL°1L PARTJANN A /iilN© nomo w/.IJplui7 VENEXLNOTES. (TRl'ATMf1YT 0 AA OITTL`R. 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF CATCH BASH A0.. . EDMONDS SPECIFICATIONS. RfsTR1CTOA DfT,41L / 2. ALL SEDIMENTATION/EROSION FACILITIES MUST BE IN OPERATION NTJ '*A.. PRIOR TO CLEARING AIM -)BUILDING CONSTRUCTIVVI, AND THEY MUST I BE SATISFACTORILY MAINTAINED UNTIL CONSTRUCTION IS COM- PLETED AND THE POTENTIAL FOR ONSITE EROSION HAS PASSED. I 3. ALL STORM SEVIER PIPE SHALL BE CONCRETE, NON -REINFORCED, ASTM C-14, OR CORRUGATED METAL 16 GA. GALVANIZED AND - ASPHALT COATED TREATMENT 1 OR BETTER-,.-OR-CORRUGATED ALUM A ALUM- INUM PIPE, 16 GA., ASPHALT COATED TREATMENT 1 OR BETTER. ASSUME (SEE RESTRICTOR DETAIL FOR DETENTIONDATU/v!.PIPE). D 4 4. GALVANIZED STEEL PIPE UTILIZED AS ET 120' !!C. M:L LVST/N6 S1DE410Z/fAiVD O CURS TO BE REPLACEb ADD lw11fE MESI1 /N S/ 9,E91AZ /< 01/EiR sG-! P/PE FOR AREA 40 covER m �ARiEs REINFOh'GEME'/VTS. , � m Q ADCb :1 #4 &dR /NCURB -T=r'^-..... ice• Fi�'i$% �'ad0 h N..t� lY ° O 3.41 . , 44 3 sCNEDUL. E 4( O W PA!� / /i LIL TI HII?o h 'Q CUiPB. h .. ' 9 Q TU7 IfE .4SPHAL T _ 1C�/ALi�' G.. C C..�iL�T.QI L 1�. o�o : ,-�'� E.YIST/lUG GRADE NOT TO SCAL. 90 CrP,9CA' CO/VTYOL SEAM 6"PI�C CLEAA/OIVT TD _ _ ROAD 5URFACE W17 )f-! C,gST //�D/V L /D 3 rrP!/C P/PE ly/,THGONCIPETE _._ so TD 690 Z 16 GA• GMP ----WELDED END PLATE ly/RE NESN 70" 6"P!� CRACK CONTROL SEAM 75' V TOP ►II E' # 54'r TYPE .If A4-1 C. B. TOP 93. 75 //VIz 7 7. 6 2 SCALE: 1'=30' Q ELATION FACILITIES SHALL HAVE ASPHALT TREATMENT #1 OR BETTER INSIDE AND OUT- SIDE. 5. GRASS SEEDING WILL BEDONE USING AN APPROVED TYPE HYDRO - SEEDER, OR AS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY CITY OF EDMONDS 6. ALL PIPE SHALL BE LAID ON A PRORERL.Y PREPARED FOUNDATION ACCORDING TO WASHINGTON STATE SPEC 7-02.3(1). THIS SHALL. -INCLUDE. NECESSARY LEVELI.NG,.O.F.. TH.E. TRENCH. .;BOTTOM. OR, THE TOP OF THE FOUNDATION MATERIAL AS WELL AS PLACEMENT AND COMPACTION OF REQUIRED BEDDING MATERIAL TO;UNIFORM GRADE.SO THAT THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF THE PIPE W.IL.L.BEISUP- PORTED ON A`UNIFORMLYDENSE UNYIELDING BASE IF THE NATIVE MATERIAL IN THE BOTTOM OF THE'TRENCH MEETS THE RE.QU.I.RE ENTS .F.OR. '.'.GRAVEL. BACK.FILL. F.OR PIPE..B.EDDING" THE 05 FiRST LIFT OF PIPE BEDDING MAY BE OMITTED°:PROVIDED THE 11 MATERIAL IN 'THE BOTTOM OF 0 THE TRENCH IS LOOSENED, RE- � GRADED AND...COMPACTED TO FORM A DENSE UNYIELDING BASE. p� 7. ALL BUILDING DOWNSPOUTS AND FOOTING DRAINS SHALL BE :CON- NECTEDTO IFi.E.:.STO.RM..DRA:INAGE SYSTEM, .. UNLE ..S„ OTHERWI SE APPROVED BY THE CITY OF EDMONDS«. 8. THE STORM DRAINAGE. SYSTEM SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED.ACCORDING TO THE ;APPROVED PLANS :WHICH ARE ON 'FILE AT THE CITY OF EDMONDS. ANY DEVIATION FROM THE APPROVED PLANS WILL RE- QUIRE.,WRLT.TEN..APPR:OVA> .FROM THEPROPER AGENCY, CURRENTLY THE CITY OF EDMONDS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT.: 9. A;: COPY OF..THESE. APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON, :THE JOB SITE, WHENEVER CONSTRUCTION IS IN PROGRESS, 90 T FILE ROAD AND. STORM DRAINAGE PLAN FOR HAROLD W I CKSTROM s IN NE ;1/4 NW IASECTION 24, T 27 N., R. 3 E., W.M. �._ SNOHOMISH COUNTY, WASHINGTCJN {OCT2 5 1984, 1 F'ER C/TY OF EDMD/VD5 /F'E111,6W 10 l5- 84 Tl, T T. n V A I I - q� n -n a r % a in el R, O ; n m% r T ,. ., e l _ N _ • N . OC N 1--1r>>�J�� ��J r�DDI rJ���J JJNr'L fl-\.r- rr D b b � N S$° 53' 00" W 421.00' 13030,f 130. 30, 130.39' - 30.01' �� 30' O N 8904619"E DRILLED:-' W13.40'HOLE ON 3 T O O N ® R/WPOSTz Aw O 14,17'7 Z 12` 555 In w • O N � ,N. tu 0o O 1 0 ©- Lu 20' - �' N `-" I 110.46' 105.04' BASIS OF BEARINGS ACCESS AND UTILITY }EASEMENT p_6o12�39„ yd" PLAT 40.38' 130.27' (A•F. NO. 15403010076) g7,65' Iti .� 62.72' / OF "HANSEN ADDITION" _ _ _ N $9° 39' 00" W 420.91' '' =— ; SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT 13 ETC. ( A. F. NO. 13403010039) p i W ��r�� �✓-� 0 DDJ TI1 1 b W CC) OAF ii oj �c / W e 0 O I 4q© 0) O iN c N 090 39, 00" W ib CA SPERS \ 244.45' STREET (SR 24) LEGAL DESCRIPTION LEGEND BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF THE 0 -SET IRON PIN WITH PLASTIC CAP NO'D. 9891 NE V4, NW V4, SECTION 24, T. 27 N., R. 3 E., W M., 140 FEET NORTHERLY OF THE SOUTHEAST CORNER; THENCE NORTH ALONG SAID EAST LINE 114 FEET; THENCE WEST ALONG AN EXISTING FENCE LINE 421 FEET; THENCE SOUTH PARALLEL TO THE EAST LINE 116 FEET, MORE OR LESS TO A POINT WHICH IS 140 FEET NORTH OF THE 50UTH LINE OF SAID NE V4, NW'/4; THENGE EAST PARALLEL TO THE SOUTH LINE 421 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. LESS ROADS. I RECORDING CERTIFICATE SURVEYORS; CERTIFICATE FI ED FOR RECORD BY GERALD W. LOVELL THIS MARCH 19 04 n THIS MAP CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR DAY OF .D., AT� UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF MINUTES PAST O'CLOCK-M: AND RECORDED I THE SURVEY RECORDING ACT, AT THE REQUEST OF HAROLD WICKSTROM VOLUME � Gi of SURVEYS 0�1 PAGE��.��!6-rh FEBRUARY 84 SNOHOMISH THIS DAY OF 19 RECORDS OF COU9NT//Y,,, __WASHINGTON. DEAN V. •WILLIAMS Ga�.d-•+'� �N. L.S. NO. 9891 AUDITOR DEPUTY .AUDITOR GERALD W. LOVELL 30' �I#jm x.: PLAT OF SURVEY .FOR HAROLD WICKSTROM IN NE l4, NW V4, SECTION 24, T. 27 N, R. 3 E.,W. M. SNOHOMISH COUNTY, WASHINGTON 0 \ °° ►f1 tt ^AAA `� ao max. iNLEr TOP EL. (9d O I // / F..L.. 65.9 W I I � / r °a I _Qv,I API MOXIMAMp I LLLATION Oti 7YV1VDER I� I RESIDE,X.�E I / �••J / � 1 x n , 9G 7. 7G' Yo" 1^0 �... J! 2¢MALL5 1,15Z4 WITH LI',D. 4 N TOP 77.V //Vl/ 74./59 n h roz N o0 � h 0 W H Q O AO Y 2 U U) Z O e( W ►- Y O W0 Z W x F W G U 0 a Y W EnZ F- W f. W y L! 7 F ta ix 0-ia1- N 0. m m m W Y J o n � m ® W 0. Z Z 4 A1",PR0X/1V,476, znL4710;/ O FiY�S%HATE LOC.4T/OrV OF G J. F. R �vrrti / OF FUJUR �S. F. R. !! / DRAINAGE SYSTEM. / 1 �. /-------- EX/STIN6 NEW S.F. R• I I EXIST/N6 R f —F 2 I V D,s'A/n/ .5r57vi ''r r / / / / 2O% SCALE: 1/L-30' 20 rr R/GNT OF &A Y /9 FT PAIiEME/vT 211 CLASS 'B'A,SPf/ALT PAIi/NG o 2I/ M/N. COMo,QGTED DEPTH C.�'USHED SU,PF.4C/NG BASE COURSE ROA1J CROSS SECTION NUT TO 5CAL,5 VN f96 5MEET SW !, \ $T.4TB y/dHIyAY 524 Em TE 2 W Q VICINI rY MAP 5G4Lf,: ///= %z M/L,6 LID, OLYMPIC f!OWRY NLt• J499A, OfPR7 IVHW !fit` WO /3 DIXeCT- L�Y• O/Ypf/R�fL�A � 4 Rf� MICT /V ylV7L�i�. & {.AI7i. eD or 6MrE- UN/7 p CHAIN W IJ CAPACITY, JLACM W#Z# MW •: •: SL/Le IS DOWN AN WILDID 70 WhUle WAreRAM11, C-LDUrgWrAW ' �A X D I 3" t L EARAIYCE CUT N&e -4, &A. 1M It 6A116t PLAre WELD M CAIP CRl W 5%� TOP Of MAM EL. 83. 75 "0//i' MRAM6L. A0. 79 .STANDARLI 6ALV. LADMM. irm (mo1c.44) CM/0 9 0. 50 Y. TYPE r- CATCH BASIN 54 �:..• .: ••.•.. • ;, N4rf� All Jr1fl PdR1J ANiI .• .a,. .r�Rr ctf marrAe AR.P W ? �'I /C'%�/�� / /`1l�TF'� t fn,�an cao�°r,or ri�l? DRAWN CHECKED DATE F.B. SCALE / FILE NO. T"l//' fl) - 17- RQ 2n f -1