10307 238TH ST SW.pdf1, ROLL CALL Present Jeff Oaklief Rob Chave, Planning Manager Shirley Frank John Bissell, .Associate Planner Craig Pierce Lynne Hann, Deputy City Clerk James Young 2. CORRESPONDENCE/iCOMMENIS ER nM STAFF John Bissell stated that resumes of individuals who are interested in serving on the ADB would be reviewed at the end of the meeting. 3. ARUCHITEC.TURAL DESIGN ]BOARD COMMEND None. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES BOARDMEMBER YOUNG MOVED, SECONDED BY BOARDMEMBER FRANK, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 7,1996, AS SUBMITTED. MOTION CARRIED. 5. CONSENT AGENDA BOARDMEMBER FRANK MOVED, SECONDED BY BOARDMEMBER YOUNG, TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA, CONSISTING OF ADB-95-94, AS SUBMITTED. MOTION CARRIED. 6. AGENDA ADB=9:6-1'X <ir REMODEL AND ADDITION TO AN EXISTING SWIM AND TENNIS CLUB Klahaya Swim and Tennis Club 10317 238th St. SW Edmonds, WA 98020 (Final Approval) Bill Walker, 11000 Whitcomb Place, Woodway and Carla Nichols, 22440 Dogwood Lane, Woodway, members of the Klahaya Swim and Tennis Club Board of Directors, were present. John Bissell presented the staff report. This is an existing facility, located in a newly annexed area of the City, with a flat roof and a store front -type door entry located to the west of the center of the building. The project includes the addition of a more distinct entry, as well as the addition of approximately 250 square feet on the south side of the building to be used as a lobby area. The proposal includes raising the roof in the area of the entry, with storefront glass windows added around the entry door. Columns for each side of the door, with an exposed aluminum roof frame, are also proposed. The building will be painted a salmon color with teal trim. Mr. Bissell explained that since the proposal is supported by ADB design criteria and the design related policies in the Comprehensive Plan, staff is recommending approval. There were no audience comments on this project. Boardmembers concurred that this remodel will improve the existing facility, and had no objections or concerns. IT WAS MOVED BY BOARDMEMBER FRANK, SECONDED BY BOARDMEMBER PIERCE, } TO APPROVE ADB-96-17 AS SUBMITTED, WITH THE CONDITION THAT THE APPLICANT i. OBTAIN A CONDITIONAL USE PERNIIT. MOTION CARRIED. t 7. DISCUSSION .OF ITEMS A M-YED BY STAFF VVIITH ADB APPROVAL. Boardmembers discussed the types of issues which should be approved by staff, and provided suggestions to staff on the types of items which should be brought before the ADB for review. Rob Chave, Planning Manager explained the effects of Regulatory Reform and asked the Boardmembers for suggestions regarding their continuing role, in view of the changes which will be made as a result of this legislation. Following a lengthy discussion, Boardmembers concurred that their were two options regarding their future role in the planning process which could be considered. Option No. I would include meetings once per month, with emphasis placed on project review duties, as well as participation in proactive programs such as design awards, education, focus groups and community outreach. Option No. 2 would include multiple Board meetings each month, joint hearings with the Hearing Examiner on joint projects and would place emphasis on project review duties. Rob Chave stated that he would take these recommendations to the Planning Board to be considered at their upcoming retreat. He explained that the City Council has the ultimate authority over the duties and responsibilities of the Architectural Design Board. Boardmembers reviewed resumes submitted by those individuals interested in serving on the Architectural Design Board. BOARDMEMBER PIERCE MOVED, SECONDED BY BOARDMEMBER YOUNG TO NOMINATE LINDA GOODRICH TO SERVE ON THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN BOARD. MOTION CARRIED. BOARDMEMBER FRANK MOVED, SECONDED BY BOARDMEMBER PIERCE TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 10:06 P.M. THE MOTION CARRIED. Architectural Design Board Meeting Page 2 March 6, 1996 E. Summary: Staff believes that the Architectural Design Review Board can find that the proposal is supported by the ADB design criteria and the design related policies in the Comprehensive Plan. Therefore, staff recommends the Architectural Design Board approve this proposal. Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Applicant's declarations, elevations and site plan 11 m C Y, J G A14u�lYYaYA �- wOw'i.r.V.atalt .. v anawa t c' y YaNHn01eBW ; \\ OwtliY18M'A' .. OrbfabrtA' liouUfe6dc8' - \\ ; 6pIfHBock OYq �iYrN%k '.MQ4bFd1&p lf4UWEM BNB rewiY.mlc �,y�p,,,,,'w wYen .mttytfsoenu SOUTH ELEVATION lmYtrWwAiYf bN+�M.sWW Wtlm6tlia YagYwMt lWW1Y 1tlE - 114'. tW Wpr.Yarrrprwwr.4 KLAHAVA SYROM CLUB Ground Face Block 'A' Ground Face Block 'B' 'plit Face Block, saint) Exist Bldg. xist. diamond face of blocks J) 6" Split Face Block, (exterior face only), paint Colored alum. ,/' III'. Storefront System this elevation to be single pane, clear glass, clear anod. alum, except Co noted, (All glass lam. safety glass this elev.). rauwedrmaa \ rcxAuw E4mmao M1c�dW b a•Y{Q Yaq (hc�C (f'm^�6w"Spam 14 we a"RpCl Fny - A" -(*A,.. (aQ1tMpM DlMdrlaw�. � hW/am hes aM/; pot IIII d—a"WuLt ww1.64 city of eCnonds land use amlication I ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN BOARD Ck3 COMP PLAN AMENDMENT 0 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 13 HOME OCCUPATION 0 FORMAL SUBDIVISION E3 SHORT SUBDIVISION E3 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT U PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT E3 OFFICIAL STREET MAP AMENDMENT STREET VACATION E3 REZONE Ll SHORELINE PERMIT E3 VARIANCE / REASONABLE USE EXCEPTION E3 OTHER FILE # �1-1 ZONE R5 -15 DATE 2 9 04 6 RECDBY ___J FEE RECEIIPT# HEARING DATE ;I�A� L3 HE E3 STAFF El PB ?tADB Q CC ACTION TAKEN: APPEAL# Applicant W�LU� -Phone 774—'5�"3S,, �' VEVW0,AM Property Address or Location 1C)5e-_Q -S.L&- Property Owner 45tk3nk +� t_V3%S CUU115 Phone 6�7y —__t577__ Address IMPekk- e78OZ40 Agent (A-)% LU I&Ak i Ak,�-� —Phone -774- — 5�10S2D Address I(C)00 Tax Acc# C;09 -CXQC)_7_ Sec. TwD. Rng. Legal Description ::tJAr-_, Vmac" !L-z.. Z=E-- ftlirr--= Wes' Details of Projector Proposed Us- �/_4�a 17"C�A A-t-XC> The undersigned applicant, and his/ her/ its heirs, and assigns, in consideration of the processing of the application agrees to release, indemnify, defend and hold the City of Edmonds harmless from any and all damages, including reasonable attorneys fees, arising from any action or infraction based in whole or in part upon false, misleading, inaccurate or incomplete information furnished by the applicant, his/ her/ its agents or employees. J, 4n The undersigned applicant grants his/ her/ its permission for public officia diie S pii f- 'or Ci ­7ty of E s to d n 't enter the subject property for the purpose of inspection and posting attqfi2�aa6t­ io SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT/ OWNER/ 0 e "Ar >� aaarAm arc - �oaw�orw• aarauoa { 1 amiumcau m R i Jl=.a. z WWWAOa t t r v. e� w kaw.W*/ - � mmwo} Oft %vik"s alkodAm . V GWWFaea Olxk A' \\ amwdFw.*Va tA' w JJ_ J ♦ _ - C*Wd Fa 6/xkr OdMfs'a fbdtO' . - - . _ 4NF"Bkck. ♦\ j S)7t Fera 9nck fylkl) - Uww1_ oeaAJI.Fl ram rauk eawsna - - (ranaaadw.Axnru - P heo of Meb - - w wa Faw Hk.lt S3aetrdC bydam Cdt aMrothn k' RFq Faro lyxA . (wea1bt face oe!/), pa►Y - b H skoe pom dar paa, isdwfar hea ar►R. PM - 0% owe M- awwy pba RL aW.y, x' Ground Face Block 'A' Ground Face Block'B' &0 i V010 ;plit Face Block, oaint) Exist Bldg. -1 xist. diamond face of blocks J) Colored alum. 6" Split Face Block, J Storefront System this elevation (exterior face only), paint to be single pane, clear glass, clear anod. alum. except as noted, (All glass [am. safety glass this elev.). Ground Face Gri 60 Split Fe (exterior f