1031 2ND AVE S.PDF1111111111114830
1031 2ND AVE S
Address of Property to be. Connected: '0zq 1031—.Zyj Svc. S.
Owner Name & Mailing Address
Legal Description:
1' 3 SLOCK3 LO sourly r" Jopirld.4 lck
�/'{O�I p f LESS' STiK6 l�}I Gi�W by
Yq;r, <5x'e*r?rate
GTE .. ro
./tayoz., 77my
MI►lDe— 0-A'5
oc omv-rer P7 r f17
/V0 jdOTM9K C4Wd'C/4W 'V V'1WCd�
A -r r#/.j rl#r.,
Engr. 6/14/74
This memo supers previously sent
memo of June 7, 74
Date July 9, 1974
Memo to: Director of Maintenance Operation,
Public Works .
From: City Engineer
Subject: Sewer Connection Charges
Legal Description: The W h of Lot 3, Glk. 3
of South park Addition
to Edmonds as recorded in
recdrdt of Snohomish
County, Washington LESS
Commonly known as: 1029 & 1031 2d Ave. S.
Owner: Vernon Hahn
1030 Third Ave. S.
Z.F.F. Calculation:
( 132 ) Z.F.F. z ($5.50 ) _
$ 741.13 Connection Fee
( 2 ) Lateral.x ( $25.00) _
$ 50.00 Lateral Charge
( 2 . ) Unit x ( $ 25 ) _
$ 50.00 Trunk Charge
$ 10.00 Permit
$ 851.13 TOTAL
cc: Vernon Hahn
Date dune 7, 1974
Memo to: Director of Maintenance & Operation
Public Works
From: City Engineer
Subject: Sewer Connection Charges
Legal Description:
The W 'i of Lot 3, alk. 3 of South Park Addition
to Edmonds as recorded in records of Snohomish
County, Washington LESS State Highway
Commonly known as: 1029.& 1031 2d Ave..S. 0i.1 r; Mr. Vernon Hahn
MailingtLS ess:1030 Third Ave: S.
Z.F.F. Calculation:
( 132 } Z.F.F. x ( $5.50 }
( ) Lateral x
( - ) Unit x .( $ 25 )
cc: Mr. Vernon Hahn
Lateral Charge
Trunk Charge
Form 6
' II!
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June 27, 1,974
A Z0JZ Second Athmue rout and Z030 I%ird Arxasme '"
r, !7dhn r
Reference is madd to your letter of June l4th, re-
reduction connection fees.
<.taxitaryt Y tAvorvuerouth ) /
in 1959 under a JaInt agreement between MmwtUtke Terrace and
rdmonds. This trunk eswr one �nstalted using City funds with no
on the ad�oininrl properties. Properties oonneeting into this
sewer line wam, therefore, required to pay oonmectio" chmVes
require a connection ohemyo of �� $too to $300 for trunk newer
connections not oovored by Local Improvement assessments. rn
....: J !, 0 Ordinance
. N.✓ a No. a Y+ waspassed requiring property
amere,I 6r.."" J :Atrunk sever to r,! "1withinW days i. and
to pay . x. am of0300for such a♦ r a I N,.: lubsequont to
,C.. :,' Ordinance 116.passed it +I,:.:
eonneetion of abutting homs to trunk covers )-ithin 60 days of
of $s. so per zoned P�-mt Poot,, but no Use than $500, Arthar
review of the sit?wtion indicates that your neighbors may hwo
r ,
,a for „<. of 03A Also, the sewer comootions were R
quiring hook-up in all areae of the Nty as the My had a general
Unienoy polipy and taok of staff to pursue sewer oomeotions.
'I# now find ourselves in a position of increased growth and health
problem and am, therefore, requirtnp oonneotion of all properties
adjacentto availablesewers.
- oon tinued-
iwwle ff, ti9!
pale rvo
you had dMPU opportunity in the five gears frm the instat urei tt of the
saw 1" 1*69, esettt the oraiinanoe pottage in Ubtober of toes to and i
emmeoUM for the then OmMmt feet. Ateo, you have had ousts oppaertuevity
to Mau oernreation fame toes to the prevent tet. To make an eaaasp*tors for
your property -at this tie woutd be ummrrmtod sine a ruaeber of moidante
haw aura* cwmateed and paid such fees ao raerarte with the oWfnaeaeee
and mraete bore by the -01ty to pay for than tnitiat tawr instattation.
It {e, thrrafory,-mqueated that -you c"tjy vith the existing oa&n-
aeaase. r aae aaerb Qitbo, Diavotor of M S O, Pub;fo Wor4 to
aestdblish a new 00-daylOw twit with effarWvae atarting date of duty t,,
YOU" very truty,
W: Dc"Otor of M e O, pubtio poruia
City Swineer
v a /
S!k WA4J h P��vta v s c ���/E do
1030 Third Avenue
Edmonds, Washington
June 14, 1974
Mayor Harrison and City Council
Edmonds, Washington
Attention: Engineering Department
Yee: 1029 and 1031 Second Avenue South
Gent]e men:
JUN 17 1974
Edmonds Mr. Dept -
Upon receipt of Mr. Gilbo's letter of May 1 instructing that we connect to
the sewer we called Mr. Mitchell to find out how to go about this . In the
due process therefor the Engineering Department advised that the connection
fee would be $741.13. Stunned by this amount, we checked with those on Second
Avene who are on the sewer and found that at the time the trunk was installed
each of them had received notice that they must connect and that the charge in
each instance had been $300. Though our buildings were there at that time, we
were root contacted about the matter. Now,' for the first time, we are request-
ed by the City to make the sewer connection, but at a more than double connec-
tion fee than was paid by everyone else on the street.
Had we received the same notice the other property owners did, though we would
not have wanted to do so, we would have connected, as they did. Now that we
have received notice, though we still do not want to, we have expressed to Mr.
Mitchell our intention to comply. But we feel that it is neither reasonable
nor fair that we be required to pay any more than the others, and we are not
willing to make the connection on any other basis than they did.
The property involved was acquired in 1951 when it was being lost by the owner
through foreclosure. Because the two small dwellings --a four room house and a
two room garage apartment --are quite near our home, which on the east half of
the same Lot 3, we felt it wise to have control over who might live there.
Since then we have maintained them in good condition at minimal rental for low
income tenants. Each house has only one occupant; there are four plumbing fix-
tures in each; neither place has laundry facilities.
Obviously, under these circumstances there will be a comparatively small amount
of waste to be carried. Nonetheless, we are informed that because there are
two buildings the City Code requires a six inch pipe, which will add substan-
tially to the cost of the line installation.
In view of the foregoing we believe that the zoned front foot computation is
not justified, but, rather, is unjust in this instance and, therefore, ask
that the Engineering Department be authorized to set the connection fee'for
this property at the same 4300 amount charged others in the area.
Mr. Gilbo's letter imposed a sixty day deadline. Though we have immediately
taken each of the necessary actions as they were prescribed to us, the process
has gone very slmwly. Hence, it is requested that we be given whatever exten-
sion of time may be required to bring the matter to completion.
Very truly yours
REGARDING: 1029 & 1031 Second Avenue South too-o,?Sao
Vernon Hahn
Certified Letter No. 406150 sent Letter received.
1030 3rd S.
requiring hook-up within 60 days.
How much will it cost for connection? Referred to Engr. for calculation
Do I have to connect onto 2nd Ave. S.? of connection fees.
Received Connection Fee Memo from CC sent to Mr. Hahn.
Engr, in the amount of $776.13.
Received copy of letter, directed to
Mayor, requesting connection charges
be lowered to $300 and ext. of time.
Ext.. granted.to Sept. 1, 1974. Letter signed.
Received Sewer Connection Recommendation
from Engr. with letter from Mayor
Received revised Connection Fee Memo
from Engr. in the amount of $851.13.
Hahn came into office and obtained permit
#4944 and paid all fees.
Connection completed.
This .memo .sup previously sent
memo of June '
11h4t- 197,1 00 July 9, 1974
Memo to: Director of Maintenance & Operation.
Public Works
From: City Engineer
Subject: Sewer Connection Charges
Legal Description: The W 2 of Lot 3,-Blk. 3 of South Park Addition
to Edmonds as recorded in.records of Snohomish
County,Washington LESS State Highway`
JUL 10 1974
Commonly known as: 1029 & 1031 2d Ave. S. Owner: Vernon Hahn
1030'Third Ave. S..
Z.F.F. Calculation:
( 132 ) Z.F.F. x ($5.50 ). _ $ 7.41.13 Connection Fee.
( 2 ) Lateral x ( $25.00) _ $ 50.00 Lateral Charge
( 2 ) Unit x ( $ 25 ) = S 50.00 Trunk Charge
$ 10.00 Permit
$ 851.13 TOTAL
cc: Vernon Hahn
Form 6
Date ___July 2, 1974
Address of Property to be Connected: 1029 & 1031 Second Avenue South
Owner Name E Mailing Address Mr. Vernon Hahn, 1030 Third Avenue South
Legal Description: ..W.h Lot 3, Block 3, South Park Addition to
Edmonds, LESS State Highway
Recommendation: See Attached leter to Hahns' signed by the Mayor.
They are required to connect, and Mayor has granted
a 60-4aytime limit extension. No further corres
pondence is required at this time.
Ener. 6/14/74
.. a
June 27, Z974
Nr. Vernon Pahn
LO30 Third Avenue
Edirmde, Washington 98080
�" R�C�! V
49 7 79
,.;vwgCT: Sever Connection Requirement for �sidences at 1029
d t031 Second Avenue South and Z030 ?'hind Avenue S.
Dear Mr. Hahn:
Reference is made to your, letter of June 14th, re-
questing a tune extension of the connsotion requirement and
reduction in present connection fees.
The sanitary newer in. Seoond Avenue South was installed
in 1959 under a joint agreement between Mountlake Terrace and
irdwonde. This trunk sewer Leas installed using City funds with no
assessment in the forme of Local Improvement Distriats being placed
on the adjoining properties. Properties connecting into this
sewer line wens, therefore, required to pay oonneotion oharges
in lieu of asoesement. At the time the sewer was installed, the
Clity had been operating for many year# under a general policy to
require a oonneotion charge of frow $100 to $300 for trunk sever
oonneotioas not covered by Loan Improvement assessments. In
August of 1980, Ordinanos No. 829 wao passed requiring property
owners adjacent to a trunk sewer to oonneot within 60 days and
to pay a aum of $300 for such oonnection. Subsequent to ordinance
No. 829, Ordinance No. ZZ40 was passed October 1, 1965, requiring
oomeotion of abutting home to trunk sewers within 60 days of
October 1, Z985, and requiring such properties to pay a eharge
of $5.60 per Zoned Front foot, but no lees than $300. Further
review of the situation indicates that your neighbors way have
oornneoted as required by ordinanoe at a time prior to October
1995 for the sun of $300. Also, the sewer connections wear not
specifically researched or notices sent to property owners re-
quiring hook-up in all areas of the City as the City had a general
teaienoy policy and taok of staff to pursue sewer oonnections.
we now find ourselves in a position of increased growth and health
probtaw and are, therefore, requiring aonneotion of all properties
adjacent to available sewers.
In light of the above information, it is felt that
Mr. Vem"m Rahn M
.rune 270 ts m 00
I'd" ftv
3m had ample oppoirtmi ty in the five year@ f iva the ins tat tatton of the
sewer in 1958, wntiZ than oreUnanene paesags in Oentober of too$ to Nwke
ooMfatt'on far the{ then ourrent fees. Also, you hubs had mWZe oppor4mity
to make eonneo"on fmw Ues to the present tim. To Brake an ervsptton for
Nm p2W" at Ws t mo uoutd be wammunted sdnm a member of maidants
have atma4 ewaneoted and paid such fees omunserate with the ort immes
and eaoets borne by the City to pay for the initiat samr {nstat?atdo►:.
It is, thaarufon, rogwsted that you amr. ty with the misting ordin-
awes. I m direotinp Mr. Garb Gitbo, Dirotor of N A 0, Pubtio slm*4 to
establish a mw 6o-day toe tit with effeetivo starting dents of .Tuly t.,
Youm Very trutyo
ear Dims for of N t 0, PubZio Vorkte sue.
City zwgtnser :
200 Dayton Street • Edmonds, Washington 98020 • Telephone (206) 775-2525
Department of Public Works
July 1, 1974
Mr. Vernon Hahn
1030 Third Avenue South
Edmonds, Washington 98020
Re: Properties at 1029 and 1031 Second Avenue South,
AND 1030 Third Avenue South, Edmonds
Dear Mr. Hahn:
In reference to your receipt of a Certified Letter of May 1,
1974, requesting you to connect your properties to the -Edmonds sanitary
sewer within sixty days; due to the hardship stated by you and indicated
below, you are herewith allowed an extension to September 1, 1974,
in order to make the subject sewer connection:
Time Extension Requested Because: Owner requires
additional construction time, as he is installing a.
six inch sewer line from the property on Third Avenue
South to the properties on Second Avenue South;
connecting to the main line sewer on Second Avenue
• T
1030 Third Avenue
Edmonds, Washington
June 14, 1974
C i
Mayor Harrison and City Council
Edmonds, 'Jashington
�,d(aC(1�5 E11ot. �'e�1
Attention: Engineering Department
Re: 1029 and 1031
Second Avenue South
Gent ]e men:
Upon receipt of Mr. Gilbo's letter of May 1 instructing that we connect to
the sewer we called Mr. Mitchell to find out how to go about this . In the
due process therefor the Engineering Department: advised that the connection
fee would be 4741.13. Stunned by this amount, we checked with those on Second
Avenue who are on the sewer and found that at the'timu the trunk was installed
each of them had received notice that they must: coniieot and that the charge in
each instance had been $300. Though our buildings were there at that time, we
were not contacted about the matter. Now, for the first time, we are request-
ed by the City to make the sewer connection, but at a more than double connec-
tion fee than was paid by everyone else on the street.
Had wo received the sarae notice the other property ovmers did, though we would
not have wanted to do so, we would have connected, as they did. Now that ,we
have received notice, though we still do not want to, we have expressed to Mr.
Mitchell our intention to comply. but -we feel that: it is neither reasonable
nor fair that we be required to pay any more than the others, and we are not
willing to make the connection on 'any other basis than they did.
The prop-erty involved was acquired in 1951,when it was being lost by the owner
through foreclosure. because the two small dwellings --a four room house and a
two room garage apartment --are quite near our home, which on the east half of
the same Lot 3, we felt it wise to have control over who night live there.
Since then we have maintained them in good condition at minimal rental for low
income tenants. Each house has only one occupant; there are four plumbing fix-
tures in each; neither place has laundry facilities.
Obviously, under these circumstances there will be a comparatively small amount
of waste to be carried. Nonetheless, we are informed that because there are
two buildings -the City Code requires a six inch pipe, which will add substan-
tially to the cost c,f the line installation.
In view of the foregoing we believe that the zoned front foot computation is
not justified., but, rather, is unjust in this instance and, therefore, ask
that the Engineering Department be authorized to set the connection fee'for
this property at the same $300 amount charged others in the area.
Mr. Gilbo's letter imposed a sixty day deadline. Though vie have immediately
taken each of the necessary actions as they were prescribed to us, the process
has gone very sl6wly. Hence, it is requested that we be given whatever exten-
sion of tame msty he req!.a'ixed Lo br;i.ni; tho matter to oumplotion.
Very truly yours
Date June 7, 1974
Memo to: Director of Maintenance,& Operation
Public Works
From: City Engineer
Subject: Sewer Connection Charges
Legal Description:
The W a of Lot 3, Blk. 3 of South Park Addition
to Edmonds as recorded in records of Snohomish
County, Washington LESS.State Highway
�uN 1914.
Commonly known as: 1029 & 1031 2d Ave. S.
Z.F.F. Calculation:
( 132 ) Z.F.F. xx ( $5.50 ) _
( ) Lateramh''x ( ) _
( ) Unit x ( $ 25 ) _
cc: Mr. Vernon Hahn
Mr. Vernon Hahn
ress:1030 Third Ave:' S.
$ 741.13
Connection Fee
Lateral Charge
$ 25.00
Trunk Charge
$ 10.00
$ 776.13
Form 6
�h► , 01 lim" ands for
SIDE SEWER PERMIT EASEMENT NO- --------------------------------------------
NEW CONSTRUCTION REPAIRS ❑ LID NO ................... ASMT. NO. ---- __--_--._
co nt ►V -GTi o N ���
OWNER .. V_F-�NQN---------H-HN---------------------- CONTRACTOR PERMIT NO..:444
JOB ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT NO. ------------------- ------ BLOCK NO- ------------ ---------- _------------
�. sot-1�'1=-1 - PL�RK
--C��TlQ1------. ........ -EQr1La::'-L_-CUTE- l L1G=4y�JpY
Mr. Vernon i!ahn
9030 Third Avenue
'Tdmonds, Washington 98020
June 27, 1974
SUBJECT: Sewer Connection Requirement for Residences at Z029::`
4 103Z Second Avenue South and Z030 Third Avenue S.
Dear W.. Mahn:
Reference is made to your letter of June 14th, re-
questing a time extension of the connection requirement and
reduction in present connection fees.
The sanitary sewer in 'coond Avenue South was installed
in 1959 under a joint agreement between Mountlake Terrace and
Edmonda. This trunk sewer t yno instal led using City f mde with no
assesoment in the form of Local Irprrovement Districts being placed
on the adjoining properties. Properties connecting into this
sewer tine were, therefore, required to pay connection charges
in Zieu of ascresamQnt. At the time the sewer was installed, the
Ci#I had been operating for many ycars amder a general policy to
require a connection charge of from $100 to $300 for trunk aewe3r .
Connaotione not covered by Local Improvement asseaements. In
August of 1960, Ordinance No. 829 wav paesed requiring property
ownero adjacent to a trunk sewer to oonnect within 60 days and
to pmj a eta of $300 for such connection. Subsequent to Ordinance
Mo. 829, Ordinance No. ZZ40 was passed October Z, 1965, requiring
connection of abutting homes to trunk eooers within 60 days of
October Z, Z965, and requiring such properties to pay a charge
of $5.50 per Zoned Front Foot, but no Zee# than $300. Further
review of the situation indivates that your neighbors may have
connected as required by ordinance at a time prior to October
Z965 for the sum of ',300. Also, the sewer connections were not
specifically researched or notices sent to property owvwre re-
quiring hook-up in all areas of the City as the City had a general
Leniency polies and lack of staff to pursue sewer oonnections.
Wo now .find oFc.^aatvice in a position of increased growth and health
problems and are, therefore, requiring connection of all properties
adjacent to available sewers.
In light of the above information, it is felt that
Page hl
you had a ,j U a3portunity {rt the fYve years fit t%e inaivallatrion of the
e mvp in Z96,9, tmtt"1 .7 mlimmvo peaaoags in Datcber o; IVC6 to r? atcc
oemo-ot.-Irm for tho then evomnt food. Also, ycu have had mite oppor*tity
to mke oomectiein fmm UCS to the pmvent err s. To make an cxoaptlon for
your property at Oiia tiros would be wwamantod einc e a cumber of vesidante
have aloacdy mmated and paid auoh gees cammsemte with the ordinances
4nd coats boat by the City to pay for the initial sewer installation.
It to.. therefom, mquaated that you amply vith the existing ordin-
cwtoas. 3 W dimoting Mr. Garb Gitbo, Diraotur of N 4 A, Pubtio WorP4 to
astabUsh v m w 80-dawy t*w Breit with effeeUve starting date of July 1,
oos Dimotor of M 4 p,
city zvinoor
pubtio �vorktt
YOU" very trutmo
Mayor Harrison and City Council
Edmon(�s, aashington
Attention: Engineering Department
Gentle men;
1030 Third Avenue
Edmonds, Washington
June 14, 1974
Pact lIt;'
Re: 1029 and 1031 Second Avenue South
�.d�c.ds Enoc. B L
Upon receipt c,f Mr. Gilbo's letter of May .1 instructing that vie connect to
the sewer we called Mr. Mitchell to find out how to go about this . In the
due process therefor the Engineering Department a.dvi:;ed that the connection
fee would be 4741.13. Stunned by this amount, we checked with those on Second
Avens who are on the sewer and found that at the ti.mu the trunk was installed
each of theca had received notice that they muat couriect and that the charre in
each instance had been $300. Though our buildings were there at that time, we
were not contacted about the matter. Now, for the first time, we are request-
ed by the City to make the sewer connection, but at a more than double oonneo-
tion fee than was paid by everyone else on the street:.
Had wo receivcd the same notice the other t.,roperty ovmers aid, though we would
not have wanted to do so, we would have connected, at; they did. Now that we
have received noti.ce, though we still do not want to, we have expressed to Mr.
Mitchell our inte►ition to comply. but we feel that; it is neither reasonable
nor fair ljv..:it we be required to fray any more than the others, and we are not
willing to make the connection on 'any other basis than they did.
The property involved was acquired in 1951 when it was being lost by the owner
through foreclosure. because the two small dwellings --a four room house and a
two room garage apartment --are quite near our home, which on the east half of
the same Lot.3, we felt it wise to have control over who might live there.
Since then we have maintained them in rood condition at minimal rental for low
income tenants. Z;:!.eh house has only one occupant; there are four plumbing fix-
tures in each; neither place has laundry facilities.
Obviously, under these circumstances there will be a comparatively small amount
of waste to be carried. Nonetheless, we. are informed that because there are
two buildings -the City Code requires a six inch pipe, which will add substan-
tially to the cost of the line installation.
In view of the fore:;oirg we believe that the zoned front foot computation is
not Justified, but, rattier, is unjust in this instance anci, therefore, ask
that the Engineering; Department be authorized to set the connection fee for
this property at the same $300 amount charged others in the area.
Mr. Gilbo's letter imposed a sixty day deadline. Though vie have irmnediately
taken each of the necessary actions as they were prescribed to us, the process
has gone very slowly. Hence, it is requested that we be given whatever exten-
ston of time mny lie required to brine; the mtatt,er to oumplotion.
Very truly yours
Vernon naha
Memo to: Director of Maintenance & Operation
Public Works
From: City Engineer
Subject: Sewer Connection Charges
Legal Description:
Date June 7, 1974
The W ? of Lot 3, Rlk. 3 of South Parl; Addition
to Edmonds as recorded in records of Snohomish
County, Washington LESS State Highway
Commonly known as: 1029 & 1031 2d Ave. S. Ow r: Mr. Vernon Hahn
Mailing dress:103n Third Ave: S.
Z.F.F. Calculation:
( 132 ) Z.F.F. x ( $5.50 ) a
( ) Lateral x ( )
( ) Unit x ( $ 25 )
cc: 11r. Vernon Hahn
�v Y3
$ 741.13 Connection Fee
$ Lateral Charge
25.88- Trunk Charge
$ 10.0n Permit
$ 776.13 TOTAL
Form 6