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10506 237TH PL SW.PDF
1111111111114095 10506 237TH PL SW 0 IN TAX ACCOUNT/PARCEL ER BUILDING PERMIT (NEW STRUCTURE): COVENANTS (RECORDED) L��w -Ouc)- 002- DO CRITICAL AREAS : q ]j" U2 13 DETERMINATION: ❑ Conditional Waiver ❑ Study Required . Waiver DISCRETIONARY PERMIT DRAINAGE PLAN DATED: PARKING AGREEMENTS DATED: EASEMENT(S) RECORDED FOR: PERMITS (OTHER): PLANNING DATA CHECKLIST DA SCALED PLOT PLAN DATED: SEWER LID FEE $: LID #: SHORT PLAT FILE: LOT: BLOCK: SIDE SEWER AS BUILT DATED: SIDE SEWER PERMIT(S) #: SOILS REPORT DATED: STREET USE / ENCROACHMENT PERMIT #: FOR:: WATER METER TAP CARD DATED: OTHER: LATEWDSTsTorms\.Suvet File ChecklisLdoc • i �j CA FILE NO. Critical Areas Checklist -------------------------------------------------------------- Site Information (soils/topography/hydrology/vegetation) / 1. Site Address/Location: �237',f /'�L u1 2. Property Tax Account Number: 6 '?S OCR CO L Ct2 O 3 3. Approximate Site Size (acres or square feet): 9S� 4. Is this site currently developed? x yes; no. If yes; how is site developed? 1-1,6e L 5. Describe the general site topography. Check all that apply. Flat: less than 5-feet elevation change over entire site. Rolling: slopes on site generally less than 15% (a vertical rise of 10-feet over a horizontal distance of 66-feet). J�10 Hilly: slopes present on site of more than 15% and less than 30% ( a vertical rise of 10-feet over a horizontal distance of 33 to 66-feet). 1-1,9Steep: grades of greater than 30% present on site (a vertical rise of 10-feet over a horizontal distance of less than 33-feet). Other (please describe): 6. Site contains areas of year-round standing water: A1/0 ; Approx. Depth: 7. Site contains areas of seasonal standing water: i ; Approx. Depth: What season(s) of the year? 8. Site is in the floodway ,r/d floodplain /YO of a water course. 9. Site contains a creek or an area where water flows across the grounds surface? Flows are year- round? &D Flows are seasonal? (What time of year? ). 10. Site is primarily: forested ; meadow ;shrubs ; mixed urban landscaped (lawn,shrubs etc) is 11. Obvious wetland is present on site: A/p ^ce chk.doc; Rev 10/03/97 • City of Edmonds Critical Areas `°C. I S9, The Critical Areas Checklist contained on this form is to be filled out by any person preparing a Development Permit Application for the City of Edmonds prior to his/her submittal of a development permit to the City. The purpose of the Checklist is to enable City staff to determine whether any potential Critical Areas are or may be present on the subject property. The information needed to complete the Checklist should be easily available from observations of the site or data available at City Hall (Critical Areas inventories, maps, or soil surveys). An applicant, or his/her representative, must fill out the checklist, sign and date it, and O C T 3 1 1997 PERMIT COUNTER' Checklist submit it to the City. The City will review the checklist, make a precursory site visit, and make a determination of the subsequent steps necessary to complete a development permit application. With a signed copy of this form, the applicant should also submit a vicinity map or plot plan for individual lots of the parcel with enough detail that City staff can find and identify the subject parcel(s). In addition, the applicant shall include other pertinent information (e.g. site plan, topography map, etc.) or studies in conjunction with this Checklist to assist staff in completing their preliminary assessment of the site. I have completed the attached Critical Area Checklist and attest that the answers provided are factual, to the best of my knowledge (fill out the appropriate column below). Owner / Applicant: Name Applicant Representative: Name 0 DL oO Street Address Street Address City, State, ZIP Phone / q Signature Date City, State, ZIP Phone Signature Date Inc. 1s90 11 /7/97 CITY of E+- MONDS BARBARA FAHEY 121 STH AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771.0220 FAX (425) 771-0221 MAYOR COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Public Works • Planning/Building • Parks and Recreation • Engineering • Wastewater Treatment Plant D. S. Lester P.O. Box 12102 Seattle, WA 98102 Subject: Determination regarding Critical Areas Checklist #97-213 Dear Applicant: Enclosed please find a copy of the Critical Areas Checklist you submitted. The "DETERMINATION" reached by the City is located on the reverse side of the form (bottom of page). It is very important for you to retain a copy of this Critical Areas Checklist "DETERMINATION" for your records. IMPORTANT /NFORMAT/ON TO BE NOTED: PLEASE EXAMINE THIS" DETERMINATION" FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS. YOU MAY NEED TO SUBMIT ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SUCH AS AN ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST OR CRITICAL AREAS STUDY. The `DETERMINATION' for the Critical Areas Checklist you submitted is a site -specific determination not a project -specific determination. You must submit a cony of the CRITICAL AREAS CHECKLIST and DETERMINATION WITH ALL PERMIT APPLICATIONS or YOUR APPLICATION WILL NOT BE PROCESSED. Permit applications include the following: Note Attachments: * Architectural Design Board C: ReceptionUana\CRLTR.doc Building Permits Conditional Use Permits Subdivisions Variances Applications to the ADB* Land Use Applications Any other development permit applications. Thank you. Diane Cunningham Planning Secretary • Incorporated August 11, 1890 • Sister Cities International — Hekinan, Japan k .�.�1 "� $ +�ax,."4'•'7+:�'r. ,. .=" `p: , ,:x-*zt°e ti .+. .q � �� �p v.�.. _ R ._ '.r �'�!� � . F.w,t l,C,x,•°- ir�a7wtr[«�-: kraG4gJ.ad ... .. - City.of Edmon� RIGHT-OF-WAY CONSTRUCTION. t PERMIT Z' Permit Number. �. Vie_. ...�• =•�. .,,...�, �.,,, -�7 Issue Date: A. Address or Vicinity of Construction:/oj 06,/ /g5a ?�-7/0(_ d- Z 39ZP ly771pL I 0 B. Type of Work (be specific): Cc9_4,J aUT C ouE L n c. �Is C. Contractor: (J)",, &i ,q 4,Pr Contact: fl�cb -aoks- Mailing Address:9 Z77 C- !I&g. )_A Phone: State License #: Liability Insurance: Bond: $ D. Building Permit # (if applicable): Side Sewer Permit #. (if applicable): E. ❑ Commercial ❑ Subdivision ❑ City Project ❑ Utility (PUD, GTE, WNG, CABLE, WATER) ❑ Multi -Family ❑ Single Family ❑ Other INSPECTOR: INSPECTOR:t , F. Pavement or Concrete Cut : Yes []No G. Size of Cut: _ x 3 H. Charge $ APPLICANT TO READ AND SIGN INDEMNITY- Applicant understands and by his signature to this application to hold the City of Edmonds harmless from injuries, damages, or claims of any kind or description whatsoever, foreseen or unforeseen, that may be made against the City of Edmonds, or any of Its departments or employees, including or not limited to the defense of any legal proceedings including defense costs and attorney fees by reason of granting this permit. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR FOLLOWING THE FINAL INSPEC- TION AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE WORK. ESTIMATED RESTORATION FEES WILL BE HELD UNTIL THE FINAL STREET PATCH IS COMPLETED BY CITY FORCES, AT WHICH TIME A DEBIT OR CREDIT WILL BE PROCESSED FOR ISSIANCE TO THE APPLICANT. Two sets of construction drawings of proposed work required with permit application. A 24 hour notice is required for inspection. Please call the Engineering Division, 771-0220. Work and material is to be in during progress and at completion. Restoration is to be in accordance with City Codes. Street shall be kept clean at all times. Traffic Control and Public Safety shall be in accordance with City regulations as required by the City Engineer. All street cut trench work shall be patched with asphalt or City approved material prior to the end of the working day; NO EXCEPTIONS. I have read the above statements and understand the permit requirements and the pink copy of the permit will be available on site at qll times for inspection purposes. Signature: Date: 7 --f/z — 99 ontraetor or Agent) CALL DIAL -A -DIG PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK FOR CITY USE ONLY APPROVED BY: ( L RIGHT OF WAY FEE: TIME AUTHORIZED: VOID AFTER �j 3O DAYS DISRUPTION FEEIFUND 111: SPECIAL CONDITIONS: RESTORATION FEE: T OTAL FEE:_ _ 70 • © Q RECEIPT NO.: ISSUED BY: ............................. NO WORK SHALL BEGIN PRIOR TO PERMIT ISSUANCE Eng. Div 1997 FIELD INSPECTION NOTES (Fund 111 - Route copy to Street Dept.) Comments Diagram CONTRACTOR CALLED FOR INSPECTION ❑ YES ❑ NO ,Partial Work Inspection by P.W.: Work Disapproved By: Date: FINAL APPROVAL BY: Date: zoijz szsot - - - - - �� tzao/Foozol I BOLOI `i^ �y enrol za§o! 01901 sI ; -Vol ; 01901 09 bZ ; st I -- vs-Z Hw az6h orz �� ~%90'£=S %Z£'lx_S 4-Z HW ore .9-,09£ %0S'0=S .9-,00£ 9- S6 %Z£'L=S .,9-,OOZ e1W ' yw L-Z W S -Z HW d F12 17S-Z H OIL I eliol I Sz�O1 I azOI I SOM 160901 I I L1801 I SZ801 Ol 190$pl 161�9Q1 181�41 ILz$PI lO�OI LO�pI I 9LI I I I I I I I I I I N N � 5�0 ¢S -H� BI l I I i I I 1 �� � OAd .0-,£V�39- 16CZ �, sl ohs OFO-r I ��� `� �+, 91 SZ ZZ66Z j 61916szbu(�G�n1VIISJ lI-- j 1I L06Sz Be00$! s61 ZZsle82 4 • _ - 9I8SZ N Fri z Off 819oc I zz9�l 9 5 II N O V I � h / 1 U p1 az= < OELS >r 90901 z1901 9190 '41 OZ IZGz I `? 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