1441 OLYMPIC AVE.PDFiiiiiiiiiiiiii 14289 1441 OLYMPIC AVE C'm L3 I g ro en p � � �. STREET FILE N N CITY OF -EDMONDS ChvIC_ CENTER— WATER=SEWER DEPARTMENT SIDE SEWER PERMIT Call, PRospect- 0-1107 when work Is ready for Inspection. (No inspec- tions Saturday, Sunday or holidays.) N° 3023 ADDRESS...............1441 0lympi c--Avenue--...--- ...... Dr. Burt Haberer OWNER ..................... ...... CONTRACTOR............ Roy Allen ...... Permission is granted...........................i91Une..... 19 68 for ........................ days to REPAIR or CONNECT a side sewer with City Sewers in accordance with application on file and governing ordinances. ATTENTION IS CALLED TO THE FOLLOWING: NOTE No. 1—The owners of the property may obtain a permit to construct sewer Inside property line. A licensed Side Sewer Contractor must be employed to construct side sewer in street area. Do not cover any portion of sewer before it has been inspected. NOTE No. 2—Obtain full information regarding Ordinance 11.16.630 and Regulations governing side Sewers when you get permit. NOTE No. 3—Top of side sower must have at least 30 inches coverage at property line and 12 Inches Inside property line; minimum grade of 2q,. No bends in grade sharper than % will be permitted. NOTE No. 4—Trenches in street' must be water settled and surface of street restored to original condition. Contractors shall be responsible for failure due to improper work which may develop within one year of completion. NOTE No. 5—It is unlawful to alter or do any other work than Is provided for in the permit, or to do any work on the main sewer or its appur- tenances except to Insert the pipe into the wye. 0 STREET FILE C I T Y O F E D M 0 N D S S E P T I C T A N K AYPROVAL TO WH@M IT MAY CONCERN: This is to certify that the septic tank for has been inspected. and are according to City of Edmonds standards DATE: • �� �� Inspected by: :LOT" APPROVAL -STREET NAME .G�l! ��',C11 ��rP AD_ bRESS ADDRESS OF PROPOSED .BUIhDING....S�:.:L��i9..�- 9-�a'2, LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT = BLOCK ADDITION TYPE OF USE NO. OF BEDROOMS".* SIZE OF LOT / / 6 X a ` SOURCE OF DRINKING WATER: Public Supply X Private Well. a. SURFACE DRAINAGE 1. Is disposal field site well drained? 2. Any water course ( dttd6d;:-:drainage ditch, etc.) through site? /v p b, TOPOGRAPHY 1. Any heavy slopes in field area? y 2,. Will present topsoil in field area be removed or graded before field tiles - are installed? / 0 3. Will any fill material be used in the disposal field site? S If yea., how much? /,, `' �- c. SOIL CONDITIONS 1. Has a hole at least 4 feet deep been dug in the disposal field area to deter- mine the type of soil present? \ & 5 2. After hole is dug record the soil co ditions at the following depths. (Re- cord as sand, gravel, clay, packed sand, loam, etc.) 12 inches S'a/, d e Za e71-1 30 inches 18 inches 36 inches o c 24 inches 4$ inches-*,ov. nr� 3. Any ground water encountered before reaching a depth of 4 feet? If so at what depth? d WATER TEST A To simple water test will show how well this soil will drain or percolate water. perform this test: 1, Dig hole at least 36 inches deep. Use a shovel or post hole digger -- size of hole makes no difference --only depth. 2. Fill hole with water. Now let all water run out of hole.. This soaks .the ground and will give a more accurate reading. 3.. Again pour water in hole to a height of 12 inches from the bottom. Let water run out until there is just 6 inches from bottom left in hole. 4. Note how many minutes it takes for this last 6 inches to seep away, Record this time below, Niunber of minutes for last 6 inches to seep away S'-_-5 5. Divide this time by 6 to obtain the rate per inch S' 6. Date water test was performed_ / I hereby certify the above information to be correct and the above tests were performed by me as prescribed. NOTE there result Signed Address _-DJ.f permit is issued on the basis of the above information. If are any changes -or- alterations in the above -stated soil conditions it may in the installation being rejected at the time of inspection. A septic tank