15910 75TH PL W.PDF111111111111 6058 15910 75TH PL W ADDRESS: .�/� 3 ��� � 'J TAX ACCOUNT/PARCEL NUMBER: Dy / 02 !20d %�00 BUILDING PERMIT (NEW STRUCTURE): COVENANTS (RECORDED) FOR: 1/01C. I-1pl&,elI Aelf 9-S0-572 2-©36 2- CRITICAL AREAS: ((!� DETERMINATION: ❑ Conditional Waiver ❑ Study Required ❑ Waiver DISCRETIONARY PERMIT #'S: DRAINAGE PLAN DA PARKING AGREEMENTS DATED: EASEMENT(S) RECORDED FOR: Ace,ncf #630(02302.-:�Ls W19-&A4w tA�e,.d goaqe6 oZ -6 PERMITS (OTHER): /'75-S-0Z3 Z I ilem D PLANNING DATA CHECKLIST DATED: — SCALED PLOT PLAN DATED:_____ SEWER LID FEE S: SHORT PLAT FILE: LOT: LID #: Z 10 BLOCK: SIDE SEWER AS BUILT DATED: SIDE SEWER PERMIT(S)#: 0 7/ g OXPV� GEOTECH REPORT DATED: 21;7 /(/ STREET USE / ENCROACHMENT PERMIT #: WATER METER TAP CARD DATED: `! 29/ .fec 131aki (V,�k ram- COMP% . ,Qe,c--li�iu�dn r LATEMP\DSTs\Forms\.Street File Checklist.doc i Site Information Critical Areas Checklist MAY 19 1992 _ PERMIT COUNTER Project Name: a Q Permityumber: / Site Location: �� �` per y Tax Account�Number. �.S ! 3 1— G a l CC7 C C`c` � az �.zn, ► S � � c �.-� � �. mac..-�� Approximate Site Size (acres or square feet): �eD,C 1 -7 Have you filled outa, Critical Areas Checklist for a project on this site before? General Site Conditions 1. Has the site been cleared or logged? . �. Date of most recent action ? Soils / Topography 2. In the Snohomish County Soil Survey, what is the mapped soil type(s)? C 3. Describe the general site topography. Check all that apply. Flat; less than 5 feet elevation change over entire site. _Rolling. slopes on site generally less than 15% (a vertical rise of 10 feet over a horizontal distance of 66 feet.) Hilly: slopes present on site of more than 15% and less than 30%. ( a vertical rise of 10 feet of horizontal distance.). Steep: grades of greater than 3011/o present on site. Comments Hydrology/Vegetation 4. Site contains areas of year-round standing water: XZ-0 5. Site contains areas of seasonal standing water. __r`o Approx. Depth: 6. Site is in the floodway :2 floodplain—)'La of a water course. 7. Site contains a creek or an area where water flows across the grounds surface? ows are year-round? � Flows are seasonal? 8. Site is primarily: forested ; meadow_; shrubs ; mixed 9. Obvious wetland is present on site: -i-© 10. Wetland inventory or map indicates wetland present on site: _ D Ili i 090-19-, City of Edmonds Critical Areas Checklist The Critical Areas Checklist contained on this form'is to be filled out by any person preparing a Development Permit Application for the City of Edmonds prior to his/her submittal of a developmentpermit to the City. The purpose of the Checklist is to enable City staff to determine whether any potential Critical Areas are or may be present on the subject property. The information needed. to complete the Checklist should be easily available from observations of the site or data available at City Hall (Critical Areas inventories, maps, or soil surveys). An applicant, or his/her representative, must fill out the checklist, sign and date it, and submit it.to the City. The City will review the checklist, make a precursory site visit, and make a determination of the subsequent steps necessary to complete a development permit application. nth a signed copy of this form, the applicant should also submit a vicinity map of the parcel with enough. detail. that City staff can find and identify the subject parcel(s). In addition, the applicant is' encouraged to include any other pertinent information or studies in conjunction with this Checklist to assist staff in completing their preliminary assessment of the site. I have completed the attached Critical Area Checklist and attest that the answers provided are factual, to the best of my knowledge (fill out the appropriate column below). Owner / Applicant: . .1 o� Name Title /(v/b-S' /Q. Street Address E y�� City, State, ZIP Phone 7 V3093-7 Signature Date Applicant Representative: Name Title Street Address City, State, ZIP Signature Phone Date City of Edmonds Critical Areas Determination Applicant: [Debrah & Thomas Falk Determination #: CA-92-69 Project Name: Permit Number: Site Location: 15910 75th Pl. W Property Tax Acct #: 5131-029-007-0003 Project Description: New Single Family Residence. Waiver Criteria (all criteria must be found to apply): xx There will be no alteration of the Critical Area or its required buffers; xx The development proposal will not impact the Critical Area in a manner contrary to the goals, purposes, objectives and requirements of the Critical Areas ordinance; xx The development proposal meets the minimum standards of the Critical Areas ordinance; xx The above findings are based on the following conditions of approval: 1. The applicant must follow the requirements of the Building Official for construction on steep slopes 2. The applicant must follow the requirements of the Engineering. Division for erosion control Based on the above findings and conditions, the requirement for a Critical Areas Study associated with this development permit is hereby Waived, as authorized by Chapter 20.15B.150 (B) of the Edmonds Community Development Code. Name Nig-r6ture Date 4 CITY OF EDMONDS LAURA M. HALL 4> 250 - 5TH AVE. N. EDMONDS, WA 98020 (206) 771-0220 FAX (206) 771-0221 MAYOR COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT l p Public Works • Planning • Parks and Recreation Engineering 8909 May 28, 1992 Deborah and Thomas Falk 66105 N. Meadowdale Rd. Edmonds, Wash. 98026 Re: Critical Areas Checklist Dear Deborah and Thomas Falk: More information is needed before a Critical Areas Determination can be completed for the property located at 15910 75th Pl. W. I will need a survey plan including the topography contour lines, the location of the existing drainage water on the site, and a soils report by an Engineer with expertise in the Geotechnic field that describes the existing soils conditions on the site, and makes recommendations about where the best location for driveways and structures is on the site to maintain soil stability. The soils report should make a recommendatiodabout what type of foundations should be provided considering the soil conditions, and how to accommodate runoff from new development and existing water on the site. I will need to have you submit a resume of the Engineer that you choose for the City's approval, and we will then need to draw up a three party contract between you, the City, and the Geotechnic Engineer. I have a copy of the contract available when you submit the resume. Please have the above information prepared and submitted to me for review. No decisions can be made on your project until this information is provided. You may contact me at 771-0220 if you have any questions about this matter. Sincerely, Ed Somers, Associate City Planner • Incorporated August 11, 1890 • Sister Cities International — Hekinan, Japan GEOTECH RECEIVED CONSULTANTS ' a Jt1N - 2 1992 13256 N.E. 20th St. (Northup Way), Suite 16 COMMUNITY SERVICES Bellevue, WA 98005 (206) 747-5618 (206) 343-7959 February 7, 1990 ja-tlk I T`4_ya JN 89482 Bill and Diane Pielow 8716 - 185th Place Southwest Edmonds, Washington 98020 Subject: Geotechnical Engineering Study Meadowdale Lot near 75th Place West and Meadowdale Beach Road Edmonds, Washington Dear Mr. and Mrs. Pielow: We are pleased to present this geotechnical engineering report discussing how to found a single-family residence on your lot in the Meadowdale- Area. The purpose of our work was to explore site conditions and provide earthwork and foundation design criteria. The work was authorized by your acceptance of our confirmation proposal dated December 5, 1990. The subsurface conditions of the proposed building site were explored with two test pits and two test borings. We found the site to be underlain by three to five feet of uncontrolled fill soils overlying sands and silty clayey soils. There was a highly fractured zone of silty clayey soils from about seven to about fifteen feet below existing grades. The home can utilize augercast pier foundations extending through the fractured material to the more competent underlying soils. The attached report contains the results of our study and recommendations. If there are any questions, or if we can be of further service, please contact us. Respectfully submitted, GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. Mark K. Dodds, P.E. Senior Engineer GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY PIELOW MEADOWDALE LOT NEAR 75TH PLACE WEST AND MEADOWDALE BEACH ROAD EDMONDS, WASHINGTON This report represents the results of our geotechnical engineering study for the Pielow lot in the Meadowdale area of Edmonds, Washington. The property is the third lot northwest of the intersection of 75th Place West and Meadowdale Beach Road. The general location of the site is illustrated on.the Vicinity Map, Plate 1. Based on preliminary plans furnished to us, we anticipate that a large single-family residence will be constructed on the site. We anticipate the home will be located on the upper portion of the lot, similar to the home to the north. Development of the property is in the preliminary planning stage, and therefore only conceptual development ideas were available to us. No site plan was provided for this study. SITE CONDITIONS SURFACE The site is located in the Meadowdale Area, south of the existing home at 15908 - 75th Place West, Edmonds, Washington. The site is basically cleared, and there is a gravel driveway down to the flatter portion of the lot. There is an old shed situated on this flat area. The property is rectangular, with approximate dimensions of 80 feet by 180.feet. The lot to the north is developed with a single-family residence. The lot to the south is covered with a growth of small to medium-sized trees and some shrubs. SUBSURFACE The subsurface conditions were explored by excavating two test pits and drilling two borings at the approximate locations shown on the Site Plan, Plate 2. The field exploration program was determined based upon the proposed use, site GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. U Bill & Diane Pielow February 9, 1990 JN 89482 Page 2 topography, subsurface conditions revealed during 'excavation and drilling, the scope of work outlined in our proposal, and time and budget constraints. The test pits.were excavated on November 17, 1989 with a rubber -tired backhoe owned and operated by Evans Brothers Excavating. The borings were drilled on December 15, 1989, using a truck -mounted hollow stem auger drill owned and operated by Pearson Drilling. Samples were taken at.five (5) foot intervals during drilling using a standard penetration sampler. This two-inch outside diameter split spoon sampler is driven into the soil with a one hundred forty (140) pound hammer falling thirty (30) inches. The number of blows required to advance the sampler a given distance is an indication of the soil density or consistency. A Shelby tube (thin -walled) sample was collected from Test Borings 1 and 2 from ten to twelve feet below existing grades. A geotechnical engineer from our staff observed the excavation and drilling. process, logged the test pits and test borings, and obtained representative samples of the soils encountered. "Grab" samples of selected subsurface soils were collected from the backhoe bucket and auger cuttings. The Test Boring Logs are attached to this report as Plates 2 and 3. The Test Pit Logs are attached as Plates 4 and 5. Test Pit 1 was placed near the northwest corner of the flatter area. At this location there was five feet of sandy fill overlying silt to clayey silt. This silt layer became heavily fractured below 11.0 feet to the maximum extent of the backhoe reach at 12.5 feet below existing grades. Test Pit 2 was excavated near the southwest corner of the flatter area that happened to be cleared of blackberry brush. Test Pit 2 revealed three feet of sandy fill that had bricks and concrete in it, overlying seven feet of silty, very wet fill with sand lenses that had a lot of wood and railroad ties in it. From 10.0 to 13.5 feet, where Test Pit 2 was terminated, the subsurface consisted of a firm sandy silty soil. Test Boring 1 was placed about ten feet south of Test Pit 1. The surface at this location was underlain with 3.5 feet of loose sandy fill. Below the fill was 4.5 feet of loose to medium -dense gravelly silty sand. From 8.0 to about 9.5 feet a soft to firm wet sandy silt was encountered. At 9.5 feet a fractured to heavily fractured silty clay was encountered, and this fractured layer continued to about 15.0 feet. Below 17.0 feet the clay graded into competent silt which was very stiff to hard. GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. C: U Bill & Diane Pielow February 9, 1990 JN 89482 Page 3 Test Boring 2 was drilled on the eastern side of the lot, in the middle of the driveway down to the property. At this location three feet of sandy fill underlain in turn by four feet of loose gravelly silty sand was below the driveway surface. From 7.0 feet to about 17.0 feet a plastic silty clay was encountered. This clay was fractured from seven feet to about 12 feet below existing grades. From 17.0 to 34.0 feet a very stiff to hard clayey silt layer was encountered. There were two one -inch -thick fracture zones noted at 33.0 feet. From 34.0 to 39.0 feet, where Test Boring 2 was terminated, a brown medium -dense to dense sand with some silt was encountered. The final logs represent our interpretations of the field logs and laboratory tests. The stratification lines on the logs represent the approximate boundary between soil types. In actuality, the transition may be gradual. The relative densities and moisture descriptions indicated on the test pit and boring logs are interpretative descriptions based on the conditions observed during the excavation. The logs should be reviewed for specific subsurface information at the locations tested. GROUNDWATER Heavy groundwater seepage was observed in the test pits at a depth of three to eight feet below existing grades. The test pits and borings were left open only for a short time period, therefore, the seepage levels on the logs represent the location of transient water seepage and may not be the location of the static groundwater level. It should be noted that groundwater levels vary seasonally with rainfall and other factors. We anticipate that.groundwater could be found between the near surface weathered soil and the underlying denser soils and in the fracture zones in the silts and clays. LABORATORY TESTING Samples collected during our field work were reviewed in the office, and selected samples were subjected to laboratory testing. Index tests of the samples included moisture contents, sieves, and Atterberg Limits. One Shelby Tube sample was subjected to a multiple -stage Triaxial Shear Test. The results of the laboratory testing are appended to this report. GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. • Bill & Diane Pielow February 9, 1990 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS GENERAL JN 89482 Page 4 The lot is underlain by a heavily fractured zone of silt and clay from about seven to fifteen feet below existing grades. This fractured material has some residual strength, as evidenced by the multiple -stage triaxial shear test. There appears to have been an old ravine running east -west along the southern property boundary. We estimate that there is five to fifteen feet of fill along this boundary. The construction of a single-family residence on the lot appears feasible from a geotechnical engineering perspective. The structure will have to utilize heavily -reinforced deep foundations which extend through the fractured silt/clay layer and any fill soils. e We recommend that minimum sixteen -inch - diameter piers be utilized for the residence. The final_ grades for the lot should be near existing grades, and only . minor amounts of filling and/or cutting should be planned. It is also important to adequately design for the control of 30- �o►� the surface and subsurface groundwater flows. Control measures must be in place both during and after construction of the home. The Meadowdale area has been identified as an old landslide area. The entire neighborhood is at risk if even a moderate earthquake event' occurs in the immediate area. It is our opinion that this lot, if developed in accordance with the recommendations herein, will result in a structure that is as stable as any in the neighborhood. Geotech Consultants Inc. should be given the opportunity to review the plans and specifications as they are developed to verify site specific subsurface requirements are met. FOUNDATIONS The structure should be supported on minimum sixteen -inch - diameter steel -reinforced augercast piers. Augercast piers should be installed with continuous flight hollow -stem auger equipment. This method involves the pumping of concrete through the hollow -stem auger equipment during extraction of the auger. Concrete grout must be pumped continuously through the auger as it is withdrawn. The rate of withdrawal should not exceed nine feet per minute. The grout pressure at the GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. is Bill & Diane'Pielow February 9, 1990 JN 89482 Page 5 grout pump should be in the range of 150 to 250 psi, depending on the length of feeder hose used. The pump should be equipped with a calibrated stroke counter so that grout volumes may be calculated. For a sixteen (16) inch diameter pier with a minimum of fifteen feet of penetration into the competent native soils below the fracture zone, an allowable capacity of fifteen (15) tons may be assumed. Piers should be placed no closer than three pier diameters, center to center. For wind or seismic loads, the allowable load can be increased by one-third. We can provide design criteria for different pier diameters and embedment lengths if greater capacities are required. Based on our field work, we estimate total pier lengths of thirty to forty feet will be required to assure adequate penetration into the bearing soil. Piers should be reinforced their entire length with steel H beams or large re -bar cages. The piers should be designed to withstand an active pressure of seventy (70) pounds per cubic foot (pcf) acting over the top fifteen (15) feet of the pier. Below this depth, the overturning pressures are resisted by passive pressures acting over two times the pier diameter. The passive pressures can be assumed to be three hundred (300) pcf. . We estimate that total settlement of single piers will be on the order of one-half inch. Most of this settlement should occur during construction as the dead loads are applied. We estimate differential settlements over the structure should be less than one-half inch. Lateral pier capacity is generally governed by deflections at the top of the pier which depend on the pier stiffness with respect to the surrounding soil near the upper portion of the pier, the length of the pier, and the degree of fixity at the pier cap. We can provide lateral capacities of piers once design plans are prepared. Geotech Consultants Inc. personnel should be on -site to observe augercast pier installation. As the completed piers below ground cannot be observed and tested, it is important to have a qualified person on site who can decide when the piers are deep enough and will understand the impacts of contractor variance from the specifications. GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC.- Bill & Diane Pielow JN 89482 February 9, 1990 Page 6 SLAB -ON -GRADE FLOORS Slab -on -grade floors may be supported on undisturbed competent native soils or on structural fill. The slab should also be provided with a minimum of four (4) inches of free draining sand or gravel. In areas where moisture is undesirable, a vapor barrier such as a 6-mil plastic membrane should be placed beneath the slab. PERMANENT RETAINING AND FOUNDATION WALLS Retaining and foundation walls should be designed to resist the lateral earth pressures imposed by the retained soils. We anticipate that only small walls will be used on this site. The following recommendations are for walls of limited height which restrain level backfil.l: Design Parameter Value Active Earth Pressure' 50 pcf Passive Earth Pressure 250 pcf Soil Unit Weight 120 pcf Where: 1) pcf is pounds per cubic foot. 2) Active and Passive Earth Pressures are computed using equivalent fluid densities. k For restrained walls which cannot deflect at least 0.002 times the wall height, a uniform lateral pressure of one hundred (100) psf should be added to the active equivalent fluid pressure. The values given above are ultimate values. An appropriate safety factor should be applied when designing the walls. We recommend using a minimum factor of safety of 1.5 for overturning and sliding. The resultant force, which can be determined by taking moments about the toe of the wall while neglecting the passive pressure force, should pass through the middle third of the footing. GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. • Bill & Diane Pielow February 9, 1990 JN 89482 Page 7 The above design values also do not include the effects of any hydrostatic pressures behind the walls and assume that no surcharge slopes or loads will be placed above the walls. In addition, construction equipment should not operate within a prism defined by a 1:1 (Horizontal:vertical) line extending from the back end of the footing to the retained soil behind the structure. If these conditions exist, then those pressures should be added to the above lateral pressures. Also, if sloping backfill is desired behind the walls, then we will need to be given the wall dimensions and slope of the backfill in order to provide the appropriate design earth pressures. Retaining and foundation walls should be backfilled with compacted free -draining granular soils containing no organics. The wall backfill should contain no more than 5 percent silt or clay and no particles greater than four inches in diameter. The percentage of particles passing the No. 4 sieve should be between 25 and 70 percent. Compaction of backfill behind the retaining wall should utilize methods which will not damage the wall. The, purpose of the backfill requirements is to assure that the design criteria for the retaining wall is not exceeded because of a build-up of hydrostatic pressure behind the wall. Where the backfill is to support walks or other slabs, we recommend that the backfill consist of clean sand and gravel as this soil would be easier to compact in the excavation prism than siltier soils. Also, these soils will provide drainage behind the wall. The top foot to eighteen inches of the backfill should consist of a relatively impermeable soil or topsoil, or the surface should be paved. SITE DRAINAGE We recommend the use of footing drains at the base of all footings and earth retaining walls. Roof and surface water drains must be kept separate from the foundation drain system. The footing drains should be surrounded by at least six inches of one -inch -minus washed rock. The rock should be wrapped with non -woven geotextile filter fabric (Mirafi 140N, Supac 4NP, or similar material). At the highest point, the perfor- ated pipe invert should be at least as low as the bottom of the footing and/or crawl space and it should be sloped for drainage. A typical footing drain detail is attached to this report as Plate 6. All drains should discharge to a suitable discharge facility, or be tightlined to the bottom of the slope. GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. 0 Bill & Diane Pielow February 9, 1990 JN 89482 Page 8 The excavation and site should be�graded so that surface water is directed off the site and away from the tops of slopes. Water should not be allowed to stand in any area where buildings, slabs, or pavements are to be constructed. During construction, loose surfaces should be sealed at night by compacting the surface soils to reduce the infiltration of rain into the soils. The slopes should be covered with plastic. Final site grading in areas adjacent to buildings should be sloped at least two percent away from the building, except where the area adjacent to the building is paved. Groundwater was observed during the excavation of the test pits. Seepage into a foundation excavation is possible, and if encountered, the water should be drained away from the site by use of drainage ditches, perforated pipe or French drains, or by pumping from sumps interconnected by shallow connector trenches at the bottom of the excavation. EXCAVATIONS AND SLOPES In no case should excavation slopes be steeper or greater than the limits specified in local, state, and national government safety regulations. Temporary cuts to a depth of four feet in unsaturated soils may be attempted vertical. For slopes having a height greater than four (4) feet, the cut should have an inclination no steeper than 1.5:1 (Horizontal:Vertical) from the top of the slope to the bottom of the excavation. It should be noted that excavated slopes often cave suddenly and without warning. Utility contractors should be made especially aware of this potential danger. All permanent cut slopes into the native soils should be inclined no steeper than 3:1 (H:V). Fill slopes should also not exceed 3:1 (H:V). Water should not be allowed to flow uncontrolled over the top of any slope. Also, all permanently exposed slopes should be seeded with an appropriate species of vegetation to reduce erosion and improve stability of the surficial layer of soil. SITE PREPARATION AND GENERAL EARTHWORK We recommend that the building and pavement areas be stripped and cleared of all surface vegetation, all organic matter, existing fills, and any other deleterious material. Stripped materials should be removed from the site or, if desired, stockpiled for later use in landscaping. The stripped GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. Bill & Diane Pielow JN 89482 February 9, 1990 Page 9 materials should not be mixed with any materials to be used as structural fill. Structural fill is defined as any fill placed under buildings, pavements, walkways, or other areas where the underlying soils need to support loads. Geotech Consultants, Inc. should -observe site conditions prior to fill placement. The surficial site soils are moisture -sensitive and can become soft when wet and disturbed. we recommend that, if possible, the site preparation and earthwork be performed in the normally dry season of the year when earthwork would generally be less expensive and require less effort. Structural fill under floor slabs should be placed in horizontal lifts and compacted to a density equal to or greater than 95 percent of the maximum dry density in accordance with ASTM Test Designation D-1557-78 (Modified Proctor). The fill materials should be placed at or near the optimum moisture content. Fill under pavements and walks and behind retaining walls should also be placed in horizontal lifts and compacted to 90 percent of the maximum density except for the top twelve (12) inches which should be compacted to 95 percent of maximum density. The allowable thickness of the fill lift will depend on the material type, compaction equipment and the number of passes made to compact the lift. In no case should the lifts exceed eight (8) inches in loose thickness. Ideally, structural fill which is to be placed in wet weather should consist of a granular soil having no more than 5 percent material passing the No. 200 sieve. The percentage of particles passing the 200 sieve should be measured on that portion of the soil passing. the three-quarter inch sieve. The on -site soils should not be used as structural fill. These soils are fine-grained and highly sensitive to changes in moisture and to disturbance. LIMITATIONS The analyses, conclusions and recommendations contained in this report are based on site conditions as they existed at the time of our exploration and assume that the soils encountered in the test borings and test pits are representative of the subsurface conditions of the site. If, during construction, subsurface conditions are found which are significantly different from those observed in the borings and GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. MEADCwn , WHARF GEOTECH CONSULTANTS l �IaaT vt ' s• ,r sw '? tAjiM PL SW S` NCH 1 149TH PL iStl !iT C x• 3 U .41 VICINITY MAP Lot South of 15908-75th PI. West Edmonds, Washington t lob 89482 + _ D"" 2/90 N.T.S. 00 0 5 IN ffixll©�$ 31.31 21 7 36.31 31 11 15 35.9 4 21 23.3. 5 34 20 27.51 61 31 25 27.7 7 44 30 35 40 BORING 1 nerotion: -15' * USCS Description DeptA Dark brown silty gravelly SAND, wet, loose (Fill) S M. Brown gravelly silty SAND, medium to coarse sand, 321 wet, loose to medium dense SM• Gray sandy SILT, wet, soft -to firm / Gray silty CLAY, fractured, very moist, medium - CH stiff Gray clayey SILT, moist Very stiff to hard 1L 162' 29' .Test boring terminated at 29 feet on 12/15/90. No groundwater observed while drilling. *Estimated elevation below road. GEOTECH 04, CONSULTANTS A TEST BORING LOG LOT SOUTH OF 15908 - 75TH PL.. W. EDMONDS, WASHINGTON Job No. r Dole.. Lopped er+ Role: 2 89482 12 15 89 MKD- `e Vo C�0� USCS 0 4' E 1E 20 25 30 35 40 Test boring terminated at 39 feet on 12/15/89. No groundwater observed while drilling. BORING 2 Description Elevation- -7 ' . Depth Dark brown silty gravelly SAND, wet, loose (Fill). SM• 16.0 1 6 : Brown gravelly silty SAND, moist, loose 3 S M• 7 3.2.2 2 9 Gray silty CLAY, fractured, wet, medium -dense 38.9 3 16 Minor fracturing CH ray clayey SILT, moist, very stiff to hard 17 25.0 4 48 28..1 5 32 MH 26.4 6 40 34.0 7 32 Two fractured zones, 1-2" thick ,'• Brown fine SAND with some silt, moist, medium- 34 SP:' dense to dense �SMI 3 3. 8 74: 1A4 GEOTECH CONSULTANTS A TEST BORING LOG LOT SOUTH OF 15908 - 75TH PL. W. EDMONDS, WASHINGTON I I I .ae f.f aoa toes er: AV"' 89482 12 1 8 MKD 3 _j `\° TEST PIT 1 Elevation-15' --20' * 0 G uscs Description 0 Brown gravelly silty SAND with occasional cobbles, wet, loose :$ M; Less silt below 2 feet 5 - --- Gray SILT to clayey silt, wet, firm with pieces of wood M L and rocks Gray -green silty CLAY, wet, firm to medium stiff 10 CH Heavily fractured.below 11 feet Test pit terminated at 122 feet below existing grade. 15 Moderate to heavy groundwater seepage encountered at 3 feet bduring excavation. Heavy caving 5 to 7 feet. *Estimated elevation below 75th Place West. goi _ 4 GEOTECH CONSULTANTS TEST PIT LOG LOT SOUTH OF 15908 - 75TH PL. W. EDMONDS, WASHINGTON ✓ob No.: Dote- Lopped By: PIOIe 4 AO A �Q�r oya��It 0 G USCS 0 • 5 TEST PIT 2 Description Elevation � l 5' --20' Brown gravelly silty SAND with roots, concrete, bricks, wood, wet, loose (Fill) Gray sandy clayey SILT with numerous railroad ties, very wet, soft (Fill) Gravelly medium sand layer 42 to 5 feet 10 — Gray sandy clayey SILT, wet, firm, with some roots ML I 15 Test pit terminated at 131 feet below existing grade., Heavy groundwater seepage encountered at 3 to 8 feet during excavation. Heavy caving above 8 feet. 20 GEOTECH CONSULTANTS yk - TEST PIT LOG LOT SOUTH OF 15908 — 75TH PL. W. EDMONDS, WASHINGTON do0 No.: Dole- Lopped By., Rafe 89482 12 15 89 MKD 5 Slave Dockfitt owoy from foundolion. TIGHTL /NE ROOF DRAIN Do not connect to fooling drain. BACKFIL L See text for VAPOR BARRIER requirements. SLAB -_ WASHED ROCK o.° '.'e': `� n `� .� 4 min. 6 m1n. o' FREE - DRAINING NONWOVEN GEOTEXrXE SAND/,GRAVEL FILTER FABRIC 4++ PERFORATED HARD PVC PIPE Invert at least as tow as fooling and/or crawl soace. 'Slope to drain. Place weepho/es downward. GEOTECH CONSULTANTS r FOOTING DRAIN LOT SOUTH OF 15908 - 75TH PL. W. EDMONDS, WASHINGTON ✓00 No.+ Do/e� Sto/e� Plop: 6 89482 DEC 1989 N.T.S. ..ti z a o � � o uL, r Z' y N W -1 00 Cn n W V O Q 4 3 0 4 *- °° N r. H 3 Q 0 0 z u zol W vi 0 a W o w to U CL l°S lz 4 I,- lsd SS3Fl1S HV3HS 1 ���I� ����� ��e����� ���0 ����� ..�� ���� 11111l111111111111111111111111111Illllliiiiiiii� 111 ��IIIIIIIIIIIIII111111111111111111111 ��r������������■�������������t������������������� IIIIIIIIIIIIIII�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�llllllllll�li 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111! 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 • Bill & Diane Pielow JN 89482 February 9, 1990 Page 10 test pits, or assumed to exist on the lot, we should be advised at once so that we can review these conditions and reconsider our recommendations where necessary. Unanticipated soil conditions are commonly encountered on construction sites and cannot be fully anticipated by merely taking soil samples in borings or test pits. Such unexpected conditions frequently require that additional expenditures be made to attain a properly constructed project. It is recommended that the owner consider providing a contingency fund to accommodate such potential extra costs and risks. This report has been prepared for specific application to this project and for the exclusive use of Mr. and Mrs. Pielow and their representatives. Our recommendations and conclusions are based on the site materials observed, selective laboratory testing and engineering analyses. The conclusions and recommendations are professional opinions derived in accordance with current standards of practice within the scope of our services and within budget and time constraints. No warranty is expressed or implied. The scope of our services does not include services related to construction safety precautions and our recommendations are not intended to direct the contractor's methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, except as specifically described in our report for consideration in design. We recommend that this report, in its entirety, be included in the project contract documents for the information of the contractor. ADDITIONAL SERVICES It is recommended that Geotech Consultants, Inc. provide a general review of the geotechnical.aspects of the final design and specifications to verify that the earthwork and foundation recommendations have been properly interpreted and implemented in the design and project specifications. It is also recommended that Geotech Consultants, Inc. be retained to provide geotechnical consultation, testing, and observation services during construction. This is to confirm that subsurface conditions are consistent with those indicated by our exploration, to evaluate whether earthwork and foundation construction activities comply with the intent of contract plans and specifications, and to provide recommendations for design changes in the event subsurface conditions differ from those anticipated prior to the start of construction. However, our work will not include supervision or direction of the actual work of the contractor, his GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. n Bill & Diane Pielow February 9, 1990 JN 89482 Page 11 employees or agents. Also, job and site safety, and dimensional measurements, will be the responsibility of the contractor. The'following plates are attached and complete this report: Plate 1 Vicinity Map Plates 2 - 3 Test Boring Logs Plates 4 - 5 Test Pit Logs Plate 6 Footing Drain Detail Plate 7 Triaxial Shear Results R. F* s e e- Attachments MKD/JRF:cvb Respectfully submitted, GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. Mark K. Dodds, P.E. Senior Engineer a ames R. Finley, Jr. P.E. Principal GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. .N% 0-0 - j • • =1LE COPY CITY OF EDMONDS BARBARA FAHEY MAYOR 7110-210TH ST.S.W. • EDMONDS, WA 98026 • (206) 771-0235 • FAX (206) 744-6057 COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT - PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION cst. 189v April 30,1996 Debbie Faulk Falk Construction 6312 - 183rd PI. SW Lynnwood, WA 98037 After meeting on April 25, 1996 to discuss,the problems covering your existing grinder pump lines and your new installation, I have revised the agreement as agreed upon. Enclosed is the revised agreement that needs to be signed and notarized and returned to this department to be filed in our street address file. If this is not signed, you will be required to move both lines out of the driveway area. Should you have any questions or concerns, please call me at 771-0235, extension 649. Sincerely, 2 � &�� Ron Holland Water/Sewer Supervisor Attachment cc: Street Address File wordata\sewer\faulk3 • Incorporated August 11, 1890 • .II;tpr Cities International — Hekinan. Japan • • UTILITY EASEMENT AMENDMENT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 15908 - 75TH PLACE WEST Per recorded easement dated April 14, 1983, it states that the City agrees to restore to substantially the original condition and inspection of said grinder sewage pump and discharge pressure line, provided the grantors, their heirs, or assigns shall not construct any permanent structure over upon or within the permanent easement. Due to the fact that this agreement will not be complied with because of the constructing of a new driveway to 15910 - 75th Place West, the following agreement must be met in order that the City maintains this line. In consideration of benefits to accrue to the grantors , heirs, the undersigned , hereby agrees to install one (1) 3" PVC-SCHD 40 casings adjacent to the existing 1 1/2" sewer pressure mains at 15908 75th Place West underneath the proposed concrete driveway. This pipe will be buried at a minimum of two (2') feet and no deeper than three (3') feet and will extend one (1') foot beyond the concrete driveway edges. I also agree not to construct a fence no closer than six inches (6") from existing grinder pump discharge pipe, and in no case allow post to be any closer than two (2') feet from any portion of discharge pipe by using cantalever style posts. State of Washington ) ) ss County of Snohomish) On this day personally appeared before me to me known to be the individual, or individuals described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he (she or they) signed the same as his (her or their) free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. Given under my hand and official seal this day of , 19 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. . Notary Public in and for the State of Washington My Appointment Expires: 'P'l ACCESS EASEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION DEPUTY IN CONSIDERATION of benefits to accrue to the grantors herein, the undersigned, hereby grants to the CITY OF EDMONDS, a Municipal Corporation, a permanent access easement for inspection and maintenance of a sewage pump and pressure line; over, across, through and below the following described property, and the further right to remove trees, bushes, undergrowth and obstructions interfering with the inspection and maintenance of said sewage pump and pressure line. The easement hereby granted is located in Section 5, Township 27 North, Range 4 East, W.M., Snohomish County, Washington, and is more particularly described as follows: A ten foot strip of land that is 5.00 feet on each side of the pressure line and sewage pump as they now exist, or as located in the future. Within Log 7, Block 29, Meadowdale Beach, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 5 of Plats, page 38, records of the Auditor of the County of Snohomish, Washington. TOGETHER WITH that portion of vacated Seaside Avenue adjacent thereto. Due to the fact that this agreement will not be complied with because of the constructing of a new driveway to 15910 - 75th Place West, the following agreement must be met in order that the City maintains this line. In consideration of benefits to accrue to the grantors , heirs, the undersigned , hereby agrees to install one (1) 3" PVC-SCHD 40 casings adjacent to the existing 1 1/2" sewer pressure mains at 15910 75th Place West underneath the proposed concrete driveway. This pipe will be buried at a minimum of two (2') feet and no deeper than three (3') feet and will extend one (1') foot beyond the concrete driveway edges. I also agree not to construct a fence within six (6") from grinder pump pipe located at 15908 75th Place West and in no case allow posts to be any closure than two (2') feet from any portion of discharge pipe by using cantalever style posts. State of Washington ) ) ss County of Snohomish ) On this day personally appeared, before me to me known to be the individual, or individuals described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he (she or they) signed the same as his (her or their) free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. Given under my hand and official seal this day of ,19 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington My Appointment Expires: wordaWsewerVaulk3 v� � � . • STREET APDRESS BILE CITY OF EDMONDS . BARBARA FAHEY MAYOR w, 7110-210TH ST.S.W. • EDMONDS, WA 98026 • (206) 771-0235 • FAX (206) 744-6057 COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT - PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION Fst 1890 April 10, 1996 Debbie Faulk 15910 - 75th PI. Edmonds, WA 98026 Subject: Grinder Pump Easement Agreement After meeting on April 4, 1996 to discuss the problems covering your existing grinder pump lines and your new installation, I feel it necessary to install a 3" PVC conduit for each address (15908 and 15910 - 75th PI. W.) that would serve as a future spot for a new line. If the existing lines ever fail, this would allow a new line to be installed without breaking of a new driveway. Enclosed is an agreement that needs to be signed and notarized and returned to this department to be filed in our street address file. If this is not signed, you will be required to move both lines out of the driveway area. Should you have any questions or concerns, please call me at 771-0235, extension 649. Sincerely, Ron Holland Water/Sewer Supervisor Attachment cc: Street Address File wordaWsewer\faulk\1. • Incorporated August 11, 1890 • Sister Cities International — Hekinan, Japan UTILITY EASEMENT AMENDMENT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 15920 - 75TH PLACE WEST Per recorded easement dated April 14, 1983, it states that the City agrees to restore to substantially the original condition and inspection of said grinder sewage pump and discharge pressure line, provided the grantors, their heirs, or assigns shall not construct any permanent structure over upon or within the permanent easement. Due to the fact that this agreement will not be complied with because of the constructing of a new driveway to 15910 - 75th Place West, the following agreement must be met in order that the City maintains this line. In consideration of benefits to accrue to the grantors , heirs, the undersigned hereby agrees to install two (2) 3" PVC-SCHD 40 casings adjacent to the existing 1 1/2" sewer pressure mains at 15908 and 15910 75th Place West underneath the proposed concrete driveway. These pipes will be buried at a minimum of two '(2') feet and no deeper than three (3') feet and will extend one (1') foot beyond the concrete driveway edges. The cleanout located at the city's property line is to be exposed for inspection and raised to grade with approve cast iron locking cover. I also agree not to construct a fence within two (2') feet from the 1 1/2" sewer pressure mains unless the pressure main is installed in a 3" PVC casing pipe. I also agree to panel driveway so if in the event the driveway does need excavating, it can be taken out and repaired without pouring the entire driveway. State of Washington ) ) ss County of Snohomish) On this day personally appeared before me to me known to be the individual, or individuals described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he (she or they) signed the same as his (her or their) free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. Given under my hand and official seal this day of 319 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington My Appointment Expires: ZQ E 0 z 0 p u W z 0 u z ) Z- Lai do LL z 0 u O ON, I • Psi*. \A/.. 1 i, RIM UTILITY EASEMENT 1983, JIN 23 PEA 3- Of, IN CONSIDERATION of benefits to accrue to th@N(g�antoX.jhoj� in, the undersigned, Ardis R. Pielow hereby gr .to the CITY OF EDMONDS, a MunicipalCorporation, a permanen �a'sement••-frnr-- the installation, operation and maintenance of a storm. -sewer over, across, through, and below the following described property; and the further right to remove trees, bushes, undergrowth and other obstructions interfering with the location,, construction and maintenance of said utility or utilities, together with the right of access to the easement at any time for the stated purposes. The easement and right-of-way hereby granted is located at the County of Snohomish, State of Washington, and is more particularly described as follows: A ten foot strip of land that is 5.00 feet on each side of the storm sewer as it now exists, or as located in the future. Within the following described property: Lot 6 and the North half of Lot 7, Block 29, Meadowdale Beach, according to the plat thereof recorded in volume 5 of Plats, page 38, records of the Auditor of the County of Snohomish, State of Washington. TOGETHER WITH that portion of vacated Seaside Avenue adjacent thereto. TOGETHER WITH a temporary 10 foot construction easement over the aforementioned property. Said construction ease- ment will end upon the completion of the construction of the storm sewer, or January 1, 1985, whichever comes first. THE CITY agrees to restore to substantially the original condi- tion such improvements as are disturbed during the construction, main- tenance and repair of said utility or utilities; provided the grantors, their heirs, or assigns shall not construct any permanent structure over, upon, or within the permanent easement. 1 DATED this /�/ day of I!; 19`! STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss COUNTY OF SNOHOMISH) On this day personally appeared before me �; and to me known to be the tnd vidual (s)de— seyi 0. nd who exe uted the within and foregoing instrument, and lbknoWledq that signed the same as - free ; n�` Qk' t "%.act an deed, for the uses and purposes t erein mentioned. `LOOM R''•'Y� r �1R6'$'';1�1Y HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL THIS ` DAY OF !% = `a •'�i ♦ = NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Or �t•'•,,r�...-�•�''�� Washington residing at •,. 0 F 830 623 0.24 q s v�-' 1" �A;la2745 •� L :.,CORDED � • Y •i 0o 83 JUN 23 PH 3(�`�Y,�� ACCaS EASEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION DEAK-7. Wu.I:IA1.5.'AUvfrC n% SNOHOMISIi COUNTY WASII. DEPUTY CONSIDERATION of benefits to accrue to the grantors herein, the M enders g� ned; -Ardis R. Pielow ,hereby grants to the CITY OF N EDMONiDS, a Mu c pal Corporat on, a permanent access easement for inspection �D and maintenance of a sewage pucmp and pressurefine; over, across, through and Q below the following described property, and the further right to remove trees, 14% bushes, undergrowth and obstructions interfering with the inspection and GD maintenance of said sewage punp and pressure line. The easement hereby granted is located in Section 5, Township 27 North, Range 4 East, W.M., Snohomish County, Washington, and is more particularly described as follows A ten foot strip of land that is 5:00 feet on each side of the pressure line and sewage purtp as they now exist, or as located in the future. Within Lot 6 and the North half of Lot 7, Block 29, Meadowdale Beach, .according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 5 of Plats, page 38, records of the Auditor of the County of Snohomish, Washington. TOGETHER WITH that portion of vacated Seaside Avenue adjacent thereto. The CITY agrees to restore to substantially the original condition and inspection of said sewage punp and pressure line; provided the grantors, their heirs, or assigns shall not construct any permanent structure over., upon or within the permanent easement19 .n ED this ��� day of STATE OF VASHINGTON) ss COUNTY OF SNOHOMISH) On this day personally appeared before me ..� ; '.' (.•.,. • ,. to we known to be theindividual(s) described in a executed the within and foregoing ipstrument, and acknowledged that .+G�e - signed the same as � fI free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes t ere n mentioned. UNDER MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL THIS D.AY OF r, 1 t RY PUBLIC 1 a or t State of Washington residing at VoL 1794 PACE27Q4 .. i�l• 11?• - i' 4 • -. w•�• •- t �• r.NtRl Mw1♦1WL�4�i�}i.IrA•. �.r. .�... ... z z w O z � c z� a � Q E❑ z 0 d a �. Ln U) z01 � U (n w z C O -u W v- O V) V s f- z ON H o• Q a a d v z z � O � A U a o z ; � O w U .a 3 a r C W A w d . 71 Q , b W� r u' \/ $a 1 � w V 7 � ` a- 3 13 �-U r TH 7 5 PU. w m I w P LO 0 0 J CITY OF EDMONDS r GRINDER PUMPS 6LAk COPY NAME TELEPHONE NUMBER 7/ P,- ADDRESS P-6 !L S w cp" -rgvc 15�ro '7 S-"-?L 'E�r -iNA, P.r :i PERMIT NO. Quantity Item ✓ 2 12 MA.IPT. Plastic Adap. .)1 11 x 14 bell red. ✓ 1 1 4 close nipple ✓4 12" St.St. clamps ✓l 6" x 12" P.V.C. plug &-C:lkc 4c 04 60( Cam) 14 CS TOTAL DATE RECEIVED: �, 5 GNATURE a Total Unit Cost Cost $ 6.68 ea. $ 13.36 5.70 ea. 5.70 3.09 ea. 3.09. .65 ea. 2.60 22.87 22.87 $ 51 .38 GRINDER PUMP DELIVERY LIST The city of Edmonds has provided with the following components for address Vj �5 001)-Jr7 S IJL/4- . . This is per l . i . d . 210 agreement. _l_ - Hydromatic SPG200, 230 volt , 1 phase grinder pump. 1 24" x 84" fiberglass basin with steel base, and 1 1 1/4" pump discharge line & two 11'electrical inlets. 1 - Heavy duty nema 4 cast aluminum junction box for four control floats located in basin. ✓ _2_ - Electical conduit seals for class 1, division 1, group D ✓ 1_ - Acutex simplex control panel box, U.L. approved,in a nema 3R enclosure. / 1 - 3 wire lockable disconnect switch. _1_ - High level alarm light in a seperate nema 3R enclosure., 1 - Adio visual in house alarm system. -Signature Witness RON,C:,GRDRLIST.WPS 9/0 .07s- �� 66 c _ ' Se CD cue �-f-r�►` = •• . . ••• o z4 ® FUTUK.L F • ��•� Y',I .RTM F � -- _ i_ {J So• - �'✓l�ltTl�i � ©�'-!�.`+'" � � � � w� v 7Y* FUTUKE 16 ;do 's.'_;,1 ! 57A.3Bt5a 3'R1. EL•5 8 r•u uec M +vf (03 57A• 2Gt74" �\\ EL•49.3 5TA• 31+50�g�LT.© 14-,� 39 TH � GE �: STA.37tv5�3RT -� PROP MH # 42 + MH v GO PUTQRE -x S 9TA•L7rab .1'LT.! �� gTA.3ot90 51LT• =s., PROP MH 0G2 ®, � ®� , ,« b 9TA. •7 6L• 4.9 7 9TA • 40 t 9 RT. f - _ _ - r.,-. I'•`�._.. J ---- ree e.r`sw«�—.-._._ s /'fir..'a�-.._: �✓ _ ._ � - - - -�f s a...- � ---- 5��. � ''`I - B,_3 .. t MH G5 .n 1'asv ACWHALT rii o-ce — ..� _ {' at ✓ rs o.92i r e E.i. rrt �., ♦N _ '7f RO/1p s•nnzf f ua. uS' O.� �S'� �osia I t3 lU) } s•o... S'o.a. .er /.:� s4v Moir rAu/ ASPHALT R4np * SHEET !7 �j �E5 4HaT t I NOW 2' PAV ME-NT ;s!' 9TA• 54+4I i�' TRAVERtiE LINE zt zt 3 L\ LAPV ITEM! s 1 Q 5� o.�t �'.�.� .. • I"j3 r f pL Sz si ® O s 49 _ 5fli' 406T 21 1 1 t &RAVEL ROAD 4fl K ., GlMK '.J•vr•+ �Cn/T. GYCWAI •''4 S. •C rw YS•'� Y''. ,s . ice iiv 5TUb OUT to LF OI<!o" PYfT i is _ 0�9I 91 5TA . ;ff4 - —T. � ® , 14' RT � 9TA• t 15, 16 Z 490 6H"T 17 'l 4 T ►-+ A V E IJ U E l J . ® e't ;e�` p_, `„' , F6 Z7,5p/5-8 Z4-26 FS 2701 /4-4 , 90 4'` ' `F6 276 13/3 6 2 76G/13 25 YL i; 3r,• 3'1 � I MvTL °gyp p , r LF ,of Av o '�o \ 7 � i �� 1 _ i `� � 1 ' i V - � � _; 1 � � ! _ ;� _ ' s'�' I Nb1�l •12 9TORM - = - - -- .- - f 1 • • x • s J'. 1�70RM I EWeFt, FFFEREr;GE 92Pyrir4&,:, oiHE6Toi '3,7 ANP 5 — �9 4p - .13C) MH At r05 248 Lt' .OP 9" PV C_ I ' � Ica gx i i • I09. by \ i .. .. _ i— �Cr Rom' L IE I E8S l.ry or, a, PVL 0.40.' I • . � .�. ? � _ 62. , i � I I • sv _ �r 1 1• i i i 1, T I I L t= ° i s I <'F' "" 1 _ I i j i I ', : ; � -. ; ! .e •• fir,. I : : . 11 . • 11 , 6:$7 a i IP i 1 j NEW. I8 vORrt;lkin ILE 1 - I -' •mot 5 -fi— I 1 i i Ij cul 071 f{3 I R r 1RE Rioao -. 51p1� ( u7 ,`-_'?.--- t •t_ .# - - - - r.i I i RA c�� "�s"'s yI6F..4AI�TARY 0wep, i nA4 �. ! ff - �I ¢ !'?(�yr'l li��l..8i�� YtfiN+-.Y4JLf-J^��a.;-_.�;G✓?'�e "/+�N2��• .+{, �+"�-�l/('^"'�71N'"`n 4r CITY OF EDMONDS �o 890 19 f�Rm 7r Y SIDE SEWER PERMIT PERMIT N2 8 719 Address of Construction: Property Legal Description (Include all easements): �/ " ©' ;zq, OD7 'OCo sir-ElVED SEP 2 9 1995 - PUBLIC WORKS DEPT Owner and/or Contractor: State License No. rA L/K C Building Permit No. ic� Single Family ❑•"°Multi -Family (No. of Units ) ❑,ara%rci a l ❑ibl c Invasion into City Right -of -Way No ElYes RW Construction Permit No. Cross other Private Property'. 4 No ❑ Yes Attach legal description and copy of recorded easement I certify that l ha?fread and shall comply with all city requirements as indicated on the back of the Permit Card. Date * CALL DIAL -A -DIG (1-800-424-5555) BEFORE ANY EXCAVATION OFFICE USE ONLY * FOR INSPECTION CALL 771-3252, PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. Permit Fee: Issued By Trunk Charge: 0 Date Issued: 7 Assessment Fee: /0 1,h Receipt No.: 7 LidfNo.: c2in Partial Inspection: Date -Initial - Comments u Reason Rejected: ��,pp Final Inspection Approved: Datt��� lnitial Date Initial ** PERMIT MUST -BE.POSTEDON JOB SITE ** White Copy: File Green Copy: Inspector Buff Copy: Applicant . Revised 3/90 cm C •c L d to m Va V) V to lu c O -0 W %I- O Z. V 0 Q W 171 O U a P4 E-� O V w z O d F U O w V O pq Qy W A A l IL ? 90 ' J LA J t1J en J. � I U1 U n,'�'��� c• y .y 7�l N t � � cy �J J r� Q. SM • 0 PAGE: t GRINDER PUMPS NAME OF HOMEOWNER: � � bkpAlj }'4Ll< PHONE: TZ,- UD Z— MAKE OF PUMP: t u�Z�\`�\v�� �C SP -� ;Z-0 D 1"1 MAX AMPS: / Z VOLTS: 2-3 C) J 11 ,1 � SIZE OF OUTFALL LINE: 2 N-� Mt)L {POL LENGTH OF LINE: (� MAX HEAD OF PUMP: APPROX. TOTAL HEAD: .2O DATE INSTALLED: Q- Z - IMPELLER TRIM: qI& LOCATION OF WET WELL: \Ae,J Cis LOCATION OF POWER BOX: 19 lZ 9/84 ml `CITY CLERK CITY OF EDMONDS 505 BELL STREET EDNAONDS. WA 98020 UTILITY EASEMENT AMENDMENT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 15908 - 75TH PLACE WEST 96 24 AM 10: 40 IiiJit Per recorded easement dated April 14, 1983, it states that the City agrees to restore*to substantially the original condition and inspection of said grinder sewage pump and discharge pressure line, provided the grantors, their heirs, or assigns shall not construct any permanent structure over upon or within the permanent easement. Due to the fact that this agreement will not be complied with because of the constructing of a new driveway to 15910 - 75th Place West, the following agreement must be met in order that the City maintains this line. In consideration of benefits to accrue to the grantors , heirs, the undersigned hereby agrees to install one (1) 3" PVC-SCHD 40 casings adjacent to the existing 1 1/2" sewer pressure mains at 15908 75th Place West underneath the proposed concrete driveway. This pipe will be buried at a minimum of two (2') feet and no deeper than three (3') feet and will extend one (1') foot. beyond the concrete driveway edges. I also agree not to construct any fence any closer than one (1') foot (including concrete) from any portion of discharge pipe by using cantalever style posts. State of Washington ) ) ss County of Snohomish) On this day personally appeared before me ��� 104 , al& to me known to be the individual, or individuals described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he (she or they) signed the same as his (her or their) free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purp ses therein mentioned. Given under my hand and official seal this day of , 19& IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. of 1M1g`. NotaryPublic in and for the State of Washington My Appointment Expires: % - :79- 9� No EXCISE TAX FIEQUIRE JUN 2 4 1996 608 DAtITgII, Sroiiomish County Treasurer P,y BOB DANTINI VOL. 317 7PAGE 2 7 -CITY CLERK ,.CITY OF .EDMONDS . 505 BELL STREET EDMONDS. WA 98020 s w, -7* 0 ACCESS EASEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION DEPUTY IN CONSIDERATION of benefits to accrue to the grantors herein, the undersigned, , hereby grants to the CITY OF EDMONDS, a Municipa Corporation, a permanent access easement for inspection and maintenance of a sewage pump and pressure line; over, across, through and below the following described property, and the further right to remove trees, bushes, undergrowth and obstructions interfering with the inspection and maintenance of said sewage pump and pressure line. The easement hereby granted is located in Section 5, Township 27 North, Range 4 East, W.M., Snohomish County, Washington, and is more particularly described as follows: A ten foot strip of land that is 5.00 feet on each side of the pressure line and sewage pump as they now exist, or as located in the future. Within Lot 7 and parts of 8, Block 29, Meadowdale Beach, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 5 of Plats, page 38, records of the Auditor of the County of Snohomish, Washington. TOGETHER WITH that portion of vacated Seaside Avenue adjacent thereto. Due to the fact that this agreement will not be complied with because of the constructing of a new driveway to 15910 - 75th Place West, the following agreement must be met in order that the City maintains this line. In consider. ,ion of benefits to accrue to the grantors , heirs, the undersigned r�?�k.Fi-rR saw , hereby agrees to install one (1) 3" PVC-SCHD 40 casings adjacent to the existing 1 1/2" sewer pressure mains at 15910 75th Place West underneath the proposed concrete driveway. This pipe will be buried at a minimum of two (2') feet and no deeper than three (T) feet and will extend one (1') foot beyond the concrete driveway edges. I also agree not to construct a fence within six (6") from grinder pump pipe located at 15908 75th Place West and in no case allow posts to be any closure than one (1') foot from any portion of discharge pipe by using cantalever style posts. CORDED State of Washington ) Filed for record I (3 , 40 At PM ) SS Request �9 O�y - Cl(v Countyof Snohomish ) BFa, / BOB TERWILLIGER, Snohomish Co Auditor On t 's da�y,Personally appeared before me tic�Gto me known to be the individual, or individuals described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he (she or they) signed the same as his (her or their) free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and p poses therein mentioned. Given under my hand and official seal this day of IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. A �y�•. �•2 g L9�ry' �c wordata\sewer\fau Ik3 Notary Pub�iinnd for the State of Washington NO EXCISE TA ,ly Appointment Expires:.l-a2 REQUIRED J UN 2 4 1996 BOB DAMN, Snohomish county Treasurer By— BOB DAraT11j YOL. 3177PAGE tS0. 9 J _0 rr c O ITJ A 9 d P H O 1 z A q Elul is u ryry r�,�l 1.i�i�a1;1 M I,� 1�.• S �+ 1Ju J10. , ,�S JI,s 1J r :' . 3 1 kpw 0 n„ '.J!0 f.:'. 1 �'E ire U ..J �• 3 ,�',l( 'lit TA % 1 ` UI UB IORN1103 1", Z .. ,;F fad .cud ,�u! Vol13S i)U1l�j�A O )Ue 40 sau�,;rsuoo ou =oP snu0!u7� W �4�seM d>vW Pauo� pN �j.UQ UlY1UH3 .,,Ji�Ullui.al z M 0 z C O z A x M s 0 m fZ 0 CL to PLANNING DATA SITE ADDRESS:/ 75el- 7L _ uJ. DATE: ZONING: eJ • 20 M1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: -�- SETBACKS: Required Setbacks: Front: �Left Side: Right Side: Rear:_ 5� Actual Setbacks: Front:- Left Side:Right Side: 15 Rear: a FLOOR AREA: lJ Z D — LOT COVERAGE: Maximum Allowed:-S �s� Actual: BUILDING HEIGHT: Maximum Allowed: .g7� �25Actual Height: 5� . SUBDIVISION: CRITICAL AREAS #: Gl % - & q C�n177 _ aAi 14VK SEPA DETERMINATIO LOT AREA:) �5 STRWETFILE GEOTECH Y CONSULTANTS 13256 N.E. 20th St. (Northup Wa\'). Suite 16 Bellevue, IVA 98005 (206) 747-5618 �/ (206) 343-7959 February 7, 1990 �— JN 89482 Bill and Diane Pielow 8716 - 185th Place Southwest Edmonds, Washington 98020 Subject: Geotechnical Engineering Study Meadowdale Lot near 75th Place West and Meadowdale Beach Road Edmonds, Washington Dear Mr. and Mrs. Pielow: We `are pleased to present this geotechnical engineering report discussing how to found a single-family residence on your lot in the Meadowdale Area. The purpose of our work was to explore site conditions and provide earthwork and foundation design criteria. The work was authorized by your acceptance of our confirmation proposal dated December 5, 1990. The subsurface conditions of the proposed building site were explored with two test pits and two test borings. We found the site to be underlain by three to five feet of uncontrolled f?.li soils overlying sands and silty clayey soils. There was a highly fractured zone of silty clayey soils from about seven to about fifteen feet below existing grades. The home can utilize augercast pier foundations extending through the fractured material to 1--le more competent underlying soils. Vie attached report contains the results of our study and recommendations., If.there are any questions, or if we can be of further service, please contact us. Respectfully submitted, GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. Mark K. Dodds, P.E. Senior Engineer JUN 281993 3.2- 403 i GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY PIELOW MEADOWDALE LOT NEAR 75TH PLACE WEST AND MEADOWDALE BEACH ROAD EDMONDS, WASHINGTON This report represents the results of our geotechnical engineering study for the Pielow lot in the Meadowdale area of Edmonds, Washington. The property is the third lot northwest of the intersection of.75th Place West and Meadowdale Beach Road. The general location of the site is illustrated -on the Vicinity Map, Plate 1. Based on preliminary plans furnished to us, we anticipate that a large single-family residence will be constructed on the site. We anticipate the home will be located on the upper portion of the lot, similar to the home to the north. Development of the property is in the preliminary planning stage, and therefore only conceptual development ideas were available to us. No site plan was provided for this study. SITE CONDITIONS SURFACE The site is located in the Meadowdale. Area, south of the existing home at 15908 - 75th Place West, Edmonds, Washington. The site is basically cleared, and there is a gravel driveway down to the flatter portion of the lot. There is an old shed situated on this flat area. The property is rectangular, with approximate dimensions of 80 feet by 180 feet. The lot to the north is developed with a single-family residence. The lot to the south is covered with a growth of small to medium-sized trees and some shrubs. SUBSURFACE The subsurface conditions were explored by excavating two test pits and drilling two borings at the approximate locations shown on the Site Plan, Plate 2. The field exploration program was determined based upon the proposed use, site GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. Bill & Diane Pielow JN 89482 February 9, 1990 Page 2 topography, subsurface conditions revealed during excavation and drilling, the scope of work outlined in our proposal, and time and budget constraints. The test pits were excavated on November 17, 1989 with a rubber -tired backhoe owned and operated by Evans Brothers Excavating. The borings were drilled on December 15,' 1989, using a truck -mounted hollow stem auger drill owned and operated by Pearson Drilling. Samples were taken at five (5) foot intervals during drilling using a standard penetration sampler. This two-inch outside diameter split spoon sampler is driven into the soil with a one hundred forty (140) pound hammer falling thirty (30) inches. The number of blows required to advance the sampler a given distance is an indication of the soil density or consistency. A Shelby tube (thin -walled) sample was collected from Test Borings 1 and 2 from ten to twelve feet below existing grades. A geotechnical engineer from our staff observed the excavation and drilling process, logged the test pits and test borings, and obtained representative samples of the soils encountered. "Grab" samples of selected subsurface soils were collected from the backhoe bucket and auger cuttings. The Test Boring Logs are attached to this report as Plates 2 and 3. The Test Pit Logs are attached as Plates 4 and 5. Test Pit 1 was placed near the northwest corner of the flatter area. At this location there was five feet of sandy fill overlying silt to clayey silt. This silt layer became heavily fractured below 11.0 feet to the maximum extent of the backhoe reach at 12.5 feet below existing grades. Test Pit 2 was excavated near the southwest corner of the flatter area that happened to be cleared of blackberry brush. Test Pit 2 revealed three feet of sandy fill that had bricks and concrete in it, overlying seven feet of silty, very wet fill with sand lenses that had a lot of wood and railroad ties in it. From 10.0 to 13.5 feet, where Test Pit 2 was terminated, the subsurface consisted of a firm sandy silty soil. Test Boring 1 was placed about ten feet south of Test Pit 1. The surface at this location was underlain with 3.5 feet of loose sandy fill. Below the fill was 4.5 feet of loose to medium -dense gravelly silty sand. From 8.0 to about 9.5 feet a soft to firm wet sandy silt was encountered. At 9.5 feet a fractured to heavily fractured silty clay was encountered, and this fractured layer continued to about 15.0 feet. Below 17.0 feet the clay graded into competent silt which was very stiff to hard. GEOTECH CONSULTANTS. INC. Bill & Diane Pielow JN 89482 February 9, 1990 Page 3 Test Boring 2 was drilled on the eastern side of the lot, in the middle of the driveway down to the property. At this location three feet of sandy fill underlain in turn by, four feet of loose gravelly silty sand was below the driveway surface. From 7.0 feet,to about 17.0 feet a plastic silty clay was encountered. This clay was fractured from seven feet to about 12 feet below existing grades. From 17.0 to 34.0 feet a very stiff to hard clayey silt layer was encountered. There were two one -inch -thick fracture zones noted at 33.0 feet. . From 34.0 to 39.0 feet, where Test Boring 2 was terminated, a brown medium -dense to dense sand with some silt was encountered. The final logs represent our interpretations of the field logs and laboratory tests. The stratification lines on the logs represent the approximate boundary between soil types. In actuality, the transition may be gradual. The relative densities and moisture descriptions indicated on the test pit and boring logs are interpretative descriptions based on the conditions observed during the excavation. The logs should be reviewed for specific subsurface information at the locations tested. GROUNDWATER Heavy groundwater seepage was observed in the test pits at a depth of three to eight feet below existing grades. The test pits and borings were left open only for a short time period, therefore, the seepage levels on the logs represent the location of transient water seepage and may not be the location of the static groundwater level. It should be noted that groundwater levels vary seasonally with rainfall and other factors. We anticipate that groundwater could be found between the near surface weathered soil and the underlying denser soils and in the fracture zones in the silts and clays. LABORATORY TESTING Samples collected during our field work were reviewed in the office, and selected samples were subjected to laboratory testing. Index tests of the samples included moisture contents, sieves, and Atterberg Limits. One Shelby Tube sample was subjected to a multiple -stage Triaxial Shear Test. The results of the laboratory testing are appended to this report. GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. Bill & Diane Pielow February 9, 1990 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS GENERAL JN 8948.2 Page 4 The lot is underlain by a heavily fractured zone of silt and clay from about seven to fifteen feet below existing grades. This fractured material has some residual strength, as evidenced by the multiple -stage triaxial shear test. There appears to have been an old ravine running east -west along the southern property boundary. We estimate that there is five to fifteen feet of fill along this boundary. The construction of a single-family residence on the lot appears feasible from a geotechnical engineering perspective. The structure will have to utilize heavily -reinforced deep foundations which extend through the fractured silt/clay layer and any fill soils. We recommend that minimum sixteen -inch - diameter piers be utilized for the residence. The final grades for the lot should be near existing grades, and only minor amounts of filling and/or cutting should be planned. It is also important to adequately design for the control of the surface and subsurface groundwater flows. Control measures must be in place both during and after construction of the home. The Meadowdale area has been identified as an old landslide area. The entire neighborhood is at risk if even a moderate earthquake event occurs in the immediate area. It is our opinion that this lot, if developed in accordance with the recommendations herein, will result in a.structure that is as stable as any in the neighborhood. Geotech Consultants IDc. should be given the opportunity to review the plans and specifications as they are developed to verify site specific subsurface requirements are met. FOUNDATIONS The structure should be supported on minimum sixteen -inch - diameter steel -reinforced augercast piers. Augercast piers should be installed with continuous flight hollow -stem auger equipment. This method involves the pumping of concrete through the hollow -stem auger equipment during extraction of the auger_. Concrete grout must be pumped continuously through the auger as it is withdrawn. The rate of withdrawal should not exceed nine feet per minute. The grout pressure at the GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. Bill & Diane Pielow JN 89482 February 9, 1990 Page 5 grout pump should be in the range of 150 to 250 psi, depending on the length of feeder hose used. The pump should be equipped with a calibrated stroke counter so that grout volumes may be calculated. For a sixteen (16) inch diameter pier with a minimum of fifteen feet of penetration into the competent native soils below the fracture zone, an allowable capacity of fifteen (15) tons may be assumed. Piers should be placed no closer than three pier diameters, center to center. For wind or seismic loads, the allowable load can be increased by one-third. We can provide design criteria for different pier diameters and embedment lengths if greater capacities are required. Based on our field work, we estimate total pier lengths of thirty to forty feet will be required to assure adequate penetration into the bearing soil. Piers should be reinforced their entire length with steel H beams or large re -bar cages. The piers should be designed to withstand an active pressure of seventy (70) pounds per cubic foot (pcf) acting over the top fifteen (15) feet of the pier. Below this depth, the overturning pressures are resisted by passive pressures acting over two times the pier diameter. The passive pressures can be assumed to be three hundred (300) pcf. . We estimate that total settlement of single piers will be on the order of one-half inch. Most of this settlement should occur during construction as the dead loads are applied. We estimate differential settlements over the structure should be less than one-half inch. Lateral pier capacity is generally governed by deflections at the top of the pier which depend on the pier stiffness with respect to the surrounding soil near the upper portion of the pier, the length of the pier, and the degree of fixity at the pier cap. We can provide lateral capacities of piers once design plans are prepared. Geotech Consultants Inc. personnel should be on -site to observe augercast pier installation. As the completed piers below ground cannot be observed and tested, it is important to have a qualified person on site who can decide when the piers are deep enough and will understand the impacts of contractor variance from the specifications. GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. Bill & Diane Pielow JN,89482 February 9, 1990 Page 6 SLAB -ON -GRADE FLOORS Slab -on -grade floors may be supported on undisturbed competent native soils or on structural fill. The slab should also be provided with a minimum of four (4) inches of free draining sand or gravel. In areas where moisture is undesirable, a vapor barrier such as a 6-mil plastic membrane should be placed beneath the slab. PERMANENT RETAINING AND FOUNDATION WALLS Retaining and foundation walls should be designed to resist the lateral earth pressures imposed by the retained soils. We anticipate that only small walls will be used on this site. The following recommendations are for walls of limited height which restrain level backfill: Design Parameter Value Active Earth Pressure* 50 pcf Passive Earth Pressure 250 pcf Soil Unit Weight 120 pcf Where: 1) pcf is pounds per cubic foot. 2) Active and Passive Earth Pressures are computed using equivalent fluid densities. k For restrained walls which -cannot deflect at, least 0.002 times the wall height, a uniform lateral pressure of one hundred (100) psf should be added to the active equivalent fluid pressure. The values given above are ultimate values. An appropriate safety factor should be applied when designing the walls. We recommend using a minimum factor of safety of 1.5 for overturning and sliding. The resultant force, which can be determined -by taking moments about the toe of the wall while neglecting the passive pressure force, should pass through the middle third of the footing. GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. Bill & Diane Pielow JN 89482 February 9, 1990 Page 7 The above design values also do not include the effects of any hydrostatic pressures behind the walls and assume that no surcharge slopes or loads will be placed above the walls. In addition, construction.equipment should not operate within a prism defined by a 1:1 (Horizontal:vertical) line extending from the back end of the footing to the retained soil behind the structure. If these conditions exist, then those pressures should be added to the above lateral pressures. Also, if sloping backfill is desired behind the walls, then we will need to be given the wall dimensd ons and slope of the backfill in order to provide the appropriate design earth pressures. Retaining and foundation walls should be backfilled with compacted free -draining granular soils containing no organics. The wall backfill should contain no more than 5 percent silt or clay and no particles greater than four inches in diameter. The percentage of particles passing the No. 4 sieve should be between 25 and 70 percent. Compaction of backfill behind the retaining wall should utilize methods which will not damage the wall. The purpose of the backfill requirements is to assure that the design criteria for the retaining wall is not exceeded because of a build-up of hydrostatic pressure behind the wall. Where the backfill is to support walks or other slabs, we recommend that the backfill consist of clean sand and gravel as this soil would be easier to compact in the excavation prism than siltier soils. Also, these soils will provide drainage behind the wall. The top foot to eighteen inches of the backfill should consist of a relatively impermeable soil or topsoil, or the surface should be paved. SITE DRAINAGE We recommend the use of footing drains at the base of all footings and earth retaining walls. Roof and surface water drains must be kept separate from the foundation drain system. The footing drains should be surrounded by at least six inches of one -inch -minus washed rock. The rock should be wrapped with non -woven geotextile filter fabric (Mirafi 140N, Supac 4NP, or similar material). At the highest point, the perfor- ated pipe invert should be at least as low as the bottom of the footing and/or crawl space and it should be sloped for drainage. A typical footing drain detail is attached to this report as Plate 6. All drains should discharge to a suitable discharge facility, or be tightlined to the bottom of the slope. GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. Bill & Diane Pielow JN 89482 February 9, 1990 Page 8 ,/ The excavation and site should be graded so that surface water is directed off the site and away from the tops of slopes. Water should not be allowed to stand in any area where buildings, slabs, or pavements are to be constructed. During construction, loose surfaces should be sealed at night by compacting the surface soils to reduce the infiltration of rain into the soils. The slopes should be covered with plastic. Final site grading in areas adjacent to buildings should be sloped at least two percent away from the building, except where the area adjacent to the building is paved. Groundwater was observed during the excavation of the test pits. Seepage into a foundation excavation is possible, and if encountered, the water should be drained away from the site by use of drainage ditches, perforated pipe or French drains, or by pumping from sumps interconnected by shallow connector trenches at the bottom of the excavation. EXCAVATIONS AND SLOPES In no case should excavation slopes be steeper or greater than the limits specified in local, state, and national government safety regulations. Temporary cuts to a depth of four feet in unsaturated soils may be attempted vertical. For slopes having a height greater than four (4) feet, the cut should have an inclination no steeper than 1.5:1 (Horizontal:Vertical) from the top of the slope to the bottom of the excavation. It should be noted that excavated slopes often cave suddenly and without warning. Utility contractors should be made especially aware of this potential danger. All permanent cut slopes into the native soils should be inclined no steeper than 3:1 (H:V). Fill slopes should also not exceed 3:1 (H:V). Water should not be allowed to flow uncontrolled over the top of any slope. Also, all permanently exposed slopes should be seeded with an appropriate species of vegetation to reduce erosion and improve stability of the surficial layer of soil. SITE PREPARATION AND GENERAL EARTHWORK We recommend that the building and pavement areas be stripped and cleared of all surface vegetation, all organic matter, existing fills, and any other deleterious material. Stripped materials should be removed from the site or, if desired, stockpiled for later use in landscaping. The stripped GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. Bill & Diane Pielow JN 89482 February 9, 1990 Page 9 V materials should not be mixed with any materials to be used as structural fill. Structural fill is defined as any fill placed under buildings, pavements, walkways, or other areas where the underlying soils need to support loads. Geotech Consultants, Inc. should observe site conditions prior to fill placement. The surficial site soils are moisture -sensitive and can become soft when wet and disturbed. We recommend that, if possible, the site preparation and earthwork be performed in the normally dry season of the year when earthwork would generally be less expensive and require less effort. Structural fill under floor slabs should be placed in horizontal lifts and compacted to a density equal to or greater than 95 percent of the maximum dry density in accordance with ASTM Test Designation D-1557-78 (Modified Proctor). The fill materials should be placed at or near the optimum moisture content. Fill under pavements and walks and behind retaining walls should also be placed in horizontal lifts and compacted to 90 percent of the maximum density except for the top twelve (12) inches which should be compacted to 95 percent of maximum density. The allowable thickness of the fill lift will depend on the material type, compaction equipment and the number of passes made to compact the lift. In no case should the lifts exceed eight (8) inches in loose thickness. Ideally, structural fill which is to be placed in wet weather should consist of a granular soil having no more than 5 percent material passing the No. 200 sieve. The percentage of particles passing the 200 sieve should be measured on that portion of the soil passing the three-quarter inch sieve. The on -site soils should not be used as structural fill. These soils are fine-grained and highly sensitive to changes in moisture and to disturbance. LIMITATIONS The analyses, conclusions and recommendations contained in this report are based on site conditions as they existed at the time of our exploration and assume that the, soils encountered in the test borings and test pits are representative of the subsurface conditions of the site. If. during construction, subsurface conditions are found which are significantly different from those observed in the borings and GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. Bill & Diane Pielow JN 894-82 February 9, 1990 Page 10 test pits, or assumed to exist on the lot, we should be advised at once so that we can review these conditions and reconsider our recommendations where necessary. Unanticipated soil conditions are commonly encountered on construction sites and cannot be fully anticipated by merely taking soil samples in borings or test pits. Such unexpected conditions frequently require that additional expenditures be made to attain a properly constructed project. It is recommended that the owner consider providing a contingency fund to accommodate such potential extra costs and risks. , This report has been prepared for specific application to this project and for the exclusive use of Mr. and Mrs. Pielow and their representatives. Our recommendations and conclusions are based on the site materials observed, selective laboratory testing and engineering analyses. The conclusions and recommendations are professional opinions derived in accordance with current standards of practice within the scope of our services and within budget and time constraints. No warranty is expressed or implied. The scope of our services does not include services related to construction safety precautions and our recommendations are not intended to direct the contractor's methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, except as specifically described in our report for consideration in design. We recommend that this report, in its entirety, be included in the project contract documents for the information of the contractor. ADDITIONAL SERVICES It is recommended that Geotech Consultants, Inc. provide a general review of the geotechnical aspects of the final design and specifications to verify that the earthwork and foundation recommendations have been properly interpreted and implemented in the design and project specifications. It is also recommended that Geotech Consultants, Inc. be retained to provide geotechnical consultation, testing, and observation services during construction. This is to confirm that subsurface conditions are consistent with those indicated by our exploration, to evaluate whether earthwork and foundation construction activities comply with the intent of contract plans and specifications, and to provide recommendations for design changes in the event subsurface conditions differ.from those anticipated prior to the start of construction. However, our work will not include supervision or direction of the actual work of the contractor, his GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. 19 I f PUGET SOUND 151ST T W rSw n. - MEADO WHARF UlW �S( GEOTECH CONSULTANTS sw PJ PL SW S\ EA777 149TH PL Tx 54TH aL 7 j 178TI 6 -o :Q80TH_ ..PL SW* �AqQ PL 181RQ _.tL T . Isw T W 184TH PL L• e Ll" VICINITY MAP Lot South of 15908-75th Pl. West Edmonds, Washington Joc 2/90 894;72 1 N.T.S. J • SET U/yf JTAKE I / zo Fo3 PROP. 4N. a THE I . INFORM,0 / l958 RE — - o� ,� Q PRfSE L -' �OLD � T DOG �' v J PA ~ Q /EO.J/ <� 10 3vEET 2 OF 2 a 70_67 n ` /f� /B%,7 1 � Mal Ar (Nor `v1 / S PERCENT COARSER BY WEIGHT 0 O N n g h w FO m N 0 .001 .002 h N W .003 N J = .004 a J Q .006 .008 cr .01 W W F- N W to i 0 E .02 p ¢ } .03 2 .04 .06 200 100 0 80 N of 60 z 50 U 40 Z ¢ 30 W a z 20 W 16 0 0 w 10 W 8 m I z .002 .003 .004 .006 .008 .01 .02 .03 .04 .06 .08 .I N W _Z W i/Ill ll�iillll l 111 11 llll l llll llllli .11111111i11111111111111111111111� I1111111111111111111111111111111111! I1�11111111111111111111111111111111. II11111111111 IIIInINllllllllllll i■■■.■.■...■...■..■.■..■■..■son ■ONE 1 . ■ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII : IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. - 11111111111111111111111111111111116 II�IIIII��IIIIIIIIII�I�IIIIIIIIII�Ii ' IIn11111�111111111111�1111111111�t! . I1111111111111111111111111111111111: ; , II�IIIIII�In111m1111111111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN 1 Ilnlllllllllll " GEOTECH CONSULTANTS C V1 0 1 Z 0 F- a U U U. f` (n N a J � cJi Q 3 z J o � h Z N V) Z m.J IV,) h }mobW W cr D o 0 M W .J a_ a t wr� 0 m za -ri ri ow GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS LOT SOUTH OF 15908 - 75TH PLACE WEST EDMONDS, WASHINGTON ff97� Dore: Br.. A l 2 2/90 JRF 8 ���� c\`�o �s e ors cue �Q \off �F �o c 0 �' uses 0 5 R 15 20 25 30 35 40I' BORING 1 Elevation: —15' * Description Depth Dark brown silty gravelly SAND, wet, loose (Fill) .SM 10.9 1 6 rown gravelly silty SAND, medium to coarse sand, 3 wet, loose to medium dense SM. 31.3 2 7 ;:.. Gray sandy SILT, wet, soft to firm 8 36.3 3 11 F�j Gray silty CLAY, fractured, very moist, medium - stiff r 35.9 4 21 Gray clayey SILT, moist — 16,. 23.3 5 34 Very stiff to hard 27.5 6 31 ML 27.7 7 44 1 1 if 29 Test boring terminated at 29 feet on 12/15/90. No groundwater observed while drilling. *Estimated elevation below road. GEOTECH CONSULTANTS �. TEST BORING LOG LOT SOUTH OF 15908 - 75TH PL. W. EDMONDS, WASHINGTON 0 0 ./06 NO., Doti: Lavoie Br: 89482 12/15/89 1 MKD 0\0 TEST PIT 1 eQ� pay �`t £levotion-l5' --20' # 0 G uscs Description 0 Brown gravelly silty SAND with occasional cobbles, wet, loose v ;$ M: Less silt below 2 feet 5 I Gray SILT to clayey silt, wet, firm with pieces of wood M L and rocks Gray -green silty CLAY, wet, firm to medium stiff 10 ®rw� Heavily fractured below 11 feet Test pit terminated at 12; feet below existing grade. 15 Moderate to heavy groundwater seepage encountered at 3 feet bduring excavation. Heavy caving 5 to 7'feet. 'Estimated elevation below 75th Place West. 20 GEOTECH CONSULTANTS TEST PIT LOG LOT SOUTH OF 15908 - 75TH PL. W. EDMONDS, WASHINGTON ✓o0 No.+ Dote+ Lopped ey: P/ote 4 1 I 0 �0 eQ�r oYt 0 ' USCS 0 5 Es 15 V TEST PIT 2 £/evolionz- 5' --20' Description Brown gravelly silty SAND with roots, concrete, bricks, wood, wet, loose (Fill) Gray sandy clayey SILT with numerous railroad ties, very wet, soft (Fill) Gravelly medium sand layer '4z to 5 feet Gray sandy clayey SILT, wet, firm, with some roots Test pit terminated at 132 feet below existing grade. Heavy groundwater seepage encountered at 3 to 8 feet during excavation. Heavy caving above 8 feet. GEOTECH CONSULTANTS i TEST PIT LOG LOT SOUTH OF 15908 — 75TH PL. W. EDMONDS, WASHINGTON Job No., Dole., Logged By: P/ale+ 89482 12 15 89 MKD 5 .�p EnIc�T, Z4" CULVERT d M 6 oUTI,5T To -� 1;-KI5T DRAINAGE \� t \ COURSE 4 TON , RocK RIP RAP. - GB e 37 r STA I .t 3 5 Z T�AvE.�SE, l ,Ap CIA 38 Ld S7A . O -r 51 NEW 21" STORM 5EW6R 9EE 6HEE'f 2 SET NEN/ CB OVER E,c.Ie�T. PIPE FL u& OLD OUTL � Q GB 41 E� 5TA. 210+74?' GB 4O lJ S?A. 3ot22, 12 �P PLUC. CXIST Pll \ 5TA. 28 +4l0 , 14' RT. cuae i o a -pp° �"' Wµ co ^� CZ. /:Nu �• � CMP R II pp i . W.V. ° WM 6P iP .��.� WMb - coaoev e S AT M F-1 NA Al?.! � CONNECT F,�cIGjT, � G3 # 39 To Nev,/ ica gTA. Z9 t 20,14, PT. Remo vEiJ O NEri IB" 6Tosm SEWER EXIST. Ca. / PLUG EX15T PIPES GONNEGi EXIT. J �TA.29+18`z - 4"' PIPE - Q otoo O 3 Z o — 0 U e-1 Z F3 278A/45- j7 ` - -- -- -- �I m i L:...__ 6N R:.: R/ w. V Slope backfill owoy from foundation. —� BACKFIL L See Jext for requirements. WASHED ROCK o.°.'.'e': •,e A. 6 min. ° NONWOVEN GEOTEXTILE FILTER FABRIC GEOTECH CONSULTANTS .i pg-. -� TIGHTLINE ROOF DRAIN Do not connect to footing drain. VAPOR BARRIER SLAB ,r 4 „min. FREE - DRAINING SAND/GRAVEL 4" PERFORATED HARD PVC PIPE Invert at least as low as footing and/or crawl space. Slope to drain. Place weepho/es downward. FOOTING DRAIN LOT SOUTH OF 15908 - 75TH PL. W. EDMONDS, WASHINGTON F-.W No. I Doe r sco/e . P/o/e9482 DEC 1989 1 N.T.S. SHEAR STRESS psi O O O N N O (n O O O O 9 9� O O O 7? 9@ Z O i D r co m m m O o b8 � o� 0 m I ?s es .e c O O 0 n� 0 fn O A O O O m a` r N m O w Y p N 70 z N, N "� x O i D cn C O W o (0 r104 D o n CO) co c s z (A m Cj) O D z r s V Bill & Diane Pielow .February 9, 1990 JN 89482 Page 11 employees or agents. Also, job and site safety, and dimensional measurements, will be the responsibility of the contractor. The following plates are attached and complete this report: Plate 1 Vicinity Map Plates 2 - 3 Test Boring Logs Plates 4 -"5 Test Pit Logs Plate 6 Footing Drain Detail Plate 7 Triaxial Shear Results Attachments MKD/JRF:cvb Respectfully -submitted, GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. Mark K. Dodds, P.E. Senior Engineer G;y�L�. ♦ ! ames R. Finley, Jr. P.E. Principal GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. ii 10001-1 CITY OF E D M O N D S GARY HAAKENSON 4: MAYOR PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT • 7110 — 210TH ST. S.W. • EDMONDS, WA 98026 l I F!�� (425) 771.0235 • FAX (425) 744.6057 • WEB SITE: wwwxi.edmonds.wa.us C. 189� STREET ADDRESS F11 c VIA U.S. MAIL cop'? January 08, 2009 Deborah Falk 15910 75th Place West Edmonds, WA 98026 Subject: Follow-up to Site Visit on December 8, 2009 Regarding Drainage Concerns on Your Property Dear Deborah: This letter is a follow-up to our meeting at your property on December 8, 2009 that included Jerry Shuster, City Stormwater Engineering Program Manager, along with your letter dated December, 28, 2009. It addresses the following concerns you brought up during the meeting: • The stability of the slope in your backyard near the drainage outfall; • The amount of flow entering the City"storm system that traverses your property though a utility easement; , • The "pooling" of the drainage prior to going under the fence that is located along the western portion of your lot; and • A contact for Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) railroad so you can voice your concerns regarding the condition of the retaining wall near their tracks. As you know, the City has a permanent easement five (5) feet on each side of the storm drainage pipe that runs though the northern portion of your property. This utility easement is for the City to operate and maintain the storm drainage system over, across, and through your property. It gives the City the right to remove trees, bushes, undergrowth and other obstructions interfering with the location, construction, maintenance of the storm system together with the right of access to the easement at any time for the stated purposes. This system was installed in the early 1980s as part of Local Improvement District (LID) 210 that installed sanitary sewers and storm/groundwater collection systems in the Meadowdale Area. karas\My DocumentAN WflerWM Correspondence\D—Falk-1-2010 Drainage.doc Incorporated August 11, 1890 Page 1 of 3 The City believes it has honored the easement agreement by maintaining the integrity of the stormwater system through your property. The pipes extending from the City right-of-way on 75t' PL. W. though your property was video inspected on September 9, 2009 and found to be in compliance with current maintenance standards. In February 2003, December 2006, and January 2009, City crews have replaced energy -dissipating rocks located at the storm system outfall within your property to reduce any erosion caused by the stormwater flows. These actions indicate the City has- acted in good faith to properly maintain the system. hi response to your observations of higher flows on your property, we have completed an evaluation of the drainage upstream of your property. Our records show that in 1998 the City installed a diversion_ structure on the corner of 7511' PI W and 158' St SW that connects runoff from the east. The purpose of this structure is to divert a portion of stormwater flow to the north (away from the system that goes through your property) during large storm events. A review of this system shows the City is able to modify this structure to divert an additional but limited amount of flow to the north. This modification is scheduled to be completed later this month which is intended to reduce the water flow across your property when there are periods of heavy rainfall. My staff will follow up with you to determine the effect of this drainage modification. You also reported to Jerry and me that water is now pooling in the open channel portion of the drainage channel near your fence line where it has not pooled in the past. The pooled water is restricted from traveling downstream most likely due to a past or current obstruction. The City believes that the fence across the open drainage channel is the most likely cause of the obstruction. Some debris was visible on the upstream side of the fence during our site visit. If the fence belongs to you and is on your property, work with a fencing contractor and your landscape designer to possibly cut or otherwise remove a portion of the fence material around the area of the open channel to prevent debris; from accumulation and blocking the free flow of the channel. You could also provide a temporary fence to contain your dogs on your property if that is a concern. As you know, your property is located with the Edmonds' Earth Subsidence and Landslide Hazard Area (ELSA). When you developed you property, you signed a "Hold Harmless Agreement" (Covenant of Notification and Indemnification/Hold Harmless). In this agreement, you acknowledged that you have been fully informed all risks associated with development on your property and wave and relinquish any and all cause of action again the City arising from the development. In addition, the approved site plan for you property from 1994 indicates that your back yard was to remain native vegetation in order to maintain stability of the steep slope. Since your back yard is now turf grass, you should work with your architect and geotechnical consultant to assess whether this change has negatively impacted the stability of your property. karas\My DocumentAN Mil ANM Correspondence\D_Falk-1-2010 Drainage.doc Page 2 of 3 The site plan also indicates a detention pipe in your backyard designed to collect runoff from your house and meter it out into the open channel. The maintenance of all privately owned detention systems such as this one is the responsibility of the homeowner. An overflow from this detention system due to improper maintenance could contribute to slope instability. I suggest you inspect this system and assess if this detention system is operating properly or requires maintenance. I A contact at BNSF is Paul Farley at 206-625-6111 to discuss your property slope stability concerns adjacent to the BSNF right of way. The City will continue to operate and regularly maintain the storm system that goes though your property in compliance with applicable maintenance standards. Please be advised that as owner there are certain responsibilities to uphold to ensure the stability of your property. Sincerely, Noel F. Miller, P.E. Public Works Director cc: Rob English, P.E., City Engineer Jerry Shuster, P.E., Stormwater Engineering Program Manager Tod Moles, Street and Storm Manager„ karas\My Documents\N Miller\NM Correspondence\D_Falk-1-2010 Drainage.doc Page 3 of 3 STREET ADDRESS I:IL OPY Noel Miller December 28, 2009 City of Edmonds Public Works Dear Noel, This is a follow up to our meeting on December 9, 2009. I appreciate you coming out to my property located at 15910 751h Pl. W. Edmonds. It was my understanding that you were going to get back to me with a date and time to come out to the property and work on the problem with the drainage outlet pipe. I know in the past the City has come out to place more rocks beneath the outlet pipe. Per our discussion, there is a lot more water coming out of the pipe and increased erosion around the outlet pipe discharge, over the last couple of months. This needs to be attended to right away. It is the City's responsibility to maintain this drain in a safe and proper fashion. It is a worsening condition and needs to be dealt with. I have been patient with the City over the years with the addition of more river rock to sustain the outflow, but the outflow has increased so much, that an upgrade to the system and supporting structures needs to be made. It is obvious that this pipe is not able to contain the outflow. It is dumping tons of water onto my soil and eroding the surrounding earth. There seems to be more water running through it due to all of the new construction that has tied into this lone storm drain. I again, request that a plan be made to update and upgrade this version, extend the outflow pipe, provide a proper detention system and the provide the proper reinforcement to the surrounding soil to minimize any further erosion to my property. Per our conversation, I would be happy to clear some of the blackberry bushes, to make access to the area easier. I am not sure what type of agreements the City has with Burlington Northern regarding maintenance of abutting storm drains and right of ways. Thank you for your time and prompt attention to this situation. Sincerely, �.a�- �� Deborah Falk 15910 75th Pl. W. Edmonds, Wa. 98026 425 7430937 T . A Cis ;pw•b ,F...CORDED J r pp 1993 JUN Y23PM 3AM EASEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION DEAN.Y. -Mu.►:IANS.'AUOrc.� N SNOHOMISH COUNTY WASH. C=) DEPUTY IN CONSIDERATION of benefits to accrue to the grantors herein, the M enders g'-fined; -Ardis R. Pielow ,hereby grants to the CTCY OF ELNIONDS, a Men c pal Corporat on, a permanent access easement for inspection %D and maintenance of a sewage punp and pressurefine; over,, across, through and O below the following described property, and the further right to remove trees, M% bushes, undergrowth and obstructions interfering with the inspection and CD maintenance of said sewage pump and pressure line. The easement hereby granted is located in Section 5, Township 27 North, Range 4 East, W.M., Snohomish County, Washington, and is more particularly described as follows: A ten foot strip of land that is 5:00 feet on each side of the pressure line and sewage punp as they now exist, or as located in the future. Within Lot 6 and the North half of Lot 7, Block 29, Meadowdale Beach, .according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 5 of Plats, page 38, records of,the Auditor of the County of Snohomish, Washington. TOGETHER WTTH that portion of vacated Seaside Avenue adjacent thereto. The CITY agrees to restore to substantially the original condition and inspection of said sewage pub and pressure line; provided the grantors, their heirs, or assigns shall not construct any permanent structure over., upon or within the permanent easement.%� ED this ��/ day of 19 STATE OF VASHINGTON) ss COUNTY OF SNOHOMISH) On this day personally appeared before we r:,� . ,� , �. ,,'' : s '. (•..., to me known to be the individual(s) described in and who executed the within and foregoing ipstrument, and acknowledged that aD�e - signed the same as ` X e free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned.' UNDER MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL THIS DAY OF (: 1 N RY PUBLIC irfnd t1or the State of Washington residing at OR Vvi 1V94 PAGE2744 i . ,� PED UTILITY EASEMENT 1983, RN 23 PM 3- Of, IN CONSIDERATION of benefits to accrue to th@N(0oX4 it6': ' fr" :l - .. in, the undersigned, Ardis R. Pielow hereby gr�{�• to the CITY OF EDMONDS, a Mun c pa corporation, a permanen' gatse.ment--fnr. •-- the installation, operation and maintenance of a storm -sewer over, across, through, and below the following described property; and the further right to remove trees, bushes, undergrowth and other obstructions interfering with the location,, construction and maintenance of said uti,lity or utilities, together with the right of access to the easement atk'any time for the stated purposes. The easement and right-of-way hereby granted is located at the County of Snohomish, State of Washington, and is more particularly described as follows: A ten foot strip of land that is 5.00 feet on each side of the storm sewer as it now exists, or as located in the future. Within the following described property: Lot 6 and the North half of Lot 7, Block 29, Meadowdale Beach, according to the plat thereof recorded in volume 5 of Plats, page 38, records of the Auditor of the County of Snohomish, State of Washington. TOGETHER WITH that portion of vacated Seaside Avenue adjacent thereto. TOGETHER WITH a temporary 10 foot construction easement over the aforementioned property. Said construction ease- ment will end upon the completion of the construction of the storm sewer, or January 1, 1985, whichever comes first. THE CITY agrees to restore to substantially the original condi- tion such improvements as are disturbed during the construction, main- tenance and repair of said utility or utilities; provided the grantors, their heirs, or assigns shall not construct any permanent structure over, upon, or within the permanent easement. DATED this 141 day' of / � l yam,.: 19 .! STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss COUNTY OF SNOHOMISH) On this day personally appeared before me , ��,'; , and to me known to be the individual (s) de - and toand who exe uted the within and foregoing instrument,.and 6knoWlthat l•1 signed the same as - free p�'\gkirit •act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. l�tY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL THIS DAY OF •r ♦.:, NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of • ?� ��•��•�';���. Washington residing at 830 623 0.24 91 VC- fi;}41NGEZ745 RECORDED CITY CL �� — fd for record l 4M Rom¢ CITY OF ED IDSt�. 505 BELL S1 ET nest MAY al 1995 IDA EDMONDS, WA 98020 808 TtRWILLIOER, Snohomish Co Auditor COVENANT OF NOTIFICA EICATION HOLD HARMLESS Under the review procedures established pursuant to the State Building Code, incorporating amendments promulgated by the City of Edmonds and as a prerequisite to the issuance of a building permit for the construction of ,a residential structure and attendant facilities, the undersigned OWNERS of property do hereby covenant, stipulate and promise as follows: 1. DES.:: intion of SubJact Croretty. A... -Ls covenant- of notification and indemnification/hold harmless relates to a tract of land at the street address of o . -7_5-�?q. e insert street address), Edmonds, Snohomish County, Washington and legally described as: BLK 029 D-00 - LOT 7 & 8 LESS N 30 FT. LOT 7 PLUS PTN VACATED ST.., 11EADOWDALE BEACH PLAT, according to the plat thereof recorded in / volume 5 of Plats, Page 38, records of Snohomish County, Washington TOGETHER WITH vacated street adjoining on the West.as may attach by operation of law. Situate in the County of Snohomish, State of Washington Subject to easements, covenants, restrictions and reservations of record. 2. Notification and. Covenant of Notification. The above referenced site (hereinafter "subject site") lies within an area which has been identified by the City of Edmonds as having a potential for earth subsidence or landslide hazard. The risks associated with development of the site have been evaluated by technical consultants and engineers engaged by the applicant as a part of the -process to obtain a building permit for the subject site. The results of the consultant's reports and evaluations of WSS52079A/0006.040.034 -1- WSS/klt 02/08/90 JK 303 1 'D lj 9 S BUILDING FEB 9 - 1"0 the risks associated with development are contained in building permit file number (insert number) on file with the City of Edmonds Building Department. Conditions, limitations, br_ prohibitions on development may have been imposed in accordance with the recommendations of the consultants in the course of permit issuance. The conditions, limitations, or prohibitions may require ongoing maintenance on the part of any owner or lessee or may require modifications to the structures and earth stabilization matters in order to address future or anticipated changes in soil or other site conditions. The statements and conditions proposed by the OWNERSgeotechnical engineer, geologist, architect and/or structural engineer are hereby incorporated by reference from the contents of the file as fully as if herein set forth. Any future purchaser, lessee, lender or any other person acquiring or seeking to acquire an interest. in the property is put on notice of the 'existence of the content of the file and the City urges review of its contents. The file may be reviewed during normal business hours or copies obtained at. the Planning Department, City of Edmonds, 505 Bell Street, Edmonds, Washington 98020. 3. Indemnification and Hold Harmless. The undersigned OWNERS hereby waive any and all liability associated with development, stating that they have fully informed themselves of all risks associated with development of the property and do' therefore waive and relinquish. any and all causes of action against the City of Edmonds, its officers, agents and employees WSS52079A/0006.040.034 -2- WSS/klt 02/08/90 • arising from and out of such development. In addition, the OWNERS on behalf of themselves, their successors in interest, heirs and assignees, do hereby promise to indemnify and hold harmless the City of Edmonds, its officers, agents and employees from any loss, claim, liability .or damage of any kind or nature to persons or property either on or off the site resulting from or out of earth subsidence or landslide hazard, arising from or out of the issuance of any permit(s) authorizing development of the site, or occurring or arising out of any false, misleading, or inaccurate information provided by the OWNERS, their employees, or professional consultants in the course of issuance of the building permit. 4. Insurance Requirement.. In addition to any bonding which may be required during the course of development, the Community services Director has/kit (strike one) specifically required the maintenance of an insurance policy 'for public liability coverage in the amount and for the time set forth below in -order to,provide for the financial responsibilities established through the indemnification and hold harmless agreement above: [insert insurance requirements and time period, if any --if no insurance required, so state.] WSS52079A/0006.040.034 WSS/klt 02/08/90 NO EXCISE TAX 2 3 1995) -3- A P T-a O 6r- 3 ,b 3 1 tit- Pr, 1497 f 5. Covenant to Touch and Concern the Land. This covenant of notification and indemnification/hold harmless touches and concerns the subject tract and shall run with the land, binding, obligating and/or inuring to the benefit of future owners, heirs, successors and interests or any other person or entity acquiring an interest in property, as their interest may appear. This provision shall not be interpreted to require a mortgagor or lender to indemnify the City except to the extent of their loss nor to obligate such persons to maintain the insurance above required. DONE this day of �-�-- 199 �% OWNER(S) By: By: By: STATE OF WAS ING N ) s .� COUNTY I Z�,/�) tify - at. I know or have satisfactory evidence that:' signed this instrument and acknowledged -. WSS52079A/OOO6.040.034 -4- WSS/klt 02/08/90 it to be (his/her) free and voluntary act for ;the purposes ,.a mentioned in this instrument. DATED this day of 199 r, NOTARY PUBLIC 67 My commission.expires: STATE OF 7;�ON ) `) COUNTY Xd I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence thasigned this instrument and acknowledged it to be (his/her) free and voluntary act for the purposes mentioned in this instrument. DATED; this day of 99 L NOTARY PUBLIC' - My commission expires: ,S.T..ATti� 'bF WASHINGTON ) ) ss: COUNTY OF ) that I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence signed this instrument, on oath stated that (he/she) was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the (title) of (name of party on behalf of whom instrument was executed)- to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in this instrument. DATED this day of 1 , 199`J NOTARY PUBLIC My commission expires: WSS/klt9A/0006022/08/90 -5- E 30 3 1 PG 14 9 9 I 02i17/ 94 14: 42 CT ".*L'I'NNWODD##1 r 720 .7001h SIrnt, SIP, .414ske $uMpig 4?'"UWd,Ilh 98010 dto 5troMd.4000W (206) 771•10.Ti Sratllt It tofn4 (206) 327.1112 (204)002-dooe T FILED son ntcOno AT nEoutar or WHEN AeCORDED ntTUAN TO Name... 1!gP11 BENNETT NO. 374 • t►sta SPA99 ►'WiV1040 FVA hLCOADO" { tNit 400 Dayton, Suite A Aodtas......... .... Edmonds, WA 98020 1. CIIr, Wait,21p... Statutory. Warranty Deed 'iIM GRANTORS, WILLIAM E. PIELOW, JR. and V. DIANE PIELOW, husband and wife, for and inconsideration of Ten Dollars ($10,00) and other good and valuable Consideration, its hand paid, conveys and warrants to THOMAS C. FALK and DEBORAH FALK, husband and wife, the following described real estate, situated In the County of Snohomish , State of Washington: Lot 8 and the South half of Lot 7, Block 29, MEADOWDALE BEACH, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume S of Plats, P.i;;o 38, records of Snohomish County, Washington; TOGETHER WITH vacated street adjoining on the West as may attach by operation of law. Situate in the County of Snohomish, State of Washington. SUBJECT TO easements, covenants, restrictions and reservations of record, REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX SALE PRIC OCCEIP1 N0. S E P 6 19M 1C����aalCeaq Ttaw Ma�b m Dated.....................Septe.............ber.............. 5 ...........................................19,.90.... , �p W LLIAM )~. PIELOW iR ..Sy...V....UTANE.,PI 'L0�1.,.,. is••Attor.n®.y...i,n...Fact........................................................ .............................. .�.,.,.,Z: .. , r............................„•,,,................................ .... I .................. ..... . .. V. DIANE PIELOW INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT POICNI: REPNESI•.'NTATI\'E ACKNOWLEDGENIENT IFORW: Stnte of Washington Sinte. of washtngurll sscounty of ..SNUg0MIS1County ur ....._ SNOOri ............................................,........ ....................17 17 I certify that I knuiv ur have satisfactory evidence that 1 certify teat I knots or luivu satisfactory evident:e ihol . ~ ......... .. V. DIANE PIELOW V. DIANE PIELOW signed.' I' insltuntrnt. ................................................................ --..netl.this....................n................... gxd-p ....._................. ten oath stated that (heishel was autborlied to execute 91Knet1 this instrument and acknowledgttd•itCq'tse•N her) Attorney the inttrunlc�� :.' and acknowledged it as the y in Fact., Este and voluntary act for the uses and t r Does ment).......................................:........ss,,,,,.,,;, In the instrument, paled a �� of WILLIAM_ E. PIELOW, JR. t ... ....................................... Fee and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned In ; .., �.........._.., : `:�;.. e t the Instrument. %olnr) �iblic for the State of Was In1;to6; ' �s'3� 4` .'•�;% NDated • t �t .[r�/ t, �. oirlssst'+l: expires 1.�..J1 11i ,'•. .. I r 1 ., .... .,...,............................. �'t, an Pit ,., .. ..,...... ........... tit nr lhn Vl:dr• „i . ItFl�.. .. ....:........ M the 1S9v i CITY OF EDMONDS 121 5TH AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 • FAX (425) 771.0221 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Planning • Building • Engineering April 9, 1999 Thomas & Debra Falk 15910 751h Place West Edmonds, Washington 98026 RE: Homeowner Insurance Coverage for Meadowdale Development BARBARAFAHEY MAYOR As you may recall, development of your home was subject to Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) Chapter 19.05.050 which regulated construction and insurance coverage requirements for all designated Meadowdale Landslide Hazard Area development. The purpose of this letter is to inform you that the Edmonds City Council has enacted a change which effects your homeowners policy that was required by this ordinance. If you recall you were required to post a one million dollar homeowner policy in order for your home to be granted final occupancy. Please be advised, the City Council has repealed this requirement effective April 16, 1999. In lieu of this policy the City Council will be holding future public hearings to determine alternate coverage methods to ensure that the intent of ECDC 19.05.050 are still met. Please contact the City Clerk if you are interested in attending these meetings. You may wish to consult your insurance professional to determine the proper amount of insurance coverage necessary to meet your specific needs. Since the insurance requirement is repealed the City no longer requires to be informed of your coverage or be provided with a copy of your current policy. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions at 771-0220. Thank you, Jeannine L. Graf v Building Official ° Incorporated August 11, 1890 • Sister City - Hekinan, Japan fnc.1o11 CITY Y OF EDMONDS BARBARA FAHEY 121 5TH AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 • FAX (425) 771-0221 MAYOR COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Public Works • Planning/Building • Parks and Recreation • Engineering • Wastewater Treatment Plant February 27, 1998 Thomas C & Deborah Falk 15910 75"' PL West Edmonds, Washington 98206 Re: Home Owners Insurance Policy As you are aware, the Meadowdale Earth Subsidence Landslide Area Ordinance requires homeowners to post and maintain a policy of general public liability insurance. This insurance is required for a period of not more than 10 years from the date of final approval (occupancy was granted on (8/14/96). A certificate evidencing such insurance shall be filed with the Building Official and must be continually maintained throughout the 10 year period. The City -has received a cancellation notice of your insurance policy. Please immediately inform your insurance company that a current copy be provided to the City. • As a reminder, the policy must be for general public liability insurance naming the City as additional named insured against personal injury, death, property damage and/or loss arising from, or out of, the City's involvement in the permitting process for the project in the amount of one million dollars. The policy shall also state that the City will be notified 45 days in advance of policy cancellation. Note this requirement of insurance is transferable to any and all owners within the 10-year period. If you have recently sold your property, please notify the City in writing of the name of the new owners. Be advised if the insurance is canceled and not replaced 3/7/98 occupancy of the structure may be revoked, and the Building Official is further authorized to require vacation of the structure until such time as.the insurance has been properly reinstated. Thank you, Vivienne Myers Permit Specialist • Incorporated August 11, 1890 • Sister Cities International — Hekinan, Japan lr7 u • Ipc. 18913 CITY OF EDMONDS 250 5TH AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (206) 771-0220 FAX (206) 771-0221 COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Public Works • Planning • Parks and Recreation • Engineering June 23,1997 Thomas C and Deborah Falk 15910 75th Place West Edmonds, Washington 98020 Re: Home Owners Insurance Policy BARBARA FAHEY MAYOR The City has received a copy of your new Certificate of Liability Insurance. However, it does not have the commercial general liability coverage that is required by the Meadowdale Earth Subsidence Landslide Ordinance. Could you please notify North Pacific Insurance Company of this requirement and send us a updated copy for our records. The City has additional named insured against personal injury, death, property damage and/or loss arising from, or out of, the City's involvement in the permitting process for the project in the amount of one million dollars. Note, this requirement of insurance is transferable to any and all owner within the 10 year period. If you have any questions, please call me at 771-0220 Thank you, Vivienne Myers Permit Specialist cc: Building Official • Incorporated August 11, 1890 • Sister Cities International — Hekinan, Japan CITY OF EDMONDS 250 5TH AVENUE NORTH - EDMONDS, WA 98020 - (206) 771-0220 - FAX (206) 771-0221 COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Public Works a Planning • Parks and Recreation • Engineering June 13, 1997 Deborah Falk 15910 75th Place West Edmonds, Washington 98026 Re: Home Owners Insurance Policy BARBARA FAHEY MAYOR As you may recall,. the Meadowdale Earth Subsidence Landslide Area Ordinance requires homeowners to post and maintain a policy of general public liability insurance. This insurance is required for a period of not more than 10 years from the date of final approval (occupancy was granted on 8/14/96). According to City records, your certificate, of insurance expired on 6/5/96. At your earliest convenience please inform your insurance company that a current copy be provided to the City. As a reminder, the policy must be for general public liability insurance naming the City as additional named insured against personal injury, death, property damage and/or loss arising from, or out of, the City's involvement in the permitting process for the project in the amount of one million dollars. The policy shall also state that the City will be notified 30 days in advance of policy cancellation. Note, this requirement of insurance is transferable to any and all owners within the 10 year period. If you have recently sold your property, please notify the City in writing of the name of the new owners. Please contact me at 771-0220 if you have any questions regarding this insurance requirement. Thank you, Lara Knaak Permit Coordinator cc: Maryland Insurance Company • Building Official o Incorporated August 11, 1890 Sister Cities International — Hekinan, Japan P.02 AUG 1 1996 tNGINEEBING Augmst 2, 1996 City of Edmonds Fs�sSineaing Dept. IVTx. Lyle Crisman pear Lyle, We the Hers/cuntractors <)f'the property located at 9 i 0 7-0 P1. W. hereby request a variance from the approved I9V. drireway grade- V., 19',- grade. The: drainage of said properly remains uI compliance with all. 5pecific:ations of tlxe apgzove I plan, TIA uk you. for y�Lnu' time and consideratitcn in this matter.. We would appreciate a confirmation letter to this affCct as 5ocn as possible. We are attempting to Otlain final occupancy approval by the 1C" of August. Sincerely, _ pebotah Falk iv.Tk Goinstruedou {,31.2 I83`d pl. S.W. Ly,.xnwo�4 Wa. 98037 246 712-8042 • CHESTER R. BENNETT (1988) BENNETT & BENNETT ATTORNEYS AT LAW 400 DAYTON. SUITE A EDMONDS. WASHINGTON 98020 (206) 776-0139 • FAX (206) 778-6746 April 22, 1996 Mr. & Mrs. Tom Falk 16105 North Meadowdale Road Edmonds, WA 98020 My Clients:. Mr. & Mrs. Jon Becker Re: Boundary Dispute; Status Dear Tom and Debbie: is PETER W. BENNETT LEIGH P. BENNETT APB Z � �g96 PUBLIC WORKS DEP1 I am' sending this letter to you since, as I understand it, your attorney, Doug Purcell, is not working .on this matter at. this point, and you wish tha:. I deal directly with you on this matter. As you know, we have all worked very hard and for a long period of time trying to -sort out and resolve issues relating to the property line dispute. While the.Beckers.and.I believe we have a completely valid adverse possession claim, we were willing to work with you to help solve your problems by doing some sort of easement. Originally, the Beckers told me that when you moved into the property you indicated that you would work out the property line dispute and that you were fully aware of it. From my conversations with Bill Pielow, he also verified that you were fully aware of the boundary 'line problem, encroachments, and so forth. Unfortunately, the site plans that I saw with the City of Edmonds show the rockery staying in place, but show the line of your driveway far over into the fence area in dispute. Later, your solution of moving the fence 12 inches and angling back to the end of the post at the gate was a good solution. The Beckers are still willing to consider that as an option. under certain conditions. Of course, the problem here is that the .City, i.e., Ron Holland with the. sewer department, is simply unwilling to allow the fence to be moved in that fashion. You and I have talked about that issue numerous times and for some reason you seem to disbelieve where the City has located the sewer line. Pursuant to our telephone conversation on April 18, 1996, apparently another issue has come up regarding the City asking you to re -case your .sewer line and -the, Beckers sewer line under your driveway. . Please send me a copy of the letter you received so I can be advised more fully as to what that has to. do with. Mr. & Mrs. Tom Falk April 22, 1996 Page 2 All in all, the Beckers would certainly like to have this matter resolved as soon as possible, however, it simply cannot happen without the City's approval of this matter. From our discussion on April 18, 1996, I understood that you may have come up with a solution to move the fence according to the 12 inch plan but not have the posts placed in that area by some sort of cantilever system. Please run that directly by Ron Holland with the City of Edmonds to see if that is acceptable to him, before you propose it to us. In conclusion, the Beckers would still like to resolve this with you in a friendly basis if at all possible, however, unless your plan includes the City of Edmonds approval we simply cannot agree to any changes in the status. Pursuant to our conversation on April 18, 1996, I would suggest, as I have before, that we meet on the property with Ron Holland, the parties, and discuss the possible solutions to the problem. Before that meeting might occur, I would want you to spend some time talking it over with Ron Holland to see if there are indeed some feasible options that make sense. With respect to the issue of the sewer line servicing the Beckers property. under your driveway, it is my understanding, from talking with Ron Holland, that the City considers that line to be their line. I understand that line to be considered a line that the City maintains. Mr. Holland also believes that they have an easement for that line to be maintained as it exists on your property. Please also discuss those matters directly with Mr. Holland. After you have had a chance to work these matters through Ron Holland then please contact me to discuss the proposal to see whether the Beckers are willing to agree. I look forward to hearing from you soon. very truly ours PETER W. BENNETT PWB:adb cc: Mr. and Mrs. Jon Becker Ron Holland (1adb\Letters\LTR-FALK-04/22/1996) co-e-zld-�-r ------ - ---- 6D� !'\ '| |.. City of Edmonds Engineering Dept. Attn. Mr Chrisman 250 5th AVE. N. Edmonds, Wa. 98020 771-0220 -In reference to Falk residence. Dear Sir: DEC 12 1994 ENUINEENNG Ronald D. Johnson Architect This letter is to request a waiver from the 14% max. slope allowed by the city. Our topography where the driveway will be located, is such that it drops 15' in a run of 72' from the front of our property. We cannot build the house any further away from the front of our property, because of the slope to the rear of the lot, which has quite a steep drop-15' in 75'. Thus, our garage location cannot be adjusted. On the plans dated: 2- 12-94, page 3 of 11, you will notice a driveway profile that allows us to drive down into our garage at a max. slope of 18%. 1 would ask that you would grant a waiver to allow us to build our driveway slope to a max. of 18%. hankyOL Ronald D Architect 19601 23rd. NW. Seattle, Wa. 98177 546-2288 i7.?� •?' '�t'SI a,t ,.y.., x..; � •;��. y _ �,P 1 }• 3 pit.' �4:y�, s'r�`'l•. ti ����� d. �''Fi`s$ � f�x�•i ,� � f� 1�< s a r '� �p d � ', ,� - . ��-F;, �• A 1.. �'•� -�',y 61.C' �I •L'•i"'`t +Z }f ^�)C) � .'e J�"`�L•�. �T',= •4$+�r -�' > � •tir �<fr ,r �'�C ' ^ :a ��� eH � n ff�5 ^ t : �° 7`f.,�; t % >^ ' � � ily a h � !! `�'� +a+* t ;}s x 57r� r ''`'tir � s't++i;, � t; . � , , •.,.. � -s .. } � �� � c ay�t'�` ^•9 ), t � ? C < �1 •''+S f-.Lj �}lL..�.. .d'3'l•.r, "A." J S� t�7 � � - �t � t -v � x ` [ r � t i A r fe. �r' � aj,•f R. 1i /`�s—;cJ �' ` ': F ; ' ENGINEERS COST ESTIMATEf • '' �.. ! n'.; r a 4. •Q. Six .4 ,: .,f; - �,. � riy• ,�t - � � +�- t f .s �t-. ,,: r r' } t ,�i +i : �I srf' C.• 'a.. LY ��, �! 5 .i✓....� �r',y'H' �.,..,� S f_ .-q`l: lrk y -.,. 7. J �... ,w UNIT' UNIT f , ErEM DESCRIPTION OF WORK ISSUE QT'Y COSTTOTAI, , J C1C�/�i� %�a�w. x3o . �y ..-;'3GTt .. � 30 : - //, '•o.! o:.:. . �� /L'�SltTtAu G��irG 2az)Jose X Zz . GlsBs ,Bsr' J �'. „ .�• ,�r. ;�,g+'..�,dw�'+�`.:'sG z�",4 ,,,�'�,-����:r'`�, tir�+�,�.iry” ���fic�d�s� '��.�s���c�'i � � «�3,r����M+?r �'�.% . fir. Address: After review of the subject permit application, the following requirements must be met: 1. Construction hours are: WEEKDAYS — 7:00 A.M.-10:00 P.M.WEEKENDS/HOLIDAYS —10:00 A.M.-6:00 P.M. 2. A separate RIGHT-OF-WAY CONSTRUCTION PERMIT is required for all work on public property. (ECDC 18.60) 3. Truck haul route plan must be submitted and approved prior to permit issuance. 4. Builder/owner is responsible for containing all temporary runoff and erosion control on site. (ECDC 18.30.030d) 5. NO WORK SHALL BE DONE WITHIN 15 FEET OF STREAMS OR 10 FEET FROM ANY CLOSED' DRAINAGE FpA.CILiTY �BUII.DERIOWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR IDENTIFYING CONDITIONS ON THE DRAWING (ECDC, �' .` _ .,r ` S f6•h4 F.�t $�"ry� t Y S �T� J � 1 ' �t lr e i�'�JcY1J"*��" sti c4. tr!. •r � .J' '<,, '� f S tivr?"'�•s �' f ry. +-1 Zrr. t2rE-, R .., ... •,•- �., l.'�:. � Sigh.-. <��:. .� ." � -. .' t r .-, _M1 � f r<•, -i -iin :7'Tl2 +Ti S Ri? �i�: ii r�'�i�ri CTl A i -i `+t:� nvrri i �i �n w uinJ?I►TCDT. !�7"T. 11 DDiAD' TA f�i n. D il►1!� 1►T'MI►TM��f *i/rTfAt►f ...... .. EVIEIVF ni i :PLAN. IVVATER- gi nn iz., Lot Slope 'IS% SEPA Environmental Tree Cutting Plan it uired cements Permit ­X. - - - "Ila -T &I..~ I Engineering St Drain Review Fee - i Engineering 2.2 -inspection - Fee-', Drama ge'Plan' (On -Site) Setback To -of Bank; ;Stream. 'Water -Courses'-*- - Setback Storm Drain Une- Open Ditch Eklstlnq-A, Culvdrt'ReJqulrddt Uulvert-Slzi777 Shoulder ,13raingge/Shale Open.Runoff,.:,'J.- -.,.,,Catch Basin Reoulred.10.tSS,z Drive ldpie'&.Vehicle Access,) SIdewalk;Rdqdlred'rCoiF7, —T—I". Ctirb.*,&,GtmerrRe4tilred:,,";'t,"-'-" .11Curb- titift OF I ERIBIRRIZE MIMIMM U51 a-Z w rIM1,11 R IVAZI IFI-11 tro "t MIMM F WE Rt MI, FI Water mdtdr Size IR, RTI VJ I MEN I MT-1 I MT-7m Mil 'Miscellandous CCd City of Edmonds Engineering Dept. Attn. Mr Chrisman 250 5th AVE. N. Edmonds, Wa. 98020 771-0220 Dear Sir: F IFC� .PIVED DEC 12 1994 tNGINEERING Ronald D. Johnson Architect This letter is to request a waiver, from a required setback between a city storm drain and our building line. Our building line is 2' from the storm drain easement, thus approx. 7' from the center of the storm drain. Our overall property width is below the 100' required for lots in this area. Our lot is only 90' wide with a storm drain easement totally on our property. We have already received a variance for side yard setback relief. Because of our lot already being impacted by substandard size, and then having the full storm drain easement on our property, we request a waiver from the required setback from the storm drain easement. Please grant this waiver, which will allow our project to continue. 'VED` .:,. hankyou, Ronald D. J hQron Architect 19601 23rd. NW. Seattle, Wa. 98177 546-2288 STREE-I r' . LANDAU AASSOCIATES, INC. Environmental and Geotechnical Services Ms. Sharon Nolan Community Services Department City of Edmonds 250 5th Ave. N. Edmonds, WA 98020 RE: GEOTECHNICAL REVIEW OF RESUBMITTAL PROPOSED FALK RESIDENCE 15910 75TH PLACE WEST EDMONDS, WASHINGTON Dear Ms. Nolan: 11RUICDONG SEP Z 3 1994 September 22, 1994 This letter provides comments regarding our review of resubmitted documents for the proposed Falk residence. The documents we reviewed include sheets 1 through 11 (including 8B and 8C) of building plans prepared by Ronald D. Johnson, Architect (latest revision August 4, 1994); a May 9, 1994 letter from Geotech Consultants, Inc.; and a copy of Landau Associates' April 7, 1994 letter, reportedly marked with comments by the project architect, Ronald D. Johnson. Our review comments are keyed to those noted in our April 7, 1994 letter, items not listed below have, in our opinion, been adequately addressed by the applicant. 1. Information concerning this Critical Areas Checklist item were not submitted for review. We assume that the City will take whatever action is deemed appropriate. 2. This issue, which deals with the Environmental Checklist, is also one which we have assumed the City will take the appropriate action. 4.e. The response provided by Geotech Consultants, Inc. does not conform with City ordinance requirements regarding risk of landsliding, which is to be stated as a percentage during a particular time period. The City must determine if the language provided to date is acceptable or if a revised statement is needed. WORLD TRADE CENTER • 3600 PORT OF TACOMA ROAD • SUITE 501 • TACOMA, WA 98424 • (206) 926-2493 • FAX (206) 926-2531 EDMONDS. (206) 778-0907 • FAX (200) 771,'-t,409 / SPOKANE (509) 327-9737 • FAX (509) 327-14691 5.a. It is not clear from the documentation whether this drain detail (shown on sheet 3 of the project plans) has been reviewed by Geotech Consultants, Inc. Geotech Consultants, Inc. should comment on the current design, which shows gravel drainage material extending to the surface (versus having a cover of fine-grained native soil). 5.c. The discharge point for the stormwater system remains as shown in the original submittal. We therefore assume that the City is satisfied with performance of the existing system and believes that any additional runoff generated by the proposed home will not adversely affect the slope. We appreciate having had the opportunity to serve the City of Edmonds. If you need further assistance or if you have any questions, please call. WDE/mlm No. 74050.10 09/22/94 \PROJECTS\MISC\74050.LTR 2 LANDAU ASSOCIATES, INC. By: , D William D. Evans, CPG Associate LANDAU ASSOCIATES, INC. 09/19/1994 16:30 2068816 OEOSCIENCES INC. Post Office Box 6966 Bellevue, WA 98008-0966 Telephone (206) 867-3297 Facsimile (206) 881-8641 DODDS GEOSCIENCESS 0 PAGE 01 W. & Mrs' Falk Ron Johnson, Architect Job Number 4091 September 19, 1994 19601- 23rd Avenue NW Seattle, WA 98177 Subject: Geotechnieal Declaration and Statement of 'Risk Proposed Falk Residence 15910 - 75th Place West Edmonds, Washington; 094-56 ,. r� ,7 P Reference: 1) Geotechnical Engineering Study l 1g94 by Geotech Consultants, Inc., dated 2/7/94 ' 2) Final Report - Landslide Hazard Investigation Meadowdale Area, Edmonds, Washington by Roger Lowe Associates, Inc., da210/ 16/79 3) Sheets 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7, ArchitecturaI Plans by Ron Johnson, Architect, dated 2/21/94 4) Seismotectonic Map of the Puget Sound Region by Howard Gower, et. al., dated 1985 Dear Client: In accordance with your request, the undersigned engineer reviewed the above material, The purpose of this review was to assess suitability of the project for development in accordance with the Meadowdale Criteria (Ordinance #2661). The statistical probability of earth movement on this lot was determined as follows: 1) An analysis of the earthquake record was made. 2) From this analysis, it was determined that there was a thirty percent (30%) chance of a magnitude 6.5 earthquake occurring on the nearest major fault, approximately 435 miles from the subject site. 3) The anticipated earthquake waves and motion were attenuated through the rock in accordance with published _procedures. 4) Tire soil's response at the site was determined using a computer program capable of conducting equivalent linear seismic response analyses of layered soil deposits. 5) Finally, the computed horizontal ground acceleration was applied to near -surface soils in a pseudo-stadc analysis to determine the Factor of Safety with regard to the design earthquake. Soils and site conditions were assumed to be as reported in Reference 1 and Reference 3, respectively. The results of this analysis are shown on Plate 1, attached, and indicate that the site will remain stable. If a failure does occur, it will most likely occur along the hillside/roadbed of 75 Place West. In our judgment, the plans which we reviewed above conform to the recommendations in the geotechnical report, and the risk of damage to the proposed development or to adjacent Properties from soil instability will be minimal, Subject to the conditions set forth in the report. The proposed development will not increase the potential for soil movement. Our analysis indicates there is not an unreasonable risk as defined by Ordinance #2661. 09/.19/1994 16:30 2068818 DODDS GEOSCIENCES PAGE 02 • PROPOSED FAIX RESIDENCE - MEADOWDALE Job Number 4091 September 19, 1994 Page Z We accept your designation as the responsible geotechnical engineer for this project. Let us know when foundation construction is to begin. Please contact the undersigned directly at (206) 867-3297 if there are any questions. Sincerely: DODDS Geosciences Inc. Mark K. Dodds, P.L. MkD/wd 09119/1994 16:30 2068818641 0 DODDS GEOSCIENCES • PAGE 03 Ln Z) m N Q M 3 O S N c y C m m ,•. r m u u .`r u t W c u lA u m 3 Lq tn m N O X m a s U OD c .� �c o W —• E a 2 b .+ O o W Ob J 4 m U) .. et O ti H W H J J LiI.-•• M -r " Q W a" O U J E V Ix S., O d J 1. V cp t m � ti i CR h NOI 1 bA3"13 • CITY OF EDMONDS 250 SfH AVENUE NORTH, EDMONDS. WA 98020 (206) 771-0220 RCW 197-11-970 Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE Description of proposal: Single family residence totaling 3,570 sq.ft. Grading of 551 cubic yards. (City of Edmonds Building Plan Check No. 94-56). Proponent: Thomas and Deborah Falk Location of proposal, including street address if any: 15910 75th Place West, Edmonds, Washington Lead agency: CITY OF EDMONDS The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement is not required under RCW 43.21.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request. XX There is no comment period for this DNS. This DNS is issued under 197-11-340(2); the lead agency will not act on this proposal for 15 days from the date below. Comments must be submitted by .1994. Responsible Official: Jeffrey S. Wilson Position/Title: Current Planning Supervisor, Department of Community Services - Planning Division Phone: 771-0220 Address: City of Edmonds, 250 5th Avenue North, Edmonds WA 98020 Date: XX You may appeal this determination to Robert Chave. Planning Manager, at 250 5th Avenue North, Edmonds, WA 98020, no later than 7-L , 1994, by filing a written appeal citing the reasons. You should be prepared to make specific factual objections. Contact Jeffrey S. Wilson to read or ask about the procedures for SEPA appeals. XX Posted on Li - / 5 ,1994, at the Edmonds Public Library, Edmonds Community Services Building, and the Edmonds Post Office. XX Distribute to "Checked" Agencies on the reverse side of this form, along with a copy of the Checklist. Mailed to the following along with the Environmental Checklist: XX Department of Ecology Environmental Review Section P.O. Box 47703 Olympia, WA 98504-7703 XX Thomas and Deborah Falk (Applicant) 16105 North Meadowdale Road Edmonds, WA 98026 Attachments: Critical Areas Determination # CA-92-69 Environmental Checklist PC: Building Plan Check No. 94-56 SEPA Notebook ' Robert Chave, Planning Manager Page 1 of 2 E MEMORANDUM CITY OF EDMONDS PLANNING DIVISION 250 STH AVENUE NORTH, EDMONDS, WASHINGTON 98020 TO: BUILDING DEPT. PLAN CHECK NO. 94-56 FROM: Ann Bullis, Code Enforcement Technici DATE: APRIL 12, 1994 SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION FOR A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING AT 15910 75TH PLACE WEST, EDMONDS, WASHINGTON On April 12, 1994 I visited the subject site and found it to be covered with blackberry bushes and other low growing bushes and trees. There appear to be no major trees on site. The Building Department's requirements for construction on steep slopes, combined with the Engineering Division's requirements for erosion control, should adequately cover potential problems with the steep slope of the site. Additionally, I have had the opportunity to review the environmental checklist, and Critical Areas Determination, a copy of which are filed in the official file for this permit. Based on my review of all available information and adopted policies of the City, I recommend that a determination of nonsignificance, be issued. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Review by Responsible Official: I concur I do not concur Comments: M11114 Jeffrey S. Wilson, AICP Date Responsible Official Attachments PC: FILE NO. 94-47 Robert Chave, Planning Manager Page 2 of (((F= *DW*/(((DATZ)llJMFs a GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC- 13256 N.E. 20th St. (Northup Way), Suite 16 Bellevue, WA 98005 (206) 747-5618 FAX 747-8561 Deborah Falk c/o Windermere Real Estate/North Inc. 4211 - 200th Street Southeast, Suite 10 Lynnwood, Washington 98036 • DUILDINO AUG 1 j 1994 May 9, 1.994 Subject: Landau & Associates Letter, °Geotechnical Review, Proposed Falk Residence," April 7, 1994. Dear Ms. Falk: JN 89482 This letter is in response to the review letter referenced above. The following statements are answers to the items in the Landau & Associates (hereinafter Landau) letter, Item 4, Geotechnical Report: a) ItJs our understanding that Mr. and Mrs. Falk are the owners of this lot and have acquired the use of our report prepared for the Pielows. The Falks thus have our permission to use our geotechnical report and follow-up letters. b) The attachment to this letter contains a sketch of our best estimate as to the locations of the explorations based on the description contained in the geotechnical report. At the time of our work in 1990, no site plan or topographic maps were available. c) We were furnished with a copy of the environmental checklist dated March 3, 1994 on April 29, 1994. We agree with Landau that the geotechnical aspects conform to our understanding of the project, except for the description of the slope and the minor earthwork qualities. d) We agree with Landau's comments. e) As explained in our report and subsequent letters, this site is in an area that has experienced earth movement. Even though some infrastructure improvements may have increased the stability of the area, the Meadowdale slide (and this lot) have in our opinion a low factor of safety against earth movement. During construction, the stability of the site slopes should not be decreased in our opinion. After construction, the stability of the upper soils on the site should be increased by the installation of heavily reinforced piers. The house will not affect the overall stabilitv of the lot or the area. a Deborah Falk JN 89482 May 9, 1994 Page 2 Landau states that to their knowledge there has been no earth movement at this site in 39 years. While this is a long period of time, the record is not adequate for a statistical evaluation of the slope stability in a 25-year period. It is.sufficient to state that there is a low probability of general areal movement under static conditions in a 25-year time period. f) We agree with Landau's comments. g) We agree with Landau's comments. If there are any questions regarding this letter, please contact us. Respectfully submitted, GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. Ft w� o 'v0 u i1 � 'Dv': •�/'�V James R. Finley, Jr., P.E. Principal JRF:dew Enclosure: Site Sketch, Plate 1 GEOIECH CONSULTANTS. INC. 1 V •� J I E r 1 u "", .. � � - -•-^ •n �tj � •) ,:may. • — .� • f�' ,,,,,,. ��� ) I � Li .ems - � •� Lo r I • ' _._jr► '- • � _.. � + + ' --vim � v74 b ` 40 - �� r3 V 4 Is Qi >? yyM ri L I c- a st•• - >t_ ti i � � � I � � I t I 9 3 rl LANDAU0 •+ T `�� ASSOCIATES INC. BUILDING Environmental and Geotechnical Services APR 1 i 1994 April 7, 1994 Ms. Sharon Nolan Community Services Department City of Edmonds 250-5th Ave. N. Edmonds, WA 98020 RE: GEOTECHNICAL REVIEW PROPOSED FALK RESIDENCE 15910 - 75TH PLACE WEST EDMONDS, WASHINGTON Dear Ms. Nolan: As requested, Landau Associates has reviewed construction plans and other documents submitted by the City of Edmonds as part of an application for a building permit for the subject single-family residence. The documents we reviewed are listed in attached Table 1. The documents include a Critical Area Checklist and Environmental Checklist; a topographic map prepared by Columbia Land Surveying and Engineering; architectural plans prepared by Ronald D. Johnson; a geotechnical report and plan review letters prepared by Geotech Consultants, Inc.; structural plans prepared by Structural Design Associates, Inc.; and declarations signed by the applicants and members of the design team. The primary purpose of Landau Associates' review was to evaluate whether the documents we reviewed address the requirements of Chapter 19.05 of the Edmonds Community Development Code pertaining to earth subsidence and landslide hazard areas (City Ordinance No. 2661) and, in particular, the Meadowdale permit submittal (MPS) requirements of Chapter 19.05, revised May 20, 1988. Our review comments are presented below and are numbered for the convenience of others responding to them. 1. Critical Areas Checklist. We reviewed the geotechnical aspects of the Critical Areas Checklist submitted for the subject project. The checklist information generally conforms with our understanding of the project. An exception is the description of the soil/topography. The description of the site topography as having "rolling" terrain is 04/07/94 D:IWPD0CSIYR0JECfSMS074050.RPT WORLD TRADE CENTER • 3600 PORT OF TACOMA ROAD • SUITE 501 • TACOMA, WA 98424 • (206) 926-2493 • FAX (206) 936-2531 EDMONDS: (206) 778-0907 • FAX (20o) 778-0409 / SPOKANE: (509) 327-9737 • FAX (509) 327-9691 • • in error, and a description of "hilly," which is defined as slopes of more than 15% and less than 30%, is more representative. 2. Environmental Checklist. The geotechnical aspects of the Environmental Checklist we reviewed generally conform with our understanding of the project. An exception is the description of proposed grading or filling on page 4 of the checklist. The applicants have indicated that no filling will occur. Although there will be a net cutting of material from the site, filling is planned (e.g., 112 yd3, Sheet 3 of 13). 3. Topographic Map. All significant items required by the MPS requirements are provided on the submitted topographic map. 4. Geotechnical Report. The report presents most of the geotechnical information required by the MPS requirements. Specific issues and concerns are discussed below. a. Geotech Consultants' February 7, 1990 report was performed for Bill and Diane Pielow and their representatives. It is not clear if rights to that study have been provided to the Falks. We suggest the City require that the lead design professional provide assurance to the City that the City's requirement for a project -specific geotechnical report has not been compromised by an issue between past and current owners. b. The geotechnical report does not include a site plan showing exploration locations. We verbally requested a site plan from Geotech Consultants, but were told it is not readily available. Since the proposed home is to be pile supported, it is our opinion that knowledge of test boring locations is critical to a proper understanding of field conditions. We recommend the City require a site plan showing exploration locations, or a written description of measurements to exploration points based on a permanent reference point. 4 c. The Environmental Checklist, which was prepared after the geotechnical report, is not addressed in the report or by Geotech Consultants' follow-up letters. We suggest the City require Geotech Consultants comment regarding the accuracy of the checklist, per ordinance requirements. d. The geotechnical report presents information indicating that explorations extended through fill and slide debris to a very stiff to hard silt; yet we note that Boring 2 encountered two fracture zones at the bottom of a very stiff to hard silt layer, at a depth of about 34 ft, and extended beneath those fracture zones into a medium dense to dense brown sand. Based on our experience in the Meadowdale area, we interpret these conditions to represent displaced materials. Accordingly, it is our opinion that the explorations at this site extended through surficial landslide debris, but did not penetrate beneath the large-scale slide masses that make up the Meadowdale Landslide. This issue is of mostly academic interest, since movement 04/07/94 DAVVPDOCSIPR0JECTSMSC1740150.M 2 LANDAU ASSOCIATES, INC. on the deeper slide planes would probably involve several properties, and represents a condition where it is not feasible to design a home foundation to withstand such movement. The proposed foundation scheme does appear to be suitable for resisting lateral forces exerted on the proposed structure by near -surface saturated and disturbed soil at the site (i.e., the shallow landslide debris and fill). e. Geotech Consultants' statement of site instability risk does not conform with the MPS requirements for a statement that expresses risk as a percentage for a particular time period, and which addresses stability before, d ring, and after construction. Geotech Consultants' plan review letter does present a statement of risk, expressed differently from MPS requirements. We suggest the City require a statement of risk consistent with ordinance requirements. (Note: To our knowledge, the site has not experienced movement since 1955/56, which is a fact the geotechnical engineer could cite.) f. Comments on the need to tie foundation elements together are not presented. Perimeter foundation elements will be incorporated into grade beams; however, interior pilings will act as independent foundation elements. Since Geotech Consultants reviewed the project plans and found them acceptable, we assume they see no reason to interconnect interior pilings. Geotech Consultants should comment if our assumption is incorrect. g. Geotech Consultants' review letter recommends 35-ft steel beams/piling, which is based on one boring within (or close to) the proposed residence. (The second boring is upslope, near the garage.) Their report discusses the possibility of a 15-ft deep, filled -in gully along the south property line, and that possibility plus the lack of boring data in the gully area raises the possibility of the need for deeper piling. The contractor should be cautioned as to this possibility, since pile criteria require 15 ft embedment into the very stiff to hard silt. 5. Building Plans. The Building Plans include details for foundations, slabs, slope protection, grading, and drainage. In general, the Building Plans provide the geotechnical information required by MPS requirements. Our comments on specifics follow. a. The Site Plan shows a subdrain extending along the upslope (east) side of the proposed garage and railroad `tie retaining wall. The plans do not provide details concerning the depth of the subdrain or construction materials. We recommend that the City require a detail of this subdrain, and that this detail be reviewed by Geotech Consultants. Consideration should be given to extending this subdrain across the width of the property. As shown, the subdrain will be located near the toe of the slope that descends down to the proposed building area. If the subdrain is extended across the north -south width of the site, it could serve the purpose of intercepting shallow seepage, thus enhancing the stability of the site against shallow sliding. b. The storm drain detention pipe located on the west side of the property should be constructed with a drain pipe in the bottom of the trench. The project plans require that all structural backfill consist of granular material with no more than 5% fines; therefore, the detention pipe trench will tend to collect seepage, which could 04/07/94 DAVVPDOCSIPR0JECTSMS074050.M 3 LANDAU ASSOCIATES, INC. • negatively affect slope stability. The trench subdrain should connect to the stormwater system outfall. c. We note that the proposed stormwater system outfall will discharge to the ground surface at the same point where the City system discharges. That location is on the slope above the railroad right-of-way. The net impact of increased flow on the slope is difficult to predict, however, the practice of discharging stormwater onto a slope composed of landslide debris is generally discouraged. For this reason, we suggest the City Engineer investigate the situation, with consideration of extending the City's pipe to the railroad ditch. d. The plans include notes regarding shallow footings. These notes are irrelevant considering that the house and garage will be supported on piles. In our opinion, these notes should be deleted from the plans. e. There are no details showing the orientation of the steel beams to be placed in the augercast piles. We would expect that the webs of these beams should be oriented in an upslope-downslope direction to resist soil creep forces exerted on the piles. We recommend that the orientation of the steel beams be specified. f. The plans require that "test pits" be abandoned in accordance with WAC 173-160 prior to or during house construction. This should probably read "test borings." g. The Geotech Consultants report recommends placement of a 4-inch layer of drainage sand and gravel beneath floor slabs. The plan details for the garage slab do not show this drainage material. We recommend that the plan either be revised to include Geotech Consultants' recommendation or that Geotech Consultants be provided the opportunity to comment on this lack of drainage material. 6. Tree -cutting Plan. The documents we reviewed did not include a tree -cutting plan. Since the Environmental Checklist notes only brush and grass onsite, such a plan may not be needed. The City should assess any project -specific needs. 04/07/94 D:IWPD0CSIPR0JECTSMSC174050.Rn 4 LANDAU ASSOCIATES, INC. • 1] We appreciate this opportunity to serve the City of Edmonds. If you need further assistance, or if you have any questions, please contact us. SJClmlm No. 74050.10 Attachment: Table 1 04/07194 DAWPD0CSIPR0JECTSMSC174050.M 5 LANDAU ASSOCIATES, INC. By: d� - 0, &:�- William D. Evans, CPG Associate and Step n J. over, P.E. Project Engineer LANDAU ASSOCIATES, INC. • 0 TABLE 1 LIST OF MATERIALS REVIEWED City of Edmonds Critical Areas Checklist. 3 March 1994. Signed by Deborah Falk. City of Edmonds Environmental Checklist. 3 March 1994. Signed by Deborah Falk. Columbia Land Surveying and Engineering. 1993. Topographic Survey for Debbie Falk. Prepared by Debbie Falk by Columbia Land Surveying and Engineering, Mountlake Terrace, WA. March. Falk, Thomas C. and Deborah Falk. 19 February 1994. Personal Communication (letter to City of Edmonds Building Department regarding an Owner Landslide Acknowledgement Declaration) Geotech Consultants 1990. Geotechnical Engineering Study, Pielow Meadowdale Lot, Near 75th Place West and Meadowdale Beach Road, Edmonds, Washington. Prepared for Bill and Diane Pielow by Geotech Consultants, Inc., Bellevue, WA. February. Geotech Consultants. 18 February 1994. Personal Communication (letter to Deborah Falk regarding Review of Plans, Proposed Falk Residence, 75th Place West, Edmonds, Washington). J.R. Finley, Jr., P.E., Geotech Consultants, Inc., Bellevue, WA. Geotech Consultants. 10 March 1994. Personal Communication (letter to Deborah Falk regarding Review of Plans, Proposed Falk Residence, 75th Place West, Edmonds, Washington). J.R. Finley, Jr., P.E., Geotech Consultants, Inc., Bellevue, WA. Johnson, Ronald D. 1994. Architectural Plans (11 sheets): Proposed Residence for Mr. & Mrs. Falk. Prepared for Mr. & Mrs. Falk by Ronald D. Johnson, Architect, Seattle, WA. February. Johnson, Ronald D. Undated. Personal Communication (letter to City of Edmonds Building Department regarding designation of lead design professional). Ronald D. Johnson, Architect, Seattle, WA. Johnson, Ronald D. Undated. Personal Communication (letter to City of Edmonds Building Department regarding declaration of understanding of geotechnical recommendations). Ronald D. Johnson, Architect, Seattle, WA. Structural Design Associates. 1993a. Concrete Pier and Grade Beam Foundation Plan. Prepared by Structural Design Associates, Inc., Lynnwood, WA. August. Revised 28 February 1994. Structural Design Associates. 1993b. Pier Foundation and Grade Beam Details. Prepared by Structural Design Associates, Inc., Lynnwood, WA. August. Structural Design Associates. 1994. Personal Communication (letter to Debbie & Thomas Falk regarding declaration of plan review and substantial incorporation of geotechnical report recommendations). K. Vanden Ende, P.E., Structural Design Associates, Inc., Lynnwood, WA. 04/07/94 D:IWPD0CSIPR0JECfSMS074050.M 6 LANDAU ASSOCIATES, INC. 0 F* STRE�17 � RLE City of Edmonds Building Dept. 250 5th AVE. N. Edmonds, Wa. 98020 771-0220 ° Gentlemen: DECLARATION STATEMENT: I have reviewed the geotechnical report, understand it's reccomendations, and have explained to the owner the design reccomendations of the report, and established measures to reduce the potential risk of injury or damage that might be caused by any earth movement predicted in the report. you, Ronald J hnson Architect 19601 23rd. NW. Seattle, Wa. 98177 546-2288 0 STREET FILE City of Edmonds Building Dept. 250 5th AVE. N. Edmonds, Wa. 98020 771-0220 Gentlemen: This letter is to accompany plans for Mr. and Mrs. Falk, residence to be built on lot 8, and south 1 /2 of lot 7 block 29 Meadowdale Beach on 75th PI. W, Edmonds. This is to notify your department that I am the lead professional as well as the architect for this project. I will be responsible for coordinating and incorporating recommendations of other design team professionals. All plans have been prepared in accordance with geo tech and structural engineers recommendations, and measures have been established to reduce the potential risk of injury or damage from any earth movement. j0'ankyou, W J D nald D. Architect 19601 23rc Seattle, Wa. 98177 546-2288 February 19, 1994 City of Edmonds Building, Dept. The following describes an Owner Landslide Acknowledgment Declaration: We warrant the. accuracy of all permit submittal information and relieue the City and it's staff from any liability associated with reliance on such permit application submittals. The application may reference the reports of prior public consultants to the City, but all conclusions shall be those of ours and our design professionals. We understand and accept the. risk of deueloping in an area with potential unstable soils and that we will aduise, in writing, any pros- pectiue purchasers of the site, or any prospectiue lessees of structures or portions of structures on the site, of the slide potential of the area. Sincerely, Thomas C. Falk Debora tj eFa Proposed single family residence located at 15910 75th PI. W. OTRUCTURAL DESIGN �!§IATES, INC. ONSULTING ENE 5630 -198TH ST S W P O BOX 5366 n ST R E ET FILE em LYNNWOOD. WA 98046 PHONE:(206)775.7434 March 10, 1994 Debbie & Thomas Falk 16105 N. Meadowdale Road - Edmonds, WA 98026 subject: Residence on Lot 8 & South Half Lot 7, Block 29, Meadowdale Beach Edmonds, Washington - DECLARATION STATEMENT - Our Ref.: LettersU0-704-1.r h Dear Mr. & Mrs. Falk: This letter is to inform you that our office has reviewed the geotechnical report from Geotech Consultants, Inc. No. JN89482, dated February 7, 1990, and letter dated March 10, 1994: The review indicates that the lot is in an area subject to ground failure. It is impossible to guarantee future slope stability, regardless of how well it is investigated or engineered, and there are always risks associated with construction in a known hazardous area. Among these risks is the possibility of the loss or damage to your property and life, as well as the property and life of neighbors, public and private, due to soil failure. Because of the unpredictable nature and wet condition of the soils, owners must assume the responsibility for risks of building and living in this known hazardous area. The reports, recommendations, opinions, designs and specifications, associated with this project are professional opinions only, and are not to be construed as a warranty, expressed or implied, against loss or damage. To the best of our knowledge and understanding, the building plans, submitted with the permit application substantially incorporate the above mentioned reports' recommendation. Careful and conscientious application of the above referenced recommendations during and after construction, "... will reduce the risk that the house will be affected by earth movement. The proposed development will not increase the potential for soil movement". Respectfully submitted, STRUCTURAL DESIGN ASSOCIATES, INC. by: A , � \ Kase Vanden Ende, P.E. president S ID' VA�7O o�d 9475 NAL EXPIRES KVE/ev STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING DESIGN AND INVESTIGATION: .. �c e r!'1'IP-�D!•T!f',, �.i� V pcTl.;!ii r.ir .; [.� c q •,nr !:r a r]ir-pr- P= o. ryvc g City:, dmon RIGHT[' -OF' ONS CTION .. ;.� ...PERMIT .. , r ... :.... t� 9 Permit Number. S t Issue Date: 7-' s� A: Address or Vicinity of Construction: Sq 21 jR to: %t j .;Ql: w C. InB. Type of Qr, CL0eA-mro QEnS $ FDC,7y c: 1$9p S' t ll t70ALk . Contractor: () , 0. P () Contact: QR I�n K,A L IF V Mailing_ Address: Q 9 Phone: &70 — 3 z 1 g State License #: r2pA0 K) W< 1) Ct @27 (_ Liability Insurance: Bond: $ 7. D. Building Permit # (if applicable): Side Sewer Permit # (if applicable): E. ❑ Commercial ❑ Subdivision City Project ❑ Utility (PUD, GTE, WNG, CABLE, WATER) ❑ Multi -Family ❑ Single Family ❑ Other INSPECTOR: INSPECTOR: [Ko F. Pavement or Concrete Cut : ❑ Yes ❑No G. Size of Cut: x H. Charge $ APPLICANT TO READ AND SIGN INDEMNITY. • Applicant understands and by his signature to this application to hold the City of Edmonds harmless from injuries, damages, or claims of any `t kind or description whatsoever, foreseen or unforeseen, that may be made against the City of Edmonds, or any of its departments or �.:• .. employees, including or not limited to the defense of any legal proceedings including defense costs and attorney fees by reason of granting this permit. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR FOLLOWING THE FINAL INSPEC- TION AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE WORK ESTIMATED RESTORATION FEES WILL BE HELD UNTIL THE FINAL STREET PATCH IS COMPLETED BY CITY FORCES, AT WHICH TIME A DEBIT OR CREDIT WILL BE PROCESSED FOR ISSUANCE TO THE APPLICANT. Two sets of construction drawings of proposed work required with permit application. A 24 hour notice is required for inspection. Please call the Engineering Division, 771-0220. Work and material is to be inspected during progress and at completion. Restoration.is to be in accordance with City Codes. Street shall be kept clean at all times. Traffic Control and Public Safety shall be in accordance with City regulations as required by the City Engineer. All street cut trench work shall be patched with asphalt or City approved material prior to the end of the working day; NO EXCEPTIONS. I have read the above statements and understand the permit requirements and the pink copy of the permit will he available on site at all times for inspection purposes. Signature: Date: or Agent) CALL DIAL -A -DIG PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK FOR CITY USE ONLY APPROVED BY:RIGHT OF WAY FEE: -' TIME AUTHORIZED: VOID AFTER �Z� DAYS DISRUPTION FEE/FUND I it: SPECIAL CONDITIONS: RESTORATION FEE: T OTAL FEE: No RECEIPT NO.: ISSUED BY "-..a NO WORK SHALL BEGIN PRIOR TO PERMIT ISSUANCE Eng. 1997 J-'17, .�r.. City of Edmon RIGHT-OF-WAY CONSTRUCTION ` J PERMIT Permit Number., SS -p10] Issue Date: A: Address or Vicinity of Construction: q 1 2.o ( S� j 8 9 O 1 9 B. Type of Work (be specific): � �t ti'�t (�? fJL U C. Contractor: 0 A %J CAY_ Contact: j�,�� j . ►� G`� � �1� Mailing Address: / W 7 L G/ Phone: ] 4- s 4-3 State License #: �A 6"1 A C) Liability Insurance: Bond: $ D. Building Permit # (if applicable): qs C�"I .'+�7 Side Sewer Permit# (if applicable). ti E. ❑ Commercial ❑ Subdivision ❑ City Project ❑ Utility (PUD, GTE, WNG, CABLE, WATER) ❑ Multi -Family JZ Single Family' ❑ Other INSPECTOR: L`c L-E INSPECTOR: F. Pavement or Concrete Cut : Yes []No G. Size of Cut: x H. Charge $ APPLICANT TO READ AND SIGN�� �M� INDEMNITY: Applicant understands and by his signature to this application, agrees to hold the City of Edmonds harmless from injuries, damages, or claims of any kind or description whatsoever, foreseen or unforeseen, that may be made against the City of Edmonds, or any of its departments or employees, including or not limited to the defense of any legalproceedings including defense costs, and attorney fees by reason of granting thispermit. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR FOLLOWING THE FINAL INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE WORK. ESTIMATED RESTORATION FEES WILL BE HELD UNTIL THE FINAL STREET PATCH IS COMPLATEO BY CITY FORCES, AT WHICH TIME A DEBIT OR CREDIT WILL BE PROCESSED FOR ISSUANCE TO THE APPLICANT. _x Construction drawing of proposed work required with permit. application. A 24 hour notice is required for inspection; Please call the Engineering Division, 771-0220. Work and material is to be inspected during progress and at completion. Restoration is to be in accordance with City Codes. Street shall be kept clean at all times. Traffic Control and Public Safety shall be in accordance with City regulations as required by the City Engineer. All street cut ditches shall be patched with asphalt or City approved material prior to the end of the working day; NO EXCEPTIONS. I have read the above statements and understand the permit requirements and the pink copy of the permit will be available on si at ll ti es f r inspection purposes. Signature- Date: �9 9 y '((jontr ctor or Agent) C� L DIAL —A —DIG PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK FOR CITY USE ONLY APPROVED BY:Y S W4lITG�TT RIGHT OF WAY DEPOSIT TIME AUTHORIZED: VOID AFTER S E W014AYS DISRUPTION FEE/FUND 111: SPECIAL CONDITIONS: J N V A D E f?,0A0WAy RESTORATION FEE: COMMENTS: L I. PERMIT FEE: TOTAL FEE: G RECEIPT FEE: DATE: ` ^� ISSUED BY: �.L d NO WORK SHALL BEGIN PRIOR. -TO "PERMIT ISSUANCE -. Eng. Div. 1994 ... ,�_. _ � - � it OST EET FILE GEOTECH CONSULTANTS 13256 N.E. 20th St. (Northup Way). Suite 16 Bellevue, WA 98005 (206) 747.5618 (206)343-7959 f AO( - Bill and Diane Pielow 8716 - 185th Place Southwest Edmonds, Washington 98020 Subject: Geotechnical Engineering Study Meadowdale Lot near 75th Place West and Meadowdale Beach Road Edmonds, Washington Dear Mr. and Mrs. Pielow: February 7, 1990 JN 89482 We are pleased to present this geotechnical engineering report discussing how to found a single-family residence on your lot in the Meadowdale Area. The purpose of our work was to explore site condition= and provide earthwork and foundation design criteria. The work was authorized by your acceptance of our confirmation proposal dated December 5, 1990. The subsurface conditions of the proposed building site were explored with two test pits and two test borings. We found the site to be underlain by three to five feet of uncontrolled fill soils overlying sands and silty clayey soils. There was a highly fractured zone of silty. clayey soils from about seven to about fifteen feet below existing grades. The home can utilize augercast pier foundations extending through the fractured material to *-ae more competent underlying soils. The attached report contains the results of our study and recommendations.. If•there are any questions, or if we can be of further service, please contact us. Respectfully submitted, GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. Mark K. Dodds, P.E. Senior Engineer jUN 281993 INCSZA 92a403 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY PIELOW MEADOWDALE LOT NEAR 75TH PLACE WEST AND MEADOWDALE BEACH ROAD EDMONDS, WASHINGTON This report represents the results of our geotechnical engineering study for the Pielow lot in the Meadowdale area of Edmonds, Washington. The property is the third lot northwest of the intersection of 75th Place West and Meadowdale Beach Road. The general location of the site is illustrated on the Vicinity Map, Plate 1. Based on preliminary plans furnished to us, we anticipate that a large single-family residence will be constructed on the site. We anticipate the home will be located on the upper portion of the lot, similar to the home to the north. Development of the property is in the preliminary planning stacie, and therefore only conceptual development ideas were available to us. No site plan was provided for this study. SITE CONDITIONS SURFACE The site is located in the Meadowdale Area, south of the existing home at 15908 - 75th Place West, Edmonds, Washington. The site is basically cleared, and there is a gravel driveway down to the flatter portion of the lot. There is an old shed situated on this flat area. The property is rectangular, with approximate dimensions of 80 feet by 180 feet. The lot to the north is developed with a single-family residence. The lot to the south is covered with a growth of small to medium-sized trees and some shrubs. The subsurface conditions were explored by excavating two test pits and drilling two borings at the approximate locations shown on the Site Plan, Plate 2. The field exploration program was determined based upon the proposed use, site GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. Bill & Diane Pielow February 9, 1990 JN 89482 Page 2 topography, subsurface conditions revealed during excavation and drilling, the scope of work outlined in our proposal, and time and budget constraints. The test pits were excavated on November 17, 1989 with a rubber -tired backhoe owned and operated by Evans Brothers Excavating. The borings were drilled on December 15, 1989, using a truck -mounted hollow stem auger drill owned and operated by Pearson Drilling. Samples were taken at five (5) foot intervals during drilling using a standard penetration sampler. This two-inch outside diameter split spoon sampler is driven into the soil with a one hundred forty (140) pound hammer falling thirty (30) inches. The number of blows required to advance the sampler a given distance is an indication of the soil density or consistency. A Shelby tube (thin -walled) sample was collected from Test Borings 1 and 2 from ten to twelve feet below existing grades. A geotechnical engineer from our staff observed the excavation and drilling process, logged the test pits and test borings,, and obtained representative samples of the soils encountered. "Grab" samples of selected subsurface soils were collected from the backhoe bucket and auger cuttings. The Test Boring Logs are attached to this report as Plates 2 and 3. The Test Pit Logs are attached as Plates 4 and 5. Test Pit l was placed near the northwest corner of the flatter area. At this location there was five feet of sandy fill overlying silt to clayey silt. This silt layer became heavily fractured below 11.0 feet to the maximum extent of the backhoe reach at 12.5 feet below existing grades. Test Pit 2 was excavated near the southwest corner of the flatter area that happened to be cleared of blackberry brush. Test Pit 2 revealed three feet of sandy fill that had bricks and concrete in it, overlying seven feet of silty, very wet fill with sand lenses that had a lot of wood and railroad ties in it. From 10.0 to 13.5 feet, where Test Pit 2 was terminated, the subsurface consisted of a firm sandy silty soil. Test Boring 1 was placed about ten feet south of Test Pit 1. The surface at this location was underlain with 3.5 feet of loose, sandy fill. Below the fill was 4.5 feet of loose to medium -dense gravelly silty sand. From 8.0 to about 9.5 feet A soft to firm wet sandy silt was encountered. At 9.5 feet a fractured to heavily fractured silty clay was encountered, and this fractured layer continued to about 15.0 feet. Below 17.0 feet the clay graded into competent silt which was very stiff to hard. GEOTECH CONSULTANTS. INC. Bill & Diane Pielow JN 89482 February 9, 1990 Page 3 Test Boring 2 was drilled on the eastern side of the lot, in the middle of the driveway down to the property. At this location three feet of sandy fill underlain in turn by, four feet of loose gravelly silty'sand was below the driveway surface. From 7.0 feet to about 17.0 feet a plastic silty clay was encountered. This clay was fractured from seven feet to about-12 feet below existing grades. From 17.0 to 34.0 feet a very stiff to hard clayey silt layer was encountered. There were two one -inch -thick fracture zones noted at 33.0 feet. From 34.0 to 39.0 feet, where Test Boring 2 was terminated, a brown medium -dense to dense sand with some silt was encountered. The final logs represent our interpretations of the field logs and laboratory tests. The stratification lines on the logs represent the approximate boundary between soil types. In actuality, the transition may be gradual. The relative densities and moisture descriptions indicated on the test pit and boring logs are interpretative descriptions based on the conditions observed during the excavation. The logs should be reviewed for specific subsurface information at the locations tested. Kzoul agnimC Heavy groundwater seepage was observed in the test pits at a depth of three to eight feet below existing grades. The test pits and borings were left open only for a short time period, therefore, the seepage levels on the logs represent the location of transient water seepage and may not be the location of the static groundwater level. It should be noted that groundwater levels vary seasonally with rainfall and other factors. we anticipate that groundwater could be found between the near surface weathered soil and the underlying denser soils and in the fracture zones in the silts and clays. LABORATORY TESTING Samples collected during our field work were reviewed in the office, and selected samples were subjected to laboratory testing. Index tests of the samples. included moisture contents, sieves, and Atterberg Limits. One Shelby Tube sample was subjected to a multiple -stage Triaxial Shear Test. The results of the laboratory testing are appended to this report. GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. Bill & Diane Pielow JN 89482 February 9. 1990 Page 4- CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS GENERAL The lot is underlain by a heavily fractured zone of silt and clay from about seven to fifteen feet below existing grades. This fractured material has some residual strength. as evidenced by the multiple -stage triaxial shear test. There appears to have been an old ravine running east -west along the southern property boundary. We estimate that there is five to fifteen feet of fill along this boundary. The construction of a single-family residence on the lot appears feasible from a geotechnical engineering , perspective. The structure will have to utilize heavily -reinforced deep foundations which extend through the fractured silt/clay layer and any fill soils. We recommend that minimum sixteen -inch - diameter piers be utilized for the residence. The final grades for the lot should be near existing grades, and only minor amounts of filling and/or cutting should be planned. It is also important to adequately design for the control of the surface and subsurface groundwater flows. Control measures must be in place both during and after construction of the home. The Meadowdale area has been identified as an old landslide area. The entire neighborhood is at risk if even a moderate earthquake event occurs in the immediate area. It is our opinion that this lot, if developed in accordance with the recommendations herein, will result in a.structure that is as stable as any in the neighborhood. Geotech Consultants Inc. should be given the opportunity to review the plans and specifications as they are developed to verify site specific subsurface requirements are met. FOUNDATIONS The structure should be supported on minimum sixteen -inch - diameter steel -reinforced augercast piers. Augercast piers should be installed with continuous flight hollow -stem auger equipment. This method involves the pumping of concrete through the hollow -stem auger equipment during extraction of the auger. Concrete grout must be pumped continuously through the auger as it is withdrawn. The rate of withdrawal should not exceed nine feet per minute. The grout pressure at the GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. JN 89482 Page 5 Bill & DianePielow February 9. l 990 to 250 psi, depending e of 150 should be the rang used. The Pump rout grout pump shouldnfefeeder hose so that 9 the length counter inch diameter on with a calibrated stroke (161 the equipped For a enetration into volumes may be calculated: an allowable pier with a minimum of fifteen feet of p should be the fracture zone.piers competent native soils belons may be assumed. -enter to center. capacity of fifteen three pier diameters, be increased placed no closer the allowable load can different rovide design. criteria for racities are For wind or seismic loads. the if greater P one-third. We can p We estimate ttoalassure peer diameters and on ourefieldnt Will be required required• Based to forty feet will of thirty soil. lengths into the bearing steel H adequate penetration length with should be designed to should be reinforctheTheepiers eng oubds per cubic: Piers re -bar cages.(70) p pier beams or largerc ve pressure offifte seventy, feet of the P withstand an pressures are resisted by foot (pcf) acting over the P, diameter. this depth, the the pier Below acting over two times three hundred (300) passive pressures assumed to be The passive pressures can be pcf. of single piers will be on total settlement this settlement should We estimate that Most of applied. We the order of one-half inch. construction as the dead loads are P occur during settlements over the structure should be estimate differential sett, deflections at less than verned by stiffness with Lateral pier capacity is generally 90 ier depend on the P onion of the the top of the pier which P f the soil near the upper of fixity once the surof th ngier, and the degree piers respect to length of the P ca acities of pier, the leng rovide lateral P pier cap. We can p p fans are prepared. on piers to design p personnel should be feted piers Inc. P As the comp Geotech Consultants tested, it is important to ercast pier installation. the piers observe au9 cannot be observed and decide when contractor round person site who the impacts of havewagqualifihdad willounderstand are deep enoug ecifications. variance from the s p GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. JN. 89482 page 6 Bill & Dian. e 19901ow February 9 n nF FI OOE� competent orted on undisturbed comp be be sups The slab should also Slab -on -grade floors may inches of free draining soils or on. structural fill. undesirable, a native with a mnimum of four �mO should be provided gravel. In areas where lasti�remembrane sand such as a 6-mil p vapor barrier placed beneath the slab. Tntn FOUND�.i,,Wutdte ntj l�74� T oF•TAT N �-- to resist designed We and foundation walls site. pressures imposed by the retaonedthisls. Retaining walls will be used height the lateral earth hopnly small walls of limited anticipate recommendations are for The following which restrain level backfill: Design Va ue Ea a ete 0p5PC 250 pcf Active Earth Pressure* 120 pcf Passive EarthPressure soil UnitWeight Where: pounds per cubic foot. 11 pcf is p fluid res 2) Active audedausing equivalent sul are comp densities. cannot deflect at x For restrained walls which a uniform 002 times the wall height • (100) psf least 0 ressure of one hundred equivalent lateral be added to the active should fluid pressure. An appropriate ultimate values. the walls. We given above are lied when designing of 1.5 for The values gbe of safety be safety factor should minimum factor which can using The resultant force, the wall while recommend and sliding• the toe h the overturning. taking moments about should pass throug determined the passive pressure force, neglecting of the footing• middle third GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. Bill & Diane Pielow February 9. 1990 JN 89482 Page 7 ✓ effects of any assume that no The above design values also do not include the in hydrostatic pressures behind the walls and a laced above erateawithin surcharge slopes or loads uilmebt should not °pline extending addition, construction lHorpZontal:Verticall behind prism defined by a 1:1 to the retained so' those the back end of the footing exist. from if these* conditions ressures. the structure. be added to the above lateral p then we should desired behind the walls. pressures backfill is earth given the wall dimensions and slope of the Also, if sloping a roprlate design will need to be 9 provide the pP backfill in order to p pressures. backfilled with walls should .be anics. and foundation no org silt Retaining draining granular soils COnthan15gpercent compacted free - The wall backfill should contain no more 4 sieve should be and no particles greater than four inches sieve diameter. or clay °f particles passing the No. The percentage Compaction of backfillnohlaamege between 25 and 70 percent. to uirements is not retaining waTheshpu�ppSelifZtheebackfilllrequ wall is the wall. n criteria for the retaining behind of hydrostatic pressure other assure that the desig to support walks or exceeded because of a build-up consist of clean sand the wall. Where the backfill is compact in the slabs, we recommend that the backfill these soils will and gravel as this soil would be easiplso� eighteen prism than siltier soils The top foot to excavation p, e behind the wall• consist of a relatively provide draina9 backfill should awed. inches of the loll, or the surface should be p impermeable soil or top sU DRAD "G base of all drains at the water We recommend the use of footing drains Roof and surfaces stem. footings and earth retaining at least six inches drains must be kept separate from the foby undation drben wrapped The footing drains should be surr°Theeao k should 1gON, Supac eotextile filter fabric (It point, the perfor- of one -inch -minus washed roc hest point, of with non -woven g At the hig bottom yNp or similar material)- at least as low as the sloped for 4NP. pipe invert should be ace and it should be P this atedthe footing and/or crawl sP drain detail is attachedsu°table drainage. A typical footing of All drains should discharge to a the report as Plate 6 or be tightlined to the bottom discharge facility, slope. GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. JN 89482 Bill & Diane Pielow Page 8 February 9, 1990 The excavation and site should be graded so that surface water is directed off the site and away from the tops of slopes. Water should not be 'allowed to stand in any area where buildings, slabs, or pavements are to be constructed. During construction, loose surfaces should be sealed at night by compacting the surface soils to reduce the infiltration of rain into the soils.' The slopes should be covered with plastic. Final site grading in areas adjacent to buildings should be sloped at least two percent away from the building, except where the area adjacent to the }building is paved. Groundwater was observed during the excavation of the test pits. Seepage into a,foundation excavation is possible, and if encountered, the water should be drained away from the site by use of drainage ditches, perforated pipe or French drains, or by pumping from sumps interconnected by shallow connector trenches at the bottom of the excavation. F"CMAU-0N-S nntn ST.Q s In no case should excavation slopes be steeper or greater than the limits specified in local, state, and national government safety regulations. Temporary cuts to a depth of four feet in unsaturated soils may be attempted vertical. For slopes having a height greater than four (4) feet, the cut should have an inclination no steeper (Horizontal:Vertical) from the top of the slope to the bottom of the excavation. It should be noted that excavate antralopes often cave suddenly and without warning.Utility co should be made especially aware of this potential danger. , All permanent cut slopes into the native soils should be inclined no steeper than 3:1 (H:V). Fill slopes should also not exceed 3:1 (H:V). Water should not be allowed to flow uncontrolled over the top of any slope. Also, all permanently opriate species of exposed slopes should be seeded with an appr vegetation to reduce erosion and improve stability of the surficial layer of soil. SITE PR EPA v "fT^ r ^�F RAL EARTHWORfj We recommend that the building and pavement areas be stripped and cleared of all surface vegetation, all organic matter. existing fills, and any other deleterious material. Stripped materials should be removed from the site or. if The desired. stockpiled for later use in landscaping. pp GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. Bill & Diane Pielow February 9, 1990 JN 89482 Page 9 •/ materials should not be mixed with any materials to be used as structural fill. structural fill is defined as any fill placed under buildings, pavements, walkways, or other areas where the underlying soils need to support loads. Geotech Consultants, Inc. should observe site conditions prior to fill placement. The surficial site soils are moisture -sensitive and can become soft when wet and disturbed. We recommend that, if possible, the site preparation and earthwork be performed in the normally dry season of the year when earthwork would generally be less expensive and require less effort. Structural fill under floor slabs should be placed in horizontal lifts and compacted to a density equal to or greater than 95 percent of the maximum dry density in accordance with ASTM Test Designation D-1557-78. (Modified Proctor). The fill materials should be placed at or near the optimum moisture content. Fill under pavements and walks and behind retaining walls should also be placed in horizontal lifts and compacted to 90 percent of the maximum density except for the top twelve (12) inches which should be compacted to 95 percent of maximum density. The allowable thickness of the fill lift will depend on the material type, compaction equipment and the number of passes made to compact the lift. In no case should the lifts exceed eight (8) inches in loose thickness. Ideally, structural fill which is to be placed in wet weather should consist of a granular soil having no more than 5 percent material passing the No. 200 sieve. The percentage of particles passing the 200 sieve should be measured on that portion of the soil passing the three-quarter inch sieve. The on -site soils should not be used as structural fill. These soils are fine-grained and highly sensitive to changes in moisture and to disturbance. LIMITATIONS The analyses, conclusions and recommendations contained in' this report are based on site conditions as they existed at the time of our exploration and assume that the soils encountered in the test borings and test • pits are representative of the subsurface conditions of the site. If. during construction, subsurface conditions are found which are significantly different from those observed in the borings and GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. Bill & Diane Pielow JN 894-82 February 9, 1990 Page 10 test pits, or assumed to exist on the lot, we should be advised at once so that we can review these conditions and reconsider our recommendations where necessary. Unanticipated soil conditions are commonly encountered on construction sites and cannot be fully anticipated by merely taking soil samples in borings or test pits. Such unexpected conditions frequently require that additional expenditures be made to attain a properly constructed project. It is recommended that the owner consider providing a contingency fund to accommodate such potential extra costs and risks. This report has been prepared for specific application to this project and for the exclusive use of Mr. and Mrs. Pielow and their representatives. Our recommendations and conclusions are based on the site materials observed, selective laboratory testing and engineering analyses. The conclusions and recommendations are professional opinions derived in accordance with current standards of practice within the scope of our services and within budget and time constraints. No warranty is expressed or implied. The scope of our services does not include services related to construction safety precautions and our recommendations .are not intended to direct the contractor's methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, except as specifically described in our report for consideration in design. we recommend that this report, in its entirety, be included in the project contract documents for the information of the contractor. It 'is recommended that Geotech Consultants, Inc. provide a general review of the geotechnical aspects of the final design and specifications to verify that the earthwork and foundation recommendations have been properly interpreted and implemented in the design and project specifications. It is also recommended that Geotech Consultants, Inc. be retained to provide geotechnical consultation, testing, and observation services during construction. This is to confirm that subsurface conditions are consistent with those indicated by our exploration. to evaluate whether earthwork and foundation construction activities comply with the intent of contract plans and specifications, and to provide recommendations for design changes in the event subsurface conditions differ.from those anticipated prior to the start of construction. However, our work will not include supervision or direction of the actual work of the contractor, his GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. PUGE7T SOUND 1 t 151 sTi MEAD WHARF to GEOTECH CONSULTANTS i VICINITY MAP Lot South of 15908-75th PI. West Edmonds, Washington daG Nc.. D."' —;; 88482 2/80 N.T.S. 1 '— ?O' I tier uNe arm.- 0 . •= 8 3 Exat oracE Ao., � J 1 ©aYTnE /NFORM 1958 RfI GROUP 1 ti OLD % , l DOCI P/PPA _/ G 4 85 / �SB9'46%6f Tl TJ �/ 0 '•� C l P t0_6t / -- a3 ••w . � - I -� /�f" Av' � West _ 1 /h 7T, ty J 8 m•' � / � ro' zaI is �, • NP ^\ / NOT OPE/Y) I I a PERCENT COARSER BY WEIGHT 0 0 N A O b O a O H : 2 CC � V w W J J J Z a m h JT W 1 N h N N O Z W r w Y T;;, W 0: � W W W a J � a C. _ u � Q D W N N F- DM _ 0 $0 N w na 1- DO m m mo F 00 O O 0 ' 00 S 0 y0j N � 0 O A 0 PERCENT FINER BY WEIGHT GEOTECH CONSULTANTS GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS LOT SOUTH OF 15908 - 75TH PLACE WEST EDMONDS, WASHINGTON h0 No.r OoJi: BIr paJir 89482 2/90 JRF 8 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 F 'oe BORING 1 USCS Descriolion £/e,,O one —15' Depth Dark brown silty gravelly SAND, wet, loose (Fill) SK 10.9 1 6—Brown 3.. gravelly silty SAND, medium to coarse sand, wet, loose to medium dense SM• 31.3 2 7 JLdL 8 11 Gray sandy SILT, wet, soft to firm ---- - 9 -- 36.3 3 11 Gray silty CLAY, fractured, very moist, medium - CH stiff 35.9 4 21 Gray clayey SILT, moist — 16 23.3 5 34 Very stiff to hard 27.5 6 31 ML 27.7 7 44 29 Test boring terminated at 29 feet on 12/15/90. No groundwater observed while drilling. *Estimated elevation below road. tipGEOTECH CONSULTANTS TEST BORING LOG LOT SOUTH OF 15908 - 75TH PL. W. EDMONDS, WASHINGTON 89482 12/15/89 MKD b GORING 2 �o Elevation+-7 ' p +% F� �o oe oe �o V ' 0 � USCS Deseription Depth 0 Dark brown silty gravelly SAND, wet, loose (Fill) SM 16.0 1 6 Brown gravelly silty SAND, moist, loose 3' 5 SM• 7' 32.2 2 9 Gray silty CLAY, fractured, wet, medium —dense 10 , 38.9 3 16 Minor fracturing 15 ray clayey SILT, moist, very stiff to hard 17' 25.0 4 48 20 25 �28..1 15 I 32 30 k 26.4 16 I 40 . 35 [ 34.0 1 7 I 32 E33.18I 74 40 Two fractured zones, 1-2" thick Brown fine SAND with some silt, moist, medium — 'SP dense to dense GSM Ia:�a 39' Test boring terminated at 39 feet on 12/15/89. No groundwater observed while drilling. GEOTECH CONSULTANTS 34' TEST BORING LOG LOT SOUTH OF 15908 — 75TH PL. W. EDMONDS, WASHINGTON .mo No., ooii: [oo0•e g�, P/oio: 8 482 12 1 8 D 3 a TEST PIT 1 £levotion-15'--20'# 0 4 uscs Description 0 Brown gravelly silty SAND with occasional cobbles, wet, loose Less silt below 2 feet 5 I. Gray SILT to clayey silt, wet, firm with pieces of wood M L and rocks Gray —green silty CLAY, wet, firm to medium stiff 10 CH Heavily fractured below 11 feet Test pit terminated at 122 feet below existing grade.. 15 Moderate to heavy groundwater seepage encountered at 3 feet bduring excavation. Heavy caving 5 to 7'feet. *Estimated elevation below 75th Place West. 20 GEOTECH CONSULTANTS .i x TEST PIT LOG LOT SOUTH OF 15908 — 75TH PL. W. EDMONDS, WASHINGTON .roD No.+ Oo/e+ LopptC Br+ P/o/;: 4 TEST PIT 2 £/evolionz- USCS Description 0 - Brown gravelly silty SAND with roots, concrete, bricks, S M wood, wet, loose (Fill) Gray sandy clayey SILT with numerous railroad ties, very 5 wet, soft (Fill) Gravelly medium sand layer 4z to 5 feet MIL 10 Gray sandy clayey SILT, wet, firm, with some roots 15 Test pit terminated at 131 feet below existing grade. Heavy groundwater seepage encountered at 3 to 8 feet during excavation. Heavy caving above 8 feet. 20 0, GEOTECH CONSULTANTS 1 TEST PIT LOG LOT SOUTH OF 15908 — 75TH PL. W. EDMONDS, WASHINGTON do0 No., Dore: 1-11 of purr, 89482 12 15 89 MKD 5 u C. F- -T EAlciiT. 24;CUL.VePIT .,TLib OUTLET To >-KlebT DRAINAGE COUR156 AP- 4 TON. Kocr, RIP KA CBO 37 C 7 GTA. I t-3-5 5 A T SAD Ce. xo� 3o 313 NEW ZI, r2TORM 42 068 olip's'T 2 roeT NP-IV C5 OVeR 6;-�Jcb-T. PIPE PLIUC7 OW OLJTL.E vi OB e 71 j W 6TA 30 -t 22, 12 cr 5TA. 2(o + - CB # 40 PLLJC- r—Y.11ST Fil STA. 25 + 46, 141 RT. cwe I pp 1p=--rTl a C010' 39 A �CONNECT VlehT. cao 39 ORAotG To W*:V%, C& NEW 115" STORM 156WkP, 6p9W456�--6XIST. C-E3- ev6C- 'rvf4EFT FLU(- E:1115T PIPES Wj c7 rA, 29 + iwi WWNSCT 0 f 00 4- t PIPE 0 F5 276A145-57 -7:777�r- T:7 'j co ,/Vj, Ak Jj Iw 0 k --U Slope bock/i// away from toundotion. -" BACKF/L L See teat for requirements. WASHED ROCK 6 "min. 4 NONWOVEN GEOTEXTILE FILTER FABRIC Al GEOTECH CONSULTANTS TIGHTLINE ROOF DRAIN Do not connect /o fooling drain. VAPOR BARRIER SLAB FREE - DRAINING SAND/GRAVEL 4" PERFORATED HARD PVC PIPE Invert of least as low as fooling and/or crawl Woce. Slope to drain. Place weepboles downward. FOOTING DRAIN LOT SOUTH OF 15908 — 75TH PL. W. EDMONDS, WASHINGTON 40NO. Dare: Scoir: Roq: 6 89482 DEC 1989 N.T.S. SHEAR STRESS psi O O N N O N O O O O O ea �a ' 0 o 0 Ba O i w J 9 m m N O o ea O �B 0 a as ea •e m o 0 o 1 AM, 1 o?a. �x �0 2 a m O N F O cn 70 r N x N n N o m D O n N CD C z tR m Vl o r z J � Bill & Diane Pielow February 9, 1990 JN 89482 Page 11 employees or agents. Also, job and site safety, and dimensional measurements, will be the responsibility of the contractor. The following plates are attached and complete this report: Plate 1 vicinity Map Plates 2 - 3 Test Boring Logs Plates 4 - 5 Test Pit Logs Plate 6 Footing Drain Detail Plate 7 Triaxial Shear Results t IFS R. F/,{r�F 1P}� of 1 •ti STE10 14� i %,./OkM VON Attachments MKD/JRF:cvb Respectfully submitted, GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. �LtAirt� s Mark K. Dodds, P.E. Senior Engineer eames R. Finley, Jr. P.E. Principal GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. 7? rA 4 K 14590 s � 7 OEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. 13256 N.E. 20th St. (Northup Way), Suite 16 Bellevue, WA 98005 (206) 747-5618 February 18, 1994 FAX 747-8561 JN 89482 Deborah Falk c/c Windermere Real Estate/North Inc. 4211 - 200th Street Southwest, Suite 110 Lynnwood, Washington 98036 , j Subject: Review of Plans Proposed Falk Residence - 75th Place West Edmonds, Washington Dear Mrs. Falk: We have completed a general review of the geotechnical aspects of the plans for your proposed residence to be constructed on 75th Place West in the Meadowdale area of Edmonds. The plans we reviewed were prepared by Ronald Johnson, Architect and by Structural Design Associates, Inc. and dated December 22, 1993. The proposed plans conform to the intent of the recommendations presented in our geotechnical engineering study, prepared for Mr. and Mrs. Pielow and dated February 7, 1990. The house is designed to be supported on heavily reinforced concrete piers which will protect the structure from shallow earth movement. The piers are reinforced with steel beams and designed to cantilever 15 feet. Based on the site grading plans, we recommend that the steel beams should be 35 feet in length. The piers should be installed using auger -cast methods, as outlined in our February 9, 1990 geotechnical report. In accordance with the City of Edmonds' requirements, the following statement is made: In our judgement, the plans conform to the recommendations in our geotechnical engineering study report, and the risk of damage to the proposed development, or to adjacent properties, from soil instability on this site will be minimal following construction subject to the conditions set forth in the report. The use of the word "minimal° should not be taken to imply that there is no risk but rather that the risk is low as construction on, or close to, a slope always involves some risk. This site is in a known slide area. The design recommendations should protect the structure from soil creep and ,� shallow movement. It is not possible to protect a house from large-scale movement which Deborah Falk February 18, 1994 JN 89482 Page 2 could involve other properties. The design recommendations given in our report are consistent with those used for other new residences constructed in the vicinity. The proposed development will not increase the potential for soil movement. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service on this project. If you have any questions, or if we may be of further service, please do not hesitate to contact us. JFR:dew cc: Ron Johnson Respectfully submitted, GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. �''~T�, i";r•r O ,gyp bt EXPIRES 8 / 17 / 75 James R. Finley, Jr., P.E. Principal QEOTECN CONSULTANTS, INC. USE � CITY OF EDMONDS ZONE Z0 NUMBER SEJaL - CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION JOB SUITEiAPTq OWNER NAME .NAME OF BUSINESS ADDRESS , \ qC[ ., LEGAL DESCRIPTION CHECK SUBDIVISION NO. LID NO. (��f w MAILING ADDRES�j _f/ '�� '...� �L J 411 O !� Is /-\i.. �t"'��-�� �"�`�`�"��'' PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY PER OFFICIAL STREET MAP. TESCPApproved O CITY ZIP TELEPHONE NUMBER �? RW Permit Required IN 37 EXISTING REQUIRED DEDICATION— Street Use Permit Req'd 0 '•-••--f�'�"Yi-�'r%'t•-'� !X li C.3 C7 J �-' Inspection Required PROPOSED _ NAME I Sidewalk Required METE 41ZE,, LINE YJE NO. OF FIRES PRV REQUIRED Q rADDRESS ) , - n. - - YFX NO ❑ 3 U ! (J oc may^_ d (�(: •/� C / v ^f r'� REMARKS (9 ZIP TELEPHONE NUMBER ({��!_`�4 �r Z < CITY, . r Z NAME Y 7//1I?T/mJ Jf'b>Sys /AID/' u77 ^ � 4 r: ' �j - ccADDRESS �-dL / �•. ENGINEERING MEMO DATED,"- `. REV( ED BY /gam :� FCITY ZIP TELEPHONE NIIM9ER U `%(/ 3-0? �— D ? 7 - FIRE MEMO DATED REVIEWED BY W STA E LICENSE NUMBER EXPIRATION DATE LL SIGN AREA SEPA REVIEW ADB Legal Description of Property -include all easements ALLOWED ROPO,SED COMPLETE EXEMPT L l� SHO LI (11 F EXP a VARIANCE OR CU LA G W BY DATE o�yY1.r rIf r s, J SETBACK e— F ET HEIGHT LOT COVE A(aE ? a FRONT 4- '2 SIDE ' REAR L. _J Pro rty n ., PTax arcel No. Account �� 0 f 7 0 Q .3 � REMARKS cf g ESIDENTIAL ® YLUMBING �EI ADDITION FJ COMMERCIAL ® MECHANICAL t7 f G 9MI REMODEL APT. BLDG. SIGN rE "5rvjv9nv.%1 AoAlp- ❑ Gij�4�� FENCE C EKED Y� TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION COD OCCUPANT <�� GRO REPAIR CYDS. L_x_FT) _ WOODSTOVE SWIM POOL S ECIAL INSPECTOR AREA / M OCCUPA T DEMOLISH INSERT HOT TUB/SPA. REQUIRED YES 20zil LOAD rVJ GARAGE RETAINING WALL/ RENEWAL REMARKS CARPORT � ROCKERY � . o PROGRESS INSPECTIONS PER UBC 305 (TYPE OF USE. BUSINESS OR ACTIVITY) EXPLAIN: Z Lu 8 NUMBER NUMBER OF CRITICAL0 OF AREAS In STORIES UNITS DWELLING %% NUMBER DESCRIBE WORK TO BE DONE (ATTACH PLOT PLjN) w P4, 7It C�CT r� FINAL INSPECTION REQUIRED �Zt)?• `/i l / 4^ . VALUATION FEE /,^�.►A^�! ✓ !/ (/ PLAN CHECK FEE Gl z C'�i�i4D�/1►'+ Zlb Cy6js zJ BUILDING HE T/SQOURCE: GLAZING Gv/ r� `D e i .. PLUMBING / Plan Check No. '�� MECHANICAL This Permit covers work to be done on private properly ONLY. GRADINGIFILL. Any construction on the public domain (curbs, sidewalks, driveways, marquees, etc.) wilt require separate permission. STATE SURCHARGE Permit Application: 180 Days Permit Limit: 1 Year - Provided Work is Started Within 180 Days STORM DRAINAGE FEE 30 "Applicant, on behalf of his or her spouse, heirs, assigns and ENO. INSPECTION FEE 3 u) successors in interest, agrees a to indemnify, defend and hold Y W harmless the City of Edmonds, Washington, its officials, employees, and agents from any and all claims for damages of /'`• a whatever nature, arising directly or indirectly from the Issuance = of this permit. Issuance Of this permit shall not be deemed to PLAN CHECK DEPOSIT? ` modify, waive or reduce any requirement of any city ordinance = nor limit in any way the City's ability to enforce any ordinance TOTAL AMOUNT DUE provision." I hereby acknowledge thataveread this s application; that the Information given is correct;t; Ih and that I am the owner, or the duly ATTENTION APPLICATION APPROVAL. authorized agent of the owner. I agree to comply with city and THIS PERMIT This application is not a permit unfit state laws regulating construction; and in doing the work authoriz- AUTHORIZES ed thereby, no person will be employed In violation of the Labor ONLY THE signed by the Building Official or his/her Code of the State of Washington relating to Workmen's Compensa- WORK NOTED Deputy; and tees are paid, and receipt is tion Insurance and RCW 18.27. INSPECTION acknowledged in space provided. SIGNATURE (OWNER OR AGENT) DATE SIGNED DEPARTMENT f A. CITY OF OF AL' S GNA URE ATE 4­1EDMONDS CALL FOR �EuPs DATE ATTENTION INSPECTIONui� IT IS UNLAWFUL TO USE OR OCCUPY A BUILDING OR STRUCTURE Oww UNTIL A FINAL 771a.110-INSPECTION HAS BEEN MADE AND APPROVAL OR ORIGINAL — File YELLOW — Inspector 61-1, 4111r-11�s RECORD OF INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR DATE APPROVED SETBACKS ........... ....... FOUNDATION: Footing ...................... 1> Wall....................... rr Pier/Porch ................ Retaining Wall ............ Stab Insulation ............ PLUMBING: Underground ............. Rough -In ............... Commercial Final ........ HEATING: Gas Test ................. Gas Piping ................ Equipment—, .............. Commercial Final......... EXTERIOR SHEATHING NAILING .................. FRAMINT-0 G................... • INSULATION:. Floor Irksulation ............. UAW — Wall Insulation ....... -�=22 2— cc" Ceiling Insulation......... SHEIETROCK NAILING SPECIAL INSPECTION ...... RADON MONITOR AT SITE. FINAL APPROVAL Vol" - FOR OCCUPANCY P/k- ".4 7-77 1otp U U �excavat on o t he t; , Tlghtlln f draln§ f" ho e ooting w4 durrncj� rom Use epk e,.! 4'0t� a-, "I se a Wa ter ah'j�ujct, All downspout drains are to be tightlined UM Um exoMOtion-o, is- peis'' 100 saves de- Sm g ch, U)" . , , a rd ra1449e ditche�. a Wa rom h i�e go syptem'.4 rl perforated. Run tP the ppproypo st ,prr gone, 0 rom 41 Wilpu­ C'� dr4j, tom Q the A liow 1.4al a t tho 60 i I r .0 01 Contractor to consult soils r 'U q Uf Ivul 14 eport for site stability durIng­a6d;` eroS con ro 11' 9 Mainta a w. A dtig- th4 Or ft$46, e t I ng tot,.,. in healthy ve 'et' tion on'' slop for risk from small scale landslides. Insc6 U oxcavat-ii e remainInj lot 6e64 s6ch,, Id. ter to a yard drain a v eoper. th'' c . i "a Ite ollect surface wa tightline to stdr6dr nd an(l::'na i o 4overniAent In ri �Ve U16d (tic Ilk 'O.� a VIQ 410 �W "­4-;d6PtW,9f, fourtj cat, jn Provide and maintain temporary Ve PedIm entatl on co.ec in P PVU al'draloage' t: should sediment: laden water does not enter natur th CAlt Ic it. facilities must be� in per� operation prior t than e n nd building cons rljct o cl and satisfactorily -maintained- until c' onstructl el"stdoto 0. the P16 �e t o t1j6 ..on and landi64ping. cowdi on has passed potentiftl.for on site erosi `b d .:,, 0: 4 4"' .1 . .1. t ­ ., , , re and,vIL,tt v,�r and it -that �ncavated rning, tit,11t especially av be should AU, anger,.,,,, Potential, d L ula ho lowed �to flow all ap of jN 6,11,62- 04�TEP -7 1110 &%. M0 OP:. Alao.i all.parmanentl 21,=U 14 h�9 a a�t Cf qqt.. V40 UMUAW Thxm the u4 ItI r000 be. atri,pped . . . . . . . . . . . tht ppa* v09*,09t n 411 or 4nic matter, 46 41t i*4h'0Y 46M 0 atiel any, at 40r aStripped kpiled f Or n The, utripped aaed tunder - �ttu ij d i n Underlyin� nd, a r,. V 0 AccMnt. 15urti , r, 1 t4: go coin' U: Wor We Ur;X"Q .10 anunuour�iy throu h ro- 1U, P 11t.4 xt iiir#cn P ''IPUTRped - C tioo and. 'hdr wn,. Thezate �o �wioxhdrawa1'i� h u d Vo?kr when J--t f Of woV;-q ,Vente. r a I y I he ,.q r gut Souro .4t the PM effort. 9 orh 50 `h6 Pump IT .,that grout; -ro vgiq�j TVrA,':) CE TOO. inch di4metar.; '410 an a avoll LV 54 bQ assuafed. Piers, a 4; �j --4 r -enter coa�e t f or, dw can be., innon, �� - . ­ Vt er ocapikit AS FW(j M H to �4 4z, Y Lf -rj r L FTWI �J' F 0 4 10V otii fit ( 00 -sp hu %mill iepe, t d 6. pie" SUS-Z W?i 1041, M*air U th t th th k if init tan, J14' 4&' -.Jpi I i r nce ide jiieral pacit prie are Cal par, P sit �%,Consu tant-s + rsonne�,,, shou 0, b' b As,de cof�ple servoe. atlon d OF bser�, ested 'it iq im orrai4t to -�.gxooun ca nn to � be 110 W and F�x)TT'Pq n a tars tied,perald" t, ver4- voot (ZI cluaAtt 70 d- un S c i icat ons.. nough d r ta cts 4f ntr tor Var Jance,; f rom ,,xnv, 3.: an r ula'. S'ai s conta�nin fe uld b d' (k ' bacikf Iled Piduld c n 1, bal�kf ].I I, 91 orqarii�s,, b rcent. stit SL y, and no. er.thah four i h ntage:of-'' ng 41e, No. een,,;25.and -?0 porcent,-' + r Comp 'behind th6 4 damage li ning wal4ishoiad,, ut]: T iOdr pose f Ah backfiIj requir" ents is to wal-1--is that the*q� f because ot-- tic prePsure behind pf. a bl er/#/ the backfill. is �,,* , alp p 5, or other Poo r c ean recotwnd sand ould b ris; a' er . f . 2 o( pact in'.. the gr ave 1 0 this a il t w 6 t .Ad c an se S,bils Wil .1 tD SL6(1: r �VW6­ d'ain eighteen, f FUTC�l s. 11 --0 STE'tul Nk, th sh� d T , ackfil�`,- consist o Iativelyl Or­toPsOil. or the.surfo�ce'r < ep W V0 , r /40 A74 7'- e -;of'foatin drain.9"' at the Pase of all e us Lor an ar th, s, water goof aIid surface un( n-d 0 kepti',"zepartte fr the f latko . 1, 1 .1 1 1 1 1 i i I ; 170 SnOU Ia' De, our of4ndi b tingi rains, a C� Y. a 5 - -S,o' = 141,;% 7 alit sin to + t 4 ro6k,,. The'rock,.q4ould -be T ap od­-'i UPaC:.;,.. *7 M b5 0 n':geotextile,filter f br P --4/ rT - Z, G lot �A 'bl 51 + 'V� 1 - If.,� 4 0 N * 0 a *nvert,�l should be, 44 for ilak.'aterial). At thea at,, the,per po? M of LL rmK\,r owj ACCEPTABLE' a least, 40, 16w a tbd: botto TI�HT iNS MATERIAL for, ;W hE 6b 0 drain' detail /io:att4cbed eo, this FILL Sch 40 PMO ,and/or'�crawl —and i it sh d be -oloped-, `,'tolpoting sp4ck rt.,��os -,Plate 6. All droins s,11ou'ld disoharge to a suitat)i SDR 35 (ASTNI D3034) ar IV_- n IpC WQMMjfjjjQ r.: hp t i oribot I i nari' a haii et'.;' -ilit ED MU 7VI:4 W I V !274! D JAN 1 7 1991', � - � ilu'-1:1 I .'1�11% I� I � �, ANU- TA $1 ­ �"4i�pt,t�;-^,,,,. J�11;0,1�� ml� T� ''If"I'% � I, , : ,,, 1" "J,:]`P;4,'��-,,.�- �, �" I I '1� , . �­.­,­�, I , �N U. . ­� .Wgi . ." � , V, - . .� ,:1 '. , I I .. � Q'� . � ; ., ; . "I,, , � - , .. - � Q,, 0 'If -0., t - ''. . " , . � z 1: i�, t !�'.:,ii�,* � ... 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PHONE: 776—•3935 MOUNTLAKE TERRACES WA. 98043 chain link -fence I 32.57 1 retaining wa11 aj NW 1/4, SW 1/4 �u 6 5—27—4' �"�' RADIUS 5258.60 r C U R V E D A T A ANGLE i CHORD 1 CHD.BRG. ; 0056' S2" 1 90.04 1 S 09055' 15" W f TANGENT 1 ARC LEN. 45.02 1 90.04 I' r Norma' each J y �.s I t\ • �1 I sitk �j Meado>dale (!�� B9'Q2L'_9iS jk '$a y VIC- INITY MAP SCALE: 1" = 2000' v -P� 1r< 1 0+00 cpete driv 1co 20.211 62.1 2 [I I side electric j sewer ,_meters , MH#42 "�'.i w ter meter 1 1 de ' 65.36 11 ' ail setup �1 utility pole GS 9 ; /t .94 �1 CB asphalt 67. 4 I1 ' 1 l inv.= I , 60.51 1 C t (t! asphalt v 68.26 't o p 1.. asphalt t N • .jd1 pavement o m 0 1 /01 Z I�� N �l 1 � !1 I� 1 asphalt Q side sewer V) 3-87 ' '!� 160 feet I North of ' MH#42 1 21 LF 2'deep 1 t I 1 ' N 880 9' 43" W 1 asphalt ' 71.24 1 ' CB -9V1 �inv. _40 7 2.51 l• ` 20 20 >F k '3 - 5"- `? 3 .Job No. 9312 3--5--93 Sheet 3. /* 1 58.1 ry do ` rI ^ V Y{I Id 4 tfQr WYA W, owl . ..... top! 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