735 15TH ST SW (2).pdf;� N �� ��, ,, ;k :, .. rl � 1 i i ; b { �jh�yti,Ma} fak'.�F'��i'�r+M4���. a )4rt� t ... �� .. CITY OF EDMONDS APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT APPLICANT: ,qi.dney M. Bishop ADDRESS: DATE: 3 - t &2— FEE: RECT #: APO'S: FILE #:—!G jl `/� HEARING DATE(IF REQUIRED): 735 15th St. $.Wo " PHONE: Indicate type or degree of interest in the property;Owner OWNER: Same ADDRESS: Same 778-3091 PHONE: Same Use Zone„ - ,� -.. (To be completed by Planning Department) VICINITY SKETCH: PLEASE SHOW BEL014 A VICINITY SKETCH AS PER EXAMPLE, INDICATING NORTH. Example: 5� 4 � LOCtOM aF 8We AT)F- INDICATE TYPE OF BUSINESS AND DETAILS OF PROPOSED USAGE: �Operation and maintenance of a professional office associated with off- remises sate of ewe and other articles of Asian origin: gt- cloisonne, table cloths, etc Merchandise will not be stored, displayed, or sold on the remises. This sma 11 business will be conducted on a part time basis onlye RELEASE/HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT The undersigned applicant, his heirs and assigns, in consideration for the City processing the application agrees to release, indemnify, defend and hold the City of Edmonds harmless from any and all damages and/or claims for damages, including reasonable attorneys' fees, arising from any action or inaction of the City whenever such action or inaction is based in whole or in part upon false, misleading or incomplete information furnished by the applicant, his agents or employees. PERMISSION TO ENTER SUBJECT PROPERTY The undersigned applicant grants his, her or its permission for public officials and the staff of the City of Edmonds to enter the subject property for the purpose of inspection and posting attendant to this application. 4 4Rorepres ture App cant, Owner tative A APPLICATION FOR HOME OCCUPATION QUESTIONNAIRE Please anwer all questions. 1. Explain the type work that will be conducted at the home. Mork on =anises will entail and be limited to norma office_ functions such as correspondence, billing, and'madntaining records required by city, county' state, rand f2deral ra==tions - 2. What area of the home will be used? One room converted from .a dpar&.bsdroft into a library, den and family record kapine center severa? y8a _;igo wilt be nsaed for record E?.r2G.g.ss-Ing, accomti�¢. and storage. 3. Will anyone be employed at the home besides yourself? If yes, please explain who and when employed? Iry wife, Rosemary Bishop, will participate in this joint venture. No other persons will be employed or engage in the activities coducted on the premises. 4. What type of equipment will be used in conjunction with the home occupation? Standard office equipment, such as a file cabinet, adding machine, typewriter, and tolephone. o,so s ca equipment viu be usede 5. Will there be any visits to the home by clients, employees, delivery service, etc? If so, how many, when, etc? No 6. Will you be selling or renting any goods on the premises? If so, what sort of goods? No 7. Do you understand the conditions which must be met in order to obtain and continue to use a home occupation permit? Yes S. Can you identify any adverse impacts on your neighborhood which may result from your operating the home occupation you propose? Please explain. Icannot foresee any adverse impact on the neighborhood, K� ... ...'p it.YJi�tFlcearMY..rvv.anae.v... �r:e•rnr'u+w+.>++. v��.rn.sw..nvs.^r ..am.t � .r.. v ..., .... .M.r. .�,... J-.�.: -......h'.^Y' ^-'lk:C. .... k k] AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON } ss. COUNTY OF SNOHOMISH ) Fail FILE N0. CU—J-32 APPLICANT SIDNEY BISHOP MARYANNE TOWNSEND being first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: That on the /5'� day of -4 =J'L-- ,19 the attached Notice of Public Hearing was mailed as required to adjacent property owners, the names of which were provided by the applicant. Signed�`,s. .vs� Mal Subscribed and sworn to before me this__,��day of 19� 0 Notary Public a� for the. State of Wa 'ngt Residing at Ij Er>Mom Ds � WA 996-2--0 Lr 6"r z_ M= E, SctTz -z.79 .. D AA --s nt n c /01 } 9n 7 n 4 T t.- , . \ F|LE NO. APPLICANT . � om ' AFFIDAVIT OF POSTER ` STATE OF WASHINGTON ) , > ss. ` COUNTY OF SNOHOM|SH ) HANK LEWIS being first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: ' r*� AA� ^ f ^ That on the / y 1 ,�~~^_ the attached Notice of Public Hearing was posted as prescribed by Ordinance, ^� and In any event, in the Post Office and Civic Center, and where applic- able, '. � Signed ' ' 'SmbscrYbed and sworn to before me thIay of� 1 ` _ _ Notary Publi and for the.6ate 9,f Washington residing a _ +'K i THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS HAS MADE THE FOLLOWING }ir,ETERMINATION: '7 i TO GRANT PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OFA HOME, OC......ON......T,FOR,A,,,,, . x1` '' . ......... ... ... .. , CE,ASSOCIATEIi WITH OFF PREMISE SALE OF ,IMPORTED zAROFESSIANAL OFFS .. .... ,.......... ' " ' ';GOOKS. THIS APPROVAL; Wil_L,BEGOME FINAL ON, MARCH•Z6�,Z :UN�ESS�r* .... . STA1 I NG , REA30NS, , I S F i LED W I �N , THE P,LANN I NG, A WRITTEN APPEAI.j.. • r 4�-• PARTMENT BY',MA�:CH, ,9�Z .............................. PROPERTY ADDRESS OR DESCRIPTION:... 735.15TH. ATRUT . $, W.• ................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................... I .................................... ........... . ............ ..................................................................... FILE #.. CU -18-82 POSTED.. MARCH ,15 , 1982 ANY PERSON WISHING TO APPEAL THIS DECISION MUST DO SO IN WRITING, CITING REASONS, TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY MARCH 25. 1932 (10 DAYS FROM POSTING DATE) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE FROM THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT AT 505 BELL STREET. (775-2525) THIS POSTER MAY 113E REMOVED AFTER..................MARCH..26,..19$2.......................................... ....... The removal, mutilation, destruction, or is concealment of this notice prior to the a au date above is a misdemeanor punishable by 8 fine and imprisonment. THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS HAS MADE THE FOLLOWING DETERMINATION: TO GRANT PRELIMINARY APPROVAL,OF A,NOME OCCUPATION, PERMIT,FOR,A......... ....PROFESSIONAL OFFICE ..ASSOCIATED WITH,OFF PREMISE SALE OF,IMPORTED........ ....GOODS , THIS ,APPROVAL WILL BECOME ,FINAL ON MARCH 26,,1982 .U.N..ESS.. , .... ... A,WRITTEN ,APPEAL, STATING REASONS, IS Fil�ED WITH SHE Pt_A(Vfi)iNG.. , ....... . ....��PRTt�IENT BY MARCH5, 19 :.............................................. PROPERTY ADDRESS OR DESCRIPTION:... 735.15TH. AT.RUT .Saw.• ................... . .. .............................. CU -18-82 POSTED.. MARCH .15: ,1982 FILE# ............... ANY PERSON WISHING TO APPEAL THIS DECISION MUST DO SO IN WRITING, CITING REASONS, TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY MARCH 25.- 1982 (10 DAYS FROM POSTING DATE) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE FROM THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT AT 505 BELL STREET. (775-2525) THIS POSTER MAY BE REMOVED AFTER.................. H..2266MARC,,..„ 198a.,.......,o,,,,,,,,,o,,,,,,,,,,,,„,,. ....... H , ,,,..... The removal, mutilation, destruction, or ME& EL 1111 concealment of this notice prior to the MOK date above is a misdemeanor punishable by W A K NINAP” ® fine and imprisonment. + CITY �� I�879ii0 ONDS VARVE N. HARRISON CIVIC CENTER • EDMONDS, WASHINGTON 98020 • (206) 775.2525 MAYOR I COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 4 DATE: March 15, 1982 TO: Sidney Bishop 4 735 15th Street S.W. . Edmonds, WA 98020 TRANSMITTING: STAFF FINDINGS HOME OCCUPATION and NOTICE OF DECISION RE: CU -18-82 AS YOU REQUESTED: FOR YOUR INFORMATION: xx AS WE DISCUSSED: FOR APPROVAL: FOR YOUR FILE: REVIEW AND COMMENT: 7 COMMENT AND RETURN: MINUTES OF MEETING: REMARKS: PLANNING DIVISION i 3 ,0 CITY OF EDMONDS STAFF FINDINGS HOME OCCUPATION FILE NUMBER: CU -18-82 APPLICANT: Sidney Bishop ? ADDRESS: 735 15th Street S.W. TYPE OF HOME OCCUPATION REQUESTED: Professional office associated with off premise sale of imported goods. REVIEWED BY: Hank Lewis POSTED: March 15, 1982 4 AREA USED: Spare bedroom. EMPLOYMENT: Mr. and Mrs. Bishop only. EQUIPMENT USED: Basic small office equipment., x TRAFFIC: No clients, salespersons or delivery service to home. } r NO SALE OR RENT OF COMMODITIES: None. NOISE, DUST, ODOR, SMOKE: None. SIGN: No. ADDITIONAL APPLICANT COMMENTS: -This business is part-time and will involve the operation and maintenance of a office associated with off -premise sale of jewelry & other articles of Asian origin, e.g. cloisonne,table cloths, etc. No merchandise will be displayed , stored or solo on the premises. ** HOME OCCUPATION APPROVED: Preliminary WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: As stated above. HOME OCCUPATION DENIED: FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: ** DECISION FINAL ON: This decision will become final on March 26, 1982, unless a written appeal, stating reasons, is filed with the Planning Department by March 25, 1982. N