22222 98TH AVE W.PDF1111111111111115563
22222 98TH AVE W
N-..0 .W r-ra....
n ...... .. .
the .informataon sh®
van on the attached
map(s) was comp
iced for use by the City 01
Ergp l.oyees and Consultants.
ands does not
Th,e City o:� Edna. .
-� anything set f�r,th �owarrant the
n these
accuracy o�
rnap(s). A n y pe
rson or entity -requesting a
should conduct an independent
copy s _ .
regarding the information shown c
Inquiry .
tFi-�e map(s), including, but not limited to,
the loca
tion of any sewer stub shown, Su(
sewer stubs bs aor maynot exist and mae
®r may
not exist at the location shown.
N e i
. ith'e; the City of Edmonds nor its
__ ` _.�ye s of of i.ce�rs .s.h-a-1-1 be 1--i a.b_i..e or th
this snap(s), nor for
information given. on
any one representation provided based
on said map(s')a
CIVIC CENTER • EDMONDS, WASHINGTON 98020 • (206) 775.2525
January 13, 1978
Mr. Cliff Harshman
Olympic View Water District
23725 Edmonds Way
Edmonds, Washington 98020
Dear Cliff:
Per your request, and in reference to our letter
of December 22, 1977, we are notifying you of receipt of
payment for the connection fee on property at 22222 98th
Avenue West by Pat Mackay. You are hereby requested to
issue the side -sewer permit in connection with this pro-
Yours very truly,
Director of Public Works
\) 4— 1 I 1 L h a
Asst. C.E. I Ut. A min Sdc. Dt.
CIVIC CENTER • EDMONDS, WASHINGTON 98020 • (206) 775-2525
December 22, 1977
Mr. Cliff Harshman
Olympic View Water District
23725 Edmonds Way
Edmonds, Washington 98020
Dear Cliff:
Confirming conversations with Dick Allen, there are four
properties within unincorporated Snohomish County and the
Olympic View Water District that will be connecting to an
Edmonds sewer line. The property includes the houses at
2.2,2:22 98th Avenue 'West and 22224 98th Avenue West, and two
vacant lots to the west.' Pat McKay is proposing to build
two new houses in the near future. The sewer main was in-
stalled -in 9th Avenue just prior to the street being installed.
A lateral was installed extending beyond the sidewalk area.
Based upon our calculations, this property will be required
to pay to the City of Edmonds an amount of $1,959.50 as reim-
bursement for their portion of the sewer main .constructed in
9th Avenue by the City of Edmonds. It is, therefore, requested
that you only issue the side -sewer permits to these houses and
lots when notified of the payment of the above -stated fee to the
City of Edmonds.
RHA : j ac
AssFt. C.E. Dt.
Yours very truly,
Director of Public Works
i Sec. t.
.. .
CIVIC CENTER • EDMONDS, WASHINGTON 98020 • (206) 775-2525
December 22, 1977
Mr. Cliff Harshman
Olympic View Water District
23725 Edmonds Way
Edmonds, Washington 98020
Dear Cliff:
Confirming conversations with Dick Allen, there are four
properties within unincorporated Snohomish County and the
Olympic View Water District that will be connecting to an
Edmonds sewer line. The property includes the houses at
22222 98th Avenue West and 22224 98th Avenue West, and two
vacant lots to the west. Pat McKay is proposing to build
two new houses in the near future. The sewer main was in-
stalled in 9th Avenue just prior to the street being installed.
A lateral was installed extending beyond the sidewalk area.
Based upon our calculations, this property will be required
to pay to the City of Edmonds an amount of $1,959.50.as reim-
bursement for their portion of the sewer main constructed in
9th Avenue by the City of Edmonds.. It is, therefore, requested
that yo issue the side -sewer permits to these houses and lots
1_._._..subj-e�t-*o the payment of the above -stated fee to the City of
r ` Yours very truly,
d7 v�
Director of Public Works
RHA : j a c
Ass' . C.E.. Dt. lec. Dt
i � o
Date nPCPm},• 99
MEMO TO: John B. Mitchell
Water/Sewer Superintendent
FROM: Richard H. Allen
Assistant City Engineer
Legal Description: (see attached)
Two vacant lots, and
Commonly known as: 22222 98th Avenue W.
22224 98th Avenue W.
Z.F.F. Calculation:
( 175.95) Z.F.F. x ( 10.00 ) _ $ 1,759.50
( 1 ) Lateral x ( 100.00 ) _ $ 100.00
( 4 ) Unit(s) x ( $25 ) _ $ 100.00
$ 1,959.50
Owner: Pat McKay
Connection Fee
Lateral Charge
Trunk Charge
'b U
• Leif R. Larson, P.E.
Director of Public Works
CC: Owner/
5 / 0
CIVIC CENTER • EDMONDS, WASHINGTON 9802", (206) 775-2525
December 22, 1977
Mr. Cliff Harshman
Olympic View Water District
23725 Edmonds Way
Edmonds, Washington 98020
Dear Cliff:
Confirming conversations with Dick Allen, there are four`
properties within unincorporated Snohomish County and the
Olympic View [,later District that will be connecting to an
Edmonds sewer line. The property includes the houses at
22222 98th Avenue West and 22224 98th.Avenue West, and two
vacant lots to the west. Pat McKay is proposing to build
two new houses in the near future. The sewer main was in-
stalled in 9th Avenue just prior to the street being installed.
A lateral was installed extending beyond the sidewalk area.
Based upon our calculations, this property will be required
to pay to the City of Edmonds an amount of $1,959.50 as reim-
bursement for their portion of the sewer main constructed in
9th Avenue by the City of Edmonds. It is, therefore, requested
that you only issue the side -sewer permits to these houses and
lots when notified of the payment of the above -stated fee to the
City of Edmonds.
RHA : j a c
Yours very truly,
Director of Public Works
0 A.. 0 '
Wilflarn H. Rob-artSAAND SURVEYING
6225 - 67TH AVENUE N.E., MARYSVILLE, WASHINGTON 98270 •/ PH. 659.5489
Lot ' Y
A portion of the South half OF Ulock , o;.irLnei's ;to-nes"Lead Plat,
accocdi_n^ to the play: thereof ns recorc;ed in volu^:e 1. of plats on
pate 97, records of Snohomish,County, i;ashin`ton, described as
Beginning at the South,cest corner of ::.aicl Block 3; thence S 39' 5G' 09" E alon^
the South line_ thereof for 197.90 feet; thence fi 10° 40' 21" L for 36.42 feet;
thence N 10' 41' 31" E for 24.47 feet; thence N 20° 59' 4V Efor ',3.91 feet; thence
S 8+° 10' 39*'W for 81.74 feet; thence S 33' 43' 25" for 35.02 feet; thence
h 5,39' 53' 28" 14.f.or 120.0 feet to the pest .line of said Block 3; thence South
53.n,y .feet to the true point of beginninZ.
Together with to interest for ingress, egress and utilil_ies, over, urieer and across
the following described parcel:
Commencing at the SouLh�--est corner of said Block 3; thence North along the West.
li�ie of said Block 3 for 53.09 feet to the true point of beginning; thence con-
tinue North alone, said :lest line for 30.0 feet to a.point 83.0 feet South of
the Norte line of the South half of said Bloc:; 3;'thence S 39° 53' 28" E for
140.0 feet; thence S 33° 43' 25" (.' for 35.02 feet;. thence N 39' 5.3' 28" W for
120,0 feet to the true point of beginning.
•Said parcel subject to an easement for insial.lation and maintenance of a W sC'ei:
line to service Lot 1. and Lot 2 of Short SXib-Division.
Sub;=-ct to maintenance a?reement as per Exl,-,V�it "A".
Also subject to an ease ieiit `of i.itstallation, and maintenance of a Se'v)Cr line
over, under and across the follo`:,7ini.� lesc_'ibed parcel:
Coi,i:;encing at the ;SW corner of szi..i T. Block 3; thence 'orth aiongtr-.is e ,'et line
thereof for 83.09 feet; thence S 39' 53' 2"' E for V 0.0 feet to t:,e point o`.
berinni.ng; thence N 84' 10' 39" E for 31.74 feet; the,uce S 20" 5V 4"" W for
or o 1 " r. 1 " .60 feet; thence S 8LrE 18 39 ;1 ,ocr, 33.3 fee
t; eet; ther.cF N 33° 43 2 5� E f o r
5.47 feet to tie point ,of be?:ina�in".
6225 • 67TH AVENUE N.E., MARYSVILLE, WASHINGTON 98270 / PH. 659.5489
Lot 3
portion of the South hal IF of Block 3, I'Ourtner's Homestead Plat,
according Lo the plat thereof as recorde in volume i of plats on
page 97, records of Snohomish County, Washi.acton, described as follows:
Com-mencing at the Southwest corner of. said Klock 3; thence S 89° 50'
09" E along the South line thereof for 197.90 feet; ttlence 'N' 10° 40' 21" E for
36.42 feet; thence N 10° 41' 31" r for Tr -.--",feet; thence N 2C,' 59' 43" E for
33.91 feet to the true pout of beginning; L'.;ence continue N 20° 19' 48" E for
80.0 feet to the North line of the sail South half of Klock 3; thence N 89° 53'
28" 14 along said North line for 130.0 feet to <. Doint 120.0 feet east of the west
line of said Block 3; thence South bein 1parallel with the vJest line for 33.0
feet; thence S 89° 53' 28" E for 20.0 feet; thence N 84° 18' 39" E £or 81.74 feet
to the true point of beginniril-
Together with a interest -for ingress, egress and utilities, over, under and
across the followitig described parcel:
Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Block 3; thence North al.on the Wiest
line of said Block 3 for 53.09 feet to the true poinL of begini}ing; thence con-
tinue Nort,l along said West line for: 30.0 feet Lo a ;.oiat 83.0 feet South of t;ie
orth line of the South half of said 31o•:k Lheuc.e S,99° 53' 28" E for 140.0
eet; thence S 33° 431 2.5" ;i for 36.0? feet;tlicnce N' ,9° 53' 28'° 7 for 120.0 feet
to the true point of berinain',.
Said -heel sub jecL to an easement for iiiSL-' :1:?t'ivi: ?:!� ClainLeu"nnce of a s�- er
Brie to service T.Ot 1 and 1,ot 2 of Shott 31,1'-DLVLSiC?t1.
St•bje.ct Lo maintenance a ree.:lent as ,)er 2,610.it "A".
Also subject to eaisurient for lnsL311atikin an.i !i!aintenl -,,Lce of a se:-er line over,
unc!et and aci::ss ti,e foil,),., .n�; d eScr'ilbe..' :-ttcel:
Comn".el-".iZ^ a L tl^.e come_ J.._2i:I Gluck. i.-e s-!esL line
theie�' for 8_r.0" feeL; tbeuce S ?:° 53' 28" E for 135.0 feet to the point of
r.o c,' r.7lr i - t.Eincr, ?y ° o �, 3"' � 7�
beginning; thc,ice t: _,.1. E or i .� FecL; t:.. ..�i 1 E for F� a •
feeL; Ll-eace .''i 20° 59' �cn" N Cor r.5�, Feet; ia`��•,.C'4• ., ^'.' l�'' ."" �Oi '3 .74 `eeL;
thoit:e is �)* 5V 23" foi- 5.0 feeL t:b L':';e -�Uilli. ( r ht`lilllll; .
(A separate sheet may be used for the le);al de cri.pt:ions, provided they be no
larger than 81" x 14" in size and provided the certification by the land surveyor
or title company appears on each sheet.)
Describe entire LOT1(cont)
contiguous own-
ership: TOGETHER WITH and subject to an easement for installation and
maintenance of sewer line over, under, and across the following described parcel:
Commencing at the SW corner of said Block 3 thence North along the West line
thereof for 53.09 feet to the point of beginning; thence continue North for 30.0
feet; thence S 89*53128" E for 135.0 feet thence N 44°54'S7" E for 7_08 feet',
thence N 84°18'39" E for 83.76 feet; thence N 73°09'28" E for 42.01 feet; thence
Describe each S 73*12100" E for 33.24 feet; thence S 2°12'35" W for 10.31 feet;
lot and private
road, if any thence N 73°12'00" W 34.06 feet; thence S 73°09'28" W for 44.17 feet;
thence S 84°18'39" W for 83.34 feet; thence S 33°43125" W for 29.55 feet; thence
N 89°53'28" W for 120.0 feet to the point of beginning.
A portion of the South half of Block 3, Fourtner's Homestead Platy according to the
plat thereof as recorded in Volume 1 of platsy o�age 97_, records of Snohc,mish _
County, Washington, described as follows:
Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Block 3; thence S 89°50'09" E al
the South line thereof for 197.0 feet; thence N 10°40'21" E for 35.42 feet; thence
N 10°41'31" E for 24.47 feet; thence N 20*59148" E for 113.91 feet to the North
line of said South half of Block 3; thence S 89°53'28" E along the North line
thereof for 47 95 feet to the true point of begin ning.;_thence S 2*19139" W for _
86.44 feet; thence S 87°19'30" E for 89.17 feet- thence S 40°36'49" E for 38.18
feet; thence S 63°30'53" E for'43.89 feet to a line 140.0 feet West of the East line
of said Block 3; thence N 0*45100" E along said line being parallel with the said
East line of block 3 for 138.81 feet to the said North line of the South half of
Block 3; thence N 89°53128* W along said North line for 151.69 feet to the true point
(A separate sheet may be used for the legal description:, provided they he no
larger than 8�" x 14" in size and provided the certification by the land surveyor
or title company appears on each sheet.) .
Describe entire LOT 1
contiguous own-
ership: A portion of the South hhlf of Blk. 3 Fourtner's Homestead Plat_
jaccording to the plat thereof as recorded in Volume 1 of plats on page 97, records of
Snohomish County Washington described as follows:
Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Block 3, thence S 89°50'09" E along the
i South line thereof for 197.90 feet to the true point of beginning; thence N 10°40'21"
E for 36.42 feet; thence N 10'41'31" E for 24.47 feet; thence N 20°59'48" E for
Describe each 113.91 feet to the North line of the said South half of Blk. 3;
lot and private
' road, if any thence S 89°53'28" E along the North line thereof for 47.95 feet;
(4, thence S 2*12135" W for 86.44 feet; thence S 87°19'30" E for 89.17 feet; thence
S 40°36'49" E for 38.18 feet; thence S 63°30'53" E for 43.89 feet to a line 140.0
feet West of the East line of said Blk. 3;_ thence S 0°45'00" W being parallel _
with said East line for 7.72 feet to a point 20.0 feet North of the South line of
' said blk 3• thence S 89° 50' 09" E being parallel with said South line for 140.0
feet; thence S 0°45'00" W along the said East line of Block 3" for 20.0 feet to the —
Southeast corner thereof; thence N 89°50'09" W for 389.56 feet to the true point
i of beginning.
SUBJECT TO an easement for ingress, egress, and utilities over, under and across
a parcel, described as follows;
Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Blk. 3; thence N 0*45100" E along the
east line thereof for 20.0 feet; thence N 89°50'09" W being parallel with the said
South line for 140.0 feet; thence N 0*45100" E for 7.72 feet; thence N 63°30'53'W
I •
j: fnr 43-89 feet' thenc S 26°241(I7" W for 30 0 feet' thewG_@-5 63°30'S3" E for
�. 45.76 feet to the South line of said Blk 3; thence S 89°50'09" E along said South
line of blk. 3 for 151:34 feet to the true point of beginning.
i • '
r:�•f�'r ��•� � I
(A separate sheet may be used for the legal descriptions, provided Lhey be no
larger than 81," x 14" in size and provided the certi.ficat'ion by the land surveyor
or title company appears on each sheet.)
Describe entire LOT 2 (cont)
contiguous own-
ership: TOGETHER.WITH an easement for ingress egress and utilities,
over, under and across a parcel described as follows:
Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Block 3;_thence N 0°45'00" E along tie
East line thereof for 20.0 feet; thence N 89°50'09" W being parnllei with the Said
South line for 140.0 feet; thence N 0°45'00" E for 7.72 feet; thence N 63°30'53" W
for 43.89 feet; thence S 26°29'07" W for 30.0 feet; thence S 63°30'53" E for
Describe each 45.76 feet to the South line of sni.d Block thence S RV 50'09"
lot and private
road, if any E along said South line of Block 3 for 151.34 feet to the true Point
of beginning. ----
TOGETHER WITH an easement for installation and maintenance of a sewer line over,
under, and across the following described parcel: _
Commencing at the SW corner of said Block 3; thence North along the West line thereof.
for 53.09 feet to the point of beginning; thence continue North for 30.0 feet;
thence S 89°5328" E for 135.0 feet; thence N 44'511'57" E for 7.08 feet; thence_
N 84°18'39" E for 83.76 feet; thence N 73°09128" E for 42,01 feet; thence S 73°12'00"
E for 33.24 feet; thence S 2°12'35" W for 10.31 feet; thence N 73°12'00" W 34,86
feet; thence S 73°09'28" W for 44,17 feet; thence S 84°18'39" W for 83.34 feet;
thence S 33*43'25" W for 29.55 feet; thence N 89°53'28" W for 120.0 feet to the
point of beginning.
A portion of the South half of Block 3, Fourtner's Homestead Plat, according to
the plat thereof as records in Volume 1 of plats on page 97, records of Snohomish
County, Washington, described as follows:
STREET FILEteDecember 22, 1977
MEMO TO: John B. Mitchell
Water/Sewer Superintendent
FROM: Richard H. Allen
Assistant City Engineer
Legal Description: (see attached)
Two vacant lots, and
Commonly known as: 22222 98th Avenue W.
'22224 98th Avenue W.
Z.F.F. Calculation:
Owner: Pat McKay
( 175.95) Z.F.F. x ( 10.00 ) _ $ 1,759.50 Connection Fee
( 1 ) Lateral x ( 100.00 ). _ $ 100.00 Lateral Charge
( 4 ) Unit(s) x ( $25 ) _ $ 100.00 Trunk Charge
$ N/A Permit
$ 1,959.50 TOTAL
Z&V aL
Lei R. Larson, P.E.
Director of Public Works
CC: Owner
6225 - 67TH AVENUE N.E., MARYSVILLE, WASHINGTON 98270 / PH. 659.5489
Lot '
^. portion of the South ',.-;If o" tiiock �, O,.1Cinpi'; '-ome—sLead Plai,
accoctlt .ng to the plat thereof as recoriied in VOiU7,- l of plats on
page ?7, records of Snohozillsh,rounty, :-;ashLn?ton, described as
Be -inning at the Southwest coariec of :i3ii Block 3; thence > 39° 5C' 09" E alo-i
the South line_ thereof for 197.90 feet; thence N 10° 40' 21" E fol 36.42 feet;
thence N 10° 41' 31" E for 24.47 feet; thence ii 20° 59' 43" A:for 33.9i feet; hence
S 84° l°' 39" 4 foc 81.74 feet; thence S 33" 43' 25" t; for 35.02 feet; thence
N 89° 53' 28" 14 for 12C.0 feet to the ,lest line of said ;3lnc1( 3; thence South
53.09 feet to the true point of beginning.
Together with h interest for :iJgress, e ress and utilil:ies, over, une;cr and across
the following described -parcel:
Commencing at the South�,est c )rner of saidl Block 3; thence Norte; aloe- the -lest
line of said Block 3 for 53409 feet to the true point of beginning; thence con-
tinue North alonE said :Nest line for 30.0 feet to a -point 83.0 feet .South of
the North line of the South half of said Bl.oci<: 3; thence S 39° 53' 28" E for
140.0 feet; thence S 33° 43' 25" Sd for 36.02 feet; thence r; 39' S3' 28" w for
120.0 feet to the true point. of beg_inninc.
Said parcel subject to an easement for inscatlation and maintenance of a sewer_
line to service Lot 1. and Lot 2 of Short 37+b-Division.
Skibjec.t to maintenaace a?recr ent as per ExLV-it "A".
Also subject to an ease-,ie'at 'ot- ins'callation and maintenance of a sever line
over, under and aLrOSS the foliowin-�7 described parcel:
Corr—nencing at the S57 corner of said Block 3; thence. North al.ongtrhe j%'e;;t line
thereof for 83.0^ feet; thence S 89' 53' 2"° E for .l%+0.0 feet to the point o`..
bekinni.nu; thence it 84o 10 l � 39" E foc 31.74 feet; thence S 2,.'J;9' 43t 11 for
5.60 feet; thence S 84° 18' 39" id for 33.34 feet; tner_ce N 33° 43' 2," E for
6.47 feet to the point of hegiiia^ing.
'Wit iann H. oba:r'S/LAND SURVEYING
6225 • 67TH AVENUE N.E., MARYSVILLE, WASHINGTON 98270 / PH. 659-5489
Lot 3
A portion of the South half of Block 3, Fourtnei:'s homestead Plat,
according �o the plat thereof as recorde in volume l of plats on
page 97, records of Snohomish County, Washials1ton, described as follows:
Commencing* at the Southwest corner of said Block 3; thence S 89' 50,
09" E along the South line thereof foi 197.90 feet; thence N' 10' 40' 21" E for
36.42 feet; thence N 10° 41' 31" r for Tt,_Meet; tt:ence N 2kr' 59' 43" E for '
33.91 feet to the true poi.it of beginning; Lhence continue N 20° 59' 48" E for
80.0 feet to the North line of the said South halE of Block 3; thence N 89° 53'
28" 14 along said North line for 130.0 feet to s poinL 120.0 feet East of the hest
line of said Block 3; thence South beinr; pc,iallel with the vlest line for 33.0
feet; thence S 89" 53' 28" E for 20.0 feet; thence N 84° 18' 39" E for 81.74 feet
to.the true point of beginninh.
Together with a interest -for ingress, a ress and utilities, over, tinder and
across the followiag'describe3 parcel:
Commencing at the Southwest c:ornet.• of said 31ocl,. 3; thence North al.on the Test
line of said Block 3 for 53.09 feet to the true point of beginning; thence con-
tinue Nort,i alon•z said ?Vest line for. 30.0 feet to a -,oint 83.0 fees_ South of t,ie
North line of the South half of said 31or-:b: Lhertce S89° 53' 28" E for 140.0
feet; thence S 33' 431 2.5" :;i for 36.02 Feet;L-hecice E' 89' 53' 23" for 120.0 feet
to the true point of berinain .
Said rarcel sub-ect to an easement for lii:il'..1?tir!ll a.c:d m1itiLeo nce of a se -.per
line to service Lot 1 and Lot 2 of Shoct
St-bjec:t to maintenance 2 ree.:aeitt as per Exhibit "A".
Also subject to ea! cement for insLallatiUil all',', main.tenaace of a se.aer line over,
uncct. and acc::,ss the foil,).,.i.n; desculbe- ;.atce1:
Cori eut,,in,, .at the collie.- ofs:?i:I 4iluc'-, _•; LI:;(nice _!1120,! i.'.'e .'jesL line
thece34 for 8_3.0" feet; thence S =^.° 53' 28" E for 135.0 feet to the point of
be -inning; tlieace 'iQr Feel t!,ccicn 1 o/° F' 3 .. for 83.75
feet; LS eilCt `i �:7° �r9' 4.;irr i LUr r.5( `.eet; i:�`tt.,t'C 1 ' ') r FOi Si .7�: �ceL;
thCii_e N 890 5 3' "T' `� foi- 5.0 'feec i.b L',",e Coin;( )a�lil'•ltll7
(A separate sheet may be used for the legal de!;cripti.on:o, provided they he no
" x 14" in size and provided the certification by the la
larger than 8,nd surveyor
or title company appears on each sheet.)
Describe entire LOT1(cont)
contiguous own-
ership: TOGETHER WITH and subject to an easement for installation and _
maintenance of sewer line over, under, and across the following described parcel:
Commencing at the SW corner of said Block 3; thence North alone the West line
thereof for 53.09 feet to the point of beginnine; thence continue North for 30.0
feet; thence S 89*53128" E for 135.0 feet thence N 44°54'S7" E for 7_O8 feet;
thence N 84°18'39" E for 83.76 feet; thence N 73°09'28" E for 42.01 feet; thence
Describe each S 73*12100" E for 33.24 feet; thence S 2°12'35" W for 10.31 feet;
lot and private
road, if any thence N 73°12'00" W 34.,)6 feet; thence S 73°09'28" W for 44.17 feet;
thence 'S 84°18'39" W for 83.34 feet; thence S 33°43'25" W for 29.55 feet: thence
N 89°53'28" W for 120 0 feet to the point of beinnin .
LOT 2 —
A portion of the South half of Block 3, Fourtner.'s Homestead Platy according to_the
plat thereof as recorded in Volume 1 of plsts, on 97, records -_Snohomish_ _
County, Washington, described as follows:
Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Block 3; thence S 89°50'09" E along
the South line thereof for 197.0 feet; thence N 10°40'21" E for 3.5.42 feet; thence
N 10041'31" E for 24.47 feet; thence N 20*59148" E for 113.91 feet to the North
line of said South half of Block 3; thence.S 89°53'28" E along the North line _
thereof for 47.95 feet to the true Roint of b_e. n=inj;.;__thenra 4 °1 115" W fnr
86.44 feet; thence S 87°19'30" E for 89.17 feet_ thence S•40°36'49" E for 38.18
I feet; thence'S 63°30'53" E for'43.89 feet to a line 140.0 feet West of the East line
with the said
of said Block 3; thence N 0°45'00" E along said line being parallel —
East line of block 3 for 138.81 feet to the said North line of the South half of
Block 3; thence N 89°53'28" W along said North line for 151.69 feet to the true point
t '
i /
(A separate sheet may be used for the legal descriptions, provi.dell they he no
larger than 8�" x 14" in size and provided the certification by the land surveyor
or title company appears on each sheet.)
Describe entire LOT 1
! contiguous own
i ership: Abortion of the South h61f of Blk. 3 Fourtner's Homestead Plat_
according to the plat thereof as recorded in Volume 1 of plats on page 97, records of
' Snohomish County, Washington, described as follows:
Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Block 3 thence S 89°50'09" E along the
South line thereof for 197.90 feet to the true point of beginning; thence N 10°40'21"
E for 36.42 feet; thence N 10°41'31" E for 24.47 feet; thence N 20°59'48" E for
Describe each 113.91
to the North line of
the said South half of Blk. 3;
lot and private
'.` road, if any thence S
E along the North
line thereof for 47.95 feet;
thence S 2°12'35" W for
feet; thence S $7°19'30"
E for 89.17 feet; thence T
x, V 1� S 40° 36, 49 E for 38.18
thence S 63°30'53" E
for 43.89 feet to a line 140.0
feet West of the East line of said Blk 3: thence S 0°45'00" W being parallel _
with said East line for 7.72 feet to a point 20.0 feet North of the South line of
said blk 3• thence S 89° 50' 09" E being parallel with said South line for 140_0
feet,• thence S 0°45100" W along the said East line of Block 3 for 20.0 feet to the
Southeast corner thereof; thence N 89°50'09" W for 389.56 feet to the true point
of beginning.
�s SUBJECT TO an easement for ingress, egress, and utilities over, under and across
a parcel, described as follows;
Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Blk. 3; thence N 0°45100" E along the
east line thereof for 20.0 feet; thence N 89°50'09" W being parallel with the said
South line for 140.0 feet; thence N 0*45100" E for 7,72 feet; thence N 63°30'53"W
1 ,
r-ni41 89 feet' thence S F°29'07" W for 30 6 feet; thence S 63°30'53" E for
45.76 feet to the South line of said Blk 3; thence S 89°50'09" E along said South:
line_of blk. 3 for 151 J4 feet to the true point of beginning. _^
(; 1
t1le legal descri,pti.nnS, provided thc,y he no
�A Separate sheet may 4"
be ilsed for b the land surveyor
„ in size and provided the certification Y
larger than 8; x 14n each sheet.)
or title company appears."
Describe entire LOTcant egress and uti lii�sa-----
contiguous own -
TOGETHER WITH an easement f, °_�LngYes '--�---
arcel described as follows:
over under
and across a 3. the
N 0°45'00" E alon the
Be innin at the Southeast corner of said Block W bein ar li.el with the Said
:East line thereof for 20.0 feet; thence I4 84°50'09 —
�. E for 7.72 feet thence N 63-30_53 41
thence N 0°45'00"
i� South line for 140.0 feet 63 30 53" E for
l for 43.89 feet' thence S 26°29'07
" W for 30.0 feet' thence S
thence S 89.50 0
4g,76 feet to th_e Soijtb—line If d Bl°ck ".—
Describe each for 151.34 feet
to t1,e true point_
lot and private Block 3
road, if any E alon said South line of —
!i of beginning, se,
line Qverz_-
HER WITH an easement for n and maintenance o_._ f s
a — --
TOGET installatio
--- -----
described parcel: ------
under, and across the following thence North along the West line the
Commencing at the SW corner of said Block 3; —
North for 30.0 feet;
inning; thence tontinue
the point of beginning
for 53.09 feet to for 7.08 feet; thence
�'•. •.�., thence N 44°S4'S7" E
'h= {•,..a thence S 89°53'28" E for 135.0 feet', _ _--- -- thence S 73°1.2
thence N 73°09'28" E for 42.01 feet;
IN8401�81391" E for 83.76 feet; n [d 34,85
t W for 10.31 feet; thence N 73°12'00.
E far 33.24 feet; thence S 201 2 35 —
° 1^ " W for 83.34 feet;'
t. ° r „ W for 44.17 feet;
thence S $4 18 �9 _-----
feet; thence S 73 09 28 89°53'28"
thence S 33*43125" W for 29.55 feet;
thence N W for 120.0 feet to the
point of beginning.
f " ` LOTS according t
Fourtner's Homestead Plat,
A portion of the South half of Block 3, a e 97, records of Snohom
the plat thereof as records in Volume 1 of plats.on page
described as follows:
County, Washington,
\/V /T'
CO'k I E Io N-
� � - -J
= 37�3.5
5 FF
/ C
8 3 00;Y
83 00 X:
30;00) 0,06033.3a3;=
8.,30ZF F,
_x .010.6— i.
Z* F F
zo 00
I l�
-' Date -Dec ember 22, 1977
MEMO TO: John B. Mitchell
Water/Sewer Superintendent
FROM: Richard H. Allen .
Assistant City Engineer
Legal Description: (see attached)
Two vacant lots, and
Commonly -known as: 22222 98th Avenue W. Owner: Pat McKay
22224 98th Avenue W.
Z.F.F. Calculation:
( 175.95) Z.F.F. x ( 10.00 ) = $ 1,759.50 Connection Fee
( 1 ) Lateral x ( 100.00 ) = $ 100.00 Lateral Charge
( 4 ) Unit(s) x ( $25 ) = $ 100.00 Trunk Charge
$ N/A Permit
$ 1,959.50 TOTAL
Lei arson, P.E.
Direc r of Public Works
CC: Owner
William H. Roberts/LAND SURVEYING
6225 • 67TH AVENUE N.E., MARYSVILLE, WASHINGTON 98270 / PH. 659.5489
A portion of the South half of oiock 3, 7o-urtner's Homestead Flat,
according to the plat thereof as recorded in volume 1 of plats on
page 97, records of Snohomish,County, Washington, described as
Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Block 3; thence S 89' 50' 09" E along
the South line thereof for 197.90 feet; thence N 10° 40' 21" E for 36.42 feet;
thence N 10° 41' 31" E for 24 47 feet; thence N 20° 59' 48" Efor 33.91 feet; thence
S 84' IS' 39" W for Q1.74 feet; thence S 33' 43' 25" W for 36.02 feet; thence
N S911 53' 28" W for 120.0 feet to the :lest line of said Block 3; thence South
5.3.09 feet to the true point of beginning.
Together with z interest for ingress, egress and utilities, over, under and across
the following described parcel:
Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Block 3; thence North along the West
line of said Block 3 for 5309 feet to the true point of beginning; thence con—
tinue North along said ;,Test line for 30.0 feet to a point 83.0 feet South of
the North line of the South half of said Block. 3; thence S 89° 53' 28" E for
140.0 feet; thence S 33° 43' 25" W for 36.02 feet; thence N 89° 53' 28" W for
120.0 feet to the true point of beginning.
Said parcel subject to an ,easement for installation and maintenance of a sewer
line to service Lot I and Lot 2 of Short Sub -Division.
Subject to maintenance agreement as per Exdh i.bit ".A".
Also subject to an easeme.it for installation and maintenance of a sewer line
over, under and across the following described parcel:
Comrencing at the SW corner of said Block. 3; thence North alongthe West line
thereof for 83.09 feet; thence S 89' 53' 24" E for 140.0 feet to the point of
beginning; thence N 84° 18' 39" E for 81.74 feet; thence S 20° 59' 48" W for
5.60 feet; thence S 840 18' 39" W for 83.34 feet; thence N 33" 43' 25" E for
6.47 feet to tihe point of beginaging.
William H. obertS/LAND SURVEYING
6225 • 67TH AVENUE N.E., MARYSVILLE, WASHINGTON 98270 / PH. 659.5489
Lot 3
A portion of the South half of Block 3, Folu:t►ler's Homestead Plat,
according to the plat thereof as recorde in volume l of plats on
page 97, records of Snohomish County, Washington, described as follows:
Com,mencin; at the Southwest corner of said Block 3; thence S 890 50'
09" E along the South line thereof for 197.90 feet.; thence '.`: 10° 401 21" E for
36.42 feet; thence N 10° 411 31" ^ for 2� i., Teet; thence N 20° 59' 43" E for
33.91 feet to the true poi.at of beginning; thence continue N 20° 59' 48" E for
80.0 feet to the North line of the said South half of Block 3; thence N 89° 53'
28" W along said North line for 130.0 feet to a point 120.0 feet East of the West
line of said Block 3; thence South being pnfallel with the West line for 83.0
feet; thence S 89° 53' 28" E for 20.0 feet; thence N 84° 18' 39" E for 81.74 feet
to the true point of beginning.
Together with a z interest -for ingress, egress and utilities, over, under and
across the following described parcel:
Commencing at the Southwest corner of said 31ocA. 3; thence North along the Wiest
line of said Block 3 for 53.09 feet to the true point of beginning; thence con-
tinue North along said ?Vest line for. 30.0 feet to a ,:oint 83.0 feet South of the
North line of the South half of said Blo�_k theitue S890 53' 28" E for 140.0
feet; thence S 330 431 25" W for 36.02 feet;thence 1, 99° 53' 28" for 120.0 feet
to the true point of beginning.
Said parcel subject to an easement for install.-it'i,in and maintenance of a sewer
line to service Lot 1 and hot 2 of Shot. 3„r.-�ivisi�n.
Subject to maintenance agree.nei)t as per L-ihihit
Also subject to easement for insiallatio-a an 1 mainterinLice of a sewer line over,
under and aevcjss the foilowia%, describe' :.arcel:
CoTi—evtCin^ at. the 31d coi:ne: ofs:!i:" 43loclC ; tlieiice Noctl- n iva ! s.`e i'!esL line
thereo for 33.0' Feet; thence S 2:° 53' 28" E for 135.0 feet to the point of
begin:ing; tie:lce :'! �Frt'o 5'4' /.7" E fo'r %.�' Feet; t!�cacr N n4* 131 3^" E for 8'.75
feet; thence: S 20° 59' 4"1" N for `',.50 FeCt9� ° 12' .,V' W for 81.74 Feet;
F ,
ci 87 �J aJ N fUC 5.0 feet tb Ll,,e or he�,lils.lill�? .
(A separate sheet may be used for the legal descriptions, provided they be no
larger than � 2 x 81-11 14" in size and provided the certification by the land surveyor
or title company appears on.each sheet.)
Describe entire LOT1(cont)
contiguous own-
ership: TOGETHER WITH and subject to an easement for installation and
maintenance of sewer line over, under, and across the following_described parcel:
Commencing at the SW corner of said Block 3; thence North along the West line.
thereof for 53.09 feet.. to the point of beginnings -thence jcontinue North for 30.0
feet; thence S 89*53'2.8" E for 135.0 feet; thence N 44 54'S for _7_08 feet!
thence N 84*18'39" E for 83.76 feet;. thence N 73*09'28" E for 42.01 feet thence
De'scribe each S 73"12'00" E for 33.24 feet-, thence S 2*12135" W for 10.31 feet;
lot and private
road, if any thence N 73*12'00" W 34.86 -feet--, thence S 73009128" W for 44.17 feet;
thence s 8401813911 w for 83.34 feet, thence S _33*4325"W for 29-55 feet; thence
N 89*53'28" W for 120.0 feet to the point of beginning.
A portion of the South half of Block 3, Fourtner's Homestead nt!__accoEdLn to the
plat thereof as recorded in Volume 1 of plats, on pale 92records of Snohomisb
County, Washington, described as follows:
Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Block 3; thence S 89*50"09" E along
the South line thereof for 197.0 feet; thence N 10*40121" E for 36.42 feet; thence
N 10*41'31" E for 24.0 feet;'thence N 20059148" E for 113.91 feet to the North
line of said South half of Block 3; thence S 89*53'28" E along the North line
thereof for 47.95 feet to the true .point of begiiani=-tbenre S 2*12'15" W for
86.44 feet; thence S 87*19t3O" E for 89.17 feet- thence S 40036149" E for 38.18
feet; thence S 63*30'33" E for 43.89 feet to a line 140.0 feet West of the East line
of said Block 3; thence N 0*45100" E along said line being parallel with the said
East line of block 3 for 138.81 feet to the said North line of the South half of
Block 3; thence N 89*5328" W along said North line for 151.69 feet to the true point
---------------------------- -------------------------------------
of beginning.
(A separate sheet may be used for' the legal descriptions, provided they be no
larger than 8�" x 14" in size and provided the certification by the land surveyor
or title company appears on each sheet.)
Describe entire LOT 1
contiguous own-
ership: A portion..of the South hbl f of Blk. 3 Fourtner's Homestead Plat_
according to the plat thereof as recorded in Volume 1 of plats on page 97, records of
Snohomish County, Washington described as follows,
Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Block 3 thence..S 89°50'09" E along the
South line thereof for 197.90 feet to the true point of beginning; thence N 10°40'21"
E for 36.42 feet; thence N 10°41'31" E for 24.47 feet; thence N 20°5948" E for
Describe each 113.91 feet to the North line of the said South half of Blk. 3;
lot and private
road, if any thence S 89°53'28" E along the North line thereof for 47.95 feet;
thence S 2°12'35" W for 86.44 feet; thence S 87°19'30" E for 89.17 feet; thence
S 40°36'49" E for 38.18 feet; thence S 63*30153" E for 43.89 feet to a line 140.0
feet West of the East line of said Blk 3• thence S 0°45'00" W being parallel _
with said East line for 7.72 feet to..a point 20.0 feet North of the South line of
said blk 3• thence S 89° 50' 09" E being parallel with said South line for 140_0
feet thence S 0°45'00" W along the said East line of Block 3 for 20.0 feet to the
Southeast corner thereof; thence N 89°50'09" W for 389.56 feet to the true point
of beginning.
SUBJECT TO an easement for ingress, egress, and utilities over, under and across
a parcel, described as follows;'_
Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Blk. 3; thence N 0*45100" E along the
east line thereof for 20.0 feet; thence N 89°50'09" W being parallel with the said
South line for 140.0 feet; thence N 0°45'00" E for 7.72 feet; thence N 63°30'53"W
fnr 43 9 fppt' rhanra S 6°99107" W for 10.6 feet; thence S_63°30'53" E_for
45.76 feet to'the South line of said Blk 3; thence S 89*50109" E along said South
line of blk. 3 for 151.34 feet to the true point of beginning.
kF; #tCT e`!! -+ ,..lis L..i.
k? ' r j� q xt ; d,p ,y' 1 u n y
e.y 4-v^'�.d 5.�.
(A separate sheet may be used for the legal descriptions, provided they he no
larger than 81" x 14" in size and provided the certification by the land surveyor
or title company appears on each sheet.)
Describe entire LOT 2 (cont)
contiguous own- .
ership: TOGETHER WITH an easement for ingress, egress and utilities. _
over, under and across a parcel described as follows:
Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Block 3; thence N 0°45'00" E along the
East line thereof for 20.0 feet; thence N 89°50'09" W being parallel with the Said
South line for 140.0 feet; thence N 0*45100" E for 7.72 feet; thence N 63°30'53" W
for 43.89 feet; thence S 26°29'07" W for 30,0 feet,• thence S 63°30'53" E Eor
Describe each 45.76 feet to the South line of s.nid Block 3; thence S 89,50,091,
lot and private
road, if any E along said South line of Block 3 for 151.34 feet to the true point_
of beginning.
TOGETHER WITH an easement for installation and maintenance of a sewer line over,
jl under, and across the following described parcel:
Commencing at the SW corner of said Block 3; thence North along the West line thereof
for 53.09 feet to'the point of.beginning; thence continue North for 30.0 feet;
thence S 89°53'28" E for 135.0 feet; thence N 441.54'57" E for 7.08 feet; thence
N 84°18'39" E for 83.76 feet; thence N 73°09128" E for 42.01 feet; thence S 73°12'00"
E for 33.24 feet; thence S 2°12'35" W for 10.31 feet; thence N 73°12'00" W 34,86
feet; thence S 73°09'28" W for 44.17 feet; thence S 84°18'39" W for 83.34 feet;
thence S 33°43'25" W for 29.55 feet; thence N 89°53'28" W for 120.0 feet to the
point of beginning.
A portion of the South half of Block 3, Fourtner's Homestead Plat, according to
the plat thereof as records in Volume 1 of plats on page 97, records of Snohomish
County, Washington; described as follows:
y ..