^PB memo-Stormwater-Program.doc
Item #xx
Edmonds Planning Board
Agenda Memo
Meeting Date:February 13, 2008
Agenda Subject:Stormwater Management Program Public Hearing
Staff Lead / Don Fiene, P.E.
Initiated By: City Council Planning Board x City Staff Citizen
The Federal Stormwater Phase II Final Rule (December 8, 1999) requires operators of
regulated small municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s) to obtain a National
Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. The MS4s are required to
develop a stormwater management program designed to prevent harmful pollutants
from being washed by stormwater runoff into the MS4 (or from being dumped directly
into the MS4). The City of Edmonds was issued a Phase II Municipal permit on January
17, 2007 that became effective February 16, 2007. The Washington State Department
of Ecology (Ecology) is the permitting authority for Washington State Cities.
Each Permittee is required to develop and implement a Stormwater Management
Program (SWMP) in an effort to achieve the requirements of the Phase II permit, and
must prepare written documentation of the SWMP. The SWMP documentation is to be
organized according to five major program components. Those five components are 1)
Public Education and Outreach, 2) Public Involvement and Participation, 3) Illicit
Discharge Detection and Elimination, 4) Controlling Runoff from New Development,
Redevelopment and Construction Sites and 5) Pollution Prevention and Operation and
Maintenance for Municipal Operations.
The SWMP report is to be updated annually and sent with a Permittees annual report
to Ecology. The annual report and SWMP report are to be sent to Ecology prior to
March 31 of each year. The deadlines to meet the requirements detailed in the Phase
II permit are phased over a five year period.
Staff will present an overview of the Permit requirements and the City’s Stormwater
Management Program designed to meet those requirements. One deadline
requirement for this year in regards to Public Involvement is to create opportunities for
the public to participate in the decision-making processes involving the development,
implementation and update of the Permittee’s SWMP. This Public Hearing is one such
City of Edmonds Planning Board