00018Edmonds Planning Commission - Page 3 - mane 19, 1974
submitted. The public portion of the meeting was opened.
Mr. Thuesen, the applicant, stated that he feels the proposed
subdivision would be an asset to the community; that it would 1`
be completed in a period of one to .one and one-half years and
the houses would be good quality three and four bedrooms. He s`
further stated that he would like to explore the possibilities
and liked the variation of the
for culdesac street standards
center divider with landscaping that Mr. Wallis presented.
Mr. Bruce Jones of 18306 Andover Street, stated that he thought
Mr. Thuesen's proposed development was well planned and would
be an asset to their neighborhood. He stated that he had one
concern regarding the proposed center divider. in the culdesac,
the residents
and that was who would maintain that area after
in and the builder was gone. Mr. Thuesen responded saying
that it should be the responsibility of the local residents of
the culdesac. Mr. Jones stated that another concern is Andover
traffic that will be
Street itself; the amount of additional
generated and what the city's plans are for resurfacing and
maintaining the street. Mr. Allen stated that Andover Street+
this time.-
is not.currently on the program for improvement at
-He stated that the city does maintain.the street, filling chuck-
holes and oiling; it. Mr Jones stated that he would like to
suggest that Mr. Thuesen perhaps contact residents of the area
L.I.A.-and approaching the city to see
and consider forming an
if the street can be improved in the near .future. Mr. Walter
Randolph, 18119 Andover Street, stated that he had talked to
boundaries of the
Mr. Thuesen and they had been working on the
proposed subdivision. He stated that he could not live with it
as it stands now, because it cuts off his driveway and his
He stated
circle -type drive has been there for twenty years.
had him that he has the right to keep:
that his attorney advised
his drive. -Mr. Randolph suggested that the Board deny the
proposed plat until such time as the boundaries and legal
Mr. Randolph said that he would lose
questions are worked out.
an appreciable amount of property if the plan was approved;
that he has a badminton court and a workshed that are on a portion
of the proposed plat. Mr. Sittauer asked Mr. Randolph if he
knew at the time he started work on the workshed that he was
Mr. Randolph stated that he did not and
not on his oam property.
that his contract states so many thousand square feet and there
are no boundaries.marked off. Ile stated that he has not yet
been able to reach Mr. Murphy with whom he has the contract.
Mr. . Randolph also stated that he felt there would also a
it should be considered.
problem with runoff from.the property and
Mr. Naughten asked Mr. Randolph if his boundaries had ever been
legally established. Mr. Randolph replied that they had not as
if the boundaries would have
far as he knew. Mr. Naughten asked
to be legally established before Mr. Thuesen could continue.
John Wallace, City Attorney, stated that before Mr. Thuesen could
he be required to establish
obtain final approval of the plat, would
lot legal descriptions, as well as roadways
monuments, corners,
would have to be dedicated and monumented. Legal descriptions
would have to be certified by a licensed land surveyor or title
final of the plat*.. Mr. Thuesen
insurance company prior to approval
stated that he had talked to Mr. Randolph and was willing to
work out some solution. IIe said that he would like to see the plat
their Mr. Randolph
approved and they will work out problems.
expressed concern that if the plat were approved by the Commission
.that it would be approving the boundary lines as submitted.
Mr. Sittauer reiterated the comments of the City Attorney
final plat approval. Mr. Warren Henderson, 18335 - 81st WeSL.,
raised questions concerning the vacated portion of Cecil Street.