00470014 (9)- !!IaLural Rcsotirces. Will. the pro- posa r e sT—I- T.7 wh Yes Maybe No (a) Increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? X (b) Depletion of any nonrenewab-le natural resource? X Explanation: HOME CONSTRUCTION WILL INCREASE THE USE OF MATERIALS AND Yr ENRRGY RPRongrps nP TT4F. Ptiaw 'snump AREA RITCH rmLWMPTION WILL OCCUR N'w REGARDLESS OF SITE CHOSEN. 10) Flish of.Ulyet. Does the pr6posal involve a risk of an explo!;ion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but. not 1j.111iLcd to, oil, jwsticjdcs'_c1lemicals or r. radiation) in the event of an acci- X dent or uptsel: Conditions? 51r Explanation: 11 the j)roposml. C a v i I a distribution, density, or r r o t. I i rate of the human populaii tioof in area? X Explanat ion: THR DRURMPMENT H A S A POTENTIAL OF L4011 ING AN ADDITIONAL FIVE FAMILIES. (12) Lkj��is i n;, V'i 1 the 1-1 0 P osa I affect Pxi!TN,;*ho%ir-i.np, imailability., or 1. creaLe it demmid for additional holisitir'? Y— Explaivition: FIVE SINGLE FAMILY HOMES WILL BECOME AVATLABLLAUUa:THIS AREA 1. (13) Will tlic prOPOSZ1J r( t all tn. (a) Gencratioili of additional vehicul.ar movement? X (b) EffecLs oil existing parking facilArjes, or demaild for new parking? X (c) wpact. upon existing trans- porLaLioll Systems? ((1) AILCYit'1011S to present P,ittCrilf, (If. Cj.1'CU1,1VA.011 or move- ment of pvcylu• and/or goods? X (e) Al(.vriitions to waterborne, rail 017 air ttliffi.0 X -35-