00472rZ., r.,. ,..t �: •! ylr y, r f'a �.l.'.i h i r i}if': `•'t i � .i �' P Y k n YC,+r' +1° i.f tiiS�tNq dr � af ' c; t u� t . ! at r t A` , k . .; t _ .• �1 i i - u r a � 1 , � \ 5,. '�, �j f'r. • Yes M be no 1 (17) llutnnn lIc•,lth. Will the }pro osal 2 • p rc� 2 a,u=E m ffic creation of ;any :> 3 health hazard or potential health �r. 41 hazard (excluding mental health)? G Explanation: GK`, 7, 8 fit; ` 9 (18) Artheti c. . Will the proposal �t 10! rc:s;:u7--iii Llte obstruction of any 111 scenic vista or view open to the 121 public or will the proposal re- 13i sult in t ho creation of ill 14 aesthetically offensive site open nl �y 15 to public view? X; 16- 17 Explanation : 4?. 18 19 20 (19) I:c,cr cation, Will the proposal ��� 21. rrr11 .a ii an impact upon the 29 quality ur quantity of existing r ,. 23 rcecrcaLi011 opportunities? .X_. tilt.• 24 25 Explzuati.on : r `' 26 27 - '} 28I (20) At cl c i�10-i cal /Ili t ori.cal . Will the 29 prul�ns.:) t:;,sult zn an a7tcrati.on of 30 a sif;i��.fi.cant tircliaological or his } 31 torical :ice, structure, object 32 or building? X . 33 34 Explanation: 35 36 37 1II.. SIGNATURE 3a 39 I, 'the wider;iE;nc�d, �tatc that to the best of illy 1,nowledge 40 the above infortnt�ti.u:t is tru,.' and cou:l)lct.e. It is understood t 41. that the lChd agdncy: nay a•:iLlIldraw aruy .declaraLi.on u: mmn-si&l1i- 42 ficance Lltat i.t mij,,ht issue in reliance upon this checklist 43 should there be any misrepresentation or ck o£ f 1 disclour 5 44 on my part. ; 45 i 46 Proponen 47 48 4lAC 1�)7-] 0-37U WIT-RD1'U11di+1. 0)' AFFI11;/LYING 1'llR]iS110LI) 49 AI:TL'It'1i�;A*T-1* . IT at tiny time after the entry of a declara- 11 50 Lion of siFnifi.cance�, the proponent modifies the proposal ' 51 so that, in the judvmont of die load agency, .all significant s� 5,) adverse cnvironu«ental i.i�pacts 1,-c:,ul.tinc, therefrom arc- elimin- ik 53 at<ed the declaration of, • , significance .Mill be 4;ithdralJil 1f 54 and a dcclaratimn of. non-siFttir:icance entered instead. The 5 load agency shall al::o revise Lhe registcr.s at its SLNA ' 56 }public information ccnt:er accordingly. If the pro Ij 57 ponent of a Proposal. is a private applicant, he proposal 58 shall not be considered modified until all lictense applica- 59 tions for Lhe proposal are revised to reflect the modification. 1. �: