00490'1 The property to the north (Lot 22) is not developed at this time and is owned by Charles Lantz. The developer wishes to put a street in (207th S.W.)and share common access of the street with the property to the north, ana Mr. Lovell has proposed a cul-de-sac to run north from that street to'serve the two properties to the immediate north which will be further sub- divided. If this is done, an amendment will have to be proposed for adoption in the Official Street Map before approval of Mr. Lovell's Proposed street on his plat. Ms. Charleson stated that Leif Larson, City Engineer, did not recommend 88th be opened to ,Main Street because of heavy traffic with existing intersections. Mr. Lovell proposed that 25 ft. would be on his subdivision for the street and he requested 15 ft. from the Lantz property fora total of 40 ft. Ms. Charleson summed up the item by stating there was no significant negative environmental impact on the property from the proposal and recommended approval subject to removal of the garage/shed and setback modification for the existing single family house, resolution of the street in terms of amendment of the Official Street Map and subject to the City Engineer's req ui remen is . Leif Larson, Director of Public Works spoke regarding the proposed street; that 50 ft. width for the right-of-way is standard and 40 ft. is the minimum (based on Ordinance 1793), with 32 ft. of paving, and on through-streets,sidewalks are required on both sides, but on deadend streets, sidewalks are required on one side. Mr. Larson described in detail other requirements and that the residential access plan and amendment to the Official Street Map should be developed for Lots 21, 22, and 23. He stated 88th should be only used for utility access. The public portion of the hearing was then opened. Mr. Lovell spoke and'stated the development of Mr. Lantz's property,Lot 22, would have to utilize the proposed street as its only access alternative. And, because of the combined ownership of the two tracts, it might develop into problems unless it were developed jointly. He emphasized that his Proposal was not intended to be made a part and parcel of the street map, but that the Official Street Map be amended to show.a street in that location and they are proposing to dedicate 25 ft. of street to construct adequate improvements, all utilities, waterline, wiring, etc., to properly serve the six lots. Mr. Lovell stated they wanted the plat approved with the 25 ft. right-of-way and within which time they feel they can construct improvements to serve this subdivision. And, at what - ever time the north property is developed, they would perhaps be required to dedicate an additional 15 or 25 ft., and widen the street to serve the added development. Mr. Lantz spoke and said he had no notice ahead of time of what this Proposal was and felt he did not wish to be "tied down" at this time, that he had not .gone over this thoroughly enough and that 30 ft. from the back property had been given to the City on 88th. Commissioner Goodhope suggested the solution would be a PRD as far as the Lantz and Thompson property and did not feel they could propose a road for someone else that adjoins the property and accept the plat on that basis. Noelle Charleson said she agreed with Commissioner Goodhope and had questioned the 25 ft. indicated, that it was not the standard, but the issue at stake was what the best access for this whole area is, and there were two options: The Planning Commission could deny the plat as proposed with a 25 ft. street,or theycould approve the plat if the street situation is resolved and the Official Street Map is amended in some way to put the street on 207th S.W. to a full standard street. Or, the applicant can request approval of the subdivision with a full street width all on their property. She suggested to Mr. Lantz that this had just come up three days ago, and that Mr. Lantz had not had a chance to look at the proposal. and that now the preliminary review had been done, perhaps Mr. Lantz could review the proposal. Mr. Lantz replied he did not wish to be "pushed" into any decision at this time. which might interfere with future development of his property. EDMONDS PLANNING COMMISSION August 10, 1977 - Page 3