because the traffic will back up going down Main St, After some discussion, the
Council decided to let the ordinance remain as previously approved,
Councilmember Jaech complimented the Buildings and Grounds Supervisor on the plantings
on Edmonds Way coming into Edmonds, saying they are very colorful and beautiful.
Councilmember Jaech had received an inquiry from a citizen who was concerned that not
all of the Anderson Center would be painted. Parks and Recreation Director Steve
Simpson said the contract only covers painting the newer portions of the Anderson
Center but the rest is to be paid for by Building and Maintenance Fund 336 and they
just now are writing the specifications and will advertise for bids to paint the rest
of it. He said there is approximately $6,00047,000 in the 336 fund designated for
painting. Because of the amount of dollars involved, City Engineer Jim Adams said
they are recommending a competitive bid but they will specify the same paint so all
parts of the building will match.
Councilmember Kasper referred to the matter of PRO extensions and building permit
extensions because of what he had read in last week's Minutes regarding the Parkside
W.st request for extension. He thought this should be referred to the Community
t0elopment Committee, saying there is an equity problem that should be examined. He
"wit aware of cases in other cities where extensions were granted on the basis of the
underground improvements. Planning Director Mary Lou Block said she had met with the
City Attorney regarding the Parkside West request and after examining the situation
closely they. came to another conclusion. She distributed copies of a letter from
,City Attorney Mark Eames to clarify the situation. Mr. Eames summarized that there
1s a PRD approval and the building permit approval, and the building permits expire
i'f building is not commenced within 180 days of issue. One extension is allowed.
However, in this case the building permit had not been extended as previously surmised.
h stead, new permits were issued pursuant to the authority of the valid PRD approval.
Therefore, the applicant now has several options, one of them being to apply for the
issuance of new permits under the authority of the currently valid PRD approval.
Councilmember Kasper still wanted to have this issue examined in general because he
said financing is almost impossible right now and he thought the City could get
MOTION: itself into a legal position if this were denied. COUNCILMEMBER KASPER MOVED, SECONDED
CARRIED: In`:,I: meantime he asked that the Community'Development C6Mittee'16ok'at
There was no further business to come before the Council, and the meeting adjourned
at 8:50 P.M.