00802• •i December 16,f77 �_. F i 1 e No. 509,-, , s s r, ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM ; �. BACKGROUND ¢ 1, Name of Proponent: LaPierre Industries l r; 2. Address and Phone Number of Proponent: y f 46-143 Highway 4 No. 114 Palm Desert California 92260 3, Date Checklist Submitted: 4. 12/16/77 AgencyRequiring Checklist: Develo ment De artment r r. ; 5. Cit of Edmonds'Communit Name of Proposa i app ica e: Preliminar Plat of North Star Brief Description of the Proposal• including but not , 6. Nature and limited to its size, general design elements, and other factors )• . that will give an accurate understanding standscope buildining related a kin , ti of arofessional _Off ice .. 7. Location of Proposal escri e t e p ysical setting o t e pro- land area affected by any f posal, as well as the extent of the impacts, including any other information needed to } environmental of the environmental setting of the give an accurate understanding ! proposal): land roximatel 15acres south of 212th St. between A tract of a 6th Ave. W. and 2nd Ave. W. i 8. Estimated Date for Completion of the Proposal: 1982 i i } ? i i i