e. Alterations t D waterborne,
rail or air traf::c? .
Yes Maybe No
f. Increase in traffic t,azards
to motor vehicles, bicyclists or
pedestrians? X
Explanation: Newly generated traffic and related added hazard will be
limited to the neighborhood streets.
Public Services.. Will the pro-
posal have an effect Upon, or
result in a need for new or
altered governmet:•:;al sere 1 ces
in any of the following areas?
a. Fire protection? X r
b. Police protection? X
c. Schools-? _ X
d. Parks or other recreational
facilities? X
e. Maintenance of public facili•-
ties, including roads? X
f, Other governmental services? X
Explanation: Existing services have the capacity to absorb the
increased need.
15. Energy. Will the proposal result; in:
a. Use 'of substantial amounts o
fuel or energy?
b. Demand upon existing sources
of energy, or require the develop-
ment of new sources of energy? X _
Explanation: Electrical energy will b used for heai ST an•d
i 1 1 umi nation sun,Rl ed via exisfing, di gitrj htA Qn system of nm In e
16. Utilities. Will the proposal
result in a need for new systems
or alterations.to the following
utilities: _ X_
a. Power or natural gas?
b. Communications systems?
c. Water?
d. Sewer or septic tanks?
e. Storm water drainage?
f. Solid waste and disposal? X
Existing utilities have ample capacity to serve the completed subdivision.
The development will necessitate only those minor alterations to the
existing utility system as are required to serve this subdivision.