(1) Earth
The Soil Conservation Service 1947 Soil Survey designates the sites
soil as Everett gravelly sandy loam, hilly phase (Evb). This soil
typically exhibits a severe limitation to shallow excavations due to
its gravelly nature. The soil texture permits ready sloughing of
sidewalls, allowing potential for erosion of unstable soil created by
site development.
A. As per the above, short-term unstable soil conditions will exist.
due to initial development activities requiring rockeries in some
b,c. Through development of surface soils for foundation excavatons;
building construction, surface drainage channels, and road
construction, it is expected that soils will be moved as is necessary
for approved site design. Some compaction of soils is expected to
result from ground surface clearance by on -site machinery.
c. Before lawns and other landscaping measures are established,
there will bean increase in erosion of distrubed areas, but this
will be of a temporary nature. Mitigation will actuate with the
installation of temporary (during construction) siltation removal
devices (hay berms) and conventional permanent pollutant control
(2) Air
a. Diminished air quality, due to initial construction equipment and
resultant resident traffic, will have a minimal effect on area air
quality. Existing air quality is quite high due to the lack of
traffic and heavy industry in the area.
b. During construction, objectional odors may arise; associated witch
street paving and/or roof surfacing activities.
(3) Water
b. Water runoff (due to surface clearance and road installation) is
expected to increase approximately 30%. An internal drainage system
will help to dissipate the runoff and mitigate the effects; while
providing retention/detention and release off -site at a rate
determined -equitable to the peak volume released under predevelopment